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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Palin to embark on East Coast bus tour
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Palin should not use the bus she should just Take A Hike.
This is great news! Run Palin run! Americans need you, well the faith-based regressive folks do anyway. If you do get the nomination it is lights out for the nov 2012 election for sure. Obama will win in a landslide again.
Obama will landslide for sure if this idiot gets in the race. I will still vote for Ralph Nader though, as he is the best there is.
Go Sarah!!! America needs you! No other conservative candidate can kill the GOP vote quite like you can.
I hear you are moving to Arizona. I hope it all goes well down there in the Lower 48 and that you can continue your admirable hobby of shooting moose from helicopters.
I hear Arizona has lots of mooses! Yip :-)
Ah, its like going to watch a political freak show with Palin around... I think its called "Delusions of grandeur"?
Will she have the staying power, or will she do a Trump and quit before the start gun?
But Our Sarah's quit before and coddled Big Money in the form of Fox News - heh, no wonder conservatives love her! :-)
She gets paid to give her views on FOX. She gets free media coverage from other outlets for announcing a bus tour, and a media trying to divine her attentions. Her speeches on her bus tour will get front page coverage on all the local papers she visits and getting her message out pretty much for free. The other Republican candidates will spend millions just trying to get their message out.
President Obama who feigns no problem is furiously raising tons of cash to get re-elected. He also has "free media" coverage and pretty darn friendly at that. he also knows he has a serious problem and needs serious cash to produce ads and make him look good.
I'd have to say she is not an "idiot" but as suave as you can get to get your message out, and not just for free but to actually get paid for it before actually seeking donations from donors for your campaign.
"Delusions of grandeur"
That would be the Obama presidency.
Just one thought. Looks like Palin took her little backwater degree in Journalism from the Univeristy of Idaho to pretty good use.
Since NY-26 -- a solid red Congressional district for many decades -- just elected a Democratic congresswoman, and has put the House back into play for 2012, it would appear that it's the Republicans who have serious problems.
I mean here's a week that saw Chrysler return to profitability and now both it and GM have repaid all of the taxpayers' money with interest. Unemployment in Michigan has dropped from over 14% to 10%, with the nation creating about 175,000 jobs per month. (In the last months of the previous administration, the nation was losing three quarters of a million jobs a month.)
I can see no better symbol of Republican self-destructive stupidity than Sarah Palin and her smarmy bus tour. Just in time to promote her former aide's book: Blind Allegience to Sarah Palin.
The words of Mencken ring very true indeed regarding the "fans," who provide all the hot air for Palin's lift. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
I could use the laughs. Get in the race sarah. Let us all know how much you are being persecuted on Facebook! Let the pity party 2012 begin!
I could use the laughs.
Just use Tina Fey's impression of her on SNL and watch it over and over again. I always get a chuckle.
"Palin has written a best selling book, and draws large crowds when she appears at bookstores, rallies and other events"
Liberals can't seem to accept this fact.
I'm wondering, if sarah enters the campaign, will she finish it?
She doesn't have the best track record of closing the loop on things.
Liberals can't seem to accept this fact.
Oh, I accept it entirely; and I'm a liberal. But I can't help thinking that writing a book and drawing large crowds at rallies is behaviour that recalls that of a certain German gentleman, say seventy-five years ago.
"Palin has written a best selling book, and draws large crowds when she appears at bookstores, rallies and other events"
Liberals can't seem to accept this fact.
Silly, of course they can accept this fact. Do they like it is another matter.
I should have said "Austrian", of course.
Like a palin fan would know the difference.
Your short, sweet statement reminds me of one by Faulkner:
"Those who destroyed the forest have accomplished its revenge."
America is a far better country than this horribly unfit and unqualified woman and her supporters -- who most certainly have at least a couple of screws loose.
I strongly believe that if a person took on a commitment to the whole truth, there is no way they could associate themselves with the Republican Party of today and its talking heads like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity. And least of all, Sarah Palin.
On the other hand, we did see the all-too-rare occurrence of one conservative admitting he made a mistake.
Palin probably does not have a chance in 2012. Rumors are Roger Ailes does not like her.She is good for ratings,but he is determined to see someone else get nomination - if you are the sort of paranoid who believes that "Faux" controls their viewers and instructs them who to vote for.
Palin has Obama's number though. Why are we borrowing 20 billion from China to give to a post-Mubarak Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood are poised to take power???
Maybe the teleprompter - or the auto-pen - will furnish a reply.
I doubt it.
Better to go on demonizing Paul Ryan for telling the country the obvious...
Paul Ryan committed political suicide the day he published the Ryan budget.
No, why no cut defense by 40%. Does America really need 11 aircraft carrier battle groups?
Palin, at 15%, is hot on the heels of leader Romney, at 17%, in the Republican poll.
The decision to run for president of the United States is a big one. It means gruelling campaigning for over a year. But Palin can always quit halfway through, ha ha!
Lieberman - "Palin has Obama's number though. Why are we borrowing 20 billion from China to give to a post-Mubarak Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood are poised to take power???"
The possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood taking some power in Egypt is part of a process called democracy, a concept that the U.S. government supports unless it doesn't.
Actually the more I think about this strategy she is using the more brilliant it becomes. Not only will she get free press on this and not have to go through the "begging" phase for large donors to support her campaign that all the others have to right now. It also means she will not be beholden to any special interest groups or lobbyists if she does get the nomination and can campaign in the general election without having that baggage on her and can campaign as a true Washington outsider. Have to say for an "idiot" and the now come to be expected name calling which seems to be the continued normal discussion with Liberals even after President's Obama speech on a return to civility in our national discourse. The lady is my opinion is actually pretty smart and I have never seen a "stealth campaign" like this by a politician and to actually get paid to do it to boot, now that is some real true good old fashion Yankee ingenuity on display.
It might be best to heed the warnings of those much closer to the inner circle of Palin. Frank Bailey, an ex-Palin aide, has saved tens of thousands of emails from his time associated with her. He describes Palin as "ill-prepared, immature, vindictive and unethical."
(Is there an example of anyone who has worked very closely with President Obama who came away with negative remarks of that nature?)
Do intelligent people follow those who are described in the way one of Palin's former confidants has described her? At the risk of sounding "uncivil," I'd have to say "No."
It is obvious that Palin quit public service in the call of the wild to heed the call of the almighty dollar. She is only about herself and her "brand." The real name of the tour is "Me, Me, Me." Tragical History Tour and Rolling Blunder were toss-ups.
Sailwind - "The lady is my opinion is actually pretty smart .."
Sorry pal, a statement like that actually does more to damage your credibility than it does to boost hers.
As I did before the last election, I SUPPORT Our Sarah running.
The more conversations America has with her, the more they will like Obama and the Dems.
Yes, She Can! Gooooooooo Sarah!!!! :-)
Yabits – “Do intelligent people follow those who are described in the way one of Palin's former confidants has described her?”
Mate, to be brutally honest I think one of the biggest mistakes us liberals make is assuming that conservatives are “intelligent.”
Once you ditch that notion, pretty much everything conservatives do and say makes a heap of sense.
Not meant as a put-down – simply stating an opinion.
Intelligent people look as you have stated on this very thread "the whole truth". It would seem you disregarded your own counsel on Frank Bailey. Or you would have also noted Frank Bailey is the only member of Palin's administration to have been charged twice for ethics violations and was suspended by Governor Palin, that's the whole truth.
Oh and he is also currently under investigation by Alaska's A.G for yet another ethics violation in his use of private emails.
Actually Sushi, Herman Cain has liberals pegged to a tee as far as discussion and intelligent debate.
I love this guy and hope he does catch fire since he announced his bid for the Republican nomination, oh his statement on Liberals and their tactics.....Shift the subject, Ignore the truth, Name call.....SIN
That's what liberals do. They shift the subject, ignore the truth and call opponents names to avoid a real debate or rational discussion. These are their sin tactics.
I certainly haven't disregarded my own counsel. The truth is that there is Bailey's side of the story and there is Palin's side. Based upon the body of evidence that Bailey has collected, it makes perfect sense for an unethical, vindictive person to falsely accuse someone like Bailey. An honest person would want to carefully examine all of the evidence and not just take the accusations at face value.
Just as important, Frank Bailey is not putting himself out as a potential candidate for public office. If he was, I would want to look at his record and what people who've worked with him say about him.
Sailwind, as you know very well I'm always ready for debate.
If only conservatives would - for once - put one up that makes me think first then laugh rather than the other way around.
I'm still waiting.
"That's what liberals do. They shift the subject, ignore the truth and call opponents names."
Shift the subject? Like how conservatives like Sarah Palin always try to shift the subject off her ethics abuses?
Ignore the truth? Like how conservatives are claiming global warming such as we are seeing now is somehow 'natural'?
And call opponents names? You mean like every conservative and their dog chanting 'Obamacare'?
Sail, you really did an EPIC FAIL on that post. :-)
This is why whistle-blowers need protection. These government officials protect themselves by making documents confidential. In a democracy, the people need to know what is going on.
I can promise you that I would not avoid a real debate on any issue, nor will I ignore the truth.
The problem I have encountered, however, is that when I bring up a truthful, pertinent fact, it seems so foreign to my conservative opponents that they think I've tried to change the subject.
I believe liberals are beholden to show that descriptions such as those voiced by Herman Cain are generally way wrong. Yes, there are exceptions but generally most people accused of being liberals are true independent thinkers. If you go to the Bob Somerby's liberal site, The Daily Howler, you'll find him castigating MSNBC on a near-daily basis, with highly insightful points. (Magazines like The New Republic take both sides to task also.)
This is b.s. Typical conservative projection. Take conservative tacics and project them on to liberals.
When have you heard any real debate out of sarah palin? When she's claiming the President is "pallin' around with terrorists?"
When are we going to hear the debate from the republicans about jobs? Isn't that what they promised us when they were elected that they would focus on? NO, all the debate is about Is how Obama is being mean to them on Medicare because they want to gut it. They are children.
And like Sushi said, when it comes to calling names, you conservatives take the cake.
I've been called a traitor to my country for not following your dear leader, george bush, on these threads by you conservatives. Obamacare. Obamatron. Democrat Party.
Liberals being demonized as being communist and being called un-American, "pinkos."
Yeah, I reject your argument soundly. It's totally wrong.
Will Sarah Palin run?
This clip is fairly long (15 mins) but surprisingly good and very clear.
I've never seen the presenter before but he sounds like a former pastor.
Otherwise, google "Lawrence O'Donnell: New York Times 'Jumped The Shark' With Palin"
The thing about palin, like most conservatives, is, she's incapable of debate. conservatives, in general, cannot debate worth a damn. Them must control the conversation. That is why sarah's little bus tour will be very media free. They'll ask questions and she can't control that or dismiss them with an insult on Facebook.
Most big name conservatives can't debate. limbaugh, o'reilly, hannity, beck...if someone challenged them, they would shout them down with insults and high volume or cut their mic.
Real men there engaging in real debate.
Taka313: "When have you heard any real debate out of sarah palin? When she's claiming the President is "pallin' around with terrorists?" "
Since that charge is unfortunately true (and easily verifiable) I suspect she will repeat it often and screechily, as is her style.
Me? I don't care where Sarah's Bus is today.Like most Americans I can see that the election is 17 months off.
And like most Americans,even my fellow Democrats, I am much more interested in getting answers from our current president.
Where are the jobs? Where is the recovery???
It's true. When was the last time any of the people you've mentioned held an honest discussion of the issues. Those conservatives are to genuine debate what the WWF is to genuine sport.
As for Palin, she is so prone to embarrassing herself that she won't grant time to the kind of interviewer who'd ask her questions she considers hostile. Questions like "What kinds of things do you read?"
Well, it looks like the "boring" Republican presidential nomination campaign is about to get somewhat interesting. Love how all the ankle biters come out as soon as Palin is mentioned, heh heh.
On her Facebook page Palin asks, "Should we be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood?"
I say no. What say you, yabits? Taka313? Sushi?
"National economy creating between 150k-200k jobs each month "
Does not square with the shocking report that 85 percent of college grads are returning home to live with their parents, that this recession has hit men far harder than women, that only 11% of the jobs created (29,000) were in the manufacturing sector.
The whole country knows the present administration cooks the books. "Jobs saved" is b.s. of the most insulting kind. And creating hundreds of thousands of federal jobs is little more than cronyism.
Though I do not think Palin has a real shot at even winning her party's nomination, and I think that ironically part of her success, the phenomenon of her rise, was made possible by Hillary's eight years as First Lady, I am sometimes glad to see Palin out there. Hopefully a real Democrat will find the courage to stand up to the Alinsky-ite wing that has taken over our party.Obama needs a challenger from within the party.
Exactly like a conservative. Any attempt at debate? NO. Just name calling and childish behavior.
And lo and behold, look at the source, a real problem with truth telling as well. Who would have suspected?
This is why palin supporters are so uninformed. They simply follow around their vapid leader only going so far as to read her Facebook posts with getting any of the real facts.
In the end, they can't comment on anything intelligently so they resort to things like "Heh heh."
Real bunch of winners.
My mistake. With should be without getting any real facts. A palinite wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the head. They would sure whine about it though.
So, Taka313, I take it you think we should be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood? Or do you agree with Palin on this one?
I say Palin's question is an ignorant, BS question. As ignorant as the question is, there is no way Palin could have risen to formulate it.
The real questions are whether Egypt is an important interest to the United States and, if so, how the US should be supporting that interest. The BS factor of Palin's question comes out when the truth is realized that if the Obama administration cut off all aid to Egypt, she and her fellow Republicans would be attacking Obama for not using money to support our interests there.
We also know that Palin would never subject herself to an honest grilling which might reveal the extent of her knowledge about the Muslim Brotherhood and the situation in Egypt.
The fact stands that GM and Chrysler are not cooking the books. The Republicans were opposed to loaning the money which will be paid back with interest ahead of schedule. Instead of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost, new jobs are being created.
People who have an allergic reaction to both truth and any admission of success on the part of Team Obama will come up with irrelevant statistics which serve to insult themselves -- like the rate of college kids coming home after graduation.
"I say Palin's question is an ignorant BS question."
That's because, yabits, you cannot bring yourself to agree with anything the woman says, even when you know she's right. Pathetic.
Here's another Palin "ignorant, BS" question: Will we now be telling allies what their borders should be? Should Prime Minister Netanyahu suggest we return to our 1865 borders before the annexation of the southwest of the United States during the Mexican-American war? Should we return parts of California, Arizona and Texas?"
I say no. What say you, yabits?
Nonsense. I'm sure that in her career Palin has said many sensible things that I can agree with.
But since Palin sold out public service by abandoning her post mid-term to focus on building herself up, her ego screams out like a drunk person on the street. If you listen to one of those types long enough you might hear something sensible come out of them, but it doesn't mean they should be taken seriously.
"Palin has said many sensible things that I can agree with."
How about we shouldn't be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood, or that we shouldn't be telling our allies what their borders should be? Aren't those things sensible?
It's a gross oversimplification of reality that no one should take seriously. Drunk-talk.
I tend to never say "never." There are conceivable circumstances where the United States makes its aid to other nations conditional on any number of issues, including borders.
Spoken like a true blue Aussie, sushisake3!
yabits: "Since NY-26 -- a solid red Congressional district for many decades -- just elected a Democratic congresswoman, and has put the House back into play for 2012, it would appear that it's the Republicans who have serious problems. "
And then the Anthony Wiener thing popped up. I worry that Palin is going to force the media to look into it by making her usual screechings and make it a much bigger scandal than it all really is. [sigh]
Yes, of all of the things that could sway whether the House returns back to the Democratic Party, it's Representative Wiener's hacked Twitter account that's going to be the lynch pin.
You're back to doing comedy! Hooray for all of us.
Palin has too much of a squeaky voice just as John McCain had too much grey hair. Advisors won't tell these politicians this because it is offensive but I honestly believe these things cost politicians up to 10% of the vote and mean the difference between loosing or winning.
I think a squeaky brain is a bigger problem for this particular lady.
America deserves her