Japan Today

Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden over Trump

By Mark Trevelyan

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there must be some mistake.

I was told OMB was a Putin stooge.

Whats going on here??

-17 ( +7 / -24 )

Putin invaded Crimea when Biden was VP, and invaded Ukraine with Biden as president.

Putin stayed put with Trump in White House.

-8 ( +18 / -26 )

Sounds like maskirovka to me.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Of course, he cannot out his asset.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

They still believe in the Russia collusion hoax! Lol

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden over Trump

The reality, Putin would, in an act of kindness, put a collar around Biden or Trump and take either for walkies, do their whoopsies correctly in designated sand pit, then play fetch, before feeding.

In other words train either to obey command.

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

Putin replied without hesitation: "Biden. He is a more experienced, predictable person, a politician of the old school."

As an American, this is cause for concern. For the Europeans, they should be in a panic. Putin telegraphing his next moves again, with Biden giving another green light.

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

The reality, Putin would, in an act of kindness, put a collar around Biden or Trump and take either for walkies, do their whoopsies correctly in designated sand pit, then play fetch, before feeding.

Yet it was Putin who was brought to heel for 4 years while OMB was President.

Funny, that...

-20 ( +4 / -24 )

Readers, please stop using the initials OMB, which are meaningless.


Putin invaded Crimea when Biden was VP, and invaded Ukraine with Biden as president.

Putin stayed put with Trump in White House.

Nope. Russia attacked Ukrainian naval vessels in the Azov Sea when Trump was president. Trump tried to ignore it, but Nikki Haley eventually stood up and condemned it. Trump was weak in the face of Russian aggression. Putin would definitely prefer this timid approach to foreign affairs.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Hard to believe anything coming from this appalling little man.

Perhaps the similarly pathologically dishonest would take his comments at face value.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Sorry stan, is it possible ideologically for either Putin/Xi Jinping, any democratic western government to remotely accept a political complex world of shared international rule of law.

A shared belief in global basic human rights. freedoms.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

lol, has he tried just getting tf out of Ukraine?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

Damn Vlad. Biden cheer squad will be spinning this one out overtime later today once they receive their memos. Putin prefers Joe, so he must be Russian stooge then right, lol.

Only if you naively believe Putin. I would advise against that.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

RK - I have seen much more astute analysis from you recently. You can do better than this.

Damn Vlad. Biden cheer squad will be spinning this one out overtime later today once they receive their memos. Putin prefers Joe, so he must be Russian stooge then right, lol.

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden over Trump

The reality, Putin would, in an act of kindness, put a collar around Biden or Trump and take either for walkies, do their whoopsies correctly in designated sand pit, then play fetch, before feeding.

Trump for sure. But Putin is no match for Biden. Biden's leadership on the Russian invasion eventuated in Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Big L for Putin.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Only if you naively believe Putin. I would advise against that.

I’ve managed to find out some of the sources the apologists for the Russian invasion watch and read on a variety of topics.

These people will believe anything.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

You have to take it all as tongue and cheek with Putin. Does he prefer America to be in a state of limbo and disfunction as Biden slips further into the clutches of his cognitive decline? ( surely Putin is enjoying that show and would be very happy for it to continue. The optics of Uncle Jo 'in charge' of the ole nemesis USA must be a gift that just keeps on giving)


is the ex KGB foreign intelligence officer just saying that he prefers Biden in order to veil his hope for Trump to be back making deals.

You do get the feeling he is a master manipulator trolling the entire world! Playing everyone like a violin.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Nope. Russia attacked Ukrainian naval vessels in the Azov Sea when Trump was president. Trump tried to ignore it, but Nikki Haley eventually stood up and condemned it. Trump was weak in the face of Russian aggression.


Russia wouldn't even have been in that part of the Sea of Azov if they hadn't annexed Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration.

Putin would definitely prefer this timid approach to foreign affairs.

True, which is why Putin seized Crimea and invaded Ukraine with Biden in the White House yet did nothing of the sort with Trump in charge.

But Putin is no match for Biden. 

In what? An ice-dream eating contest?

Remember---Putin seized Crimea and invaded Ukraine with Biden in the White House yet did nothing of the sort with Trump in charge.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Sure, wink wink.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Putin was planning his Ukrainian invasion for two years when Trump was in office and would have continued even if Trump had won his election.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Come on UCP , lets all lighten up, I'm sure you see how funny this is. You know better, lets have a laugh. How about that beer :)

lol, thanks for the offer, RK! Unfortunately, I am a pretty serious person and I definitely don’t ingest decadent poisons into my body. Besides this is business, not personal :)

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Nope. Russia attacked Ukrainian naval vessels in the Azov Sea when Trump was president. Trump tried to ignore it, but Nikki Haley eventually stood up and condemned it. Trump was weak in the face of Russian aggression.


Russia wouldn't even have been in that part of the Sea of Azov if they hadn't annexed Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration.

And, unlike Trump, Obama responded with sanctions. Obama acted strongly, Trump cowered.

Putin would definitely prefer this timid approach to foreign affairs.

True, which is why Putin seized Crimea and invaded Ukraine with Biden in the White House yet did nothing of the sort with Trump in charge.

Apart from the invasion were Trump was weak. Did you just forget that?

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

But Putin is no match for Biden.

Yeah, thats true in a funny way 2020, the contrast between their cognitive abilities could not be any starker. Just watch any recent media performances. 

Well Putin flubbed the Tucker interview. It was an opportunity to speak to right-wing Americans, but he missed all the main talking points and instead gave a history lecture. Not his A game.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

KGB deep fake

6 ( +7 / -1 )

weak senile man vs. strong leader

pick your fighter

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Reminds me of when the gullible took Putin at his word that he wouldn’t invade Ukraine and dismissed the idea he would as MSM/corporate media/legacy media warmongering. Their alternative sources were of course trustworthy.

The gullible can be easily led.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Reminds me of when the gullible took Putin at his word that he wouldn’t invade Ukraine 

I remember when Biden was gullible like that, And look at where we are now.

Putin was planning his Ukrainian invasion for two years when Trump was in office


and would have continued even if Trump had won his election.*

And he might have ridden a unicorn!

And, unlike Trump, Obama responded with sanctions. Obama acted strongly, Trump cowered.

Sanctions! Because Russia annexed Crime under Obama-Biden.

Russia didn't invade anywhere when Trump was in office. Why would sanctions be needed?

Apart from the invasion were Trump was weak. Did you just forget that?

Remind me--Russia invaded Crimea during Obama-Biden, and Ukraine during Biden-Harris. What part of history are you forgetting, or trying to re-write?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

"Biden. He is a more experienced, predictable person, a politician of the old school."

Pres. Bides had his chance and he really ruined it, better move on and retire.

Trump may be Unpredictable but he tells as he sees it and that many so called Politicians don't like

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast on Wednesday that he preferred Joe Biden to Donald Trump but was willing to work with any U.S. president.

And if you believe that, he has a perfectly fine warship to sell you - no holes, fire damage or flooding...its called the Moskva...

6 ( +9 / -3 )

This is just reverse psychology. Putin is going to try to have Trump in as president. Saying he prefers Biden is another sneaky way of interfering in elections. Don’t fall for it America.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

How can anybody no for sure what that little weasel’s thinking?

Frankly, his statement sounds like something a poker player might say.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Putin's nothing if not logical. Biden's greatly weakening due to many failures, his favorability's been steadily falling since April 2021, never above 50% post Afghanistan debacle Aug 2021.

Biden political trends empower Putin but far more important to Putin is Biden's clear cognitive and physical decline. SC Hur report, 5hour video and transcripts being held, means Biden's compromised inside 1600.

Every Great Power hopes their true rival's impaired and trending badly, thus Mr. Putin loves status quo, his own party turning on him, d's house is VERY DIVIDED!

Biden will be replaced, as 86% of Americans in ABC polling just released post SC Hur report do not believe Biden's fit to serve another term. Biden's LAME DUCK, he'll release his delegates to DNC in early Aug.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )


Putin, has remained in power for as long as I can remember.

In a political environment within an autocracy so vast in its reach over its citizens, requires the ability, a singular strength of character. a ruthless brutality to impose one's will without mercy.

To attempt to polically compare Biden with Putin could be a hiding to nothing.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

That's one endorsement Biden does not need.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Sure Vlad, you prefer the guy that called you a "Murderer" versus the guy that said you were a "Genius"...sounds totally legit...

Then there's that whole Ukraine thing where Biden led NATO's response to your disastrous invasion to include Sweden and Finland joining, while Trump was actively working your agenda to defeat more Ukraine aid and inviting you to invade our allies...

Maybe tomorrow you'll say you want Navalny as your running mate instead of Medvedev...

No one falls for your obvious, ham-handed maskirovka - except maybe the intellectually-challenged MAGA-masses...

1 ( +6 / -5 )



Putin, has remained in power for as long as I can remember.

In a political environment within an autocracy so vast in its reach over its citizens, requires the ability, a singular strength of character. a ruthless brutality to impose one's will without mercy.

To attempt to polically compare Biden with Putin could be a hiding to nothing.

In terms of the Ukraine invasion, it has been Putin's biggest disaster and Biden's biggest showing of foreign leadership.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Putin's nothing if not logical.

And yet Putin's invasion of Ukraine wasn't logical at all.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Furthermore, Biden's foreign failures, like being drawn into this Ukraine quagmire, means power of Biden Presidency evaporating with own party and republicans destroying his political capital. No question Putin loves his key adversary have no more 'ammunition' to cause Russia further problems as Biden becomes irrelevant.

Putin's thrown in towel on the west, as destabilizing transactional globalist special interests running democracy are not value based partners he seeks to cultivate. BRICS and global south, +80% of Word's population, that's Putin's geopolitical audience & focus.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

he said he would encourage Russia to attack NATO members that failed to spend enough on their own defense

Whoah, Trump said that?

Direct quote please?

I want to retain some faith in media… please provide a direct quote

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Team Biden furiously deflecting! Another narrative ruined, Pootie prefers Biden!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )


Furthermore, Biden's foreign failures, like being drawn into this Ukraine quagmire, 

It's not a quagmire. The US has no troops on the ground.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

As always, you'd be smart to not believe a single word that comes out of this man's mouth. Looks like plenty of folks here have taken the bait.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Looks like plenty of folks here have taken the bait.

The non-American Russian supporters here know better.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


he said he would encourage Russia to attack NATO members that failed to spend enough on their own defense

Whoah, Trump said that?

Direct quote please?

I want to retain some faith in media… please provide a direct quote

On Saturday, he again brought up that anecdote, saying that he told European leaders they had to “pay up.”

Then, he said, the president of “a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’”

Mr. Trump said he asked the other president if the country was “delinquent” in its payments. The leader responded, “Yes. Let’s say that happened,” Mr. Trump said.

“No, I would not protect you,” Mr. Trump recalled responding. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You’ve got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”


2 ( +6 / -4 )

Biden's idea of Russian invasion of Ukraine is Putin's idea of Russia's legal assistance of those seeking their legal independence for cause as result of 2014 Ukraine Civil War and US escalation due to Biden's new policies.

It seems Putin's domestic approval is MUCH higher than Biden's, so Putin's version of Ukraine is more compelling.

About 10M Ukrainians now Russian citizens, subsequent to Ukraine Civil War. Many more Ukrainians are fleeing to not just Russia, but across Europe etc. What's not to like for Putin? Ukraine's becoming failed state, Biden collapsing etc. Status quo works well for Putin!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Well, Vlad knows what a pushover Biden is, so it makes sense that he would long for Biden

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Well Putin flubbed the Tucker interview. It was an opportunity to speak to right-wing Americans, but he missed all the main talking points and instead gave a history lecture. Not his A game.

can’t agree with this assessment. Putin emasculated Tucker. On the rare occasions Tucker did try to cut in on that lecture (it was certainly not an interview) Putin would promptly put him back in his place, to the point of reminding Tucker that he failed to get into the CIA. As in a former KGB Colonel reminding Tucker that he in fact is what Tucker wanted but failed to become.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

saying that he told European leaders they had to “pay up.”

abd they will because they know Trump is coming back.

despite Pootin’s endorsement of weak Joe Biden.

Financial Times:

“Nato defence spending to hit record as alliance braces for potential Trump win”

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Being predictable isn't bad for a politician, assuming the other side also wants peace.

OTOH, Trump ran away in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving power vacuums for warlords to fill.

Crazy people can't be allowed in decision making offices that can kill millions of people due to dumb mistakes. The people of NK, Iran, China and Russia need to learn this hard lesson, hopefully, without any loss of life.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Biden's idea of Russian invasion of Ukraine is Putin's idea of Russia's legal assistance of those seeking their legal independence for cause as result of 2014 Ukraine Civil War

The case for legal idependence has nothing to do with Russia. They started the civil war in 2014 as a land grab and escaled into a full scale iperial invasions in 2022.

and US escalation due to Biden's new policies.

The US escalated nothing.

It seems Putin's domestic approval is MUCH higher than Biden's, so Putin's version of Ukraine is more compelling.

Putin's approval means nothing. He's an autocrat - he doesn't need approval. When you control all media in a country, you control your own approval.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

abd they will because they know Trump is coming back.

No, they're not "paying up." You, like Trump, have no idea what you're talking about. They are increasing spending on THEIR military, not "paying up."

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Well, Vlad knows what a pushover Trump is, so it makes sense that he would long for Trump.

Of course, he would never say that.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Putin loves seeing Biden drown in failure, US in chaos, crime, politically divided etc. Arguably most famous political analyst just stated below. Putin LOVES having Biden as damaged goods, Putin's #1 objective!

“I would be very, very surprised if President Biden won 270 electoral votes,” said Cook, founder and contributor at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Kurumazaka 2

Well Putin flubbed the Tucker interview. It was an opportunity to speak to right-wing Americans, but he missed all the main talking points and instead gave a history lecture. Not his A game.

can’t agree with this assessment. Putin emasculated Tucker.

Well, he did that too, but wouldn't you call that shooting yourself in the foot?

Tucker wanted to help Putin and instead of Putin using his help, he humiliated Tucker for his efforts.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

HopeSpringsEternal - you should bet some money if you are so confident of Trump’s election. You could make some good money.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Put another way, Putin very much did send a message to the American right.

Your thought leaders are not in my league. Know your place.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

For Putin, Ukraine's Perfect Catalyst to both accelerate BRICS multi-polar movement and pull away from corrupt globalist special interests controlling Biden and Democracy.

Putin relishes the above fight and journey, as Putin's man of deep conviction and confidence, unlike Mr. Biden.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Would Putin prefer a president who arms Ukraine, or one who hangs Ukraine out to dry?

He obviously would prefer the appeaser Donald Trump. Putin's just gaslighting, as usual. As are his supporters.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Why''d he hurt Trump's feelings? And on Valentine's Day?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

UChosePoorlyToday  10:41 am JST

HopeSpringsEternal - you should bet some money if you are so confident of Trump’s election. You could make some good money.

Best bet would be Biden NOT running. Mr. Biden can thank Mr. Putin for at least some of his many failures.

Pretty certain Mr. Putin will greatly miss not having Scranton PA Middle Class Joe to throw to the mat!

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

In 2020, a report by the U.S. Senate intelligence committee found Russia had tried to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in order to help Trump, who defeated Hillary Clinton.

Putin also said he was surprised by a lack of sharp questions from U.S. television host Tucker Carlson in an interview that made headlines around the world last week.

How easily the alt-right falls into line with a casual comment by former Soviet KGB case handler Putin.

"Trump can't be a part of the authoritarian Axis and be deriving backing from them. Putin is endorsing Biden!".

I thought my evaluation of the MAGA intellect could go no lower.

What happened to the old-school, steely-eyed Americans who could sniff out a scam from a mile away?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Here is what is objectively verifiable; Trump’s foreign policy positions are vastly preferable to Biden’s for Russia. So, it’s either Putin is helping Trump by tanking a dem talking point or Putin thinks Trump is too erratic and self obsessed to be trusted regardless of his preferable foreign policy positions.

see the former as more likely, but it’s not impossible that Putin’s “endorsement” of Biden is real. He may have decided Trump is too much of a whack job and that the adversary he knows is preferable. In war being unpredictable is good. In foreign policy being unpredictable is dangerous and can lead to unintended consequences.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

its amazing that so many would believe a word that comes out of Putins mouth.

Almost everything he has stated about Ukraine, election interference, NATO has proven to be a lie.

propaganda was mastered by the Soviets, the word disinformation was probably invented by the soviets.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Why''d he hurt Trump's feelings? And on Valentine's Day?

he just stated in a recent post, "I just want to be loved"

poor Trumpy LOL

3 ( +4 / -1 )

No, they're not "paying up." You, like Trump, have no idea what you're talking about. They are increasing spending on THEIR military, not "paying up."

you gonna have to talk to the Financial Times about that one. They don’t agree with you.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

you gonna have to talk to the Financial Times about that one. They don’t agree with you.

lol No. They don't agree with you. You'll notice the phrase, there is no talk about NATO "paying up anywhere in the article. Because they actually understand what they're talking about.

Biden/Putin 2024! Biden supporters must be so happy,

Yes, I'm absolutely angry obvious troll is obvious troll. Do you think anyone else is actually fooled by this?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Yet your team just got the Putin endorsement!

Enjoy that honor!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Putin greatly enjoys playing 3-dimensional chess with Biden and his love of checkers and ice cream. Status quo like a dream come true, as he's destroying democracy in the process as the corruption's exposed.

Putin understands Trump's agenda is global stability, economic and wealth creation. While this good in the short term for Putin, his focus on multi-polar, de-dollarizing and BRICS takes hit were Trump to be elected.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


No, they're not "paying up." You, like Trump, have no idea what you're talking about. They are increasing spending on THEIR military, not "paying up."

you gonna have to talk to the Financial Times about that one. They don’t agree with you.

Actually, that is in line with the Financial Times. NATO spending guidelines are guidelines only, and they aren't paid to NATO but a guide to how much of a member's GDP should be spent on defense.

Of course, this spending started going up after Ukraine was invaded by Russia. But Trump's treasonous suggestion that he wouldn't honor article 5 of the treaty probably has pushed this spending further.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Would Putin prefer a president who arms Ukraine, or one who hangs Ukraine out to dry?

I think he cares more about the waste of money being thrown at Ukraine.

He obviously would prefer the appeaser Donald Trump.

Which is a good thing. At least he's America first.

Putin's just gaslighting, as usual. As are his supporters.

Doubt it.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Yet your team just got the Putin endorsement!

Apparently BL here hasn't ever heard of trolling. Apparently BL here thinks Putin would never lie. Genius.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

has pushed this spending further.

which is the point and a good thing. Thanks Trump! Only 3 countries were paying in 2014 now a record number are. Thanks Trump x2!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


can’t agree with this assessment. Putin emasculated Tucker. 

Well, he did that too, but wouldn't you call that shooting yourself in the foot?

Tucker wanted to help Putin and instead of Putin using his help, he humiliated Tucker for his efforts.

not if his intent was to let it be known that he doesn’t need their “help.”

I’d describe it as creating a sempai/kohai relationship

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Think of Putin like an auto executive committed to EV. Biden make it easier for him to pursue his strategic vision of BRICS, multi-polar and de-dollarizing.

With Trump, Putin's ability to stay committed to his strategic vision suffers. Like an auto executive pulling or delaying EV investments due to 'market conditions'.

So yes, Putin's prefers Biden without question because he's a man vision and strategy, not simply transactional.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

which is the point and a good thing. Thanks Trump! Only 3 countries were paying in 2014 now a record number are. Thanks Trump x2!

lol This is equivalent to thanking a school shooter for being the impetus to strengthening school security, or the 9/11 highjackers for doing the same for airport security.

Also, the 2014 was 10 years. The 2% spending target was to be done over 10 years, i.e. 2024. So yeah, thanks Trump for helping do that thing that was already in place.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


has pushed this spending further.

which is the point and a good thing. Thanks Trump!

Yes it is, because it means they are able to send more arms to Ukraine.

Only 3 countries were paying in 2014 now a record number are. Thanks Trump x2!

This doesn't affect the US in any way. It's only a guideline.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Keep on deflecting! Your boy has the Putin endorsement. Congratulations!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Keep on deflecting! Your boy has the Putin endorsement. Congratulations!

No one's deflecting. It's pretty hilarious watching low information voters taking this seriously though. Congratulations!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Did Vlad drink too much vodka? trump is his satellite and boot-licker. A subservient stooge and butt-kisser, a traitor. That's predictable.

Joe is not so predictable except for the fact that he kisses no fanny. Joe is a real POTUS, his own man.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


“Putin says he wants Biden to win US election”

“So he banged his head on the helicopter when he was getting out of it — who of us hasn’t banged their head on something?”

russia is interfering in our election to help Biden.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

russia is interfering in our election to help Biden.

Amen brother, Putin is trying to help Biden so Biden will keep sending weapons to Ukraine. Reeeeee

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Gotta love all the left trying to tell us what Putin reallllly said when we can read his own words.

he wants Joe to win. He prefers Biden. He said so. I don’t need anyone here to tell me what he said, the article tells us all.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Why wouldn't Putin endorse Biden?

Look how much Russia has expanded its territory with Biden in the WH.

Putin wants more and he knows he can get it from his pal Biden.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

So much for Russia and Trump collusion.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

He said so.

He also said he wasn't going to invade Ukraine. Putin, like Trump, lies. A lot.

I don’t need anyone here to tell me what he said, the article tells us all.

That's right. We don't need critical thinking. I'll just blindly follow anything Putin says, regardless of how nonsensical it sounds. reee

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Keep on deflecting! Your boy has the Putin endorsement. Congratulations!

And you endorse his domestic policy for the good ol’ USA, Congratulations!

don’t you have toilets and laundry to do, Prospect?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He also said he wasn't going to invade Ukraine. Putin, like Trump, lies. A lot.

What was said was said. Putin likes your guy. Embrace it, move on and go draw up some new conspiracy theories via your Bible MSNBC.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Gotta love all the left trying to tell us what Putin reallllly said when we can read his own words.

No matter how much of a chubby you get from your sophistry, you know you don't believe Putin would prefer Biden.

Putin is a liar, and his lies are generally pretty transparent.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

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