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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Pressure grows on Israel to open more aid routes into Gaza by land and sea as hunger spreads
By TIA GOLDENBERG and WAFAA SHURAFA RAFAH, Gaza Strip©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Where occupier get their weapon to enforce their inhumane blockade?
If you blockade aid, people will do boycott and it works.
Pressure grows on Israel to open more aid routes into Gaza by land and sea as hunger spreads
There is no pressure on Israel. It is in control of its lands.
The aid is being held up by Hamas stealing food, and the inept UNWRA.
Of course, we wouldn't have this situation in the first place but for the terrorists from Gaza.
Stop the genocide of thosand of innocents..
Let them get the help desperate need..
The Idea as Israel's leaders stated at the beginning of the war is to STARVE the people of Gaza and force them to migrate to Egypt or die.
This is NO secret, it is planned and Israel is doing exactly what the Nazi's did in WW2, starvation is an ugly and inhumane weapon of war and Israel knows it well.
Defang and defund the occupiers of Palestine … this time around they been doing it since 1946 … enough already!
Should Ukraine provide food to Russian soldiers at the front lines? Russia started this, just like Gaza and Hamas started it in Israel.
How do you differentiate someone who is innocent from someone who is just taking a break from fighting or building weapons? I'd like to know. Short of having them relocate with just what they can carry, outside Gaza so Israel can go through the entire place, every nook, every cranny, every tunnel, there isn't a way.
Israel has a moral obligation to do this once and for all. Then they have an obligation to let former residents of Gaza back in without weapons or machinery to make weapons.
Alfie Noakes
The Biden administration has approved over 100 foreign military sales to Israel since Oct. 7, amounting to thousands of Precision Guided Munitions, small diameter bombs, bunker busters and other lethal weapons despite "concerns" about Israel's conduct in the war. Only 2 were made public. It's the US that is arming the genociders and making a profit from it.
When 300-400 are required ! Gee the war criminals are so generous...NOT
The are 5,000 aid trucks held up at the border. The UN has said there is a famine in North Gaza.
Pressure is being mounted on Biden to throw Israel under the bus
How occupier can't do whatever they like, without need to comply with Geneva Conventions. I'd like to know that.
Any modern army they usually have rule of engagement but that's not the case for occupier.
The argument always it's difficult to know which one is combatant, that just a completely not true.
Babies and children, become their deliberate target and they know their target when they see their corsairs, so please save that argument it's too difficult to know which one is innocent which one is not.
Lobbyist power and money are real.
Israel is still playing this really messed up game, where all their propagandists are preaching about how many aid tricks are getting in, but all you see in the news is how trucks are getting turned away. Just yesterday another convoy of aid from the WFP was refused entry.
It doesn't matter what your stance in on who is responsible for this situation, the blockading of vital food and medical aid to innocent civilians (and maybe some not so innocent), as well as the remaining Israeli hostages, is a serious war crime, and completely immoral.
The famine is going to get much worse in Gaza.
Pretty sick what Netanyahu and his "war cabinet" are doing. Its a genocide cabinet. Hamas and its supporters have a right to resist occupation too. In 1982, UNGA Resolution 37/43 affirmed the legitimacy of the struggle for independence, territorial integrity, national unity, and liberation from foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.
Excellent point!
Hamas is interfering, the people are trampling each other. They shouldn't even be in that are. Israel told them to leave northern Gaza.
Casualties of war. That's what happens.
It's happening now in Syria,. Yemen... The difference is, Israel is carrying out humane tasks while the Arab countries are committing war crimes.
Great credit goes to Israel for one of the cleanest wars on record.
Mr Kipling
Thant's nice. But how about a little pressure to stop the mass killing of innocent civilians and destruction of property?
1/ Israel not waging " one of the cleanest wars on record "
Thats seen in the UN proclamations, 2/ the 50 countries giving evidence at the ICJ and
3/the preliminary finding of the ICJ that Israel's actions may constitute genocide and the RULING that Israel must facilitate the inflow of aid and do more to protect non combatant civilians...especially women and children.
All of which Israel ignores.
So Zibala, once again your claims do not stand scrutiny.
Thats like saying "Should Hamas supply the IDF with food on the frontlines". You show very little understanding of the situation.
Concerned by the lack of access to food, the United States, Jordan and other nations have begun making air drops of aid in recent days, but aid groups say only a fraction of the needed assistance can be delivered by air.
Because Hamas steals the food.
It is.
The US did not agree with those silly "proclamations".
"may" means a possibility, and applies to anyone. Syria "may" be committing genocide.
So let's compare--have more civilians been killed in Syria's and Yemen's war compared to Israel? So, why the focus on Israel? Anyway, this is great revenge for Israel, and if you don't like it come back everyday and whine.
This isn’t true. It doesn’t say anywhere that what’s being done by Israel may constitute a genocide but rather requests reports of Israel’s military actions to determine whether or not a genocide is being committed. There’s no declaration by the court that there is a suspicion of genocide. Also, there’s no statement in the ruling that Israel has to do more than they’re doing to protect the civilian population, but rather an assertion that Israel is taking measures to protect the civilian population. The court hasn’t made any determination on accountability towards protecting the civilian population so far
It is true. They found that the case for genocide is plausible. That doesn't mean that Israel IS committing genocide, just that based on the case presented there is a possible risk of genocide, which is why they issued 6 provisional measures. If there is not enough aid getting in, that would mean that Israel has to do MORE to let it in. Do you guys live on a different planet from everyone else?
When the highest Court on Earth says "Israel must take steps to prevent genocide " what does that mean ? It means genocide is a possibility .
The ICJ also ordered Israel to do more to protect civilians...didnt happen .Also ordered Israel to facilitate supplies of humanitarian aid...didnt happen.
Parse words all you like and shill till you're voiceless but the entire world is not blind to the criminal violence the thugs of Israel are dishing out to a defenseless and starving population.
And still no "elimination of Hamas "
No, they didn’t. The Court took a very cautious approach to this case and was careful not to suggest that Israel is committing genocide. The closest the Court came was to observe that “at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the (Genocide) Convention.” It is worth reading that sentence closely and noting that the Court merely restates South Africa’s allegations, rather than reaches a conclusion of its own.
Last Monday the 4th, an IOF Drone attacked and AID truck with two missiles, the first one burned to death all 8 aid workers onboard, then few minutes later while people are gathered trying to rescue the workers another missile struck the same truck and killed 9 more.
The Israeli IOF is BAITING Palestinians men and children with desperately needed food, then shooting them dead on the spot as they try to pick it up, this happened twice already in the last 10 days.
How much lower will Israel go is to be seen.
War is messy. Crimes happen on both sides. The people who started the war need to get the worst of it. That's happening. Hamas should have known better when they started this war.
I have no sympathy for any supporter of Hamas anywhere.
Israel isn't going anywhere. If history tells us anything, it is that starting a war with Israel leads to loss of lands. Hamas was stupid to think anything else would happen. Hamas needs to die and new, non-violent, Palestinians need to be voted into power.
The terrorist need to go - one way or another. Terrorist with children make poor parents. They should know better than to start a war and if they do, they should be smart enough to get their children out BEFORE starting it. Where are all the Gaza residents complaining and offering up the terrorist for justice? I haven't heard of any doing that. They are called terrorist for a reason.
Israelis don't want war, but they will defend themselves and they will finish any aggression aimed at their people. If someone shoots 12000 missiles at your people, should you just let them kill forever without any repercussions. No. You'd fight back and take away their ability to fire any more missiles. That is what Israel is doing.
Please quote me from the ruling where it says Israel isn’t letting enough aid in
In international law, nowhere can one find that the occupying force has a “right” to defend itself. Instead, it is explicitly written that an occupied nation has the right to fight by any means necessary for its freedom.
United Nations Resolution 2621 XXV of December 12, 1970 affirms : “the inherent right of colonial peoples to fight by all necessary means against colonial powers which repress their aspiration for freedom and independence”.
Now if only the self-styled "international community" would have obeyed the law (to the letter), they could have written a completely different playbook for the Zionists and themselves and then the world could have put an IMMEDIATE stop to all the Israeli war crimes that have been perpetrated against Palestinians since many decades and thus prevented this latest Gaza and West Bank Holocaust which has traumatized and destroyed the lives of more than 2,000,000 people who, like all normal human beings, just want to live in peace in their own lands with their neighbors.
No, it didn’t. The ruling stated that Israel must act appropriately to protect civilians. It didn’t make any determination on Israel not doing enough to protect them so far.
Israel isn’t considered an occupying force according to international law but rather a sovereign state
This is simply not true. Polling of people in Gaza shows that the majority of Palestinians think their territorial ambitions can be achieved through armed conflict. They don’t want peace with Israel
Read this:
(5)The State of Israel shall, pursuant to point (4) (c) above, in relation to Palestinians, desist from, and take all measures within its power inlacing the rescinding of relevant orders, of restrictions and/or of prohibitions to prevent:
(a) The deprivation of:
(i) Access to adequate food and water;
(ii) Access to humanitarian assistance, including access to fuel, shelter, clothes, hygiene and sanitation;
(iii) Medical supplies and assistance.
Then read this:
Nothing here is a statement of or condemnation of Israel’s past actions but is an assertion of what Israel should be doing. Nothing you posted stated anywhere that Israel should be doing more than what it’s been doing or done in the past.
If Israel is obliged by international law to provide enough aid, and they are currently not allowing enough aid in, what does that mean? This is a tricky one.
The ICJ hasn’t ruled that Israel isn’t letting in enough aid.
The ICJ ruled that Israel must let enough aid in. There is not enough aid getting in to Gaza. What part of that is difficult for you to understand, or are you being purposefully obtuse?
No determination of such has been made by the ICJ
Please point to me directly in the ICJ ruling where it says Israel isn’t letting enough aid in. I know you can’t so you’ll just keep trying to dodge the question
Yharnam Resident
You've been making claims that all Palestinians are Hamas, but now you're saying that Palestinians are starving because Hamas is stealing the food. How does one manage to steal their own food? That's not very consistent reasoning.
Israel should create temporary refugee camps outside these gates to take care of the civilians while on the inside the IDF goes to town on Hamas.
"If history teaches us anything "" is that vicious dictatorships run by sociopaths will fall.
Most , if not all of Latin America has had this "history " and eperience.
Israel has no history.
It is an experiment as a settler colonial engagement that will go the way of apartheid South Africa.
May that be sooner than later.