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Putin says U.S. will have to shed 755 from diplomatic staff in Russia


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We should respond by kicking out Russia's top representative, Donald Trump.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

I thought Trump and Russia were in cahoots? Oh right, all those stories were made up. I forgot

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Dango bong: watch DT pressure Congress with yet another threat.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Senate, not Congress.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I thought Trump and Russia were in cahoots? Oh right, all those stories were made up. I forgot

You say this on a daily basis. The investigations, falsehoods, shady meetings and poor memories would indicate otherwise.

Not to mention Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary's emails.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

At least Huntsman knows exactly what he is getting into.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hmm. Looks like Putin and congress aren't RUSHIN to make friends and time soon!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

so sanction china, russia, iran. pee off eu. bully NK. invade syria. fund israel. support saudi. what exactly is the plan here?

i wouldn't mess with putin.


United States 6,800 warheads

Russia 7,000 warheads

United Kingdom 215 warheads

France 300 warheads

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Goodlucktoyou: bullying is OK then?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

TumbleDry: watch DT pressure Congress with yet another threat.

What will the Lefts narrative be when Trump signs the sanctions bill? They will no doubt come up with some flimsy excuses and ignore the Dems tie with Russia via their contractor- Fusion GPS

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

All these fantasy world But Russia! things to cover for Hillary's loss are starting to have negative impacts in the real world. But the Dems and Trump haters still wont let that stop them from continuing it until it comes back around to show us their own dirty laundry.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

WolfpackToday  10:34 am JST

TumbleDry: watch DT pressure Congress with yet another threat.

What will the Lefts narrative be when Trump signs the sanctions bill?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

WolfpackToday  10:34 am JST

TumbleDry: watch DT pressure Congress with yet another threat.

What will the Lefts narrative be when Trump signs the sanctions bill? 

Probably that Trump knows Congress will just overturn his veto, so it should be obvious even to a neurosyphilitic that vetoing only increases his appearance of collusion with Russia without giving him any advantage.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Wolfpack: the Senate was lobbied to not add sanctions. Now, he has no choice but sign it as a veto is going to be hard. But, he has other tricks in his sleeves. We'll see. The bill is not signed yet.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wolfpack: What will the Lefts narrative be when Trump signs the sanctions bill? They will no doubt come up with some flimsy excuses

They have the votes to override his veto. He's against the bill but he can't stop it so he will sign. That's pretty much the narrative. Outside of the bubble that is.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

So if he signs the bill, he is bad because you assume he is only doing it because he has to. If he doesnt sign the bill, he is also bad because he is still somehow helping Putin. The same Putin who just told the US diplomatic staff to get out BEFORE Trump even signs it.

Beyond caring by now, Fusion GPS and Awan Brothers investigations should shed some light on what really happened. Something where there is actually evidence of misdoings.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

It said it is ordering the U.S. Embassy to limit the number of embassy and consular employees in the country to 455 in response to the U.S. Senate's approval of a new package of sanctions.(...) The Russian leader did not explain how the figure of 755 positions was calculated.

The Russian foreign minister did. Explained that the Russian embassy currently employs 455 staff on US soil, i.e 'you guys can do it too can't you'. Tit for tat I guess.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

BlacklabelToday  11:11 am JST

So if he signs the bill, he is bad

No one actually said this. Some day you should try listening to the people you disagree with instead of just assuming they said what you'd like them to have said.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That is a lot of Americans, I wonder what they all could of been doing? How many of them are CIA?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Blacklabel: So if he signs the bill, he is bad because you assume he is only doing it because he has to. If he doesnt sign the bill, he is also bad because he is still somehow helping Putin. 

I don't think anyone understands what you're talking about.

Congress crafted the sanctions. Trump's people tried to get Congress to soften them. They refused. Congress added language limiting Trump's ability to roll them back because they do not trust him. They have enough votes to override the veto.

Trump's been sidelined on this issue. He will sign instead of going through the humiliation of losing.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

NY Times already attacking him over it, despite his willingness to sign it


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

His willingness to sign it? He's irrelevant.

And did you read the article you posted?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Sure, I read the article. It is implying that Trump's desire to continue to collude with Russia is being somehow prevented. When in fact, there was no desire to collude at all from the first place.

The President is not irrelevant, he still needs to sign it or not. He has indicated he will sign it, yet everyone wants to speculate with no facts that he doesnt want to.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

All of this comes directly from the Russia collusion nonsense. Otherwise a President would be able to set his own foreign policy, that is what he was elected to do. But the heroic, do nothing Congress has to somehow prevent the man from doing something to harm America. Because he sooo desperately wants to serve his Russia masters, but they wont allow it. Thats the media spin.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Trump obviously has no diplomatic skills, whatsoever, and has an infantile personality, so things are left to a non diplomatic stance such as sanctions, which only leads to retaliation from the other side. Now the back and forth will continue and be a waste of time and lead to exacerbating the difficulties between the US and Russia.

The real point is, it isn't just about Russia, it's Trump having the prior chance to talk with Putin, but having a silly man crush on him, and being unable to hash out differences, while he's got the guy in the room. Trump's an idiot and a coward, not talking up the issue with Putin, but the fear is the process. Whether it is Putin or any other country's leader, Trump is such a poor leader, incapable of communicating properly on a political and diplomatic level, they don't respect him and believe he is an ignorant and foolish president whom the misinformed and stupid country of America voted in.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

  It is implying that Trump's desire to continue to collude with Russia 

No, it is emphatically saying Russia meddled in the elections to benefit Trump. There is not a word said about collusion. The closest is the below sentence, but I read it as a true statement about a self-created predicament.

If the sanctions overwhelmingly passed by Congress last week sent any message to Moscow, it was that Mr. Trump’s hands are now tied in dealing with Moscow, probably for years to come.


The President is not irrelevant

In the case of the sanctions, he has made himself completely irrelevant by his own stupidity.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Otherwise a President would be able to set his own foreign policy.

The self-dealing crook should be setting foreign policy for the U.S. not for himself.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

No, it is emphatically saying Russia meddled in the elections to benefit Trump.

Yet the whole Fusion GPS dossier issue proves that as untrue. If anything the Dems colluded with Russia through Fusion GPS to put out dirt on Trump so that Hillary would win. John McCain also helped in that by giving the fake dossier to the Comey led FBI to start an investigation based on nothing.

Of course when I say his own foreign policy, what I mean is a foreign policy that is not dictated by the legislative branch like in this sanctions case. Not a policy that benefits him personally. Congress is basically forcing him to do something that may not be in the best interest of the USA by using the nonsense Russian collusion narrative as justification. That wont matter when things go wrong, as Trump will still be blamed for the sanctions somehow.

That is why I said the other day he should veto these sanctions and make Congress override it. That way everyone knows who owns the negative consequences of those once Russia collusion is officially disproven and we see all of this was about nothing.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Blacklabel: "If anything the Dems colluded with Russia"

Classic! And I love how you guys somehow think Trump signing the sanction is proof he didn't collude, then going on to suggest he should veto the sanctions all the same. This is the ONLY bill to come to his desk in his entire term, despite promising that by day one ACA would be repealed and replaced, etc., and it is the ONLY bill he did not want. Why doesn't he want it? Collusion. Why must he sign it anyway? Something like only 2 GOPers in total are against it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

he should veto these sanctions and make Congress override it

Kinda agree with you there, Blacklabel. It would totally fit in with his total loosing streak. He couldn't even get a health care bill through congress despite most every GOP member running on that. So let him be repudiated by his own party a second time. That would be fun summer entertainment.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Sure, I read the article.

the whole article or just the title as usual?


It is implying that Trump's desire to continue to collude with Russia is being somehow prevented. 

sigh no, it doesn't say or even imply that. Show us where in the NYT article it "implies" that Trump desires to continue to collude. It does mention that "the WH hasn't given up hopes for a better relationship". Hardly the implication you make it out to be.

Enough with the straw men. Really. Some honesty please. Thanks

And, enough with the excuses. As Trump said “Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible,” So much for the Russia reset, eh?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

That is why I said the other day he should veto these sanctions and make Congress override it. 

For once, I also agree with you.

He might as well stay loyal to his good friend Putin. He hasn't been loyal to America.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

 Congress is basically forcing him to do something

Congress is acting like the adult in the U.S. government, at least in this small aspect.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

We should respond by kicking out Russia's top representative, Donald Trump.

Any proof of that?

Classic! And I love how you guys somehow think Trump signing the sanction is proof he didn't collude, then going on to suggest he should veto the sanctions all the same.

There is zero proof that Trump colluded or did any illegal activities with the Russians, zero. The left have nothing to hold on, so they keep drumming this Russian narrative, all these investigations and still nothing, even Mueller and his cronies of Democratic voter agents, one that used to represent Hillary, they can't find squat and that's why Mueller is going outside of his jurisdiction to find something anything on Trump that they need to go back up to 40 years, it's just insane, but equally amusing to see the left grasp at slippery straws.

This is the ONLY bill to come to his desk in his entire term, despite promising that by day one ACA would be repealed and replaced, etc.,

Well, I agree, the GOP bungled that one big time, but I can't see the GOP fixing this problem, they have too many opinions and they can't all come t an agreement on how to fix this, even though, individually they have a lot of good ideas.

and it is the ONLY bill he did not want. Why doesn't he want it? Collusion. Why must he sign it anyway? Something like only 2 GOPers in total are against it.

I think the left are just so, so funny when it comes to accusations.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

they can't find squat and that's why Mueller is going outside of his jurisdiction to find something 

So you are saying Mueller and his entire team is corrupt? (Don't worry, I won't ask for proof.)

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I find it strange that the Russia collusion that has been daily news for 8 months has suddenly disappeared from the media.

i think they realized they can't talk about that anymore without also discussing the Awan brothers, the DNC server, Ukraine and who funded Fusion GPS.

By now there is enough evidence in all of those topics that Robert Mueller must investigate those too or else be accused of a one sided investigation.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sure, I read the article. It is implying that Trump's desire to continue to collude with Russia is being somehow prevented. When in fact, there was no desire to collude at all from the first place.

So you are suspicious of recent articles mentioning Trump and collusion.

I find it strange that the Russia collusion that has been daily news for 8 months has suddenly disappeared from the media.

So you are suspicious of recent articles not mentioning Trump and collusion.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So you are saying Mueller and his entire team is corrupt? (Don't worry, I won't ask for proof.)

No one can say if he is corrupt unless evidence of it is found. However, there are a lot of conflicts. He is a good friend of a witness in the case - Jim Comey. Jim Comey admitted that he wanted a special counsel and leaked info to the press to make that happen. Mueller has hired a lot of lawyers that were either lawyers for Hillary/Democrats in the past or contributors to her campaign. Trump is accused of collaborating with Russia and Russia hacked Hillary's email server. Mueller wouldn't be chosen in a normal investigation because of the many ethical conflicts. Mueller should be smart enough to rescue himself. But hey, it's the #Resistance - so they do what they got to do.

Wonder if Mueller will investigate Fusion GPS? They have ties to the Russians and the DNC and were found to have put out false opposition research on Trump during the campaign. Nah - he probably isn't interested in that kind of Russian collusion.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Looks like Putin and congress aren't RUSHIN to make friends and time soon! No Trump is just PUTIN Russias interests ahead of Americas.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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