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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Man, angry at IRS, crashes small plane into Texas building
AUSTIN, Texas©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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the I.R.S. is a private corporation and not part of the U.S. Government so the statement "federal tax employees" is not exactly true.
-they are employees that collect "Federal Taxes", but not part of the Federal Government.
His taxes still need to be filed for 2010. He left this to someone else to do. Not good. < :-)
The IRS is the US government agency responsible for tax collection and tax law enforcement.
I guess that's why those who stay long enough get paid a federal pension. Quit reading your anti-tax booklet.
This isn't much different then when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahome Federal Building. Except the method of delivery. I'm just glad that we don't have that kind of death toll.
Domestic terrorism, pure and simple. < :-)
violence is never the answer but the IRS should not be surprised that these acts will occur.
Why isn't this being called a terrorist attack in the media? If this was a brown man who believed in Allah, the media would not hesitate to call this a terrorist attack. Also, I believe this terrorist (I'll call a spade a spade) is a white male. This means we need to start more heavily scrutinizing white males at airports.
Moderator: Leave the issue of skin color out of this discussion please.
Ahh, Badsey, the IRS IS a federal agency.
If it does turn out to be an intentional act, that could be something entirely separate.
Domestic terrorism. Is there another term for it? Besides terrorism/suicide. < :-)
read his "manifesto"... a bit of a ramble... blaming everyone... a tad bit selfish.
I to read his so called ramblings,but amongst all that was some truths.Facts that we all think are true,we might think them, or say them sometimes,but we just carry on and accept what politicians and big business dish out.Things don't change.Another soul who was let down by the system.Worldwide, are there any caring politicians who wouldn't lie or cheat just to save there own butt or to line their own pockets ,and the same with the big businesses.We know they don't care ,and the selfish,greedy,envious society we live in ,just makes everything much so much easier for them.
Because like you said, in America white can't be called terrorists, unless they convert to Islam that is.
Orwell thought that language would be corrupted so that the meanings of words would change or be replaced with empty meanings. Terrorism is clearly one word that has lot real meaning.
This is a suicide by a troubled man. He was not doing this for a polical or social group. He did not hope to achieve some kind of political objective. And his rant online hardly translates to becoming the dogma of a group of some kind.
Let's get it straight, Terrorism has a definition and it doesn't involve one pissed off guy trying to take revenge on someone for personal reasons.
If we devalue these words in our language, then we devalue their ability to explain the world around us.
Capitalism the same as communism oppresses people/ Soon capitalism will bankrupt too.
They sure do things big in Texas.
tkoind2, I agree with you on your thoughtful posting. The man was a deeply troubled person who committed suicide using his plane into the Federal Building.
i would most certainly say that this is a political action even though it's been carried out by a single individual. he clearly states that he will no longer run in circles getting the same old result, that being insanity. he will however do something different in search of some change. by attacking a gov building he demonstrates what is it that he would like to see changed and stipulates that not only the violence can bring about that change but he believes nothing but violence can. and he follows through on that belief. you can not get more political then this without grouping with others. was this terrorism? in a sense that it uses violence and threat of further escalation, and indirectly calling on others to follow, in order to fulfill a political goal or start a political action there are elements to qualify him as terrorist...
=not part of the U.S. government = not Federal.
IRS: A private corporation that subcontracts to the U.S. Treasury.
The suicidal pilot's creed is available online. It ends with attacks on former president George Bush and big business:
" The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government. "
He then sets out for contrast two statements of his belief, one the correct version of a well-known and tragic doctrine he obviously approves of, followed with his own twist on it:
" The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
" The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed. "
Joe Stack (1956-2010)
I think words are devalued when you suggest that suicide is ok. It is the seed, no? When we realize that there is different of opinion and ideals and groups and when oppression and not only that but, death and lives ruined, dont we try to control ourself and find like-minded people. Terrorism, has only become devalued in that people actually dont get scared anymore, and terrorise back. Rather like terrified.
he had quite a valid point . billions to big companies while the small taxpayer gets raked over the coals and is treated like a criminal . the others losing their homes while paying more and more to government and insurance companies . the american consumer is a cash cow to the corporations and government . i guess he was mad as hell and wasn't going to take it any more . this is the second irs building to be blown up by private citizens . hmmmmmmm . terrorist nay i say . hero ? tragic ! yes . read what he wrote ...
For those who are interested, his manifesto is here:
violence is never the answer but the IRS is a powerful international mafia that destroys many lives in the name of patriotism. What is surprising is there is not more of this style of pitch-fork revolutionary terrorism.
He's a terrorist, plain and simple. A domestic terrorist. He has his own political beliefs. I read his story about the old widow very sad story. Alot of that is happening today, people who work hard for their companies but the company gives little or nothing in return when they retire. The steel worker had nothing !!!! I don't condone his actions but alot of what he said is true. He just went insane due to bankruptcy. Violence is not the answer.
" The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed. "
-You are lucky I am so easily amused. But there does seem to be a ton of Ponzi schemes that really prey on gullible people. But in the end it hurts all of us and only helps a select few. -One of the many reasons that these Ponzi's need to be heavily regulated or eliminated.
"Why isn't this guy being called a terrorist?"
Because he's not Islamic, and therefore the public sees it as merely a 'lone man committing a crime'. Hell, there's probably a lot who even sympathize with the man's anger.
He is being called a terrorist. His manifesto attacked the Catholic Church, former president Bush and big business. He ended his suicide note/manifesto with a comparison between communism and capitalism, lampooning anyone who believes in the latter.
Islam has nothing to do with the story.
I guess he could be, close call really. On one hand an angry taxpayer trying to stick to the Man and on the other a bubbling over of public discontent over how the rich have been coddled and protected while the masses sink deeper into debt and are punished by the banks and the IRS. It would make sense for the powers that be to not call him a terrorist because that would lionize his actions and make him out to be an anti-government martyr, which is already happening now.
And to repeat what has been said, Islam has nothing to do with whether or not this guy is called a terrorist.
Yes, such as the Federal Reserve!
Can't say I don't understand his feelings. It's shameful when such large debts are forgiven and the average guy has to pay full price.
This guy was just as angry at big business, the Catholic Church, and his wife as he was at the IRS. But the media keep concentrating on his anti-IRS anger only. I guess the pro-Obama media need to play up the anti-government angle so that the liberal Democrats can use it to score political pity points.
"But there does seem to be a ton of Ponzi schemes that really prey on gullible people.
-Yes, such as the Federal Reserve!"
-that's my line! >Badsey<
Get used to seeing more of this kind of stuff. There is no shortage of broke, unemployed, middle aged guys who have no clue what hit has them or why, they just know that they are "mad as hell" and they are going to make somebody pay.
This time it's the IRS as the designated bad guy and evil-doer, next time it will be somebody else. But there will lots of next times.
The media keep concentrating on his anti-IRS anger because he chose to crash a freaking airplane into an IRS office, not a church or his wife's car. Don't make it into some media conspiracy.
Did the guy fly his plane into a big business headquarters? a church? kill his wife? Ah, no, no and no. He flew his plane into the IRS offices which killed one person and injured several others. That is probably why the media focuses on that fact.
Someone needed an anger management course.
America will use this to increase restrictions on private aviation in America. I do not condone the actions of this madman but the USGov will use this to punish all in general aviation in the States. Their paranoia will get the best of them. Punish thousands for the sake of the actions of a madman.
Remember during Clinton's presidency some crazy guy flew a plane into the White House. They didn't clamp down on it then and I don't think they will now. It's paranoid to think otherwise!
pawatan, that was before 911. The police harass people who take pictures of trains on public property in America. It is becoming the norm to be considered guilty until proved innocent in America. Perhaps they will make no fly zones for 5 miles around all Federal buildings. Just the military and commercial aviation.
this proves Karl Marx' geinus, what he wrote in Capitalism is still true and valid today. When the people are exploited and reach their limit of tolerance, they will go against the oppressors. (I do not justify violence though but it is law of history)
I'm certainly not going to disagree with you there - the US has gotten very paranoid indeed. Still, there are tons of federal buildings in the US, I don't see how further restrictions would at all be possible, or practical. Any determined nut can accomplish his or her violent goal even with strong restrictions.
That's not to say it won't happen, I'll admit!
Notice no one's talking about IRS tactics when they go and get someone's money.
The IRS needs to change..... the #1 issue for almost everyone I talk to is the US taxes. The IRS closes down business, put people in jail, cna use local police forces including SWAT teams.... Its a disgusting organization. Either get rid of it or change it, otherwise we will see this happen again. I'm not gonna hail this guy as a hero, but considering what I am forced to pay even though I'm not living in the US as well as what I payout out in my state for my biz there... I can't really bring myself to hate this guy.
When private aircraft are outlawed, only outlaws will have private aircraft......or we could make them register them which will then prevent these types of crimes, or institute a 14 day cooling off period and do a good background check..or why not just a private plane control act, or simply bring back the ban on assault aircraft which Bush and his cronies had allowed to expire!!
OneForAll : Here is an article about what this ill person was angry about. What got me is that this man became obsessed with the IRS and government. An obsession for 20 some years to where it drove him to madness. A lessen for all of us during lent. Let the offense go, be at peace with yourself. As you forgive, so are you forgiven.
Midnightpromise what is an 'assault aircraft'? If you mean military aircraft with guns/missiles/bombs I don't think a private citizen can purchase that.
There is no way to justify the guys actions but anger at the IRS is no surprise either. The IRS becomes little more than legal loan sharking if you can't pay your taxes for whatever reason. Then they'll set up a system where you are making the monthly payments they demand only to find out that the monthly payment isn't enough to cover the extortionate penalties and interest they charge - and don't send you information of on the bill. It's a treadmill that puts credit card companies to shame and makes the Mafia jealous....
When you put together the parts of the puzzle that the government bails out the wealthy while screwing the guy who just lost his job I'd be surprised if anybody likes the IRS.
But this guy, he had more problems than the IRS.
One other thing - how is the congresscritter mentioned going to "how to better protect buildings from attacks with planes?" If there is one thing that bombing campaigns showed during WWII it's almost impossible to stop an airplane short of shooting it down. Are all buildings going to be equipped with SAMs now? The mind boggles.
When you truthfully look at this situation you start to realize how meaningless and foolish his actions are. The IRS doesn't care about the money since Fiat Money is worthless anyway. They just want you to be a good slave and keep working you until your death, slowly stealing whatever value you bring thru taxes and inflation.
It is not his fault that he actually thought his fiat money (debt) was actually worth something -many people are programmed the same way.
Best solution -file for bankruptcy. Act like the fiat money is worth something and act like a good slave (ask for forgiveness). Even tell them you are a good slave. -That's what these people like to hear.
Worst solution: Not paying taxes, burn wood for free(not paying Federal Reserve owned utilities), growing own food, bartering instead of buying with fiat money. -You stick out from the population and will be attacked! -but you will indeed be happier and healthier.
Another home grown wacko terrorist probably stoked by the right-wing radio nuts like Savage and Drugs Limbaugh.
Why didnt this guy just file his taxes and show his full income like any honest person would. Because he was no different from the crooks he claims were stealing money elsewhere.
These acts are a part of the whole tea party "I am mad as hell" movement which will result in more violence and insanity. In Texas over 50 percent of the folks believe that people rode dinosaurs like in the Flintstones cartoons cause that is what the bible says. If you start with that low level of intelligence and mix in rightwing radio nuts you get home grown terrorism just like with Timothy McVey in Oklahoma. He loved Rush Limbaugh.
wrong. that's what the japanese government would do.
Badsey posted a reference to why the IRS was not a part of the federal government. It was the opinion of:
Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Paul does not have his J.D., LL.M., J.S.D, or S.J.D. although he does claim to be a Private Attorney General. Look that one up it is a riot.
Badsey must believe that the U.S. government allows this corporation to lie about being part of the treasury as evidenced on their website.,,id=98141,00.html
Well come to find out even the U.S. Department of Treasury believes that the IRS is a bureau of the Treasury and thus a part of the Federal Government.
netrek: Clearly midnightpromise is doing his usual poor job of tying one issue to something completely unrelated -- in this case he is expressing his angst about potential gun control.
zurcronium:"Another home grown wacko terrorist probably stoked by the right-wing radio nuts like Savage and Drugs Limbaugh. "
Bingo!You have done it again, mon ami.I too am sure the terrorist was a tea bagger, and that his last message to the world and the media corporations included many hate-filled racist slur against Obama,(whose popularity is STILL rising,by the way.) I haven't bothered to read the crazy man's manifesto, but clearly, if he is flying planes into buildings he doesn't care about other people's health,or his own, so he must be a republican who clearly wants people to die, and die quickly.
Anyways, as I have repeatedly said here and as my fellow Canadian zurcronium's posts PROVE it those of outside America who understand the country best and understand the threat violent teabaggers pose to ALL of us.Some Yanks might dare to disagree with me, but I don't care.It's just the way that I am rolling these days, dammit!
Joseph Stack was apparently not a registered voter in Texas, hardly indicative of a political activist. Moreover, his "manifesto" appeared to indicate strong leftist leanings, lambasting the previous President as a "puppet", bashing corporations, the wealthy, drug and insurance companies, as well as lamenting the lack of progress on health care reform. In general, his positions were very much contrary to the beliefs of the Tea Bag Party, with the exception that he hated the current tax system.
I hope everyone recovers and that the lingering fear of violent and deadly reprisal straightens out the crooked remorseless people of the IRS.
GD-"Well come to find out even the U.S. Department of Treasury believes that the IRS is a bureau of the Treasury and thus a part of the Federal Government."
I believe the "U.S. Department of the Treasury" is Federal, but the "Department of Treasury" is not Federal, but indeed part of the IRS scam (Ponzi)
=What you said is absolutely true, but you are confused. "The IRS is a bureau of the Treasury" -true "The IRS is a bureau of the US Department of (the) Treasury = false.
I have never seen a Supreme Court Justice say the IRS is part of the Federal Government. Your "believe" remark is legally weak. =There is a reason these "enforcers" for this agency are called "agents."
Any part of the U.S. Federal Government will have U.S. In front of it. (e.g. U.S. Federal Reserve (not used) vs Federal Reserve)
Federal Reserve =the Federal Reserve =Federal Reserve of the United States
To the guy that said that this guy was a coward to leave his wife and child homeless,what do you think the IRS was going to do. also to rep.micheal mcCaul who now wants to regulate or ban private aviation,let me get this straight senator if someone walks into the IRS or other office and starts stabbing everyone with a u.s. flagpole(you know the one with the sharp pointy brass end)that hangs in our school classrooms or used to, then will you want to also get rid of them. point is weather it is a letter opener or aircraft it still takes a person to use it. and shame the news agency that reported his wife and child in the house,get the facts before you report. i dont approve of this mans action but i understand how he got there.