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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.On victory lap, few signs Trump focusing on unified nation
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How can Trump grab them over the material and wiring? A question for the ages.
Thankfully a thoroughly ignorant Trump cannot bankrupt a country. Or can he? He has form.
Trump can't, but the GOP congress certainly could.
Takeda - hah! Seriously, Trump is boneheaded. His tendency to say insensitive things reveals the cavity that is his character.
Insecure Trump still campaigns and complains even after winning. Count on four more years of this.
America elected an emotionally crippled man-child with no core, no morals and no self-control. I hope American democracy can survive this wretched con man.
Ricky Kaminski
Divide the country, then call for UNITY. Marvelous. Already getting a hang of this polical stuff ay Trumpy?
"That continued Saturday morning when Trump turned to social media to weigh in on China’s seizure of a U.S. Navy research drone from international waters, misspelling “unprecedented” when he wrote “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act.”
Learn the spelling of 'presidential', look up the definition regarding behaviour, and start acting that way.
This idiot with his Twitter trash is potentially catastrophic.
At least he is marginally smarter than his supporters when he admits locking up his opponent was campaign trail bluster. His followers are too thick to get that yet.
Trump's deposition in his yuge lawsuit against a celebrity chef next month should help boost popcorn sales if nothing else.
He's also admitted that he won't be following through on his campaign promise to entirely repeal obamacare on day one.
It's these small things that make me hope he'll be a better president than it looked like he would be during the campaign.
Is Jonathan Lamire an opinion writer? There is nothing "hate-filled" about wanting a person who everyone knows broke the law to face the justice system. Maybe if she were a white policeman there wouldn't be this much controversy over her being held to the same standards as a E-4 in the Navy. Would it be better if they chanted "Fry her like bacon"?
If he relied on the mainstream media to filter him he never would have been elected. Why would he submit to their propagandized form of news now that he is president-elect. The legacy media has already been up front about their continued intention to judge him but a harsher standard than any other president.
So he doesn't intend to be subsumed by the DC bubble? That's a good thing.
So a $10 to $20 trillion debt isn't bankrupting a country? The way American government finances are currently structured guarantees a half trillion more in debt annually. Hopefully he can eliminate that structural financial imbalance. Based on the last two presidents if he comes in without doubling the debt he will be a success. Mulvaney wants change and to lessen the debt. He is a good choice for OMB. Can't by worse than his predecessors.
Ending the ACA will upend the lives of millions of newly insured Americans. More problematic than that for Trump, crafting a replacement will take years of hard (non Twitter) work by 'the precedent' and his cabinet. Are they really going to use up half his term cooking up something that resembles the ACA but with a new name? Sounds like government waste in action--goody, endless deficits for unneeded projects. Deficits made worse by deep tax cuts of course. Trump's noises about axing the trillion dollar F 35 fighter jet might be a good start.
Trump is more interested in basking in the attention of his fawning Goldshirts than in getting things done.
A person on the winning side see unification whereas a person on the losing side sees division. Mr. Trump will be the next president. The losing side needs to reorganize and the winning site has only two years to prove it is correct. The 2018 election will be more important that the 2016.
"On victory lap, few signs Trump focusing on unified nation"
So says Jonathan Lemire. Trump will unify the nation a lot more than Barack Obama did, actually Barack did nothing to unify the nation.
Trump questions Obama's handling of alleged Russian hack:
That photo is straight from the 70s.
Is the Star Spangled Banner to be sung to the Benny Hill theme?
"Trump will unify the nation a lot more than Barack Obama did, actually Barack did nothing to unify the nation."
Trump has dropped his disgraceful birther crap. I suppose that's a step in the right direction but we could be in danger of praising Trump for acting like a normal human being.
Setting a breathtakingly low bar can have benefits.
Texas A&M Aggie
Good news: Mrs. Bill Clinton finally came out of her spider hole Friday night for her "I Won The Popular Vote" thank you tour.
Bad news: it will be Mrs. Clinton's one and only tour stop; held at the NYC's Plaza Hotel where only her deep pocket supporters were invited to attend. Like Election Night, the unwashed rubes from the radical alt left who voted for her were -- and always will be -- overlooked. To her, if you don't have few extra million dollars to give to her campaign, you are a deplorable.
Mrs. Clinton can only thank her $$$ donors.
President-elect Trump thanks his voters. . . .
BTW, Trump mentioned the other day that he'd postponed his announcement of how he'd separate his personal finances from the national interest because he "doesn't have time." But he has time for this. Priorities. The United States of America might as well change its name to "Trump Inc."
Trump has the support of approx. 70 million morons ... that's a hell of a lot of morons. Probably the biggest moron population in the world. Now it's time for the other 200 million people to stand up and fight for their rights including the 49 % of Americans who couldn't even be bothered to vote.
Anyone who doesn't like US will be very very happy Trump won.
Obama did not do much unifying, the country is more divided now than at any time in recent memory. Were the country not so divided, Trump would never have become a mainstream candidate. We can't blame Trump for creating the divisive environment, but the current group of "leaders" in Washington, whom by their own mismanagement of every part part of government, gave rise to Trump.
Trump should never have risen to the level of a real candidate, let alone president, and Hillary should never have gone so far as to win a seat in the senate. That Hillary and Trump were the final candidates shows only how far America has declined. But from just about any perspective, Trump was the lesser of two evils.
He is president, get over it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm at a break dancing contest when I read the comments following a story about Trump. Only instead of all the other break dancers standing around bobbing their heads while each other dancer takes his turn to bust some moves, these dancers take turns seeing who can come up with the most 'clever' insults of Trump and the people who voted for him.The editorial page of my local paper has been just that for about 6 weeks now.
Rob Schneider said it best recently when he tweeted: "While the Democratic Party doesn't lack diversity, it does lack graciousness, humility and now control of Congress and the White House."
Put that in your rice cooker and steam it...
Welcome Capt. D. and thank you for the interesting breakdancing analogy. There are probably parallels between the pro political writers too, but I can't decide if George Will or Garrison Keillor is more like Mr. Wiggles or Ramellzee. Breitbart writers seem to have political chops equal to the graffiti masterworks of Justin Bieber. The Guardian has probably done many articles about spray paint master Banksy, who himself makes art on themes seen in world events in the Guardian.
Well the biggest tell for which direction people voted was their level of education. Trump would be better off thanking southern whites for being so uneducated. And Alabama seems like the perfect place to start.
No one is expecting him to unify the country.
Hillary lost her reign and it is her fault to unify the nation not Mr.Trump.
What? He's the president. She's a nothing now - she holds no public office whatsoever. It's Trump's responsibility to unify the country, as the country's leader.
That said, I think it's an impossible goal - he spouted too much crap during the campaign, and so many people will never forgive/forget that.
Only a loser continues to gloat when he/she wins. These next four years will be the most embarrassing for Americans! Trump really should be 'unpresidented'.......
CaptDingle, one need not "come up" with insults - Trump writes them himself. I'm surprised the article didn't show his entire quote:
Does he mean anything by that? Is he indicating that radical promises he made during the campaign were just a ruse to win election and will from now be discarded? Is he encouraging his backers to rest up before another round of viciousness? Hard to say. In any case, such rhetoric is unprecedented (note the spelling, Don!) from a president elect.
Whatever - CaptDingle, Donald is himself nasty and mean and vicious. To insult him is simply to hold up a mirror.
"Only a loser continues to gloat when he/she wins"
I think it's more serious than that. The spiteful and the vindictive do this. Spiteful and vindictive are very dangerous flaws in a leader.
I think it was Michael Corleone who said not to hate your enemies - it clouds your judgement. Trump reminds me of Sonny with a Twitter account.
Trump will be impeached and resign in disgrace in less than 1 year. He is an absolute moron where only racist white supremacists voted for him. He has created a racist state of the union. If you see the crowds at his rallies you only see White right wing fanatics who believe Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were gods. The world better prepare for the next World War as Trump will start it.
Texas A&M Aggie
Tomorrow will be the day of reckoning for Mrs. Bill Clinton: the electoral ballot casting. If her minions through written intimidation (threats of violence and death) fail to persuade 37 republican electors to switch their votes away from PE Trump, it will be the first time in U.S. politics that a presidential candidate lost an election three times.
The peaceful transfer of power is what makes this county great. And I am for that
-- Hillary Clinton, October. 21, 2016
Heh, apparently she's not. . . .
"few signs Trump focusing on unified nation"
According to Jonathan Lemire, lol, here's a more accurate assessment:
And,oh my...
Trump's administration could include Rex and 'Rocky' :
While it's true that pretty much all racists voted for Trump, not all Trump supporters are racists. Many are just disaffected with the system overall.
What? She's only ever been the candidate once - in 2016.
"While it's true that pretty much all racists voted for Trump"
And you have proof of this, right? No? Didn't think so.
"not all Trump supporters are racists"
Really! What about Dr. Ben Carson? lol
"Many are just disaffected with the system overall"
But remember it was Putin who brainwashed these voters into thinking the system sucks.
I've heard that Trump and his fast food-loving wife would probably like to undo the anti-obesity campaign that Michelle Obama has endorsed throughout her time in the White House. They will probably undo all of the health and nutrition education related measures that have been instituted and allow children what their hearts probably desire: candy bars and potato chips in school vending machines to go along with the greasy, high cholesterol foods for school lunches.
At least the children will be happy. And when they become adults, stricken with diabetes and high blood pressure, they'll be able to rely on what semblance of a health care plan that Trump will have them buy, as they probably will have no access to Medicare, etc.
Lefties worried about Trump bankrupting the country! But Obama nearly doubling the national debt was no problem! Fools.
Hillary 65 million votes, FDT 62 million votes. And the winner is ... you what??
And righties lied about Obama taking away their guns, but guess what, they still have them.
But when Trump has on record threatened to get rid of free speech and limit all media, get rid of affordable healthcare, and systematically divide the nation, righties don't bat an eye? Why does the First Amendment always take a back seat to the Second Amendment? To me, it should be the other way around. Yet, conservatives rather hide behind their guns and use them to stifle free speech.
Post truth politics strikes again!
You do realize that Obama inherited two wars that hadn't been paid for, and the worst recession in a century, right?
Well, no I guess you don't, or you wouldn't be spouting post-truthisms.
His supporters don't have much else to do except join pointless post-victory parades like creepy fawning girls. Hopefully Trump can find all these poor souls some jobs to improve their shocking lives