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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin coy about 2012 run, but door is open
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"door is open"
And Barack Obama is The One who is opening it.
Great post Sarge. She will run and she will run. Conservative high morals and patriotism shall return in 2012 with President Palin, you betcha!
I sincerely hope they won't
Palin is nothing but flypaper.... for the unintelligent.
I don't really think it matters if sarah palin does run. She won't last 6 months before dropping out of the race. If she thought 08 was tough, wait until the republican higher ups get a hold of her in the primaries. Unless she hires him first, expect tucker eskew (barely a human being) to run her "good" name through the mud, hard and thorough.
Plus, she's kind of shown that quitting is her thing. Probability = 0%
I hope she does rear her head and come into America's political space again.
Like Obama she is too young. After the Obama disaster Americans will probably go with a man is his mid-fifties, the historical average. But I predict the hard left will be pronouncing her 'irrelevant' for years to come.
"rear her head"
Well, something like that.
I hope she can keep her family and friends close to her and make it through these hard times. McCain, Levi, her husband, the people of Alaska, you know, all of those people who believed in her and whom she has cherished and protected. Her book has been well received. The reviews on Amazon are worth a read.
Demopcrats will warmly embrace - no, celebrate - a Palin-Limpbough ticket.
Palin for 2012!
I have some respect for Sarah Palin now because of how she has started being honest for the first time since she was picked to run for VP by Sen. McCain.
Here's an example of Sarah Palin's newfound honesty - talking about why the GOP lost the 2008 election on the Oprah Winfrey earlier this week
"Palin noted, "the reason we lost is because the economy tanked under a Republication administration. ..."
Another sign that Sarah Palin is becoming honester is how she QUIT her Governor's job earlier this year - she must have been very honest about her desire to 'just do it for the money' to make a big decision like that.
But sometimes Sarah Palin plays fast and loose with the truth. But don't we all at times?
Here's how she does it in her new book, "Going Rogue"
The 18 Biggest Falsehoods In Palin's Book
When you finally finish reading through that list, you will have to agree with DickMorris when he says that Sarah Palin has "Conservative high morals."
Without a doubt.
Thanks Sushi,
Good to see the Media gettin' busy and factchecking her book looking for more dirt!!! Wonder if they did for Obama's "Dreams of My Father" book....Oh silly question, of course not.
Moderator: Obama's book is not relevant to this discussion.
Sail, President Obama's reflections in "Dreams of My Father" were relevant to things he said and did during his election campaign?
Oh, that's right - unlike the comments Sarah Palin made in her new book, they weren't.
That Palin woman I tell you, she is so irrelevant!
But why is it an expatriate American such as myself can meet Canadians, British, Europeans and even Australians over here in Japan who have obviously made quite an effort to educate themselves about Her Irrelevance, Ms. Sarah Palin ?
Over meals, over drinks, over games of golf and even billiards I've had Palin's policy as governor, her failed VP bid of 08, her unique background, her religious views, her hobbies and hunting habits, her family squabbles and even her personal style related to me by non-Americans in oddly fascinated and even excited tones of voice...
Sushi, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is a memoir by United States President Barack Obama.
Going Rouge: is a memoir by Sarah Palin.
Which memoir got factchecked by the Media?
President Obama's memoir has everything to do what he said and did during the campaign. It is his memoir. My point is politicians write memoirs all the time. Sarah Palin's is the only one that I have ever heard of that was 'fact-checked' by the media just to dig for dirt. If that isn't proof enough that the media was and is after the woman from the day she was picked as the V.P choice I do not know what else is.
An excellent point from sailwind. If former Gov. Palin is so irrelevant why the historical first of assigning eleven different AP writers to fact-check a book by someone the same media elite insist is fading into obscurity?
victimcrat - Ms. Palin is such a talking point - particularly among non-Americans - because the majority of us simply cannot believe that a segment of the American population actually thought she would be able to do the job.
We still can't.
That's why we are still talking about her. :-)
You froth at the mouth about the media so you can ignore the fact that sarah's little book wasn't so factual.
Classic misdirection to avoid an unpleasant truth.
victimcrat - "An excellent point from sailwind. If former Gov. Palin is so irrelevant why the historical first of assigning eleven different AP writers to fact-check a book by someone the same media elite insist is fading into obscurity?"
Probably because the press/AP is so used to hearing Ms. Palin spinning lies and mistruths, they decided over beers on a Friday to hold a competition to see who could find the most in her book.
I hear they are still counting. :-)
Sail - "Going Rouge: is a memoir by Sarah Palin."
Sorry, are you talking about her doing her makeup of going crazy? :-)
Agreed, classic fair and balanced objective reporting from the very start.
Misdirection? 11 reporters assigned to factcheck a memoir? I call that quite the waste of manpower and resources myself.
Sail, just imagine a little fantasy with me for a moment......imagine if Ms. Palin had indeed been honest and actually provided accurate facts in her new book.
Then, the efforts of those 11 AP journalists would have been in vain.
Alas, it wasn't.
See the point?
Michael Palin of Monty Python fame will run for president of the U.S.? What?
Sarah Palin wold have been much better off calling her book 'Keeping It Honest,' but that would have been as ludicrous as expecting Rush Limpbough to actually talk sense.
@Sushisake3 makes a fine effort trying to get us to believe he really, really isn't that interested in or worried about Sarah Palin. Reminds me of a friend in high school, could never stop talking about that chick he was so over and done with. On Mondays sometimes we'd ask about the parties he went to on the weekend - 'So, was Ancient History there?'
Sushi put it better than I ever could.
"Alas, it wasn't."
But nice try to make this an indictment of the media instead of owning up to the fact that your little sarah played fast and loose with the truth.
victimcrat - you are not talking about the clear and present mistruths in Ms. Palin's book.
Do they not concern you at all?
I think Palin would have done better to write the book herself, in whatever fashion she felt most comfortable with, even if it amounted to nothing more than Collected Tweets from Wasilla.
I have a problem with ghostwriters.
Prospectors dig for gold where they expect to find it. And Palin's book is a veritable gold mine.
victimcrat - "Collected Tweets from Wasilla."
Isn't that what the online community call Ms. Palin's family? :-)
No. And they won't. They have to talk about the number of people looking for lies in Palin's book as though that were the significant fact.
Certainly, there are enough hacks on the right-wing side of things to look for the flaws in Obama's books. Certainly some of these right wingers have enough intelligence to read Obama's books to look for flaws themselves.
Moderator: Readers, Obama's books are, of course, not relevant to this discussion. Please stay on topic.
Sail - why don't you factcheck it and get back to us with a list of innaccuracies?
Well...I guess we can't have an ODS fest without Sailwind jumping in too.
So much energy spent to avoid the truth that their little darling didn't know the facts or chose not to state them in her book.
It's a little sad, actually.
Sushi, Taka
Shouldn't be the media's job? Just asking.
I recall reading how last month's pre-orders for Palin's Going Rogue displaced Dan Brown's most recent book at the top of the bestseller lists, according to book dealer sites like Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
Brown is something of an intellectual heavyweight - - for the left in N America and Europe that is, a large portion of which loathe their own countries and Western civilization in general (see sushisake3's bizarre tangent above...).
Is that upsetting fact reason for some of the animosity coming from the people here trying to argue the literary value of Palin's effort?
victimcrat, I notice you aren't talking about the inaccuracies in Ms. Palin's book.
In fact, you are talking about everything but that.
@sushisake3 - I have said I regard her as too young to be president.
So I haven't read her book.
You obviously know way, way more about her evil designs than I do.
Why don't you give us a few of the more juicy lies she tells in Going Rogue?
victimcrat - aren't the 18 lies I provided in the above link enough?
@sushisake "aren't the 18 lies I provided in the above link enough?"
Pretty thin gruel. I have a hard time thinking that her position on using helicopters to cull the wolf population in Alaska can form basis for judging her on truly serious issues.
Now, if she had sat clueless for twenty years in a church where the pastor shrieked "G-d damn America" but denied knowing the congregation was led by a champion of a Marxist and racially supremacist theology well then I would be worried...
I wonder what trashing McCain in the book is going to do to election politics, I mean, practically speaking.
By trashing the candidate (McCain), although it is a time-honored tradition, Palin separates herself even more from moderate Reps. So you have Palin, Rush, and Glenn out THERE making all the noise, and you have Powell, Newt, and Huckabee or whoever trying to hold down what is left of the center. And Palin is already slinging mud at them. Oh, it is all great fun, but Palin is seriously trying to build a party around herself by blaming the loss on McCain... the very man who went out on a limb and chose her! Can this kind of praying-mantis politics work? Ouch. Those bridges are going to stay burnt.
But if Republicans believe that she represents what Republicans are all about, I can't argue. It seems about right to me. It is astonishing to me, but watch the people rally around her. It shows that McCain really DID select the future of the Republican party correctly. And if McCain was right, then what he was really saying is that moderate Republicans should become Democrats.
I am already looking forward to her next book. Hope she keeps the pounds off. The book I mean.
She's the Paris Hilton of politics. If the media would stop covering her, she'd just go away.
Ah, the dolt is back. Good. I always enjoy when she comes on the news and gets the Republicans to even bicker among themselves and threaten to split the party in two. What's more, the more this woman opens her mouth the better a look you get at the endless chasm that exists where brain and heart should be. This woman doesn't have a chance in hell, and as Sushi said even if she were to get the nod she'd quit almost immediately. Oddly enough she'd probaby still have GOP worshippers willing to prostrate themselves and blame everything but the actual lack of ability of the woman for her quitting.
Well, for as irrelevant as she is, it sure has a lot posts already so early. I agree that she doesn't have a chance, and over my dead body would I allow someone from a place like Alaska be president. But I will admit, she got slammed by the media and many that I think was undeserved.
Good point, superlib. There is some truth to that. But the same media would move on to demonizing the next potential Republican candidate, and the more 'average' or 'middle class' or 'old-fashioned' the better in their cynical eyes - a Paul Ryan or a Tim Pawlenty. If Palin does nothing else she acts for now as a kind of lightning rod in that respect. In the future she might be a power broker or even king maker if Obama does any more damage to our nation.
But, as far as this place goes I can't tell who is more smitten by her Yukon charms - sushisake3 or smithisjapan... heheheheh.
In front of a huge crowd, the Pope says to Sarah Palin, "With one wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy. This won't be a momentary display, like your followers, but it will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!" Palin replied, "I doubt that. little wave of your hand? Show me." So the Pope slapped her in the mouth.
Had to share this tidbit of wisdom with all of you; enjoy before it gets deleted!
I didn't know that you would think slapping a woman in the mouth is amusing. I thought military members were better than that myself.
The US is a free country and this woman has every right to run for President. At the same time, however, I would like to think that the talent pool on the republican side of US politics was a little bit deeper in terms of coming up with a candidate who would be competitive.
Had we but world enough, and time This coyness lady, were no crime
We have neither Sarah, so better come out clean.
Sensible stuff, you can have a ghost writer, but difficult to get away with a ghost talker.
Go for it Sarah, you are every Republican's dream.
"But the same media would move on to demonizing the next potential Republican candidate..."
says, 'victimcrat'. Apt name! You guys are often so insecure and see yourselves as victims so often it's really no wonder your party can't put anyone forward without a preamble about how badly they've been beaten up by the media.
Nope, hate to burst your bubble, mate, but she was demonized because she deserved it; one of the dumbest tarts to set foot in politics, and her running away cowering proves it. The state is the victim of her short but damaging reign, not her. As for demonizing others, there are plenty on both sides that get shafted by the press, but it's usually the people more deserving of it that take the brunt. That those are the people you tend to adore isn't saying much for your party; crying 'foul' and calling yourselves 'victim(s)' only speaks to your inability to address the facts and seek out ways to improve yourselves.
If she was selling her kids into prostitution you would be asking for more than a slap.
Sailwind - "Sarah Palin's is the only one that I have ever heard of that was 'fact-checked' by the media just to dig for dirt."
victimcrat - "But the same media would move on to demonizing the next potential Republican candidate.."
Oh, but it's just not fair!!! (cue weeping violins)
These GOP candidates are only getting as good as they gave.
Superlib - "She's the Paris Hilton of politics. If the media would stop covering her, she'd just go away."
Wow, I can't believe I actually agree with something you wrote.
I must be dreaming.....similar to how conservatives are dreaming that Sarah Palin will ever become president, lol! :-)
Let's face it - Sarah Palin dug this hole for herself - especially with comments like the one where she said to Katie Couric that she reads every magazine that comes across her desk and then couldn't name one.
That's just lazy....ok for the children's playground but not for politics.
It's hard to correlate the no doubt proud military backgrounds of former U.S. military posters like Sailwind and their angst about a bunch of news agency staff who read through Sarah Palin's book looking for errors.
"the dolt"
Heh, STILL confusing Palin with Tina Fey? Some people will never get it.
her running away cowering proves it. " did she quit because she was running for another office? If that is the case, I think every politician should give up their current seat before trying to get a different one.. Sen/Gov to Prez but if you lose, hey your lose your previous seat too.
similar to how conservatives are dreaming that Sarah Palin will ever become president," I always thought conservatives were against a woman for prez, or boss.
Well my friends, it's times like this I have to reassure myself that it really is just too, too funny how the supporters of bush, who was the most worst president EVER, have to rush here to try and defend the dolt palin, who is a dumb tart AND a hunter, who even has guns in the house. Disgusting!
This woman is just so completely irrelevent it is not EVEN funny. I am tired of dismissing her. Get out of my head, palin!
Anyways, we all know she stands zero chance of influencing the next election. Said election has already been won.Obama has done a bang on job of restoring America's standing in the world and soon unemployment will be back down to the usual 5 percent.Green shoots of recovery are everywhere and the dollar will soon return to its former strength, which will be a GOOD thing under Obama, but which was a BAD thing when bush co was invading certain foreign nations and serving plastic turkeys to the troops.
Yes, palin is finished.Tis sad indeed that she was ever even a factor. But hey, logic never was the repubs strong suite.
"the dolt"
"a dumb tart"
"a hunter"
A hunter! Gosh, how low can you get?
"I am tired of dimissing her"
But you're not tired of dissing her, are you?
"palin is finished"
Ha, that's what y'all were saying last November. And yet she's still not finished, is she?
First off, I thank you for the compliment I am very proud of my military background and serving under both Republican and Democrat Commanders in Chief and I appreciate your acknowledgement of that.
As a person who has spent a good of his life in the military I do understand maybe just a little more deeply than others who haven't what it really means to defend freedom. I will to try in my humble way to describe why I have this angst about a news agency staff devoting 11 reporters to fact check a memoir written by a former politician who may have future ambitions on the national stage. They're major challenges and a Democratic administration trying to impose some of the biggest changes in the relationship between the Government and the people in almost 70 years. Changes not seen since the New Deal of the Roosevelt administration since the Thirties. Changes that will affect every American from healthcare, mortgages, education and your favorite Climate change. Complex issues with complex legislation and barely time to even digest all. 1990 pages of health care reform legislation for example recently passed by the house. Here is my angst Sushi. I'd think reading through that slog would be more than enough for 11 paid reporters to earn a paycheck and report on than fact-checking a Sarah Palin's memoir. That 1990 pages is going to determine not only mine but every Americans financial decisions from the very day it gets passed (if it gets passed) and that is just for starters. Those 11 reporters could also be out there finding out exactly where that 789 billion dollars of stimulus money is actually doing. Nope....They're fact checking Sarah Palins memoir. Something they have never done on any other politicians memoir in history.
I think our press and our priorities are pretty screwed up when in these times the Press still feels that Palin deserves the 'full treatment' from them and this Administrations policies don't.
There it is, honest as I can tell you and my humble truthful opinion.
LOL!!! Sarge, Gombei424Canada is well known for his cutting sarcasm.
You totally fell for it.
Thanks for the laugh. :-)
Sail, thanks very much for your post - much appreciated.
My view is that as a potential GOP leader (although admittedly, there is not a lot of potential), Ms. Palin's background, character and idealogy should be checked.
The worrying thing is, she is lacking in so many areas that could - were she ever to be elected, cause enormous damage.
sarge: "Heh, STILL confusing Palin with Tina Fey? Some people will never get it."
No, I actually give Tina Fey a lot of credit for being smart and incredibly witty. Palin is complete trash, and dumb as a post.
If there's anyone who doesn't get it when it comes to Palin, sarge my boy, it's you.
Heh, it's like a bad soap opera that never ends....
Sarah Palin isn't the female politician who wants ordinary Americans to face jail terms if they don't subsidize health care for illegal aliens. No, I think her name is Nancy...
Methinks we protest too much.
I am ready to settle in with the idea of Palin running for president. I think she really is the best the Republicans can do. And Dan Quayle, Jeb Bush would be her VP if she asked. There is nobody more reasonable and experienced that the religious right will accept. If they want to shoot themselves in the head and show everybody what they really think of the nation, the process, women's rights, and so much more etcetera, maybe the rest of the country should sit back and watch them do it. And then vote.
But do you think Oprah will be allowed in the convention?
So which of the following is true?
McCain, the candidate all Republicans chose, made a wrong decision as his very first decision as candidate.
McCain made the right decision.Sarah says the second is true, but if it were true, he would have won and she would not be vilifying him in her book. So she contradicts herself. But she has to, because if the first is true, then she was a big mistake. (!)
We all know that the first is true, which makes you wonder why one would expect now that Republicans could make a reasonable choice. They chose McCain. He made a bad choice. They lost. They all lost. But Sarah, the mistake, will save them all. (?)
Republicans should just start over, but they won't. They will do what they do best and play the blame game, fight over the pie, and talk about Obama's bowing technique. It looks like addiction to me. Do they check into the 12 point program or do they buy another bottle of Palin Single-malt?
Spin as much as you like, Sail; that joke is freakin' hilarious! Almost as funny as Palin's chances of ever becoming POTUS!
I'm sure the females in your unit had quite the chuckle also.
Sarah Palin signals in her new book Going Rogue that she doesn't believe in evolution, panning it as theory that human beings "originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea." From the NYT Book Review Sunday past,
"Elsewhere in this volume, she talks about creationism, saying she “didn’t believe in the theory that human beings — thinking, loving beings — originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea” or from “monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.” In everything that happens to her, from meeting Todd to her selection by Mr. McCain for the Republican ticket, she sees the hand of God: “My life is in His hands. I encourage readers to do what I did many years ago, invite Him in to take over.”
For someone who conceptually would have been a heartbeat away from the Presidency, had McCain won the election, this statement is completely terrifying.
The Sarah Palin fear meter is going off the scale again. Just check out the lib's posting on this site alone (especially the non-voting foreigner liberals). It's even more apparent when they are reduced to calling her names, which, of course, is a natural reaction by liberals after all.
Too funny.
You want to peg it for good? Get David Duke to run with her.
The meter registers the fear that Republicans have completely lost their minds.
smith: "Palin is complete trash and dumb as a post...If there's anyone who doesn't get it when it comes to palin, sarge my boy, it's you"
No, smith, it's you, Sushi, Madverts, dude, LIBERTAS and yabits who don't get it.
RR - they call her names because they can't pin anything on her, plus they're bad mannered.
Sarge - "RR - they call her names because they can't pin anything on her, plus they're bad mannered."
You still don't get it.
They call Sarah Palin names because she is an idiot who speaks like an idiot, behaves like a diva, and talks trash.
"she is an idiot who speaks like an idiot, behaves like a diva, and talks trash"
Only in the figment of your twisted imagination, Sushi.
Moderator: Readers, that's enough.
It's a key reason why she dragged the GOP down last November Sarge.
Denial will get you nowhere. :-)
It's interesting how failure attracts failures like moths to a flame.
USAF. I think that the joke is funny, but I have to put on my South Park helmet and goggles first. Otherwise I have to take a shower afterward to wash off all the misogyny.
Libertas. Her beliefs about creationism are very common and well respected. Just not in this century. When people appear to speak seriously about creationism, I automatically think it is code. They are trying to find others to be friends with. I refuse to believe that people cannot accept evolution as the dominant theory AND explanation of life here. What do you think? Remember, Libertas. She is the best hope for the Republican party. They admire her. They bought her book and gave her money.
Palin gave the Republican ticket a shot in the arm, but it wasn't enough to drag the hapless McCain over the finish line. Obama had too much charisma.
"It's interesting how failure attracts failures"
Oh, so, anyone who supports Palin is a failure, now. Jeez, Sushi, stay classy.
Sarge, Sarah Palin is the commensurate Failure's Failure.
She sucked up to Big Oil in Alaska, allowed her handlers to let her get away with some real stupid stuff on the campaign trail (hello $150K shopping spree??), she can't remember the name of a single magazine she says that she reads 'all of', she can't control her kids, she can't control her own thoughts - let alone make a sensible sounding speech, and to cap off a stunning round of failures, she nearly single-handedly brings down the once-mighty GOP.
And the conservatives still love her.
That's what I mean when I said, "It's interesting how failure attracts failures."
Any sensible person would see her for the total failure she is and ditch her.
The fact that the GOP still sees Ms. Palin as a potential candidate is just mind-boggling and FANTASTIC news for President Obama.
If Republicans honestly believe that Mr. Duke represents what they are all about, they should welcome him. I cannot imagine Colin Powell in the same party as David Duke, but we know Colin Powell is getting squeezed out anyway. Republicans need solid ideas and strong values. I know he is a creationist and espouses traditional family values. His people all voted for Palin anyway. Why sugarcoat it? The Republican party should take the plunge. It would electrify the party at least as much as Sarah Palin did.
Palin/Duke 2012? or will it be Duke/Palin 2012?
Actually, Ms. Palin might - for once - be telling the truth when she said she's not sure about running for president in 2012.
In a recent interview with People magazine, Palin was asked if she could "have one job in the White House tomorrow, what would it be."
"It would be chief of staff, so I could start appointing people who would recognize those things that America needs to get our economy back on the right track and to secure our nation," she said.
But that's interesting because she is a member of the Republican Party, and only 2 days ago on the Oprah Winfrey show, she said "the reason we [GOP] lost is because the economy tanked under a Republication administration. ..."
So, a former key member of a party that imploded and took down the U.S. and global economies with it is now talking about "appointing people who would recognize those things that America needs to get our economy back on the right track."?
That's like one bit of tree rot saying to another piece of tree rot 'Let's make this tree healthy again.'
It's still rot.
One thing the GOP can be thankful to Sarah Palin for is that she has made dumb look sexy.
It's all in the glasses and the tailor made suits.
sarge: "Only in the figment of your twisted imagination, Sushi."
Quick question, sarge: who won the election last year in which the dolt sarah palin was running for VP?
So now, WHOSE twisted imagination are we talking about again, then? :) Oh wait, me, SushiSake, madverts, dude, and just about everyone else with their head on their shoulders. But Sushi said it best when he said: "It's interesting how failure attracts failures". He's bang on except that instead of 'interesting' I would say 'pathetic' is more apt. I notice you took offense to it, too. That's called guilt, sarge.
Sushi: "So, a former key member of a party that imploded and took down the U.S. and global economies with it is now talking about "appointing people who would recognize those things that America needs to get our economy back on the right track."?"
Brilliant! But let's watch sarge simply bounce this logic away with a, "No, you're wrong!"
"One thing the GOP can be thankful to Sarah Palin for is that she has made dumb look sexy."
I think 'dumb' is giving her too much credit. Downright stupid would be more apt.
Once again, the dolt and loser draws out the people who will guaranteed fracture the Republican party, and it's fun to sit and watch.
Sarge, you need to watch this -
about Sarah Palin's score-settling book "Going Rogue."
The funny thing is Palin has attacked so many staffers in her book - who would ever want to work with her again?
Palin self-destructs yet again.
"...but door is open"
And would subsequently be slammed on her ar$e on the way out the door as she gets the boot from the public. The US would have a LOT to be thankful for, whether they knew it or not -- it would GUARANTEE beyond a doubt the Democratic Party would win, it would solidify the fact that the country absolutely hates her beyond a splintered and shockingly dumb part of the GOP (the denial meter broke long ago!), and would go a long way to proving the US is not as silly as some try to represent on this site. On another plus side, it might finally pave the way for the dolt to seek some of the treatment she would clearly need if she thought she had a chance.
So please, please DO run, sarah. Your outright and embarrassing loss would be a service to the country.
I think you're all wrong in thinking Palin has no chance in winning the presidency. My friends you grossly underestimate the stupidity of the American public. Oh she's dumb all right...dumb as a box of rocks. Partisan party politics make some on here claims that she's not, that she's just had a bad shake in the media. They have to fool themselves to defend their party, and I can understand that. But deep down I think everyone knows she doesn't have upstairs what it takes to be President. I wouldn't mind looking at her for four years instead of some grey-haired shriveled up old bloke. But it would be a complete disaster and anyone who thinks otherwise is, well let's say misguided to be kind.
What do I mean about the American public - besides the obvious? Well, things like the fact that after the release of the movie '2012' there were enough idiots who actually believe the world is going to end (please, can I sell you my Y2K preparedness kit??) that NASA had to actually release a statement and address the issue. Thousands still believe JKF and Elvis share a room in some small town hideaway and that 'Jacko' is living somewhere in hiding with his chimp. They elected Carter and Bush a second time - need I say more?
As for her lying in the book - give me a break. What politician hasn't lied? No one seemed to bat an eye when their boy Billy Clinton was lying about his affairs or getting his the clown waxed in the oval office on our dime and lying about that - and he was President! So she would be a stupid president, and one that might lie. Pssst [she wouldn't be the first].
So be afraid. Be very afraid. She shouldn't ever be allowed to hold an office higher than 'Mrs. America', but the American people have proven themselves time and again to be dumb enough to accomplish the unimaginable. And just to note, this isn't a knock on Americans; I am one and we can be beautifully kind, compassionate, insightful, brilliant and great. But then there are other times.
If the GOP puts Palin up they are guaranteeing and 8 year Obama presidency. Most of the Republicans I know don't think she's qualified. I could never vote for her because of her stand on social issues. Come on GOP get smart a give us a fiscal conservative, social liberal to pull independents like me.
I can't wait till she re-enters politics and helps put the final stake through the cold, grey heart of the republican party.
I would not hire this woman to clean my toilet, let alone any job that requires any sort of intelligence. If your 5 year old child needs a complicated type of surgery do you go the “down-to-earth” and “inspiration to all patriots” doctor or do you go to the best doctor possible, with experience, skill, and intelligence. Being president of the United States requires vast amounts of problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and intelligence. When I hire someone I do not look for someone “down-to-earth” and “inspiration to all patriots”, I look for someone who can get the job done. Why should electing a president any different. This woman may have a good heart, but she is not qualified to be in any type of leadership position that could affect the lives of people. I have been a Republican for 54 years and I know there are highly intelligent Republican leaders out there. However, Republicans can never hope to hold the presidency if we continue to hold out such morons as this woman as our leader.
FOX would hire her.
where there's smoke, there's fire
I don't think it's the voters that sarah palin has to worry about. It's her fellow GOPers. I cannot imagine sarah palin surviving the primaries when all of the other candidates point out that she quit on Alaska.
She dug her own political grave and now she's dancing atop it. It's just a matter of time before she falls in.
SushiSake3: "Palin self-destructs yet again"
Only in SushiSake3's twisted imagination.
tigermoth: "we can be beautifully kind, compassionate, insightful, brilliant and great. But then there are other times."
Like when we elected Obama?
Taka313: "sarah palin"
Yeah, keep refusing to capitalize her name in your continuing childish, pathetic attempt to belittle her.
"She dug her own political grave"
We'll see, won't we?
You certainly will see, Sarge. Palin is securing President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama's second term.
No, palin is not securing Pres. Obama's 2nd term. I doubt she'll even make it to Super Tuesday. You have to remember: when the going gets tough, the not-so-tough quit. You bet'cha.
I was just drawing a mental picture of Palin at the top her game in custodial services -- with kids named Plunge, Snake, and Rooter.
Taka, I stand corrected. Thank you!
Which says more about you than you will ever understand.
Stay classy there, 'liberal champion of the worker' - and keep telling everyone on this forum you are all about seeing women empowered, and all about seeing our corrupt political class replaced by ordinary working class folks.
Sore because I forgot to mention the littlest Palins, Trap and Drain? (She dropped two more since my previous post.)
(obscure reference alert)
"Rooter...We named the dog rooter."
If Gov. Palin is so "not it", why is it that the media just can't leave her alone? Why is it that libs have to snip and snipe at everything she does, insomuch as publishing a doppelganger book detracting from her on the same day as her autobio is released? What is further tellign is that all the other major contenders for the GOP nomination are not getting nearly the negative press Sara Palin is.....if they are getting any press a'tall...
blue tiger,
paris hilton gets more press than palin. who cares?
Fox looked into a show for her, but they found out that she cannot talk for more than a minute without confusing everyone. So they dropped it. She really wanted a talk show.
Do any of Palin's detractors here, people who undoubtedly regard our mainstream media as perfectly objective and unbiased, care to offer an opinion as to why the AP felt they needed eleven 'fact-checkers' to go through the memoirs of a supposedly irrelevant politician, when the same media organization decided only two fact-checkers were needed to review a 2000 page health care bill that will nationalize 1/6th of the world's largest, most dynamic economy????
Whenever Sarah Palin opens her mouth the stuff that comes out is comedic genius. I still dont understand how conservatives take her seriously. When she talks about Iraq even though she was asked about Iran you really have to wonder whether shes anything more than a party-line parrot. If you dont then I guess youre a lost cause.
"It" meaning so not "fit for leadership." However....
Because she and her family, including the "ex-boyfriend" as her daughter's baby's daddy is now referred to, are essentially tabloid figures. Akin to Kathy Lee Gifford and Angelina Jolie, Palin sparks curiousity and strong feelings -- which sells the tabloids.
The teabaggers, birthers, and assorted superstitious wackadoos and know-nothings who make up a significant and vocal percentage of the right wing need a representative for their bleating and bellowing menagerie.
Undoubtedly regard the media as perfectly objective?? There's a vast difference between this mythical state of perfect objectivity and striving for objectivity. Fox, for example, makes very little in the way of an attempt at objectivity -- just as you have with your continual misrepresentations of what Palin's detractors regard.
As to the number of fact-checkers, it's probably because when a field is more vast and more fertile, you need more workers to harvest it. Why aren't the right wing news outlets hiring more checkers for the health care proposal, if they think it's that full of holes?
The real question is this: How many lies, mistatements, and other misrepresetations does it take before the average hard-core Palin supporter starts to realize something is wrong. (The world may never know, despite the lists that are now coming out from the book.)
"Whenever Sarah Palin opens her mouth the stuff that comes out is comedic genius."
"I still don't understand how conservatives take her seriously."
That's because you're not a conservative.
BlueTiger -
It's not Palin per se that the media is keeping its eye on; rather, it's those who continue to support her despite all of the proven facts regarding her complete unsuitability for any public office. Think back to the 2008 election, folks; it wasn't Democrats calling Obama "Dear Leader" or "Messiah" - it was the Republicans, trying to distort the hopes we as Americans felt when Obama was elected. Bottom line: We Democrats never saw Obama as more than a President, whereas the Republicans tried (in vain) to paint us as blind followers through their shameless propaganda.
Palin's weaknesses, by contrast, are a matter of record, brought to light by the media (thank Christ). Yet, some people still support her, not because she's worth a damn, but simply because she's NOT Obama. Thankfully, the number of her supporters is dwindling; Americans still distrust the Republican Party overall far more than they do the Democrats. But, Palin's supporters represent a lunatic fringe element that, no matter how large, needs to be kept in check before they can initiate violent action against the duly-elected President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama.
The very "blind faith" of which the Republicans wrongfully accused the Democrats is now visible and demonstrable in the Republicans' attitude towards Palin. Palin supporters rally around her not due to facts, intelligent discourse, or reasoning, but rather due to emotion, unsupported "belief", racism, and hatred. Kind of reminds me of another group we see in the news who just "know" they're right and everyone else is wrong - what was their name, again? Oh, wait, now I remember...
That is a very good point, and one that highlights the difference between what those on the right and left view in leaders in general. The right seems to feel more comfortable with the rigid authoritarian who can take charge and "get things done." (Of course, those types usually create far more problems than they actually solve.)
Another split comes in how much a person views the United States as an "exceptional" country, specially blessed by God Almighty -- who is willing to alter the laws of the universe and economics in her behalf. To those who subscribe to that view, America can run roughshod over everyone else because God has ordained it.
The more rational, realistic view is that the United States, while having enjoyed a unique period of power and prosperity through the circumstance of a great global war, is ultimately just another country that will eventually be relegated to its own level based on the capabilities and achievements of its people today. (And we're going to have to learn to play nice with the other kids on the block.)
Exactly. When she made the stupid statement that Senator Obama "pals around with terrorists," she was speaking for and resonating with every ignorant bigot in the country.
yabits -
An excellent point, but unfortunately, it only underscores the confusion within the ranks of the right-wing. Consider, if you will, the above point alongside the conservatives' constant whining about "big government"; on the one hand, they want a "take charge" type of leader, yet on the other hand, they don't want government "interference".
My question to the Republicans: What do you expect of our government leaders, if not to govern?!
"Thankfully, the number of her supporters is dwindling"
According to who? You?
"What do you expect of our government leaders, if not to govern?!"
We expect them to lead, not control our lives.
Sarge, According to the facts.
Your response is a cop-out.
USAFdude; Yet another post where you show that you do not understand the running of high office. Palin will run, will win!
Great post sarge, giving it to the Liberals in a great conscise manner.
USAFdude; If you are still employed by 2012 (after Obama`s amssive military spending cuts),you will be proud of Palin to be President.
She will ensure safety for the homeland and our military and will increase spending and is n ot afraid to liberate rogue states.
If Palin is so despised and a figure of fun, why do the Liberals care about her and keep taking pot shots at the poor woman.
I beleive the plans to run, she is a very competent and viable candidate to beat Obama in 2012.
My head almost popped reading this. Is there any consistency in the GOP message? Is government spending bad or good? I don't understand the message at all...
Dick, The reduction in force started on bush's watch. It's one of the main reasons we troops voted Democrat this time, and next.
Yes, there is a very strange contradiction at work within the minds of many conservatives. More spending on the military, for example, to "liberate rogue countries" only creates even more spending to take care of all the wounded veterans for the many years they will live on disability.
When a Sarah Palin or Ronald Reagan comes along and throws out the line "the government IS the problem...," you have to laugh when you finish the statement "...and I want to be right there leading that problem!"
If we take another look at the U.S.'s national motto, E Pluribus Unum, it could be translated as "Unity from Diversity." But as we all know, the Palin-types simply hate diversity. Rather than form wise compromises to gather support for issues as President Obama is doing, the right wing conservatives decry anyone who won't march behind them in lock step. It's whole loaf or nothing for them.
It could.
But that would be incorrect.
It would only be incorrect if "many" and "diverse" are not synonymns, or "one" and "unified". There is no "one correct way" to translate from one language to another. Those with extremely narrow minds may disagree.
"Out of many, One."
The 'diversity' clap trap was unknown and unimaginable in 1776.
It is no more relevant today.
Pretty funny what you wrote. Most of you lefties like to call the framers of the Constitution racists and elitists (with all their pretentious Latin), but when it suits your purposes you try and co-opt their efforts and make them into members in good standing of your church of post-modernism.
Victimcrat, you do realize your explanation doesn't support your position?
You don't know my position. And I'd be willing to bet you don't know much history either.
Well I can read what you're saying and your stated position on what "e pluribus unum" means and the explanation you provided are opposed to each other.
Identity politics is bull sh-t.
Lesson over.
Ouch, must be painful. You can't back up your statement...
Identity politics has a long history in the US. It didn't just pop up in the 60's.
Back to Palin, at a recent appearance in Wisconsin, at a Right to Life fundraiser, Palin thought it would be good to attack the decision to move the "In God We Trust" motto to the edge of the presidential dollar coin. "Who calls a shot like that?," Sarah decried.
(Answer: George W. Bush)
Sarah Palin: The Republican gift that keeps on giving.
As was the term "paranoid fringe," but that hasn't deterred Palin and her followers.
"USAFdude; If you are still employed by 2012 (after Obama`s amssive military spending cuts),you will be proud of Palin to be President."
This is known as the "push fear button" tactic. It is a Republican staple. As far as I know, Obama is not planning cuts. If he were, it would amount to stopping war, which has great benefits. We all know that war is full of waste. Calling that waste a legitimate part of the defense budget is unrealistic.
There are plenty of things for the US military to do instead of what they are doing. It might not sound as sexy as bombing people or dodging explosives, but the Chinese military is getting rich and either stealing or developing new technologies. The Japanese military is always ready for defense, and when that gets just too boring, it moves in to help with natural disasters. Even Sweden can find ways to keep the military doing useful tasks while still providing defense services.
To tell you the God's honest truth, I would be ecstatic if the TSA were abolished and actual military personnel took over. Everyone could learn so much more about mutual respect and I would not tolerate someone criticizing a real live US military uniform. I would let the US Army check me and my things. I trust them with my life anyway, right? There is honor there that I do not expect from the TSA. If I am not mistaken, the Israelis do this. Those skills would also help immensely in disaster situations or in other countries. Such duties would advance military authority and PR and give military personnel useful skills for working with people and devices and protect a modern society.
Anyway, this post is topical because someone like Palin would look at the situation and see someone as either SUPPORTING OR HATING "the troops" and then exploit diverse opinions. A pragmatic, intelligent leader would acknowledge that roles have to change to make the US a stronger more modern nation. My fervent hope is that whether Palin stays or leaves, that people in the US will be able to leave that old mode of folksy, knee-jerk, Christo-nationalism behind and move on to find pragmatic solutions to problems.
Unfortunately for people like you a great many of Palin's followers are moderates and independents.
An independent, by definition, is not a "follower." So you've shot yourself in the foot yet again.
An independent might agree with two or three of Palin's positions, but that is a long way from outright support. Independents know that a stopped clock is right two times a day.
Palin and the rest of the country understand that is why Obama has lost them in a mere ten months.
"Every Democrat should send her a campaign contribution"
But no Democrat will do that, because every Democrat is scared to death of her.
Not of her, per se, but rather of the Anti-Americanism she foments.
"Not of her, per se, but rather of the Anti-Americanism she foments."
That could be the most right on thing I have ever read.I hate fomenters.There really is something anti-American about Sarah Palin. Alaska really is practically a foreign country. I wouldn't be surprised if one of her parents is foreign-born.
Question for all the Palin haters:
Did you think John Kerry's vice presidential running mate John Edwards was a good choice? Yeah? Then how come ya'll can be considered to be qualified to judge Sarah Palin?
Edwards was not a good choice but Kerry ran a poor campaign. It was no surprise...
"There really is something anti-American about Sarah Palin"
That's daft. There's nothing anti-American about Sarah Palin.
Edwards never should have resigned his Senate seat after only two years in the face of ethics investigations.
Oh wait... that was Palin. Carry on.
Oh stop it now...I'm trying to visualize the mess of a Palin prez campaign. Surely the GOP would never let it happen. Romney or Huckabee are light years ahead as candidates.
"Oh wait... that was Palin. Carry on."
Palin was a governor, not a senator. Carry on.
"I'm trying to visualize the mess of a Palin prez campaign"
Dream on.
Do you mean "dream on" as in: "a Palin campaign will never happen"?
But the quitter charge still stands with palin. It must grind your gears that the new messiah can't even finish a single four year term.
You also like to take pot shots at Tina Fey's intelligence. Between Tina and sarah, who has a job and is a productive member of society?
(hint: it's the smart one.)
You're not on Facebook?
Palin has become something of a rallying point for rednecks and reactionaries of the pre-Brown vs. Board of Education and pre-Rowe vs. Wade persuasion, who are unable to reconcile themselves with the ways US laws and society have evolved over the past 40 or so years. They are easily swayed by demagogues like Reagan, Bush, etc., this despite the fact that electing conservatives to the presidency did not succeed in reversing any of the issues they so vociferously oppose. Even packing the Supreme Court with conservative justices failed to halt change -- although it may have slowed down stem cell research for a few years.
Palin has become something of a rallying point for rednecks and reactionaries of the pre-Brown vs. Board of Education and pre-Rowe vs. Wade persuasion, who are unable to reconcile themselves with the ways US laws and society have evolved over the past 40 or so years.
Guess that's why her first interview to promote her book was on 'Oprah'.
What does that have to do with anything? She went on Oprah to promote her book. Oprah makes books sale. That is why Oprah has been nominated one of the most powerful and influential women in the US. It is for the money. She is trying to do all the things President Obama did during his climb to the top. Problem is she can't do it like he did because his story is true. Hers is made up and proven by outside sources to be a lie.
Most of Oprah's fan base voted for President Obama because she endorsed him. You won't see her endorsing Palin in 2012. Who do you think Oprah and fans base will follow?
Taka313 ( notice I continue to properly capitalize your handle, even though you refuse to properly capitalize my handle, or Sarah Palin's name ) - "the quitter charge still stands with palin"
As if everyone who's ever quit a job is somehow bad or inferior. Since you think so little of her and her ability, don't you think she did Alaskans a favor by quitting? Shouldn't you be praising her for quitting instead of ostracizing her?
"Between Tina ( Fey ) and sarah, who has a job and is a productive member of society? hint: it's the smart one."
Um, You must have missed the past week's news -Sarah just released a book that's flying off the shelves. You should read it - you might learn something.
Not to bad for a woman of African descent if you ask me. I believe beezie''s, point was Palin base shuns those kind of folks.....Sorta silly if she was trying to appeal to her base she would be on Oprah dont'cha think?
I already know where Russia is.
I hope she runs. She has more common sense than most of the U.S. criminal politicians. She doesn't believe in the Global Warming con, and is against healthcare reform (another con to control the U.S. population through more Democratic tax-and-spend).
But the fact that liberals are in a lather about her even speaking in public (they hate women, you know) is enough for me.