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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin says she's not leaving politics
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That's a political career? Don't remember her being on the ticket.
Conservative Democrats, which I have no problem with. It's the Leftists, the Marx and Alinsky acolytes that are the problem.
Palin my not be leaving politics but I believe she'll never hold office again.
Whether she is or not, it will be far too easy for her political opponents to paint her as a quitter, using her college education and resignation as evidence. She drove the nail into her own political coffin.
sarge: "Dumb comment."
And that retort is nothing but genius. :)
"Palin is as dumb as they come, only dumber!"
Dumb comment.
Letterman scores big, in part thanks to Palin. Letterman played her like the a chump.
NEW YORK – There could be a new king emerging in late-night television. David Letterman's CBS "Late Show" whipped NBC's "Tonight" show with Conan O'Brien in the ratings last week by nearly 800,000 viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research. Letterman generally lost to "Tonight" when Jay Leno was the host, and he hasn't had this big a victory margin since returning from heart surgery in 2000.
I don't care if she leaves politics or not. But do wish she would consider leaving the planet all together.
I say let her run for any office she likes. The way I see it she is more harmful to her cause than anything we who oppose that side could possibly do.
Raja Kumar
Sarah not leaving political world,is okay. Thank god,she did not become vice president for America.
She is just not ready for high office of vice president/president.
She got to learn a lot more and be more wise,to run the USA as president/vice president.
As senator she is okay in any state.
Palin is as dumb as they come, only dumber!
Hm so much to cover and so little room.
Okay, let us play a game, let us compare Hillary and Palin. Pound for pound and back for back ground.
Let us start with Education I know you do not think it is important but others do;
Hillary; Wellesley College, majored in political science, Yale Law School, She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,
Palin; Hawaii Pacific College one semester, (transferred) North Idaho College after two semesters majoring in general studies (spent 3 semesters there), (transferred) University of Idaho (two semesters), Matanuska-Susitna College (one semester), (returned) University of Idaho where she received bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism. (Wow she never finishes anything does she?)
I wonder who wins in this category?
Next Career's;
Hillary; interned at law firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, staff attorney for Edelman's Children's Defense Fund, faculty member School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Rose Law Firm (full partner) resigned after Bill Clinton became President
Palin; worked as a sports reporter for KTUU-TV and KTVA-TV, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman as a sports reporter, helped in her husband’s commercial fishing business.
Who wins this one?
Next let us move onto Political careers;
Hillary; Congressional legal counsel, volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater, 1974 member of the impeachment inquiry, First Lady of the United States 2 terms, 2 term U.S. Senator, U.S. Secretary of State
Palin; Wasilla city council, Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 1/2 term Governor of Alaska,
Who wins this one?
So who do you think is more prepared?
So you are claiming that her victory in the Senate was do to some fraud? She won that election with the help of 3,747,310. Are you claiming that all those people were involved in some sort of voter fraud to get her elected? Or maybe she was stuffing the ballot boxes?LOL
That is such a joke, she won hands down against Republican Rick Lazio. So that claim of your hold no water.
Please explain how that makes Palin more of a liberated woman than Hillary? I see very little difference in both women when it comes to making it. The only difference is one is not a quiter.
Okay, so you feel ridiculed, what does that have to do with Hillary or Palin? Has anyone complained about your grammar? Or spoken about your education?
Um hm, Um, what were we talking about...Oh yes...Palin leaving politics conservative Democrats win back America! Oh wait did I say she wanted to help the Democrats?
Now that is a thank you to the faithful far right wingers......LOL
Jeff Huffman
skipthesong at 11:02 AM JST - 13th July What is the difference between her and Huffington now
Palin's better looking, but maybe only because she's a decade younger. Oh, and Huffington isn't a idiot.
WhiteHawk said:
Yeah, he is wrong even though Bush cut taxes disproportionately to the rich. I remember the old term "windfall tax." What Bush gave was a windfall tax cut to the rich. Before you go on and on about the higher percentage of MARGINAL tax that the rich pay I have a few more statements to make. Whatever anyone else makes as total income the rich pay the same rate on that amount (possible significantly less due to increased write offs). You can verify that on the IRS website. I have posted the exact page numerous times. I am not putting forth the effort until someone says I am wrong. The same is true for corporations they pay so much tax on the first amount, then they pay another rate on the second amount above that and so on and so on. So anyone that has ever said they went into a higher tax bracket and ended up losing money is full of crap. If you hold your assets long enough for which you pay capital gains on, you will be paying 15% on capital gains. That is not bad once you begin deductions. So don't tell me about your theories of wealth "redistribution" when there are folks out their with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets that pay a much lower percentage then middle class folks. Why don't you explain how oil companies pay taxes on foreign profit? Good luck with that. You can forward it to the Palin is a Genius on Energy and Energy Economics article.
Just what "small persentage" would that be?
Wow, where in that model does the massive entrepreneur's contribution, whether small business or larger, fit in? What about the massive middle class investment in companies? By the way the merchant class model of business and business investment goes back thousands of years so don't claim the money flowed down to them. Your model is straight out of the Supply Side propaganda playbook. Without a top down model all your explanations, that justify tax advantages to many of the rich, the entire Supply Side theory crumbles. If you study Milton Freidman you will find he lends credence to you ideas. But what he presents is far more complex than a Jack Kemp model. The problem is that it still breaks down because there is no model yet to even modestly predict the future and that is one of the pillars of a science. On big problem with Supply Side economics is diminishing returns. Can you cut taxes indefinitely and still improve the economy? Can you reduce regulations indefinitely and still improve the economy? Can you cut government spending indefinitely and still improve the economy? Cutting taxes will cut government services and the economy is dependent on government structures like highways. Building must be built to a standard; a code.
We had tax cuts and reduction of regulations and our financial institutions were frozen in January. It is no longer frozen. Our job loss rate per month is half of what it was under Bush. Whether you conservatives want to admit it or not our economy was in shambles. There is no way you can attribute the cause to Bush's spending either. I have seen idiots on here try but they have made enough statements about economics that are devoid of any truth that they have zero credibility anywhere except the closed society of JT where extensive arguments would need to be made to expose their simplistic, naive notions that are nothing more that memorized statements passed down to them by their leaders. It was not out of control spending by the government that caused this recession. I am not saying that spending a trillion dollars on Iraq was not foolish and problematic; just that it is not the reason our financial structures began crumbling. It was merely a factor.
WhiteHawk said:
Maybe I will just take you up on that offer.
WhiteHawk's statement:
Totally false you have been brainwashed into believing bs about the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. You don't hear the conservative touting that line anymore. Lawrence Kudlow, of the National Review was one of those who began these lies with his cronies. No one was forced to make bad loans. Some institutions were required to make loans to lower income people. There was a plethora of qualified lower income people. The numbers of loans to lower income folks has far exceeded the required number because it is relatively low. The number of qualified lower income people are still plentiful enough to satisfy the requirement. But the kicker is that many institutions (not Credit Unions) that were had no requirement at all to make loans to low income people had just as many bad loans as those that did. The regulation only covers low income loans. There was an astounding rate of wealthy and middle class defaults on loans. Lending institutions made risky loans on their own accord because they could bundle them up with higher quality loans and sell the bundle. Those purchasing the bundle knew what they were buying through full disclosure. Risky loans as everyone knows of course bring significantly higher rates. We were buying and selling risk at many levels in the financial markets. Believe it or not there is nothing wrong with that and we will return to buying and selling risk; leveraging risk. Risk has become a commodity and rightfully so. Start up companies are a risk and need capital. We now have a myriad of means of supplying that capital. Or at least we will again when the economy gets rolling again. I may praise risk but I also praise restraint. They are just another pair of things that need balance.
I watched that speech, and I didn't see any problems with it. I heard the story later about the teleprompter malfunction, but from watching the speech I couldn't tell at what point it was supposed to have malfunctioned, if at all. Which means that whether there was a malfunction or not, the speech went well.
Contrast that to what happens when our current president has a teleprompter malfunction...
In life, there are knowledge tests and there are performance tests. Getting an education from expensive schools is one thing, but if Hillary is that good, why didn't she run for office on her own, instead of riding her husband's presidency and deal-making into a senate seat? While the schools Palin attended may not have the reputation of the ones Hillary attended, Palin made her way up in politics on her own. Which technically makes her a better example of Women's Liberation. Can you accept that fact?
It's not unlike the perpetual college students on JT who look down on those with less time in the classroom. I've seen JET's with their Bachelor's using horrible spelling and atrocious grammar to ridicule me. And while I may have only attended a community college for the engineering training I needed to obtain my job, I excelled at English while in public high school. Which left me feeling sorry for the poor Japanese kids for having to learn English from someone who was all education and no performance. Not that I would want to be a JET, but those kids would have been better off with the "less qualified" choice, namely me.
It depends on where you get your information (Huffington Post?!?) and what information you'll accept.
No, no and no. I said wealth REdistribution, not wealth distribution, it's not like trickle-down economics, and your definition of those economics is wrong.
When the market works according to it's natural flow, the top buy goods and invest in business. Those goods are menufatured and supplied by lower classes, in exchange for money. Those classes buy more goods, and that money is further spread around among those classes and lower.
The money is not "given" to those top classes, it is earned them. How? By investments, trading, creating and building industry. When you see the government "giving" the rich money, it is actually letting the rich keep the money they've already made.
When money is taken by the government for the purpose of REdistribution, most of it is consumed by the bureaucratic machine itself, and only a small percentage gets back to the public in any form. The top classes have less money to invest and spend in the market, and everyone below them suffers for it. Just ask those who were affected by the "Luxury Tax" of the 90's in America that was placed on cars, boats, planes and jewelery over $30,000. It was the middle and lower classes that produced, transported and provided those goods who suffered, not the rich who were the targets. The rich simply had their boats built overseas, or did without the latest Porsche.
It was everybody's. The government that forced banks to lend money to those with bad credit or no credit or documentation, the people who took advantage of those loans when they couldn't truly afford them, the real estate agents who told people they could afford more house than they really could, Barney Frank, the illegal aliens who abandoned cars and homes bought on credit, the developers who proposed housing that had no genuine customers (There were a lot of "flippers" who bought units in condo towers when they were proposed, with the intention of selling those units for a profit once they were built and it was opened. One of my friends was one of those flippers, and now he is financially destitute. My engineering firm had almost two dozen condo tower projects on its schedule, and we are just one of many firms here. Only a few of those projects were completed city-wide. If you want to know about the housing market bubble, I can tell you ALL about it, from the engineering, investment, consumer and real estate side of things.), the people who packaged bad mortgages and sold them for a profit (two big-name Democrats among the major players), the list goes on and on.
Palin will be just a private citizen soon since she quit her job, again.
She is a country music queen now without any music (Dowd).
Okay simple the at the RNC convention the now famous "the teleprompter malfunctioned" story was in fact not true. Palin has an issue with not being able to keep focused on those pesky little thingamabobs.
Hillary's credentials are very impressive, from her educational background on up. I would dare to say that Hillary is better prepared for any office than Palin. Compare the two and accept the facts.
So because I have found Palin to be lacking the skills to lead, I am ill-informed. Interesting that is your opinion and I will respect it.
Is wealth distribution anything like the Republicans trickle down economics? You remember that now don't you, the Government gives to the rich and the rich would throw their un-needed pennies to the poor.
But isn't that like welfare also? Oh yes yes I forgot when the rich get government hand outs it is okay. Because they are rich and will give to the poor....
One more question, this last huge near economic collapse whose fault was it? Was it the welfare Mom's or was it the rich in Wall Street. Please give an answer to that one.....LOL
Wait let me answer for you,"It was all the people who bought homes and could not afford it, never the rich."LOL
Palin's priority is maximize her financial gain by writing a book in which is reportly worth in the millions. Also, she can make additional money by personal speech fees. This is America, land of opportunity. Palin is like a fashion with no substance, it will get old soon.
Sorry, you must have overlooked it:
I hope she stays in politics. What a find Mr. McCain. I love her family values. Her committment to the Alaskan people. Just my 2 cents worth
WhiteHawk at 10:18 AM JST - 14th July
I am still waiting for you to tell me what “a knee-jerk hoplophobe” is.
When did that happen?
Some people can't finish a sentence when the teleprompter is turned off. Who is like that? Oh yeah, our current president. LOL
Yes, Hillary's credentials look good on paper. I thought she was a terrible First Lady, and I wasn't impressed by her time as a senator, but I'll have to admit she hasn't been half bad as a Secretary of State.
Not necessarily. Ill-informed, perhaps.
It's what all Democrats do. It's called Wealth Redistribution, and they're not exactly shy about it.
Add that one to the many lies told by Palin and her supporters. The editors of the San Fransico Chronicle did not classify Palin's move as such.
The truth is that a single opinion-writer, Willie Brown, presented his opinion that Sarah's move was political genius. Willie is doing his job as an opinion writer -- by presenting things to get people's attention.
If Republicans and other idiots buy Brown's assessment of Palin's political skills -- and I fully agree that she has lots of very dumb people eating out of her palms -- then you have to buy Brown's explanation of Palin's actual motives. It is only through those motives that Palin's move can be seen as a good one.
Unfortunately, Palin is not honest and straightforward enough to admit to those motives.
"Quitting like this is ten times more bizarre..."
The San Francisco Chronicle calls it "political genius."
WhiteHawk asks: "What hypocrisy, and which lies? C'mon man, be specific."
Andrew Sullivan has recorded and documented over 30 whopping falsehoods told by Sarah Palin. All of them are great examples of specificity.
C'mon man, pick one of them and refute it here.
What??!! Why can't people set a high standard for what they want in a leader? I want a leader who will be admired for their genuine intelligence, wit, historical and world perspective, and an ability to think on their feet. Palin has NONE of those qualities.
She's not even the "pit bull in lipstick" that she touted herself to be, quitting the post that the people of Alaska elected her to, and which she took an oath to serve her term. Quitting like this is ten times more bizarre than John McCain quitting his campaign to rush to DC to help solve the financial crisis.
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July 1) She's different from the "cultured" elites, in that she's capable of doing more than run for office and read from teleprompters,
Reading a teleprompter is a very simple thing and she has proven that she has some trouble doing that. I wonder how many other politicians have the same issue? Oh yeah our last President.LOL
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July She's a woman who doesn't hate men, and isn't rumored to be a lesbian,
Hm how do you feel about Hillary? Do you hold her in the same respects.....Oh btw did I forget to mention that Hillary has a darn good edumacation?LOL
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July 3) She didn't get her political office as payment for tolerating her husband's repeated dalliances,
No she did not, and I agree with you there. But, she did not want or was it that she could not handle her office. Well, which ever is the case she has shown herself to be unwilling to finish what was asked of her. Maybe that is what makes her a Maverick!!!LOL
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July 4) She isn't a knee-jerk hoplophobe,
Ah who cares about her ideas about guns and gun control. Constitution 101 says they are not going away.
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July 5) People who work for a living can relate to her,
I work for a living and I think she does not have a clue. Does that make me an elite?LOL
WhiteHawk at 02:03 PM JST - 14th July 6) She doesn't promise potential voters piles of other people's money.
So you are saying that our President has bribed voters into picking him. You better run as fast as you can and report this to the DOJ! Quick before they read your mind and stop you!!!!!LOL
DickMorris at 08:46 PM JST - 13th July I believe in the political honesty and patriotism of Mrs Palin.
At least you admit that you side only supports her because there is a R after her name. Very honest and refreshing DM, I applaud you in your honesty.
Ah, I just wish to inform you, but our President has only been in office under 200 days. Before you go taunting the left shouldn't you wait until he passes 2 years in office and has failed?
Just an observation but you look a little silly trying to play that game so early.
Like she was a two term Governor?LOL
Drinking whiskey so early impairs your vision of the future....LOL
I made an error in listing Carney as a mayor of Wasilla. He was never mayor. I erroneously meshed two sentences together; one ending with his name and the other beginning with "The current mayor...." I have read 30 - 40 articles in the past day so my 50 yr. old eyes play tricks on me sometimes. It turns out he was a former Wasilla City Council member. Nick Carney is now retired living in the lower 48.
sailwind said:
What bar? What standard? Intellect and intellectual are two different words. I said I questioned her intellect. Every person on earth has intellect. Next you'll be saying I set the level at genius. I do question her intellect and now a lot of other people are doing the same. sailwind you are no mind reader so don't claim to know that I meant something I never said.
What common sense? That would be nice. I don't think you are listening to the voices out there. Sarah Palin spent $50,000 of the taxpayers money to remodel her office. Carney, the now, newly elected mayor confronted her when she said, "I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" Because the confrontation took place at a City Council hearing this quote can be found numerous times on the internet. If you enter the search terms "palin" and "i'm the mayor" with "i'm the mayor" in quotes you will see countless pages with the quote. The dates go all the way back to September. Some people knew about this but just didn't care. Palin wanted a sports complex on the outskirts of Wasilla, which she pushed through city government.
"I feel sorry for our current mayor [Carney], because of the mess that Sarah left behind," said Anne Kilkenny, a respected government watchdog in Wasilla. "And the sports arena is still a money loser for the city."
Today, the sports complex sits like a huge airplane hangar outside the Wasilla city limits, in a clearing in the woods. Since Palin's administration decided to build the complex far from Wasilla's population center, kids can't walk there or ride their bicycles. On a recent, drizzly afternoon, the cavernous building sat nearly empty. Inside, two girls glided aimlessly around on the ice rink.
Because of Sarah's bungling of the sports complex land the city was forced to pay at least $1,300,000.00 in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. "Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla." This according to the Wall Street Journal.
Common sense, yeah right!
Whitehawk -
Nervous, edgy people expecting an attacker round every corner are exactly the kind of people who should not be carrying lethal weapons.
Rodney Peairs was in just such a state of mind when he shot young Hattori Yoshihiro, the party-goer who got the wrong address and couldn't tell the difference between 'freeze' and 'please'. Peairs testified that a slightly-built 16-year-old boy in a tuxedo who politely rang his doorbell put him in fear of his life, lord only knows why.
If it's normal for unarmed women to be routinely raped and worse, your society needs more than the sticking-plaster solution of 'guns for all'. Try starting with a bit of moral education.
Many of the people who want to carry handguns are single women who do not want to be raped, and women going through rough divorces. See if you can spot the difference in these two news stories about women, their ex-husbands, and restraining orders:,2933,528300,00.html,2933,528072,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/crime
If you fear such women and their guns, your fears are unfounded and irrational.
..and she lied about Catholics and abortion, she lied about the previous adminstration not warning congress about potential problems with the economy, she lied about leading a more transparent congress... And she's a class-warfare elitist who favors punitive taxation and unchecked spending of other people's money. Shall I go on?
You mean the ethics complaints that she was cleared on?
What hypocrisy, and which lies? C'mon man, be specific.
The edited ones she did with Democrat members of the media, or the unedited ones she did with Republican (or at least not blatant Democrat) members of the media? She did more than two interviews, not that you would know it by listening to Leftists.
Yeah, all the money she's out for defending herself from all of those baseless ethics complaints filed by Obama campaigners and people who don't even know why they hate her. As for her resigning early, the only reason the Left hates her for that is because she didn't continue to be a sitting duck for all of their baseless ethics complaints and media obsession. Now she's a moving target. Ann Coulter, not one of my favorite pundits, had a great column recently about how Leftists treat Palin as an ex-girlfriend they still obsess over. Funny stuff, yet very accurate.
Again, what wrongdoings? As for the media attention, how much do you know about Palin's children? By contrast, do you even know the name of Biden's daughter? How about her drug use? No? Fancy that.
Again, specifics and reference sources, please.
Do you want my list of reasons alphabetically, or arranged by issue?
Sarah Palin for President! I admire this lady so very much. I am not American, but if I was, she would definately get my vote. She is a breath of fresh air in the mire that is American politics. Better to have a "Hockey Mom" in the White House than a mealy-mouthed apologist going around the world running down his own country, and crawling on his hands and knees to the Muslim world.
Governor Palin never claimed she was an intellectual or a foreign policy expert. You held her to a standard she never set for herself. You set her for failure and ridicule the very day you set that bar. Many Americans could care less about vaulted intellectualism in their leaders, they would rather have them have a good dose of common sense instead and surround themselves with good advisors to chart the course and direction they see either their state or the country going in the future to move their respective constituents forward.
You don't get elected as Governor of one of the 50 States whether you are a Democrat or a Republican by being genuinely stupid. To achieve that level of success in a public official takes talent, brains and hardwork. Nobody becomes a Governor of a State by being a dolt.
Also,instead of ambush interviews in the national arena on subjects she never immersed herself in. How about you look at her interviews when she was was running for Governor of Alaska and is discussing local Alaskan issues and she is on turf she is familiar with and compare the two.
WhiteHawk: "The people who hate Palin the most can't give you a clear reason why they hate her at all. They'll ridicule her, call her names, vilify her children, etc., but they can't point at anything more substantive than their perception of her."
Please! is that the best you can come up with? This from a guy who says he doesn't trust Joe Biden, Pelosi, Reid, etc. Why?
People do indeed act or judge based on their perceptions, but where do these perceptions come from? Should I say that you are basing your anger towards Pelosi solely 'based on perception' and that you can't say why? No. You probably dislike her in part because she was caught lying about an issue on which she vehemently opposed (or seemed to). Likewise many dislike or even hate palin based on all sorts of acts she has committed, including hypocrisy, lies during the campaign and before and after, the fact that she really is genuinely stupid (see her interviews), she quit her job before her first term (and it's indicated the reason was solely based on money) was complete after trying to make people believe she was serious about government and politics during the campaign with McCain, she constantly claims to be the victim of the media and other politicians when they point out her wrong doings, she has abused her power as governor for a number of things, and on and on. These are FACTS, my friend, not 'perceptions', as you call them. If you can't dislike someone for all of the above then I sure hope you've sent Pelosi, Reid, Biden, and even Obama a detailed letter of apology and some roses or something, because according to your own argument you're truly unable to state why you dislike them (and therefore it's unjust).
Get with it, my friend. The woman is a detriment to the politics and your country, and she's already proven it in the Republican party. Stop being so angry and trying to claim that others are suffering from a similar bitterness.
Dilema should have been dilemma.
The conservatives as usual must label it hate. Without that they have nothing. I do not hate Sarah Palin but I like to make fun of her. It has to do with her diva status. If I am not mistaken Republicans have said the same thing. It has to do with her formulaic answers to questions that require depth and understanding. I was initially frustrated in the beginning because I was the first and for a long time one of the few that questioned her intellect. If ever there was a vindication of my perception it would be that of Palin's intellect. Now tens, if not hundreds, of millions are stating what I immediately noticed. I took a beating for months because I questioned her intellect. The conservatives said I hated her. How does that possibly equate? It really only leaves a question of their own intellect that they must use faulty logic.
The conservatives are going to find themselves in quite a dilema in short order. As more and more Republicans say the very same things I have been saying all along they will have to make choices. Will they vilify those Republicans who are simply stating their opinion of Palin, which is negative in nature?
A fear of weapons, including handguns (and the folk who want to carry them) is neither unfounded nor irrational.
The San Fransico Chronicle has an interesting article titled "Sarah Palin - Political Genius."
Next to Obama, Palin is the politician the public is most interested in.
Apparently some JT posters don't believe that Russia is just a few kilometers from Alaska. Heh.
Thank you sailwind.
Someone with an unfounded and/or irrational fear of weapons, including handguns.
What's a hoplophobe?
Here, Here Whitehawk.
Well said.
The true problem is that Joe Biden IS seen as normal. Though that's not necessarily exclusive to American politics. Each country has its own Bidens, Pelosis, Reids, Byrds, Kennedys and other assorted dangers.
It's a funny thing: The people who hate Palin the most can't give you a clear reason why they hate her at all. They'll ridicule her, call her names, vilify her children, etc., but they can't point at anything more substantive than their perception of her. Judging by the level of their curious obsession and hatred, you would think she drove an Oldsmobile into a body of water and let a young woman drown while Palin walked up and down the road trying to think of a way to salvage her political career. Or that she had been a Grand Beagle (or whatever) in the Ku Klux Klan. But no, she's done none of those things, and what she's been accused of by the people who hate her (Troopergate, clubbing baby seals, hunting moose from helicopters, 14 post-presidential-election ethics complaints), she was cleared on.
The only reasons I can think of are: 1) She's different from the "cultured" elites, in that she's capable of doing more than run for office and read from teleprompters, 2) She's a woman who doesn't hate men, and isn't rumored to be a lesbian, 3) She didn't get her political office as payment for tolerating her husband's repeated dalliances, 4) She isn't a knee-jerk hoplophobe, 5) People who work for a living can relate to her, 6) She doesn't promise potential voters piles of other people's money.
And really, such reasons tell you more about the people who hate Palin. But I've seen the same hatred for blacks, hispanics, and other women who dared to not reflexively join the herd and instead became Republicans.
Michelle Malkin, who has never used a racist or sexist slur during her career, has been the target of many, many racist and sexist slurs from the "tolerant, cultured, enlightened, open-minded" Left. And when you mention that, the first (and typically only) reaction or defense you get from a Leftist is "she deserves it because she's a big meanie". The treatment of Palin isn't very different.
Again, it tells you more about their critics, and what it tells you is disturbing.
My personal favourite. The Katie Couric interview was far, far funnier than the SNL skit it inspired.
yabits at 09:37 AM JST - 14th July
“I attribute stuff like this to massive brain damage due to lead poisoning.”
From this am I to take it that there is a lot of lead in Alaska?
Mr. Biggs, I said it above, this woman just isn't normal.
WhiteHawk at 02:41 AM JST - 14th July You want ignorance? How about if I post a list of quotes, some by Sarah Palin and some by Tina Fey imitating Sarah Palin, and see how many Palin-haters on JT can pick out who said what?
So it is asked so it is done. Well, let us try and see if you can tell ,"who said that dumb statement"
Pick either Palin or Tina, but you can only pick one
1."As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."
2."I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out."
3."We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. ...We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation."
4."Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―"
5."[T]hey're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom."
6."I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'"Okay so who said what......LOL
Pssssst this is a trick question......LOL
Hey, when you have people presenting a rate of 3 reversals in over 232 majority decisions as a "60%" reversal rate, you can see how dangerously stupid some Americans are. Which explains the Palin phenomenon perfectly.
I attribute stuff like this to massive brain damage due to lead poisoning.
yabits at 08:34 AM JST - 14th July
“parody” is something of an understatement when you read any of the European press, (English or Spanish in my case). Palin is portrayed as a total mad woman, though there is a creeping fear that she might start to get somewhere in the American political system. The US has made some incredible strange choices in the past when it comes to politicos & this woman is not seen as normal. Should she ever get near the White house Americas already low credibility in Europe will fall even below what it already is.
More like you're still deflecting, as your knowledge of Palin won't stand up to inspection. Oh, and your laughter was... deflated. Re-check the thread.
As I said, better luck next time.
3 reversals in 232 cases being 60%? Yes, its in the bible. See Accounticus 2-16 in the old testament.
I'm still laughing at your buffoonery regarding the "60%" reversal rate -- which was derived from a total of 3 reversals in 232 cases.
The more susceptible to parody, the less great. Those who associate Palin with the word great are a regular laugh riot.
"Who said "I can see Russia from my house?"
"Sounds to me like someone parodying an imbecile"
Bzzzz! Wrong answer! It's someone parodying a great governor of a great state.
"I saw Palin on my flight yesterday"
You wish.
Is that "yes, I accept the challenge" or "yes, you're right WhiteHawk, I don't actually know the difference"? After the word "yes", you devolved into another attempt at insults, so your answer is not clear. Reading between the lines, it appears you're trying to bark loudly while retreating. Again.
Palin is seen as “the telegenic and plainspoken”?
I suppose the same could be said about Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse, but who would vote them into the White house?
What the hell, the Americans have voted worse comic characters than either in before now. How about Mr.McGoo? Now there’s a man who could really see his way to solving Americas problems.
I saw Palin on my flight yesterday, I guess that it is her new job. It was on Southwest airlines from Chicago to Newark. She did the greeting speech and passed out the peanuts.
I give her six weeks before she quits this job.
Sounds to me like someone parodying an imbecile.
My gosh, she's running for Miss America!
And what, pray tell, are the "right things" that Sarah Palin -- playing God -- claims to be able to discern in the beliefs of others? Doesn't this imply that Palin -- playing God again -- only has beliefs that are 100% "right?"
Hey, yabits - Who said "I can see Russia from my house?"
WhiteHawk - If you posted the following quote:
"I can see Russia from my house,"
the Palin-Haters would say it's a Palin quote, when it's actually a Tina Fey quote. I've already caught several of them trying to pin that one on Sarah, heh heh.
Yes, I believe there are many Republicans who actually keep track of these things, which, in intellectual relevance, rank somewhere with the ruminations of Junior Sample on Hee Haw, and the "pre-fight" wisdom of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Your side beat us to that. Congrats on promoting a three-month senator to the most powerful office in the (soon not to be) free world.
You want ignorance? How about if I post a list of quotes, some by Sarah Palin and some by Tina Fey imitating Sarah Palin, and see how many Palin-haters on JT can pick out who said what?
For the love of god someone stick a fork in her, shes been done on the grill for how long.
sarge: constantly saying, "she is not" is not 'off-topic' so much as it is completely devoid of any comment whatsoever, let alone argument. "Um, no" doesn't really win too many debates, either.
Step up and chin up, you'll get there. You can start by supporting people who are not dolts, like palin. She's a world-wide joke, and no amount of 'um, no's will make that otherwise.
The woman quit her first term as governor for MONEY, and now she says, "I'm going to get right back into politics as soon at the end of the month (ie. after my less than first term is done)"? Ridiculous that you can even begin to defend this scum.
Well, you've heard of American Idol? The Republicans have taken this one step farther and called their search for a new leader, "American Idiot." The trick is to see who can appeal most to the most ignorant, misinformed knuckle-draggers out there, after wrapping the contestant in an American flag and getting photos out there of them holding guns.
The flag and guns are there to distinguish them from the ignorant and misinformed among the Democrats. The sheer volume of such types among the Republicans are what makes this kind of campaigning so profitable.
Late night TV hosts (except for Letterman) certainly appreciate the news.
Check out this pic of Palin.
What the heck is she doing to that baby?
Can't Palin tell the difference between a human and a baby harp seal?
She is laughing stock here in Europe. Unbelievable, that there are Americans who really think that this woman should be the next president. Wasn`t eight years of GWB enough?
"People are tired of the partisan stuff" and yet that's all that Palin served up in the campaign. She just repeated the Republican party line ad nauseum while offering nothing new. I liked McCain and thought his choice of Palin as a running mate was insane. Apparently some focus group somewhere thought this inexperienced hack was a good choice.
So your saying that your criteria for your next President is that they be able to raise a child? Whaaat?
Well, I would disagree with the way you chose the next leader of 300 million. I would suggest you rethink you criteria because raising a family and running a nation is a bit different.
1.Home maker; Pick Cheese burgers or potato salad?
President; Prepare a budget over 5 trillion dollars
Home maker; Pack the kids lunches
President; Should I commit troops to this war?Yeah they are really close....Whaaaaat?
Home makers run their house hold, Presidents run the nation.....How does that make a home maker ready to run that nation?LOL
Well I need to be a far right winger to understand that logic......
How about this, try looking for the best that your party has to offer and then present it to the people. Rather than picking the one that may sound like he/she is saying what he/she is told to say.
A President must be the best of the best and not just a good parent.
I know I know, you guys try to say you are all for family value and la la la. But, in the last few months we have seen what your family value really stands for. (Lots of affairs and lots of those pages)
How about presenting a candidate that knows what they are talking about rather than a parrot that looks good......
Please before you pick your next parrot, try thinking about our nation! Man of man when will you far right wingers figure it out?
ca1ic0cat - "Of course after the last president I would say that pretty much all of the JT posters were better qualified. The problem is that qualifications don't add up to diddly squat. What have you done with the qualifications? That's what matters."
The previous president bailed on his buddies who had enough spine to actually go to war (aka John Kerry), sits out the Vietnam war getting drunk in the Texas Air Guard and disappearing off the radar screen for months at a time, then gets some sort of business 'degree' from ...I forget now - was it Harvard? - and gets elected president no thanks to having a rich ex-president daddy.
If that wasn't sad enough, he then lets in the biggest terrorist attack in US history, is at the helm when the worst recession in 80 years unfolds on his watch, and then bows out with some of the lowest presential approval ratings in history.
Meanwhile, his hangers-on blast the current president as being "inexperienced", right after witnessing said president's election campaign unfold into THE most effective vote getting machine in US history, downing everyone from intellectual pushovers like Sarah Palin, to political heavyweights like Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain.
Then he
The ever-shrinking club of flailing conservatives gets funnier by the day.
Palin is an ongoing source of jokes, and with this latest CIA scandal threatening to sink cheney, he's in trouble too.
Who has the GOP got left as a credible leader?
Bobby Jindal - out, Sarah Palin - out. Mitt Romney and Joe Lieberman both support abortion so they're toast.
Who's left as a credible potential leader of the GOP?
Harry Reid? :-)
I agree that Palin's patriotism and dedication are true. I am not sure that she is of the calibre necessary to be president. Whether that is due to spin or just ineptitude I can't tell from here but I wouldn't want her to be the Republican nominee. I just can't take her seriously.
Of course after the last president I would say that pretty much all of the JT posters were better qualified. The problem is that qualifications don't add up to diddly squat. What have you done with the qualifications? That's what matters.
Then you have to deal with DC politics. Which seems to make ancient Rome look downright civilized and moral. That's a different topic.
SushiSakeThree - "yet again you have posted a comment utterly devoid of reason..."
That would be you.
"... or background/supporting information"
OK, let's see your link supporting your absurd statement that Palin is an international laughing stock.
Sarge - "She is not"
She is. ha ha ha :-)
Sorry Sarge, it's just that yet again you have posted a comment utterly devoid of reason or background/supporting information.
I know you can do much better than that.
"She is an international laughing stock"
She is not.
"What, being a good mother qualfies you to hold the office of president?
Heck, it beats Obama's qualifications.
"she can't possibly win"
We'll see, won't we?
But seriously, GOP, is Palin the best you can do? Isn't that just a little sad?
Um, no.
DickMosrris - "Palin is a woman i can trust."
That's a pity, because the majority of Americans can't trust her to stay in a job without quitting, let alone be president.
"She is respected abroad and has high morals and respect for all."
She is an international laughing stock, could not even name 1 single publication she reads despite claiming to real many, and respects little more than her family and the opportunity to make some quick money on the side.
"She can turn the tide of failure that Obama is creating by making us prosper.."
Sarah Palin belongs to a political party whose failed ideology has brought about the greatest economic damage to America since the Great Depression.
And no, this recession was not President Obama's fault - as you well know, this recession officially began in December 2007, under the watch of that other great destroyer, George Bush.
Sishisake3: Yourself and your liberal pals may rue the election of Obama, wheb you see our nations world stnding fall rapidly, our servicemen die and our liberties erased.
Palin is a woman i can trust. She is respected abroad and has high morals and respect for all. She can turn the tide of failure that Obama is creating by making us prosper, as she did to the Alaskan people.
DickMorris - "Sir, i am a patriot who believes Mrs Palin will pull us out of Obama's depression and make us safe from our enemies."
No, people who voted for Candidate Obama are patriots...oh, don't bother...especially the one about 'Obama's depression' - that's funny, too, especially considering the depression started way on George Bush's watch at the end of 2007.
That's almost like calling Sarah Palin "Americas Mrs Thatcher".....
wha!? You just did! lol!!
"....bring back respect and prosperity to the American people."
Glad you understand that respect and prosperity of the American people was well and truly butchered under bush - that's something we can agree on.
I would like to have my points answered inan adult manner without being accussed of being what i am not.
Palin shall be Americas Mrs Thatcher a bring back respect and prosperity to the American people.
sailwind: Sir, i am a patriot who believes Mrs Palin will pull us out of Obama's depression and make us safe from our enemies.
I would like to have my points answered inan adult manner without being accussed of being what i am not.
Palin shall be Americas Mrs Thatcher a bring back respect and prosperity to the American people.
Ya know GWB, Obama etc.
Agreed... A person who was elected as a small town Mayor should never be considered as the best America can offer in National leadership. That is is the exclusive domain of Harvard grads from what I gather.
I honestly have no idea if Dick Morris is being heavily sarcastic or if he really thinks Palin is intelligent. It's just hard not to laugh when people say anything even mildly positive about her. I really hope she runs for Prez, a) for comedy and b) because she can't possibly win. But seriously GOP, is Palin the best you can do? Isn't that just a little sad?
I have serious doubts that you posted that to make people aware of her Republican detractors.
I believe in the political honesty and patriotism of Mrs Palin. She is the right person to lead us after the disaster of Obama's term. Also for those liberal doubters , she will be a 2 term president. Who have the DEms got to beat her? Nobody, hahahahaha.
Sarah Palin is essentially a loser advised by losers and supported by losers.
sailwind said:
"Sad," that would indicate sympathy this week. Where is the anger of the past? I guess that victim thing just works out better. Good luck with that. It should help disguise the fact that I practically wrote her script within a day or two of her resigning. Let see I said, book tour, speaking tour, politics. Oh, I also said raise money. She is making it more and more difficult for that prediction to come true. I mean of course she can collect money from the horny JT guys. We have seen them pop up to defender every time her name gets mentioned. I guess we can expect them to pop up when the hat gets passed for her political ambitions.
I just passed on information that I had come across that reflected the article on JT. That would seem to have more relevance then criticizing me for posting it. I'll bet many readers were not aware of the steady stream of Republican detractors of Palin.
As I seemed to recall the day she resigned sailwind said she was only resigning because people were being so mean to her. I differed.
"good place to start as far looking at her as Presidential material."
What, being a good mother qualifies you to hold the office of president?
Does the same apply for good mechanics with a journalism degree?
"That said, McCain declined to endorse a Palin for President campaign."
Does anything else really need to be said?
Well, why? I thought you didn't like McCain..
And Sailwind, you answer completely dodged my question, which was:
For the record, can you state for all of us here that you sincerely believe Ms. Palin is suitable president material?
As I said, I don't believe you do.
Sailwind - "She raised her son to be an Independent and think for himself would be a good place to start as far looking at her as Presidential material."
Sorry, could we have that in English? :-)
She raised her son to be an Independent and think for himself would be a good place to start as far looking at her as Presidential material.
It sure is fun to watch liberals squirm and hurl insults as Sarah Palin gets ready to crush Obama in 2012.
"The writer's word was chum. The copy editor changed it to scrum."
National chum?
"Ms. Palin's own son isn't a Republican.
He isn't a Democrat either. So what? He's a teenager serving his country in Iraq.
"And just to set things straight, the reason I mock Palin is because I'm terrified of her."
"That said, McCain declined to endorse a Palin for President campaign."
Does anything else really need to be said?
The writer's word was chum. The copy editor changed it to scrum.
Even funnier, Ms. Palin's own son isn't a Republican. :-)
ha ha, and ha. :-)
Sailwind - "Sure is sad to watch someone continue day in and day out sliming the woman everytime she gets mentioned."
Saiwind, for the record, can you state for all of us here that you sincerely believe Ms. Palin is suitable president material?
Because to be honest, I really don't think you do.
"Palin says she's not leaving politics"
Ha, I mean, ha ha. :-)
It's not like the GOP has had their noses rubbed in the mud enough times already; Palin's refusal to get out of politics only ensures the GOP's track record of disaster will continue for the forseeable future.
But that's OK, because despite Dick Morris's riotous claims that them "Dems will be unelectable for decades and i am sure she [Ms. Palin] is preparing for a 2 term run. She sure is a great, moral and highly intelligent woman," the longer Sarah Palin remains a loudly talking head for the GOP, the longer the Democrats will remain in power.
Americans have soundly rejected the politics and 'principles' of Sarah Palin.
All that said, I sincerely hope she remains involved in GOP politics, and better still, runs for president.
That, quite frankly, will be hilarious. :-)
Sure is sad to watch someone continue day in and day out sliming the woman everytime she gets mentioned.
It sure is fun to watch conservative politicians talk about Palin; they all squirm in their seats.
She will need to win over an increasing number of Republicans abandoning the Palin ship.
Earlier this year she attended a conference of state senators chaired by Gary Stevens, the Republican president of the Alaska Senate. Asked politely if she would like to share her plans for the coming legislative session, Palin stunned the room by complaining: “I feel like you guys are always trying to put me on the spot.”
She has also accepted and then abruptly rejected invitations to speak at conservative dinners, and had staff vet even the friendliest reporters’ backgrounds. Kessler writes: “Her biggest supporters have been appalled at her transformation.”
David Keene, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, a leading activist organisation, said scathingly last week: “In the period leading up to the resignation she needed to get over the fact that people didn’t like her, get over the fact that she harboured resentment for the McCain people that used her. All of those things are true, but she got more out of it than they did.”
Joining in the attacks on Palin, Peggy Noonan, Ronald Reagan’s former speechwriter, wrote in The Wall Street Journal last week that Republicans should stop defending her wayward behaviour. “She makes the party look stupid, a party of the easily manipulated.”
She also dismissed the idea that Palin was a champion of hearty middle American values, arguing that she had been created by McCain and the media she purports to despise. “She is a complete elite confection,” Noonan wrote. “She might as well have been a bonbon.”
Levi Johnston, 19, the estranged father of Palin’s teenage daughter’s baby, claimed last week that the opportunity to make money from her book, television and the talk show circuit was behind Palin’s decision to resign. She talked about “how nice it would be to take some of this money people have been offering us and just run with it, and saying, ‘Forget everything else’”, he said.
Sorry Levi, I called that one on JT long before your announcement confirming exactly what I said.
Full speed ahead to Disaster 2012. Should be entertaining at least.
“Let me peek out there and see if there’s an open door somewhere. And if there’s even a little crack of light, I’ll hope to plow through it.”
I'm never inviting her round for dinner.
Palin will become our next president after the Obama debacle. The Dems will be unelectable for decades and i am sure she is preparing for a 2 term run. She sure is a great, moral and highly intelligent woman.
Politics needs fast thinking leaders like Mrs Palin.
Altria said:
That one got me laughing.
And just to set things straight, the reason I mock Palin is because I'm terrified of her.
What job will she quit next?
What is the difference between her and Huffington now?
"Alaska Gov Sarah Palin said she’s not only staying involved in national politics, but she plans to jump back into the national scrum when she leaves office at the end of the month."
Palin: At the end of my month, when I walk out of my job in politics, I'm getting right back into politics!
Only a fool would cheer on such 'logic'. What an utter dolt!
Apparently she was excited to hear Wolf Blitzer's job was open, but backed down when she found out it didn't actually involve shooting wolves.
It's kind of like a real life episode of "I Dream of Jeannie", with of course, John McCain in the role of Major Nelson (he let her out of the bottle), Mitt Romney as Major Healy (he has to get her back in), and Rush Limbaugh as Commander Bellows (he's clueless about everything that's going on). Comic hilarity is sure to ensue, with probably a spectacular implosion for the final episode. Luckily, I get to watch from a safe distance, those who can't have my sympathy.
By the way, I think "scrum" was probably the writer's word, not hers. He is in the media, so he is an elitist you know.
And, yeah, scrum is everyday English but only in countries that play rugby. Pretty bizarre choice of word for an American politician.
Great, we need more comedy in politics.
I wonder how many fine Democrats would want her stumping for them.....LOL
rugby a formation in which players from each side form a tight pack and push against each other in an attempt to get the ball which is thrown on the ground between them
I had to look it up......I think she is trying to amaze the masses with her extensive vocabulary. Hey maybe she will use "garryowen" in one of her next speeches....LOL
Darn golly gee willikers, Palin is sooo smarte, she yuses dose darn big fangled wordes dat us comon foolk don't understan...LOL
The kind of people who are fans of Palin remind of the fans of the entertainment form known as "pro wrestling."
In short, they're morons.
"she plans to jump back into the national scrum"
National scrum?