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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Putin continues his blitz round of Mideast diplomacy by hosting Iranian president
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A war criminal hosting and visiting other war criminals.
Pardon me if this doesn’t up his image as much as he’d hoped.
Mini-me is the new Quadaffi. He will never be welcome in the community of nations again.
Nope, from here on out, it’s a rouges collection of lunatics, thugs and despots for the Midget from Moscow.
Russia also sells military equipment to Saudi Arabia, most likely Iran's weapons and Saudi's weapons will keep the war in Yemen going; I'm well aware the US and some of its allies have sold weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for their war in Yemen.
Big oil and big military nations: leave sovereign nations alone. Solve your own energy problems using your own resources.
And stop burning such huge amounts of fossil fuels, doing that just makes the globe's ruling/ dictator caste even richer and more powerful, while further poisoning the planet and all living things.
Who in this world can compare with the presidents of the United States in war crimes? No "dictator" can! So, shut up in a rag!
Gotta shore up the ties with the other vertex of the criminal triangle.
Yeah, until Putin went all in on Iran. The world is different now.
Putin topped Bush Jr. in number of refugees created so yes, Russia can compare with the United States in this last most elusive competition.
Thanks to the Republicans in Washington, Putin is flying high again.
Only headline news because of his war otherwise it would be back page.
We didn't even notice when the sanctions were applied we were so isolated. Switched to Czech vodka I guess.
Moscow, Riyadh and Tehran, three oil capitals, each trying to be the one with the most control over the resource, each leading a warmongering regime; each unconcerned about the pollution caused by the burning of their products, each leading opposition to scientific claims of climate change caused by the burning of huge amounts of fossil fuels.
And far rightists in democracies cheer them on, while trying to get the three religious leaders to lend their support to influence elections in democracies so more pro-big fossil fuel and anti-democracy politicians can be elected to lead democratic states so threy are under even greater control of the global big-oil masters.
Dr.Cajetan Coelho
Peace is a precious resource. Humankind is thirsting for peace. World leaders are yet to do justice to their enormous potential in working for peace on Earth.
Reports indicate that Russian strategic aviation has conducted missile strikes - the first in over 70 days.
Also reports of Kalibr and Iskander. Drones too.
Still establishing the target packages and results but looks to be a range of targets including power.
And he's kissing up to the Saudi king because he wants support and oil. He's already buying drones from thug Iran. Puddy Tat doesn't have many friends, he's desperate.
Love how the attitude of 'if Washington really doesn't like you, you're a dictator' and 'if 1/3rd of the world has turned its back on you, you're isolated, but if 2/3rds of the world has, well, it's meaningless if the White Bloc hasn't joined in' persists so long after the White Bloc became the lesser player to the SCO/BRICS
Good luck to those trying to manufacture outrage over the Russian intervention in the Ukrainian civil war and trying to extinguish outrage over the Israeli regime's invasion of Palestine. Most of the world isn't listening to you, and of those who are, a good number are applying your standards on the one thing to that the other one, negating the other work you're engaged in.