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© 2014 AFPPutin seeks 'statehood' talks on east Ukraine
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What is YOUR country doing to rein in this Soviet/KGB fiend??
Oh wait, it's so much easier to take the intellectually derelict path of blaming Barack Obama......
The crook Putin can get stuffed. More sanctions on Russia, now.
"Kiev has warned that it was on the brink of “full-scale war” with Moscow over the crisis in its east, which Europe fears would put the whole continent at risk of conflict"
WW3! Thanks, Putin!
Independent state hood for East Ukraine is the only solution. If they wish to become an independent state or part of "Novo-Rossiya" is up to them as a right to self determination. Much like Crimea.
alex rockstone
SerranoSEP. 01, 2014 - 02:23PM JST
Kiev has not moral ground or right to warn anyone.
At this point we might want to consider Putin's mental state.
Crimea was invaded, the armed forces neutralised... then the people asked to vote, although the Russians were always going to keep it anyway. It isn't frecognised as part of Russia except by the Russians and Crimeans.
Putin won't rest until he has recreated the Soviet Union. The Baltic countries had better watch their backs... and Poland.
But...but of course this is all Barack's fault because we all know he is intimately involved in Kremlin decision-making and because he introduced Obamacare and invaded Iraq and let loose all the terrorists everywheres.
Thank you Fox News for telling me what's true and right! :-)
The Obama/Nuland cookies-n-coup started all this. The Pinball Wizards are out in full force here today.
Yes maybe his case is not as desperate as for the psychotic warmongers in Washington.
You actually believe this? I'm asking seriously, not being sarcastic at all.
Afroengineer... yes I do believe it. First Crimea, now he wants an autonomous state in what's left of Ukraine... which includes the sea ports. You are really naiive if you think that he's going to stop there.
Thuderbird, it's not Putin that is the culprit here, it's NATO. Since NATO is basically a tool of Washington DC, they are the ones who have dreams of conquest. NATO was supposed to go no further than Germany, now look at them. I don't get how you can not understand this? Especially with all of the wars and military actions that the US have done over the last 10 years. Putin was not going to let NATO get Crimea. Logical military defense tactics. East-Ukrainians don't want Nazi's ruling Ukraine. It's not that difficult.
Putin has no business in ukraine why he is proposing wtf
Have you ever considered that maybe that's what the people living there wanted?
I worry more about the US spreading its tentacles all around the planet and giving its opinion on all countries business without asked, and bombing countries into "democracy".
This all started because Ukraine wanted closer ties to the EU, nothing to do with America, FizzBit, nothing to do with NATO. It started because the people of Ukraine wanted be European and not part of a Russian federation. NATO is not involved in this... the only action by the west is to apply sanctions.
Check this link for why the crisis started...
Nothing to do with NATO.
Russia is far closer ethnically, historically, linguistically, any-cally you want than US/NATO so yes Russia has business there. I don't remember seeing Russians lawmakers taking part in demonstration in Ukraine or in Ferguson for example so you better say Nulan and the other US lawmakers, Merkel , etc. have no business in Ukraine.
Afroengineer, did you look the video link? Maybe it won't work in your country, so here is another timeline to clear things up...
Nov 21: Yanukovich announces abandonment of a trade agreement with the EU, seeking closer ties with Moscow.
Nov 30: Public support grows for pro-EU anti-government protesters as images of them bloodied by police crackdown spread online and in the media.
Dec 1: About 300,000 people protest in Kiev's Independence Square. The City Hall is seized by activists.
Dec 17: Russian President Vladimir Putin announces plans to buy $15bn in Ukrainian government bonds and a cut in cost of Russia's natural gas for Ukraine.
Jan 16 : Anti-protest laws are passed and quickly condemned as "draconian".
Jan 22: Two protesters die after being hit with live ammunition. A third dies following a fall during confrontation with police.
Jan 28: Mykola Azarov resigns as Ukraine's prime minister and the parliament repeals anti-protest laws that caused the demonstrations to escalate in the first place.
Jan 29: A bill is passed, promising amnesty for arrested protesters if seized government buildings are relinquished.
Jan 31: Opposition activist Dmytro Bulatov found outside Kiev after being imprisoned and tortured for eight days, apparently at the hands of a pro-Russian group.
Feb 16: Opposition activists end occupation of Kiev City Hall. In exchange 234 jailed protesters are released.
Feb 18: More street clashes leave at least 18 dead and around a hundred injured. Violence begins when protesters attack police lines after the parliament stalls in passing constitutional reform to limit presidential powers. Protesters take back government buildings.
Feb 20: Kiev sees its worst day of violence for almost 70 years. At least 88 people are killed in 48 hours. Footage shows government snipers shooting at protesters from rooftops.
Feb 21: Protest leaders, the political opposition and Yanukovich agree to form a new government and hold early elections. Yanukovich's powers are slashed. The parliament votes to free Yulia Tymoshenko, the former prime minister, from prison. Yanukovich flees Kiev after protesters take control of the capital. Feb 22: Ukraine politicians vote to remove Yanukovich. Tymoshenko is freed from prison and speaks to those gathered in Kiev. May 25 is set for fresh presidential elections.
Feb 23: Ukraine's parliament assigns presidential powers to its new speaker, Oleksandr Turchinov, an ally of Tymoshenko. Pro-Russian protesters rally in Crimea against the new Kiev administration.
Feb 24: Ukraine's interim government draws up a warrant for Yanukovich's arrest.
Feb 25: Pro-Russian Aleksey Chaly is appointed Sevastopol’s de facto mayor as rallies in Crimea continue.
Feb 26: Crimean Tartars supporting the new Kiev administration clash with pro-Russia protesters in the region.
Feb 27: Pro-Kremlin armed men seize government buildings in Crimea. Ukraine government vows to prevent a country break-up as Crimean parliament set May 25 as the date for referendum on region’s status. Yanukovich is granted refuge in Russia.
Feb 28: Armed men in unmarked combat fatigues seize Simferopol international airport and a military airfield in Sevestopol. UN Security Council holds an emergency closed-door session to discuss the situation in Crimea.
Moscow says military movements in Crimea are in line with previous agreements to protect its fleet position in the Black Sea. Yanukovich makes his first public appearance, in southern Russia.
and so on... nothing to do with NATO, America or even EU interference. The above came from AlJazera just so you know it's not a US sponsored site... here:
Then they should have waited for the next elections. I doubt the people in Maidan represented the whole Ukrainian people.
By then there would be no democracy... closer ties to Russia would mean being absorbed and any chance of a future with anyone other than Russia would have passed. They took the only action they could to escape from the iron claws of Mother Russia.
Let Dagestan and Chechnya and North Syria have their own states too.
It's odd, your timeline mentions nothing about the $5 billion from the US, or the State Department Nuland's "F*** the EU" telephone call or that she was handing out cookies to the protestors, or that many of the protestors are Neo-Nazis, or that the new Security Minister is also a Neo-Nazi.
It's not nice calling people naive, I'd recommend you stop following the MSM and look deeper to find the truth. This is all about the petrodollar, oil and gas, and NATO is the attack dog. Trust me, NATO will be in their soon. You know, the State Department and the CIA are very adapt at doing these sort of coups, why is it so hard for you to believe that this isn't another one.
The article is about Ukraine but I agree 100% with what you said, and also add to the list the Palestinians who just have been robbed many acres of land in the West Bank with no call for sanctions like when Crimea joined Russia or "was annexed" depending on which side you are.
That would be a very wise decision.
This is between Russia and Ukraine. Just let the two sort it out among themselves. The US has no capacity to get involved and this gang US/EU should stop causing more troubles that they can't solve. If there are actually wise leaders among this group, they should already see that playing dirty to force Russia into submission only worsens the situation.
Putin won't rest until he has recreated the Soviet Union. The Baltic countries had better watch their backs...
There is a reason why it is recognized as part of Russia by both Russia and the Crimeans. You see Crimea-Oblast was actually part of Russia for the past 600 years. It only was not part of the Russia for the past 60 years. This is due to Khruschev illegal policy of transferring Crimea-Oblast over under the 1954 transfer.
Also Putin does not want to recreate the Soviet Union. No one in Russia does. While to us Communism means authoritarian brutal rule, in that part of the world it mostly means breadlines, and food shortages.and scarcity of all goods. In Putins eyes when he called the collapse of the USSR as "The greatest geopolitical disaster" what he meant by this was not a nostalgic view of the USSR. Indeed he witnessed 1 of his parents carried away in a wagon of dead bodies under such a system. But rather he meant that the whole of the USSR could had been reformed into the market based economy that Russia is today.
Kobuta Chan
Putin is 21st century Hitler. If you don't stop him now and then he won't be satisfied with just Ukraine. Putin is great dangerous mad man Hitler to Europe and its neighbor.
It was all planed conspiracy by USA and western section of the EU, literal EU and NATO controllers. Firs time Yanukovych democratically won presidency they organized so called orange revolution. He stepped down under the western pressure and 00.5 percent of Ukrainians involved while the actual opinion of majority in Ukraine was disregarded. After the western installed governments one after another borrowed more money and took it back to British and Swiss banks leaving the country in ruins and viscous interest payments due people decided to give Yanukovych another chance to pool them out. Being a clever politician he he wanted to get as much as possible from Russia as Russia was the only country helping without to many financial strings attached. Political attachments can always be changed or broken and he was counting on that. In the long run he wanted to join EU but not accept the terms that would make him a battle shield between the west and Russia or any other country for that matter. USA and EU seeing that he was playing the two sides against each other for the benefit of Ukraine could not allow this so they staged jet another "revolution" Terrorists from abroad and local Nazi groups totaling no more than one per mill of the population took over the capital and most of the government buildings, destroyed millions of dollars of public property and murdered dozens of police and civilians for non compliance. USA and EU lied as they always do and claimed that Yanukovych ordered shooting and killed hundreds while total casualties mostly by armed drunken protesters where not even hundred. Compare this with two and a half thousand killed after Junta took over, killed with total approval and direct moral, political and manpower help from the USA and EU. Just like Yeltsin had an conspiratory agreement with USA to deliver Russia for the dismemberment and take over Petrushka Jon is to do the same with Ukraine.
night knight
@Thunderbird2SEP. 01, 2014 - 10:04PM JST
Correction : some dirty politicians (bribed by West) wanted, not Ukrainians, especially in Eastern parts of the country. East of Ukraine wish to be together with Russia. In response, junta from Kiev backed by western powers began to attack them.
@Thunderbird2SEP. 01, 2014 - 10:27PM JST
Donetsk People Republic and Loughansk People Republic are brightest examples of democracy. But kievan junta labelled them as "terrorists" and attacked. Besides, governmental forces were unable to fight rebels but bombed and shelled cities and towns . Now people of Eastern Ukraine are so infuriated that they can not speak about Kiev and its political course without full-scale hatred .
Totally wrong. For example, Abkhazia declared independence after Russo-Georgian war of 2008. Still, Abkhazia hasn't been "absorbed".
@Kobuta ChanSEP. 02, 2014 - 05:44AM JST
You have no idea what you are talking about. Or do you you have evidence that Putin builds death camps and kills jews in masses?
@lostrune2SEP. 01, 2014 - 10:38PM JST
Let Scotland be independent too!
The Russians have already gobbled up Crimea, now they want more.
What a glutton!
More sanctions are in order.