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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Putin blames West for tensions; demands security guarantees
Mr Kipling
Again, Putin is correct.
The Avenger
From The Book of Trump.
The Russians have been blaming the West for over 100 years .
Putin blames the west for everything while he keeps forgetting that Ukraine is an independent country.
Putin needs to cut off gas to Europe immediately and see if that cools the fascist tendencies in Europe.
If one were to watch the speech which is on RT's You Tube channel, Putin should know better! he speculated as to why the imperialist powers kept expanding their military presence closer to Russia, supported Islamists in the North Caucasus and etc while Russia was doing everything to have good relations. As far as letting CIA operatives inside nuclear command centers.
Of course it's due to the inexorable tendency of capitalist economy. It couldn't and won't happen any other way.
Putin on the Blitz. He reads like that fella who saw the Sudetenland and Austria as part of "Greater" Germany. It is of the utmost importance to take what he is saying seriously and counter it. NOW.
Really? Well keep your dirty little hands off Ukraine then. It wasn't the West who annexed Crimea. It wasn't the West who shot down a civilian airplane.
Oooooh, Vlad Pudding-Head is pissssed. He doesn't have a puppet in the WH now and Joe won't kiss his toe. Hey Vlad, you're sad but you'd better leave Ukraine alone. NATO is back, it is not outdated like your puppet Trashtrump said. They punished Milosevic, they punished Qaddafy and they ain't afraid of you.
Iron Lad
Western media is a freaking joke.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Remember the Maine!
And the Gulf of Tonkin! And the Lusitania! And Pearl Harbor! And the Kuwaiti incubators! And the Twin Towers! And every other US false flag or prearranged incident that was used to justify more US military action around the globe, before you overreact to another one that will lead to making the military error that is proverbial for stupidity: invading Russia in winter.
Since the chemical weapons false flag that was staged in Syria – the notorious White Helmets fraud – it’s unlikely that a similar one will work in Ukraine, especially when Russian intelligence is apparently already onto it. But this won’t be the last such attempt, as it is clear that the globalists are never going to stop trying to spend American blood to accomplish their globalist goals while they still possess any influence in the USA.
“U.S. citizens should be aware of reports that Russia is planning for significant military action against Ukraine,” the State Department said in its travel advisory. “U.S. citizens choosing to travel to Ukraine should be aware that Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine would severely impact the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide consular services, including assistance to U.S. citizens in departing Ukraine.”
Desert Tortoise
The Russian equivalent of the Wumao are active today !
Mr. Putin's insecurity is showing. Perhaps his most pressing problem isn't NATO or the Ukraine. It is that most Russians no longer believe his lies. They have come to realize that Russia's problems are not being created by outside forces, the US and NATO in particular, but are the result of Mr. Putin's failed management of the Russian economy and external relations.
Interested to see that, knowing that gas export is maybe 35% of Russia's GDP.
Take 2
Putin once again crying out about the alluring Western Europe that former soviet states want to join rather than be in Russia's sphere of influence. Rather than figure out how to make Russia more alluring it directs it's hate and military towards NATO and the west.
Putin brings it all upon himself with his poor governance and Autocratic rule. Threaten military action and invasion to try to get future security. That is the Russian way. FEAR!!! The West is coming. With their Gucci handbags and Prada sunglasses they will turn you into consumers (your already consumers) and make you less Russian.
As if anyone in Europe has the stomach for war or an invasion of Russia which is the epitome of pointless ventures. The first thing Europe did when the cold war ended was reduce defense spending and the size of their military. It is building again because Russia is once again threatening the peace of Europe.
Western Europe cant help that it is more popular with Eastern European countries than Russia is. While the West has style and pizazz the East has...Putin. No contest really.
In 1898, a U.S. Navy board of inquiry ruled that the ship had been sunk by an external explosion from a mine. However, some U.S. Navy officers disagreed with the board, suggesting that the ship's magazines had been ignited by a spontaneous fire in a coal bunker. The coal used in Maine was bituminous, which is known for releasing firedamp, a mixture of gases composed primarily of flammable methane that is prone to spontaneous explosions. An investigation by Admiral Hyman Rickover in 1974 agreed with the coal fire hypothesis. The cause of her sinking remains a subject of debate.[4]
@Ego Sum Lux Mundi likes to rewrite history. Who believes him? Other Russian supporters but nobody else.
Mixing 5% truth with 95% BS is a Russian staple. Pearl Harbor a false flag? Not even close.
Twin towers a US conspiracy? Nope. Lusitania incident somehow not Germany's fault? Outrageous.
I suppose the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was not Russia's doing. They didnt kill hundreds of thousands of Afghans in their years long war.
Syria gassing its own people a false flag? Iraq did the same thing gassing kurds. Another false flag? Easy to see how blind some people are. Your version of truth is astonishingly far fetched like many Russian narratives.
So are you saying that your version of truth is the right one? Based on what, Wikipedia?
They bombed Serbia, stole Kosovo and destroyed Libya. They are a gang of murderers, but if you hope Putin is afraid of them you are for a big disappointment.
@Desert Tortoise
Putin's most pressing problem are idiots in the leadership of NATO countries. They are unable to say to their people "our economies are almost bankrupt with unsustainable national debt, we miserably failed with the green energy scam, you'll have to pay several times much more for the energy this winter". They need somebody to take the blame from them, that's the reason for the present anti-Russian hysteria. They lost the war in Afghanistan to the lightly-armed Taliban, but now try to scare one of the strongest militaries in the world. What a bunch of clowns.
Actually Putin does not care, Eastern European countries can go anywhere they want, he just does not want them to become bridgeheads for a possible NATO invasion. In the Cuban crisis in 1962 the U.S. got pissed off by Soviet missiles at their doorstep. Why NATO blames Putin for the same reaction to NATO missiles at the Russia' doorstep? And If NATO is free to deploy its weaponry at Russian borders, Russia is also free to deploy its weaponry at Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and near NATO borders, right?
The West is dying. Soon all these Gucci handbags and Prada sunglasses will be taken from its corpse by hordes of newcomers from the countries that NATO has destroyed. They are alredy there and just wait for the right time. Stand by for the show.
In other words, the U.S. almost a century later admitted it falsley accuseed Spain of sinking the Main and starting the war on a false pretext. The most glaring example of such a tremendous recent lie - the Colin Powell's performance with a viale at UN, "Saddam has WMD!!". And these people are complaining about Putin. Unbelievable.
No it isn't. 35% is about the share of exports for all mineral resources including oil, gas, coal, platinum and etc. They export almost as much to China as to Europe. No doubt it would hurt the Russian economy but it would be ruinous for Europe. So in order to cool the fascist tendencies, I think Putin should cut it off. At least we should give him credit for not exporting anything above what had previously been agreed.
Totally. Russians, even though they are in a propaganda bubble, are getting restless. So Putin turns to war to shore up patriotism.
They bombed Serbia. Liberated Kosovo (it is free and independent now) and bombed parts of Libya which remains a sovereign state and in dispute between domestic forces.
Putin has his own vast domestic issues and an economy always on the verge of collapse but you dont hear him admitting to Russia's many faults. Russia also lost a long war in Afghanistan to poorly armed opponents. What a clown.
Clearly Putin does care and the time for a NATO invasion of Russia was when the USSR collapsed and NATO had many thousands of tanks and aircraft and Russia was in shambles. They showed their intentions by offering help to Russia and demilitarizing most of their armies. But Putin needs NATO as an imminent threat so talks it up, as you do.
LOL it wont happen in my lifetime, but perhaps Russia can make a movie about it.
No, a investigation in 1974 agreed with what some officers at the time said, it was likely an internal explosion from coal. It is still debatable. There was no false pretext. There was an investigation that released it's findings at the time. It's findings may have been wrong. You make the assumption that the investigation was fake and it was used knowingly as an excuse for war. If it was, why would the Americans make such information public? They would do what Putin would do and hide the truth.
Indeed, it must be Wikipedia...
NATO, even though they are in a propaganda bubble, are getting restless. So they turn to war to deflect their populace from the energy crisis, looming food crisis and not so distant collapse of their Ponzi-scheme financial systems. Russia has all necessary energy, all necessary food. And weapons to defend all this from sticky hands of NATO robbers.
Finally admit this crime. Good.
Invaded Kosovo and helped Albanian narcomafia in ethnical cleansings and purges of almost all Serbian populace. Stole Kosovo from Serbia. Now Kosovo is the criminal cesspit of Europe. And Libya now is a wreck of a country, a slavetrader paradise. What a shame you can not visist it and experience for yourself all the wonders the NATO aggression brought on the poor Libyans.
Seriously? This clown Obama bragged about it in 2014, and what? Seven years have passed, and what are the facts? Russia is racking in huge profits for gas it supllies to Europe, it is building nuclear icebreakers, launching spacecraft and it is now among world's top wheat exporters. Yeah, sure signs of imminent collapse.
Consult Wiki properly. That was in 80s, Soviet times. Putin was nowhere around then. If you like Cold war stories than let's talk about how the U.S. lost the Vietnam war.
No, Putin needs NATO in a cage, where it is just a right place for it. From a cage NATO won't be able to hurt anyone again.
Investigation back in 1898 was a fake because it knowingly claimed Spain mined the Main. As a result the U.S. accused Spain of an attack and started a war, stealing from Spain its territories Cuba and the Philippines. The history repeated itself in 2003 when the U.S. falsely accused Iraq of having WMD and started a war against it. Lies as a norm for the U.S. and NATO to start a war. Now they lie about Putin's aggression.
LOL??? Not much of concern for the future of your children. And don't be so optimistic, you'll witness all the action.
Oh yes, they will. As a lecture material.
I have absolutely no concern about a Western collapse. Like I said it will not happen in my lifetime.
You can hold your breath waiting if you like. A pointless exercise.
Defending those unable to defend themselves is never a crime. But shooting down civilian passenger jets is.
Funny, very funny. Not much truth in your colorful descriptions, but quite amusing.
Serb atrocities, well documented during the breakup of Yugoslavia, and they were not alone as Croats and Muslim factions all committed atrocities. Then Kosovo wanting to split from Serbia as the rest of Yugoslavia had broken up and the Serbs committed more atrocities to try to stop it happening. Europe intervened and bombed Serbia until the atrocities stopped. Feel free to try and make out Serbia was innocent and did nothing wrong.
Libya civil conflict and a couple of European countries conducted bombings in support of their chosen faction. Not a NATO enterprise. Feel free to accuse Iceland and Greece and Canada and others in NATO of participating when they didnt.
And your tirade against NATO continues but as usual its all rubbish not worth a response. Neither is Putin's demands for security guarantees. Putin belongs in jail for crimes against Russian citizens and crimes against Europe. The Russian led Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a futile endevor that failed against poorly armed mountain tribes. Not much difference to the accusations you make against America in the same country.
Russia has the option of friendship with the west but Putin continues to ferment hostility to keep himself in power. The west has no desire for war in Europe. Something Putin well knows. I look forward to the day he is ousted or leaves and perhaps someone who wants peace for Russia will take over. Everyone had hoped that Russia would join with the rest of Europe when the cold war ended and actually help make Europe a unified and strong force in the world. It chose another path and continues to destabilize the region in the hopes it will one day rule all of Europe. So sad.
Like I said, you are too optimistic. You'll see it for yourself.
It were the Serbs who were killed and prosecuted by Albanian, Croatian and Bosnian separatists and who needed protection. Anyway, your logic can be very useful when Russian bombers will defend the people of Donbass from everyday artllery shellings and killings by the Ukrainian neonazi regime.
Tell it to the Ukrainians who did it.
NATO invaded to help separatists to destroy Yugoslavia. And after NATO aggression the atrocities just spiked, NATO gave free pass to Albanian, Bosnian and Croatian gangs.
They bombed, killed people and ruined the country. Period. Good for Iceland and Greece they did not participate in it, nevetheless they are still memebers of a criminal organization. Not all SS-personnel in World War II were murderers, anyway the Nuremberg trial declared the SS a criminal organization.
Then why bother to response? And your tirade against Russia continues but as usual its all rubbish worth only ridicule.
But good to see you have no objections to deployement of Russian weaponry at Cuba and Venezuela. And good to see you agree with my assessment of the Main affair and Powell's performace with a vial, lol!!
Russians, even though they are in a propaganda bubble, are getting restless. So Putin turns to war to shore up patriotism
Last time I looked NATO wasn't a dictator of any country. Your argument is equivalent to "I know you are but what am I".
A flat “Nyet” on guarantees there. Russia has no right to vassal states on its doorstep. Russia’s neighbors are sovereign states that have every right to see to their own security. No by your leave required.
Mom told me there are only 2 guarantees in life.
Death and taxes.
Guess Putin's mom didn't pass on that knowledge or it didn't take?
Putin is correct, and the warmongering by the NATO states is indefensible.
NATO has no business expanding Russias borders, and Ukraine has no business being in NATO.
What would our media say if Putin meddled in relations between, say, Quebec and Canada or Texas vs the national government?
False equivalency. Ukraine is not part of Russia. The accurate analogy would be what the media would say if Putin meddled in relations between China and Taiwan.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation and if they want to join NATO, it's between them and NATO. Putin gets no say in it. That's why he is making threats.
Russia is a sovereign nation and if NATO ignores its lawful concerns about the encroachment to its borders Russia can take all necessary countermeasures. NATO gets no say in it. That's why it is making threats.
That's correct. But Russia has no say in Ukraine's borders, seeing as Ukraine is a sovereign nation.
Russia gets no say in Ukraine.
If Russia places its weaponry in Cuba or Venezuela, the U.S. (the main driving force of NATO) has no say about it, because they are sovereign nations.
NATO has no say about Russian countermeasures.
Do those nations want Russia placing weaponry in their nations?
They have the same say they always have. Which may or may not be military counter-measures against a Russian invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine.