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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.COVID vaccines would be required for U.S. military under new plan
This was a pretty easy one to predict. You can't have a functioning military if people can't be close together in confined areas. especially at sea.
"Attention seekers." This guy gets it.
Good, an army susceptible to COVID infections is susceptible to attacks by our enemies.
Even pathetically weak enemies like Russia can take advantage of an unvaccinated army.
Only those who seek to weaken America can oppose such measures.
The Avenger
Makes sense.
Vaccination of military personnel has been required for decades.
I hope the movement continues to grow as the lawsuits. Fingers crossed.
Thank God I don’t work for the Federal government.
Utter nonsense. During my military career Anthrax vaccine shots were mandated in the late 90's - some troops refused to take them - they were charged with violating an order and administratively discharged...
A lot of troops listened to "barrack's lawyers" like this, and paid the price...
If I were in the military and they would force me, not only would I sue I would quit. The Pentagon can do what it wants I don’t have a horse in this fight, I’m just glad I listend to my folks about ever working for the Federal government. I wish these men and women all the luck.
Uh, newsflash, once you enlist/are commissioned and take the oath, there isn't any quitting. I found in my 27 year USAF career, some folks have the courage and strength to be in the military, and some don't...
Glad he ducked serving his country...well, it's consistent with his hero; Cadet Bone Spurs...
I think the US government has become the traitor of the people when forcing people to put something in their bodies without asking them
Yes, we feel the opposite as well.
Yes. I have in in my independent field and contracted by my former network not as a government employee thankfully.
No, I have friend that wanted out 12 years ago, they were trying to keep him in, he said at the time it was too stressful and he couldn’t hack it. He asked to be discharged and to your point they wouldn’t grant him one, so my father hooked him up with a very powerful lawyer and 2 months later he was out.
True, but if you can get in, you can always get out even if it takes time.
Nobody is being forcefully inoculated. There is a clear choice : get vaccinated, or live outside of society.
Which is?
Yes. They are, that’s why we’re talking about this, if the Pentagon orders it and it’s carried out then it’s done by force especially if you have soldiers that object to being jabbed for whatever reason.
That’s not a choice, that is an ultimatum.
A choice would be, we recommend you get inoculated. If you wish not to, that is your prerogative, (without any reprisals or consequences.)
Doesn't work that way. I remember every six months my friend had to take an HIV test in the Reserves. You are US property. The same goes with vaccines. Your health record belongs to them.
It's about time.
My dad would say and he quoted basic training drill sergeants....... WE OWN YOU.....and that includes vaccines. But how will Trump people travel around planes if airlines require vax passports?
when I was in the service this wouldn't even would have been an issue! They told us this crap about us being 'government property' and when they dole out vaccines, you'd get one. Period. All recruits get a full spectrum of shots for various diseases around the world, line them up and shoot them in the shoulders with the air guns.
And since military units are always clustered together en masse, this is just common sense.
There's been too many media crackpots talking lies and trash, disrupting the fabric of America and it has to stop now!
Yes, there is always a legal option to opt-out.
It has always been an issue, you don't know every single case that was brought up as a filed complaint.
For the majority, yes, but not everyone.
So you're saying, soldiers, don't have the right to question their own government about a vaccine that hasn't even been approved fully by the FDA? That's just nuts. It's the US and individual rights as well as medical rights are still respected or it used to be at least.
The U.S. military has required other vaccines for decades, including anthrax, smallpox, tetanus, typhoid, yellow fever, measles, malaria, influenza . . .
Any disciplined military works as a team. To keep everyone safe, everyone must get vaccinated. If you're the kind of person who will sacrifice your comrades' health for the sake of your own ideology, then the military is not for you.
Have you always considered the US military to be a traitor of the people (because that's what you're saying), or have you gotten that into your head recently because your hatred of liberals has reached a fever pitch?
The military of course allows exemptions on religious or health grounds. I doubt whether "Tucker Carlson got me a-thinkin'" or "I'm too scared" would convince command though.
I never said it was easy, I said it can be done and has been done thousands of times. There is always the legal option.