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© 2019 AFPOutrage as Trump brands mostly-black Baltimore 'infested mess'
By Brian KNOWLTON WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2019 AFP
hehe he just insulted an entire city. It's just all so strange.
Said the privileged class brat who's lived in upscale housing all his life surrounded by people from his economic class - and demographic group - a man with zero understanding of poverty with no clue why people could be poor, with zero regard for anyone not from his family - or economic class. Trump's father, like Hannity and other slum lords, got rich off government funded low-income housing projects.
Is trump going to look at the many other parts of the country with large numbers of people living in poverty, areas where he's been supported. Or would he look there only if someone from there and not from his demographic or gender criticized him. He's a repugnant human being.
hehe he just insulted an entire city
Hehe it IS an infested mess thanks to the Democrats running it. Nothing racist or untrue in what he said.
Toasted Heretic
Still attacking America and Americans. Why doesn't he just go back etc etc.
PR stunt. Like something from an Armando Ianucci script. He's fooling no-one.
Expect the usual deflection from Trumpists claiming they are the real victims etc
Humor? Found only by GoTrumpers - most likely from Trump's demographic - as their messiah (with help from 'abroad') continues his divide and conquer approach to further splinter the long-splintered country.
Said the normal person who doesn’t kow tow to the urban dream. Big city living is a fantasy and whip of the deep state. Necessary in any growing industrial economy but not in a modern one. The Global central bankers will someday fall, you can’t just keep printing money forever and not have any consequences.
I enjoy this site very much. I can express my opinions and feelings free. I cannot find a similar site in Japanese language. However, I have never been abroad including U.S. I think spending money to go there and meet discriminations is not a good way.
Good to hear you say urbanites like Trump, especially those urbanites who've got rich selling their urban properties around the globe, aren't normal.
So trump the urbanite/urban developer is part of the deep state.
Our Great Orange Grand Wizard in Chief tweets out another hate-filled, racist rant....
He must think there are enough KKK members and white supremacists to get him over in 2020.
That may be true - in Russia...but not America.
Americans see his dark messages for what they are - racist hate speech, by a disgusting excuse for a human being who showcases his downward spiral with each tweet.
And Mr President, maybe you should have asked your son-in-law about those apartments that are "infested" in Baltimore...
And, as ProPublica reporter Alec MacGillis pointed out in a lengthy Twitter thread response to the president, some of the problems Baltimore has faced over the past few years are due to Trump Administration policies as well as poorly-maintained apartment complexes owned by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. MacGillis wrote an investigative article on the condition of the apartments, speaking with Kushner tenants who said they found maggots and rats in their units.
peppy kids
I think details are misising from the story
Did he actually mentioned "minorities" in the tweet?
Did he actually know the demographics of the city?
Or is everything he says anchored as racist?
I don't like Trump, just trying to get the facts straight.
Pattern recognition. Dog whistles accumulate. A part of his base is made up of white nationalists. One of the ways he appeals to them is through his dog whistles, which are not so subtle these days. I'm a white American: I've heard these dog whistles all my life. And much, much worse.
Baltimore has been a a disaster for years, once again the Democrat led legislature and leadership has failed the State miserably, there’s no denying that and anyone that thinks otherwise is just not dealing with reality.
For most non-whites and many whites (including me) the elephant in many rooms in the US is racism. Racism continues to keep the country from moving on, what some call 'progressing', which is a negative term for those wanting to return to the 1950s. Or even worse times. It should be worrying to anyone who wants to move on from Jim Crow and 'separate but equal' (hardly) days that the US President and many of his supporters want to step back to even uglier times.
No one? Perhaps those with histories of saying things considered racist should be more aware of what they say and how they say it - if they don't want to be perceived as racist.
Chip Star
Utterly incorrect. It's what is said, not saying something.
The quoted statement above isn't racist, but that doesn't mean the US President should have said it. It was rude, unhelpful, and harmful to all the people in Baltimore truly attempting to fix the city. He should have asked the Maryland governor if troops are needed to backup the Maryland National Guard, which is clearly needed in Baltimore.
I used to live in the metro area, had friends in Baltimore, and a brother-in-law was a Baltimore cop who was shot on duty. There are parts of Baltimore where it is perfectly safe, then there are the bad parts of town. 80% of the violent crime happens in 25% of the neighborhoods there. In 2017, Baltimore had the highest violent crime rate in the USA and was 2x more than the #3 most violent city, Memphis.
Baltimore is well-known for corrupt city politics. It has been that way for decades.
An interactive map of Baltimore crimes:
Where are all the people outraged over the crime rate in Baltimore the last decade? How long has the current city govt allowed these rates to exist? They've had Democrats as their mayor since the 1970s.
What's the word for that?
I hope he keeps it up, I hope he continues to spout off his brand of racism and bull, to the point that even his own party decides it's best he be impeached and jailed!
David Varnes
I wonder...
does anyone think that Donnie will say the same thing about, say:
West Virginia's 3rd district, which is 94% White, and has approximately 25% of the population living in poverty, one of the districts where the opioid crisis is striking hard? Or really any of West Virginia's 3 districts, all of which are poorer than Elijah Cumming's district?
Or Kentucky's 5th district, even poorer than WV-3, and is 96% White?
What about Missouri's 5th district, again a poor district that's 92% white?
Or Louisiana's 5th district?
I could go on, and on, and on.
But ask yourself, do you think Donnie would ever say that? I don't. And you want to know why? Not because these aren't poor districts, with crumbling infrastructure, devastated communities, high crime, or a multitude of other problems.
It's because of the voting records of the districts, and the racial makeup of the districts.
Again, he doesn't have to say any specific racial words. He doesn't need to broadcast the N-word, or any of the multitude of other words that are used to denigrate various minority groups in the United States.
His other words more than demonstrate his thoughts and feelings.
This wasn’t a “racist” attack just a statement of truth.
An unfortunate truth.
Only 'immune to criticism' in the minds of some from the dominant demographic, especially those who want to keep their demographic dominant. And some from that dominant demographic (led by Trump and the first lady claiming they're victims) now have the nerve to claim they're victims.
Maggots and rats don’t come with apartments, you know? They show up when rhe people who live there don’t bother to clean or throw away trash.
You seriously trying to blame the people who built it or own it for the unsanitary living of renters?
And yet the Democrats with their socialist entitlement programs since the inception by LBJ have created a quagmire of poor, government dependent and impoverished Black ghettos and what gets me, liberals never want to acknowledge this fact. They’ll blame everyone and everything else instead of their policies that have destroyed the Black community. Any real and honest person that drives through places like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Compton, Oakland cannot say with a straight face that these are nice, clean and safe place to visit, live or raise a family, has absolutely nothing to do with race or the color of their skin, it has everything to do with Democrat policy led failure.
I had No idea that pushing and driving for self-reliance, pro-private sector and pro capitalist was promoting Jim Crow. Wow!
Democrats since 2009 have heavily and increasingly used the race card at ever level to take advantage and to silence any critic to undermine, insulate them as well as their lack of accountability and responsibility that they created.
Racism is thinking that “people of color” just can’t do any better. They aren’t capable of cleaning where they live and not killing each other in record numbers. They just have to accept their “leaders” being corrupt and doing nothing for them, while those leaders live in safe, clean, gated areas.
poor White majority areas with non Dem leadership don’t have these crime, filth and corruption issues. So what can be done to help these places that do.
The article hides the truth in the middle. Facts aren’t racist. Why don’t Dems help their own people instead of spending billions on illegals?
large poverty-stricken districts. It has one of the country's highest murder rates.
2cents worth
A better explanation of many of the problems in places like Baltimore is the legacy of "white flight" which happened back in the 70's. Fear of dropping property values due to racial discord was whipped up by real estate agents and resulted in an exodus to the 'burbs, leaving city centers with a devastated tax base. As services like police, sanitation and education are locally funded, they all suffered. Education is particularly problematic--and has perpetuated the vicious cycle--crappy schools produce poorly educated citizens who have difficulty getting jobs...and it just goes on and on. One potential solution is funding education to a reasonable state on the federal level. It's not necessary to give every child an ipad, as happens in some school districts in the States, but at least provide the funds for a safe learning environment so everyone has a fighting chance. It's much cheaper to educate a child than incarcerate an adult.
JJ Jetplane
@peppy kids
Everyone knows Baltimore is mostly black.
But I see this more of an attack on a city that has always been filled with poverty and crime. Still, anywhere in the US that is considered infested is more of a sad reality showing the lack of actual care or efforts the lawmakers give including the President. It’s a reflection of bad politics and not a race of people.
Also, not every black neighborhood is filled with crime the same way not every white neighborhood is the picture of success. You can look at dangerous white neighborhoods filled with drugs and crime in Alaska, Kentucky, and many cities along the Appalachian mountains.
“Since marrying Rockeymoore 11 years ago, Cummings’ financial outlook has improved considerably, according to financial disclosure reports and property records. The couple currently owns two rental properties in Baltimore worth between $250,000 and $500,000 each,”
Baltimore seems like an awesome place! for Cummings.
A charity run by the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee and could have been used illegally, according to an IRS complaint filed by an ethics watchdog group.
Cummings, 68, a Maryland Democrat, is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. His wife, Maya Rockeymoore, 48, is the chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party and briefly ran in the state's gubernatorial race last year. The couple married in 2008. Cummings was once heavily in debt — in part due to hefty child support payments to his first wife and two other women he had children with — but his financial situation has improved considerably over the past decade.
This is exactly why Democrats are pathetic, they will go and accuse someone they don’t like in this example the President charge him with being a racist, a crook, a criminal despite of zero evidence because if they did have it, he would have been charged long ago and they know they have only their rhetoric to boost their bolster. And one man leading the bullhorn charge has his own problems he wants to probably see go away. Expect the President to hit Cummings hard on this. Democrats need to check their own closets before going after someone they don’t like.
Baltimore is run by Democrats.
Trump never mentioned race or colour, the democrats did. He was referring to the high crime rate and low employment.
Gotta love how the left continues to play the racism card.
And the Trumpers here confirm their racist affirmations with each post - just like their Great Leader does with each tweet...
Trump's son-in-law is a slum lord....but he evidently isn't as big a racist as Donnie...
Earlier this year, a restaurant in the Manhattan Trump Tower was cited for a mouse infestation, and other unsanitary conditions.
The only reason Trump is attacking Cummings and the city of Baltimore is because Cummings is attacking the immigration policy and deplorable conditions at the boarder. Since Trump is not really a leader of the people, he flagrantly attacks anyone who criticizes his policies. Trump holds the presidency but does not fulfill the role (not even close). He is not an American President because he doesn’t really care about Americans. His statements are not designed to help the people of Baltimore. They are designed to insult them. And up to this point, Trump has made no effort to remedy poverty - only attack it. America has many areas in need of solutions. We don’t need a President who spouts insults when criticized, yet offers no solutions. Time to elect a real president in 2020.
Haaa Nemui
Interestingly I just did a quick search for the most rat infested cities in the US. Baltimore was number 9... Washington number 4.
More divisive, inflammatory trash talk from Trump’s Twitter account.
His account is a sewer.
Alistair Carnell
His mind is a sewer.
Haaa Nemui
Must be why he tries to stay out of it.
Nooe, the landlord is responsible for maintenance and safety of physical structure. Not rats and maggots, that’s individual responsibility of the tenants to live sanitary.
Half of you saying it’s not true that the place is infested. other half saying it is true but it’s Trump/Kushner/White People fault. You guys don’t do well on narratives on weekends when the media isn’t around to tell you what to think and say.
Haaa Nemui
Ok. That would make Trump completely wrong when calling it an infested mess and blaming it on Dem leadership then.
Amir Marzouk
What history of the US doesn’t tell you is the story of eminent domain and how it affects middle class African American communities than other places. It also affects low income African American communities. That is how you end up with gentrifications.
Not all the people in an area fully sell their homes or properties to businesses. However, when people resist these big developers, they run to the city governments and propose plans how their newly built condos or malls can provide more tax incomes than the homes that are currently situated in the area. The governments tend to approve these plans and force homeowners and renters out through eminent domain.
There are many programs in the US designed to keep African Americans down. My entire thesis has been on these programs that keep certain Americans down. While racism exists everywhere, American racism is different in that it is heavily institutionalized.
Good research, Haaa Nemui!
Sounds like the American people need to drain the swamp in Washington DC by clearing out the rat infested White House. Trump and his entire administration need to go.
That’s just an insult. The leadership of Baltimore is being called out due to their lack of action to address corruption, crime and unsanitary conditions. It’s a “call to action” to force the Dem leadership to actually lead and improve conditions for their voters.
The dire social conditions blighting the lives of the Baltimore (black) poor are not a reflection of a crazy mirror; the appalling ghetto conditions, known to millions around the world through "The Wire", truthfully mirror the historical racism of America that has always formed the festering underbelly of "the American Dream". Even the dumbest "deplorable" knows the sound of the softest dog whistles and can decode even the subtlest nuances of racist parlance. Nobody is fooled and there can be no excuses for the language that assaults and insults our ears: Trump is no Grand Wizard, but his own Tourette tweeting and deranged blather have demeaned and degraded the dignity of the presidency. How much more proof do people need to realize that it's now time (ASAP) for the 45th to be given the 25th.
I'm white. Using Trumpist's definition of liberal, i.e. 'anyone who doesn't agree with Trump's views of existence', then according to that I am one because I oppose almost everything Trump says.
If I have a 'duty' it's to speak on behalf of my beliefs as an individual citizen who recognizes that many not from my demographic have been denied opportunities that I and others from my demographic have had, and continue to have.
Denying others opportunities - for generations - those in my demographic have had has contributed to the many problems America has long failed to deal with. Since the end of WW2 laws have been passed to limit institutional racism. I worry that Trump and many in his base, especially those pushing a white nationalist agenda, want to go back to the days when racism was even wider spread.
As an individual I still have the right to do so.
I just wonder where this statement fits in with Trump’s role as a leader who tries to unite rather than divide the country. I was rebutted by a Trump supporter on this site who told me he his strategy wasn’t to divide. It might just be one poster who thinks this mind you.
Not really. Local Government is responsible for the quality of life of their citizens. In this case, Dems run everything and are in all elected positions but living in the rich neighborhoods and not caring as long as they continue to get the votes from the victim class they have created.
Haaa Nemui
But for infestations, the voters are on their own.
Amir Marzouk
Mr. Noidall
Are you saying that a few short years can completely turn around hundreds of years of what has taken place?
Its not always about the current or most recent figureheads. It takes more than one leader or politician to change a system.
Detroit is a byproduct of poor urban planning, the fall of the American auto industry, and the development of technology.
When the great migration took place in a Detroit, white workers were paid three times more than black workers for the same job and charged a fraction of the rent costs of black workers. So when you go through generations of segregation, making less money but paying higher costs, it is one of the primary reasons that when the auto industry failed, many African Americans couldn’t afford to move while many whites could afford the move.
Newark, Detroit,Atlanta etc!
All cities with a high number of crimes committed by those that have little respect for society.
It is time for ‘respect’ to be more society centric than the province of self obsessed individuals who focus on guns and drug fueled violence!
How Lincoln? How is it racist pointing out years of Democrat legislation negligence?
What? Anyway, show me where Democrats and their policies leading over Black communities have greatly improved them.
Now that was a racist statement. Imagine had Trump tweeted that, CNN would be in a meltdown right now.
Bang on right question to ask. Generations of people have been deprived of basic human rights because of their skin color. One poster on this site had the nerve to say racism is in the past because 'we've made amends.'
Stevie Wonder: 'We are amazed but not amused by all the things you say you do...'
Link to youtube 'You haven't done nothing'
Haaa Nemui
In other words, Dems are the landlords and the residents are the tenants but it doesn't fit with your original narrative so you just disagree because it makes either Trump a liar or you look foolish.
Don't like Trump. And Baltimore is pretty much a dump.
What should I do? How should I feel??
What about the Blacks that agree with Trump and disagree with the views of liberals and Black liberals are they racists?
What about the degradation and the handling of black communities that have suffered under Democrat policies for years?
Growing up half of my life in California, I have seen exactly what these liberal entitlement policies have done and how they have destroyed and devastated the Black communities. You are right about that.
And they didn’t work.
Ok, so let’s get this straight, liberals are worried that a small fringe group will rise up and turn the US in a white nation? You have made more, way more Antifa members than you do white Nationalists. That’s your serious threat.
Simon Foston
I haven't bothered to read the comments but I imagine they're full of praise and applause from the usual apologists.
This is very true and Blacks coming from these crime ridden impoverished cities will continue to suffer because that have been raised within in a system that doesn’t give these people hope because of the policies the very people they overwhelmingly voted for could care less about fixing these problems, their votes are the only thing that matters.
I agree, if racism was as bad as liberals like to make it to be, Obama would have never made it to the Presidency because it was the white vote that got him over the finish line, not the black vote despite 85% voted for him.
True. thankfully not all Americans go in for things like racially fuelled birther trash.
There are good people out there.
Dems aren’t the landlords they are the elected government. They get the votes, they have the responsibility to implement positive change for the people who voted for them.
Those people are why Cummings is rich and not living in their neighborhood. He is responsible for the quality of their lives, not Republicans. People chose Cummings instead and continue to do so.
..or believe that Democrat policies are the absolute remedy to cure their historical bad and failed legislations.
I agree.
Haaa Nemui
But for infestations of rats and maggots, that's the responsibility of the tenants.
You guys can have this topic. I just don’t get why you won’t hold any Dem elected officials responsible for the conditions in their cities.
poop all over the streets in San Fran. Needles in Seattle. Homeless in LA. Murders in Chicago. Not Dems fault at all, despite them getting paid to lead these cities.
I just can't believe some of the absolute racist drivel some Trumpers put here - Blacks had it better under Jim Crow than they do today?
Sure, being denied the vote by the poll tax, lynched for looking at a white women, segregated buses, lunch counters, pools, discrimination everywhere...denied basic human decency every day - that's a Trumpers' version of "better" for Black Americans...
Tell that to Emmett Till...
They're blind to their own racism...
But if you did that and if Blacks stopped overwhelmingly vote Democrat, they would never win an election again, this is why it’s so crucial to keep the racist narrative alive and to keep Blacks angry at conservatives and Republicans, it’s vital that Democrats keep the anger flowing. Blacks warming up to conservatives is a worse case scenario politically for Democrats and they know it and the Republicans know it.
Correct. Maggots come from rotten food or undisposed waste. Rats as well. That’s inside your home from your own chosen way of living.
Thank you for acknowledging that the world isn't just zero or one, black or white. There are dozens of millions of Black Americans with beliefs ranging the spectrum.
suffered under institutional and personal racism. What have both parties tried to do to address those issues. Which political party has pushed for equal rights for all. Questions to start with.
You want to see. Beliefs shape perceptions. Most likely you've seen things the way you want to see them. There is such a thing as belief blindness.
Haaa Nemui
Thank you. So Trump was wrong to blame that on Dem leadership.
I believe Trump was responding to Cumming’s attacks on the overwhelmed border facilities - facilities that he and his party have failed to support expanding. Trump just pointed out that Baltimore is in terrible shape and worse off than the border facilities that the Congressman was attacking the president over. It’s a truthful statement that reflects badly on the Congressman. So of course Dems lash out and pull the ever handy race card. Unfortunately the truth hurts.
No one said that. Please stop pouring fuel where it doesn’t need to be poured.
This was the historic America that Democrats wanted.
self-reliance and government dependency is better for Blacks, that’s an understatement.
And yet, Democrats still did nothing to fix or change their policies to re-write that wrong.
That is why these cities have not change, these Democrats are unwilling to change these laws
Humor? Found only by GoTrumpers - most likely from Trump's demographic - as their messiah (with help from 'abroad') continues his divide and conquer approach to further splinter the long-splintered country.
Sorry, Pete, I forgot to put that in italics - that was what SuperLib said. Go take it up with him.
Yes, Trump likes to brag about this (the good conditions for illegals) and invites more illegals. Illegal crossings under Trump are more than Obama. Also,.....
U.S. Economy Slows, Denying Trump 3% Talking Point
(news quote)
Trump fail
Trump just wants to be liked. And when he isn't he becomes grandpa baby. He is a 77 year old baby with bright orange hair.
Old white man said this in 2015:
“Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country”
liberal verdict- not racist. Outrage meter- zero. Fact check- true.
I’ll meet you halfway, you are not entirely wrong on that point, but it goes without saying, it’s easier to attack Trump than to acknowledge that the Black community is not and has never been prosperous under Democrat led legislature now the Republicans in the past during the 80s didn’t do as good of a job as they’re doing now to draw in those neglected voters.
There is some slight truth in this, but I doubt it is the truth the poster wishes to point out.
Obama became President because he had extremely wealthy backers including Wall Street. This actually more important than his skin colour. Other minorities, specifically women and homosexuals, may become President too, provided they have extremely wealthy backers. This is because wealth is more important than race, gender, or sexual orientation. It is very misguided for the so-called left to focus on these three things, so-called "identity politics", and not economic inequality which is increasing. Being black makes you more likely to be poor, which does matter, but you actually have to be poor to get the thin edge of the wedge. Regardless of what the new left may say, a rich black transgender woman will generally have a much better quality of life than a poor white man who is straight. This should be completely obvious if you compare their actual lives.
As George Carlin (RIP) pointed out, its called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. The vast majority of people born poor remain poor. This is systematic and not due to personal fecklessness. That age-old accusation is simply blaming the victim.
Every politician, regardless of political party, needs to be held responsible for what happens within their jurisdictions. As should the racist individuals who keep racism going be held responsible, as should the landlords that won't rent to people because of the color of their skin, as should the business owners who won't hire someone because of the color of their skin. Etc.
Any politician, regardless political affiliation, pushing agendas most people think is racist needs to be held responsible. Especially if he's the 'leader' of a country.
Trump’s comments point out that the places you complain about being racist against black Americans are run by Democrats and in many cases black Democrats. As far as American racism goes, the only form of racism that has been “institutionalized” is racism in favor of black citizens. Affirmative action is heavily institutionalized in law by the government and in businesses- particularly corporations. A lot has changed in the last 60 years.
Baltimore is a crap hole of a city, over taxed and poorly run by a corrupt Democrat city government. Sort of like New York, San Francisco...
Alabama? That dump is run by Republicans like that child molester Roy Moore of Georgia.Also Mississippi is a big black economic hole run by Republicans.
Looks like Trump is running the US like he ran his Trump university. Proof:
U.S. Economy Slows, Denying Trump 3% Talking Point
(news quote)
Trump fail. Lower economy and higher debt. Maybe Bill Gates (a real billionaire 100x Trump's assets who had a REAL corporation and doesn't care if people hate him) should have been elected.
The average Trump voter could never afford to live in one of these cities. There are more billionaires in San Fran than other cities and Trump voters are bitter about it as they pout while listening to catheter and Depends CMs on FOX News during the Hannity and Friends show.
That is, if you want to believe the polls and more and more Americans have stopped doing that.
More importantly, what are the Democrats, the very party that most Blacks vote for are going to do? Based on the history, nothing.
the best part of the Trump infested mess is all the Trumptards trying pathetically to justify Trumps racist rants, you know because its only racist if a democrat says it. LOL
Jeez, I've stopped counting all the outright racial statements by Trumpers here...but who knows, maybe some of them are "very fine people"...
Don't believe a Fox News poll?
What kind of American would say such a thing about his country? Only one who must hate it deeply...
Baltimore is a crap hole of a city, over taxed and poorly run by a corrupt Democrat city government. Sort of like New York, San Francisco...
and yet 9 of the 10 poorest stated in the US are Republican
That is, if you want to believe the polls and more and more Americans have stopped doing that.
and yet we constant get updates in JT post that Trumps numbers are up in the polls!?
Thats not his fault.
Some of the highest earners in the USA in major notoriety careers are black, most NBA, NFL, Hollywood a few in the corporate world like Amex.
So you think to equalize that is to usher in more socialism? I know another liberal on this site that always tries to paint a good picture that socialism is the grandeur of life and luxury.
And it has always been like that and always will that’s why if you want in on that, you need to work hard, study hard and try to be the best you can be and that big government is never the answer.
I read the polls, but I’m also quite skeptical of most of them, especially the liberal mostly done ones.
Cities with the highest murder rates within the top 10 mostly have heavy leanings to the Democratic Party, with New Orleans coming up on almost 150 years of Democratic Mayors, Blue tinted cities and most especially the Big cities with big inner cities have trouble, even when they have gun free zones, like Chicago with close to 270 shot and killed this year so far. As long as you stay away from certain areas in big cities your life span may increase, that's real street smarts.
I lived in the US and travelled to quite a few of its cities. The three cities I liked the most were San Francisco, Seattle and New York.
Trump supporters seem to dislike New York and San Francisco with a passion ( Bass in particular talked about nuking California ).
Which cities do they like? They seem to be filled with a lot of hate towards many cities.
Since being in office, what have the Democrats done for the poor? Besides, wanting the middle class to pay for them?
What have the Democrats done for the Blacks? What have they done to better their communities?
No, he’s trying to bring awareness that in the richest of Blue States, the Democrats that rule over them are not doing a darn thing for them, except trying to get their votes, other than that, don’t bother us.
Oh, I should have given a shout to Austin, Texas.
I had a great time there. Nice people.
Do Trump supporters hate Austin too? Is it too liberal? I didn’t see any rats.
Ok, which and where and how have they improved their lives and communities overall?
Given the climate of the mafia, Frank Lucas and his empire and the heroin epidemic and people shaking up, shooting, dealing, prostitution and murders, I don’t blame Trump, sadly the drugs were controlled by the Blacks as the mafia didn’t want to risk going into those communities, later they kicked by a portion percentage earnings to the mob.
but at the same time convicted as brutally beating the jogger, so they weren’t exonerated for that.
Thanks to the Podesta team
I’ve been to Somalia 25 years ago and sadly, it is exactly that and there is no other way to describe it, that doesn’t mean you’re racist, but the country is completely lawless.
Liberals say that about Antifa, they’re fighting anti-fascist or so the claim and yet they attack a gay conservative Asian reporter, but Don Lemon respects them.
Because of their outrageous policies, they just happen to be women of color.
who has legal problems of his own and who insults the POTUS.
So now what have the Democrats done for the Black community and how have they improved it?
I don’t see people from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala risking life and death to try to get into Europe to enjoy the socialist entitlements, if it’s so better, why doesn’t Europe offer to take them in?