Japan Today

Pompeo: U.S. will need to give Kim Jong Un security assurances

By Ken Thomas

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NK should not take trust the US, they should ask Iran, they just recently learned that the US says one thing and does another thing. I'm not condoning any country to have nukes, but NK needs theirs in case the US decides to shower them with some "freedom."

4 ( +7 / -3 )

In due time, he has another 6.5 years.

2.5 years. He hasn't lost many of his followers, but he certainly hasn't gained any new ones. No shows and Green party voters who've learned their lesson will make up the difference next time I'm sure... or hopeful.

He sure drained the hell out of that cabal at the FBI, though.

Funny how the FBI wasn't a swamp that needed to be drained for you guys until after you elected a con-artist who owes Russia money. The actual swamp of bought politicians and monied interests are thriving under Trump.

wall will get funded soon

It's a fence funded by not-Mexico. But you already know that.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Now the EU has no Paris Accord by the way, because they cant agree on the contents, who is exempt or not and who will pay for it. 

The Paris Accord is fine. No signatory denies its necessity; nuts and bolts of implementation are under discussion. Meanwhile, seventeen states representing over a third of the US car market have filed suit against Trump's efforts to annul their right to set CAFE (average car fuel efficiency standards) at levels higher than what Washington requires - and they'll likely win. The point is that Trump is rapidly running into the wall of reality, that he can't just wave his hands or cut a check to Cohen, to solve his problems. The world moves on, with or without him. And he is simply a vit player in the NK negotiations.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yeah, if Trump really has lied 3000 times already and is the horrible con artist who colluded with Russia as you claim.... then surely the Dems will retake the House and the Senate in 2018 and Trump will be voted out in 2020, right?

We can hope.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I can not rid myself of the nagging suspicion that China is behind all of this and at the end of the day they will come out ahead of game. More so than any country including North Korea and the U.S.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Nobody in America takes Trump’s word for anything. He lies constantly and changes his mind even faster.

I agree with your sentiment, but Trump doesn't face consequences for his lying to his supporters at home. Just look at some of the above comments.

Why would a murderous tyrant, whose very life would depend on Trump’s word, take it?

Because he knows that Trump know that he's not a blind Trump follower, and more importantly, Trump is likely desperate for something positive to come out of his one-term presidency. A border fence and tax breaks for corporations and the 1% aren't exactly legacies you want to be remembered by. Solving the NK problem would be a pretty big. Not to make light of it, but it's much less complicated than Iran and the Middle East too.

If Kim is serious about making a deal, there's no better time than with a unpopular president desparate for a real win.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

How long will these "assurances" be valid? Will a treaty be signed and passed by congress? If not, what is to stop the next US president coming along, denouncing Trump's "terrible deal" and reneging on any "assurances"?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeah, if Trump really has lied 3000 times already and is the horrible con artist who colluded with Russia as you claim....

I didn't say he's a con-artist who colluded with them, I said he's a con-artist that borrowed money from them. That should be just as troubling to anyone though.

Then you have nothing to worry about, unless....all this anti_Trump stuff is just made up.

It's not made up, but neither is voter apathy. If Trump wins, it'll be because anti-Trumpers couldn't be bothered to vote. That's actually the only way the Republican party ever wins.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

if Trump really has lied 3000 times already

It would be more instructive to state how many times he has told the truth.

For example, when he told a group of wealthy people that they just got richer after the tax bill passed.

He earlier told working class people that the tax bill was aimed at providing them relief, yea a couple hundred extra bucks to be quiet and not question the gift to the wealthy.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Nobody in America takes Trump’s word for anything. He lies constantly and changes his mind even faster. Why would a murderous tyrant, whose very life would depend on Trump’s word, take it?

2 ( +9 / -7 )

 the United States will need to "provide security assurances" 

Those assurances will need to factor in Trump flippancy as shown with TPP, Paris Accord, and now the Iran deal. In addition, there is the nuclear umbrella that will never go away, bombers in Guam and Japan, Pacific fleets, Marines.... Will NK accept a piece of paper declaring peace? Should the U.S. or ROK?

What NK needs to do is quickly stand down its million man army combined with the Western world working to support a transition of the country's economy to move into agricultural sustainability and then to productivity. NK could make leaps if it only embraced the prospect.

History has shown that NK uses negotiations to bolster its military by removing aid targeted to its population, so the negotiations will be difficult.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The US guaranteeing the security of such a foul nation as NK leaves quite the bitter aftertaste in the mouth. Am not sure how the US could reconcile such a position in future without significantly damaging their clout elsewhere.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

But not the Great Mexican Wall, DECA, Obamacare. As promised

Don't forget draining the swamp.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

TPP, Paris Accord, Iran deal, all gone.

Actually, all three are continuing just fine under the guidance of remaining signatories. Historians will look back at this period as the point when they learned that America is not, in fact, indispensable. Not that that's not entirely bad; it's just very unMAGAesque.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

BlacklabelToday  03:58 pm JST

By the time of the next presidential election, NK's promise will have been broken. The US cannot do anything against NK for fear of nuclear attacks by NK. NK is buying time it needs, and who is foolish enough to give NK the time it needs?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Blacklabel: The FBI was fine, until they figure out their preferred candidate who was going to protect all their illegal acts wasnt going to win.

Can you give me your theory on this? Oh, and do you still believe Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC and Obama has “dubious origins”?

Bass: Hmmm....so Kim decided to take the initiative to start dismantling some of his nukes. Moon didn’t do it, China was cut out of it, that leaves one person left, the President.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

I can not rid myself of the nagging suspicion that China is behind all of this and at the end of the day they will come out ahead of game. More so than any country including North Korea and the U.S.

Ossan, I've been thinking along the same line ever since Kim visited China and suddenly changes his tune. I believe Xi instructed Kim to talk "peace" and "extend the olive branch" so as to divert world attention away from China's activities in the China Seas while they quietly fortify that military base there and quietly make preparation for the invasion and forceful annexation of Taiwan. And then while world attention is focused on the NK denuclearization, peace treaty and unification proceedings, China will make its bold moves.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Don't forget draining the swamp. its clear that it isnt a swamp anymore, closer to a Trump Abyss

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ossan, I've been thinking along the same line ever since Kim visited China and suddenly changes his tune.

thats what many fail to understand is NK doesnt do anything without the puppet master China approval. Without Chinas support NK will become a wasteland.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Seems like an easy assurance to give since regime change was never on the table anyway.

Bolton said in an interview with CNN's "State of the Union" that North Korea should not "look for economic aid from us.

If we aren’t going to give them aid, I’m wondering what KJU will want in return for his nukes. Pulling forces out of South Korea? I’m guessing we like our hardware as close to China as possible but others might know more.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

instead fixate on why President Trump shouldn’t be given any credit.

What credit should he be given? Specifically.

Why the need for credit? Is there a debit balance you are working from.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

TPP, Paris Accord, Iran deal, all gone. As promised

Haphazardly done with no rationale except to shore up his base of nationalists.

Shows countries (allies and adversaries alike) that they cannot trust America and especially Trump.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

OssanAmerica: I can not rid myself of the nagging suspicion that China is behind all of this

That’s my biggest concern. China ultimately controls NK, so anything that is being done is with the blessing of China, and anything NK does is to the benefit of China. Trump is desperate for an international success story so he’s ripe to be manipulated. And China knows how to play the long con.

I’m worried short-term success will cloud Trump’s consideration for long-term losses.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not a North Korean supporter.

But President Trump just messed up with a nuclear deal with Iran, without evidence.

Who is in the right mind (NK) would make a deal with Trump again? The US even ask NK to abandon nuclear, give up ballistic missile BEFORE economics sanctions will be offered.

Anyway, the outcome will be great to follow.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

this is going to be quite interesting, I’m just gonna kick back and eat some popcorn while the show plays.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Meanwhile, back in the real world where people actually read history, Kim is looking at what the US has done with Iraq and Libya, after they agreed to throw out their nuclear programs, and the deal with Iran, which WAS working, being thrown out. How much will Kim trust the word of Trump? What if after Trump's deposed (double entendre intended), the next US president decides to negate the deal with Kim? Any nation would be a fool to take the word of Trump after this.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not nationalists, what was in our of this national interest

Please, nationalism is the only rational explanation for Trump. Nationalistic slogans oozes out of him on a daily basis.

Trump's lies and actions pander to nationalists to keep his political base while he creates a swamp to benefit himself and the wealthy. His version of hide the ball. Look at the shiny nationalistic rhetoric, while he excuses big pharma (the most recent lie to his voters). Pass a tax break (his only legislative accomplishment), but don't look at the way it reverses for individuals who are not rich.

It doesn’t matter what they think

Spoken like a true nationalist.

Trump and his supporters are hanging on NK because they are desperate for a win they can attribute to Trump, even if the real players in any peace agreement are the leaders of ROK and NK.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If this North Korea thing even goes “semi-well” by the end Trump is getting re-elected easily. So I see why everyone trying to deny him any credit for it, you know what it means if he pulls it off.

Trump needs a distraction so badly, it makes me worry what he is willing to do.

What is your definition of "semi-well"? Three people released in a token gesture? No nukes shot? No war? A peace treaty?

He should get credit for what? What has he done that is sooo spectacular?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The US is not unknown for historically supporting totalitarian regimes anyways - from warlords in Africa to generalissimos in South America to Saudi Arabia

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The North Korea meeting will work out just fine and will be good for both the USA and all parties concerned.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China was cut out of it, China was never cut out of it, after every meeting NK had with SK and America its was a reciprocal trip to China, just because China wasn't at the meeting doesn't mean they arent pulling the strings. No peace treaty will be ratified without China as it was China that saved NK bacon during the Korean war, as in the rules of war all combatants need to sign any treaty. So please enough with all the China doesn't count BS, its far from the actual facts.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hostages released,

been done many times before

Iran deal finished,

Uranium enrichment restart highly likely,

NK meeting set,

NK dictatorial rule remains intact

NK agrees to destroy testing site while we watch

was done before by his father and they just rebuilt it, no inspectors have been allowed to view the other more important test sites

5 top ISIS leaders captured, dozens more captured under Obama and the includes Bin Laden

drug price decreases starting and the drug companies just increase prices elsewhere to make up for it, happens every time. American can go to Canada, Cuba, Mexico and buy the same drugs at drastically cheaper prices

all of these so called Trump successes are just lipstick on a pig.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Regime change will almost certainly come from within. was tried in China and we know how that went, fact is if Trump wants a peace deal hell have to let a murderous dictator keep his power. but hey Trump would sell his soul if he thought itd give him some type of legacy or a truck load of cash.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China was cut out of it,  China was never cut out of it, after every meeting NK had with SK and America its was a reciprocal trip to China, just because China wasn't at the meeting doesn't mean they arent pulling the strings.

They aren’t pulling the strings, not like before and we are talking on the main talk, now what China whispers in Kim’s ear outside the talks is anyone’s guess, but the initial talks, that is just the US and NK and China is not involved with them.

No peace treaty will be ratified without China as it was China that saved NK bacon during the Korean war, as in the rules of war all combatants need to sign any treaty.

And China knows, if they mettle in these talks, they could get hit with hard sanctions which is something they don’t want out of concern not knowing what this President might do or how far he will go, that makes China uneasy.

So please enough with all the China doesn't count BS, its far from the actual facts.

But it’s true, for the “large part” of these negotiations, they don’t count.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ossan - agreed: This has Xi written all over it. Drastic curtailment of NK-Sino trade combined with the seriously dangerous deterioration of NK's nuclear test facility (an resulting Chinese pressure) has brought Kim to this point, not anything American. As such, to look for a likely result is to look at the minimal requirements China has probably already dictated. Trump's summit is a sideshow, and that is partly due to Trump's haste in exacerbating relations with Iran. Kim knows the US cannot withstand two wars at once so will wait it out.

Ironic: Trump's on the verge of releasing a country which has developed nukes in order to punish one that has not.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

CrazyJoe - I believe some 65000000 Americans took The President’s words for something in the last election.

Hes been true to his words ever since with campaign promise after campaign promise met and delivered

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

"Nobody in America takes Trump’s word for anything."


"Why would a murderous tyrant, whose very life would depend on Trump’s word, take it?"

He has no choice, Trump has backed him into a corner. Something Obama and others before him should have done.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

I never get the liberals saying Trump never does what he says? while spending half their lives complaining about what Trump did that day. Which matches exactly what he said he would do.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Nobody in America takes Trump’s word for anything.

No, haters don’t take his word.

He lies constantly and changes his mind even faster. Why would a murderous tyrant, whose very life would depend on Trump’s word, take it?

We will have to wait and see.

Haphazardly done with no rationale except to shore up his base of nationalists.

Not nationalists, what was in our of this national interest, the best thing to he could’ve done was scraped the deal with Iran.

Shows countries (allies and adversaries alike) that they cannot trust America and especially Trump.

It doesn’t matter what they think, it matters what we do in action and it matters to our allies, it matters to Israel, to the Sunnis and to the US, our safety matters over everything else

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

A no-brainer.

Basically Kim will want a promise the US will not try to affect a regime change or invade.

The US would love to move military out of there, let alone invade. Regime change will almost certainly come from within.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

With Trump at helm, for some reason, I trust Kim's word more than Trump.

Trump thinks he is taking all the credit but U.S. may just be the biggest loser in all this.

In return for denuclearisation the U.S will provide N.Korea economy guarantee (that is for U.S own self interest), do you think N.Korea will gladly take the offer? Sure, it won't hurt, but there are many other countries, eg, China, who would step in to fill the role.

Who N,Korea will choose for its economy partner? You can guess.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

This is indeed a stab on Mr.Abe's back,very ugly to Japan's security ! Mr.Trump is a businessman he has no idea of commitment at all. What he has in his mind is good deal,bad deal, you are fired!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yeah most of those 3001 lies are just differences in opinion between the President and the Washington Post.

For example the President says we need a wall to stop the drug traffic. The WaPo says we dont., so thats a "lie" to them.

In due time, he has another 6.5 years. He sure drained the hell out of that cabal at the FBI, though. Obamacare mandate part is done as promised, wall will get funded soon and the Supreme Court will rule on DACA. Then you can make up some more things for Trump to do and he will do those too.

But not the Great Mexican Wall, DECA, Obamacare. As promised

Don't forget draining the swamp.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

You guys dont even realize that he "lies" on purpose sometimes to get the media to report things they wont report. He said Iran military budget was up 40% recently!

"Lie!" screamed the liberal media! its only up a little over 30 percent!. and its misleading because all the other budgets are up too! (who cares, he only singled out the military budget)

Thanks for reporting that, liberal media! If it really had been 40 percent the media would never have told us about it. So by calling Trump out for lying, the media has to tell us the truth about what we need to know. So I dont mind it.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Hmmm ok.

Trump lied military pay hasn't gone up in 10 years. (He was misinformed by someone obviously)

Trump lied about how African American support happened. (Kanye West backed Trump, so it went up.)

Trump lied about Mueller team ties to Obama (they are all tied to Obama through Hillary).

Trump lied that Obama didn't get the three hostages released. (Dont know which three, but he didnt get Otto released.)

Trump lied about catch and release. (Catch and release was happening under Obama)

Trump lied about voter fraud. (no, people went to jail for that in several cases already)

Trump lied about having porn affairs. (no evidence just a loud mouthed con artist lawyer and a porn girl)

Trump lied about Iran (didnt lie, he removed us from the Iran Deal as promised).

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Yes, no more missiles flying around, no war and a peace treaty would be great. All are within reach, are all spectacular and Trump is heavily involved.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Trump needs a distraction so badly, it makes me worry what he is willing to do.

I think the media needs a distraction and they should allow the President to worry about important matters like NK and not some stupid witch hunt that now overwhelmingly the people are getting tired of.

He should get credit for what? What has he done that is sooo spectacular?

Hmmm....so Kim decided to take the initiative to start dismantling some of his nukes. Moon didn’t do it, China was cut out of it, that leaves one person left, the President, even some of Trump’s fiercest critics have to grind their teeth and begrudgingly admit that Trump did and is on the way of doing something monumental.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I can not rid myself of the nagging suspicion that China is behind all of this and at the end of the day they will come out ahead of game. More so than any country including North Korea and the U.S.

how? In what way will China come out “ahead”?

Ahead of peace in the region? With an increased possibility of North Koreans flooding into China?

so sad that people want to dismiss peace and a nuclear-free peninsula, and instead fixate on why President Trump shouldn’t be given any credit.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Silly. Cannot Trump and his friends learn from recent history?

Kim has no intention to keep his promise. What can the US do if he breaks the promise? Nothing. By the time the US finds his true intention, NK will have taken the whole mankind as hostage.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Seriously, go read some of those supposed 3000 lies from WaPo. Some are so petty (Henry Ford didnt make the assembly line??) and others are just differences in opinion, not lies. Even the WaPo calls them false OR misleading. Misleading simply means that I dont think it means what you said it means, doesnt mean I am lying.

I say its "hot" today and you say thats misleading because its not hot for YOU cause you grew up in the desert.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

If this North Korea thing even goes “semi-well” by the end Trump is getting re-elected easily. So I see why everyone trying to deny him any credit for it, you know what it means if he pulls it off.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I mean give me a break. Hostages released, Iran deal finished, NK meeting set, NK agrees to destroy testing site while we watch, 5 top ISIS leaders captured, drug price decreases starting.

That was just last week on the working days. still left time to get in some golf, move the Embassy in Israel and wish Melania a Happy Mother’s Day on the weekend. That’s spectacular!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Yeah, if Trump really has lied 3000 times already and is the horrible con artist who colluded with Russia as you claim.... then surely the Dems will retake the House and the Senate in 2018 and Trump will be voted out in 2020, right? Then you have nothing to worry about, unless....all this anti_Trump stuff is just made up.

Otherwise, he is going to bring peace and denuclearization to North Korea, deal with Iran, continue the hot economy and jobless numbers and then win overwhelming reelection.

The FBI was fine, until they figure out their preferred candidate who was going to protect all their illegal acts wasnt going to win. The IG report should be out by month's end and will destroy all of your "resistance heroes" once and for all. The only reason it isnt out yet is they found more Hillary misdeeds to look into.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Im only talking about Trump saying he would remove the USA from these garbage deals. Which he did. Now the EU has no Paris Accord by the way, because they cant agree on the contents, who is exempt or not and who will pay for it. Doesnt sound "just fine" to me.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )



There you go. You can compare how many promises each person kept. You might want to look at the "compromise" section for the last guy. That is where they put a lot of the ones he also broke, but they gave him credit for some type of excuse why he broke it.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

TPP, Paris Accord, Iran deal, all gone. As promised.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Nationalism is a good thing. Look at the disaster Merkel's EU has become.


An elite globalist may scoff at the arbitrariness of national border and style himself "a citizen of the world," as Barack Obama described himself before a massive crowd in Berlin in 2008. But most people don't think of themselves that way. Nation-states inspire loyalties in a way the United Nations or the European Union have failed to do.

Nationalism, properly understood, can be a positive force, welding otherwise disparate people together to build a decent society, secure a competent government and rally to defend themselves against attack. Each nation has developed its own particular culture, its own manners and mores, its own rules, written and unspoken.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

It doesn’t matter what they think, it matters what we do in action and it matters to our allies, it matters to Israel, to the Sunnis and to the US, our safety matters over everything else

Bingo. As the world's only remaining superpower, it really doesn't matter what the ungrateful, constantly-complaining brats have to say. Their safety and security is being paid in American dollars, and more importantly blood, every year.


-8 ( +0 / -8 )

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