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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Obama's Islamic homage wins praise
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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With a leader like this, the people of america can feel safe and sleep tight!
Just watched a video of the whole speech. Generally very good and occasionally excellent. 97.5%
It's pretty amazing that some Americans are simply unable to cope with the fact that their president is trying his best to improve their country's relationships with ME nations.
I don't see any problem with that at all, in fact I applaud his actions.
I am sure Americans must be proud of Mr Obama, at least he is not spending their money (and their son´s, grandson´s and grandgrandson´s too) in wars based on lies. Does this speech make America safe? No. America never will be safe given the international policy it has been using for decades. But it sounds good, to have a world leader trying to solve problems thru talking instead of wars. Of course, there are the always whinning ones: republicans, chenneyists, bushists, the war industry, the military, the kkk, all the usual pro-war groups.
You guys must've missed parts of his speech where he said Israel is going to exist. His speech was often a mirror - includin' koranic quotes - of one that Dubya once gave.
Did ya applaud Dubya also? Good then. At least your thinkin' is consistent.
LIN, Obama's pretty much keepin' Bush's anti-terrorist policies in place.
There is one notable exception that may surprise you though: He wants to put a whole lot more Allied soldiers into Afghanistan.
The KKK? What?
Heh, heh...
USARonin: he said the Israel is a solid partner and that the solution for the conflicts is two states: a Palestinian and an Israeli. To me, he is being realistic. That´s the only way for peace in the Middle East. Israel is going to stay, and a Palestinian state will be build.
"Obama's Islamic homage wins praise" I just don't like the title. How about "Obama's Speech to the Arab World Wins Praise." I read the speech and it was very well done. Homage is not the correct word. Using Islamic phrases speaking to Muslims is wise and his audience could relate. It isn't homage.
LostinNagoya - "Of course, there are the always whinning ones: republicans, chenneyists, bushists, the war industry, the military, the kkk, all the usual pro-war groups."
Why make peace when war is more profitable? :-)
USARonin - talking about dubya, here's what he had to say about Islam - He made a forceful case that Islam was not the enemy, but a peaceful religion that had been hijacked by extremists.
"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace." (November 15, 2001)
"[I know] that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion." (September 28, 2001)
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war." (September 17, 2001 )
yeah UsaRonin, there are extremista. Both sides, by the way. Of couse, any peace agreement will have to ignore those in favor of a mojority (including the rest of the world) that wants peace.
Sushi, he also quoted the koran - parts of which The Big O plagiarized from his speech - about 'if you take a like you kill the world; if ya save a life ya save the world'.
I heard radio excerpts from both speeches by both men and there's no doubt in my military mind that Chairman O ripped off Dubya's speech.
Someone said the US State Department wrote Chairman O's speech but that may've just been blather.
Sad, but true. Hopefully this is going to change. I am amazed with what this administration has done in only 6 months. Cuba back on the map. Talks of two states in Palestina. Visit, and positive results so far, to Islamic countries.
LIN, that minority has been bombin' Britain, Spain, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc, nevermind what's goin' on in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have no answer, but I've already seen that what you think will work, won't, because it hasn't.
USARonin - "I heard radio excerpts from both speeches by both men and there's no doubt in my military mind that Chairman O ripped off Dubya's speech."
Including the statement about the right of Palestine to exist and his clear-as-day call for expansion of Israeli settlements to stop, period?
I'm sure President Obama is coming down harder on Israel than any president in modern history.
As he should.
He's a transcript -
"At the same time, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. (Applause.) This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop."
Yes, I disagree with him about a Palestinian state.
Anything given back to 'the Palestinians' has been used to increase Middle East tensions.
It wouldn´t be surprised, seeing that GWB´s islamic council was John Esposito, the famous islamapologist, but still... do you have link?
A brilliant speech from one of America's best ever orators. I felt he was indeed sincere and not going to be mucked around in resolving the Palestinian State issue. He has gently but firmly told the parties to shape up or else. If Israel wishes to prosper and blossom it is going to have to stop the plaintive "everybody just picks, picks, picks, on us". As Jesus, the first Christian by choice, said in the Lord's prayer, "Thou shalt be done as it is in Heaven". It is not that hard!
To have a friend, you have to be a friend. That applies to all sides with a stake here. Strangely, if the could co-operate, they would all be far better off in every sense.
It seems that under Obama, America is not going to just discriminate in favor of one side as it seems to have for decades. That policy did not work. In Australia we have 180 different nationalities including many Jews and Arab Moslems living in peace and prosperity. Why not in what we formerly knew as Palestine?
UsaRonin: LIN, that minority has been bombin' Britain, Spain, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc, nevermind what's goin' on in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The other minority has also bombed other human beings, civilian ones, so it´s zeroed. And it hasn´t work because no serious peace talkings have taken place so far. Bill Clinton could have reached a solid agreement if he had thought with just one head instead of two. And GWB? I am sure he is unhappy today, not for all the lies and the wars. He is unhappy he didn´t have enough time to start the World War IV. So, our hopes are Obama. And he has not reached much so far, but he will. If you turn CNN on now, you will see positive reviews from all over the world for this visit and speech.
why must you have to use GWB when one disagrees with Obama?
I don't think the two state is the answer, and listening to a proffessor on Arab studies on the radio this morning, he clearly said that behind closed doors, most say the Palestinians need to conform first.
I don't like that he apologizing to Muslims, they are too right winged for my blood, but I sure as heck didn't like Bush kissing up to them either.
USARonin - "Yes, I disagree with him about a Palestinian state."
So, you are effectively committed to the failure of any sustainable peace in the Middle East.
I'm not joking. There will always be tension and conflict in the region unless Palestine is given the right to exist and Israeli settlement expansion stops.
Which is exactly what your president is pushing hard for.
The problem with US and Obama is that he speaks strong words against some dictators yet support other dictators. He supports some democracies yet is against other democracies. This hypocritical stance is what makes Obama a useless duck.
Peace can achieved when Obama takes a stance against any form of oppression and discrimination and supports humanity and democracies. US has a long tradition of over throwing democracies and supporting fascist dictators in Latin America and other parts of the world. The time is long over due for US to snap out of this never ending circle.
There will always be tension and conflict in the region unless Palestine is given the right to exist and Israeli settlement expansion stops."
Man, you went from steps 1 to 1000 and skipped all in between. You think its that simple? And you still insist on Israel being the problem with the ENTIRE muslim world? Did you ever bother even learning what the real meaning behind 1492 really meant?
I would hope that Obama focus less on untangling the spiderweb of problems in the mideast, and rather boldly present his experience and himself as an example for change, a change of ideals, a change of a politicial tradition and the will of people to change to the better and fight corruption and rule out bad leadership, and the possibility of making that change anywhere, if the will exists. After all that has always been his motto: 'Yes, we can.' Though this man's resolve earns much admiration, he has no magic wand that will solve the mess in the mideast overnight, nor should he be subject to the pressure of such expectations, and history has shown us that American (good-willed?) intervention to solve problems in other reaches, almost always ends catastrophically (Chile, Afghan Mujahideen, Iraq...)
"Assalamu Aleikum - Arabic for "peace be upon you"
If only the Arabs would act in a manner befitting that noble phrase.
Care to tell us what conditions he put on the "Palestinian" (aka Arab muslim) side? I did not notice any -- as far as I can see he made demands on Israel only, as usual. Silly me would think that a first step to statehood would be to stop terrorism and recognize your neighbours right to exist.
No thanks to muslim islamist preachers like Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali (remember the "red meat" comment about Australian rape victims?) As your mohammedan population increases, you will feel more of the Shariah love that other countries already know.
“if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world” — President Barack Obama
Imagine the guffaws if Bush had made a gaffe as boneheaded as this. If McCain had said this it would be used as proof of approaching senility. Palin would never say something this stupid, but Saturday Nite Live would run skit after skit insinuating she did until the public believed it.
Obama's starry-eyed devotees,ignorant about Islam's barbaric legal codes and Islam's institutional misogyny, just swoon. "Did you head the way he pronounced "Assalamu Aleikum"? I'm so proud! It's like during the debates, when he corrected horrible old warmonger John McCain on his pronunciation of Pah-ki-stan."
You you're really quite funny.
The Middle Eastern, Arabic-speaking Muslim world translates fewer foreign books into their language than the Greeks do theirs.
teleprompter at 6:16PM - LOL!
Glad Obama admitted that Americans did infact over react on 9/11. I hope the ones who did over react are done with their post trama if not they should get some professional help. As Obama said, Israel does need to acknowledge Palestinian suffering and the Palestinian right to exist. Though Obama came with these strong words it remains to be seen if he will take any actions. Obama talking about humanity, freedom and speaking against oppression while supporting Israel and Mubarak was ironic. Hope he sees the irony here too.
Can you tell us what the US (or any other infidel country for that matter) should learn from the islamic culture?
Please tell us!
There are those who foolishly say that President Obama's and Bush's speeches mirrored each other. First of all, President Obama would never have be crazy enough to use the word "crusade" when taking to Moslems. That one word can nullify everything else in you have to say.
Second: President Obama came across as sincere; Bush couldn't manage that with his audiences. It is simply that when it came to things outside of killing, war, and destruction, Bush didn't seem to care very much.
Lastly, on that last theme, President Obama did not come in front of his audience with his hands dripping with the blood of innocent Moslems.
Yeah, everyone knows that Bush read the holy Koran regularly, and was an expert on it. Nice that President Obama left out the "crusade" part -- the part which really helped Koranic-scholar Bush win the crowd to his side.
Great oxymoron.
Glad Obama admitted that Americans did infact over react on 9/11." Yeah, to the people who over reacted to a cartoon. Man, you make a lot of sense.
A review/comparison of the plagarist [sic] President Obama with his Koranic scholar predecessor -- from the article:
Of course the writer is a Muslim; how can he appreciate the awe-inspiring Koranic scholarship of Bush?
Mohammedans count on most Westerners' willful ignorance of Islamic imperialism. Couple it with the Western Left's well-known habit of fetishizing violent anti-civilization movements and their paternalism towards such groups ('Only we understand the poor oppressed Muslims, their propensity for violence is not what it seems. It's a reaction, mmmkay?') and you see why Obama can get away with making such stupid statements - America is "one of the world's largest Muslim nations" etc.
Interesting choice of a locale from which to gauge reaction to Obama's speechifying in Cairo.
Just for yabits
"Obama's Islamic homage"
How about "Obama's Islamic homepage"?
Can you tell me what Bush said about crusades in a speech to moslems, and where and when? Or are you just inventing things again?
WilliB - from the article above:
"But there were obvious comparisons to Obama’s predecessor, George W Bush, whose use of language—such as calling for a “crusade” against terrorists after the Sept 11 attacks, a term that brought to mind the Christian Crusades against Islam in the Holy Land—helped stir anti-American anger in the Muslim world."
WilliB - from the article above. LOL!
Sept 20 2001
Bush, made a speech.
I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah.
Darn. that guy.
yabits/maksonoil - Are you against a crusade against terrorists?
So, what about all these Americans, a segment of which we see here on JT, who hate and denigrate Islam? I suspect the segment numbers in the many millions. So when Bush used the term "we" without referring to the Americans who despise Islam, he's really giving a false impression isn't he?
I first have to determine if the crusader is a terrorist too. The label is easy to throw around.
"I first have to determine if the crusader is a terrorist"
OK, yabits, you go ahead and confirm that the people fighting the scumbags who who torture and kill you without hesitation or remorse are not terrorists, LOL!
Sarge, you seem to be making the claim that our scumbags are better than their scumbags.
The extremists of both sides look scummy to me.
So, what about all these Americans, a segment of which we see here on JT, who hate and denigrate Islam? I suspect the segment numbers in the many millions. So when Bush used the term "we" without referring to the Americans who despise Islam, he's really giving a false impression isn't he?
No he is not Yabits..... He said this on Sept 20th 2001, you have some sort of major problem with that Sir?
"Bush, made a speech."
That hardly washes all the muslim blood from his hands. But I'm glad President McCain is being inspired from GW's prior enunciations.
If Bush was sincere, and I believe he was in his sentiments, the problem arises when people of the Islamic world look to see if his actions meet those words.
We both know that the reality is that millions of decent Americans of good faith respect the Muslim religion, but that many millions of Americans despise it. When Bush says "we" and the world knows that America is split into polar opposites on the issue, he makes himself look like a fool or a dupe.
Yes, there is a problem with that. Just as Obama's speech did not emphasize or acknowledge clearly enough the Jekyll-Hyde nature of American diplomacy that the world has experienced from us over the past 50 years.
Uhhh, because it's Bush's own personal fault that a feud which started hundreds of years before America even existed still threatens to tear apart "The Religion of Peace," as Dumbya liked to call it.
I know that. That was an unfortunate choice of words, but that was not in a speech to muslims, which was what yabit claims.
Please play attention before rushing to the keyboard.
That is absolute nonsense. While a crusade would be an adequate response to the jihaad, this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what Bush has been doing.
Since the invasion, Iraq has written Islamic Laws into its constitution, and its non-muslim minorities have been all terrorized by the muslim majority. Afghanistan has written the Shariah in its constitution, and is practising Shariah law (albeit a slightly moderated version).
Going to war on behalf of muslim regimes and sit by while they institute islamic laws and murder their local Christians ain´t a "crusade", you genius.
Bush went to war on his belief that if he just brought "freedom", then somehow these places would be become modern democracies. You can call that naive, you can call that stupid, but calling that a crusade is laughable.
"Uhhh, because it's Bush's own personal fault that a feud which started hundreds of years before"
I was meaning the hundreds of thousands of dead muslims caused directly by bush's invasions. I know you had to kill them before saddam did, but I personally don't think it helped the US's image in the muslim world.
"as Dumbya liked to call it."
That's also a rather disparaging comment and seems stange coming from you. Heh, no amount of re-appelation or Denial will ever erase your deciple-like support of the man who has become widely known as America's Worst President Ever.
LOL!!! It was a speech to the world.
"Ok, Ok, folks... I'm gonna speak about a crusade here. All you Moslems out there, cover your ears!"
Darn, Bush said it was a crusade.
"Peace for our time"
Neville Chamberlain 1938
“Peace be upon you“
Barack Obama 2009
I watched the speech, nothing new. I still don't see any reason to want acceptance in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter.
Madverts: "hundreds of thousands of dead muslims caused directly by bush's invasions"
Most of those deaths were caused directly by Muslims killing Muslims, not coalition troops. Coalition troops stemmed the killing, remember?
Great post Sarge. Telling it straight, could't have put it better myself buddy.
Quite correct, but don´t expect that argument to get any traction from a muslim audience (or their PC sympathizers). You are not dealing with a rational mindset, remember.
Not much praise from the Canadian Charles Krauthammer. None, in fact:
" In his much-heralded “Muslim world” address in Cairo yesterday, Obama declared that the Palestinian people’s “situation” is “intolerable.” Indeed it is, the result of 60 years of Palestinian leadership that gave its people corruption, tyranny, religious intolerance and forced militarization; leadership that for three generations rejected every offer of independence and dignity, choosing destitution and despair rather than accept any settlement not accompanied by the extinction of Israel.
"That’s why Haj Amin al-Husseini chose war rather than a two-state solution in 1947. Why Yasser Arafat turned down a Palestinian state in 2000. And why Abbas rejected Olmert’s even more generous December 2008 offer.
"In the 16 years since the Oslo accords turned the West Bank and Gaza over to the Palestinians, their leaders built no roads, no courthouses, no hospitals, none of the fundamental state institutions that would relieve their people’s suffering. Instead they poured everything into an infrastructure of war and terror, all the while depositing billions (from gullible Western donors) into their Swiss bank accounts.
"Obama says he came to Cairo to tell the truth. But he uttered not a word of that."
sounds like 'war upon you' to me.
Didn't win much praise from historians. Obama credited Mohammedans with advances that were by and large the work of other cultures.
Praise? From whom? Not from me.
“Assalamu Aleikum“—Arabic for “peace be upon you“
Funny how when someone tries to win hearts and minds by using words the far right supporter scream their anger. Too bad that all you guys understand is hate.
You guys on the far right would rather send our young to die for your religious crusade rather than seeking common ground.
I do not think our President was seeking your praise when he made his speech in front of the Muslim world. But if you wish to believe that he was trying to win you over then go head.
Again why do you guys not get that he was making a speech not for anyone other than the Muslim people?
Is peace such a hard thing to see?
In desperation to find fault you use the writings of a Canadian, that is funny!LOL
Sarge, if we were not in Iraq, all those people would not be dead in the first place.
I also love the use of terms "coalition", that in itself is a joke. The coalition consists of
United States - 144,000, Romania - 350, Australian - 145 troops
The rest of the nation bailed a soon as they figured it was stupid to be in Iraq. Coalition, that was the biggest joke in the last 50 years....LOL
Even our best friends, the British bailed out.....