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Obama urges Trump to take foreign impact on election seriously


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The president did weigh in on Trump’s decision to speak with the leader of Taiwan, a phone call that broke decades of U.S. diplomatic protocol. Obama advised Trump to “think it through” before making changes the “one-China” policy, in which the U.S. recognizes Taiwan as part of China.

It's a disgrace that this even needs saying. We are actually living in a world where one President has to tell his successor to think before he acts, as though that is something the successor needs to be told. I pity everyone who has children growing up to pick up the pieces of the world our idiots are going to shatter.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

So on what intelligence is Trump going to make foreign policy decisions? He doesn't take daily briefings because he's, like, a smart person (which means that Mike Pence, who does take daily briefings, is not a smart person?). Trump doesn't like to read because it takes too long. Trump has also stated that he's smarter than the generals. And now he's dismissing both the CIA and the FBI suspicions because he doesn't like them.

Tell me, Burning Bush, who is Trump going to turn to.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trumpy doesn't have to play by the rules ,he is a billionaire who pretty much BOUGHT the presidency with a little help and is going to run the US like a business,does anyone really think someone like him is going to listen to anyone or anything that speaks or represents logical thinking. And if anything goes wrong he will simply deny it or blame it one someone else.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Boggles the mind that we now have a president-elect that actually has to be explained his duties as commander-in-chief. So apparent that Trump is completely out of his depth and it's not even day one. Most unqualified, unfit president elect in history. Sad. Pathetic.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Shu-dup Obama. You have neither the balls nor the wisdom to make any suggestions. Your warmongering hegomonic days will soon end. Of course the anti-trumpsters will bellyache, it's a given, they haven't a clue what real leadership looks like.

Bush- Wars started: 2. Wars ended - 0.

Obama- Wars started: 0. Wars ended - 1.

Trump - Wars started: already provoking 2.

Obama is clearly the wisest and least warmongering of the three. Of course, Trumpians will bellyache, they haven't got a clue what real leadership looks like, or they would already recognized the eight years of it we've just been through.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The CIA and FBI say to believe them.

Trump always say "Believe me" after every speech.

Who do we believe?

(BTW, just to remind ya guys, the hacking itself would not be the only source of info the US intelligence agencies have to go on with. Like any government intelligence around the world, they have their own spies and moles and other ways to get information the old analog manner. Obviously they can't use those as evidence since showing those evidence could expose their spies and moles and methods.

Of course the US intelligence do their own hacking too. The difference here though is that usually any government's intelligence agency won't be giving away what they obtained to 3rd parties like WikiLeaks.)

Personally, I don't care who hacked the emails. If Hillary were an honest and upright person, releasing the emails would have made no difference. If Putin did have something to do with the release of these emails, we should be thanking him rather than demonizing him.

If it's a 3rd party individual or group, that may happen.

But when it's a state doing it against another state then disseminating it to 3rd parties, that could become a big problem.

Imagine the US doing this to Chinese communist party leaders then disseminating it to Wikileaks, don't ya think the US would be in big trouble? People would be asking what's the US doing within Chinese territory.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Joeintokyo: Not only is there no evidence of hacking

Well both the CIA and FBI reports should be considered evidence, one would think.

And...this guy says there was no hack--it was a leak he was personally involved with: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

Oh, OK. The real evidence.

The problem is that no matter how many times you do this to them, it just doesn't register. And I'm worried because there are more of them than us. Now Republicans are teaming up with the Putin supporters, and those guys will teach them a whole new bag of tricks. Not quite anti-Semite level, but let's just say there's a world of subtlety that the GOP has no experience with.

It's an insanely high mountain Democrats will have to climb to protect this country. Just look at North Carolina.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Burning BushDEC. 17, 2016 - 12:07PM JST One would think that after the Iraqi WMD fiasco, people would be less inclined to accept vague reports from the CIA as credible truth.

You know, this comment really shows in a nutshell the difference in mindset between Trump's civilian surrogates and normal people. When normal people who were opposed to the Iraq Invasion discuss the CIA (which was not half the people currently jumping on the bandwagon, Herr Trump included), the belief was that the CIA had made a mistake which was misrepresented Bush Administration. Maybe the CIA had intentionally lied under Bush pressure, maybe Bush didn't need to apply pressure and they willingly went along with the plan, and maybe they just sincerely got things wrong. The problem wasn't the error in isolation, it was that the error was part of a long chain of a process involving the entire Bush Administration to push for a war with Iraq well before it actually started.

With Trump's civilian surrogates, CIA one time made a mistake and so therefore it is concluded that they are bad people and can never be trusted again, even if 90% of the people blasting them now were totally on board whenever they provided evidence that some Iraqi guy was a threat and needed to be sent to Guantanamo. Never mind that the Big Brother they cheer for himself made the exact same mistake in supporting the Iraq War. It's useful in the moment for the CIA to be irredeemably evil because they came up with information that hurts The Party, so it magically becomes fact that we have always been at war with the CIA.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@FizzBi Your warmongering hegomonic days will soon end.

The days of war- and tradewar-mongering, led by the TV reality star, the darling of the MSM himself Donald F. Trump, the global elitist and member of a faction of the exisiting hegomonic (sic) cabal, have already begun. Working with his fellow Republicans (i.e. The Party) the world will see the richest and most powerful build on the wealth and power inherited from their ancestors.

These include Trump's business partners and fellow ruling class members in the US, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Israel, China, Taiwan, Mexico and all other countries he's invested in. (However, because he won't show his taxes, no one will ever know who he has deals with, who he owes hundreds of millions to and how this will affect international relations going forward.)

The global elite are borg. They can't be fought. Their motto: resistance is futile - you will be assimilated. The JT posters who slavishly defend their masters, including their political messiah, an excellent case in point. They've been assimilated.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I love how all the focus is on the hacking of the emails, but not one word is mentioned about the emails themselves. It seems people have conveniently forgotten that these included advice for Hillary to "dump her emails" (the 30,000 which were deleted 2 days before Hillary was to be subpoenaed), then the DNC throwing Bernie under the bus, conflicts of interest with Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton foundation, links to Lady de Rothschild, hedge fund managers, and the top 1% of the top 1%. Then there were the conversations between staffers trying to get jobs for themselves and their friends in Hillary's campaign (in hopes of these becoming permanent after Hillary won).

Personally, I don't care who hacked the emails. If Hillary were an honest and upright person, releasing the emails would have made no difference. If Putin did have something to do with the release of these emails, we should be thanking him rather than demonizing him.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The difference was the "weaponizing" of the information. Everyone hacks everyone else, but releasing the information during an election put the information into play for the public.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If only this was revealed when it could have mattered. Now, we have an incoming administration which is illegitimate from the start. A man unfit for office, with no resume of public service and no respect for public servants, will use the office to enrich himself and his family. We have no idea which nations hold his debt, and to what degree, so we know nothing about how they might extort favors from a Trump administration. But, as Kellyanne Conway told us in early November, the damage is done.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

JoeintokyoDEC. 17, 2016 - 09:30AM JST

Not only is there no evidence of hacking, what evidence is there that the release of these emails caused Clinton to lose?

Whether the hacking actually made a difference or not isn't really the issue. Do you suppose Obama would be letting this slide if Clinton had won?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Well, at least you glanced at the first story. That's a start.

Ah, y'mean this?

“The original sources of the Podesta emails are Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and his correspondents," Assange said in a statement.

I'm not gonna take his word on it, are you? Just like I'm not taking anybody's word on this.

Like the US government, show it don't spit it. Aren't we all in that same boat?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

One can only hope that those that don't have a problem with the hacking will see their own party hacked in the next election. It's apparent their minds are closed to the problem until/unless it happens to them.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

According to Wikileaks, all of the Democrat e-mails they received were internal leaks.

There is very little public evidence to show that anything was hacked in this election.

Little evidence that the public knows at least.

Anyhow, where can one find that WikiLeaks statement?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Anyhow, where can one find that WikiLeaks statement?

Besides the Wikileaks twitter feed? CNBC July 25 http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/25/wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-no-proof-russian-intelligence-responsible-for-dnc-hack.html USA Today November 3 http://amp.usatoday.com/story/93245454/

Wikileaks didn't say where their source(s) came from, but Assange did say:

"Well there is no proof of that whatsoever. We have not disclosed our source, and of course, this is a diversion that's being pushed by the Hillary Clinton campaign," he said in an interview.

Assange would just have to show some proof, and this whole thing can be over.

But right now, nobody --not the US, not Assange, not nobody-- is showing evidence, for obvious reasons not to disclose their source(s). So who knows who's correct.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It's going to be a tough road for Democrats if Republicans try to stop any investigations into hacking.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

People should really stop linking to anybody's blogs, unless it's peer-reviewed or has accountability

Anybody can have a blog (heck I have one on Youtube), but why should we believe those (or mine), unless they're accountable (which most aren't)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The Repubs' bizarre, almost sexual, obsession with Putin highlights deep and irredeemable personality failings. What was once viewed by Repubs as treason is now the epitome of Repub success and enlightenment. Reagan would have more likely had the Rube of today investigated for being foreign agents than hailed as actual Americans

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Problem with Obama is that foreign countries do not take him seriously. Look where it is today. Obama's opinion doesn't matter.

What are you talking about? Foreign countries take Obama seriously, he's well respected in the international community.

If you want an example of a leader who is ridiculed around the world, you're going to need to take a look at the over-tanned orangutan that's about to become president. No one takes him seriously - not even half of the American voters.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Obama- Wars started: 0. Wars ended - 1.

That's some nice revisionism there.

Why doesn't the US led overthrow of Libya get a mention? Drone warfare in Yemen? ISIS? Cameroon? Any of the 130 countries Obama deployed special ops to? And how to you consider a war "ended" when you still have US forces fighting there?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

That's some nice revisionism there.

Good old post truth politics. Can't refute the truth, so you just pretend it doesn't exist.

Why doesn't the US led overthrow of Libya get a mention? Drone warfare in Yemen? ISIS? Cameroon? Any of the 130 countries Obama deployed special ops to?

Not the same as a war. Or if you disagree, then where is the declaration of war, or the approval of war by congress?

how to you consider a war "ended" when you still have US forces fighting there?

Hardly a war when they are fighting alongside the government of Iraq.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Meddling with an election process was a favorite business of Nobel Peace Prize president during his time in office. It was amazing to see how The Muslim Brotherhood took over the Egypt in few months after the U.S. elections, or how Muammar Gaddafi was ousted and killed with no replacement plan that led to ISIS taking over that nation, or in Syria, where the Obama and Clinton efforts to oust their elected president killed thousands of people killed and displaced millions more.

And now, when some hackers opened a Pandora's box with all the racist, sexist dirt from Podesta's emails, "Red Line" Obama is complaining. But don't expect anyone from the radical alt left media to ask him, "What is it like to feel the "hopelessness" that you brought on to so many others?". . . .

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Guess that comment about having more flexibility after the re-election that Obama made privately to out going Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that Vladimir Putin should give him more "space" and that "after my election I have more flexibility." did not quite work out the way Obama expected. . . .

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Anyhow, where can one find that WikiLeaks statement?

Besides the Wikileaks twitter feed? CNBC July 25 http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/25/wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-no-proof-russian-intelligence-responsible-for-dnc-hack.html USA Today November 3 http://amp.usatoday.com/story/93245454/

And finally from the last week, this. Apologies for it being the daily mail, but they were the ones who landed the interview. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4034038/amp/Ex-British-ambassador-WikiLeaks-operative-claims-Russia-did-NOT-provide-Clinton-emails-handed-D-C-park-intermediary-disgusted-Democratic-insiders.html

Hopefully you get a look at this before the mods delete it.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The president said he had warned Putin there would be serious consequences it he did not “cut it out,” -- article

Heh, Putin must be shaking in is boots after being told about another red line in the sand from America's lame duck president. . . .

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


According to Wikileaks, all of the Democrat e-mails they received were internal leaks.

There is very little public evidence to show that anything was hacked in this election.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


Well, at least you glanced at the first story. That's a start.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


HUMA ABEDIN BETRAYED HILLARY CLINTON: Abedin Leaked Podesta, Clinton Foundation and DNC Emails


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Get over it Barack you lost. You mocked Romney in 2012 when he suggested that Russia was a top threat to the US. You won. Now your hand picked successor loses and all of the sudden Russia is a threat to Democracy. Face it, your parties IT people are incompetent and you got hacked and Wikileaks's exposed your parties fixing of the nominating process handing the nomination to Hillary. Also exposed is the obvious collusion between the Democrats and the mainstream media.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Why doesn't the US led overthrow of Libya get a mention? Drone warfare in Yemen? ISIS? Cameroon? Any of the 130 countries Obama deployed special ops to?

Wasn't on CNN, so it didn't happen.

You forgot record weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, that wonderful country still living in the 10th century. Record breaking imprisonment of whistleblowers for Mr. Transparency. Obama's and Nulands "Cookies and Coup" in Kiev ACTUALLY putting Neo-nazis in positions of leadership and directing military actions on Eastern Ukrianians. Remember Odessa? Allowing China to build bases out of reefs in international waters.

Just a total lack of leadership. But he's definitely been a friend to the globalists and the banksters. Hillary would have stepped this up a notch. Thank god the deplorables won.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Uh oh, bad news for Hillary and Barack on the election:

Steve Forbes: The Electoral College won't reverse Trump win


Buy then again, Steve Forbes maybe don't know what he be talking about, lol.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Problem with Obama is that foreign countries do not take him seriously. Look where it is today. Obama's opinion doesn't matter.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

"Barack Obama"

Hillary Clinton's partner in crime, lol. Obama should seriously reflect on his failure as POTUS and accumulating more debt than all presidents before him combined.


Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Claims Putin Cost Her the Election:


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I wonder if Obama is going to blame himself or Hillary for 'meddling' in the Russian elections? After all, Hillary herself is saying that the reason Putin did this is because she, personally, lead the effort to undermine Russians faith in their election, though she calls being upset by this a 'grudge'. So, I guess that means that whatever Obama does next is not 'retaliation' but merely him acting out because he has a grudge against Putin.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Shu-dup Obama. You have neither the balls nor the wisdom to make any suggestions. Your warmongering hegomonic days will soon end. Of course the anti-trumpsters will bellyache, it's a given, they haven't a clue what real leadership looks like.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

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