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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Queen Elizabeth II dies at 96
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Three goals
Great woman! She will be missed!
The news of the Queen's Passing, brought Tears to my Eyes. I don't normally shed tears easily.
Ireland and the United States, would be welcome to join the "Commonwealth of Countries" regardless of their past, and indeed by doing so, may help heal some of the divisions that currently exist in the minds of some within each of those.
We learn through our History and adapt.
"The Queen" created the Commonwealth, I hope that this remains as her long lasting Legacy throughout time ahead.
Bill Adams
I think you will find that those who are capable of showing sympathy, empathy and sadness at the death of a very kindly old lady who lived her life in the service of her country are precisely the sort of people who will love their families the most. Genuine human warmth is not switched on and off.
She was a widely respected throughout the world. May she rest in peace.
TigersTokyoDome, I am talking about the people who have been gloating all over social media sites, saying and doing some despicable things - not you specifically.
How the famous person died is immaterial here. The point I am making is that for some unfathomable reason, in this particular case, so many people have taken to social media to mock the death of the queen, and bully and shame those who are mourning her. They claim they are doing this because she was a "bad" person, and yet her actions were no better or worse than JFK's (and she was certainly better than Abe, I would argue). However, I don't recall there having been this level of vitriol and disrespect against people like Abe or JFK when they passed. The disrespect, gloating about the death of someone who was beloved (whether naysayers like it or not), as though this woman was Hitler? It's disturbing, the casual cruelty people are so willing to put on display.
Most importantly: For many people, the Queen has been a constant in their lives since birth. An overwhelmingly positive constant. Of course people are going to be in mourning. Something very intangible yet very present and real has been ripped away from their lives, something that was all they've ever known, and maybe even gave them a sense of deep-seated, subconscious stability, too. Why should it bother you if people feel the need to mourn this loss? If you don't want to mourn her, then by all means, you don't have to. But for the ones who do, just leave them be. Let them have one day to recover from the shock and sit with their grief.
Alex, huge difference. JFK was shot in the head at the age of 46. The queen died of old age at 96. Huge difference. Nobody murdered her. Abe was also murdered, although I don't recall such a massive outpouring of sympathy for him.
Nothing in my post was gloating whatsoever nor bullying anyone else. People need to get a sense of perspective and stop being so silly and so melodramatic over a super affluent monarch passing in her 90s.
The royal family are constantly in the public eye because their press office puts them there. They are super wealthy and live in absolute opulence, paid for by the working taxpayer and stolen from others.
In today's age of cost of living crises, climate emergency, war in Europe, pandemic etc people need to stop being so silly by gushing over such a persons passing. Concentrate on your own lives and those less fortunate instead.
Express sister
Irish Twitter has been something today. Truly, it has been an experience.
Dr.Cajetan Coelho
Her Majesty was blessed with a long and fruitful life. Respectful farewell to Queen Elizabeth II.
Why? What do you expect him to do that will upset you?
TigersTokyoDome, I just really wonder why so many people are against people being in mourning for a beloved public figure? Would you have said the same thing to people who were mourning JFK? Did you say it to people mourning Prime Minister Abe more recently? Let people mourn as they must. You don't have to be a monarchist or royalist (I'm certainly not) to understand the impact of this death on people worldwide. Queen Elizabeth II was a figure in the public eye for over 7 decades. Nothing blown out of proportion at all, except the need of some people to gloat over this particular death for some unfathomable reason, or to bully and shame those who might be in mourning.
My advice amongst all this adoration and monarchy? Love your own family. Your children, your partners, and your friends. Don't support a fairy story family who live in palaces and own vast swathes of land. A royal family is fine for history but yet again the Europeans have taught us about keeping this royalty thing minimal and discreet. Yet again the British will wave their little flags and sing their little anthems for someone who provided no support in their lives. Respect a passing but let's not blow this thing out of all proportion.
Bill Adams
An amazing woman and a great queen. Elizabeth the Great, as she will probably be known. Her passing, though inevitable, still came as a shock after her public appearance, standing and smiling, just two days earlier. She did her duty and served her country right to the very end. Rest in peace.
Monarchy gives birth to oligarchy if you have not realized it.
There's also the argument that they bring in a lot of tourist revenue to the country, which they undoubtedly do.
Add to that the Royal Warrants they grant to British products which gives those prodcts a huge boost, and the additional boost to foreign trade deals by Royal visits. I've read that they may bring in almost 2 billion a year, mainly from tourism, but I expect that it's quite hard to quantify.
I’m against it but I did hear one opinion that while the principle of hereditary privilege is indefensible, countries which have monarchies tend to be prosperous and stable - particularly in Europe. Look at it empirically.
I think they’d do well without a monarchy but it’s the best argument I’ve come across.
I don't think the Brits will be complaining about the cost of her funeral. As a Canadian, I can't say I was ever a big fan of the Queen, but she was our queen too. RIP. I hope Charles isn't a complete disaster.
RIP my Queen. I am distraught at your sudden passing as your family and many others are.
You will be remembered fondly.
How monarchy survives in the 21st century is a mystery to me,.
RIP Queen of England. It's pretty clear many in the UK held you in high regard.
Like the rest of us, the queen did not get to choose which family she was born into.
Agreed about the funeral and talk about issues related to cost. I feel that is a separate thing and a conversation that is totally normal to be having. But gloating the loss of a human life (literally, there are people chanting "Ding dong, the witch is dead!" over on Twitter) is absolutely despicable behavior. People justifying their horridness by saying she was a "colonizer", even though decolonization itself started 10 years before she began her reign, and continued even more swiftly during it.
For or against, this is not the time for nasty comments here or on the SN. She was a mother, and grandmother, and her family suffers her death just like any other would.
She was loved but not by all.
I think many, including myself, oppose a monarchy but I think that is about the institution of the monarch rather than directly against the monarch.
I think the rate of Brits who support a monarchy was decreasing but still remains high. This will give an enormous boost to it.
Ir’s just the trash looking for attention. It’s not as many as people fear - a lot of it comes from dregs spamming under different names.
I’m against having a monarchy but there’s no need to gloat or get nasty. We are talking about a mother here.
At the same time, I don’t see it as tasteless to talk about issues such as the cost of the funeral or how much disruption is warranted.
This is such a heavy loss. I'm not British and have never followed the British monarchy, but everyone in the world knows what an incredible person Queen Elizabeth II was. She was, after all, a member of "The Greatest Generation". May she rest in peace now after her many decades of service to her people.
P.S. Agreed with you, buchailldana. Around social media I have seen many people publicly gloating about the Queen's death. The lack of empathy is despicable. There is nothing she could have done to warrant such inhumanity. I can only assume they have never endured the death of a beloved loved one before, to really know what it feels like.
One of the ever dwindling few of the greatest generations. The Queen was very much built from a strong cut of women of the era.
While she was part of a monarchy, WW2 survival and fortitude made them very strong women. I was fortunate enough to have been attended to by some foster grandma's who also were surviving in those times of war. They taught much, and showed strength in times of trouble and adversity. Much respect, and may she RIP.
So socialism to pay for obeisance to the passing of a hereditary feudalistic monarch is OK but a social safety net is Marxism and a bridge too far.
Algernon LaCroix
The Queen's passing is a sad day for the royal family and for all those who respected and idolised her. She's been a stable figurehead for decades, and maintained her dignity while some of her children and grandchildren have endeavored to erode that of the crown.
Given the family's enormous wealth and the economic troubles plaguing the UK right now, a good gesture would be for the family to fund her funeral out of their own pockets.
The Lady served her nation as a driver and mechanic during the war and walked the streets of London with her father George VI during the Blitz. She had an imperfect family with drama, as we all do. But her heart was always with her nation and people.
RIP Your Majesty.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
It is truly the end of an era. The only Queen of England most of us have ever known is gone at the age of 96.
I have a few thoughts on her reign and the British monarchy itself, but I shall save them for another time. In the meantime, my condolences to her former subjects.
Mr Kipling
She always had fantastic colour coordination in her fashion. Hat, Jacket and shoes all matching.
The personal wealth of the queen is about $500 million.
The Royal Firm: a $28 billion empire.
The Crown Estate: $19.5 billion
Buckingham Palace: $4.9 billion
The Duchy of Cornwall: $1.3 billion
The Duchy of Lancaster: $748 million
Kensington Palace: $630 million
The Crown Estate of Scotland: $592 million
Hermitage Nads
Just think of all the time and money wasted over the next few weeks as parliaments across the Commonwealth are suspended and events are postponed, etc.
Regardless the cost?
Getting too emotional there.
A State Funeral would be right, regardless the cost.
The format of such a Funeral would however need to solemn, without Commercialization, or any form of Celebration.
A Head of State Funeral, which will undoubtably be attended by the Majority of current World Leaders, and Heads of State, security will be a nightmare, and expensive, though necessary and I would hope, all will be allowed to attend, regardless of current disagreements - Putin and Zelenskyy to name but a few. Perhaps even through sorrow, a new hope can be achieved ?
The queen died at her favorite residence, Balmoral Castle because she loved Scotland and it was far away from prying eyes. She would try to live something of a "normal life" when there. Like collecting dinner dishes and wearing rubber gloves to do the washing up.
She completed her last official duty when she appointed Liz Truss her new prime minister.
Unfortunately for her family, most of her children and grandchildren had not arrived from London when she passed away.
But it was there when the death of Princess Diana she underestimated the huge public sympathy and was forced to break her holidays and fly back to London. Diana died 25 years ago.
The Queen was first criticised for not immediately travelling to London following the car crash in Paris, which also killed her partner, Dodi Fayed, and the driver, Henri Paul.
Secondly, the monarch also refused to fly the flag at half-mast at Buckingham Palace.
Even though we knew what was coming, it was horrible to hear. When Huw Edwards went on to say “The King…..” it was like a punch in the face. Doesn’t sound right. Everything feels weird.
I think it’s worth discussing.
A grandiose funeral for someone funded by the taxpayer at a time when people ( including taxpayers) are in real financial difficulties is a bit off to me.
If there was money to burn and we didn’t have pensioners riding buses all day because they can’t afford to heat their houses, maybe the objections to this would have less weight.
I think a trimmed-back State Funeral would be the correct order of the day.
She was game for a laugh
Like the James Bond spoof of her parachuting into the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games.
@wallace - she has always been a "Politician", I use the word loosely, such as in "Politically correct", in order to be understood, though never-the-less, she has always been an astute "Politician - regardless of her lack of "Political Power", perhaps a more modern day correct word would be "Statesman" (though that has gender-implications these "woke" days)...
She will be missed through her absence and through the fear of the unknown ahead.
I understand, I really do, but what are you going to do? Think about it. Someone will have to pay for her funeral.
Sven Asai
I offer my heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the British people. May Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II , rest in peace.
Not a fan of royal families that have abused the world, especially European royal families but RIP.
I think it does when the majority of Brits are struggling with energy and cost of living costs.
But it will be the largest funeral since the death of Princess Diane.
RIP...time to look ahead and as a first get rid of colonial legacy Commonwealth.
We could say the queen was the most British of the Britishness. Used an iPad and carried an iPhone, along with a crisp new fiver.
Does it matter this particular occasion
She's been on the world stage for such a long time and she's met many of the most famous people who are long gone.
Very sad way to wake up this morning... RIP Queen!
The queen was never a politician nor allowed to be one.
Aly Rustom
hat off to you sir
I hope I can get as much accomplished in my life as she did in her 96 years! May her majesty rest in peace.
Simon Foston
Usually yes but Charles will decide who becomes the next Prince of Wales. We can expect changes to the norm.
The Queen, has been the one solid consistent symbol during the past 7 decades. She was a delicate Politician in the wings, yet her subtle words could slice reputations apart. She never took an outwardly aggressive stance upon any thing (through restraint by Law), though her opinions were valued. She will be sorely missed.
God Save the Queen. Long live the King.
Derek Grebe
Thank you, Ma'am. You have been a nation's inspiration for 70 years.
God Save The King.
""She pledged that “my whole life, whether it be short or long, will be devoted to your service.”
Over her very long life, Queen Elizabeth II fulfilled that vow.""
And she certainly DID. congratulations to Mam.
Excellent piece.
I can't imagine there are many of us who would embrace a career fate gave us and stick at it so long, doing it so well, as HM did. RIP.
I wonder how much her Funeral is going to cost the Taxpayers of the UK?
My condolences to Great Britain. May the Majesty rest in peace.
Well that is a long period deserving a state funeral.
96 and most of it spent in good health as far as we know.
Pretty good.
A modest, family funeral would be tasteful at a time when many people are struggling to afford the basics, including many of advanced age.
Great Britain just lost a Legend, RIP Mam.
Simon Foston
wallaceToday 08:43 am JST
No, that will be William as well. It's a title that is always conferred on the heir to the throne.
As a Canadian my main concern is that this means we’ll now have portraits of Charles on our money and stamps.
Prince Charles is king ...God save the country!
The Avenger
A day we all knew was coming but a terribly sad day still. RIP Your Majesty.
I am not a monarchist but this is the end of an era.
It wasn't that long ago when the Americas considered the British monarch King George III a pirate and caused a war.
The queen was first a mother and then grandmother of our nation bringing a level of comfort and served with a strong sense of duty and commitment.
She has been the monarch for most of my life.
King Charles III becomes the oldest at 73 to ascend to the throne. He will move into Buckingham Palace, the HQ of the monarch. William will inherit Windsor Castle and take Charles's title Duke of Cornwall and with it the Duchy of Lancaster. Who will become the next Prince of Wales? Maybe Edward.
Charles promised to trim back the size of the monarch to 5-6 people. Prince Andrew was hoping for a come back will now be permanently exiled out of the family and probably his current home.
I am happy I won't be in the UK for the next ten days with this news 24/7.
Every day, the queen eat a jam sandwich since she was five.
Thank you, Queen Elizabeth. You have more than earned the respect of all.
A long and peaceful rest to you.
Prince Philip’s wait is over. He and his Queen are reunited.
While we can disagree on politics, in the end it’s just robust debating, nothing personal. Having said that, it doesn’t take away the history and legacy of this woman, and her loss is impacting millions of Americans with deep profound sadness as well. And it will be awkward going forward, both of our countries have stood shoulder to shoulder as strong allies for many centuries, and that will never change. I will never forget after 9/11 when the UK played the Star Spangled Banner, I was deeply moved by that and most Americans will never forget that kind gesture and moment.
Simon Foston
Awa no GaijinToday 06:46 am JST
That's a matter for Parliament, the people of Scotland and possibly the UK Supreme Court to decide on, not the King.
Aly Rustom
thank you so much for your post.
while we may disagree on many things I still want to thank you for your kind words.
How would you know that?
RIP to her majesty the Queen. She will be missed by her subjects as well ad those for us who respected her sense of duty till the very end of her days.
Charles is no Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Phillip. They led with grace.
RIP and peace to her family.
Long live the Queen! She was great leader and a real inspiration for all.
(there was someone who lived until 122 so) I was expecting her to reach 100 or 105 but she needs to rest. She can go in peace and with a clean conscience.
May Her Majesty Rest In Peace.
Aly Rustom
96 years is a long time and she accomplished much in her life.
I couldn’t agree more. Whether you support the monarchy or not, The Queen, was a rock and pillar for a nation of millions, we can quibble about many of controversies both good and bad it has brought to the world, but that’s for the historic books and documentary movies and talk show debates, but as a person, the woman was a true patriot and symbol, that cannot be understated, her presence was significance and now her passing and what it has now brought to the world.
Rest in peace your majesty. A monarch to many but also a mother, grandmother and great grandmother within her family.
Rest in Peace, QE2. She was a dignified figurehead who seemed devoted and to genuinely care about her citizens.
It was a great innings!
Impossible act for King Charles III to follow.
My condolences to the Royal family of UK . . . . I remember the Queen when I was a youth, she was very nice . . . . , and I wish King Charles much success as the new Patriarch of the UK . . . .
I wonder how this will affect the TV series.
A woman who always did her duty for the country .RIP
Sad to see snide comments on the death of a 96 year old woman.
Could you not put them aside for at least a day and respect this lady.
I'm not British but she deserves respect.
RIP and deepest and heartfelt condolences. Most definitely a remarkable woman, patriot and legend. When I heard the news about her condition as being serious I immediately feared the worse, not just because of her advanced age, but also her bout with Covid and more importantly, losing her husband, being married as long as she was and the deep bound they both shared, after Prince Philip’s passing, things would never be emotionally the same for her, it is not uncommon in a close relationship that when one person dies, the other will soon follow. As an American we don’t have a monarchy, but millions of Americans know, understand and still revere it and it’s importance to the UK, its Commonwealth and beyond. A symbolic head of State Queen Elizabeth, for anyone under 70 is the only monarch the world has ever known and sadly that era is over and now a new one starts. It is a very sad day, but I also look forward to the future and hope her passing with great regret will usher in a new chapter for the UK and the rest of the world.
N. Knight
Rest in Peace, Your Majesty; and thank you.
David Brent
Someone who actually deserves a state funeral.
A brief overview of a life devoted to her nation.
Queen Elizabeth II and Britain's leaders - Britain's longest reigning monarch | DW Documentary
Such sad news, she was a truly great lady. I went to bed last night after seeing the news Charles and William had rushed to her side, thinking it was not long to go. Still shocked to wake up to the news. My whole life, almost my entire parent's lives, she was a constant reassuring force. My grandparents once briefly meet her and boy were they so proud. Take your well-earned rest, your Majesty.
These are some interesting times for the UK. The on of the last respected UK figures has passed. With the new PM, Brexit (border issues), the new King (Charles) and his sons, and the Ukraine conflict, I am wondering what will happen in the UK.
Quite many big shots have fallen in 2022 so far. Very interested in the next candidates.
Bob Fosse
RIP and condolences to her family.
70 years of unwavering duty and service.
King Charles iii is an environmentalist, reformer, lobbyist to governments past and present, will surely be a very different monarch to Queen Elizabeth II.
Will King Charles iii achieve the reverence afforded his Mother?
Will King Charles iii in weekly consultations, bombard the Prime Minster with his reported political views?
We shall see.
May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.
I am 31 and I have only ever known The Queen as the monarch of my home country, the UK, and it will be a strange adjustment to not having this amazing lady as the figurehead of my home. Even the small things such as Christmas will feel different, with not having the Queens Christmas Speech.
Haaa Nemui
RIP Queen Elizabeth II.
@GoodToday 06:22 am JST
It's amazing just how much the UK's standing in the world has fallen in the past 96 years.
If you consider 83 to 78 years ago you will find the the British, the Commenwealth and allies did a pretty good job, they gave so much so people like you could make such ridiculous comments
I knew this day was coming but I didn't expect it to be so soon so it was definitely a shock. At this point, it's as if the Queen was immortal. It's the end of an era. UK's longest reigning monarch - imagine the things she's seen and experienced. Deepest condolences to the Royal Family and RIP to the Queen.
I never been fan of any monarchy,but the monarch did not do anything nothing notable ,beside of the pomp and ceremony of Britannia and drew tourism to England,,that was part of the their role
A very unique woman, a strong foundation of Great Britain is lost. RIP.
It's amazing just how much the UK's standing in the world has fallen in the past 96 years.
Hardly unexpected given her advanced years. Did a pretty fine job over the years
And she was working just two days before her death of old age - appointing Liz Truss as PM.
King Charles has got a tough act to follow and he's not really very popular.
She kept us calm and helped us carry on…!
Queen Elizabeth II the heart and soul of a nation reign has passed, a time too reflect, God Save the King
10 days of mourning....
The Queen’s funeral: what we can expect over the next 10 days
The Avenger
R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth. You served long and well.
This is the end of an era. Few people have been alive through so much history and been such an enduring figure in the world for so many decades. Condolences to the British people, all loyal subjects and admirers of the Queen everywhere in the world.
Through our darkest days, our brightest times, she was there to guide us through, an inspiration to all. A lady like no other, a Queen and mother to a country, may you rest in peace.