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Obama to unveil plan to fix 'broken' U.S. immigration laws


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Why now and not during Dems control of Congress, even before the midterm? He should allow the new Congress to work out the bill in bi-partisan way. Besides in 2010, Obama said on Latino network that it is beyond his authority to use executive power to do so. Now, he betrays his own lecturing by executing a law that Congress has the authority. Many presidents use executive power to add certain clause of mostly bills congress were authorized. It is politics as usual to gain more votes for Dems in the fiuture, and it is not about illegal immigrants pathway to better life. Well, too bad for legal immigrants. Now these folks jump to the front line and straight up to welfare programs across the states. There has to be a better solution in keeping the integrity of the law intact. One illegal acts will lead to another. It is same as lacking of transparency and stupidity of American people,said Gruber all over again. Emperor Obama starts the fireworks as predicted since his back is against the wall. Stay tune, more fiasco to come during next two years before drama ending.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

The laws are not "broken", they are not enforced.

@Bgood41 To answer your question; because his administration is sneaky, lying cheats! Why is Obamacare not fully implemented until 2016?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Perhaps the USA needs to look at how other countries handle this?

Any proposal that places even 1 illegal immigrate ahead of the people legally waiting is a failure. A respect for law needs to be part of the requirements.

Perhaps just a migrant worker solution would go a long way to solving this. The Mexicans I've asked about this love Mexico and just want to work in the USA, not relocate their families there.

Hopefully there is a compassionate, realistic, viable solution that is fair to everyone. I won't hold my breath.

Immigration isn't the only part to the problem. Automatic citizenship needs to be reviewed too.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This will impact the Black community immediately. With young Black unemployment at nearly 20% the formerly illegals will take even more jobs from them.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

but the Republican House of Representatives blocked it and failed to agree on its own alternative proposal.

Pick any major issue and you'll find that's the problem.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

"Why now and not during Dems control of Congress, even before the midterm?"

Dems only controlled the Senate, not the House, which is populated with politicians (mostly Republicans) who pander to bigoted constituents.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Obama is morphing into Hugo Chavez and America has become a banana Republic. America now has a King where laws are made by decree? Congress is becoming superfluous - so what of democracy now? America used to be a great country. A Constitutional democracy where impatient rulers could not steamroll over a purposefully convoluted power structure meant to prevent such abuse of power. Obama has cemented his place as the worst president in history who has set a precedent that has changed the nature of democracy in America. Obama ideology has driven him to mad power grabs without precedent.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

What about the argument he has the power to defer judgement on these sorts of matters prosecutorially, that's why he's not doing a blanket amnesty. He knows he doesn't have the statutory authority for that. So this is just the deferring of the prosecution, the deportation of illegal aliens which other Presidents have done in the past?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Pick any major issue and you'll find that's the problem.

Yes and as long as the Dems retain the power status quo, it will always be a problem and a major issue.

Dems only controlled the Senate, not the House, which is populated with politicians (mostly Republicans) who pander to bigoted constituents.

Really? So how has the Democratic party helped Hispanics and Blacks who have voted for Obama and the Dems and have suffered miserably during the last 6 years under this president?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

"Why now and not during Dems control of Congress, even before the midterm?"

Because it is hugely unpopular with the American public, including other minorities, and they would have lost even worse than they did, quite obviously....I can't believe anyone has to even ask.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The GOP had an entire year to bring a plan forth and they didn't do anything. All the world heard was the tanman saying "I want to repeal the law of the land!" That's it??! That's the plan??!?!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

LizzNOV. 20, 2014 - 10:35AM JST "Why now and not during Dems control of Congress, even before the midterm?"

Because it is hugely unpopular with the American public, including other minorities, and they would have lost even worse than they did, quite obviously....I can't believe anyone has to even ask.

Lizz, you can inform them but they seem to wear those mystical rosy colored glasses and see it all wrong anyway. Excuses and insults are the easiest escape mechanisms they try to perfect, so they think.

You hit the home run here. "hugely unpopular without the American public" is accurate. This guy is insane!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

This is a Constitutional Crisis. If the president were a Republican and rewriting laws directly as Obama has done, the Democrats would rightfully be livid, or at least they SHOULD be livid. But truthfully BOTH main parties actually support the expansion of governmental powers and the reduction of individual liberty.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Your right John Galt. But more to blame are the attorneys. Many have become politicians. Almost any accident an ambulance chaser can find a case to sue someone or entity. What was the former life of most politicians? Attorneys or they studied law. What are the majority of the lobbyists-Lawyers.

The O-man himself knows what he is eluding to is not entirely legal and widely acceptable. Some one or some group is pushing him to do this. Is it a Democratic election strategy? Is it business driven? Is it truly anti-Americans wanting to drain the nation? We may never know.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

A year ago, Obama was asked about precisely this issue, and he clearly stated that the can not single-handedly pass laws, because he is not a king.

Well, apparently losing an election has changed all that. Americans, say hello to your new monarchy, led by King Hussein the 1st.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Fact check- During Obama first term, Congress (House + Senate) under Dems majority. Obama did not put illegal immigration as top priority, instead focused on ACA, which has been revealed as deceptive policy of the stupidity of American voters. All Dems voted for ACA without one single republican in favor. Obama contradicts himself on this issue same as Syria's red line. He studied constitution in order to abuse it at his convenient. His executive action will have a serious constitutional implication in a bad way in U.S .history. Obama's argument on timing factor that he waited too long has no legal ground since the Congress should write the bill, and not of executive branch; regardless how long! Dirty politics as usual, and even more vicious with his back against the wall; as majority of American oppose it. Clinton brought about the concept of "Lewinsky", and now Obama's policy has a new word of the year "Gruber". Cheers!!!!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

A year ago, Obama was asked about precisely this issue, and he clearly stated that the can not single-handedly pass laws, because he is not a king.

Well, apparently losing an election has changed all that. Americans, say hello to your new monarchy, led by King Hussein the 1st.

While executive orders are not a good idea, when the other party's number one priority is opposing everything presented, no matter what the topic, then it's the only way for anything to get done.

This is a bed of the Republican's making. They may not like it, but it's a situation they have forced.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

So, GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office. As Captain Renault would say: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" I would beg you to find a single example in the previous six years when the GOP was willing to work with the president. The idea that now, when the GOP has captured both houses of Congress, it would somehow "work with the president" is farcical.

This particular case leads to two questions: Legality and precedence. As chief executive, it is clear that any president is enabled to determine how scarce resources are directed to uphold legal requirements; aside from some over-reaching Republicans, none would argue that an executive order by Obama would exceed his powers.

Precedence is a different story. When the immigration law was last overhauled in 1986, both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush extended amnesty to family members who were not covered - both by executive order. Of course, this was after Congress had acted to legalize undocumented aliens who had arrived in the US as minors; still, at a stroke of the pen, both legalized almost two million immigrants who, whether intentionally or not, were specifically excluded by Congress' action.

Obama has gone out of his way to emphasize that he would prefer Congressional action to Executive. He has noted repeatedly that his action could and would be superseded by Congressional legislation, should any come. That caveat is key. If the GOP is so vehemently against a presidential executive action on immigration, they do not need to file lawsuits or threaten to impeach; all they have to do is to pass legislation to solve the problem.

The ball is clearly in the GOP court here.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

How can anyone, President or not, address Republican concerns on any topic when Republicans are unable to create a unified platform on anything?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Dems only controlled the Senate, not the House, which is populated with politicians (mostly Republicans) who pander to bigoted constituents.

@ paulinusa: You are wrong on both counts. When Obama was elected in 2008, the Dems controlled both the House and the Senate as well as the White House. He spent his political will in forcing his "Obamacare" on America, and as we have seen, behind the scenes those who were crafting it were not truly being above board and honest.

As far as you characterizing Republicans as pandering to bigoted constituents, you need to step away from the liberal talking points and do some research on your own. Case in point, these last elections, my home state of AR just elected a Rep Gov (from a Dem), and now has both Senators and all Congressmen from the GOP, the first time in 134 years. But in that same election, the people of my home state voted for a minimum wage increase law. In OR, a very liberal state, the voters of the state voted in legalizing pot, but voted out a provision to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses.

So if you want to just stick to the same old tired talking points of Dems good , GOP bad (or vice versa) you probably need to realize that people tend to vote more on how issues affect them personally and not by some talking points. The people of OR don't want anyone just getting a state ID who shouldn't get one, and by and large they are more liberal in that state, the people of AR, have had enough of the far left (remember, for a long time it was controlled by the Dems and we put Clinton into office), but are willing to look at the issue of making sure people get paid a fair wage.

The majority of Americans don't want to grant citizenship rights to those who come in and break our laws, no matter where they come from. I have a foreign spouse, and before I got her Green card, I had to go through all of the paper work and pay the fees, and even had to sign a statement that when she comes to the USA, I will not get on the government "dole" and not be able to support her. So why do others who just come across the border illegally or overstay their visa get special consideration? What's the point for those who have been waiting for years for the opportunity to go about it the legal way and watch as some "special interest group" jumps ahead in line.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Very thoughtful post, Alphape, and I appreciate your sentiments. Yet it remains the case that millions of American residents are living in the shadows, and that is untenable. We can provide many of them a path to citizenship, which is what most Democrats support, or we can follow the Republican plan, which, as far as I can tell, is to kick the can down the road. The GOP cannot bring itself to accept legalization (not, understand, citizenship; simply the ability to function in the US without fear of imminent deportation) of undocumented aliens, but nor can they rouse the will to legislate organized mass deportation.

So the president will act. As I mentioned above, if the GOP is unhappy with this, come January, they will be in a very good position to legislate a permanent solution more to their liking.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I just don't get how big bad mexico just too all the jobs...what about big bad Canada??? The u.s. should combat this by building a big bad ice wall..oh wait Canadian's are mostly white...america still has a race problem and that's the real deal with immigration

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

U.S. President Barack Obama will lay out a plan Thursday to fix the “broken” laws stranding millions of undocumented migrants in limbo, saying the problem has festered for too long.

I just love the way they change words to suit their agenda.

undocumented migrants really means ILLEGAL ALIENS who snuck into the country.

in limbo no they aren't in limbo they are hiding because they don't want to get deported.

"broken" laws stranding millions the laws aren't broken, politicians on the Left and their supporters are not enforcing the laws that are in place so they can help those ILLEGAL ALIENS in.

will lay out a plan Thursday to fix his plan won't fix the problem, his plan will screw things up even worse!

If those ILLEGAL ALLIENS would have entered the country LEGALLY they wouldn't have a problem. But they did it the only way they knew they could, the snuck into the US ILLEGALLY. The US needs to do the right thing and deport them as quickly as it can. Then really secure the border.

I hope the Republicans will do the right thing and really look at the problem for what it is, it's a case of people who broke the law to get a free ride! I am in favor of creating an Amendment to the Constitution that strips any Illegal anchor baby of his citizenship. Their parents weren't in the country legally so their children should only have the citizenship of their parents birth nation.

They knew that they couldn't ask for asylum because they weren't oppressed. They snuck into the US because they were they wanted to make money so they could send it home and buy themselves and their family a little farm. They were and still are economic ILLEGAL migrates and nothing more!

Deport each and everyone of them and then build a huge wall around the border.

Again, if they want to come to the US then do it LEGALLY.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Obama has gone out of his way to emphasize that he would prefer Congressional action to Executive. He has noted repeatedly that his action could and would be superseded by Congressional legislation, should any come. That caveat is key. If the GOP is so vehemently against a presidential executive action on immigration, they do not need to file lawsuits or threaten to impeach; all they have to do is to pass legislation to solve the problem.

I don't like the law, so I'm going to change it. If you guys pass a law that I agree with, then thats ok. In the meantime, we'll do this...

How is this the GOPs fault? If the GOP doesn't like a law, they are not in any way obligated to pass one, merely because the President wants it. Thats one of the checks on government power the framers of the constitution put in. If the President has his little tantrum, and decides since the Republicans won't pass the law he wants, he will simply by executive fiat, change the law, this means, he is in fact claiming Imperial powers.

Tell you what, 2 years from now, the American people, decide to change things up, and put a Republican president in office. Oh, but the dems sucker then into giving them back control of congress. The new Republican president, under a Dem congress can now simply undo Obamas idiotic actions, and according to what some posters here are saying, simply by executive order, carry out, or not carry out laws passed by congress. So, lets say he doesn't like the EPA. Stroke of his pen, the EPA will no longer carry out any enforcement or oversight actions... So, still ok with the Presidents unconstitutional usurpation of powers? Tax code? Only the poor pay, the rich, and of course, the Dems now have to pay taxes, the Republicans don't. Name a policy you love, or don't love. The President, according to what you are saying, can now simply decide whether or not he wants to carry it out.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

In Nevada, 1 out 5 children have at least one parent who is undocumented.

I support President Obama's push to keep undocumented parents and their American citizen children to stay together -- it's a family values issue.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

In Nevada, 1 out 5 children have at least one parent who is undocumented. ----An astounding number if accurate.

I support President Obama's push to keep undocumented parents and their American citizen children to stay together -- it's a family values issue. -----Well Sam, they chose to leave their family in the first place. They chose to break the law and continue doing so in many cases and avoiding paying taxes. What about the Russian wanting to come here for opportunity? He or she cannot forcibly do so.

1proudamericanNOV. 20, 2014 - 10:29PM JST I just don't get how big bad mexico just too all the jobs...what about big bad Canada??? The u.s. should combat this by building a big bad ice wall..oh wait Canadian's are mostly white...america still has a race problem and that's the real deal with immigration

Big difference here 1proudamerican, The Canadians are not crossing the border in droves. In Canada, they have a similar salary. In Canada the drug lords don't run regions of the nation. In Canada they speak English and don't abuse entitlements or carry a machette in the car.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So the president will act. As I mentioned above, if the GOP is unhappy with this, come January, they will be in a very good position to legislate a permanent solution more to their liking.

@Laguna: Do you understand how the government works? The CONGRESS passes the law. The President can veto that law, but if that veto is overridden, he then is required to execute the law, regradless of whether or not he likes it. The same is true for all laws on the books when he is elected. He doesn't have discretion about whether or not he will carry out a law. What you and others seem to be saying, is that if the President gets fed up with congress not passing the laws he wants, he can simply decide not to enforce them. Rather like he has been doing already with Obamacare. You are saying, that unlike everyone else, the law does not apply to him, if he doesn't want it to. Everyone else, sure, but not him. This action should Terrify everyone. Regardless of whether or not you think the immigration system is broken. Thats not what this is about. Its about the seizure of power that no president in history has ever had. That the media, and the Dems seem willing to blithely ignore this does not make it any less serious.

Imagine 2 years from now, when America elects a new President, that that President decides that he doesn't like the new immigration law either, but instead decides he is going to deport all these people. Whats to stop him? Suppose he decides he doesn't like the EPA. Or for that matter Obamacare. You and others have been loudly proclaiming that we have to put up with it, because it is the Law of the Land. Well, so are the immigration laws. But you don't seem to care about those laws being ignored. So the new president declaring Obamacare null and void the day he is sworn in, should therefore not bother you in the slightest.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Molenir Nov. 21, 2014 - 07:36AM JST The CONGRESS passes the law. The President can veto that law, but if that veto is overridden, he then is required to execute the law, regradless of whether or not he likes it.

An override vote is a momentous step and difficult to win. In recent years the mere threat of a veto has been enough to convince members not to proceed with provisions that the president doesn't like.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the president has the power to make exective actions all presidents make executive actions.

Yes they can, but they can't make up laws and their actions must be within the current laws. What Obama is proposing to do is to contradict the current laws which is not allowed.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

This is just fearmongering nonsense, the president has the power to make exective actions all presidents make executive actions. Acting like Obama is being a monarch when he does executive actions is just playing on the fears of people who don't understand who has what powers in American government

The laws in this case are explicit. What Obama is doing, directly contradicts the law. No other way around it. These people are required to be deported. His executive action requires agents of the federal government, to violate the law. Thus, its not fear mongering nonsense. This is a President who by executive action, is rewriting the law to suit his desires. Ignoring the actual law, and the will of the people.

Congress could have acted before, to amend what many people consider a broken immigration system. However they chose not to. This does not in any way give the President the right to change the laws himself. I guess I'm looking forward to the next President deciding that since Obamacare is hurting people, he will by executive action refuse to carry out that law. Regardless of whether its the "law of the land."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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