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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin rejects gun law changes; stays vague on 2012
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Code for the usual motley crew of corporate welfare bums and inherited wealth dorks. Probably the only person there with any business sense at all was S.P., and she has tons of it.
It will be such a shock and so disappointing when she doesn't run for president next year.
“the Lady Gaga of politics.”
goddog-- You know I honestly think if Michelle had said "Water is wet!" or "Breathing is necessary!", Palin and the same people would be sneering about it.
Palin is clueless and does not belong in politics.
Someone has issues...
I sure wish the administration and congress had some.
“No wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you better breast feed your babies,” Palin said. “I’m looking and say, ‘Yeah, you better because the price of milk is so high right now.’”
Should be against the law to mock the Beautiful First lady, who is very brilliant. Mrs. Obama must be laughing in her shoes right now at this foolish woman that can see Russia from Her Farm.
Is she seriously trying to blame the Obamas for the global rise in food prices?
Somewhere in the world they have the katie couric interview running on loop....
That is exceptionally stupid.
Like the uprising around the world. The people of the united states should just change the channel when palin comes on.
I remember a time when the USA was not a train wreck, it isn't me who has issues. It is the people who refuse to acknowledge the self-inflicted damage Americans have done to their own country over the last 30 years who have issues. Keep doubling down guys.
Palin vague? Who'd o' thunk!
That's it Sarah, keep it controversial and keep the media hungry for what you're going to say next. It's all just free advertising for the book, and for every extra one sold, that's just a little more of some poor suckers' money in your pocket.
Nothing gets Libs/Globalists madder than a Woman with family and a gun. =This upsets the eugenics and police state/socialist crowds at the same time.
Badsey, Down syndrome kid and gun probably not a good match.
Debating whether or not to breastfeed babies:
Isn't conferred immunity one of the major health advantages of breastfeeding?
Why should a rise in the price of cows milk matter? There's a free, healthier source of milk already available.
Infant formula has been discredited by health workers I've talked to.
Can we get some of the Japan Today mothers' input here?
Complete nonsense.
At the Republican convention recently Palin only got 3% of the vote for the vote for the next Republican presidential candidate. Why is anyone paying attention to this woman? Entertainment value? Then she should be on Saturday Night Live. She has no business in politics.
Palin is not the only one. 800 billion dollars in "stimulus" was wasted in political payoff by Obama and his cronies.Bernanke has printed another 2 million. The dollar is the reserve currency in many poor parts of the world - one reason the Chinise would like v much to see it replaced with theirs - and thus in many places now their is great uncertainty about not just the true value of local money but also its US substitute. Inflation is like that, very insidious. Ppl take refuge in commodities, if they have money to speculate with.
The Financial Times presented annual price increases for various items, which included the following:
heating oil +41% copper +59% silver +91% palladium +212% corn +91% wheat +79% cotton +143%"Should be against the law to mock the Beautiful First lady, who is very brilliant."
Just like a "liberal". Criticize our kind and you must go to jail.
Read Michelle Obama's thesis? It is garbage. She is just another affirmative action case. Lost her license to practice law. Beautiful?lol. I won't even go there....
"Mrs. Obama must be laughing in her shoes right now"
the 600 dollar pair she wears when going for a photo op to feed "the poor"
"at this foolish woman that can see Russia from Her Farm." That would be Tina Fey.
Run for the presidency in 2012, please, Ms palin. The Democrats are behind you 100%, all the way !!
Can you talk about the article instead of posting unrelated stuff?
Apparently not.
Moderator: All readers back on topic please.
"Palin is clueless and does not belong in politics"
Har! Palin is one of the most popular politicians around!
Palin: "There are already on the books many gun control measures and I do support those that are on the books. I do not support taking away more freedom from the good guy."
I would dare say this is the view of the vast majority of Americans, and it is correct.
"Run for the presidency in 2012, please, Ms palin ( Palin ). The Democrats are behind ou 100%"
They are not. They are quivering with fear.
"the price of milk is so high right now"
Welcome to Obamaville, lol.
Palin: "Prayers should continue for the full recovery of Gabby Giffords and others who were involved in such a tragic, tragic event."
Exactly, exactly.
Good to see her agree with Ms. Obama on this one.
Sarge, you are wrong, the Democrats really want Ms Palin to be the candidate ( POTUS, not the vice thing like last time ) in 2012. Too bad the Republicans don't agree .........
“No one is more qualified, really to multi-tasking and the things you need to do as president than a woman, a mom,” said Palin................................
yeah baby, run for POTUS in 2012 !! PLease !!
oberst, you are wrong, the Democrats really don't want Ms Palin to run in 2012.
Sarge, pray with Sarah all you want, but with Giffords losing part of her skull in the shooting do you think a "full recovery" is likely? Is she growing a new skull right now?
What was "tragic" was that a Tucson firefighter refused to report to the scene of the shooting because he didn't like the "political bantering" at his workplace, forcing his crew to drive to another precinct to get a replacement.
MSN is reporting that Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum is getting threats for her proposal to discontinue military sponsorship of NASCAR racers. Here we go again?
Post turtle. Paying attention to this travesty on occasion allows me to remember that joke; you've probably heard it, but I'll relate it below for those who haven't.
Reporter drops in on a small town back in '08 to sound out the locals on their reaction to the choice of Palin as VP candidate, and one gnarled man remarks that she's a post turtle. Unfamiliar with the term, the reporter asks for clarification, and the man elaborates: "Well, you know she doesn't belong there, you know she didn't get up there by herself, you know she has no idea what to do with herself while up there, and you wonder what kind of dang fool put her up there in the first place."
Good to see they had a reporter to spare then to hit a small town. My impression was most of them herdered up to Alaska to smear her in 2008.
Look at what she is pandering about. She has good reasons but it in what country?
Not a smear if it's true!
This is so correct. Maybe the Repubs must be just using her as a bait and switch so the Dems think they have the next election in the bag. How can anyone take this woman serious. Keep her on reality TV. That's where she belongs with all the "real" people.
Elbuda Mexicano
I do not want to offend any Palin supporters here, but Palin has been up there in cold, freezing Alaska way too long. I am happy she wants to let GOOD GUYS have guns, but even so called GOOD GUYS can turn into NOT SO GOOD GUYS, you know, get drunk, take drugs, get into fights with their wives etc..and instead of just having an argument with WORDS, end up killing somebody in the rage of the moment pull out a gun a BANG, BANG, somebody in your family, WORK is very, very dead, going postal etc...good old USA huh??
People take "Reality" TV very seriously. If your name is well-known - you will win votes. Look at George Bush - he became President because of his name.
It is going to be an interesting election year. If the Republican party wants to win the election regardless of who is running - they will nominate her.
"I do not want to offend any Palin supporters here, but Palin has been up there in cold, freezing Alaska way too long"
Following that "logic," all Alaskans and Canadians have been up there in the freezing cold way too long, lol.
"rationed care"
Welcome to Obamaville, lol.
She made something like 12 million bucks last year. Why on earth would u want to be president if u can rake it in like that? But the Left has tried to destroy her and her family and since she is still standing and bigger than ever maybe it is time they admit they are part of what made the whole Palin phenom possible, the same way Dumbya and the RINOs around him need to admit they helped make the misereable failure Obama possible...
"She stood firm in her claim that President Barack Obama’s health care reform effort could lead to “death panels.”"
HAHA! Typical of the dolt. Anyway, she can't be anything BUT vague when it comes to making statements... if she tries NOT to be vague she ends up sticking both feet in her mouth EVERY time. My favourite is still the Couric interview... that was classic! But she still makes a lot of stupid comments despite trying to be vague, so she's entertaining as always. I hope she does run for president -- not only will it further guarantee victory for the Dems, but it'll DEFINITELY provide at least as many gaffes as bush made during his entire presidency in her short run for office. I bet the editors of her book were sworn to absolute secrecy on the contents before editing... and probably near died laughing at the illiteracy.
smith: "the dolt"
"My favourite is the Couric interview"
No doubt smith still thinks Palin said she can see Russia from her house when it was Tina Fey who said that.
"she still makes a lot of stupid comments"
They're "stupid" comments only because smith disagrees with them.
"I hope she does run for president - not only will it further guarantee victor for the Dems..."
Having the people responsible for more deficit spending since 2007 than all the deficit spending up until then to continue in power is not the best thing for the country.