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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Protests in Cologne after assaults; Merkel pledges new laws
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Great to see that Japan refugee program has justified itself.
This woman could not spell the word LAW. If existing laws were adhered to,most of these illegal "migrants" would not even have been able to get into Germany. Police are being ordered not to report on crimes committed by these so called refugees. Frau Merkel, blaw,blaw,blaw.
Two questions for any asylum seeker.
Do you believe in equal rights for all citizens, which in includes the rights of women?and
Do you believe in freedom of exercise of every religion, and freedom from imposing your own religion on others?Suddenly, that 1.1 million number gets much, much smaller. Because these asylum seekers can't even get to Number 2.
One of the most frustrating, saddest and compelling truths is that the Asylum Seekers fleeing from the ravages of war torn Syrian/Iraqi hellholes, have been callously trampled over by hordes of illegal Immigrants, whose sole contribution has been to rape, rob, assault, that will finally when radicalized main and murder.
Some utterly naive Euros are still unable to realize that those so-called "asylum seekers" are plain moslem invaders. The invaders bring their medieval 'values and culture'(LOL) and they will never integrate into European society. NEVER. Were the EU leaders smart, they would force all "refugees" back to Middle East and Africa right now.
"....trampled over by hordes of illegal Immigrants,"
"illegal"?! The Cologne police say legitimate asylum papers were carried by many of the sex attackers and thieves they collared.
So it's OK to thieve and abuse women a few times, as long as you don't do it too much? How about deporting anyone who steals or abuses women after their first offence? Nothing less will do.
Merkel has lost control of her country and is a disgrace. She must be forced out of office before Germany is destroyed by the invaders she has let in.
Youtube: Germany Cologne Rape Mobs at Christmas / New Years
Check it out on Youtube. It looks like a feeding frenzy of hungry sharks.
Hi JeffLee the authorities have only been able to arrest and temporarily detain 31. A statement from the federal police confirmed that a undetermined number have no identification. Regions are disclosing figures that are ballooning out to thousands of unaccounted Immigrants.
One has to prepared for the fact that out of 1.1 million and counting, less than 20% have legitimate claims of Asylum ,which explains why so many are 'missing'. Also to consider is that European convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, could perversely prevent Angela Merkel's government from deporting any. As the cases have shown in the UK.
Most worrying aspect, as you have pointed out is that out of the31 arrested so far some have been identified and card carrying refugees. Merkel policy's are dividing East and Western Europe far more effectively than President Putin could have wished for.
Don't expect anything to be done. Despite promises made by politicians to insure a good living for all people, and to promote a strong middle class, they want nothing of the sort. What they reall want is a large, illiterate, permanent underclass. This underclass is always dependent on government subsidies, and will always vote for any politician who will maintain or increase these these subsidies. The amount of money spent on welfare and subsidies is now greater than what is spent on national defense (welfare spending surpassed defense spending in America in the 1970's), but with such large amounts of money involved, there is a lot of room for graft and corruption. The poor are the most easily fooled and manipulated, and are always happy to vote for anyone who will give them someone else's money, even if it condemns them to generations of poverty.
And while the permanent underclass grows ever larger, it erodes the middle class, driving down the value of labor, while at the same time driving up taxes. The result is that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. The politicians are of course in the rich class, and they have a lot to gain by further increasing the numbers of poor, easily manipulated potential voters.
Actually, most of the people arrested were asylum seekers (the police chief of Cologne was fired for ommitting this fact, though he was aware of it immediately). The sad fact is that many asymum seekers are not in fact refugees, but criminals and outcasts, and the chronically poor in their home countries. For the million or so who came to Europe, many tens of millions did not, and continue to live in their home countries.
I would prefer that rather than leaving their own countries to live in Europe and America, that these refugees fought and worked to make their home countries places worthy to live, just as Europeans and Americans did. By doing the opposite, and simply fleeing, their home countries will only become less stable, and more poor. But staying would require hard work and effort, and many of those fleeing are averse to these virtues. Visit the neighborhoods where these immigrants live (if you dare), and those who came before them live. They are filthy, smelly, and dangerous. No one bothers to pick up the trash, cut the grass, or trim the trees. The neighborhoods stink of urine as the residents are too lazy to bother to use a toilet. The parents don't care that their children rob, rape, ot sell drugs. They do little or nothing, and as a result, they have little or nothing, which is exactly what they deserve. But what little they do have is mostly paid for by others who have to work hard, who keep their neighborhoods clean and safe, and who raise their children carefully. This is not fair.
I grew up in an industrial town in northern Germany and I can tell you integration has never worked. Whole sections of the town are now ruled over by immigrants and yes there are No Go zones where the police has no more saying and people do as they wish. More and more locals are leaving and more and more immigrants are moving in. The aggressive behavior of some of those new refugees in Cologne are just the tip of an iceberg. Police are told not to report criminal behavior of refugees. The recent rapes of 2 teenage girls by Syrians as well as the rape of a 15 year old boy inside of a city hall never made it into the national news. Two offenders who where caught in Cologne for stealing handy cameras and who were probably taking part of the assaults on women were brought in front of a judge. The judge let them go after telling them not to do it again. After leaving the courthouse those two were seen laughing and spitting at police cars. Deporting criminal refugees seems to be difficult. Most do not have identification papers and even if they have papers their home country just refuses to take criminals back. I guess Germany is stuck with them forever. It is really sad. I loved my home country. But it is unbelievable what one woman can do. I have lost all hope. Klaus
The cowardice of many Europeans astounds me. The Neville Chamberlain route doesn't work people, never has.
Merkel should be tried for treason.
That is was I find remarkable sangetsu03, that only 31 have been detained, even though the presence of CCTV and witness evidence appears to have failed to increase that number.
I am afraid more nasty revelations are to come. Asylum applications needed to have been processed from official refugee camps and centres directly adjacent to Syria and Iraq and only after the full participation of all ME counties. Western culture, customs, and lifestyle choices are incompatible for successful integration. Germany has been here before.....
80% of Turkish Muslim Settlers in Germany Live off Welfare
To Integrate the New Refugees, Germany Must Avoid Its Mistakes With Turkish Immigrants
Hi yamashi, President Putin is not jumping for joy over EU perceived interference in Ukraine, and the resulting sanctions. The Polish Government request for the permanent stationing of NATO troops, missiles, and air force could make matters worse.
I wouldn't be surprised if President Putin is not tucking into Imperial Ossetra Caviar, over a Alizé limited edition bottle of Rose expression, watching in wonderment how Merkel and the EC open door policy is going to unfold.
Some other stories I've read:
Young British women had firecracker thrown in the hood of her jacket. Skin burned, friends molested.
A man his girlfriend and her 15 year old daughter, breasts and groin groped by 10 or more, purse stolen.
Also, some say parts of Oslo have been taken over by these gangs/groups very afraid to walk the streets at night.
As for the US, I've heard nothing recent but I know the Somalis who ended up in Wisconsin have a large gang network, shootouts with real rival gangs and busted many years ago for an underage prostitution ring. From my experience living in Detroit the largest Muslim population in the US, they immigrated legally seeking a better life with their families,so no problems that differ from the average population. Some have even been friends. It's best when life/work/$/assimilation are put above religion.
It is the height of arrogance of Merkel to propose new laws now, after having been trampling on existing laws. The Dublin agreement clearly states that entrants have to apply fo refugee status in the FIRST EU country, and not in one of their choice. Themillion illegal immigrants (and Germany expects another million in 2016) should not have been admitted in the first place. And that lying woman now talks about new laws?? Ridiculous.
Also, it would be nice if the press stopped their kneejerk labelling of people protesting this as "extreme right wing". There is nothing extreme right wing in asking your politicians to observe the law.
And yet it's the extreme right wingers that are so up in arms about it.
yep, those women's rights groups taking to the streets are surely "extreme right wingers."
My views are in line with Bill Maher's: it's time liberals stood up for liberal values, (and stopped actively defending misogynistic medieval values).
I always stand up for liberal values - when they are values worth standing up for.
"My views are in line with Bill Maher's: it's time liberals stood up for liberal values, (and stopped actively defending misogynistic medieval values)."
Yep. I think I remember Bill Maher also saying how certain liberals will go to town criticizing the primitive ideas of fundamentalist Christians but clam up when it comes to Islam or start throwing the term 'Islamophobic' around.
This is exactly what Maajid Nawaz, moderate muslim and former islamist, has been saying for for a while now,. but the liberal media and their consumers keep ignoring him.
I think most of us can agree there are some serious problems within Islam. What some of us disagree with is that this means all Muslims are bad, or that all Muslims should be denied basic human rights - such as the right to seek refuge - because of the problems in their religion.
"I think most of us can agree there are some serious problems within Islam. What some of us disagree with is that this means all Muslims are bad, or that all Muslims should be denied basic human rights - such as the right to seek refuge - because of the problems in their religion."
I for one certainly don't say all Muslims are bad. I do think that allowing vast numbers of people from areas of the world where this very troubled religion holds sway is unbelievably irresponsible and dangerous. Importing this into secular countries where religion has been tamed after centuries of struggle is tragic. My own country of the UK was defaced for centuries by religious sectarianism and I don't want to see a return to it.
Education the new coming muslims to respect women ?
Mission very impossible. This is for infidels.
Nobody except you said "all Muslims are bad, or all Muslims should be denied basic human rights". Can we finally stop bringing up these strawmen arguments?
I'm sorry, from your last comment, it appears I've misunderstood your position until now. Just to confirm, you're ok with taking in Syrian refugees?
"taking in Syrian refugees" is not the same as "opening your countries borders to unlimited illegal immegration violation of the Schengen agreement". You should clarify what you are talking about.
I get the impression that some of the "regressive left" as David Rubin calls them are using misleading language.
Texas A&M Aggie
The Muslim sexual assaults of women in Germany and other European nations is yet another example of liberal PC that ruins peoples lives. . . .
And you know for a fact they were Muslims? How many of the refugees and asylum seekers coming from Syria and Iraq are Christians? Do you honestly think a Syrian Christian, regardless of sect, is that different from a Syrian Muslim, regardless of sect? Do you think white Texas Baptists are that different from white Texas Catholics?
And out of curiosity, why aren't you calling out the radical Mormons and other heavily armed Christian extremists who have attacked and taken over a US government facility in Oregon? I think you should worry more about your own country and its many problems. Sexual assault is a problem in Texas, and chances are you can do something about it; not much you can do about European problems.
Regarding the muslim sex assaults? Yes... by definition, in fact.
Hardly any. And the few that make it to Europe have to be quickly removed from the shelters for their own protection.
Yes. And sect, of course matters too. Beliefs do matter.
That depends on how "Baptist" doctrine is different from "Catholic" doctrine. However, I don´t see how either "Texas" or "white" matters. More strawmen?
I have not heard about "radical Mormons" having "taken over a government facility in Oregon", but if they have I am quite sure they are being "called out for it". Are they also committing gang rapes of local women?
So every poster here should only only comment about the problems of his/her country? That would make a pretty limited comment section.
Paris police station attacker lived in German refugee shelter.......
Revelation raises further questions about country's liberal stance on refugees
Schengen has to be repelled, Merkel's position is untenable.
Merkel should show the same courage she had letting the refugees in by throwing the troublemakers back out. Here's your one way ticket to Iran or Egypt. Take your pick.
Neither Iran nor Egypt will take them. Unlike Merkels Germany, they control their borders.
In the event, Merkel is fully intent on keeping Germany´s borders open for the next million young muslim men in 2016. And her interior ministor is already talking abot 10 million.... which is more than the entire native population of males in that age group.
As a social/cultural experiment on a biblical scale, this is fascinating. Unless you live there, and especially if you are female.
So it's been proved it was Muslims who assaulted the women in Germany on New Years Eve? The US American suspect is a Muslim?
My point is a Texan has more in common with an another Texan, regardless of religion, than he does with a New Yorker, for example. My sense is a Syrian Roman Catholic and a Syrian Sunni have more similarities with each other than differences.
My point is the US has intervened throughout the world in the last 70 years and many problems the world currently has can be traced to its numerous invasions. (Most problems, though, can be traced back to European colonialism.) US solutions to the problems they've created rarely work. Proposed solutions I've read from US Americans are based on their very limited perspectives of other countries; read these posts and that's obvious. The US has its own serious problems that seem to be getting worse. Why aren't the US posters focusing on them? USA, heal thy self. And why are the heavily armed domestic Christian white terrorists in Oregon getting a free pass from you?
How does this affect Merkel's electability? Is she up for election next cycle?
LoL. Her refugee policy landed her in hot water. Take your medicine Merkel.
Her refugee landed all of Germany, and ultimately Europoe, in hot water. But she is not taking any medicine, she stubbornly continues the insanity and has another full year to do so. And even after that, it is not clear at all that she will actually get voted out. There is only party that clearly opposes her demographic insanity (the AfD), and that one is constantly smeared by the Merkel-sycophantic media as being extreme right, nazi and whatever label they can find. It is a lie, of course, but that is what the populace is fed on all TV channels.
Remember also the open mike when Merkel was overheard asking Mark Zuckerberg what "we can do" about criticism of her refugee policy on facebook? His answer was: "We are working on it". And you can bet they are.
It's a FAIL. A failed policy. The islamic gropers have made it "open season" on themselves. The Germans are striking back though. A few Pakistaini refugees were attacked. No big deal, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Go PEGIDA, Go !!
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