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© 2017 AFPPhilippines' Duterte slams Chelsea Clinton over rape remarks criticism
By NOEL CELIS MANILA©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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And our President says this guy is doing a "great job". This is just disgusting. Whether you support Trump's domestic political policies or not, how can anyone support someone who lauds a man who actually encourages rape?
Curious that Duterte's cozying up to Putin who's cozying up to Iran's rulers. They seem to have so much in common with the grab them by the @ POTUS. The world's aging, 'strong men'; ensuring the process of devolution continues.
Aly Rustom
she slammed you? all she said was
Um..she's right. You said
In that sense, I don't see her slamming you. I hear her saying the truth.
Yes. His infidelities were shameful, but they still were consentual you APE.
Pot calling kettle.
Anyone ever see the Disney flick The Jungle Book? Duterte contantly reminds me of the Monkey King- King Louie.
The WaPo writeup included this morsel:
"Duterte's attack tracks closely with a strategy employed by Donald Trump during his presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton. When Trump's alleged sexual abuses became a major issue, the reality TV star responded by attempting to put the attention on Bill Clinton's sexual history."
Chelsea nailed Dudirty. If he looks like a thug, acts like a thug and talks like a thug... Well, I suppose you still need a certain IQ to draw the right conclusion, which is easier said than done for hand-on-heart, mouthing a patriotic song from a teleprompter President Pmurt who clearly needs to first sort out his covfefe and keep better company.
Look at this guy -- a supposed leader -- saying he wants to rape women, and he'll protect his murderous thugs who do, getting all riled up by a young woman miles and miles away. And he gets support from the likes of Trump, Abe, and others.
Duterte is a lunatic but did Chelsea ever point out to her father that rape is never a joke? If she cannot call out her own father she isn't much of a spokesman for the cause.
Kuya 808
In the Tagalog language there is a word (pikon) that essentially refers to the double whammy of having a short fuse and a thin skin. Someone is "pikon" if they get pissed off at a joke or respond to criticism with anger. There are a number of incidents that clearly show that being pikon is a prevalent component of the Filipino mindset. Alec Baldwin was barred from entering the Philippines for making a joke about getting a mail order bride there. Justin Bieber got barred from entry because he made fun of Manny Pacquiao when he got beaten by Marquez. Claire Danes was declared persona non grata for making observations about the conditions she experienced in Manila. If you want to get a lot of Filipinos mad at you just criticize them or their country or make a joke at their expense.
Chelsea called their president a "murderous thug". Reasonably or not, a lot of Filipinos look at that as a direct assault on them. It's just another self important American spouting off about something they know nothing about. I think a lot of non Filipinos would be surprised at how well Duterte's rhetoric goes over at home.
Right on, both of you. This is evidence of the toxic approach to masculinity that both of these fascists, other fascists like them, and their fans subscribe to. They're too narcissistic to understand the difference between their rapes and sexual assaults (or their endorsement thereof), i.e. violence, and another person's sexual infidelity, i.e. something that is shameful but non-violent.
This is the standard tactic these days. If you are attacked, attack them back personally instead of addressing the original issue at hand. if you got nothing on them make something up. This damage will last for a few decades at least
Aly Rustom
Exactly Katsu. And not only that. We are seeing this kind of attitude become the dominating trait in more and more leaders around the world. Sisi in Egypt is another who springs to mind. We are in for some dark days ahead.
wolfpuck - did you read aly's comment before writing your own?
"Yes. His infidelities were shameful, but they still were consentual you APE."
a big difference between "consensual " and "rape.
mstuffzit - oh I read that opinion. The problem is that at least one women has claimed that she was raped and several more claim they were sexually harassed. Rape is rape no matter who perpetrates the crime. Chelsea should have been a little more self aware and refrained from casting aspersions on others when she cannot even defend her own father. She invites criticism by seemingly excusing her fathers past rape and assaults on numerous women. Never once heard her condem her fathers transgressions.
Duterte accused Chelsea of slamming him.
He then asks Chelsea if she slammed her father.
Then along comes this article reporting that he has slammed Chelsea.
Slam, slam, slam. This kind of language makes it sound like a nasty family row. Journalistic license?
Duterte was elected by his own people. Chelsea Clinton can mind her own business and let his people decide if that is the type of person they want representing them in the world or not. This was not for her to have an opinion on, but she thought she can get easy points and get away with a hit and run attack. Guess not.
Duterte is an elected leader but people are still entitled to criticise appalling things said by anyone, anywhere. Women, or men for that matter, have the right to speak out on issues like rape and sexual violence, problems which exist in all societies.
Do you in principle have any problem with what Duterte said?
What he said is of no concern to me. I, (unlike people named Clinton) am not required to have an opinion on every single thing that anyone in the world says. I will have an opinion after Chelsea shares her opinion with us about what her father did concerning this same topic. She has a right to speak out on this issue, right? Oh wait, she doesnt have one when it relates to her own house. Hypothetical women in another country need protection, but nothing for real women her father knew? When your covfefe is dirty, dont talk about other people's covfefe.
Everyone knows that Chelsea was just using this as a chance to virtue signal and to badmouth someone who doesn't openly hate Trump. Unfortunately for her, Duterte doesnt play, that guy is fire. Waiting for the call for liberal calls for Trump to disavow him and never talk to him again in 3....2....1....
Government announces plans to crack down on hate speech.
Republicans: Horror! Outrage! Free speech is absolute! How dare they!
Chelsea Clinton speaks out about a foreign leader.
Republicans: ! Horror! Outrage! She has no right! How dare she!
Just another day in Republican hypocrisy.
Free speech is pretty much absolute with the obvious exceptions. So are the consequences when you use it. She talked about the wrong topic to the wrong person and now she expects sympathy? Nope. Its a funny thing that when you use free speech to talk crap about someone they have the right to use the same free speech to reply. But liberals always want to just focus on the meanness of the reply to their virtue signalling.
Sorry, I dont need Chelsea Clinton's comments to tell me that rape is unacceptable, I think everyone already knows that. Her intent was not to educate or to add anything of value to the conversation, just an attempt to make herself look good.
Does she? It doesn't seem to say that anywhere. Are you just projecting?
No one has criticized him for speaking, they've criticized what he said. You know, specifically what you just expressed here:
Republicans just want to focus on how the person is evil and bad in their hatred signalling.
Yeah, you'd have to be a moron to think she actually believes rape is bad.
I'm with you on free speech. I get tired and annoyed by politically correct nonsense. It is all too often employed to shut down debate on things which need to be discussed honestly and soberly. However, don't think it's exclusively a vice of the left
That said, you still haven't said if you agree in principle with what Duterte said. That's the point here.
If Ivanka said the exact same thing our resident wingers would be silent.
If Duterte responded to Ivanka like this and Trump said I'm going to nuke the Philippines, our wingers would cheer.
An authoritarian follower's existence is so simple.
why should a PM care what she said. who is she? she holds no govt position, her mother is a loser, her father is a sex predator. Duterte needs serious criticism from somebody more serious.
My first reaction was to say perhaps the president of the most powerful country in earth is ideally placed by your lights to criticize the thuggery of Duterte.
But you did say 'someone more serious'. That certainly rules out Trump.
I didnt have any opinion at all previously but seeing as you directly asked I can respond.
So what Duterte said, it was something about rape, which is wrong. I dont see any way that can be something worth saying that can supported or defended.
Then what Chelsea Clinton said, right message wrong person. Total virtue signalling only to make herself look good. Added nothing to the conversation and educated no one. Just a cheap shot against a guy who doesnt hate the man who won the election her mother lost.
Then what Duterte said, totally agree. Somewhat crude way to tell her to mind her own business and clean her own house first.
Kuya 808
Excuse me if I ask; but who are the Republicans voicing horror and outrage at Chelsea Clinton speaking out about a foreign leader? I know Duterte responded to Chelsea's tweets in an outrageous manner but he isn't a Republican.
And here:
And here:
And here:
Nice try, thats not horror and outrage from me. That's me saying it was very stupid considering her family situation and I dont have any sympathy for the smackdown that she got in return. She has every right to speak out and every right to get smacked down in return. Between both her and her Mom's public speaking/Twitter this week, things have never looked brighter for Republicans.
Well, I'll admit the horror was hyperbole. But the outrage was not, and your posts are definitely outraged.
Other than the slow trainwreck that your country is currently experiencing, and the impeding impeachment of your president.
I am not outraged in the least. I cant believe someone would be that stupid to even try to get away with what she tried to do to Duterte. All of my posts are about her lack of common sense in even addressing this issue to anyone- much less Duterte, that is doubly stupid. Her father was accused of the same thing, her mother claiming women accusers need to be believed (except the ones who accuse her husband). With all her direct family being involved in this, why why why bring it up in public? Did she think he wouldnt notice it? Thats the only thing I can think of.
No longer surprised mate, but still appalled. The more I see/hear Duterte the more i think " Filipinos, is this really the man you voted into office, seriously?" Dunno if it's a small-man complex thing or simply poor education but Duterte is proving to be the filthiest pig I have ever seen in world politics.
Calling women whores and bringing good old ML to the table was not only low but also totally uncalled for. I have absolutely no sympathy for Chelsea Clinton nor what she said here and would have actually welcome a good comeback from Duterte but this is absolute filth.
"I'm not outraged!" followed up with a comment of outrage.
Hiro S Nobumasa
What a bad start for Chelsea's political career!
Next time she should first try to learn the culture of a foreign country before opening her not so small mouth especially against a very popularly elected president who is fighting a myriad of problems from drugs, graft and corruption, poverty and ISIS occupation of a city.
The best bass player in Naha who is from the Philippines said their president was using reverse psychology when talkin about rape with the troops. He said it's a favorite strategy that the people of Davao city are very familiar with.
Maybe Chelsea should come to Okinawa and listen to this fabulous band before opening her gates again?
He's a charmer isn't he? Just a pity my girlfriend is a big fan of his... I don't understand why. The man is a loathsome slug with the diplomatic skills of an out of control bulldozer.
Spoken like a true Republican. No one's targeting you for violence, so why should you care? Injustice only matters when it affects people you identify with.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Chelsea just called this guy a 'murderous thug ' really?
She didn't even knew him!
Yeah! It's not like she actually has problem with rape, right! She's just doing some political posturing, right!
Hiro S Nobumasa
What has Chelsea done to poor children with cancer?
Is she better than this man she called a 'murderous thug' ?
Hiro S Nobumasa
Some poetic people here believes they are a much better and nobler person than the man Chelsea called a murderous thug.
They are experts at being quick to judge a person through the eyes of the media.
But are they really much better than him on solid grounds?
Toasted Heretic
You're right. What's a bit of murder and advocating rape when it comes to handing out presents?
Raw Beer
But what's that thing from the bible, about not trying to take a speck from someone's eye when you have a log in yours...
Anyway, I think the main reason Duterte is attacked by the west is that he's not letting the US continue to boss his country around, as they have done for so long.
Hiro S Nobumasa
It's too darn easy to shout murder and rape in the comfort zones of the media but please at least try that in the real court of law if ones conviction is as strong as ones whimsical poetic escapades.
There a boy becomes a man! A girl a woman!
Chelsea has proven this dictum wherein one always thinks to be a better person than that man or woman she knows only through the eyes and mouths of the media while forgetting the Gennifers, Paulas and Kathleens of reality.
If you are disparaging Clinton for speaking the truth, you are coming awfully close to endorsing rape. There are no two ways about it.
The problem is that a claim of rape does not mean a rape occurred.
Many posters appear to think that if a person's father does something unacceptable the person cannot condemn others for being unacceptable. Replace rape with murder. If my father is a murderer, does that mean I cannot openly disagree with other murderers?
With any luck, Duterte, Trump, et al. are the last gasps of a dying generation of ignorant, hate-filled politicians.
Because you support rape?
Judging from your posts deriding Clinton for calling out Duterte, it seems you do need her to tell you rape is unacceptable. Everyone already knows it except for Duterte.
The value added was demonstrating that not everyone thinks rape is a topic to be joked about.
See my 6:32 post for a rebuttal.
Yet you do defend it by claiming that the person who spoke out against it is somehow the incorrect person. When something vial is opposed, it matters that it was opposed, not who opposed it.
It took until your fourth post to disagree with Duterte, and that was only after you were asked directly about it twice. Your biggest concern about this entire situation was the messenger delivering the message that rape shouldn't be joked about. There is never a wrong messenger for that message.
It's stupid to call someone out for joking about rape?
Or, it's because he's a repugnant tyrant that has violated the human rights of his people and thinks it's acceptable to joke about rape.
Are Trump, Putin, Duterte, Assad et al really that different from one another?
Considering I've never stood in front of thousands of people and legitimized rape? Yeah. Yeah I am better than him. Thanks for asking.
Raw Beer
I think most of us are disparaging Clinton for her great hypocrisy.
No, but if you chose to completely ignore what your father has done, why should anyone listen to you when you criticize a far-away man for joking about something your own father has done repeatedly.
The main reason Duterte is attacked by the west is that he released his country from America's stranglehold. He's also determined to put an end to his country's drug problem, which America (including Chelsea's dad) played a big role in causing it.
Cite some evidence to back up your presupposition that she "[chooses] to completely ignore what [her] father [did].
The vast majority of drugs in the Philippines are from Asia, of which the US is not part.
Duterte has made Chelsea Clinton look good, in fact better than she has looked ever before. Forget whatever Duterte said in retaliation--the half literate droolings of a murderous thug. What Chelsea Clinton said was exactly right. It was what had to be said. It has not been said enough. She had the integrity to say the obvious: Giving credence to soldiers raping women is wrong. What Chelsea Clinton said is what Trump, the leader of the United States, should have said. But didn't.
Dre Hund
Hey, Wolfpack, your comment relating Bill Clinton to rape is mistaken. He fooled around, but nobody accused him of any rape. So, your point doesn't have any merit.
Toasted Heretic
To clarify; you don't believe he has murdered anyone (despite his boasting about it).
You don't believe he has ordered his forces to kill thousands of people in the so-called war on drugs?
You don't believe he has advocated rape?
You don't believe he has called women "whores" - including Chelsea Clinton?
Hiro S Nobumasa
I am better than Lebron! Haha!
Of course anybody can say just about anythin here! Lol!
This man maligned by so many , including Mayor Chelsea just on the plain basis of media reports needs a simple dose of Steph 3 pointers to see through the eye of the needle!
Reality is this man have been mayor of a city for 20 years and is now president of a sovereign country via a democratic process by a unanimous decision!
As the best bass player of Naha who is from the Philippines jokingly said, he is better than Durant !
Talk is cheap ! Unless one wants to show us your achievements in public yeah sure I believe you're better than Duterte!
BTW, I am betta than Michael Jordan!
Har har har!
Raw Beer
Are you suggesting Chelsea doesn't know?
That is not true.
Toasted Heretic
Not sure what revealing information about other contributors has to do with the thread.
I wouldn't advise on people giving away personal/private details online. However, Duterte is a public figure who has admitted to murder and ordering the murder of thousands. He is also advocating rape and refers to women as "whores" on a regular basis.
Do you agree with his actions and words?
wolfpack - did her father ever get convicted? she did not invite criticism nor need to
defend her father as the comment from duterte is totally absurd.
Hiro S Nobumasa
As Abner, the best bass player in Naha who is from the Philippines said, know your media.
He also said know thy oligarchs... he is still explainin this to me .
Toasted Heretic
You repeatedly mention this bass player in Naha. On several threads. Why is he or she so important to this topic? Is this bass player a contributor? Are they an essential key towards understanding a murderous, misogynist tyranical leader?
Do you support the murders and the advocation of rape? Do you believe it's acceptable to refer to women as "whores"?
Hiro S Nobumasa
Poetic Bless sometimes turns ones gray matter into a hard coconut shell blinding ones eyes despite a gentle wisp of subtle hints and friendly refrain.
Am just lucky to have the best bass player in Naha who is from the Philippines , a friend.
In other words ... talk to a real person instead of glueing thy eye on only one kind of media.
John Brown
"Duterte was elected by his own people. Chelsea Clinton can mind her own business and let his people decide if that is the type of person they want representing them in the world or not. This was not for her to have an opinion on, but she thought she can get easy points and get away with a hit and run attack. Guess not."
And your commenting because...? Your opinion means even less than Chelsea's, in fact less than nil. (I am sure you or someone else will retort. shrug) Just because she is a daughter of a Dem do you go so far out of your way to shame her now, yet you are truly only shaming yourself.
Oh and by the way, Twitter was not even around when the Clintons were in office neither was most anything else that is so user friendly on the interweb. Even the internet it self as a whole was not as wide spread and prominent when Bill was in office as it is now.
"Duterte on Friday told soldiers they could rape up to three women, in a speech aimed at reassuring them of his full support"
It is not even about being politically correct, his comments were just stupid and hurtful. We already know there are governments and lesser organizations who use the tool of rape to full fill their own sick and twisted sexual desires and also as a weapon. So this guy actually says it and no decent person is actually suppose to speak up? You are out of your mind!
"These whores, they hear 'rape'. Like, like Chelsea, she slammed me. I was not joking, I was being sarcastic. Listen to the speech. I do not laugh at my own jokes," said Duterte, 72."
The only whore is you Duterte and to be quite honest, no one laughs at your jokes. Also is there a real difference between joking and being sarcastic in such a way? The sad thing is, I wonder how many (more?) rapes will actually occur now by his own military.
When this is all over and he is gone, he will say he was just joking or being sarcastic when he said to kill his own people...
Kuya 808
I disagree. The main reason the West attacks Duterte, is because he violates every conceivable cultural expectation that the West has about how a world leader should behave. Fortunately for Duterte the Filipino people have a different set of expectations.
Additionally, it is important to remember that the "stranglehold" you referred to is very much a "consensual" relationship. I remember an oped in a Mania paper titled "Filipinos like the U.S. even more than the Americans do." and with a US approval rating in the Philippines of over 90% that just might be true.
Actually that's not what he said. Read the transcript of his actual speech.
I'm suggesting that you have no idea whether she ignores what her father did. Do you have a mind reader?
Duterte is more of pragmatic and astute leader who is intent on repairing frayed ties with China and decreasing the Philippines' excessive dependence on the US.
Chelsea had didn't mention any of Bill Clinton's rapes. Pot meet Strangerland.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Accusations that are media generated and interpreted through the tangles of massive cultural barriers are not worth answering unless if it comes from a witness on solid grounds.
Answering questions that are based on mere innuendos are are like 3-pt shots made with one foot stepping out of bounds.
One can read the excellent posts of Kuya 808 regarding the cobwebs of media-based translation across cultural barriers for some answers to your lingering hatred of a guy you didn't even met in person.
What a long distance hate affair !
One of a kind!
Toasted Heretic
Oh - it's a cultural thing and therefore one wouldn't understand. How patronising.
It's bad news for women in the Philippines when rape is designated a cultural thing and not worth debate unless actually witnessed.
Obviously bad news as well for the murdered, as regards culture but there's sadly no debate for them anymore.
Hiro S Nobumasa
You alone are sayin rape is a cultural thing , lol!
What I'm tryin to say is read Kuya 808's excellent post and go from there since it seems you didn't even take a look or simply just don't understand the links I provided.
A word of advice though, there's an old sayin in Okinawa that says the more you hate the more you love!
How romantic!
Politicians are mainly all about Words.
What do you call someone who does what he says he would, and doesn't care too much about what others think or say ?
There are some Filipino quips like hayaan mo na lang ang Diyos ang magpasya at bahala na ang bukas. When fear is sowed in the hearts of the common tao and seeing that all the deads are non elites, what else would you see? Besides, despite of all the human weaknesses, Filipinos are God-fearing and peace loving people. Just remember the likes of People Power unrest during Marcos time. No blood was shed in changes of power unlike in other countries. I just hope it would be so. Nonetheless, it seems the world is redefining the word diplomacy and tact.