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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Pence slams report on possible 2020 presidential groundwork
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Come on... Politicians are placing their pawns even before that...
I don't think I've ever seen an incumbent President not run. But certainly I'd like to see Trump and his nepotism kicked out of the White House. Sooner than 2020 if at all possible.
I don't think I've ever seen an incumbent President not run.
Lyndon Johnson, 1968.
Snake eyes fully intends to take over when Trump is forced to resign. He will then Pardon Trump and his whole family. He isn't running all over the world to help Trump. He is boosting himself.
Oh, yeah. Mike Pence. Forgot about him. He's distancing himself so much from Trump it's like he doesn't exist anymore.
The though of Pence being president is disgraceful and offensive to a lot of people. He's just too much of a religious hardliner to put the Constitution above the Bible. That's not a good fit for a multi-cultural society.
But, ya a might want to sketch out some plans in case one of Trump's shady practices catches up with him. Good move with the PAC.
Toasted Heretic
Hearing you loud and clear.
Whoever gets in has a tough job, undoing all the damage that's been done in the last 7 months.
The Washington establishment hates an outsider. Trump took them by surprise, but they won't let it happen again. In the meantime they're doing everything they can (with a bit of help from D-man himself) to sabotage his presidency.
Back to business in the swamp in 2021.
So you heard it right from the source by name yet you still want to believe the NY Times and their anonymously sourced fake news.
I'd say "Good luck with that" as Pence was the most unpopular governor in the US before Trump plucked him from fading into obscurity, but Repubs are unpredictable - they've done far stranger things, and very recently.
Oops! Looks like his news got out a little too quickly!
For all Trump's grotesque flaws of character and intellect, at least he has no beliefs or policies, and so the damage he can wreak is always going to be limited. Pence on the other hand is a religious extremist who would be even worse in some ways. So it's not a pretty picture. Who knows, maybe the Republicans will come up with a serious candidate to challenge Pence for 2020.
Liberals live in a fantasy land before and even after the election. They still dont get it, trump and pence is for bringing jobs back to america and improving the economy. Why do all the liberals wanna hate so much. I guess its because they were the same ones that said not caring about politics is cool and theyre so late to the game they theibk the new york times and the washinton post are actually going to inform them. I suggest doing some courses in history and economics. Its next to impossible to get through to people of a political background that only goes back a year and a half and before that they hated politics.
Hilarious coming from a guy with an avatar of Trump looking like Rambo. Haha Ol' bonespurs has never fought a day in his life.
No, Donny is in it for Donny. Remember those Carrier jobs Donny 'saved?' Where are they now? How about that Foxconn deal, how much in tax cuts did each of those jobs cost?
Toasted Heretic
And the rest who have in turn, veered between joy and despair for over 20, 30, 40 years or more?
The jobs aren't piling up. Thousands will be fired from the army, for starters. After the attacks on the EPA; environmental job will lessened. Starting up fossil fuels again is a fake economy, it's limited and will do more harm than good.
Liberals do need to take stock, though. Hillary was not the answer (although still better than Joffrey). The liberalism of the Democrats is not enough to save ordinary, working class or marginalised Americans. A real left wing alternative that celebrates and liberates those Americans of all colors and creeds, would be a start.
liberate? Who?
Something tells me toasted you've never spent a day in the US.
Thousands more will join, so what's your point?
Well, we do need more jobs in the private sector anyway, so.....
But If you think we will be completely oil free in 40 years someone lied through their teeth.
What????? Even Sanders would have been better and I'm not even close to a socialist.
Apparently the country doesn't think so, otherwise Democrats would win elections with their eyes closed and that's not happening. By the way, what's going on with "Calexit?"
By 2020, Trump will be seventy four years old., and may be torn up by scandals, war against the mainstream media and, possibly, the endless investigations. What will be next year? And the year after that?
Apparently, Trump has unofficially at least launched his reelection bid as indicated by the fact that his son's lawyer's fee has been covered by the election fund. It may be too early to discuss this matter, but Vice President Mike Pence doesn't need to enter the war with the press.
Yea before I could vote. Thanks for the googling.
Simon Foston
WhatsnextToday 02:52 pm JST
All of this has absolutely nothing to do with the article. Got anything on-topic to say?
bass4funkToday 05:21 pm JST
If only you could write even half as well, eh?
Robert Chase
it seems most have missed Mr Pence's concern. He is already president.
Mr Trump is not really leading anything and apparently is only in it for the money.
Mr Pence didn't want anyone to know the color of his panties before the ball. Now he will have to work extra hard to hide his supporters.
Why the Chistophobic attacks on Pence? Pence is a religious person. I am not but I don't hold that against him. I am able to tolerate people with different cultures and backgrounds than myself. Which is completely unlike the authoritarian Left who demand everyone must think and believe as they do (you know it's true).
I am enjoying the comments here about Pence. One the one hand he is a sycophant who follows Trump blindly. On the other he is working to undermine him by plotting his overthrow in 2020. Pence says in the strongest terms that this is fake news. Yet the Left runs with it anyway. Pretty schizophrenic stuff.
Chop Chop
The ethical standard of journalism of The New York Times was questionable. The New York Times has been publishing many fake stories and news like BBC and CNN. The New York Times was publishing a fake story and news for to increase the selling of its newspaper.
The vice President Pence story was trying to destroy the trust between President Trump and Vice President Pence. It was a kind of very low work by The New York Times.
Everyone knows The NY Times is a far Left newspaper. When you read it you know that is the agenda you are getting. They do not even pretend to be neutral on the front page any more than they do in their editorial section.
The biggest failure of the NY Times and most of the largest media corporations is that they protest to be neutral when it is blatantly obvious they are not. This is how you get a fake news story like this one about Pence. The purpose is not to inform readers but to keep up the attack on the Trump administration. They are simply cheerleaders for the #Resistance.
Japan Today is not quite so blatant in their participation in the #Resistance as the NY Times, Wash Post, CNN, and MSNBC but it is easy to tell where they stand politically by the types of stories they choose to publish and those they choose not to publish.
But the left doesn't care at all about that, as long as it's anti-Trump, who on Earth cares? It's not like the left cared about facts or ethics.
Valid point.
Yeah, they're always glorifying Marx and Lenin and publishing subversive calls for revolution by David Brooks.
Toasted Heretic
More proof that the term "far left" is misunderstood and misused on a perhaps wilful, almost joyous basis.
The NY Times is a centerist publication. I wonder do people understand the difference?
Just because sections of the press in the US (and the rest of the world) report the lies and fumblings of a declining administration does not make them "far left".
Here are some real "far left" publications from Europe:
Class War
Morning Star
An Poblacht
Even then, they are preferable alternatives to Trump, Pence or even Hilary.
Everyone? Far left? A for-profit (i.e. capitalist) corporation can somehow be far left? I'm going to assume the poster is writing this from a far right perspective and sees Mussolini's beliefs as just right of center.
Understanding politics (see examples above, including mine) only from polar perspectives doesn't add much to the conversation, does it.
But with Putin now claiming to be a conservative, political labels are becoming meaningless; except when someone wants to appeal to the benighted true believers by getting them to think it's an us-them world with those who think differently being identified as enemies.
How many conservatives work at the NYT? I personally know of 2 and they are really conservative in a sea of liberals, so if that's center, then we really have a serious problem.
Toasted Heretic
I'd trade that "something" in for a new "something", in that case.
Should Pence assume the throne, it will be a whole new wrong for the US. A western neo-theocracy, if you will. With all the perils that go with theocracies. He may well be more literate than Trump but that's still not saying much, especially if you base your outlook and approach on an archaic and contradictory book written back in the dark ages.
Toasted Heretic
It still doesn't make the paper "far left". If pundits cannot differentiate from a centerist stance to a far left one, it's a sad day.
How many conservatives work at the NYT? I personally know of 2 and they are really conservative in a sea of liberals, so if that's center, then we really have a serious problem.
I think a great deal of Americans are sick to death of liberals and conservatives. The electorate is stupid, but it is not that stupid. It's because of the endless bickering of two groups of equally distasteful people that America has become so divided. It was not conservatives who elected Trump, but independents, many or most of whom voted for Obama in the previous two elections.
When it became obvious that Trump would win the election back in November, a commenter on MSNBC stated the reasons why Trump had pulled it off. Rachel Maddow then said "if the people are so upset with the state of things, why aren't more congress and senate seats going to republicans?" The obvious answer is that there were no Trumps running for any of these offices, had there been, at least a few seats would have been lost by both parties.
Pence will not be a candidate in 2020, and he will likely not be a candidate in 2024. Pence is just another garden-variety politician, and possesses the only real qualification, a full head of hair.
You were actually ok with the wrong for the last previous 8 years?
Thats already passed us, the chains are broken!
Like they say, be careful what you wish for, defy the people and you guys could possibly see your worst fears come to fruition. Lol