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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Pirates recapture U.S. hostage after escape attempt
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Great news, the Captain was freed by Navy Seals!!! They killed 3 of the 4 pirates!
GOOOoooooo Navy!
Bravo Zulu!!
"Why this can't be done again this time, I don't know."
Because the radical left will have a shriekfest, despite superior firepower being the only way to deal with the growing problem.
"That was back when Brits still regarded common sense as a positive trait, eminently useful in the modern world"
Wait, I'm confused. You say that Britain had common sense as a positive trait when dealing with pirates and slavers back in the 19th century....yet only the other day you were saying Britain was responsible for "breaking this part of Africa", and you repeatedly blame Britains' colonial past for just about every other problem in the world today.....
Do you ever think before posting?
Yes, piracy was 'subdued' on the Barbary Coast. The British played a big part in the effort. That was back when Brits still regarded common sense as a positive trait, eminently useful in the modern world - which England, as this Yank will readily admit, played such a pivotal role in creating.
Gordon Brown's England? If I am not mistaken the Royal Navy has been told not to fire on the Somali pirates because doing so immediately makes the pirates 'victims' of some sort. With all the PC these days though I've forgotten what category they might fall into . Therefore, at any rate, as the reasoning goes, the pirates' victim status makes them immediately eligible for British citizenship.
Piracy was subdued two hundred years ago on the barbary coast with deadly force. Why this can't be done again this time, I don't know. International laws are being broken by the pirates, thus international laws meant to protect them should become null and void.
I think I will stick with eradicate as I don't mind sounding harsh. Killing them is undoubtedly going to be part of the solution. But perhaps I should have said eradicate piracy rather than just eradicate the pirates. No reason to kill them all, but no reason to take any unnecessary risks with them either.
Bizzare comment. Sounds like you are trying too hard to scapegoat liberals.
Nobody condones piracy. Few are seriously concerned about pirates getting killed in the process of eradicating them. The only real concern among liberals I think is getting innocent people hurt in the process of apprehending or killing the pirates.
Now, liberals might comment about the causes of the piracy, as in the pirates on the lower part of the totem pole are doing it because they are poor. But that does not mean they think piracy is A-ok. They merely want an appropriate response. This is because it seems that the radical conservatives would just as soon nuke the whole of Somalia to solve the problem (thereby creating more problems) because they seem to completely not understand the root of the problem.
You should never encourage negative behavior and appeasement can only work for so long. If Somalia can't control their area I will expect someone else to = every Somali ship that wonders off their coast to far will be sunk and the people on said ship forced to swim.
=These pirates are hitting targets 300-400 miles off their coast now.
Liberals want to say they are only part-time pirates, -they only pirate after their part-time job at McDonald's to make ends meet, but the world knows better.
After years of consistent behavior, this seems a rather paranoid comment. What will change their behavior is our action. It won't be unilateral.
Free pass? Who said anything about a free pass? They don't need a free pass. They have been getting away with this for a while now.
Anyway, they are not killing people. Not yet. It would be stupid to get people killed over kidnapping and money.
Sez u. I say we convoy groups that contain ships that are decided need to get through. All others, like those going there for nothing more than profit incentive, can stay home.
MY system? Why, my aren't those little fists clenched tight lately. Lets look at your next sentence.
Yup. Completely independent of MY system, they have been successful.
Did you not read my post? Or are you just enjoying ignoring swathes of people's posts recently? Odd that you acknowledge my desire to go after these pirates later, then completely forget about it within the same post. Are you trapped in some sort of time warp, and started the post only to complete it years later? Please, dude, get with the program.
Released is a pretty simplistic way to describe what happened. They fought for their freedom, and what trouble they caused combined with the captain's sacrifice go them and the ship freed.
The problem is that individual pirates are expendable, and so is the captain for them. All it will take is for someone with power among the pirates holding the captain all killed along with the captain. They say "oops!" and we are the ones crying. Time is not on our side. As it drags on the pirates will get more desperate. They might even decide to send us back the captain one piece at a time.
Negotiate. Pay. Squash later.
It's only slightly mentioned - I meant to say that it merited a thread of it's own!
Secretary of State Clinton thinks the whole ordeal is funny. She laughs out loud discussing piracy on the high seas.
Tragic part of Africa.
The Brits and Italians broke it.
As usual, the world expects America to fix it.
"And how exactly did that story make NOT make it on JT while we've had several about this one?"
I find it strange too. I think the French are keeping schtum becuase they accidently shot one of the hostages in the rescue operation, but even so, it's the only way to deal with them.
Gunboat Diplomacy is the only answer to these scum.
Moderator: The French navy action is included in the story.
" just laugh at how, as with terrorism, the multi-cult crowd can't quite bring themselves to condemn these pirates."
Are these people just in your head? I can't find one on this thread bud...
Right. The thing that changes is that maybe next time they won't do it.
And exactly when would that be? You're saying we should give them a free pass when they're actually kidnapping people. So we have to wait until we find them when they're actually NOT kidnapping people?
Based on the dozens of stories on JT in the last few weeks this simply isn't an option due to logistics.
Perhaps we should generate a price list and direct deposit? Your system would create an exponential explosion in piracy, so we should start thinking about efficiency now.
The fact is that the pirates are doing this so often because they've been successful. Creating a policy that ensures their success is the opposite direction we should be heading in. Personally, I think the US is doing the right thing. They have people close to the situation but they aren't storming the ship like the French did and getting people killed. So far everyone but the captain has been released, the pirates aren't getting away, and they aren't getting what they want. Time is on our side. So what's the problem?
Last week? Doesn't the writer mean "yesterday"? And how exactly did that story make NOT make it on JT while we've had several about this one?
Moderator: The French navy action is included in the story.
Where are those SEALS with their high level of training, stealthy watercraft, advanced SCUBA gear and other sophisticated equipment? ... or should they call Steven Seagal?
Of course. But the only other group I know that has taken violent action has been the French, and with mixed success.
Some people just don't like to type out what should be completely obvious to any fool.
I just laugh at how, as with terrorism, the multi-cult crowd can't quite bring themselves to condemn these pirates. Even worse is how the same posters, who enjoy all the benefits of globalization, still want to demonize those who quite literally make it possible for so many of us here to enjoy what we had back home.
Companies, like, wanna take the shortest routes. All they care about is profit.They are just creating more pirates.
likeitis: "Of course another option is to not sail into those waters without an armed escort in the first place. But something tells me that it is typically American to have countrymen non-chalantly sail into danger, and then the rest of America get all miffed when they (surprise) meet danger. Unfortately, I believe that the captain's life is not nearly as dear to most Americans as getting even with the pirates in some way post-haste."
Agreed, but it's not just Americans sailing into danger, as many boats have been hijacked. I think it's safer to say that companies want to maximize profit by taking the shortest routes with the minimum amount of security, and people of MANY nationalities are dumb enough to take the job of transporting the goods for a slightly increases salary. Pure and simple stupidity. In the end the US is flipping the bill for the mistakes of the company/captain/crews. Maybe if the companies in question are given the bill by the Navies in question they might soup up their defences more in general.
Al-Shaba and other jihadist organizations get a hefty cut:
God is truly great to them.
I'd like to know what the leaders of these pirates are doing with that cash they keep getting
These pirates usually treat their hostages well. Why? Because all hostages are nicknamed "payday".
If you do not hinder or aggress them, and pay a ransom, the kidnapped will come back safe and sound.
But if you refuse to pay or negotiate, or if you aggress or harrass them (and I think they are being prevented from returning to Somalia) then you drastically change the dynamic of the situation. These things are taking a risk with the captain's life.
Is any amount of money or pride worth his life? I do not think so. So shell out the money, shelve your caveman ideas of an immediate smackdown, get the captain back, and NAIL THESE PIRATES AT A LATER DATE.
Of course another option is to not sail into those waters without an armed escort in the first place. But something tells me that it is typically American to have countrymen non-chalantly sail into danger, and then the rest of America get all miffed when they (surprise) meet danger. Unfortately, I believe that the captain's life is not nearly as dear to most Americans as getting even with the pirates in some way post-haste.
My message to the pirates would be: You have kidnapped an American. We will pay a fair price for him. We Americans have not had to pay a ransome to pirates in recent memory, so we have left the pirates in this area alone. We stayed out of it. How much we get involved in the future will depend on the health and freedom of our countryman, and how much we pay for him. Yes, we will pay, but you may well wish that you had returned our countryman to us free of charge at some point in the not so distant future. You may also that you had never even so much as seen an American vessel. Now. How much do you want?
I say fight fire with fire.
There are more then just those few pirates with the captured Captain, but a number of pirates with light to heavy firing power around the boat used for rescue AND yes they have fuel for the power.
So yes now it is not an easy snatch by the Navy of the USA.
Why not just grab it with a helicopter and drop it on the deck of one of the ships.
the guys proven he can swim so just sink the boat & let the fun begin.
"Pirates threatened to kill their American hostage"
How about threatening to kill the pirates if they don't release their American hostage and give up?
Liberals be damned. -I would expect a Pirate funeral pyre soon. =No more G-Mo for terrorists.