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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Pope blesses ground zero in NYC, praises American church
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Good on him. Not sure about the 'god of peace' bit, being that it happened and all, but hey, let people believe what they want. My only prayer is that said people don't believe so much in the lies they're told that they enforce 'god's peace' on others -- id est, attacking other nations and committing terrorism.
“God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world,” the pope is expected to pray. “Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred.”
Since the Pope will offer this prayer at the foot of the WTC, destroyed when jihad came to America, it is clear he is referring to militant Mohammedans as being consumed with hatred.
He has spoken before about the threat the civilized world faces from the militant aspect of their medieval cult, and how its spread was most often achieved by violence and mass slaughter.
"it is clear he is referring to militant Mohammedans as being consumed with hatred."
He could also be talking about the hate consumed armchair bush militants that destroyed two countries on the back of 9/11 as "revenge"...
Just a thought, old friend.
"He has spoken before about the threat the civilized world faces from the militant aspect of their medieval cult, and how its spread was most often achieved by violence and mass slaughter."
First of all, this comment doesn't even make sense, my friend. Second, if you are insinuating that 'Jesus is good.... Muslim is ba-a-a-ad' you're nothing but a fool, for your own statement of how Mohammedans' hate is spread and how they attack is also the same way radical Christians and people like the pope himself attack said Muslims. Or..... are you saying it's only okay when YOU do it?
Again, I admire the pope, amidst all the sex-crimes he has to deal with, for defending his religion and putting all the hatred in it aside to offer prayers for peace, but anyone who pretends Christianity is any better than Islam is not only a fool, but a fool who practices idiocy. THAT is why there is war.
Poor smithinjapan, posting all this time on America's relations with Iraq, Iran and the Mohammedan world and he knows nothing about Islam.
"... anyone who pretends Christianity is any better than Islam is not only a fool, but a fool who practices idiocy. THAT is why there is war."
You slay me sometimes, smith, in your desperate and very Canadian need to be PC at all costs.
There is war because Christians consider their religion superior to Islam?
Which religion has divided the world in two, with one half, "the House of War," supposedly waging war against the faithful ?
It ain't Xtianity,smith.
America has hundreds of mosques and practicing Mohammedans elected to Congress.
Saudi Arabia, Islam's spiritual home, does not allow any religion other than Islam practiced on its soil.
Compare the words and deeds attributed to the historical figure of Christ (and Buddha for that matter) with the words and deeds of Mohammed, the illiterate brigand who founded Islam.
Anyone born in the "Christian" nations of the West who concludes that Christianity is no better than Islam is laughably ignorant of the Western civilization he was born into.
Pope Benedict has spoken before, albeit indirectly, about the threat the civilized Christian world faces from the militant aspect of Islam's medieval cult, and how its spread was most often achieved by violence and mass slaughter.
"...this comment doesn't even make sense, my friend."
You mean you don't know enough about the topic or can't refute what I have written.
Let me refresh your memory, smithinjapan.
September 16, 2006 -
"...The pope began his lecture at the University of Regensburg by quoting from a 14th-century dialogue between the Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos, and a Persian scholar. In a passage on the concept of holy war, Benedict recited a passage of what he called "startling brusqueness," in which Manuel questioned the teachings of Islam's prophet, Muhammad.
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," Benedict quoted the emperor as saying.
The pope neither explicitly endorsed nor denounced the emperor's words, but rather used them as a preface to a discussion of faith and reason. The Vatican said the pope did not intend the remarks to be offensive to Muslims.
"It was certainly not the intention of the Holy Father to undertake a comprehensive study of the jihad and of Muslim ideas on the subject, still less to offend the sensibilities of Muslim faithful," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told Vatican Radio.
But the reaction was quick, and though it was largely peaceful, it evoked the storm of violent protests that erupted in most Muslim countries after a Danish newspaper published a series of cartoons a year ago that lampooned Muhammad. In some ways, the denunciations seemed even more pronounced, given the pope's stature and authority over the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics."
from the Jerusalem Post:
"Pope Benedict XVI's installation mass included two indications of a radical change in the Vatican's strategy toward Islam and Islamist terrorism. In his greeting the new pope welcomed fellow Catholics, other Christians and Jews - but not Muslims. Later, two selected people delivered intercessory prayers for oppressed Christians. One of the prayers was in Arabic.
"What did these gestures mean? The era of de-facto appeasement under Pope John Paul II is over. The era of subtle, discreet, yet firm confrontation has begun."
Notice, smith, how I bring facts, quotes and links?
All you have is evasion and sputtering denial...
Ground zero or high heights, prayers and blessings this is what is required from Pope. Same as doctor is supposed to do medical job and lawyer is to perform his duty in the court room.
My only prayer is that people such as yourself will allow a prayer to stand without injecting politics into it. I hope you find peace one day, my friend. Right now you're young and angry.
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God." Why is it so hard to believe that God ia all about peace? It is the human person that perverts God's since of justice and peace. God for the pontiff - perhaps one of the few sane and responsible religious leaders of our time. I suspect he sees that place as another example of man's inhumanity to man- similiar to the Nazi death camps, the genocide in Africa, etc. Peace upon us all!
"Notice, smith, how I bring facts, quotes and links? All you have is evasion and sputtering denial..."
You bring quotations, to be sure, but to call them 'fact' is utterly silly and subjective. I know plenty about Islam, my friend, and know that when a Christian says 'ALL Muslims must die by the sword' (something you and your ilk have outright stated before on this site, albeit under your new handle you haven't yet) it is pure and utter hatred speaking, and no different from the terrorism you pretend to condemn. In a way, you make me laugh... but more than that, I just feel sorry for you.
The Pope is a non-issue. The world really needs to get out of the 1490s, already.
"I know plenty about Islam, my friend, and know that when a Christian says 'ALL Muslims must die by the sword' (something you and your ilk have outright stated before on this site, albeit under your new handle you haven't yet) it is pure and utter hatred speaking, and no different from the terrorism you pretend to condemn. In a way, you make me laugh..."
Who's being "subjective" here, smith? Why do you presume to know what religion I believe or if I even have one?
When did I ever say "All Muslims must - - - - " ?
I defy you smith, to post proof of what you wrote.
<strong>Moderator: All readers please get back on topic. Posts that do not refer to the pope's visit to the U.S. will be removed.</strong>
the pope should not have been given governmental/royal treatment. I don't mind anyone going to to my former workplace and praying, but when it is official and paid for by the government, I object.
However, I would have respected him more if he came out and said straight up what he really thought.
I guess the argument that the unborn are "the most defenseless of all human beings" has to be modified somewhat when the pope supports bans against contraception.
I think I might want to stop short of saying that human beings should all vote on what a human being is. However, I definitely would not want this issue to be determined by a man who believes that the charge of the faithful is "to be fruitful and multiply", who has never had to pay for the upbringing of a child and who stands for the prevention of women ever having the opportunity to be the interpreters of his god's word.
No, there is war because a bunch of evil MF's want to loot the world and they create events and propaganda to fool the gullible masses.
The attack of 9-11 has nothing to do with Islam, and the "war on terror" response has nothing to do with Christianity. Those behind this big mess want us to believe it is a war between Muslims and Christians to weaken both sides.
SezWho2 The pope can have all the objections to abortion he wants, it should not effect what ever law is present. It is after a subject that should not be held as a basic right, but one that is debated. It should not be used as a birth control though. There should be steps of consideration.
I would like to see someone come up and say since its a woman's right to keep or remove, then a man should also have the right to state whether is he willing to support or not..
"No, there is war because a bunch of evil MF's want to loot the world and they create events and propaganda to fool the gullible masses."
Evil should always be named.
We await your discoveries, sabiwabi.
Don't let us down.
"Who's being "subjective" here, smith? Why do you presume to know what religion I believe or if I even have one?"
I don't care what religion, if any, you belong to; and that's my point -- it doesn't matter. Where did I 'presume' what religion you belonged to? I did point out that Christianity has as bad a background as Islam to contrast your point that all of Islam is terrible, but never did I state that I 'know', or care, what religion you belong to. Again, my point is that I admire the pope for doing what he's doing, but do not admire people like you in the least for condemning any religion that is not your own, strictly because it is not your own and you know nothing about it save a few quotations you try to use to make the pope look like a fool.
The pope is doing good here.... you, are not.
57.000 people at Yankee Stadium and worldwide media coverage vs. Sagecat's >The Pope is a non-issue. Enough said.
Anybody can have all the objections against abortion they want. Nobody's interpretation of God's word should affect the law at present.
Our society has not said it is a woman's right to bear or abort. Our society has said that, within limits, women do have sovereignty over their bodies. And there is no shortage of women who, having given birth, must believe themselves to have conceived immaculately. For there sure aren't any support checks coming in.