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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.9 dead, 7 wounded in Texas mall shooting; gunman dead
By JAKE BLEIBERG ALLEN, Texas©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
And what else is new? Just another day. American's do not care.
The "Broken Record" record!
Thoughts and prayers.
Bob Fosse
“Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has signed laws easing firearms restrictions following past mass shootings, called it an “unspeakable tragedy.”
That keeps happening on your watch. Dead kids so you can have your hobby.
A shopping mall. Dead security and police. Lots of ‘good guys with a gun’ around and still dead kids. Too many doors in a mall?
I go to a shopping mall 2 or 3 times a week but have never heard a gunshot. I haven’t been to America in the past 20 years though. Maybe there’s a connection.
gunman stepped out of a silver sedan and began shooting people
And why did he have a gun in his car? Maybe because he is a coward who thought others had guns, this was in gun crazy in Texas, so he was probably correct.. And yet a specific faction of US politicians wear replica AR-15 lapel pins as a sign showing that their pro-gun voters and campaign contributors are more important than the safety of other Americans, most not gun owners and who just want to go shopping, watch a movie, attend church or school without fearing a wack with a gun opening fire.
Hats off to emergency responders that have to protect innocent people and clean up the messes created by those with mental emotional problems, yet still easily able to get weapons. Because the gun industry want even greater profits. Vote out the pols in office largely because of their extremist gun beliefs.
All these right supporters are an extension of support for militia and their founding ideals created by Waco and the Oklahoma bombings, citing federal justice as the opposition to their freedom to carry firearms, without limitation and without regulation.
That they can't or won't comprehend the conservative narrative, guns and bullets will continue to kill their own countrymen and it shows just how they're supporting terrorists within the borders of America and join in being unpatriotic, non loving people of America and all her people. They think they're patriots. Not at all, just the opposite.
Madness is madness and it has been their calling card for an irreparable state of lies as they make up any narrative and they don't care mass murders keep happening because of them. Each and every gun supporter is responsible.
Bob Fosse
Mental illness, constitutions, armed police, shopping malls, angry loners, racism….these things exist all over the world.
Yet this kind of incident only occurs with such terrible frequency in The US.
The answer why is obvious, as are the inevitable deflections to swimming pools, black crime and something about ‘libs’.
"It's too early to be talking about gun control and politicisation of this tragic event. Now it is time to grieve. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah."
Bob FosseToday 11:43 am JST
Thats the problem or part of it, anyway. Rootin Tootin Greg is too cowardly to speak. He substitutes thoughts and prayers for governance.
Abbot also made a big show of saying that he would provide everything needed to support those involved. Everything, that is but moral courage and leadership.
More gun massacres in Red State many is this for Texas now? I count at least 19 since Jan 1st...
The state with the least restrictive gun laws in the US - having an epidemic of gun deaths...who would have thought...
Meanwhile, the Texas Repub Gov insults the victims of the last mass shooting and criticizes Bud Light...
The blood of shooting victims run freely in Red States...
"Rules based order", America with a mass shooting almost every day. Fix your home first before lecturing the world. American exceptionalism, indeed.
OMG, Another Texas massacre. The ink isn't dry on the last killing.
In Serbia following the gun shootings there, the president promised new strict gun laws. That won't happen here though.
Abbot was probably having another good dog day.
Cancun Cruz’s likely opponent has a good campaign slogan:
“We don’t have to be embarrassed of our Senator. We can pick a new one.”
Whomever runs against Abbot should, er…”borrow” it.
Simon Foston
Has anyone noticed that all the decent, law-abidin', gun-totin' pro-2nd Amendment folks who can go around with six-shooters on their hips and M-16s slung over their backs thanks to obliging NRA-funded Republican legislators never seem to put a stop to this kind of thing? They're always saying that you just need more good folks with guns to take down the bad folks, well there are plenty of good folks with enough guns to take over a country, yet these shootings are almost daily headlines. I suppose they just don't really care as long as the NRA-GOP money machine keeps working.
Those are just for show. All hat, no cattle as they say in the “great” state of Texas….
Those congress cretins who wear AR15 badges must be feeling sooooooooooo proud of themselves again. Let us not kid ourselves, US politicians do not care one bit about all this murder happening around the USA, as long as they keep they their donors happy. So much for the the world peace keeper country, this is the very same culture they want to spread around the world.
Gun licensing, about on the level of getting a driver's license would have mitigated a majority of these tragedies.
Yet like too much else in American society such mild measures for the public welfare have been demonized as "Marxist, far-left gun-grabbing" by pols like Abbott.
All the usuals shamelessly getting their politics in, huh?
afraid the shooter might be “inconvenient” again so you can’t even wait to obsess?
Bob Fosse
Hold off on your usual and deal with the topic at hand.
Any thoughts about why this is happening so frequently in Texas especially? Abbot passed a law penalizing cities who cut police budgets, so you’ll need a different excuse.
the backgrounds of the shooters.
The victims and the dead never obsess.
Bob Fosse
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have some kind of thorough system checking the backgrounds of these shooters before they buy a long rifle?
per population Texas is no where near the top in mass shootings either. Lower than California and New York and Illinois.
Especially when illegal aliens shouldn’t and don’t count as “Texans”.
If they actually legally buy it and if they aren’t illegal aliens, sure.
Peter Neil
Angry, mentally ill people with AR15's seems to be bad combination.
Bob Fosse
Surely you know most guns used in mass shootings are legally bought.
Surely you also know the current requirements for purchasing a long rifle in Texas.
I can give you some links if you’d like to read about it?
Or would you prefer to talk about California and illegal aliens?
It's almost as if giving every goober that wants one an AR with no background checks, no required training, no nothing is a bad idea......
Maybe it is the guns.
After all, unlike guns, we can't legislate nutters, goobers, and morons out of existence.
Whatever reasons will be given for not having new gun laws won't be heard by the dead victims.
Are they? The illegal alien shooter, where did he get his gun?
Denial ain't working,
American patriots should work together towards a solution
Another day, another massacre caused by guns in America.
Normal daily events are no longer newsworthy.
Bob Fosse
Come on now. Surely you understand what the word ‘most’ means.
Carrying a handgun has become significantly more common among teenagers over the last two decades.
That's an entirely different issue and as usual, the left is not in the least concerned about the shooter's motives and the people across the pond are saying, whatever it is they say is what to do now? Guns are not going to go away.
Bob Fosse
Who knows? Were there tourists?
Maybe tourists should be allowed to rent a rifle on arrival since the big hat guys turn tail when they hear pop pop.
There are entire categories of weapons (self-defense machine guns, flame throwers, grenade launchers) that the average citizen has no right to own. They're just to lethal and allowing just any goober to own one has been determined to be bad public policy.
Assault weapons have been included in this category before and could (should) be again as they serve no legitimate purpose that is not easily served by other weapons with lower ammunition capacities.
bass you really should check your numbers before you make a comment like this. There are over 400 million guns held by over 40% of all Americans. 120 guns per 100 people. With a population of over 320 million people, this means that nearly 128,000,000 Americans own guns.
Yeah, there are plenty to take over a country. With plenty to spare.
I dont think you see it either, as you seem to be to close to the problem to have an objective view of the problem.
American's overall DO NOT CARE, they repeat the same washed up excuses, the same condolences, the same wringing of hands, and know for a fact the EXACT same thing will happen again, in a matter of weeks, if not sooner.
Dont tell people here you care, dont blame it on "mental health" issues, dont blame it on Republicans or Democrats. Everyone has to look in the mirror, but sadly no one will, because they are just hypocrites.
Used to be a time, not that long ago, that being a hypocrite was one of the worst things that could be said of a person. Now Americans, in general, wear the term like it's something to be proud of!
"Belt-fed machine guns"
Apologies (damn you autocorrect).
It should be plain that less guns would lead to less gun violence. No guns would lead to no gun violence.
No guns is of course impossible so do the next best thing.
One major problem is that too many people are really dumb and cannot reason properly.
Why would you want to expand laws on gun access when that has been your whole argument that laws are not adequate? Currently it is illegal for those non-Americans to have access to guns.
This is why this matter is for Americans.
that would be you too since you don't live in America and I visit just as much as you do.
So, like yourself. A gun loving, multi round weapon approving person who believe bullets don't kill people.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and again, and again... I'm really glad that MacArthur confiscated all guns after WWII, and then the diet made guns illegal in the early 60s. Of course, Yakuza have a few guns, but one rule is never to shoot civilians, only rival gang members. Which almost never happens anyway.
FBI crime statistics show that 662 homicides in 2020 were committed with personal weapons, described as “hands, fists, feet, etc.”
The statistics also show that 455 homicides were committed by rifles.
There were 13,663 homicides committed with guns, including 4,863 where the type of firearm wasn’t specified.
Mostly True.
The laws are fine.
some people are above the law or exempt from being held accountable when they break it.
Some people’s manifesto gets released, some are not. Some we find out how they got the gun, some we don’t. Some we get the race and citizenship right away, some we don’t.
The majority of Americans want to see more sensible gun laws.
Bob Fosse
you don’t know that.
Since you don’t understand sense or logic I thought I’d try sarcasm. You are selectively poor at that too.
There is very little argument against the role of guns on the murder epidemic of the US.
Every major shopping mall has tourists and non-Americans.
Bob Fosse
Send this link to greg. Whatever he is ‘doing’ in Texas isn’t working. Did he secretly defund the police?
that wasn’t the background of the recent illegal aliens or transgenders shooters, now was it?
The whole gun worshiping "give everyone a gun" anthem in Red State America is the result of two things; fear and insecurity....
Ask them what do you need a gun for? The typical answer is "To protect myself and my family".... Of course, that includes driving down to the 7/11 for a carton of milk, swinging by Walmart for some new tires, or having lunch at Luby's cafeteria...
It's pure fear - fear instilled in them by the far-right media sphere which spews lies, hate, and division 24/7...
Couple that fear with an innate physical and intellectual insecurity and feeling of powerlessness...a gun gives them their only sense of power....
Now imagine everyone walking around with this level of fear and insecurity while packing a Glock or AR 15...
That's what you have in Red State America today...and that's why they have an epidemic of gun violence and deaths...
And Red State Repubs will continue to do absolutely nothing about it...
When will America helping her own people living in a safe environment instead interfering other countries ?
Guns don't kill people. Bullets do. So let them keep their guns and ban the ammo.
You might have a point if blue states had no mass shootings. Is that the case? Delaware has the most per 100k followed by Louisiana and Illinois (hi Chicago!)
total red states, right?
I haven’t been to America in the past 20 years though. Maybe there’s a connection...
Than why are you politically posting on something you have no idea on..why not post a factual neutral viewpoint..
I didn’t say we need new laws, despite your false claim.
We need to equally enforce the perfectly fine gun application laws against high profile offenders who lied to get a gun in order to set an example.
Since the supporters of Abbot cannot provide an argument for how even gun licensing is a violation of "gun rights" I will provide the official NRA argument against it which is the party line MAGA follows and people can read it and decide for themselves.
Otherwise it is just more stuttering about "the left, Dems, gang violence, inner cities" etc.
I'm loving this stuff. Guns don't kill people, illegal aliens and transgenders do. Is there a final solution, pray tell?
The answer why is obvious, as are the inevitable deflections to swimming pools, black crime and something about ‘libs
Well the black americans constitute around 1/3rd of the prison population, black neighborhoods are simply a no go area, chances of you getting mugged are 100%.. and if you resist , you will simply be fatally shot.
Exactly, and this is the sad part about the entire thing, instead of finding solutions of how to address the issue and fix it, question the stats, you are a racist, if you defend yourself when you are being attacked, you are a racist, send cops to quell the unrest, and to bring in a suspect that refuses to comply and you have to use physical violence or force, you are a racist, so it is just safer to ignore the problem. but if you do that, you are considered a racist for not caring, either way, you can't win with the left, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Gun Deaths per Capita by State
The following ten states have the highest gun deaths per capita (per 100,000): Alaska (24.4), Mississippi (24.2), Wyoming (22.3), New Mexico (22.3), Alabama (22.2), Louisiana (22.1), Missouri (20.6), South Carolina (19.9), Arkansas (19.3), and Montana (19.3). The states with the highest gun deaths per capita have some of the country's highest gun ownership rates. Montana has the highest with 66.3%, followed by Wyoming with 66.2%, and Alaska with 64.5%.
Wrong again...
OK, so you're retracting your post above...everyone flips every now and then...
Er yeah, most of us live in one such country, Japan. Mass shootings are an almost daily occurrence in the US, mass stabbings in Japan in contrast are a very rare occurrence.
Glad I live here.
Ok, so then why do the majority of the black areas in these states make up for the majority of gang and gun violence, that part you conveniently left out?
Bob Fosse
I’m not politically posting. I’m stating clearly observable facts to anyone of any political leaning with a brain in their head.
Factual neutral viewpoint is the post you replied to.
I’ll repeat it here for your convenience:
“That keeps happening on your watch. Dead kids so you can have your hobby.
A shopping mall. Dead security and police. Lots of ‘good guys with a gun’ around and still dead kids. Too many doors in a mall?
I go to a shopping mall 2 or 3 times a week but have never heard a gunshot. I haven’t been to America in the past 20 years though. Maybe there’s a connection.”
The problems of inner city poverty, gang violence and mass shootings that are the plagues of American society can be summed up as being down to "blacks and the left" in the MAGA mind. And so it goes..
Bob Fosse
This is your ‘neutral factual information’?
100% chance of being mugged it shot if you visit a black neighborhood?
I see.
I predicted we would hear about black crime, pools and liberals more than anything relevant to this incident.
It’s disappointing to be right.
Oh yea, all those black communities up in ALASKA are to blame for these RED STATES having the highest gun violence...
Really, the MAGA-faithful here need to reflect on their constant obsessive playing of the race card anytime they are confronted with the bloodbath going on in Repub-led Red States...
Didn't a former Fox News opinion host just get fired for e-mailing something about "not how white men fight"...
You could learn from what happened to him...
Not according to MAGA or the right, according to the facts. Irrefutable and indisputabele facts. Nothing racist in pointing that out, but denying it sure smells or racial overtones.
I said "Most"
That would be the left, this is why people can't go down to the big cities anymore, go on Youtube and tell me all the violence you watch, tons of them, and how many of them show whites perpetrating these growing crimes, or crimes against Asians. I wish it were not so, but the stats say otherwise, and this is once again the reason why we can never fix the problem and it is because the left thinks that there is NO problem.
No, other reasons, what he said was actually true, but no need for more off-topic rambling
That he was right.
All you need is a good guy with a gun (there apparently were a few nearby), and eight deaths later, things are sunny.
Should put the nail in the coffin of that trope.
" Irrefutable and indisputabele facts" .
*Repetition does not increase the veracity of a statement, which an eminent logician and empirical verifier of "facts" like yourself should know.The propagandized and biased American electorate, especially in Red States, needs to remove its ideological blinders if the problems of society, like mass shootings, are to be solved with real solutions and not more presenting of scapegoats.
Then don't claim that it's not, because none of the stats backs your absurd denial.
Wrong again, CA and NY are extreme examples of a one-party? systems and how has that helped them, why are so many people fleeing these states
How? The Dems had the chance in 2010 and 2020 to vote on new stricter gun laws, they didn't so just stop with the charade, please.
If I’m not mistaken the vast majority of these nutjob mass shootings are carried out by white men, are they not?
Good on the cop. He neutralized the wacko.
bass4funk and a few others, I think a lot of Brits fully understand why a lot of Americans feel the need to own guns. We can imagine what it is like to think that someone armed to the teeth could invade your home or property, with you knowing that a phone call to the cops might not bring any help for 30 minutes or more, by which time you and your family are dead unless you are armed. I think we can see that with the current proliferation of firearms, many would believe they need then for their own self-defense. We can also see that certain restrictions would leave the good guys with fewer guns without taking them away from the bad guys.
What I personally don't understand is why you don't want more positive legislation to try and keep weapons away from criminals and from people with mental health problems. What is wrong with tighter gun controls, which might serve to protect you from criminals? Why not require full background checks before selling someone weapons that have the ability to kill large numbers of people indiscriminately? Why do you want these things sold to anyone who wants them, regardless of age, background or mental state? Why the feeling that someone wants to take away your only means of self-defense, when I can't find many seriously suggesting taking guns away from the good guys? I honestly think better gun legislation would be positive for law-abiding gun owners like yourselves and would help protect you and yours from the less law-abiding. Just my take on this, as a Brit who no-doubt doesn't fully understand the reality of life in many parts of the U.S.A.
Typically, but that seems to be changing and I don't know why that is.
I believe that 9 out of the 10 are Red States as well.
It’s almost as though there’s a high degree of correlation between GQP governance, lax gun controls and gun deaths.
But sure, let’s blame the illegals, the trans and blacks
I’m sure worship of guns and the cult of death and the party enabling this has nothing to do with it
Very true.
I do and wouldn't oppose that, but the problem is, that the Democrats in the US don't want to talk about solutions, they just want to outright restrict guns, register people in the government system (most Americans especially these days) do not trust the government and what or how they will use their personal information. They refuse to talk about the growing mental issues that people are facing, so unless the Democrats sit down and put forth real solutions especially the ones dealing with mental issues it's just a non-starter, and let us not forget the Dems controlled all 3 branches twice back in 2010-2020 and they had the power and mandate to do so and they didn't, now they want to blame Republicans for this when they had the chance twice to change the gun laws and didn't.
Ok, so the FBI stats lie, so which is it? Why is it that even though Blacks make up 14% of the US population and have the highest homicide rates, why is it that the largest buyers of guns are Black women? Why is it that no one wants to address the out-of-control black-on-black crime? Why?
Yet another mass shooting with a weapon designed to slaughter quickly. Any intelligent and objective outside observer would tell you the problem is easy access to such weapons. Gun fetishists and insecure little man boys instead tell us the problem is black people, Latino immigrants, trans people, and libs.
Another thread gets run into the ditch.
And when adding in the atrocious state of their healthcare systems, the rates of obesity and lower lifespan, it’s almost as though living in a GQP controlled state is hazardous to your health.
Maybe that’s why so many of their ardent supporters have moved to Japan…..
The GOP and the Democrats do not want to force federal gun laws.
bass4funk, thanks, that is interesting. I think it's good to hear both sides of this discussion. It feels like you and others would not be opposed to tighter (sensible) gun legislation if it were not politically charged and could be done properly and sensibly.
Ok, so why didn't the Dems do something about it in 2010-2020? They had every opportunity to come up with new laws and they didn't. Why?
Ok, the name-calling won't change anything, focus. No questions on the person's mental state? I mean, normal people wouldn't do such a violent act, only a disturbed mental person would. Any thoughts? About the person?
Then don't just focus on guns, there is more to the story.
Ok, more bloviating senseless diatribes.
Maybe not.
Trust me, I agree something should be done, but nothing will ever get done if one side screams, we need to confiscate guns and think the government should control how many and what you can and should have, that thought never went well with most law-abiding Americans, but if we can sit down and talk about gun safety, mental and medical issues together in a peaceful and meaningful dialogue then we might be able to reach a middle ground, but as long as the MSM focuses on guns and the Democrat politicians focus on guns and race, you will not get anywhere.
I’m reasonably confident that no one who has experienced a mass shooting or who has lost a loved one in a mass shooting agrees that they are a regrettable price of “freedumb!”
These people will be motivated to vote so that their pain never becomes someone else’s pain as well because they are not selfish gomers.
And there seem to be more and more people in this regrettable demographic everyday.
In addition, there are an increasing number of people who don’t want to be in this demographic in the first place.
One wonders if the pact with the NRA to give any goober any gun anywhere might be politically suicidal in the coming cycle(s)?
(Some GQP goobers are incapable of learning and growth so it will likely take more than a single cycle.)
The US is the only G7 country without sufficient gun laws which is shown by the massive numbers of mass killings and gun homicides. Sensible gun laws fewer killings.
When was the last mass shooting in Japan?