Japan Today

U.S. takes charge in Haiti — with troops, rescue aid


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Such a pity.

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Haven't heard enough, though a little on CNN International, about Haiti's history and the U.S.'s pathetic contribution to helping to keep it the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Smashing of the parlimentary system(Woodrow Wilson), dictator installed and supported for decades, democratically elected and VERY popular president chosen and ousted for not keeping up the oppositions programs. Perhaps some basic facts will slip through all of the personal misery stories(which ARE important).

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From looking at details of the collapsed presidential palace, I was not able to see one steel support rod within all of that mess. Ridiculous for a country to build like that right on a quake zone.

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What is striking is the commitment people in the U.S. government have expressed in rebuilding Haiti for the long term, not just for the most pressing relief operations. Of course Japan is far away from Haiti and should not be expected to play any kind of leading role in those efforts, but it should certainly be joining the world community to help one stricken corner of the human family. (Still waiting for any kind of statement on Haiti from Hatoyama). If any good can come of this tragedy, it may be a chance, as Michael Jackson said, for "the world to come together as one."

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Interesting, to see how the U.S. can basically take over a country like that. But it is needed in this case.

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Yes, the U.S. always acts to take the lead because no one else wants to. President Obama must be thinking, "Two wars, the worse economy since the Great Depression, global warming, and now this. What's next?"

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I agree with Noripinhead about the U.S. taking the lead. The Haitian government is in shambles, aid is slowly coming in, and the U.N. peacekeepers already there are trying to deal with their own casualties. The U.S. military did an excellent job during the Indonesian tsunami rescue, but I don't see anyone giving them praise. I have Slingbox, so I'm able to watch news like CNN, Fox, and BBC, where reporters are reporting live. The Haitians lack basic necessities. They have no food, water, or medicine. It is that bad.

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I am glad my country can help Haiti. In fact America is the only country that ever helps Haiti. I wonder where the rest of this ever so nice world is at times like these. Not available it appears.

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It is amazing that even in a down economy the American people come through again and are still bashed. China gave 1 million dollars! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie contributed that much between just the two of them. Next time I say all Americans citizens halt their donations and aid....then who will step up? China? clearly not.

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USA should take charge of Haiti because Haiti is hit by nature's highest destructive power ,the earthquake .

Time for USA to introduce changes to uplift the Haitian economy. Haiti is near USA,so it will easier for USA to help the Haitaians.

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corrections- Haiti is near USA,so it will be easier for USA,to help the Haiti people.

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rajakumar that is interesting logic. The U.S. also contributed mass amounts of aid to Thailand during the typhoon that happened there. According to your logic somebody else should have led those efforts. I hear alot about Venezuela trying to be a power player they even had one U.S. senator praising Chavez. They are a mere 870 miles from Haiti....where are they? where is Cuba? I think the missing component here is capitalism if it were present would Haiti have been better equipped to deal with a disaster such as an earthquake? I say yes as they are way below the average on the index of economic freedom. In case you are not up to speed on such things they are ranked #147 even way behind countries like Rwanda Ethiopia.

With air travel as efficient as it is nowadays proximity is no excuse for not helping. People love to bash the U.S. but if there is ever a day when it goes away man please be careful for what you all wished for as any republic is fragile. China saw a 9% economic increase and they contributed a paltry 1 million dollars. Pathetic.

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So USA giving aid to Haiti will look good to the world, and the US can probably coerce the Haitian government to supply some troops for US wars (once Haiti is back on it's feet)

Looks like a win-win situation for the US government.

Just don't "liberate" them and make them a territory!

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Does anyone know how much (or how little) France has been doing to help in the disaster? Much of Haiti's current economic woes are due to the drain its former colonising "motherland" had on it. When Haitian slaves had the audacity to fight for their freedom in the early 1800s (the second American nation to become independent), an important part of the peace treaty was the requirement for Haiti to pay huge reparations to France for property (land. slaves, and deserting soldiers) France lost. With huge annual interest rates on unpaid reparations, Haiti wasn't able to finish paying until the 1940s! No other American nation had to pay its ex-colonial master for its freedom. This was the basis for continual poverty in Haiti throughout its post-independence history.

France, maybe time to pay back that money now?

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Good points. I think the biggest problem left by the French was that they ruined the arable land by planting and re-planting the same crops instead of alternating. Now nothing will grow.

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I am glad my country can help Haiti. In fact America is the only country that ever helps Haiti. I wonder where the rest of this ever so nice world is at times like these. Not available it appears.

Had ashika1009 bothered to google the news it would have been immediately clear that the world is responding. Just type in "aid to haiti" and add a country name (Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Russia, Canada, Finland ...) and you will see what they are sending.

As far as America is the only country that ever helps Haiti is that the reason why Haiti has been a hell hole for generations? Other nations have collapsed and then recovered, but Haiti has not moved an inch forward.

America does deserve praise for spearheading the relief effort, but please spare us the whitewash.

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thepaceisglacia at 05:06 PM JST - 15th January

Cuban doctors have been on site from the outset. You need to do some reading before commenting.

chubu at 08:02 PM JST - 15th January

French rescue teams have been pulling people out of the rubble, including Americans from the main hotel. Maybe you need to do some reading too.

I have every respect possible for what the US is doing at the moment, but they are not the only people sending in aid, unless you are only reading the American papers and watching the US news, who might forget to mention that the rest of the world has also been sending aid and aid workers. If your country is doing a good job then you have a right to be proud, but you do not have a right to slander other counties in the process.

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"So USA giving aid to Haiti will look good to the world, and the US can probably coerce the Haitian government to supply some troops for US wars (once Haiti is back on it's feet)

Looks like a win-win situation for the US government.

Just don't "liberate" them and make them a territory!"

The above is plain inane.

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Wow things are seriously bad there. After 48 hours dead bodies starting to stink to high heaven and huge lack of medical supplies.Amazing and shocking that this country is on the same island as the Dominican Republic which is relatively wealthy. I like it when the world comes together to help each other at times like this and I have been impressed with Obama. @thepaceisglacia Not sure that anyone is "bashing" America`s response to this.

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I have to disagree with "usa is the only one that helps haiti". USA has never helped Haiti and US$100 million is almost nothing when obama talks about US$107 billion to help banks.

The country that's helping most is Dominican Republic. Something that people cannot see.

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Hehehoho, I don`t need to uh . . . "google" everything to know the truth. The countries you mentioned may have contributed something. But that something is so miniscule compared the US effort that it is not worth mentioning. As to Haiti being a hell hole. Well it is a sovereign nation. The US is not responsible for Haiti being the utter hell hole it is. But, based on your reasoning, the US should not help Haiti in times of need because this influences Haiti in a negative fashion. If so, tell that to the Haitians who are being helped by the US right now. Again confused that you turn around and then praise the US at the end of your illogical piece. You say "whitewashing." I say hehoheho cannot have the cake and eat it too. Might as well respond to a misplaced cliche with a valid one . . . . .

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I just hope the people get help, period.

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The countries you mentioned may have contributed something. But that something is so miniscule compared the US effort that it is not worth mentioning.

Wow, that is arrogant.

What is wrong with giving praise to countries not named The United Sates of America? Miniscule? Sure compared to the world's largest economy everything is miniscule. Regardless of the amount, the Haitians I am sure will be grateful for whatever aid they receive from whomever. If you are so insecure that you feel the need to belittle other nations in order to make the US look good, well then, I pity you.

You also claimed that America is the only country that helps Haiti, I merely pointed out that if that was the case, then why has Haiti been in such bad shape? What kind of help keeps a country down? Your initial claim seems to be problematic.

There are many reasons for Haiti's problems, top on that list is poor leadership in Haiti itself. Meddling by other countries, the US included, certainly has not helped.

My critique of what you wrote does not prevent me from praising America (and other countries) for going to the aid of a country in dire need.

Good luck with your insecurities.

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Concerning US interest in investing on Haiti right now, I found this editorial interesting: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ucru/20100115/cm_ucru/thehaitianearthquakemadeinusa

The most important thing is that the aid may be rapidly organized so that it gets to the people quickly. Apparently, there is disorganization on air traffic control. The first plane with help from my country had to land in Santo Domingo because the Port au-Prince airport did not respond to their requests for permission to land, because of disorganization at the airport site. They will try again tomorrow.

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WE are the Biggest force & the swiftest. thats what i Love about America. my heart goes out to the people oh Haiti & we must ALL Remember it has happened to other places & weve Helped & we have also been Helped. countries Helping other countries is the Bottom line. we know what its like. you have to have Rocks in your head to think America is doing the for "Millitary purposses" we have Always helped & we Always will.

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For those who don't feel that any countries other than the U.S. are helping in Haiti, you might want to actually research international news sources or even the gov't websites from several countries. There are quite a few. No doubt the U.S. is contributing the most as it has the most to contribute, but other countries' contributions in terms of money, resources, food, water and people, is by no means miniscule. From what I see, those who can help, are.

Cuba was there immediately...they were first onsite setting up field hospitals, if I recall correctly. Venezuelans are already there as well. There is quite a list of countries who are donating large sums of money for humanitarian aid as well as supplying equipment, medicine, water, supplies, doctors, military personnel, disaster response teams, search and rescue workers and the list goes on...

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U.S. cell phone users have contributed more than $5 million in $10 increments to the Red Cross for Haiti disaster relief, by texting the word "Haiti" to the number 90999.

Proud to be an American!!

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Generous Americans, the world has much to learn from the USA!! #1

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-this is not the "poorest" Western nation ---> bankers/traders make big money off Haiti. =The real reason that Obama acted quickly =They do not want to loose Haiti to a coup d'état.

-With Katrina they didn't need to worry about that.

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U.S. cell phone users have contributed more than $5 million in $10 increments to the Red Cross for Haiti disaster relief, by texting the word "Haiti" to the number 90999.

That is a brilliant idea! And so easy for people to do; most people have cell phones. Great way to get people to give! Hope more communications companies worldwide jump on a similar bandwagon.

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"USA has never helped Haiti"

Some people are totally clueless.

"The country that's helping most is ( the ) Dominican Republic"

Well, they should be, as they're right next door.

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Generous cell phone users in the USA have donated more money then any other country, except America. What does that say about the rest of the world? I think it says that your all talk and no action, and, truth be known, selfish.

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Actually, looks like other countries are doing the text donation thing.

Amazing how so much of the world can come together when it really counts.

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That place must be hell on earth right now

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I'm with Superlib.

Who cares who gets the credit? It's time for people to put their egos aside and just help.



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That place must be hell on earth right now

Yeah, especially considering it was hell on earth before the quake.

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Couple of my friends in the Treasury voulenteered to go down there. Damn fine guys, best of luck to anybody that's making an effort down there.

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Generous cell phone users in the USA have donated more money then any other country, except America. What does that say about the rest of the world? I think it says that your all talk and no action, and, truth be known, selfish.

Since there are over 40,000 Americans in Haiti and many tens of thousands of Haitians living in America, one would expect an energetic response to the crisis. And had you taken a minute to do a quick search you would find that the international response with money, material and relief workers has been overwhelming.

Finally, the Bible says "to whom much is given, much is expected". America has been blessed with plenty so it would obviously be first when a crisis arises. No need to belittle those who have less to give, but who respond nonetheless.

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"Finally, the Bible says "to whom much is given, much is expected". America has been blessed with plenty so it would obviously be first when a crisis arises. No need to belittle those who have less to give, but who respond nonetheless."

Now hehehohehe quotes the Bible. . . . .

The fact is that plenty of countries have been blessed with plenty of resources, but America is doubly blessed in that it gave its people the LIBERTY to develop those resources.

Many African countries are very blessed in resources. Same with South America. But look at how the people living there have not the freedom to develop the resources and are left in poverty by their own despotic governments.

And no, one may only expect an energetic response to crises around the world from, you guessed it, America.

And many Americans are tired of it.

They may start listening to your hollow preaching and just close the wallets and coffers.

Be careful what you wish for.


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Chubu tells the tale. Good job with the history!

" Much of Haiti's current economic woes are due to the drain its former colonising "motherland" had on it. When Haitian slaves had the audacity to fight for their freedom in the early 1800s (the second American nation to become independent), an important part of the peace treaty was the requirement for Haiti to pay huge reparations to France for property (land. slaves, and deserting soldiers) France lost. With huge annual interest rates on unpaid reparations, Haiti wasn't able to finish paying until the 1940s! No other American nation had to pay its ex-colonial master for its freedom. This was the basis for continual poverty in Haiti throughout its post-independence history.

France, maybe time to pay back that money now?"

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"I'm with Superlib.

Who cares who gets the credit? It's time for people to put their egos aside and just help.



I really think this is about the facts. Who is helping whom is important to recognize. Even on a inter-personal level.

But since you have put your ego nicely aside, please let us all know what you have done to help Haiti . . . .


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The fact is that plenty of countries have been blessed with plenty of resources, but America is doubly blessed in that it gave its people the LIBERTY to develop those resources.

Well, that was my point. And yes, more is expected from Africa and South America. It is a shame that they are unable to do more. But with America being "doubly blessed" it would be no surprise that its response is double. No need to insult everyone else because they can't match America's response.

Kudos to America and the many other nations and organizations who have responded to Haiti's dire need.

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My claim is "problematic?" And the US has "meddled" and that is your "critique?"

Nice big juicy words. Little impact.

I admit other countries have helped. But you admit they have helped nothing on a scale like the US.

And you are correct.

I just see you as ambivalent about the issue. You recognize the US is the main source of aid in your comments, yet you also condemn the US.

Or does the US both aid and meddle?

Nope. I am not in a position to reconcile these opposing views held in your own mind.

That is up to you.

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And now a word from the global warmists, of course, regarding the cause for the disaster in Haiti (other than, say, an earthquake, or did humans cause the earthquake, too?)

Danny Glover Blames Haiti Quake on Climate Inaction in Copenhagen

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I admit other countries have helped. But you admit they have helped nothing on a scale like the US.

Well, there is nothing to "admit" since those are the facts. You first began by belittling the aid offered by other countries by say they don't count. My point has always been that credit should be given to all great or small for their responses to help Haiti. You on the other hand seemed fixated on belittling others because they cannot match America's contributions.

does the US both aid and meddle?

Umm, well yes it does as do most if not all rich nations worldwide. It's called politics.

Of course we know who is really insecure here. YOU!

Ha! no flies on you.

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No need to insult everyone else because they can't match America's response.

Funny, you and some others, have been insulting the USA, exactly because of their generous and prompt response. Its sickening. SHEESH

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does the US both aid and meddle?

Umm, well yes it does as do most if not all rich nations worldwide.

Really, and poor nations dont meddle? What planet are you from? Caster of the first stone.

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Funny, you and some others, have been insulting the USA, exactly because of their generous and prompt response. Its sickening. SHEESH

Ahh, where exactly did I insult America? Was it when I said, "Kudos to America and the many other nations and organizations who have responded to Haiti's dire need." because I included "other nations and organizations"? Or was it when I said, "Actually, I have a lot of respect for America."?

Really, and poor nations dont meddle?

I didn't say that poor nations don't meddle nor give aid. I did not say a lot of things.

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Danny Glover Blames Haiti Quake on Climate Inaction in Copenhagen

That is rich. Did you hear the one where the evangelical Pat Robertson claimed that Haiti made a pact with the devil and that is why the earthquake happened. Where do these extremists get their ideas?

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Ahh, where exactly did I insult America? Was it when I said, "Kudos to America and the many other nations and organizations who have responded to Haiti's dire need."

This is an insult

As far as America is the only country that ever helps Haiti is that the reason why Haiti has been a hell hole for generations?

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I didn't say that poor nations don't meddle nor give aid. I did not say a lot of things.

You stated that, rich nations meddle, obviously implying that middle, and poor nations, do not meddle. Otherwise, you would have stated, all or most nations meddle!

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Yikes, some folks on here are really insensitive. Right now a lot of people in Haiti have died, are going to die, there is going to widespread sickness as someone else on here pointed out, hell on Earth for a long while to come in Haiti.

It is not a time to back and forth about how crap the entire world is next to America.

What America is doing is amazing and such an amazing contribution in a time of need. It's nice to see her doing something good and the whole world knowing it...goodness knows they get enough criticism these days. And the list of other countries contributing are all doing an amazing job as well. Restores faith in humanity, that is for sure!

Thinking of everyone in Haiti and hope the help eases the pain and suffering quickly.

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This is an insult As far as America is the only country that ever helps Haiti is that the reason why Haiti has been a hell hole for generations?

Really? Poking holes in arguments is insulting to America?

Haiti has been desperately poor for all of its existence. While many nations, not only America, claim to have helped Haiti, their miserable condition has persisted for decades. I question and doubt the value of the help given (regardless where is comes from) when the results seem sorely lacking.

One can only hope that this current relief effort does in fact reflect a sincere effort to get Haiti finally on a stable path.

You stated that, rich nations meddle, obviously implying that middle, and poor nations, do not meddle. Otherwise, you would have stated, all or most nations meddle!

Boy you really have a hate on for smaller and poorer nations, don't you. Yes, all nations most probably meddle. I was focusing on these who have, or rather, have more rather than those who have less.

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What America is doing is amazing and such an amazing contribution in a time of need.


Yikes, some folks on here are really insensitive.

Yeah like the first fifteen or so posts spewing anti America hate, or trying to rationalize why America is helping so much or so quickly. They suffer from inferiority complexes, and are clouded by hate, because their selfish countries dont step up and do the right thing, ever.

And you aint seen nothing yet, the USA has not even started, there is much, much, more, aid coming, in the next weeks, and months, coming from individual Americans, separate from government. SHEESH

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Yeah like the first fifteen or so posts spewing anti America hate, or trying to rationalize why America is helping so much or so quickly. They suffer from inferiority complexes, and are clouded by hate, because their selfish countries dont step up and do the right thing, ever.

Wow. Soapbox much? Try doing a little homework on a topic before hissing and spitting like that.

Look, the point here is people are in the middle of a horrible disaster. Every country who gives their time, money, supplies and people to go to Haiti and lend a hand should be applauded. And as for the first fifteen posts or so...read them. Read all posts to this point. There are a variety of opinions on here, including lots of support for the U.S. Not sure what you were looking at.

Perspective is important here.

ashika1009...what on Earth are you going on about?? Perspective is indeed important...and while I respect that your perspective is all about the U.S. constitution, it is a totally different perspective than mine. I am worried about the people of Haiti and the many people from other countries who are living there. Call me crazy but when I hear the word "earthquake", my mind doesn't immediately jump to political documents.

Pat Robertson called. He was his lack of logic back.

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Oh, while we sit and have rants comfy in front of our computers, rest assured that all those people heading to Haiti to lend a hand, while they should be applauded, are NOT going to want the applause or an ounce of praise when they return. They are going to see and experience things that hopefully none of us on here ever will.

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trying to rationalize why America is helping so much or so quickly. They suffer from inferiority complexes, and are clouded by hate,

Well that would be Rush Limbaugh.

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While the U.S. was not the first there (geography enabled other countries to arrive sooner), they were one of the first and are indeed sending a huge amount of aid; no one on here disputes that. It's just that statements that the U.S. is the only one doing something about this earthquake or that the U.S. is the only country who ever helps Haiti are actually incorrect information. That's all.

I agree with michaelqtodd...it is wonderful to see the world come together at a time like this. Just sad that it is for something so terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with the families left behind looking for or mourning their loved ones and with the rescue workers who will have to summon a lot of strength to deal with what lies ahead for them.

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What country is providing the most aid by far to Haiti in its moment of need? Next, I tend to favor Rush Limbaugh, but I am well aware that while conservative, he is also in it for the money. Next, I think Pat Robertsons comment was just dumb. For if Haiti actually made a pact with the devil, it really got a raw deal, wouldnt you say?

Moderator: Please discuss Rush Limbaugh on the relevant thread.

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Interesting, to see how the U.S. can basically take over a country like that.

Haiti is near USA,so it will easier for USA to help the Haitaians.

So USA giving aid to Haiti will look good to the world, and the US can probably coerce the Haitian government to supply some troops for US wars (once Haiti is back on it's feet)

USA has never helped Haiti and US$100 million is almost nothing when obama talks about US$107 billion to help banks.

As far as America is the only country that ever helps Haiti is that the reason why Haiti has been a hell hole for generations?

Meddling by other countries, the US included, certainly has not helped.

Concerning US interest in investing on Haiti right now, I found this editorial interesting: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ucru/20100115/cm_ucru/thehaitianearthquakemadeinusa

The real reason that Obama acted quickly =They do not want to loose Haiti to a coup d'état.

Since there are over 40,000 Americans in Haiti and many tens of thousands of Haitians living in America, one would expect an energetic response to the crisis.

But with America being "doubly blessed" it would be no surprise that its response is double.

. I question and doubt the value of the help given (regardless where is comes from) when the results seem sorely lacking.

Wall of shame

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Wall of shame

Oh too funny. You're incorrigible! Have a nice day.

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The U.S. is NOT the only folks sending aid, and if things follow their usual patterns, the U.S. will probably be helping the least proportional to size, money, etc...regardless of the fact of its close proximity.

But this is a good chance for the U.S. to get in and complete the takeover of the country which was started decades ago. I feel weezy ever time I hear folks here talking about "America taking the lead" implying that its participating in its usual, and of course unconditional, humanitarianism. Especially when there's so little relationship of this to reality OR history. So, before we start cheering for our magnificance, AGAIN, please go to the link I'm leaving and start learning about U.S.'s relationship with Haiti going way back. Oh, and there will be nothing the least bit controversial as far as the history goes, except for perhaps a few of your responses to it because you weren't aware of the events. Your unawareness shouldn't be confused with thinking that something is wrong with the actual history. The actual history speaks for itself.

Moderator: Stay on topic please and focus your comments on the earthquake relief effort.

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My guess is the private contributions from individual Americans will eclipse any government funds from any country.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....We always here about the "private contributions". And while this may be fine on one level, it's still an embarrassment that the government doesn't do MUCH more given the disparity of wealth compared to other countries. There is also, and this is the crucial part, the implied notion that "government is bad, an private good". Which is also 100% nonsense, assuming one believes in democracy at all. The government IS "the people". Remember? And if it's not, you surely should be quite concerned about making it be thus.

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Bang on,featherhead.My feeling is you could be the next Noam Chomsky.Are you an academic?

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I give America credit for doing the right thing. France is upset that the Americans are upstaging their small efforts. In Washington politics is being set aside for a unified effort in helping the people of Haiti. Their first priority is sending help not with the politics. When it comes to disasters America is always the first to react and provides the most in both public and private funds. American compassion and generosity is something they should be very proud of having.

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Certain leftists here can now defend their knee-jerk paranoia. Hugo Chavez [insert latest joke here] has unmasked America's nefarious agenda.

DrudgeReport (January 22) features a Russian news video reporting on Chavez, who claims he has has discovered the US used a new, secret weapon which caused this quake.

It was tested on Haiti, but Presidente-for-life Hugo the Magnificent believes the Yanks plan to use it against Iran!

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As of January 20, Americans have donated 355 million dollars in relief, approximately a third of that coming from corporations, those evil capitalists!

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