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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle
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I think she is mocking Obama, photographed on one of his many vacations pedalling around on an ordinary bicycle in MOM jeans and a safety helmet. She shouldd be careful.
She was also quoted, "I love that smell of the emissions," apparently making light of global climate change, even this late in the day when such changes are making themselves manifest. Ha, ha! - let's see her roll through Joplin and continue in that vein!
What a loser.
This woman is simply a media creation. She has no credible shot whatsoever at being President. Even other Republicans want her to go away. The only reason she still makes headlines is so people can come here and rehash the same old political debates. She's nothing more than a political celebrity at this point and a way for publishers to make a quick cash grab.
Palin definitely looks cooler in her motorcycle helmet than Obama in his bicycle helmet.
"On the windshield of Palin's bike: a likeness of George W. Bush. Next to it the words "Miss me?"
I know GWB is missed by many JT posters, ha ha!
"Palin's star power"
I know this confounds many JT posters, ha ha!
It confounds me in the sense that she embodies everything that is wrong with American political leadership. I wont mind if she proves me wrong but thankfully she will never have such an opportunity.
"she embodies everything that is wrong with American political leadership"
In what way?
Run, Sarah, run!
I wonder if Obama can hear the Rolling Thunder.
I just dont want any more leaders who have no executive or business leadership experience. I dont want someone who resigns their only term as Governor to chase her own ambitions. I dont want any more right-wing bullies (nor left-wing wimps) because they just dont back up their tough talk. I dont want any more politicians chasing after oil money or trying to invest Americas future in carbon fuels. Whether or not you believe in global-warming doesnt bother me - look at the Gulf of Mexico and Talmadge Creek or even the dependence on the Middle East. Find a better way. I dont want any more shouting over evolution or God in schools. That argument is not putting food on tables. No more gun talk either! The gun debate is over, the pro-gun side won the argument and the occasional massacre is the price we have to pay.
Her job is not to stand around talking about GWB or slamming Obama. Her job is to start coming up with sensible solutions for repairing Americas economy, reclaiming American respect overseas, countering Chinese dominance and lowering Americas massive prison population.
I want to hear that she is working on these issues. I do.
Good to see her honoring our Veterans on Memorial Day and riding with them. I do have to also admit at the risk of being called sexist. She also looks pretty darn good riding on the back of that good old American made Harley.
"I just don't want any more leaders who have no executive or business leadership experience"
Palin worked as a sportscaster and sports reporter before she became Alaska governor.
Like a classless twit, palin crashed the Vietnam Memorial Ride. They didn't want her there. But no she had to disgrace it with her presence.
What a classless baffoon.
Many Americans feel threatened by the intelligentsia and are wont to think that somehow a straight-talking politician can fix the nation's problems. It's quite obvious that no solutions are forthcoming, and as a result more people in desperate need of some sort of catharsis feel moved to engage in bitter attacks on party politics. If one thing is certain, trying to convince the U.S. public that the nation can afford both guns and butter is doomed to fail. If the country wants to fight wars (note the plural) it should ask Congress for a declaration of war, impose military conscription and raise taxes. And if none of these are feasible, bring the troops home.
Like a classless twit, palin crashed the Vietnam Memorial Ride. They didn't want her there. But no she had to disgrace it with her presence.
What a classless baffoon.
According to ABC News:
ABC News' Sheila Marikar [@sheilaym] reports: For the riders of Rolling Thunder, the news that Sarah Palin will participate in their national rally on Sunday came as a surprise. A welcome surprise.
“I think that’s wonderful,” said Gerri Tramel, president of one of Rolling Thunder’s Tennessee chapters. “Anybody that’s involved -- Republican, Democrat, independent, whatever -- if you’re involved with our veterans, I think that’s wonderful. Not just Sarah Palin -- anyone that’s a politician.”
For more than 20 years, as many as half a million motorcycle riders from across the country have descended on Washington, D.C., during Memorial Day weekend to raise awareness about prisoners of war and those missing in action. Rolling Thunder announced Thursday that Palin accepted an invitation to participate in its May 29 rally. She’ll kick off her One Nation Tour the same day, a bus trip along the northeast coast that aims “to educate and energize Americans about our nation's founding principles.”
Snow machines? "“My family may be used to snow machines more so than motorcycles.”"
we always called the skidoos or snomobiles. maybe it's a Wasilla thing...
palin (sp) crashed the Vietnam Memorial Ride. They didn't want her there.
Pure nonsense, lad.
Rolling Thunder's national parliamentarian, Mike De Paulo, said Mrs. Palin was, in fact, invited to the event by an Alaskan veterans' group.
Heh, it's interesting to read that Our Sarah is milking the attention for everything she can get.
She clearly needs people to think she is considering running for president for as loooong as possible because the moment she announces she isn't, her speaker fees will plummet and she won't be able to command anywhere near as much money to pay off the bills related to all the ethics scandals against her.
The press reported she has hired 2 new staff. Crap. They were old ones that she fired who must have been desperate as hell for a job. They never did much beyond making sure she got to airports and appearances on time - just right when you are pushing your book.
She's touring Washington and the north east - places where people actually have a clue and subsequently hate her. Why would she do that? Because that's where big media is that can help her push her book and media interests.
Has Our Sarah set up any kind of credible campaign infrastructure in Ohio or New Hampshire?
Might she wing it in those states? Possibly, but it would be off the smell of an oily rag.
Would Our Sarah have an ice cube's chance in hell of winning a serious debate about relevant campaign planks against the likes of Tom Pawlenty or Mitt Romney?
Are you kidding? She'll get run over by a bus.
Watch her stretch out the question of her running as long as possible.
Then watch the crash and the tears of all her followers who wake up next morning with a serious case of buyer's remorse.
This woman is a joke.
sushisake3 - Mate, we are lucky we don't have women as thick as Our Sarah down in Oz, eh.
Actually, I am starting to worry a little about this woman.It occured to me that stunts like this will resonate with middle America. With the smooth-talking teleprompter reading Obama in office many of us Democrats have forgotten the importance of the "BBQ test." Which candidate do you think blends in most easily at a BBQ on your block? Palin passes it for many folks.Obama did in 08, but I think the perception is different now.
Insisting that she was wanted there simply because a few bikers got on along side with her and caused probably as much noise as the black trucks do in Kyoto or Tokyo is silly. For that matter I don't see how revving a loud bike (and in this case) draws attention to POWs/MIA -- I just see how it creates a lot of irritating noise. But in that, the dolt fits in perfectly.
“My family may be used to snow machines more so than motorcycles.”
Another classic palin quotation! How could people seriously want a woman this utterly stupid to run for office (again)?
Funny no conservatives are talking about why Our Sarah was on the back of a bike and not riding one.
I'll stab in the back - ehrr.. dark - it's because she can't ride but she's real good at taking others for one. :-)
I was thinking similar(being a Biker) she should have had her own ride. Not just been a Pillion on a family or invited club members bike.
Said that I am not american so the political side means zilch.
This just after the Mississippi floods? Who writes her lines for her - I think it's gone beyond gaffes now and it's become shtick.
I'd hazard to say its because it was her Daughter Willow who was up front shifting the gears and doing the honors. Pretty cool her Daughter can handle a Harley.
One of the inspiring aspects about Our Sarah is that you can take Sarah out of Wasilla but you can't take the Wasilla out of Our Sarah. :-)
This just after the Mississippi floods? Who writes her lines for her
That would be Martin Luther King Jr. if you want to know the origin of the line.
The last chapter of the history of the country once known as the United States will be "Sarah Palin elected president".
Actually, the motorcycle thing recalls the failed candidacy, in 1996, of Maurice "Morry" Taylor, who entered the Republican convention that year with a motorcycle rally. In another similarity with "mama grizzly" Palin, Taylor's nickname was "the Grizz."
His campaign that year makes for good reading, especially as described by author Micheal Lewis in his book Losers:The Road to Everyplace but the White House. I am sure that an updated edition will include Palin.
Reminds me of loser John Kerry riding a Harley on the stage of the Jay Leno show. Didn't get him much either, did it!!? Salute, nonetheless, to the brave souls who did their time (and a major salute for those who gave their lives) in duty for their country.
I don't believe America won anything by electing his opponent; the country came up a loser in 2000 and 2004. Kerry was a guy who served his time honorably in the line of battle. A special salute goes out on Memorial Day to the Swift-Boaters and other conservatives who spit on the service of guys like Kerry and Max Cleland when there was political hay to make.
"A special salute goes out on Memorial Day to the Swift-Boaters and other conservatives who spit on the service of guys like Kerry and Max Cleland when there was political hay to make."
I hear ya! Still hard to believe that John Kerry - a senator! - estimated to have (along with his wife) a fortune of close to a billion dollars, did not hire the absolute best, most ruthless legal team in America and go after those Swiftboat people. I guess he thought, for whatever reason, that his case was not as airtight as the media tried to make it. Oh well.
Sarah Putin kicks ass!
It's American politics meets reality TV. Sarah turns people on, in a positive way and a negative way. She will never be president, and she knows it, but she's milking the show for all it's worth. She is definitely made in America, 10% balls and 90% BS, and it sells. At least enough.
believe I said the same thing
"The last chapter of the history of the country once known as the United States will be "Sarah Palin elected president"
No, that will be "Barack Obama re-elected president."
My guess is that it never really crossed anyone's mind. I suppose if I sat here long enough, made out a very long list of criticisms that included anything possible, it might find it's way somewhere down on the list. But it's not like I'd rush to an internet message board and post a message about it. That would be kind of creepy.
Is it possible that George W. Bush will make a comeback and run for the Republican nomination? If he does, gets the nomination, and the economy tanks with unemployment hitting 20% and he actually beats Obama in November, he could make Palin Secretary of State. His veep would be Cain or somebody like that.
Nice try sailwind.
Rolling Thunder spokesman Ted Shpak said Friday that the former Republican vice presidential candidate was a "big distraction" from their mission of trying to bring awareness to prisoner of war/missing in action issues.
"She wasn't invited," he told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "We don't endorse nobody. We have our program after our run down at the Lincoln Memorial and she's not invited to speak. We're not endorsing her."
"I know it's an open event," Mitchell noted. "She can get on the back of a Harley but you're not exactly going to have her bus as part of your event."
"Absolutely not. We're here for a reason and in a way this is been taking away from the reason we're here," Shpak explained. "It's a big distraction."
Palin is not gonna run. Like Huckabee, she's earning way too much money, in the millions, way more than Obama has ever earned before becoming President. (Too bad, Huckabee seems an OK guy.) She's not gonna give all that up for a "paltry" Presidential salary that comes with a lot of criticisms that she cannot avoid just by not talking to the right networks.
Palin is not "presidential material". However she does appeal to a certain faction of her party - which makes her valuable. She will deliver both campaign money and votes for whomever the Republicans run next year.
It also seems the party uses Palin as a propaganda device to deliver groin-kicks to Obama and the Democrats while the mainline GOP can pretend to be above it all. All in all, politics as usual.
Love Palin. She is a self-made woman.
It must be infuriating for Repubs like Bachman and Pawlenty that Palin can announce participation in an event like this on her Facebook page can get a bigger media reaction than the two of them would get announcing presidential bids.
glycol57 is right.Palin is a sort of kingmaker within the party.
No, the 22nd amendment to the constitution creates a term limit for Presidents, meaning they can be elected to no more then 2 terms.
I'll go with what the Rolling Thunder organization said after MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell displayed her fine journalistic skills in regards to Palin.
Turns out, as per organization spokesperson Christine Colborne, Palin had been invited, but had RSVP’d too soon for the group to announce her arrival to all its members.
Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey called up the organization and got in touche with Colborne, who explained that the issue was one of “internal miscommunication” and that Palin had been invited by Michael DiPaolo, a retired board member. Ted Shpak, another organization spokesperson and veteran himself, hadn’t been notified of Palin’s appearance by the time he went on Andrea Mitchell Reports and was seriously concerned that Palin would be a “distraction”:
Sailwind is right I'm afraid. Palin has again stolen the thunder of every politician on the national scene who commemorated Memorial Day.
Actually Palin is in the wrong here. You would think after an invite to ride with the Rolling Thunder Veterans she would have paused and considered the security concerns and the hype she would create and taken a pass. Her quick " Hell Yeah" response to ride with them just shows yet again a total lack of judgement from a backwards hick from Wasilla Alaska who has no business being on the national scene.
Yes, she is. Being invited by a "retired board member" does not mean she gets to use the Rolling Thunder event as the kick-off point for her own agenda. As soon as anyone in her entourage realized that there was internal conflict and "serious concerns" about her appearance within Rolling Thunder Veterans, she should have pulled out if she had any genuine respect for that organization at all.
It is amazing how this woman Palin can get so many of my fellow Democrats worked up. Most progressives, and young Jon Stewart fans in particular, would ignore or ridicule these biker vets. But once Palin joins them we pretend to get all indignant, act like this woman has muscled aside a thousand biker guys, made victims of them - made them one of us, basically - and highjacked their event.
I'm a progressive and a veteran with a Vietnam service ribbon. I've never met another progressive who ridiculed my service.
Far from being indignant, I personally feel the event clearly shows Palin as the self-centered person she is -- someone who is oblivious to genuine grace and ethical behavior. It's no wonder you're so drawn to her.
Good for Sarah Palin and good for her for bringing Media national attention to this event and the cause they represent.
Palin: "People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation - much like building a mosque at Ground Zero."
I agree with this.
You seriously believe she gives a rat's about the event or the cause? It's all about self-publicity, dude... bringing in the punters who'll pay top dollar to hear her inane rantings.
Only to the extent of how it makes her look. It's just another trophy on her mantle.
That there might have been some media additional media attention on the event itself, the focus was all on her and her bus tour. Concerns as to her being a distraction were entirely justified. It's kind of funny to witness conservative defenders of Palin rationalize this. They are bound by ideology to draw a bullseye around every arrow shot -- no matter where it lands or who it hits.
Yes I do, no offense but you have not really given a compelling reason why she shouldn't. I guess her oldest son serving in the Military should be off the table now also.
If Palin runs and gets the nomination, she'll have the votes of the vast majority of American Jews, who are disillusioned with Obama.
Sailwind - "Her quick "Hell Yeah" response to ride with them just shows yet again a total lack of judgement from a backwards hick from Wasilla Alaska who has no business being on the national scene."
I'd agree with you there.
The idiot palin, who ignored all questions, deserves no answers as to why. People who defend her with "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but arguments" cannot take out the woman's mental retardation as the main factor for their vote.
It's true, 'gawd don't make no gawbaj!', but the key is in preventing people like the dolt in making it a part of their platform.
Yabits, you got that right. Anybody who would bail out of their term as elected governor of a state to go off and earn millions is certainly self centered and oblivious. Palin is not presidential material. But she may be crazy like a fox when it comes to money.
Then you are lucky as hell. That was common about 30 years ago.
Huh, calling Palin an idiot again eh? And yet despite her supposed handicap, she is doing quite well for herself. I question the intelligence of libs who constantly attack and belittle a woman, not because of her mental stature, which despite the rants to the contrary, she obviously doesn't lack, but rather because of her beliefs. Because when you get down to it, thats the reason for all the attacks and the vitriol. The loons, on this board and elsewhere feel she has betrayed their expectations by being a successful conservative woman. To them, there is no greater crime.
Now this I agree with completely.
Reviewing the posts here I would have to agree with certain American social commentators that hating on conservative women is the last acceptable form of misogyny in America.ironic
Lucky my a$$. I was stationed on both coasts over 30 years ago and never encountered it, nor did I ever hear of any of my shipmates encountering it. The myth that such things were "common" is simply an example of conservative hatred being projected onto others. Or perhaps it was common in Arizona.
As for Palin attending Rolling Thunder to honor her son, she made no indication of it. Rather, she rode in with an icon of Bush 43 on her bike, and a political statement.
yabits:"I'm a progressive and a veteran with a Vietnam service ribbon. I've never met another progressive who ridiculed my service."
If this is actually true (we're on the internet...),I doubt anyone seeing that you were in Vietnam (drafted? signed up "to fight Communism?") and on here referencing Roy Cohn for some bizarre reason, is going to mistake you for being a young progressive.
The internet may give some the license to lie -- such as those who show up here under new handles on a regular basis -- I subscribe to a different policy.
It's really not so bizarre. Like yourself, Cohn could claim to have registered as a Democrat though spent much of his time undermining them and supporting Republicans -- along with other organized crime figures. He, although not solely for that reason, was one of the most sad, pathetic, fundamentally dishonest individuals in 20th century America. Rotten inside and out. (But I'm not accusing you of rising to that level.)
Now, as for Palin's son -- who enlisted to serve in the military just as I did -- I've yet to hear of any progressive who has criticized his service. Palin can be criticized since she quit her post for money. What's really ironic is the most criticism I've seen levied at the service of any veterans has come from the conservative-sponsored Swift Boaters and their ilk.
"she quit her post for money"
Palin resigned because all those frivolous charges against her while she was governor was making it impossible to do her job.
Palin's a good fisher-woman. She gets the suckers to swallow her story hook, line and sinker.
She is an even better lightning rod. She gets all these loons to constantly strike at her. They almost frothing at the mouth in irrational rage at the success of a conservative woman. To a loon, theres nothing more evil and wrong then that.
The vast majority of progressives -- and I'm talking high 90 percent -- do not feel any "rage" whatsoever at Sarah Palin. Once again this is an obviously mentally unstable person projecting their own feelings onto others.
Humor is our main stock in trade -- thank you Tina Fey -- and Sarah gives us a great many laughs. As do her clueless fans.
So, yabits, do you think the U.S. should be borrowing money from China and giving it to the Muslim Brotherhood, or do you think Sarah Palin is right?
Trouble is, Palin plays the media like a violin. I thought only us progressives produced pols who could do that. Worrisome for 2012.It's like she is showing Repubs how it is done.
Palin is worse than Bush. America is in big trouble if this bozo gets power.
She should wear a Bozo the Clown outfit.
lol, just reading back over your posts would make any rational people question your comments. Looking over some of the posts other then yours, likewise belies your comment. The irrational hate expressed by these deranged loons, who constantly attack and belittle this woman, for no explainable or rational reason, says more then anything else precisely how successful she is.
Heh, a mentally incompetent idiot would make a better President then our current one. Palin, would be a huge step up. That said, I wouldn't vote for her either, unless she actually got the nomination.
If Palin runs and wins the nomination, who would she pick for her running mate?
Actually, I would think Condi Rice would be an excellent choice. It would bolster her Foriegn policy credentials and drive Liberals totally nuts.
Yes, I well understand that Palin has high negatives amongst conservatives as well.
Still, there is a vast difference in the emotional field between disdain, such as many feel towards Palin, and rage, which almost nobody does. I understand that, when she first became governor of Alaska, she took on a lot of entrenched Republican interests in her state. I can respect her for that.
Since then, she really hasn't done anything that rises to the level of something I could respect -- and that goes double for her phony-baloney bus tour.
You finally actually looked at her real record? Good on ya.
The vast majority of progressives -- and I'm talking high 90 percent -- do not feel any "rage" whatsoever at Sarah Palin.
Total nonsense. Progressives "joked" about her being gang-raped and her underage daughter having sex with a professional baseball player (Would any of this have been tolerated against Michelle Obama or Obama's children?).
Leftists loathe Mrs. Palin because she shines a bright light on their shame and unworthiness, which they try desperately to deny.
With her children and grandchild, her religion and her patriotism, Mrs. Palin is the antithesis of everything liberals stand for.
Palin-Rice vs Obama-Biden... hmmm...
That "joke" never made it to any of the progressive sites I frequent: The Nation, Mother Jones, The Progressive, etc. I'll bet it was a plant on a blog site by a right-winger. I do recall Sean Hannity on WSB radio in Atlanta, referring to Chelsea Clinton as the "White House dog." That kind of "humor" is de rigueur for right-wingers.
LOL! That's pretty funny. Outside of fodder for comedy, most progressives don't think Palin has anything to say that carries any weight whatsoever. She doesn't rise to the level of someone who could inspire loathing -- like a General Franco. I certainly don't loathe her.
Liberals against children and grandkids? It's clear to see that there's not any kind of mind at work behind such a statement.
That "joke" never made it to any of the progressive sites I frequent
Heh, leave it to "progressive sites" to conveniently overlook comments disparaging Mrs. Palin and her children made by Sarah Bernhardt and David Letterman.
Selective memory: Don't leave home without it.
Ken Watanabe
I watched the news on the PBS News Hours last night. It's same-ole, same-ole, Palin--too many spectacles and no substance.
No progressive I know considers Bernhardt or Letterman to be spokespersons for the progressive movement. They are both entertainers as well as satirists. I personally am not a fan of either. Any remarks they have made against Palin or her family are reflective of them as individuals.
I understand the need by dishonest right-wingers to tag an entire group based upon the words or actions of some who may not even be members of that group. Especially while it is shown that many well known right-wing political commentators have made equally vulgar remarks.
So, again, when you say "leave it to "progressive sites" to conveniently overlook comments disparaging Mrs. Palin" -- I would say it's not done out of convenience. Such disparaging remarks really don't serve any purpose, and they don't represent the vast majority of people working for progressive change.
Your comments made me laugh, particularly as I recalled, some of your earlier comments about the Tea Party. Heh, speaking of which, imagine if you will, if a member of the Tea party had said these same things about Obama's wife and daughters? You would have immediately jumped on them and pointed out their obvious racism. Don't bother to deny it, I have several of your posts on the subject saved if you'd like a refresher. So, you want to have it both ways. On the one hand, 1 deranged individual means an entire movement is tainted, on the other, it doesn't mean anything. So which is it yabits? Or is it just the leftists that get a pass from this hypocrisy?
Really? Right wing commentators like oh I don't know, Ed Shultz? Or how about Don Imus, he's one of the right wing too right? Thats not to say you aren't correct. People on the right can say stupid things. The difference is, they tend to be denounced from their own side as well as by those on the left, while the left gives their own people a pass. Rather like what happened with Bernhardt and Letterman who received almost no condemnation for their comments from their lib friends.
And this isn't even bringing up some of the more hateful things said about her on this board. Said by you among others. Just look up and re-read your own posts as well as those of others calling her an idiot, and belittling her. Are you backing away now from your own words?
I have always claimed that the Tea Party attracts and contains a substantial segment of white supremacists among its membership. It is far more than "one deranged member."
Ed Shultz did not get a pass. He admitted what he had done was wrong, apologized, and was suspended -- properly -- by his management. He knows that he has fallen a few rungs in the eyes of many of his viewers. (The liberal Daily Howler has been taking Shultz and Maddow to task on a near-daily basis for many, many months now. I doubt if there's a conservative site that holds fellow conservatives up to that kind of critical analysis.
There are plenty of people in my life whom I love and who certainly act like idiots on frequent occasions. I would never back away from my opinion that Palin is utterly and completely unqualified by her intellect, her temperament, and her lack of ethics to even be considered as a candidate to run this great country. Those who think she is qualified are acting like idiots.
Without any evidence, without anything to support this, you make these kind of blanket statements. Once again I simply point out the obvious hypocrisy in making such blanket statements an then decrying the same when others do it. My saying everyone on the left is unhinged and frothing at the mouth whenever someone even says Palin, is far closer to reality then your saying the Tea party is racist.
Had it been a conservative, they would have been fired, without question. Shall I recall to you one of the more recent scandals on the right and contrast how that was treated? Trent Lott. Wall to wall coverage on every single liberal network. I remember that quite well. Fox covered it as well, though it didn't devote days to rehashing it. Shultz though says something so outrageously offensive and gets barely a mention of it beyond the next day on the main channels. They quite literally swept it under the rug. Now I agree, he apologized, and Ingram accepted his apology. Thats the way it should be with all these scandals.
No one is asking you to change your opinion of the woman. Just the constant attacks and belittling of a woman who is quite successful and obviously intelligent. We may agree or disagree on her qualifications for President. (I suspect we actually agree.) However I wouldn't stand to see any woman disparaged the way the left goes after Palin. Particularly when there is quite literally no logical reason or foundation for that reaction.
I never claimed the Tea Party is racist. I assert that a substantial percentage of its movement believe that white, Western-European-based culture and values are superior to all others. In other words, they carry a fundamental, ingrained belief in "white" supremacy. Most will tolerate a non-white in power, so long as they can be trusted to uphold the system of values of the white majority.
As long as Palin puts herself in the news with stuff like this crazy bus tour, she's opening herself to and inviting criticism. Palin is mainly successful as a caricature -- not because of any genuine accomplishments on her part. She's very talented at getting a crowd of whites, fearful that their country has been "taken away" by "others" to see her as some kind of Joan of Arc. As for intelligent, no truly intelligent person gets testy and defensive when asked what kinds of things they read.
If she was really intelligent, she wouldn't be so afraid of not being able to handle moderately intelligent interviewers from those media outlets that aren't Fox.
Ken Watanabe
She owes her success to her skills to promote herself as a political celebrity through media--not as what it takes to be a presidential candidate. I agree with yabits. If she was truly intelligent, she would have never--ever made a series of gaffes--like so many Japanese prime ministers.
Ken Watanabe
Here you go. You infer that she makes a nationwide tour out of her motive to promote herself as a public/political celebrity.
Contrary to your dubious statement, most academic scholars and professionals I see at school and through national media as well-- are generally calm and analytical, regardless of their gender. Sure they would react if they were under the attack of anti-intellectualism or academic witch hunting, but they would respond in quite a different (— and more rational) way than Palin does. Moreover, attacks on Palin are NOT the same as those against academic professionals and journalists.
OK. Please explain your definition of intelligence and what makes a person smart or dumb, if you don't mind asking. And what convinces you to judge she is "obviously intelligent"--in contrast to other female politician (i.e., Gabriel Gifford) or the First Lady (i.e., Eleanor Roosevelt, Barbara Bush)?
We all know her value of being a great on fund raiser, which makes alot of friends. However, everybody is still all trying to figure out who Palin is, but at best she is a close to being the least prepared presidental candidate in U.S. history. Their campaign can not be taken seriously, nor any one who supports it. Maybe Palin need to add her PTA experience to got an extra line in her resume.
This is actually not the case. I have known several people, both men and women, who when they lose their cool, become almost incoherent. This doesn't mean they're not intelligent, it just means that after having their buttons pushed, rational thought leaves, and you're left with just your reflexes. I myself have had the experience of missing a great come-back on someone, and then thinking 6 hours later, damn, I should have said that... Bush is a smart man, but was about as bad as you can be about sticking his foot in his mouth. Palin is like the rest of us, flawed.
Sorry, when exactly did I ever say any of the women you referred to were not intelligent? Rather then me explaining what should be obvious, why I feel she is an obviously intelligent, if imperfect woman, why don't you explain why you feel she is mentally deficient, and then of course defend your position. Allow me to start you off. Explain in your reasoning how this 'mentally retarded' woman could package herself well enough to get elected Governor. To vault to the national stage, and stay there, while making millions of dollars doing it.
lol, BHO was much, much less prepared than Palin, of course the way things are looking, he's going to surpass Carter as the worst President in US History, so thats not saying much. There were other presidents similarly unprepared. The 1st Johnson was a good example of that. I'd classify Grant that way as well. Truman was unprepared but landed on his feet.
Ken Watanabe
Even though she said "the United States need to support the North Korea"(!) in Glenn Beck's radio talk show last year??? Man, that's the worst joke Americans had ever heard. Also, her response to media attack as "blood libel"--regarding the assassination attempt of Gabriel Gifford this early January is another account that questions her character and intelligence as a presidential candidate. None of the political analysts made positive comments on that. Even the Fox News was unable to defend her.
LOL. I never said she (or any woman you refer to) is "not intelligent" in this posting. That's your own assumption. You emphasize with an adjective --"obviously." Speaking of tripping up words.
This woman has no intelligence, she's thinks be being popular she can run America.
True....Her lack of intelligence has now produced a media trailing her bus just in hopes she will actually give them the time of day, after the way the media treated her after her selection as McCain's V.P.
On the Irony front. Katie Couric from CBS news is unemployed now. Sarah Palin seems to be doing quite well.
She's from Alaska and doesn't know north from south?
Palin is not very bright. If she were, she would be able to handle tough interviews with often-unfriendly media with grace and confidence. Those characteristics are the visible signs of true intelligence, and Palin exhibits neither. The barracuda is nothing more than a lamprey feeding off of Fox.
Bachmann Palin Overdrive 2012!
Based on what? Decisions made as she Mayor of Wasilla? Decisions made as Governor of Alaska? What decision did she make that you question as not being very bright? Her decision to give up the private Alaska's Governor Plane and travel commercial instead? Her decision to cut the Alaska's not Governor personal chef after she got elected?
Those not very bright decisions?
Typo...Mean to say "Her decision to cut the Alaska's Governor Chef after she got elected?
Her decision to run and hide from any serious interviewer. Her decision to open her mouth and let words come out. Of course you could twist that around to say she's very bright at not wanting to display her vast and gross ignorance. But of course, I mean bright in a general sense.
A 2-watt bulb in a sea of halogen lamps could also be described as "bright." But not very.
Define serious interviewer.....I am at loss for any real name except myabe Oprah Winfrey in this day and age. I do recall she was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and that went quite well for her.
"Her decision to run and hide from any serious interviewer."
But Palin is irrelevant. I am absolutely certain you could go back throught the archives of this site and find her loudest, most strident, most misogynist opponents - self-styled "progressives" no less - assuring us each time she is in the news that it is all but over for her and we will soon be rid of her.
Well, that certainly explains a lot. You are looking for celebrity. A serious interviewer is one who does his or her research and is able to come up with the tough questions that a weak or unintellectual interviewee would rather avoid. There are many, albeit not household names. Nobody recalls who did The Atlantic Monthly interview with David Stockman, for example, that got him in hot water with the rest of the Reagan administration.
Ah, so you're saying Obama isn't intelligent then as well. I mean about the only interviews he gives, are with guys he knows will lob him softballs.
He gave an interview to Brent Baier of Fox back in 2010 and Baier totally embarrassed himself, throwing a lot of wild pitches. His April 2011 interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos had a lot of tough questions that Steph actually allowed the president to answer.
Palin wouldn't go on Meet The Press or Face the Nation because, like her FOX counterpart, she'd end up needing a crying towel.
Just when you think she couldn't get any dumber, Sarah Palin -- aka Lady Duh-Duh -- offered these comments on Paul Revere on her amazing bus tour today:
"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."
Wow.... So Paul Revere was warning the British? Could she be any denser? Every grade school kid knows: One if by land; two if by sea. Sheesh.
Or, as former McCain campaign manager, Steve Schmidt put it: "She doesn't know anything."
Sure, and he went on O'Reilly as well. Lets keep in mind though this was after the Presidents plan and attempt to freeze out Fox failed. Also remember the recent controversy when a reporter asked the President a tough question, and was threatened by his staff. That happened just a month or so ago... Point being, he rarely appears on Fox cause he knows he'll get tough questions. They'll be respectful, but tough. Contrast this with all the interviews given to other networks, where they just give him softball questions, and never follow up with the the tough questions. MSNBC is probably the worst of the bunch. Talk about embarrassing yourself.
And yet here you go, still attacking her.
LOL! Palin opens her mouth and stupid things roll right out. And here you go, still defending her.
Baier's interview is legendary -- known as the "Interrupt-athon" -- because he rudely interrupted the president a dozen or more times. I guess that's what wing-nuts call "respectful." You defend rudeness about as well as you defend stupidity. Carry on.
"Every grade school kid knows: One if by land; two if by sea. Sheesh"
Not these days. They are far more likely to be taught about the superior ecological worldview of the Native Americans who had their land "stolen" from them.
Or, as former McCain campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, put it: "[Palin] doesn't know anything."
"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."
Apparently she read "Paul Revere's Ride" by David Hackett Fischer (Oxford University Press 1994)
"A townsman remembered that 'repeated gunshots, the beating of drums and the ringing of bells filled the air.'.... Along the North Shore of Massachusetts, church bells began to toll and the heavy beat of drums could be heard for many miles in the night air."yabits
On the latest installment of Palin's bus tour, she totally screwed up the Paul Revere story. Very dumb. No account would ever have Revere "warning the British" not to take away "our arms."
One presumes that she would have had ample time on her bus to read the basics of the story to make sure that when she opened her mouth, she wouldn't make a complete fool out of herself. The defenders of her mental ineptitude are very funny indeed.
Palin's dimness is so pervasive that it makes her supporters turn dim as well. Not that is powerful dumbing down skills.
She is just dim enough to win the republican nomination in 2012. That would insure sane management of the country for another 4 years at least, maybe longer if Hillary runs in 2016.
Palin is what the republicans deserve, just like Bush. She honestly looked drugged when she talked about Paul Revere warning the British. She may be on something . . . I am surprised she did not mention Reveres friends the Raiders as well.
Wait, because she is dim, if she got the nomination, she would ensure the country is under sane management? Your logic doesn't follow. I mean, first theres the obvious flaw in referring to someone as incompetent and inept as Obama as sane management. Then theres the issue that it doesn't matter who the Republicans put up, Obamas done. When January 2013 rolls around, he'll be updating his resume. As will all his cronies and thugs. Especially corruptocrat in Chief Salazar. Hmm, I guess if I turned it around, you're saying that if the country is under Palin, that would ensure it is under sane management. Guess that makes sense. I mean hell, my dog would make a better President then Obama, and Palin would be much, much better then my dog.
Ken Watanabe
Palin was in New Hampshire yesterday. She responded to Mitt Romney over health care plan. It's same old, same old Palin who can only use her skills for self-aggrandizement--instead of talking the issue. She could jab at some other candidates--like Pawlenty and Bachmann, but that's all. She's no match to Romney--not even close to anyone.
This poor creature is the best thing the Democrats have going for them.
I agree with this as well actually. Palin is a poor choice.
After 8 years of Bush, this is the very last thing Republicans need. They don't need another moderate. Another RINO like Bush. They need, and the country needs, an actual conservative President who will make the hard choices, and put the country back on a sound financial footing. Lugar is another Big Government Republican just like Bush was. We have too many of those as it is. Thats why the Tea Party went after Republicans just as much as it did Dems. Why several senators got tossed, IE Bennett, and other party favorites we tossed aside in favor of folks like Rubio and Paul.
LOL! I wonder what happens to all those Republican, partisan sheep who cheered Bush "the RINO" on every step of the way over those eight years. The only thing Republicans opposed him on was a perfunctory, token opposition to Harriet Miers.
Because they can't muster an effective intra-party dissent, I suppose it was natural for the loony extremists on the right to reconnect to the ages-old current of nativist populism and pretend it is something new. If there are people to be pandered to and sheep to be shorn, folks like Cain and Sarah Palin will gather the wool.
Nevertheless, it means serious trouble for the Republican Party.
I strongly dislike this woman. When she opens her mouth and says stuff it just makes me want to slap her silly.
Obama must be praying she gets the Republican nomination. The rest of the world will also enjoy her antics over the next 2 years.
American presidential elections are perpetual - we only just seem to have finished one and the next one is starting already. Having light relief in the shape of Palin, makes it all so much better. It also gives non-Americans the chance to be smug about not being American for a while.
Coming from you, this means, absolutely nothing. I mean, talk about partisan sheep. Can you even come up with 1 thing. 1 single thing you would condemn Obama for? First you're against the war, now you're for it. All it took was a change in command. There were a lot of people who spoke out against Bush and what he was doing. I know I certainly did. I was in the unenviable position of defending Bush from the nuts on the left, and being lumped in with them by the partisan hacks on the right. Limbaugh was one of the biggest who spoke out against him, before his re-election in 2004. Of course given the choice between Kerry and Bush, obviously you'd choose the lesser of the 2 evils.
Over the next 6 if she gets the nomination.
my oven's on high while I roast a quail
I was always against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of which were started by President Obama. So, you're wrong yet again.
The is the argument that enables the "RINOs" like no other. There's always an excuse for them. Which is why Palin and the whole lot of them are unfit. Zero integrity.
I really enjoyed palin's comments on Paul Revere and his famous ride.
She has quite a way with history.
She know none of it.
How am I wrong? You still don't complain about Obama continuing the wars. My point stands. You're just another partisan sheep.
Most Republicans would rather have a conservative elected then a RINO, but they're afraid that if they knock the RINO out, they'll lose the seat. Hell, that was the issue with Mike Castle in Delaware. On the other hand, if you allow a RINO in you end up with people like Snowe, Collins, and Brown, who then give the Dems the 'bipartisan' cover they're looking for. However this is true for you as well. You're against guns, but support someone like 'Dirty' Harry. You're in favor of abortion, but support someone like Barr. Why? Because they have the right initial next to their names. The majority of issues you agree with them. No one is perfect, and so you justify yourself in choosing someone more likely to get elected. However this last time, the Tea Party forced Republicans to realize, that they weren't going to get away with the Big Government agenda any longer. Either they were going to vote for a smaller government, or they were getting voted out.
Former DNC chairman Howard Dean is now saying Palin can beat Obama. Many of my fellow Democrats are worried.
The making stuff up fairy strikes again.
Care to name one. ONE.
Too easy.
According to Little Green Footballs, palin worshippers are busy trying to edit the Wikipedia page on Paul Revere to make it match up with palin's botched version of history.
That's a serious dedication to lunacy there.
Dr. Dean stated that palin had a chance. He didn't say it was a good one. No one is worried about her. If you could have provided a name, you would have, but you didn't, so you asked me to look it up. There are none.
As for the palin worshippers, here you go:
littlegreenfootballs dot com slash article 38678 underscore palin underscore fans underscore trying underscore to underscore edit underscore wikipedia underscore Paul underscore Revere underscore page.
There is no low these things won't stoop to. They are truly amazing.
Moderator: Readers, no further references to Paul Revere please.
Ah, you misinterpreted, and then I misinterpreted. Let me back things up and reset to clear the air.
I don't think Lieberman was speaking specifically of Palin when he said that many Dems are worried. I know I wasn't.
Dean says Palin has a chance if she decides to run, and she does, however beyond Palin, more and more Dems are worried about their chances in 2012. Not just with Palin as a possible candidate, but against Romney and others as well. I could cite multiple examples of this, from Carville, to obviously Dean, but I think we both see how weak Obama really is.
As for Palin, while I admire the woman, for some of her stances, and for being able to take a hit and fight back, I agree I think she would make a poor candidate. What it boils down to for me, is regardless of the validity of her reasons, the fact remains she quit her post as Governor. I can't see voting for someone who did that, however much I like the positions she claims.
I had no idea from the establishment media 's reporting on this that the motorcycle was being driven by Palin's daughter.Most girls her age are in MOM jeans and tooling around gingerly on cheap mountain bikes,wearing massive plastic helmets.
Molenir is correct I'm afraid. Even Carville is worried that Obama is vulnerable.