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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.OJ Simpson, football player and actor brought down by his murder trial, dies at 76
By KEN RITTER LAS VEGAS©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I wish OJ a safe and speedy trip to Hell for butchering his wife and (as the TV stations say) “her friend”.
He got away with murder and then got to thumb his nose at the civil liability case against him.
If you can explain why this guy captivated the US for a decade, you are truly knowledgable person indeed.
If my pants do not fit...I'm a fatty.
Special place in hell waiting for this animal.
Seth Majer
The whole World knew OJ Simpson where the average person probably couldn't name a single (American) football player.
David Brent
He got acquitted purely because of the whole Rodney King thing. We all know he did it.
Good riddance!
The Gloves DID NOT FIT, Remember???
We are all innocent until proven GUILTY, the prosecutors FAILED to prove the case against him, and he was SET FREE like any of us.
RIP Sir.
Well, he will now finally have to answer for his crimes, no more running, finally judgment will be met.
Many experts believed that OJ was the killer, but NONE could offer a solid clue or at least provide the Magic Bullet.
So for anyone to claim that should have been locked up I say, PROVE IT and you will be the star of the show.
Naw, the only judgement he received is through the following civil decisions against him.
Metaphysical Judgement and retribution are just convenient fictions.
I believe that the vast majority of people are not going to miss this unjustly pardoned murderer..
The whole world knows HE DID IT..
Straight to the great judgment and true justice..
Good riddance..
Bye bye..
Driving that white Ford Bronco slowly to his day of judgement.
Do you think he and many others even believe that?
For us of a certain age the TV footage of the police following OJ on the motorway is a huge memory.
Actually it was just before the Ireland vs Italy game in the 1994 world cup. Most of us in Ireland only knew him as Nordberg in the Naked Gun.
His trial was probably the first mega media / entertainment.
The lawyers were nearly as famous by the end of it.
Whether it was important or not I don't know but it was a huge event in 1994.
Peter Neil
the glove didn’t fit because his lawyer had a doctor prescribe a medicine that swells extremities.
oj only paid $130,000 of the judgement. he made $57,400 per month from his nfl retirement and social security.
he set up a temporary residence in florida and declared bankruptcy. florida law says retirement accounts cannot be garnished.
deadbeat killer.
Piece of garbage. Good riddance.
I remember that famous picture of a large group of people watching the jury verdict of not guilty regarding the murders. The white people in the group watching are stone faced while the black people in the group are mostly cheering. This was the 1990s, long before BLM. Racial events used as race divider in the news goes back further than many people think today.
Surprised this wasn't one of the top news.
Marsha Clark and Chris Darden should have been sanctioned for prosecutorial incompetence.
In a way they were as their careers faded into irrelevance.
They didn’t get the trial moved. They were horrible on their examinations. They allowed the field trips to turn into farce. And as a competent attorney, one NEVER puts on an exhibit in front of a live jury where one doesn’t know the outcome in advance.
Naw, they did the best job they could with what they had
Not really, they’re doing very well, away from the spotlight and that’s ok, the trial was about a murderer and not about the prosecution.
Simpson at the time had money and hired the best defense, need I remind you that this is what a defense attorney does, to try and get his client off and that’s what they did, they were just better at the game.
Remember folks, "Innocent until proven guilty." not, "We believe he's guilty, but got away with it!" Good prosecution has enough evidence to prove without reasonable doubt he did it. They obviously didn't have good enough evidence.
No they didn’t, lol. Lawyers at the time were ripping them a new one.
They did a crap job with a strong case.
And a murderer got away with it.
The best part of the entire OJ Simpson ordeal was Norm MacDonald's Weekend Update hits on OJ.
Thats fine for the court and the media.
He nearly decapitated his wife and then either lay in wait for her lover or the poor guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The DNA evidence alone was overwhelming.
The LAPD had a neo-Nazi as the lead investigator (oops, who would have thought that might come back to bight then?). The DA Gil Garcetti wanted publicity motley than a conviction and didn’t move the trial. Then he assigned assistant DAs dumb and dumber to the case who let it turn from a fact-based forensic trial into a racial justice feces festival.
And the jury had had enough of being sequestered and just wanted out, AND they (rightfully) thought the LAPD was racist and decided that OJ needed a do-over because of it.
He did it. In fact while in prison, he wrote a book called “If I did it” in which he basically walks the reader through how he murdered both in a really disgusting ploy for money.
And now Hell gets a new tenant.
Yes, they did.
I don’t blame them, he had the best.
I disagree.
No, he didn’t, he died in the end, now the real judgement comes, so I feel good.
There were no Nazis on the investigation team. Mark Fuhrman was not a racist in the way OJ and his team set him up to be. OJ blamed everyone under the sun except himself.
Gee, that sounds soooo familiar.
Naw, Marsha and Chris did what they could, just OJ had a team that were the best and they played the game better, but I always knew his day was coming and it has, so let God deal with it, wouldn’t want to be the Juice now.
What judgment will that be?
That would be between him and the almighty.
OJ is the poster child for the rage many white people felt was an injustice against persons of their color. I believe he did it, but the evidence didn't show it, so he got acquitted. Many black people felt that was a tiny bit of karma for all the hundreds of years and incalculable amount of times blacks never got the justice they deserved and that "...with liberty and justice for all." meant all white people. OJ's case got a lot more publicity than all of those cases of injustice COMBINED. You don't have to like what I've written but it is a reality.
Do you think he and many others even believe that?
He does now.
The whole world knows HE DID IT..
Even his jurors knew it at the time. He was let off because he was black.
OJ will always be a textbook case of American injustice by jury.
Yeah, but many of the cases that should have come to trial never even came close to seeing the courtroom, and, if OJ had been on trial for killing two non-whites, it would have been barely covered in the press. Blacks and the natives had a first-hand view for centuries of "justice." Some people had protection from prosecution provided by their complexion so there was very little justice. Facts.
Raw Beer
For a long time I was sure OJ was guilty. I'm now not so sure, ever since I heard someone making a compelling case that it was likely his son who committed the murders, and OJ was just trying to protect him.
Who made this compelling case?
I can imagine he or she has equally fascinating ideas on a variety of topics.
If letting someone guilty off is our greatest injustice, we must be the most just country on the planet.
I understand it was a private investigator named William Dear.
Uhhh, not so sure about that.
Following his trial some 30 years, the younger me learned that the US judiciary system was not about truth, but convincing the jury, one way or the other, by "manipulation". The same theatrics is being repeated now in connection with the affairs of the (infamous) Republican candidate for the US president.
Plenty of guilty people have walked free. I can think of a a number of known klansmen who were murderers - the whole town knew it - but got off scot fee and many that didn't even go to trial. I love what America stands for, but we haven't always stood for it.
I've read almost the exact opposite - that he was taking anti-inflammatory medicine for arthritis, and that he stopped taking it, which allowed his hand to swell. However, apparently the Los Angeles County Jail doctor confirmed that Simpson had taken his medication every day.
What to believe, eh? I have no idea, but am willing to accept the jury's verdict. I suspect they heard far more than me about the matter.
RIP OJ. Up in heaven now playing golf with angels.
OJ Simpson was considered for the role of the Terminator.
Cameron, however, turned him down because “he’s not convincing as a cold blooded killer.”
He even had the gall to admit that at times he 'got physical' with her. And white racists galore in America were blabba-blabba-blabba over this sick sensationalistic issue. That revealed their true colors. But for most of us, race wasn't an issue. OJ murdered his ex-wife that he abused and he bought off the jury with his sports hero money. Simple as that.
I remember at my college there were huge TV screens set up so students could watch the verdict out in the grass and walkways. They all gazed and got manipulated like sheep by the pronouncement on the Big Telescreens. It was so '1984' I couldn't stand it, it made me SICK.
It had already occurred before with all the TV channels preempting to show Desert Storm 24/7. Yippy-yi-yay! Everybody gaze at the Boob Tube, get manipulated. Believe and eat up all the crap.
The obsession and sensation this created got people in America chattering like monkeys all the time. And every juvenile know-it-all-but-know-nothing on TV, radio, new internet was yapping yapping yapping about this crap crap crap.
OJ later did serve time, a few years for stealing. Now he's getting his eternal just deserts.
Before all this, I did not have a single negative notion, opinion, attitude, idea, inkling or anything whatsoever about OJ Simpson. Before all that he was a football star and actor.
Good riddance to rotten rancid rubbish!
No. I don't care if you're Black or White. Or any other race, OJ. You're a piece of garbage and I don't like your kind.
Lord did it ever! All the lippy white racists were flapping their big stupid yappers like Pac-Men. The TV and radio sure stoked up the 'race card' issue. Even worse there was the case of judge Lance Ito's ethnicity, he's a Japanese-American. You guessed it, chatterbox DJs were making racist jokes about him too, imitating Japanese/Oriental stereotypical 'accents' and making those mornoic 'ah so' and 'ching chong' jokes on the air, thinking they were being cute and funny. They weren't, not in the least.
And of course there was Rubbish Limberger and his ilk talking trash like the mental 8th graders that they were.
The Dumbing Down of America. Sad, very sad.
Bye-bye, trash!