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© 2018 AFPPorn star's lawyer says she had sexual relationship with Trump
By Ethan Miller LOS ANGELES©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Yes, but Bill Clinton was better looking.
Trump should be spanked by a porn star with magazine with a picture of Bill Clinton on it.
Does anyone else want to take this thread even lower?
Even if true, I don’t think any of his supporters remotely care.
An extra-marital affair is not much these days, and this may actually be a good thing, as we’re moving on from having politicians fitting a deluded “family values” mold that no politician can satisfy
No politician except the previous president of the United States, right?
Well, I mean, we're talking about a guy who had an affair with a porn star with an infant son at home, his lawyer pays her off to keep her silent, and he's also been accused of quite a few sexual harassment incidents and was caught on tape talking about molesting women.
I'm not sure we are to the point of that being the new normal.
Strange times when a Porn Star has more credibility than the President of the United States.
As Superlib aptly put it:
If that's the standard, I can beat that. I know lots of people who can beat that. Obama beat that.
What we're seeing is actually something different from what dcog9065 proposes. What we're seeing is the gap between how morality is defined between the right and the left in the US. Among the left, morality is a process- if you make moral choices, you gradually trend towards morality. Among the right, morality is an identity- if you belong to the right group, you are by default moral regardless of what your choices actually are. "Family Values" under this understanding of morality doesn't actually mean not cheating on your wife who just had your baby with a porn star and then trying to pay her not to talk about it, it just means not being born gay, non-Christian, or non-white.
dcog: "An extra-marital affair is not much these days,"
And yet people still whine and complain about Clinton in terms of morality, where Trump has lost two wives already because of adultery, and has cheated on Melania numerous times, obviously -- and after JUST having a baby with him! The thing is, suddenly they "don't care" about the fact that Trump lied to them flat out, but if it were the other side who had lied, you'd never hear the end of it. Trump's marriages are like his failed businesses, and likely a microcosm of his presidency; he'd sell out the nation for some quick deals that make him feel better in an instant. Hell, he already has, and while bragging about how "loyal" he is to the nation.
I don't think people have high moral expectations of Trump, and he hasn't been going around banging on about "family values" and the "sanctity of marriage" etc.
I do wonder, though, how his religious fundamentalist vice-president can work with a person whose values are completely opposed to his own.
Are those values opposed? I mean, sure, the publicly professed values are, but deep down, do they actually value different things?
@smithinjapan: True, the mental gymnastics required to be a diehard Trump supporter is likely the cause of a lot of them being lost causes. But the fact that they keep whining about Clinton shows that they don't truly care about these affairs, etc., and mostly use them for political purposes
Texas A&M Aggie
Had to laugh at watching the radical alt-left media machine talking heads yammering on and on about how this adult film industry employee is the person who is finally going to take down President Trump. They seemed to have forgotten that this was the same guy who survived the "Access Hollywood" tape and went on to shellack the democrat candidate they were in the tank for in the last general election. . . .
And sneakier
Trump should laugh his butt off at this loser, really.
Seriously, this is all that the left have? It’s so pathetic, I can’t even laugh at this. The media has to make this an issue of what Trump did when he was a private citizen? They have to lower themselves by going all the way to Africa to rummage through garbage to find something on this man. These people are so unhinged, they have nothing left but to sink to gutter desperation politics and clicks.
Clinton normalized this stuff 20 years ago.
Given America’s twisted reality tv culture, I think this will boost Trumps polling numbers with millennials.
When he was President every woman he harassed was laughed at and mocked out of the room. James Carville said, you drag $100 through a trailer park and you don’t know what you’ll get.
Why not? The other day on The Bachelor they aired a huge embarrassing throat cutting breakup and as bad as it was, the media loves this kind of stuff. So if anyone cares, then yes, you are right, the media will eat this and milk this for ratings and clicks. For the rest of America, the majority of people could care less.
And? He was a private citizen, so what?
Clinton never cheated on his wife with a porn star while she was recovering from birthing their child and then never paid the porn star not to talk about it but was so stupid that he forgot to sign the agreement.
You've never actually spoken with a millennial, have you.
Numerous accusations of sexual assault, Russian hookers, American porn stars, etc.
You can't make this stuff up.
Do you have any proof that Stormy Daniel is a leftist? Or that her lawyer is?
Whatever these people are, I find it pertinent for the press to report on the fact that President "David Dennison" (he he . . .) got his lawyer to pay a woman $130,000 just before the election to keep her quiet. It would have been better for your man to have publicly boasted about being spanked by a pornstar with a copy of Forbes just after his third wife had a child. Given the current state of GOP "family values", Dennison may even have won the popular vote!
And I don't care how many whatabout Clintons you throw at the issue.
I really really hope the Dems run their campaigns on hookers and Russia. They'll be looking for new jobs. Middle America care about their families and kitchen tables, not this MSM driven clickbait revenue generator BS.
No one cares. Not like he did it while in the White House or while he was getting paid by the taxpayers.
its called a "personal" life for a reason.
Trump made himself a household word not just for being a shady, big-mouthed, and sometimes successful real estate developer. For decades he flaunted his sexual exploits publicly and in the mass media as a way to market his "brand". Now his supporters are saying that's off limits, that we are to treat this man as a serious politician, our POTUS Donald Trump (aka David Dennison, John Miller, John Barron, Tony Clifton, Dirk Diggler).
Let's see, Donny had his lawyer pay $130,000 in hush money to the porn star he had an affair with while his wife was taking care of their newborn son.
Now you've commented on this story, so it seems like there are at least 4 people that care. He he
But he “cheated while he was married” and while in office, so where is your outrage?
It's wrong, I agree, so now that we established that point, forget the birth of the child for a moment OR if you want to talk about kids, how old was Chelsea when her dad was dating Jennifer Flowers for over 12 years? All I’m saying is, the left don’t have a single leg to stand on when it comes to this issue and t further the point as bad as that is, Trump wasn’t President when this happened. Now I get the desperation of the left, but now it’s just all so silly what these people are doing. How about doing your job and tell the news that’s relevant.
Yeah, the leftcwould say something so funny.
No, but she’s definitely an opportunist. I mean, she’s a porn star for Pete’s sake.
Ok, so how will that adversely affect your life?
I think that the left has completely run out of things to complain about. Lol
Of course not, why be fair? Could it be she might be called by Mueller as a witness or maybe she knows something about the Russians. ROFL
As is so often the case, the sexual fun is just some titilating clickbait for the media and the curious, but the noose is the lie, the proof that the perp may have lied to the nation. Trump has escaped so far because he has been disarmingly open with his words. Now he is face-to-face with a lawyer and a silenced woman, and Melania is waiting at home.
Who has the better case? Lucky for him that he didn't sign, and someone else paid the bill. Will it stick? Whose word will prevail, and who will be the liar?
Will be become Teflon Trump, or another Clinton, who said he didn't inhale/impale? Pass the popcorn!
Well, whatever happens, whether Trump blows up the planet or not, one thing is sure : every other countries in the world will have laughed their asses off at the US. Thank you for that.
Suck it up evangelicals.
World class hypocrites...
Stormy has been upgraded to a Category 5.
Matt Hartwell
If you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Just a fact.
Bass says:
I say:
Bass replies:
So what does this have to do with "the left"?
Yeah I don't think she's all that either, but I guess when you're old, fat and orange ya take what you can get. And ya pay for it..
Tommy Jones
In the 90s with most of Clinton's presidency. You cannot seem to accept that former presidents are not relevant to the current chimpanzee in the WH.
René Pihlak
It is amusing how the Trump supporters keep shifting the goalpost day after day after day.
Trump supporter: "No, he did not do A!"
next day: "OK, so what if he did A, at least he didn't B!"
"So what that he did A and B, at least he didn't C..."
"C does not matter, everyone does C, so what... at least he didn't D..."
Stockholm syndrome?
Derek Grebe
This is getting very interesting.
The Evangelicals really do have a particularly malleabe set of ethics when there's a white man with money in the dock. Can you imagine the pearl-clutching hysteria there would be if Obama had even been in the same room as a porn star? But no, he's our boy so he gets a Mulligan.
And then a couple of weeks later, he's banging Playboy models while his third wife looks after the newborn.
But Trump doubles down and has a prayer breakfast and praises Billy Graham and the evangelicals fall for it.
englisc aspyrgend
He is a creep, and she is a greedy money grubbing tart.
What more do you need to say?
The usual suspects will bleat on as usual.
but no one cares a lick.
Nothings been proven except what James carville said about dragging a $100 bill through a trailer park.
Bill Clinton however, desecrated the Oval Office with a cigar and an intern. Mention that, and everyone stares at their shoes.
President Trump just keeps moving forward doing the business of the country.
It's disturbing that the bones in this man's closet are being revealed on a monthly basis. Why isn't he being held accountable for these sexual allegations and (trialed and personally admitted) sexual harassments? So far they continue to roll out of the public and political eye like water off a duck's back ... yet these allegations just continue to come to light. Using Clinton as a paired excuse for this man is juvenile. He's not in the White House anymore. Trump is and these are his own misdeeds! Stop dancing around this fool and hold him accountable.
Tommy Jones
After or while condemning his actions.
Producing the highest turn knee rate coupled with the lowest approval ratings of all modern presidents is NOT doing the business of the country.
Texas A&M Aggie
Please tell us what are the alt left media you are referring to. In detail please. Does the list include that crazy guy something or other Jones?
Rasmussen Poll has him at 48% this week. Higher than Obama at the same point in his 1st term
Ganbare Japan!
Private Citizen has sexual relationship with Porn Star. Why is this even news? This news will make President Trump even more popular with the "everyman" that elected him. He is one of the regular Americans, eats Kentucky every day, loves girls, cars, pro baseball , etc. Thats why the soft lefties hate him!! LOL!
A right wing poll has Trump doing better than Obama? How surprising me!!
Not a single word, Dems were completely quiet on the issue. Now, they kind of begrudgingly have to say something because of the Metoo movement, but other than that, complete silence.
I’m sorry, but what does Obama have to do with this?
”His?” For Pete’s sake, she’s a porn star, she doesn’t belong to anyone. If Trump had taken a collage of pics with her before being a politician, I could care less, if he did that during his presidency then I would have a problem with it.
There could be two sides to this story, firstly a nobody seeking to get rich quick through topical sensationalism. ?
Secondly, maybe he did have a fling with her. Some men, have strong desires (even at an eldery age), so whilst the Wife had a bun in the oven, and couldnt satisfy him, he may have sought temporary attention elsewhere ... he's still with his Wife right ?
Either ways, I dont see this harming him. The question should be is, he focused on being President or are all these distractions causing him to be less so ?
Now all that said, I wouldn't be surprised to hear a reporter ask Trump the question does he practise Safe sex and does he support Birth Control and the Woman's right to an Abortion ?
"Asked on NBC's "Today" show if Daniels had a sexual relationship with Trump, Avenatti immediately replied "Yes."
But, but, oh my, Stormy said this: "I am not denying this affair because I was paid 'hush money' as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened."
Chop Chop
How many times they have sex?
If he paid for her service every time they have sex and then it does not call sexual relationship.
If she was his lover, which didn't involve money and then it can call sexual relationship.
Man buying sex is not crime. Most of American men and women have sex outside marriage, especially entertainers and journalists. The entertainers and journalists are two worst moral corrupt class peoples.
The left-wings Media and Hillary supporters attacking Trump is not only about his moral or his capacity as President, but they wanted to evict him from the White House because they do not like his Health policy, Climate change and environmental policy, his right-wings ideology and everything President Trump said and did.
Usually, the Media has tried to influence over making some of White House policies like Health, Environmental and Climate change policy when Democrat President was in the White House. Now they can not influence over policies like Health, Environmental and Climate Change under President Trump. Also, President Trump is richest American President in history and they jealous it too.
The left-wings Media were unsuccessful campaigning all out war against President Trump and call for impeach President Trump. The Russian involvement in the Presidential election is nowhere to go. Now they are trying again with character assassination. President Trump is never highly regarded moral person because he was a reality TV star and the same as other entertainers and journalists. The left-wing journalists and Hillary Clinton supporters will be happy even if Trump marriage was hurt. The Hell Gate is opening for them 24/7.
You hit it completely out of the park, nothing more to say or to add on those precise points.
These kinds of "scandals" keep the sheep happy, so I like them. It means the opposition to Trump will never do anything serious, as long as they keep happily bleating about the fake scandal du jour.
Tommy Jones
This is not an accurate statement.
I love to watch Trumpsters go through the whole “There’s no proof! / They’re liars! / It’s not important anyway!” cycle in order just to support their team. Fortunately for them a porn star isn’t in a position to do much damage. After all, he’s long since been revealed as a fraud, a conman, a sexual predator, a serial liar, a kleptocrat and an imbecile. If you can blinker yourself to that lot then a bit of paid generic adultery with a porn star isn’t even going to faze you.
The Russians must be worried though, it’s gonna devalue the Kompromat they have tucked away.
Sex, Affairs, Lies, Deceit, Payoffs, Corruption, Right & Left, Right and wrong.
So tired of it all. Washington DC and the American elitists on the hill. Seems to be just all so all so seedy.
As a Republican (proudly). I have not lost all hope yet.
I hope my party can bring a better suited candidate with morals in the next election.
It seems every politician has something in the past that always surfaces.
Am I wrong to say growing up Reagan. I miss simpler more honest times?
Or was it not honest times at all? Maybe just a childhood memory?
Maybe the hush money back in the day really meant stay hushed.
Gone are the days of space shuttles launching, Jelly beans, Peace talks with Russia (no collusion suspicions), The fall of the Berlin wall. Family values. Just gone. Bringing back those times would truly mean making America great again. "Make a America moral again". What a great campaign slogan.
American politics is a soap opera now a days.
Some things are just better not known.
That’s silly. A sexual relationship is one in which they gave sex. If he had sex with her, that’s a sexual relationship. If he paid her it’s a paid sexual relationship. If he didn’t pay her then it’s an unpaid sexual relationship.
a pleasure to read comments from strangerland
Mr. Trump, what was the purpose of the agreement?
David Dennison -- uh, it is CRIMINALS who use aliases to avoid DETECTION of their CRIMES.
Mr. Mike Pence, what do you think of adulterers?
Strange times when a Porn Star has more credibility than the President of the United States. and morality, at least a pornstar knows theyre banging for money, President Orange pays to keep it a secret. like Ive stated before, if Trumps was fine with his image of banging a pornstar while his wife stayed home to look after his infant son, why the need for the hush money. Why keep this info from his base, just before the election.
And? He was a private citizen, so what? well if he was so sure his base would vote for him even knowing moral values, why the need for the hush money!?
As a Republican (proudly). I have not lost all hope yet. it good to hear there are still many republicans that can see their leader isnt all he was made out to be, but unfortunately there are many that will support him no matter how bad it gets, their hatred of the opposition has blinded them to the reality we face today.
He is a creep, and she is a greedy money grubbing tart. What more do you need to say? if I had to choose I go for the greedy money grubbing tart whos telling the truth , over a lying creep anyday.
Warren Fraser
An odd headline as it reads as if the lawyer had sex with Trump. Imagine my surprise when I learned the lawyer was named Michael.
Nothing surprise, I doubt Mr.President couldn't remember you!
Stranger: "A sexual relationship is one in which they gave sex"
Gave sex, eh?
Typo. Should have been 'have'.
OK, Stranger, "have sex" makes more sense.
But you forgot the other possibility - they didn't have sex. Tee hee!
I hope Donald was wearing a good "Willie Cover" during his interview with Ms Clifford for her cabinet position. I am sure it was "stormy weather" in the White House after Mrs. Trump got word of this affair . It appears this is what Hollywood Harvey did for years..... please just sign here , take the cash and STFU ! Perhaps it is the correct "outer borough way of doing business". Ironically both Harvey and Donald hail from Queens, New York
Poor little girl, she screved around with a married man, no one forced her so why did she do it, money? glory? fun? or all of the three. In a culture where most dream of doing some on the side sex this is a no story but when handy to use politically it becomes story of interest to the opponents. She should be ashamed not les him either but since he was not a president or even politician at the time it should have no bearing on his presidency. Other stories about his really inappropriate behavior are of much more concern but not this one.
Assuming that Trump did have sex with her... so, a famous billionaire has sex with a hot porn star, and some people get jealous. Lol...
The right freaked when Clinton got found to be having extramarital relations.
But it's all OK when Trump did it, with a newborn child at home.
Let's drop this pretense that they are the party of morality. They re the party of moral criticism when they think it can score their team points. There aren't actually any real moral beliefs there.
There's some really icky pictures and videos of Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka in compromising, questionable and improper gestures at best. Don't forget Donny lustfully talks about Ivanka and has said he wants to MARRY her.
no video, no proof, didn't happen, cmon now
@Texas A&M AggieMar.
I would love to know if you even have a vague idea if what the 'radical alt-left' is, beyond a childish made-up term to throw at people who have attack the far right.
"Calling me the alt-right, are you? Yeah, well you're the radical alt-left - see how you like that! "
But of course, alt-right was a term created by the racist far right as a description of themselves, whereas alt-left was created as an insult. Perhaps it loosely describes people who don't like racism, in which case put me down as alt-left.
Using this term to describe those who are not blind to Trump's behaviour over Daniels and many other things does very little other than to draw attention to the fact that his behaviour cannot be defended through grown up argument.
"The right freaked when Clinton got found to be having extramarital relations.
But it's all OK when Trump did it, with a newborn child at home"
Trump ( if he had sex with her ) was not POTUS. Billy Boy was.
Toasted Heretic
Don't care who's doing who. As long as it's by consent and as long as they don't lie about it, after.
I fail to see where the idea of jealousy comes into it. We're all adults here, yes?
Why would we be jealous of a woman for having sex with an old man? Pity more like.
Russell Leisenheimer
the actual issue here is the $130k payment. hush money?
"it's not the crime, it's the coverup," as usual, applies
Andrew Crisp
Assuming it was true, secondly if it was why didn't she come forward after the affair ended instead of after an election.
Clinton had an affair while in office and survived, the Kennedy Brothers were having affairs with Marilyn Monroe - I think the real issue is the lefties / Democrats are so desperate to take down Trump after losing the election they will sling all the "mud" they can.
Because any of an infinite number of reasons.
Brian Wheway
looks like DT has made another c*ckup! mind you its probably launched her career again (product endorsement) you could not get any better!
Trump is on the verge of nuclear disarmament of the Korean Peninsula, and some people are more worried about if he had sexual relations with a porn star, lol.
Heh, if you really think that, you know nothing about NK.
Stranger - Heh, if you really don't believe that you know nothing about Trump. Little Rocket Man is going to lose his nukes one way or the other during the Trump presidency. Trump is not going to dick around like Obama and others before him. North Korea is on the verge of acquiring the ability to hit California with intercontinental ballistic missiles, Trump won't let that happen even if Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters would.
Trump is on the verge of nuclear disarmament of the Korean Peninsula, and some people are more worried about if he had sexual relations with a porn star, lol. firstly NK disarmament is hardly all of Trumps making , without China , Japan, Korea, hed have nothing. secondly it isnt about the sex its about the cover up, why the need for the hush money before the election, if he was so sure he was going to get the votes required why not let her speak out the affair then!?
It's a term that didn't exist in the public conscious until Clinton used it in a speech. Its popularization is 100% due to the media and the left; most people who get labeled with it hadn't even heard of the term before then. Essentially it's just a label used to dismiss new segments of the right which broke with traditional conservatism on key issues like free trade and interventionism. The media needed a new toxic label to dismiss them with so they made a media darling out of Richard Spencer, who prior to this coverage no-one had even heard of.
Here, I'll do what the media does to conservatives:
'alt-left' refers to violent leftists like antifa that smash peaceful conservatives' heads with bike locks.
I take it as a self-declared member of the alt-left you condone such actions?