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Putin pledges cease-fire if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid


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Ukraine to Putin: Bite me.

23 ( +32 / -9 )

Lol, no

16 ( +23 / -7 )

Alternatively, Russia could pick up its drunken rabble, as many of its dead as it can, and go back to its side of the internationally recognized border.


The UA will eventually wear the “might” Russian army down to the nub and take back its territory.

13 ( +23 / -10 )

A disgusting proposal. Basically, "You retreat and then we will talk. Oh, and we'll be following after you and we will have more demands later."

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Also disgusting is demanding Kherson and Zhaporizhia cities. Russia will never control Kherson again: they ensured that when they flooded the place.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

Take the deal: it will get more pear shaped from here.

That's the best offer they get.

-18 ( +9 / -27 )

The western media got it wrong again: Donbass is non-negotiable.

-20 ( +8 / -28 )

The western media got it wrong again: Donbass is non-negotiable.

If it’s non-negotiable, then eventually the UA will just retake it.

It’s not Russia. If the residents want to be Russian, they can move.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to surrender more territory.

Putin is but a brown smear in history's pages. His objective has been clear all along and is being restated here. Give me everything I want and I will stop the destruction.

Zelenskyy is correct, and Putin will use the ceasefire to restock armaments while his factories are at wartime production levels, plus continuing purchases from Iran and North Korea. Once he thinks he has sufficient he will begin again with his eradication of Ukraine that pledged not to join NATO in order to get the cease-fire.

Putin is truly disgusting on a level only few achieve, like Hitler and Stalin before him.

12 ( +20 / -8 )

You can always tell when the murderer from Moscow is feeling weak. He huffs and puffs and “magnanimously” makes a (ludicrous) peace offering.

He’s feeling the heat internally.

19 ( +26 / -7 )

JJEToday 06:56 am JST

The western media got it wrong again: Donbass is non-negotiable.

Only the part that animals have paid for with their lives. And since land is forever, that payment will keep increasing.

Take the deal: it will get more pear shaped from here.

That's the best offer they get.

So basically surrender is the best offer made to Ukraine. It's a long way to Kyiv.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

You do realize Putin is joking right?

UAF positions are in turmoil.

He is trying to be polite.

-20 ( +6 / -26 )

You do realize Putin is joking right?

So Putin isn't being serious here? Ok, then.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Putin promised not to not invade Ukraine if they gave up nukes.

Why would they ever believe him again? This is just Putin doing what Russians do: trolling.

If Russia wants peace they can go home.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

What a stinky deal! Besides, who can really trust anything a human weasel like Putin promises?

8 ( +14 / -6 )

This is just Putin doing what Russians do: trolling.

Ah, maybe that is what JJE meant instead of 'joking'.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Ukraine should take the deal, it’s a good off-ramp for them. You can’t beat fate.

-19 ( +6 / -25 )

Don't say Moscow didn't offer a way out.

They don't want to kill Zelensky's conscripts.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )

This is a brutal illegal invasion.

The perpetrator, a tin pot dictator despot has to be repelled, harshly

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Sure, just give him some land. You can surely trust the Putin regime not to break their word...

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Don't say Moscow didn't offer a way out.

They didn't. Let's not pretend this was a serious offer.

Unless Putin thinks they're losing, and this is his hail Mary. Do you think that's what's happening?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

This is his warning for the upcoming summer campaign. Buckle up.

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

This is his warning for the upcoming summer campaign. Buckle up.

Are you guys finally gonna conquer Vovchansk this summer?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Putin is not offering a cease fire. He understands now, finally - that he a global joke.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

They don't want to kill Zelensky's conscripts.

Russian invaders can always go back home. They don’t have to kill anyone. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, will continue to kill Russian invaders, and the free world will help her to do so, as we should have done for Czechoslovakia so many years ago.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

There is the peace plan, take it. Only going to get worse offers from here.

Innocent people stop dying.

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

There is the peace plan, take it.

Naw, Ukrainians will continue to fight for their county and their people.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

“Ukraine should take the deal, it’s a good off-ramp for them. You can’t beat fate.”

Why is it that I can hear Trump’s voice when I read this? Most of us, however, do not support bullies.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to surrender more territory.

This is the crux. There will be a neutral rump state. How it happens is up to Biden maybe.

Absent that Moscow will take the initiative for the same end result. This is not a negotiation. Wake up.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Absent that Moscow will take the initiative for the same end result. This is not a negotiation. Wake up.

Go for it. Ukrainians will fight and we will continue to help them.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Why is it that I can hear Trump’s voice when I read this?

Heck if I know. When most libs talk about Ukraine I hear Joe

Most of us, however, do not support bullies.

I don’t either, that’s why I said what I said.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

bass4funkToday 07:15 am JST

Ukraine should take the deal, it’s a good off-ramp for them. You can’t beat fate.

Ah yes, the argument that can fit on a notecard.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Putin pledges cease-fire if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid

Sounds fair.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Sounds fair.

Which room of your house would you give up to the Russians?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

zibalaToday 07:56 am JST

Putin pledges cease-fire if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid

Sounds fair.

Because it is suddenly legal to just take from Ukraine what you want by force?

7 ( +10 / -3 )


Calling for capitulation is giving a bully a friendly slap on the back, 

They will never beat Russia. Never, best to take the deal.

Are you kidding? Russia is desperate.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Because Ukraine can't defeat Russia.

If by ‘defeat’ Russia, you mean ‘occupy Russia’ then I would agree with you. Ukraine’s goals are a bit more modest - expel the invaders from their land as so many smaller nations have done to larger ones in the past and present.

Would you like some examples?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Ukraine puts on a brave face and western media goes along for the ride.

The harsh really is that in 2023 by Ukraine's (Zelenski said this) Ukraine lost another 6% of it's territory to Russia!

In 2024 that has increased at an accelerated pace and since May 10 2024 when the Kharkiv offensive started, Ukraine has lost over 600km2.

Ukraine received $50 billion in aid in 2022, $100 billion in 2023 and is set to receive $150 billion in 2024 but is consistently losing territory and has a manpower shortage of 500,000 men (according to Ukraine).

So the constant argument that Ukraine doesn't have enough weapons etc..when in 2023 it received twice as much everything that it did in 2022 but lost more territory just doesn't add up!

The Kharkiv offensive was the best example of failure!

On paper the 2,000 Russians that entered Ukraine should have been stopped in their tracks by minefields, fortified trenches tank trenches and dragon teeth.

But they didn't encounter any of it, why?

Because by Ukraine's own admission, nothing was built. The regional leader and his buddies pocketed the money with fake contracts and falsified documents.

The defending Ukraine troops were left with no protection and no actual defense!

Zelenski fired the guy, started another "investigation" put a military general in charge, but now the Sumi area is under threat and yep all the supposed defenses were never built there either all falsified and exist only on paper! And again this is what Ukraine is admitting, we have no idea how widespread this problem is.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Are you kidding? Russia is desperate

Which country from sheer massive infrastructure destruction is the worst, Russia or Ukraine?

-16 ( +3 / -19 )


On paper the 2,000 Russians that entered Ukraine should have been stopped in their tracks by minefields, fortified trenches tank trenches and dragon teeth.

Russia have been losing 1000 troops a day near Kharkiv and are being pushed back. It’s hardly a mark of success.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Putin's offer is intended for his domestic comrades only! He's trying to project this false narrative that Russia is dominating Ukraine and has a significant bargaining advantage but in reality the Russian military is being decimated and her troops left to die on the battlefield or defecting.

Looks like Putin and his comrades have forgotten what happens when you start a war and your troops have no idea why and nothing to fight for, Afghanistan ring a bell? How easily they forget how rag-tag, unorganized clans of sheep-herders hell-bent on revenge sent the mighty Soviet military complex, HUGELY superior in military hardware, strength and size, crawling back home empty handed and tail tucked tightly between their legs even whilst their were approximately 3,000,000 Afghans killed out of a population of only 13.5 million people and the country left in ruins!

Putin first mistake was to start this war in the first place, not to be content with his 2014 annexation of the Crimean Peninsula! His second mistake was not to correct his first mistake and withdraw soon after! Sure, the Ruskies make advances here and there but get pushed back. Now he is bogged down in a war that is sucking his military, young male comrades and economy dry and no exit strategy other than the one used in their Afghan defeat.

Russia's standing in the world has been greatly diminished and for what gain, what does she get in return if Ukraine accepts this laughable offer after all that the Russians have suffered, not much more than what she had before starting this quagmire!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

If by ‘defeat’ Russia, you mean ‘occupy Russia’ then I would agree with you.

No, by 'defeat' Russia I mean 'defeat' Russia.



-11 ( +3 / -14 )

U,why is Ukraine so important to you,unless you have people there,it is not important to Blacks and other minorities in America,they are getting ready for their final liberation in America,will Ukraine side with them

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

U,they defeated the US

-8 ( +4 / -12 )


Today 08:11 am JST


> On paper the 2,000 Russians that entered Ukraine should have been stopped in their tracks by minefields, fortified trenches tank trenches and dragon teeth.

> Russia have been losing 1000 troops a day near Kharkiv and are being pushed back. It’s hardly a mark of success

Then Russia must now have ghosts fighting!

Ah the fake propaganda people believe!

According to Ukraine, Russia invaded with 2000 then added 2,000 more and now and the Total today of troops sent in to the 2 regions of attack is 10,000 the total number of Russians in the held territory is still 10,000 all according to Ukraine, so at at your claim if 1,000 a day over 30 days then Russia has lost 3 times the number of troops Ukraine says actually crossed the border!

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Yrral - we need to stand with oppressed peoples because it is the right thing to do. We can’t save the whole world, but we can do what we can.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

U,they defeated the US

That‘s my point. Smaller nations can and do expel larger, more powerful ones.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Body counts are a whole lot more important to the invader than to the one being invaded, in other words.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


According to Ukraine, Russia invaded with 2000 then added 2,000 more and now and the Total today of troops sent in to the 2 regions of attack is 10,000 the total number of Russians in the held territory is still 10,000 all according to Ukraine, so at at your claim if 1,000 a day over 30 days then Russia has lost 3 times the number of troops Ukraine says actually crossed the border!

Yeah. So, it looks like you have some numbers wrong.

5 ( +10 / -5 )


Today 08:25 am JST


> According to Ukraine, Russia invaded with 2000 then added 2,000 more and now and the Total today of troops sent in to the 2 regions of attack is 10,000 the total number of Russians in the held territory is still 10,000 all according to Ukraine, so at at your claim if 1,000 a day over 30 days then Russia has lost 3 times the number of troops Ukraine says actually crossed the border!

> Yeah. So, it looks like you have some numbers wrong

My numbers come from the BBC, yours come from the Kiyv post!

So I will go with the BBC!

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

U,I stand with people,that believe in Liberty, Equality and Justice for all,if you do not adhere to these basic principles,you are on your own

Then you and I stand together.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Putin’s pledges are not worth the air-time they get reported on.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Interesting. Vladimir Vladimirovich spoke from the Foreign Ministry.

This is the best deal they will get. Should be grabbed with both hands.

Minsk I/II, Normandy Format, original talks in Belarus, Istanbul initialled agreement.

He has been burnt with 8 fruitless years of nonsense. Surprised he hasn't lost his temper yet. Watch.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Reality is that this is a game of endurance. Depletion of resources, manpower and economic hardships takes years to manifest. Is all about which side can last longer.

Sure Ukraine will suffer a few more brutal years and keep losing more men and territories. But don't deny that Russia isn't hurting like hell too from losing men, equipment and their oil refineries being constantly hit. Putin knows this and which is why he is offering deals while still trying to salvage this whole thing as a win, but even he knows the longer this war drag on, the more likely things will go bad for his country in the near future. There is only so much he can squeeze out of his 144million population until the country no longer able to operate as a world power. Taking territories while in war takes tons of resources to manage, repair and hold on too. Unless he can get a peace deal, all his gains will instead become liability soon.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


Today 08:25 am JST

The Kiyv post article is interesting the tittle say according to NATO but then doesn't give that supposed NATO information but says according to Ukraine!

But the accuracy of the Kiyv post and Ukrainian government is interesting.

On May 15 2023 they both claimed to have stopped Russia in the Kharkiv region!

But a week later all if the north bank on the River and north Were under Russian occupation and still are!

Even Wikipedia says you are incorrect!


-11 ( +4 / -15 )

This is the best deal they will get. 

You remind me of a used-car salesman, or as they are known in Russia ‘car salesmen’

5 ( +10 / -5 )


Today 08:37 am JST

There is only so much he can squeeze out of his 144million population until the country no longer able to operate as a world power.

Ukraine has less than 32 million people left in it!

Which side will run out of men first?

Ukrainian losses they claim don't make sense seeing they now say they need 500,000 more men, what happened to the 700,000 troops and the 1 million strong armed forces they had in 2022?

Remember 31,000 killed that is what Ukraine claims!

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Mr. Putin is under the delusion that he will dictate the terms of Russia’s defeat in Ukraine. No, no, and again, no… The Ukrainians will decide that. It may take years, but they will determine your ignominious exit.

It seems that qq of your experts are not aware that in some Ukrainian villages, where coffins with dead Ukrainians militaries arrive, there are no men left to dig graves for them. The bodies of 254 Ukrainian soldiers from Russian morgues were returned to Ukraine yeasterday. Ukraine has returned 32 bodies of Russian soldiers. 8:1 And this is not the first exchange of the dead. The previous exchange that I know of was in the same ratio. There are no men in Ukraine who are ready to go to trenches.

You read too little!

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Russia has built up an army on top of that 300k+ (after the main, reserve and deployed) for a possible confrontation with NATO.

I say go for it if you are feeling froggy. We will miss you and your friends on this forum.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


Today 08:11 am JST

Russia have been losing 1000 troops a day near Kharkiv and are being pushed back. It’s hardly a mark of success.

Lets add this to the list.

Russia said it would win in 72 hours: never said a USA general said it!

Russia is sending T35 tanks due to losses!: Reuters had to retract as the photos and videos were from several years Earlier and for a 70th anniversary of the end of WW2.

Russia troops are out of weapons and only given shovels! (That one is still around).

Did I miss any?

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

No other country can boast that.

No one's impressed by that. I'm not sure what's more pathetic; Russia causing this war and the ensuing injuries to her troops, or people bragging about veterans prancing around with cheap medals pinned to their uniforms.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Did I miss any?

”Russia is not planning to invade Ukraine”

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Does anyone really think there is going to be a better offer?

plus Trump is coming back, right?

take the deal.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Due to the newest round of sanctions barring the use of USD in commodities trading, the Moscow Stock Exchange suspended trading, banks no longer allow private citizens to exchange rubles for foreign currency and there was a mini-bank run yesterday.

I’m sure that’s merely a coincidence of timing…


6 ( +9 / -3 )

plus Trump is coming back, right?

Thank you for phrasing this in the form of a question.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

AntiquesavingToday 08:09 am JST

Ukraine puts on a brave face and western media goes along for the ride.

The harsh really is that in 2023 by Ukraine's (Zelenski said this) Ukraine lost another 6% of it's territory to Russia!

Are you under in the impression Ukraine has lost more territory than in March 2022?

In 2024 that has increased at an accelerated pace and since May 10 2024 when the Kharkiv offensive started, Ukraine has lost over 600km2.

Are you under the impression that Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million will fall to the terrorists without exacting a very large price on them?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

JJEToday 08:58 am JST

Fact remains: this year's Moscow Victory Day Parade featured something unique: active vets marching with medals from a real, big, significant (and symmetric) war.

No other country can boast that.

Yes we know Russia is a fascist state. I suppose they are they lucky ones to still have their limbs and family jewels intact.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Does anyone really think there is going to be a better offer?


plus Trump is coming back, right?

Oh, but I though Trump was really good at negotiating. I thought he was going to end this quick.

You mean to tell me he isn't a good negotiator?

take the deal.

Ukraine has to give up it's territory and agree to neutrality, and that's just the price to sit down and negotiate.

This isn't a "deal." It's a joke that only a clown would suggest and a fool would accept.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Does anyone really think there is going to be a better offer?

Probably not from Putin. But when Putin has to pull out, will be a better result. Ever since Putin replaced Shoigu with Andrei Belousov, an economist, he seems to want to pause the war. That should tell you something.

plus Trump is coming back, right?

Yeah, right! LOLZ

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Putin's ceasefire agreement would grant him political control over all of Ukraine, as a weakened Ukrainian military would enable Russia to move in and take over at any time.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

BlacklabelToday 07:42 am JST

There is the peace plan, take it. Only going to get worse offers from here.

Why don't you sell off your guns if you are a man of peace.

Innocent people stop dying.

Should have signed the one in the first month, but the West wanted their war and Zelensky wanted full pockets.

A frequently reported Kremlin lie means we need the frequently reposted response: Russia held more territory at the time and Putin is a warmongering little piece of stuffing.

Does anyone really think there is going to be a better offer?

Considering what is on offer is complete surrender, yes, anything else is better.

plus Trump is coming back, right?

We don't know whether Trump will officially grab his ankles in public in January 2025.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Today 09:03 am JST

Did I miss any?

> ”Russia is not planning to invade Ukraine

So you are admitting that the 1,000 a day losses by Russia in Kharkiv is another false claim! Good to know!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )



Oh, but I though Trump was really good at negotiating. I thought he was going to end this quick.


You mean to tell me he isn't a good negotiator?

Ukraine has to give up its territory and agree to neutrality, and that's just the price to sit down and negotiate.

Yes, Ukraine could have avoided this, but they had to push the NATO agenda.

This isn't a "deal." It's a joke that only a clown would suggest and a fool would accept.

I get it, but they don’t have a lot of options. Which one hurts the least, chopping off your arm or chopping off your leg?

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

nikToday 08:50 am JST

and why is this news on the first page? They said that no one cares what Putin says. It turns out that even everyone is very interested.

Because the war criminal has kept his cards close to his chest, we didn't know until now that he was going to quadruple down.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

The shaky midget is in no position to dictate terms of any cease-fire. It is his invading fascist forces that need to withdraw unconditionally from sovereign Ukraine before any talks.

I hope the Russians can still afford to make tens of thousands of more body bags - their invading brutes will need them.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

This appalling little thug can’t be trusted.

Anyone who thinks he can is as dishonest as he is or very thick.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Putin's Ukraine war led to an increase in the number of NATO countries.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


Today 09:08 am JST

Are you under in the impression Ukraine has lost more territory than in March 2022?

March 2022 is irrelevant! We are today not March 2022!

In June 2022 Ukraine had 1 million armed forces with the fighting force of 700,000 men.

Today it says is has a manpower shortage despite its claims of only losing 31,000.

Even the USA and NATO are saying today's Russian military is not the military that invaded in 2022 but a far better equipped, better organised, better trained and far larger!

Every time it is pointed out that Ukraine's summer offensive failed, Russia is steadily advancing, taking more territory, etc..

Inevitably someone will say exactly what you are.

Pointless unless Ukraine is again pushing Russia back, and even ultra pro Ukraine DeepStatemap isn't trying to cover up the fact Russia is gaining more every day.

Even Zelenski is admitting more territory has been lost!

2022 was then, we are talking now!

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

JJEToday 08:35 am JST

Minsk I/II, Normandy Format, original talks in Belarus, Istanbul initialled agreement.

He has been burnt with 8 fruitless years of nonsense. Surprised he hasn't lost his temper yet. Watch.

Well it is good you have kept track of the number of times Putin has lied.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

AntiquesavingToday 09:22 am JST

2022 was then, we are talking now!

I am talking the big picture where Ukraine is still way ahead of March 2022 and hasn't lost its independence yet.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Ramsey's KitchenToday 09:20 am JST

An independent country is not forced to do anything, let alone disarm

Not as long as its sponsors insist it has to continue fighting for their geopolitical interests. Until the last Ukrainian.

Are you under the impression that a puppet country won the Battle of Kyiv, the Battle of Kharkiv, and killed 100k Russians? Doesn't speak well for the quality of your hero forces.

( its a good deal for the US you keep telling us, US supplies the weapons, the conflict brings jobs and profits to American industry and Ukrainians do the dying....aparently its a great deal for Washington according to you, so whats not to like ey? )

You know that weapons are the only jobs growth in Russia so I don't know what you are going on about.

Because it is suddenly legal to just take from Ukraine what you want by force?

You mean like what NATO forced with Kosovo ? Or like what Israel has been doing for decades with WH support ? Both of which you support. Spare us the double standards.

Are you under the impression that Ukraine invaded Kosovo or is slaughtering Gazans? Your taking Russia's side 100% of the time is the essence of double standards.

Ukraine needs peace not more casualties.

Ukraine doesn't need surrender and subjugation.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Hey, I know the best way out of this. Put Putin, Xi, Kim, and Trump in charge of the world. MAGAites would be ecstatic, the rest of us wouldn't have to talk to each other because you never know who your friends really are and we'd be turned in to the government and the Stars and Stripes would wave free! If Ukraine won't surrender, put the big 4 in charge. Problem solv-ed.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I get it, but they don’t have a lot of options. Which one hurts the least, chopping off your arm or chopping off your leg?

Oh sure they do. As already reported here, the Russian stock market is cratering. The Russian government is now exercising stricter limitations on capital flows. Things are not well in Russia. Giving in now makes no sense.

Especially when we consider the terms. They're horrendous. Seriously I have to give up my territory and declare myself neutral just to sit at the negotiating table? What's in it for Ukraine?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

And the average age of the ordinary joe dragged off the streets to fight for Ukraine is now 43-44. That is OLD! How much longer is this madness going to go on? I don't see people like Lindsay Graham, Nimarata Haley, the G7 leaders and the elites going to fight on the frontlines. They are now trying to drag Ukrainian men from the rest Europe back to Ukraine. They're given minimal training and are just pushed off the edge of the cliff. And don't get me started on pregnant women!


I am talking the big picture where Ukraine is still way ahead of March 2022 and hasn't lost its independence yet.

The Ukraine lost is independence the day Victoria Nuland stepped on Ukrainian soil and handed out cookies.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

An independent country is not forced to do anything, let alone disarm

Not as long as its sponsors insist it has to continue fighting for their geopolitical interests. Until the last Ukrainian.

If Ukraine decides to take up the offer is up to Ukraine alone and nobody else. As it always has been.

The US only gives Ukraine weapons because they ask for them.

Putin is desperate and needs to pause this war, I would doubt that Ukraine would surrender in such circumstances.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Russia is sending T35 tanks due to losses

They're T-34s and of course they aren’t. They need those rickety tanks for their May parade or they wouldn’t have any and that’d just look weak, lol!

The Russians ARE sending T-55s in museum and junk yard condition. The

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Cards fan

I get it, but they don’t have a lot of options. Which one hurts the least, chopping off your arm or chopping off your leg?

Oh sure they do. As already reported here, the Russian stock market is cratering. The Russian government is now exercising stricter limitations on capital flows. Things are not well in Russia. Giving in now makes no sense.

Yup. Ever since Putin appointed an economist to the top military post, he has been nervous. Putin knows something about Russia’s future and it isn’t good.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Putin doesn't look desperate to me.

The lame ducks at the G7 about to be kicked out of office do.

The offers keep getting worse for Ukraine the longer this goes on.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

I think Putin is a lying, mudering sack of stuffing and unlike you I will say it.

You can say it all day, we think the same, no difference, so I agree with you.

How about not asking Ukraine to do something you would never do yourself?

First of all, I’m not in that position, so I don’t need to guess. Second the odds are stacked against him, they’re just trying to beat the clock, and they’re not going to win so unlike you, I like to deal with reality

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Almost half (or more) of the G7 “leaders” will be gone by end of year.

all these “10 year support deals” will be thrown out. Even Japan signed one, didn’t want to be left out.

take the deal.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Almost half (or more) of the G7 “leaders” will be gone by end of year.

Presidents and Prime Ministers change in the Free World. So what?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Before Putin's war, Ukraine was a sovereign country. Putin's ceasefire will take that away. It will no longer be a free country deciding its destiny.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Presidents and Prime Ministers change in the Free World. So what?

Not for the better that’s why the right continues to rise and chip away at the liberals powers bit by bit.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

“Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 5.4% year over year in the first quarter of 2024, according to the country's statistical office, Rosstat, on Friday. The GDP contracted 1.6% in the same period of last year.”

Yeah totally falling apart, huh?

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

All the 'gamechanger' weapons, the billions in cash, and the 'WE ARE WINNING/WE WILL WIN/THEY ARE ABOUT TO CRUMBLE' can't change that the Ukrainians are paying an increasing cost for Obama's Folly with every day that passes.

And Putin's offer is going to seem pretty attractive to whatever is left of Zelensky's generals after the last purge, and whatever population is left under Zelensky's fist that haven't been sent to die for his glory.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Blacklabel - wartime economies will do that as government spending increases. Doesn’t mean much. Also, Russia’s economy is about 10x smaller than ours.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

“Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 5.4% year over year in the first quarter of 2024, according to the country's statistical office, Rosstat, on Friday. The GDP contracted 1.6% in the same period of last year.”

According to whom? The Russian government? Of course I trust whatever the Russian government says. Why would they lie?

Yes, Blacklabel, things are going so well in Russia they suspending trading on the Russian stock market. Things are going so well they're tightening controls on foreign currency exchange. Clearly things are going well in Russia. Reee

5 ( +11 / -6 )

What we need to do is keep helping the Ukrainians to destroy Russia’s refining capacity. That’s how they get a lot of hard currency.

2 ( +8 / -6 )


Today 09:34 am JST

The Russians ARE sending T-55s in museum and junk yard condition.

Oh thank you, I forgot that one!

Ah the desperation!

Yep refurbished longer range used as Mobile artillery something even the Ukrainians are doing when they can get shells.

Not as tanks but hey whatever make you feel better about all the territory lost in the past year!

Now if you truly believe Russia is using T55s as tanks and out of Tanks then this means Ukraine is in even worse shape then we think if Russian is betting Leopards, Abrahams, Challengers etc...tanks with cold war relics!

You can't have it both ways, Russia is using " museum and junk yard condition" but beating modern NATO equipment!

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

"Oh sure they do. As already reported here, the Russian stock market is cratering. The Russian government is now exercising stricter limitations on capital flows. Things are not well in Russia. "

So you mean the mighty sanctions are indeed working as promised and have brought Russian economy to it's knees? Good to know that, phew ..and here people thought those sanctions were just hurting the western consumers by prolonging the inflation.

No. Not those sanctions. The new ones that caused Russia's main stock exchange to halt dollar and euro trades on June 13.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Putin is delusional.

When Russian troops are moved back into Russia and the first $1B in reparations is paid to Ukraine, then the war can end the shooting. Russia owes Ukraine at least $500B in reparations, probably $2-5T to rebuild all the stuff they destroyed and to clean up the environmental disasters caused by Russia in Ukraine's lands and waters.

When Russia leaves Ukraine, then we can discuss an end to the shooting. In the meantime, I'd like to see more Russian buildings and infrastructure leveled.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

You can't have it both ways, Russia is using " museum and junk yard condition" but beating modern NATO equipment!


-4 ( +3 / -7 )

It is a very reasonable offer, but the American war parties reject it. Apparently they want a forever war. So sad.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Putin's ceasefire will be Ukraine's total surrender without conditions.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Putin is delusional.

When Russian troops are moved back into Russia and the first $1B in reparations is paid to Ukraine, then the war can end the shooting.

No, Nato is delusional. How about Nato stops building and supplying this proxy armee, and the country becomes neutral? Without Nato expansion, this conflict would not exist at all.

The pro Zelenski commentators here do not seem to realize that while for the US this is just another proxy war they can walk away from at any time, for Russia this is an existential crisis. There is NO Russian government that could ever accept Nato bases in Ukraine and Sevastopol as a Nato harbour. And this has nothing to do with Putin. Remember how the US reacted when Chrushchew put Soviet missiles in Cuba? For Russia, this is a Cuba crisis. And this is not something I imagine.... many of senior diplomats have explained it.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Even before the invasion it was always Putin's intention to “take back” Ukraine as it was during the Soviet era.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


No, Nato is delusional. How about Nato stops building and supplying this proxy armee, and the country becomes neutral?

Because if they did that, Putin would take all of Ukraine.

Without Nato expansion, this conflict would not exist at all.

That tired old meme. Not true. This has war nothing to do with NATO expansion. This is Putin's war of imperialism.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Without Nato expansion, this conflict would not exist at all.

Only people dumb enough to believe Russian propaganda could blame NATO, who isn't even part of this conflict, for a war Russia started unilaterally.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The folks who imagine Russia being forced out of the very Russian friendly Donbass and Crimea, and then being robbed to pay for the damages that Obama's Folly and Zelensky's Betrayal have caused are more delusional than flat earthers.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


Russia said it would win in 72 hours: never said a USA general said it!

Well, this one has some truth to, because Putin thought the whole Ukraine operation would be over in 72 hours.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


The folks who imagine Russia being forced out of the very Russian friendly Donbass and Crimea,

That doesn't need to happen. Russia could pull its troops out.

and then being robbed to pay for the damages that Obama's Folly and

Obama had nothing to do with Russia's imperial invasion of Ukraine.

Zelensky's Betrayal have caused are more delusional than flat earthers.

Zelensky has been a true leader during Russia's invasion.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Putin clearly knows Russias loss is inevitable or he would never put out any peace plan. His goal is all of Ukraine. If he’s talking peace it means he knows he can’t meet his goals.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

You can't have it both ways, Russia is using " museum and junk yard condition" but beating modern NATO equipment!


Looks one way, sees battlefields littered with the burnt out remains of hundreds of Russian armored vehicles.

Looks the other way, sees a Bradley with a scratched paintjob.

Ignoring the Russian carnage points excitedly at the scratched paintjob, angrily shouts:

”See? If Russia isn’t winning, then how do you explain that???”

0 ( +4 / -4 )

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