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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Putin orders Russia to respond after U.S. missile test
Chip Star
Thanks, Donny. You've gotten us into another mess without any clue how to get us out.
Toasted Heretic
The circus show continues and the clowns go round and round.
Sh1mon M4sada
Seriously guys, INF withdrawal talks started under Clinton, continued right through Obama years. If China, which is arguably stronger overall than Russia, why ignore them? ie if China is excluded from the treaty, then it's head in the sand stuff.
And the global arms industries (and their 'financiers') rub their hands in glee knowing a further increase in tension means a further increase in their profits.
Arms race with Russia. Trade War with China. Cold War with our Allies. Homegrown massacres. America is SINKING FAST!
Dump is the Putin gift that keeps on giving. Allow your enemy to destroy themselves from within. If Russia can't defeat a mighty nation like the US then they made sure that an idiot was elected to office. Somewhere in Russia, Putin is sitting on a comfy chair in front a fireplace rubbing his evil pet cat, sipping a nice alcoholic drink, and smiling every time Dump makes the news. Dump is the running joke of the Russian government and the world. Only the Trumpsters in their bubble thinks anything different.
Well played Mr. Putin!
Yes, we can’t allow Russia or China to out weaponize us.
Sad, but true.
That’s been for awhile now.
Yeah, but not for any of these reasons.
Toasted Heretic
Russia, China and the US are too large and unwieldy to ever function properly as responsible members of the global community. Hopefully one day these countries will be fragmented into smaller entities in a similar fashion to the Eastern Bloc back in the 90s.
God forbids!! Nationalism of small countries (ex-parts of an empire) is much worse, savage and primitive, then nationalism of big countries (empires). OK, "back in the 90s". So? Remember what happened after the collapse of Yugoslavia? Or a series of small savage wars between ex-Soviet republics? If the U.S., Russia or China disintegrate, be ready for a bloodbath. I hope the Big Three will learn how to coexist peacefully.
Toasted Heretic
And if they stay as they are, be ready for a bloodbath.
Even in the height of the Cold War they managed without it.
Russian disinformation....
Putin sounds tough but won't cause any trouble for his favorite puppet; Dimwit Donnie....
I see... Putin forced his puppet Trump to start a new arms race with Russia... Right, got your impeccable logic lol
He sure did - what better to distract the Russian people as he and his cronies raid the Treasury and continue to bankrupt the country. Stir up nationalism - he did it once before with his apartment bombing in Moscow...
Come on - I know you know all about Russian disinformation...
I heard that the Russian Treasury keeps buyig gold in record amounts. You call it bankrupt? Compare Russian debt with the U.S. national debt that doubled during Obama's presidency and will spiral out of control in several years. I hope Japan will have time to get rid of all Treasures before they turn into useless paper.
Usually conspiracy theorists have a more reliable subject - how Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield staged 9/11 to have free hands to start any wars they like.
Come on, I know you know that after Colin Powell's vial performance at UN disinformation is the U.S. policy trademark!!
Where did you hear it - Russia Today? By the way, you do know Russia's GDP is less than California, New York and Texas?
Yep, must be Russia Today....
He learned it from his Russian counterpart....
American carnage??? Hilarious.
The positive fallout from Trumps insistence on a normal and equal trade relationship with China is that even if a Dem wins next year there is no way that they will be able to return to the old pre-Trump status quo.
lincolnman "you see we have a free speech in the US - not government controlled..."
Tell the companies that Trump has ordered out of China about US freedom. Tell the two senators that have been refused entry to Israel on Trump's orders about US freedom.
I don't know if Trump supporters don't read newspapers and follow current affairs or if they don't understand them. Maybe they just choose to ignore the facts. What's the saying about ostriches burying their head in the sand?
China doesn’t even know what that is.
Being anti-Semitic, undermining the State of Israel, calling it Palestine and the occupied territory has nothing to do with freedom and everything with incitement of the Jewish nation.
We think the exact same about liberals, we really do.
Yup, that’s why they lost in 2016 and never got over it. Lol
lincolnman: If you're not a Trump supporter, I apologise for my mistake. However, my comment " Tell the companies that Trump has ordered out of China about US freedom. Tell the two senators that have been refused entry to Israel on Trump's orders about US freedom." still stands.
Too many Trump supporters try to run away from the facts and from history but eventually they catch up to bite them on the.... and one liners are no defence to a bite on the ...
But it’s not the Supreme Court final ruling, so he doesn’t need to give it heed
I see the Left is predictably not cognizant of Trump’s causing Putin to become angry. Still projecting that Trump was Putin’s puppet and not Hillary ( see paid for dossier filled with Putin’s kompromat).