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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Putin praises summit result, calls Biden a tough negotiator
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Politics aside, it’s refreshing to see two men, looking eye to eye, *shaking hands again. - **Now, go ‘wash them’ before you touch anything! *
Let me add what Putin was implying and what absolutely everyone is thinking when reading this: "Unlike the last guy."
Putin, for all of his murderous faults, is good at reading people. Some have criticized Biden as being too soft on the tyrant. As anyone who's ever owned a dog knows, one never brings a dog to heel by whipping it. Looking at the types of dogs Biden has tamed, as Putin certainly has, one knows Putin is stymied by this. One can offer a dog a treat, keeping it just out of reach, and be patient until the dog's own insatiable desire wears him down and brings him to leash. Putin must be quite frustrated now.
Hmm, seems Putin took a page from Trump's playbook, and is defending his opponent to his media. Weird thing that dictators do.
Well, there you go right there. I couldn’t agree more.
I seriously, seriously doubt it. I think Putin now knows exactly how to play Biden. Got to meet him, got a feel for the man and if there’s anything that we know about history it’s the mixed messages from Putin, the fact that he came out the gate swinging at Biden is a telltale sign of what he thinks and the direction he will take this administration. Biden got sized up, makes Putin’s plans whatever they may be easier to execute.
Well said, @Laguna 7:28am.
Your dog analogies and dog stories always ‘strike a chord’!
That's fair, after all Putin has a history of playing an American president.
I think we can ask for him not to defend Putin against his own country's intelligence agencies...
No, I think Biden got played and checkmated and I say this because Putin came out the gates swinging at Biden and then all of a sudden they meet and Putin just warms up to him just like that? Yeah, sure…uh-huh..keep thinking that.
Yes, it's clear from Biden's lack of defense of Putin against American intelligence agencies that Putin "played and checkmated" Biden.
Would Biden have done some photo-ops and received a love-letter, I may have given him some credit, but....
Desert Tortoise
Mr. Putin is a KGB Case Officer. What that means is he was sent to foreign nations under diplomatic cover to recruit selected people in that nation to spy against their country for the benefit of the USSR. There is a particular skill set shared by case officers of all nation's spy organizations. They are, strangely enough, people persons. They effect a harmless persona to appear as nonthreatening as possible and to blend in. They cultivate their target. Mr. Putin is going to try to charm Mr. Biden and see where that gets him. George H Bush, after meeting Mr. Putin, said he looked into Mr. Putin's eye and saw his soul. No I don't think he did. Spies don't let you see their souls. I think Mr. Biden isn't going to fall for Mr. Putin's charm offensive but we shall see.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday praised the outcome of his summit with U.S. President Joe Biden and called him an astute and shrewd negotiator.
We already know this from Biden's body language which signaled to the world that he had been able to stand his ground with the Russian unlike that of the deflated Trump whose shameful demeanor at the Helsinki press conference showed that he'd been well and truly punked by Putin, but only time will tell if Biden's actions vis-a-vis the Kremlin will speak louder than his words.
Desert Tortoise
All one has to do is look at the photos of the meeting. Mr. Putin is slumped in his chair feet wide apart. Mr. Biden is sitting erect, legs cross and hands folded in his lap. One looked like a surly teenager bored with their teacher. The other looked like a statesman.
I like that Mr. Biden gave the Russians a list of industries that should be off limits to cyber attacks. After obtaining NATOs commitment that certain kinds of cyber attacks could invoke Article 5, the threat to Russia was subtle but obvious. I though it was well played. Then when it was all over the Presidents declared he did what he came to do.
Btw, most people are blithely unaware of the whole maritime industry everyone's lives depend on. Read up on just how costly the recent hack of Maersk Lines was. They are the worlds largest container ship line and are a major integrated logistics company. 20% of the worlds commerce is moved by Maersk Lines. They were shut down for many days. Over 50,000 company computers had to be reimaged. Losses totaled $10 billion. When you have hundreds of ships at sea, each with 8000 to 20,000 shipping containers on board and suddenly all your computers go down, your customers cannot track their container. Ships arrive in port and nobody knows what container goes to who. It was a huge mess that made the Colonial Pipeline thing look like the minor leagues. Maersk handled it but it was costly. The Europeans are as tired of the Russians as the US is.
Bob Fosse
At least we know what happened this time, there were translators, transcripts and everything.
Desert Tortoise
Mr. Biden arrived at the meeting with a commitment from NATO that certain kinds of cyber attacks could justify invoking Article 5. That means NATO agrees that some cyber attacks are tantamount to an armed attack on NATO. Then at the summit Mr. Biden handed the Russians a list of industries that he said should be off limits to cyber attacks. The implication is clear if unstated, which is how good diplomacy is done. The Russians won't say it in public nor will Mr. Biden but Mr. Biden put the Russians on notice while leaving the possibility of a military reprisal open.
Michael Machida
If we only have internet wars instead of physical wars, America has done a great job again.
Desert Tortoise
Btw, Mr. Putin had to praise the meeting with Mr. Biden. Have you ever heard a dictator say such a public spectacle was bad? It would reflect badly on Mr. Putin's carefully cultivated image to call it anything but a success. After all, without Vladimir Putin's strong hand leading Russia it might just fall apart.
Putin says something nice about Biden. The exact opposite thing of what we know to be reality.
people here now love and trust Putin’s words and believe what he said.
putin hit every one of your concerns about Biden and made you feel all better. So easy to manipulate.
Bjorn Tomention
Who got paid off before the meeting ?
Just yesterday all media said Putin is a “master of disinformation”. All of you were like yeah yeah he is!
but now you just fell for it yourselves. Putin knows you are all concerned how frail and confused Biden is. That benefits Putin to get what he wants. So he reassures you exactly in those areas.
master of disinformation and manipulation. Master
You supported Trump when he did that...
I wonder if he got the idea from the last president calling him Sleepy Joe for over a year.
Putin's remarks show he is a true politician and a diplomat. He didn't need to talk Biden down, Biden did it himself during the summit. Pompeo said it best: "The fact that you are not prepared to stand 6 or 8 feet from your adversary and tell the world what you talked about, the things you care about, and why you care about them, shows an enormous weakness."
And then, of course, the joke of a press conference Biden held afterwards with only pre-approved questions and no Russian media allowed.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Mike Pompeo, from the Trump administration? Criticizing another president's performance in front of Putin??? Oh god that's HILARIOUS :'D
When the Devil gives you a compliment, watch your back!
That said, I hope we never have to witness Trump embarrassing us again.
and what he saw with his own eyes confirmed Trump as correct.
You dont find it the least bit curious all of Putin's compliments match everyone else's exact concerns about Biden?
It Putin winking to the world and signaling his friends to note the weaknesses.
Putin compliments are really this- I know you that you know these are the exact problems he has, now you know that I better get him out before something bad happens....
I mean come on. Biden gave him a LIST of our most critical infrastructure that he should not touch. thats very useful for an enemy to know, isnt it? then called President Putin-President Trump, screamed at a woman and left.
what did the "great negotiator" get from Russia?
Putin got a pipeline, before he even showed up.
What did Russia give to the USA? Putin denied everything he was accused of, in front of the foreign media for over 1 hour, by himself on the stage.
He didn't seem to have gotten the same reassurance that Trump received, that Russia wasn't responsible for hacking America.
Do you think he should have been more or less forceful in his defence of Putin to the American media than Trump was?
Clearly Putin was thoroughly briefed on what to say and how to act. President Biden? Not so much. He can put in about 20 minutes before he is gassed. And forget any spontaneous interactions, his handlers keep him away from those as much as possible.
The pipeline was practically entirely built during Trump's tenure. So what's your point?
Pompeo said it best: "The fact that you are not prepared to stand 6 or 8 feet from your adversary and tell the world what you talked about, the things you care about, and why you care about them, shows an enormous weakness."
Wha?! Where were you when Biden's predecessor caved in to Putin in Helsinki after a SECRET tête à tête, the details of which to this very day have never been divulged to the public.
I didnt realize Biden even presented Putin with gifts.
That wasnt well publicized, Imagine the outrage and feigned media horror if orange man did that.
Biden brought gifts!
Even the CNN reporter Biden berated said it was no big deal.
that Biden approved its to operate.
now Russia controls energy in Europe and Biden snubbed Ukraine in favor of Russia and Germany, Guess Biden doesnt like that he is under criminal investigation in Ukraine, huh?
While still trying to say this, as he gifts Putin his own pipeline into Europe while getting nothing at all in return from Russia. Opposed to it from the beginning, says Joe:
As did all European countries it goes through. So what's your point? If it's such terrible pipeline, why didn't Trump stop it's construction?
Guess you should watch less newsmax.
Hmmmmm....I see you think President Biden has the authority to approve or cancel a bilateral business transaction between Russia and you must also believe Merkel can approve the Keystone Pipeline. Have you talked to her?
Biden beat Trump, is in the WH, is representing the US worldwide, and implementing his policies...
Trump was beaten, is now sulking at Mar-A-Lago, continues to fleece his supporters with "uncheck the block" donation cards, and is facing three criminal investigations and 29 civil lawsuits...
And Melania didn't even attend his birthday party...
I really don't care what Putin thinks about Biden. I just trust Biden to get the job done.
Thomas Tank
Absolutely. I mean, look at the title of the article!
Putin is just playing to Biden's ego.
Happy Day
You think Putin will publicly proclaim that Biden got steamrolled? Keep complimenting your adversary when you have the upper hand. The cat is toying with the mouse.
Trump always had Vlad on his heels.
Desert Tortoise
Mr. Putin is going to try. Remember what I wrote above in this thread about. Mr. Putin is and old KGB Case Officer. Flattery is part of the repertoire of a spy. They look for ways to play you to get you to come over. Doesn't mean it's going to work. Mr. Biden hasn't said anything stupid like he looked into Mr. Putin's soul as George W. Bush once claimed. I about wretched when he said that. A mfin' military officer (Air National Guard but still) and you let a Russian spook play you? Shame. I do not think Mr. Biden is going to play Mr. Putin's game.
Because it worked every time with Biden's predecessor....
Thank goodness the Russian asset and Putin's Puppet is now out of office in disgrace - and soon to be indicted for tax and insurance fraud...
Bob Fosse
It was a diplomatic meeting. If you got fooled by Fox into believing it was going to be Rocky IV that’s your problem.
Desert Tortoise
I have mixed emotions. None of us get to hear what other countries leaders say in private. One side of me says sanction the Germans. But what about the other nations waters that pipe runs through, Finland, Sweden, Denmark? Mr. Biden during a 2016 visit to Sweden almost convinced the Swedes to block the project in their EEZ but ultimately the Swedes felt they had no authority under UN Law of the Sea to block it. Finland already was importing 100% of their gas from Russia, considered them to be a reliable supplier and was in no position to block NS2. Denmark held up the pipeline for a coupe of years making demands for consideration of additional routes, then adding environmental review requirements for each new route. Eventually the Russians threatened to move the route in a way that would not affect Denmark. Look at a map. The only Danish territory involved was Gronholm Island. Denmark felt constrained by the UN Law of the Sea which requires nations to allow pipelines through their EEZs and the fact that Denmark and Russia have overlapping claims to EEZs in the Arctic around Greenland which may need to be settled by the UN under the Law of the Sea.
UN Law of the Sea states all countries have the right to lay undersea cables and pipelines in the continental shelf outside a coastal state’s territory. The pipelines’ routes are only determined after consent is given by the coastal state, which cannot obstruct the construction of such objects.
When an adversary like Putin says your leader is a “shrewd” negotiator, you know that adversary took your leader to the cleaners.
It was very interesting to watch press conferences of both presidents after the summit. Putin's: foreign media present, free to ask any questions. Biden's: carefully selected U.S. media only, pre-approved questions. Yeah, it's obvious who is the leader of the Free World, right?
It's clear that Putin and Xi have agreed to put their own differences aside to work together to get their lackey back into the WH in 2024....
Putin will continue to send his cyber criminals to cause havoc in the US economy in addition to continuing to cause mischief in Eastern Europe and the Middle East...
Xi will consolidate his hold over Hong Kong, increasingly threaten Taiwan, and continue to make claims in the South China Sea...
Their intelligence services will work together to spread disinformation that places the blame on Biden...which will be echoed in the far-right can see it occurring today...
The goal is to get Trump, or a similarly autocrat-friendly Repub in the WH, where they can manipulate them again to make their respective countries Great the expense of the US....
If you care about our democracy, vote Blue in 2022/24...
And it's obvious who watches too much biased fox news reporting. The questions weren't "pre-approved" and it wasn't "US media only".
Funny how the Republicans didn't have any criticisms about the fat guy's meeting with the short guy in Helsinki. The fat guy acted like a mouse there, and then added a NOT to his public statement when he was back home, away from the cat.
Viktor Cernatinskij
World, be careful, Putin is very clever and very evil...
Simon Foston
AnonymousToday 12:01 pm JST
I do know that hardcore online partisans would say Putin took Biden to the cleaners even if Biden had got him to cede Siberia to the USA and scrap the entire Russian nuclear arsenal.