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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Prince Andrew called uncooperative in Jeffrey Epstein probe
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Chip Star
It’s not okay unless they are of age. Wtf are people thinking?
Is William Barr, Trump's appointed head of the Department of Justice, getting his fellow DC swampman Dershowitz to defend Trump (impeached) in the current senate proceedings as some sort of payback?
Trump of course has also been connected with Epstein. Curious that Epstein 'died' in a federal prison managed by Barr's DOJ.
And some call these uberrich lowlifes 'elite'. SMH
Alfie Noakes
Well, since the US has rejected the extradition of Anne Sacoolas, the wife of the NSA spy, charged with causing death by reckless driving for killing 19 year-old motorcyclist Harry Dunn when she was on the wrong side of the road, it's going to be difficult for the FBI to get their hands on Randy Andy.
It's a shame that Trump can't manufacture one of his famous quid pro quos and have both parties face a thorough investigation.
Alfie Noakes
It's about sex-trafficking. If Epstein paid her to travel around the world and have sex with Andrew it's sex trafficking and that's a crime in the US.
I'd like to know where Ghislaine Maxwell has disappeared to. She seems to have fallen down the same hole as Sergei and Yulia Skripal.
I can't see how him talking to the FBI helps him in any way.
In the USA, you don't have to talk to law enforcement if you don't choose to. If they don't have charges, then they must release you. If they do have charges, you still have the right to be silent AND have a lawyer with you during questioning, even if you don't say a word.
I don't see this as being related to any other case. That isn't how the UK/US relationship works. We aren't China.
Since the actions occurred overseas and Andrew is not a US citizen, hard to see why US law should be involved here - except as another example of imperial overreach.
Ghislaine Maxwell is obviously being protected, by the Mossad, the CIA, who knows? If the truth came out, a lot of people would be going down - which is why we will never be allowed to know the truth. With regards to Trump, I think he one of least likely of all people mentioned to be impacted by this. So far, nothing except he sometimes mixed Epstein, as everyone who was anyone did. Add to that his narcissism. He's the kind who needs to think the women love him. Can't see him going for some teenager that is just handed to him.
All of this is being covered up by the massive spy apparatuses of the US, UK and their close allies. Another reason why more people should listen to Snowden and resist large secret police organizations in a "free" nation.
Epstein died in his jail cell certainly. But whether it was suicide or not is still highly questionable.
Hervé L'Eisa
It really boils down to the Royals believing that they are above the law.
Doesn't the law seem like a bit of an ass here? Ex. if the girl is flown by Epstein to London to sleep with Andrew, that is not criminal because she is over the age of consent. However, if the same girl is paid to sleep with Andrew, suddenly it's a crime? "Wanna sleep with a prince?" "OK". equals no crime. "I'll give you $10,000 to sleep with a prince" "OK". equals crime. Just don't get it. As long as consent is freely given by the girl, what does it matter if she got paid or not?
MSR Japan
Epstein didnt kill himself it is alledged , he died under suspicious circumstances most certainly !
Privilege + entitlement = immunity + impunity = moral corruption and the death of self-respect. When you are a prince, this is an occupational hazard, as MBS could tell you, too.
What was Andrew doing staying with a pedophile who procured teenage girls for sex?
He has refuted it all!
Somebody is not being truthful...
The law is similar in Japan. I agree it's ridiculous. Andrew is an absolute cretin, and I have no sympathy for him. But lynch mobs make bad justice.
Shame on him and all concerned, I hope the truth comes out
Ridiculous! Who does he think he is? The President of the United States?
Can the media finally start hounding Prince Andrew about these allegations to get to the truth? Let's leave the Harry and Meghan nonsense by the wayside and focus on the real story of what Prince Andrew may have done, what he knows about Epstein's behavior and actions and where the hell is Ghislaine Maxwell?!?
Who are they ? Why are they not named ?
Raw Beer
Indeed, for some reason US authorities seem to have no interest in getting Maxwell. Probably for the same reason Epstein was released the previous time he was arrested, she is intelligence (Mossad).
Maxwell is just as guilty as Epstein.
Andrew Crisp
So by her own words Prince Andrew didn't sleep with her as an under age person, so he hasn't broken any child sex laws.
So this sounds like she went back again and again when she could have just walked away after the first encounter.
So again she has stated it was Epstein that paid her for the encounters, Prince Andrew may never have known the encounters were paid for - back in Prince Andrew's younger days women of all ages were throwing themselves at him like groupies at a rock star, he was very popular with the ladies as a young man.
What do they want with him? Epstein is dead so not like anything this idiot says will strengthen any criminal case against him.
Seems to me all his "testimony" will serve is allowing victims to claim from Epstein's estate.
Let's face it, Andrew isn't about to incriminate himself.
The girls looked over 20 so no big deal. Arrest them for lying?
It seems to me that there is a whole lot more to know about Epstein's "comfort girl" scheme. Whether any of it will see the light or not remains to be seen. Were all the girls 16 or 17 or was there some "special candy" or did some of the other moneyed gents who run a cold sweat whenever they see Epstein's name have even more bizarre tastes? And who else took advantage of Mr Epstein's special services?
Raw Beer
It's not just a question of prosecuting Epstein.
Don't forget, Epstein was previously released because he was considered to be intelligence. And Epstein's previous handler, Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a Mossad agent, so we can assume that Ghislaine is as well, and that Epstein provided tons of blackmail material to the Mossad.
I hope someone will get to the bottom of this and that all these sickos can be jailed for a long time.
Prince Andrew is absolutely disgusting and an absolute disgrace to the UK.
If this is how so-called Royals are going to behave living on the UK Taxpayers £Billions then the UK should become a Republic with an Elected Head of State like France and Germany.
Why should British Taxpayers pay for so-called Royals who are just Human Beings and not Gods to have Servants to do everything for them including dressing them?
In a recent Report the UN said that UK has millions of its people living in Poverty. Once you are born into Poverty in the UK it is impossible to escape it. We can blame the British Class System for this.
His Father Prince Philip has said some very nasty things about the British People such as about what happened in the Dunblane Massacre in March 1996. It is all right for him!
Does Prince Andrew set a Good Example for the rest of us, such as young people, to follow?
Of course, he cannot remember, he has forgotten about it all! The oldest excuse ever!
I repeat: Prince Andrew is absolutely disgusting and an absolute disgrace to the UK.
Yes, in his BBC Interview, he did not once mention the Victims in all of this sordid mess. He showed absolutely no empathy for them. The Interview was all entirely about him!
He is so out of touch with People. He couldn't care less about us; the People. He thinks that he is so much above us and the Law.
No wonder the Queen and Prince Charles ordered him to withdraw from Public Duties and that over 200 Charities in the UK want nothing to do with him now.