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© 2022 AFPBiden rebukes Putin after Russian reservists called up for war
By Michael Mathes UNITED NATIONS©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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You have claimed to be American on several posts, but you typically write with "foreign grammar". It is hard to believe your credibility when you make generalizations about the US and Americans.
The Avenger
I think the people of the world would like to have peace all the time. It's the leaders of the world who cause the problems.
Cards fan
Did Biden alone slow the Russian economy? No, but is much weaker than it would be without sanctions.
And the link you've posted is from March, when the Ruble soared in value. It's halved in value since then.
The west is working on it, no need to worry.
Clearly not. Russia wouldn't be mobilizing if things were going well. And what does it say when one compliments the leader doing the imperialist invasion?
Bob Fosse
putin has destroyed Russia. It’ll take generations to regain trust.
Also the false notion that Russians stand behind him has been exposed. Mass protests in Russia against the war and exodus of citizens not wanting to be drafted.
He’s overplayed his hand at home and abroad. Russians stand up and boot him out!
It looks like Putin is grasping at straws, and he’s in trouble if it doesn’t work.
It’s like throwing halfhearted soldiers who are unsure of their cause against patriotic soldiers who are dead certain about theirs.
Haaa Nemui
He’s obsessed with Biden. Best just ignore him.
100% not True. I served over 20 years in the military. Never once did I hear the term “ hunter killer” used in the military.
BTW we Americans speak English, not American.
Bob Fosse
Google putin Russia news.
How come they need 300,000 reservists to cover only 5,937 loss? A Russian arithmetic intrigues me :)
What would you have liked to hear?
You’ve been quite apologetic for Putin’s invasion.
Would you have preferred something more bellicose?
Guy threatens to nuke the west, yet there are still idiots in the west bending over backwards to defend the guy and think that getting nuked by him is a great idea.
Zelenskiy, who addressed the General Assembly in a pre-recorded video, laid out a “formula for peace” that includes the following measures:
1) Punishment for crimes of aggression including sanctions and the stripping away of veto rights
2) Protection of life as he cited the mass graves of tortured bodies found in Bucha and Izium
3) Restoration of security and territorial integrity, noting that Russia’s attempts at targeting nuclear facilities in Ukraine is going to impact “all of you…because none of you will find a vaccine against radiation sickness”
4) Security and safety guarantees
5) Determination for Ukraine to continue defending itself against Russian Guardian
Vladimir Putin will need an exit route an offramp, all of the above will require Independent verification.
The atrocities cannot simply be ignored.
EU maybe be willing to find a compromise, I doubt the Ukrainian government would except anything less than there laid out formula for peace.
Will Joe Biden administration accept what some would interpret as a fudge?
Assuming the threats of nuclear exchange are a huff puff, if the global community refuses to recognise Putin's land grabbing, then Putin is back to square one.
His grip on his country and the support of the faceless hard boiled cronies will just melt away running for the lifeboats
After Biden's praised speech, trump could not let the current president get any good press.
trump just added his 2 cents to the conversation about mobilization and threatening with nuclear weapons.
Yes, if trump was still in office this mobilization would have never happened!
Remember trump did a quid pro quo holding off sending congressionally passed U.S. arms from getting to Ukraine because he knew he would lose the election.
So, if Putin had attacked while he was president or he was re-elected, it would be all over now and the Ukraine would be a part of Russia.
Tziny Putin's dictatorship is just like his economy ....
Teetering on the brink of collapse.
May the Russians themselves do him in, and soon....
The only people threatened by Putin are the children of Russia, and the people of Ukraine. He's not a threat to anyone else, Russia has shown itself to be really, really weak. Six months in Ukraine only to get chased out, with no gains, and tens of thousands of dead Russian men. Well done Putin, well done.
Haaa Nemui
Cards fan
With respect, although I disagree with Bass on this, I don’t think he supports or is meaning to compliment Putin in any way. It’s more he just really hates Biden.
haha, only in your dreams.
he’s lost 10’s of 1000’s of young Russian men & billions of dollars of equipment - none of which can be replaced.
he’s destroyed Russia’s military reputation & he’s put Russia’s economy back 30years.
yep, smart guy alright
That should not be needed to be said. but Putin, called Lord Putin by some of his subjects, and his followers, still must believe he can rule the world after he starts WW3. And his supporters will justify the war saying the 'west have been worse', and 'Putin was provoked' into leading the destruction of all forms of life on the planet because there were some people he didn't like in counties close to him. But as other posters have noted, US elections could change which side the US supports, the Republicans who back Trump could do whatever is possible to appease Putin, and allow him to continue to expand the Putin Federation until Putin once again threatens to use nukes. At this point it's up to people in Russia to ensure Putin and those in his closest circle in Russia, to do their own regime change. He's come mentally and emotionally, maybe physically undone, and might still have 14 more years in office, to the delight of pro-authoritarians everywhere.
i would say the same about your constant negative comments
Then why did the Russians just abandon a few dozen tanks, with half of them surrendering, and the rest turning tail and running for the border. The ones that weren't killed of course.
blah blah blah
You think Biden should not have supported Ukraine militarily. And you think sanctions have not been effective. And you think Biden's speech should have had more "teeth".
What the . . .?
I really don't understand Trumpworld's stance on Ukraine (apart from their admiration for "tough" guys like Putin).
If what you’re saying is true, which everyone knows it’s not, but if it were, I hope you go to every teacher you’ve had and get a formal, written apology for failing you to such a degree.
The perfect place to address the American people regarding the situation in Ukraine is at a speech to the UN.
You know your stuff, Bass. I’ll give you that.
In a related development, today North Korea denied reports that it was selling arms to Russia. It slammed the US for spreading rumors that it was, accusing it of trying to tarnish NK’s reputation.
Just let that sink in for a minute. You know things are bad when even North Korea is worried about taking a reputational hit from being associated with you.
Putin has once again turned to the failed Hitler play book. After invading Ukraine and seeing gains in territory, his army is now losing territory much faster than when it took it. Facing a losing situation the narrative is now that he is protecting Russian territorial integrity from some anonymous attackers wanting to invade Russia. Threatening the use of nuclear weapons has become common practice for Putin.
This man is putting the world in danger, including the few allies he has, all for the cause of conquest. He really needs to be removed from power by any means necessary for the good of everyone.
And Putin should stop using the failed Nazi strategies that saw them badly defeated and their country all but destroyed. Russia and the world could suffer the same fate if Putin continues as he is.
At a speech to the UN?
The US is the largest member of NATO. One for all. All for one.
Putin can be stopped at a European border or an American one.
If Putin has "no bluff" to use nukes in a tactical manner, the target and devastation would be in Russian territory.... isn't he suicidal or cheating on Russians?? :)
Putin should remember Gorbachav and Afghanistan.
Haaa Nemui
Russia has made gains though. They’re the only country that people are trying to leave by the thousands right now. Russian leaders can’t start a car without worrying someone has planned something under it. Russians have lost faith in their leadership. This is a gain. I haven’t lost all faith in the Russian people yet.
The mountain of video and photographic evidence of burnt out Russian armored convoys destroyed in street fighting have led me to the opposite conclusion.
This is idiotic. Russia invaded Ukraine in February. This has been an international conflict between them since then. Frankly everything else you wrote is just nonsensical gibberish that isn’t worth responding to.
ESL Mundi - remember on the eve of the invasion when you predicted that the Russian forces wouldn't stop until they got to the Atlantic Ocean?
Portugal Farms remembers.
Bob Fosse
Mini-me Putin is on the back foot now, like a little rat that has been cornered His troops in Ukraine have been routed, with many running away in typical Russian fashion. The brave Ukrainians were never going to roll over and surrender - and why should they to the fascist invaders?
Now there are countless Russians attempting to flee their rat-hole of a nation to avoid fighting for this tyrant, and ending up in a body bag.
This will not end well for Mini-me Putin. Once he has has that bullet put in his head, Russia will be on their knees. Better do it sooner than later.
wrong on all accounts.
throwing 300,000 unwilling & untrained young men into a war zone only decreases the overall ability & effectiveness of the military (& it’s morale)
The only thing that will increase is the number of Russian casualties, & the number of protests
Putin does not have time,
Time is clearly working against the Russians now, not the Ukrainians. Four reasons for this.
First, lack of time is why they are holding these sham referendums on only 3 days notice. Their forces in Kherson an Luhansk in particular are quite vulnerable now and they are at risk of losing further huge chunks of territory in the next few weeks there, so they are having to rush these things through before they lose them. If time was actually on their side, they wouldn’t be panicking like that.
Second, mobilization won’t lead to an increase in actual Russian troop numbers for several months. The actual situation on the ground dictates that Russia needs them right now to defend against further Ukrainian counteroffensives. They need time, but don’t have it.
Third, Russian troop morale is already low. All the troops there who were looking forward to going home at the end of their contracts were just informed they will be stuck there until they die or the war ends, which could be years from now. This is going to destroy morale, the longer this drags on the worse it will get.
Fourth, the economic effects of sanctions on Russia will get worse as time goes on. Europeans are going to completely sever their energy dependency on Russia in the coming months, which will cut off the Kremlin’s main source of finance. China and India aren’t going to be able to replace that. And the regular Russian economy is also going to get hammered as the cumulative effects of sanctions - being cut off from supply chains and markets - pile on top of each other.
Meanwhile these economic trends will basically eliminate Russian leverage against the West. Threats to cut off gas supplies are going to be meaningless when they no longer need or want your gas. This is why the nuclear threats from Russia are ratcheting up now, its all they have left.
This isn’t to say time is working in Ukraine’s favor, it faces a lot of massive problems of its own. But in a confrontation between Russia and the West, which is how Russia is framing the war now, time is very much working against Russia.
Putin commits an invasion of a neighbor country, even when his US ambassador said two days before on national TV "there is no plans for an invasion", bombs schools, hospitals, and shopping malls, murders innocent civilians and buries them in mass graves, and now is threatening to bring nuclear Armageddon to the whole world, and the pro-Trump far right in the US still defend and praise him....
Thank goodness the spray-tanned, orange hair-dyed, drama queen from Queens is no longer in the WH - or we'd be sending HIMARS and Switchblades to Moscow rather than Ukraine...
Mr. Desperado, Putin.
Very good speech by Biden.
It didn’t go down well with the US partisan right, conspiracy theorists and trolls but they are not to be taken seriously anyway.
The facts of the matter are clear:
Russia invaded Ukraine based on a vs lie.
It has committed war crimes too numerous to document here.
It's losing and losing badly.
So it decided to doubled own on the stupid and threaten nuclear weapons use.
Nope, not going to knuckle under to a thug like this.
And of course, Putin was too weak to deal with a little provocation. Instead he let his little-man complex start a war he couldn't win.
He should have stuck with shirtless pics, people thought he was tough then.
Phase 2 Begins
The ultimate in TLDR "I'M out of meds" post.
Well........with Putin's proclamation of mobilization, "Red October" is around the corner. The Russian revolution is inevitably returning.
My point exactly!
Watched the speech. It was a typical Joe speech in both bad and good ways. As Joe is known to do, he stumbled over a word at times.
But the message.....
Clear and unmistakable. Russia invaded Ukraine on a lie.
Russia is lying about food exports to pressure food dependent countries.
Russia violates the UN treaty on a daily basis and casually threatens nuclear war to get it's way.
Clearly the Russian Gambit is failing badly.
Brezhnev got the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Gorbachev got the Soviet Union out.
Soon after the Soviets left the U.S. took their place.
Biden rebukes Putin after Russian reservists called up for war:
Why would Biden rebuke Putin when the latter's move clearly indicates the success of US intervention in Ukraine war.
Just don't ever force Putin to a very tight, unbreathable corner. The outcome could be real ugly..
That he would put more financial responsibility on the lap of the Europeans.
No, I just see the reality of this.
More like a deeper clarification to the average American as to how getting involved in this conflict benefits America.
As the US has given to Ukraine about 3 times what the EU has given, I guess Biden has the right to rebuke.
A perfect platform to do it.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Phase 2 Begins
The significance of the four Novorussian referendums being held on Friday is neither the outcome nor the inevitable flood of propaganda from the Western media, but rather, what they represent about Russia’s immediate intentions. And the fact that Russia has begun a partial mobilization by activating its reserves underlines that significance.
By formally incorporating the four provinces into Russian territory, Russia will transform what was, in terms of international law, nothing more than a civil war between Ukrainians and secessionist Ukrainians into an international war between Russia and Ukraine. This will give Vladimir Putin the opportunity to ask the Duma to formally declare war, not only against Ukraine, but against the various countries providing military assistance to Ukraine through the mechanism of NATO.
This is why the various NATO regimes are howling uselessly about how they will not recognize the legitimacy of the referendums, despite the fact that these votes will clearly represent the long-recognized will of the predominantly Russian-speaking people in those provinces to rejoin the Russian state. But it does not matter if the enemies of Russia recognize the results of these four democratic referendums or not, the only thing that matters is if the Russian government does.
And Putin clearly recognizes that Russia is already at war with NATO. The sooner he makes that clear to the populations living under the misrule of the NATO regimes, the sooner the long overdue regime-changing in the West can begin. Literally no one in the West has any desire to suffer, let alone die, for the corrupt Kiev regime’s pretensions.
It’s probably not a coincidence that Russia is taking this step so soon after Putin met with Xi, Modi, and the other SCO members. The question is: what other actions by other nations will mark the beginning of the second phase of World War III.
I think he should have given exactly what Zelenskyy wanted and should have pushed Europe more to the forefront.
Towards Europe, yes, I do.
Easy, let the Europeans figure it out.
Bob Fosse,the US regularly miss their recruiting goals in all branches in the military, American are not lining up to die in foreign wars,most Americans joins the service for the benefits,such as GI bill and VA loans
Rainyday,US military service train their military in hunter killer, meaning the actually seek out their enemy to kill ,not like Ukrainain,have lost every battle in which they engage Russian in street fight
bass4funkToday 11:57 am JST
I really don't understand Trumpworld's stance on Ukraine
This is first and foremost a European problem.
Then again, if Trump were in the White House, we wouldn't even have this article to comment on.
Nothing new, same boring speech with no teeth, but he got through it well.
One thing that all the articles about Biden's recycled threats, and the logic inversion of claiming Putin's statement that if Russia finds itself under serious attack by NATO, it will respond with force, and nuclear weapons aren't off the table, are telling me is that the mother of all counterattacks has started to fizzle out because they've shot themselves almost dry of ammunition, shot themselves in the foot by advancing over territory with a hostile population, and chewed through a lot of their troops and equipment in the process.
Numan ,I generalize about American, because I live in America,all my life and I generally know the psychological thinking of an American
It’s televised, is it not. Tell the world you’re transferring all responsibilities to the Europeans and that you’re not going to give anymore US taxpayer money to the Ukrainians. It’s a start.
Hmmm, like killing Russian soldiers in Syria and not engaging our troops to another senseless war or depleting the US of money to help Ukraine which is technically not our problem to this degree.
That’s already happening.
Did Biden slow Putin or his economy? Kick him out of Ukraine?
I think he just outsmarted the west, definitely this administration.
Bass4,we do not agree on anything,but we agree that most serve America for the benefits,not to fight in foreign wars
Bob Fosse,that is a fact from the military,these are people that become active enlisted,not reserves Google US Military Service Recruiting Failure
Biden accused Putin of "shamelessly" violating the U.N. Charter -----
It was the United Nations that brokered the original Minsk agreement between Russia and the Ukraine which Ukraine violated straight after it was signed by shelling the Donbass Russian speaking regions for the next 8 years.
Previous to that, it was the UN who warned of the rising Nazism in Ukraine which was reported by major news at the time.
Putin could divide Kiev into 42 GPS grids of 1.6 miles,using clusters munitions missile an obliterate Kiev, nothing would be left to salvage, nothing that I advocate,this is how easy this war could be over
It,only people are threatened by Putin,are one that do live in America
Correction,That do not live in America,we expect our country too launch a first strike, American do not like to be threatened by anyone,if you threatened an average American,he will strike you , before you strike him
Jimizo,Biden should not be giving a speech for any foreign country,
Not with and while China is backing him.
The west is working on it, no need to worry.
Russia has not been kicked out of Ukraine and it seems like they ratcheting things up, once they are completely out of that country and the west refusing to engage Russia, he is indeed outsmarting them. He has time, the Ukrainians don’t. Russia is not destroyed, Ukraine is.
Nothing other than observing the facts of what is happening on the battlefield.
Strangeland,you could not make it in Canada,that you had to run to Japan for a hustle,their are plenty job in Canada still
Playing the victims when they have been the ones who have provoked Russia since the end of the cold war..
Negative votes of the Anti-Russian brigade of whiners, come to meeeeeee... lol..
Biden got enough on his plates,that he is concentration on Ukraine,as if Ukraine is another state Ukrainain fate was sealed on Feb 24,the Prime Minister of Norway,say they should seek a political solution,the PM of Ukraine is begging other countries as security guarantee,not one taker