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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'
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Chip Star
Well, if Putin says so, we can trust him. He has as much credibility as Trump.
Well, he as as much credibility as the US justice system and spy apparatus, I can agree on that.
Chip Star
With whom would you be agreeing?
Does anyone know if 'mouse' and 'rat' are equivalent terms in the Russian language? Based on the above it looks like Mueller caught toxic rats set loose by Putin - using the Internet Research Agency, GRU and others, and supported by Qanon, Breitbart, etal - to further undermine the remaining bits of US political systems. But then many Trump supporters have said all along they want just that and support Trump's attempts to bring those systems down.
While he and Ivanka are using his time in office to expand their global business dealings.
No collusion. Very clear from Mueller. If 22 months and 18 lawyers and 30 million dollars doesn’t find it, it’s not there.
Chip Star
Very clear from Barr.
18 corrupt, biased, Soro-funded, Derp State lawyers. You trust anything they say? Oh, right, you trust a guy that lies about where his father was born.
No from Mueller. It’s not the “Barr” report. But keep on killing it with that winning narrative. Mueller team even doing the redactions not Barr.
Even better Barr said he will investigate how this whole hoax started and also the the IG report on FISA will be out soon.
For once I agree with Putin.
I think even Trump fans would muster a disagreement about this, even though they would hate going against Trump and Putin.
That would be good to see.
But given Russia's present and future wealth depends on continuing its sales of oil, gas and coal, and given Trump's inability to take climate change seriously (after all, he has said it was a Chinese 'hoax' and scrapped measures related to dealing with climate change) plus Trump's ongoing support for big oil, I think Putin must be saying he'll work with Trump to ensure no actions are taken that would jeopardize the controls big oil, gas and coal have over the world.
How about we believe Putin to the extent of another fella's promise of "flexibility". Makes sense?
Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'
That's one way to put it. The Dems are pissed.
In the game of 'man or mouse', Trump is certainly no man. He was put in by Putin one way or another and he is a Russian satellite.
Putin may be a thug but he is right on this topic. Waste of time and money. And anyway if the Russians were involved you don't think it would have either leaked or been overtly used against the US by now?
Again as with Ghosn comments, some of y'all boys here are in the wrong field. You should have been journalists. All I know is it seems to me democrats have wasted time, money, and more importantly, have not been doing the job of helping the USA. The same that sometimes republicans do if there is so much mistrust of a democrat. Or hatred. Some democrats just hate President Trump; he's not a politician. Never was, until he ran for office just a few years ago. I'm fed up with all these career politicians!
Chip Star
It makes sense that you're trying your hardest to drag Obama into this conversation, but why you are trying to do so does not make sense.
Yeah. I doubt Putin has read the report (though with Trump, who knows). What is certain is the noose is tightening on Russian oligarchs, both with their ability to move money and themselves and family, not just in the US but throughout Europe. They are likely not pleased, which places Putin in a quandary: he must satisfy their basic demands or lose their support, and thus control of the country.
This is a sign of weakness from Putin.
And mouse is orange, and likes to hang out with porn stars and Playboy Bunnies...
We don't talk about these things in Russian media - we don't do "truth"...
This is "fake news" - everyone knows your President Obama and the hated Hillary stole their own e-mails, then accused Russia and Wikileaks of this crime...
And we didn't invade Ukraine, or annex Crimea...and I didn't ask for a penthouse at Trump Tower Moscow...
He had access to the report ?
He is a politician. He's the President of the United States. He literally dictates the politics of the most powerful nation in the world (at the moment).
AG Barr is reviewing FBI conduct during the Mueller probe. This will be interesting.
Ha ha ha ..... how funny......
Putin said he hoped the United States and Russia could focus on more areas of mutual interest, such as nuclear arms control, fighting terrorism and climate change.
LEDE: Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'
Not trying to drag anyone at all into an open mike gaffe actually on record, as opposed to fabricated accusations.
What wasn't captured was Putin's guffaw: "Russia knows Lenin gave birth to a mouse."
Chip Star
Nice dodge. Unfortunately, I'm not a low-information conservative (redundant, I know). You were trying to drag Obama into the conversation about Putin's credibility.
I know. You're smart. No low-information liberal, you're not. (Redundant but no apology required.)
You know the difference between on record and fabricated, which provide the crux of Putin's jab at the witch hunt: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'.
(What a subtle double entendre, the smart Ruskie!)
Black Sabbath
Just to we are all clear:
Republicans are siding with Putin.