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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Rally dates are set. Venues are chosen. The only thing missing for Harris' blitz is her VP choice
Chairman Rexton
More marketing dross for Harris pretending to be news. Awfully weird.
If it makes you feel any better, she’s ahead in the polls, both nationwide, and swing states, and the people are saying trump is too old, and too incompetent to be president.
He’s also really weird.
Bob Fosse
How would you like media to report her preparations to become the next President? What did you particularly disagree with in this article?
Chairman Rexton
I see you've fallen hook, line and sinker for it, unsurprisingly. Apparently age and incompetence weren't a problem for Biden until suddenly it was after the failed assassination attempt against Trump.
And remember, war is peace, freedom is slavery, and Harris has an excellent track record as border czar.
And now they are! It’s why new voters are suddenly registering in droves. They’re hyped that they have a candidate who isn’t ancient and talking about electric boat motors and Hannibal lector.
Chairman, Trump is too corrupt
Thays a factor of his being too weird to smile and laugh.
Bob Fosse
“I’m angry and unhappy and I want everyone else to be angry and unhappy too” isn’t much of a campaign slogan. Weird.
Meanwhile Don whines and moans about…. Who really cares?
Unlike trump who has 34 felonies on his.
Any links to any non-far right extremist media organizations reporting this as being Kamala's fault?
Hervé L'Eisa
I'm still waiting for Kam to have an actual presser where she faces a few real questions. Two full weeks since O'Biden quit the race and Kammy still hasn't had a presser. Weird.
Chairman Rexton
From a bogus case overseen by a biased judge in NY with a Democrat jury....
Your title for the Brooklyn Bridge is in the mail.
who really cares?
abt this Harris PR here everyday?
Ohhh! A conspiracy? Do you think they paid off the jury? Is that your theory?
Hmm. improperly used Orwell references. As if Orwell wasn't a rampant socialist criticizing authoritarians.
And conservative groups and corporations pouring billions into the
GOP so they can have free reign with kleptocrat Trump.
Poor don. He’s had his grievance-fest of a convention- kid-schlock and screaming gargoyle, he got his beta-male VP, and now nobody is talking about him (other than his overt racism and incipient whining that is.)
Meanwhile, Harris has doubled him up in fundraising, filled halls he left as patchy as his hair, and worst of all, has the spotlight.
And then she names her VP. And THEN she goes to the convention. No spotlight for Don-don.
No wonder he’s lashing out. His tissue-thin ego has a boo boo.
The only way he might regain the spotlight is to either keep his word (stifles a giggle) and show up at the debate as agreed, or fire beard boy and his eyeliner for whomever doesn’t mind being seconds.
Way better.
The only time Trump laughs is when he causes suffering.
THATS weird, and sick.
The main reason Trump can't get anyone cool to perform at his rallies is because everyone is afraid of having him doing his weird dance to their music on camera.
Ah, our “just give me balance!” Venter.
Or groping them.
But mostly it’s about his abhorrent racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, his narcissistic sociopathy and him being a general moron.
Simon Foston
Chairman RextonToday 07:34 am JST
Is it? I suspect most JT readers would prefer Harris to win, and media outlets are kind of in the business of giving consumers what they want. If Trump puff pieces are more to your taste why don't you find a more Trump-friendly news website?
Says the guy that wanted bad things to happen to Biden and the Democrat Party last month for supporting Israel.
Harris should ignore internal Democrat factions and pick the best individual to maximise her vote. And the Democrats can now play the age card on Trump. Harris has a largely clean slate to operate from, and although he has distanced himself from some of the most extreme sectors of his party (no Federal ban on abortion, allowing states to decide), Trump's policies have built in flaws that will damage the US economy and cost Americans more.
It would be nice to see some honesty, no overpromising, and some sensible, generally relatable policies that ignore the culture wars/activists and play to the majority. A future Democrat government has little wiggle room with a Republican Supreme Court a fixture for their term, but there are specific areas that they can focus on. Trump is not the halfwit he comes across as, but a competent campaign could minimise his vote down to hardcore Republicans and the cult followers who worship him. The Democrats have not shown much competency in political management, but at least with Harris they now have a chance.
Gene Hennigh
Ms. Harris has caused Mr. Trump's rhinotillexomania to begin again. It's not funny, it's a sickness no one should make fun of. But it is caused by the huge shift of attention from him to her. She's young, has charisma, and is bringing with her a lot of people happy to have her run. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump has the recurring rhinotillexomania, which is nothing to make fun of, his comprehension (he's might old now), and his insults to both her side and his own. Why, you could almost feel sorry for the guy.
The new time schedule and stage notes for a trump “Rally”
30 min: Complain about the facilities and lie about the limitations that weren’t placed upon you.
5 min: (Don’t go long or people will notice you can’t get any A-listers!) Complain about the A-list talent you can’t get and who your geriatric crowd of goobers wouldn’t know anyway (besides, Kid-splock is so much cheaper and easy to book on a moments notice. He’s got lots of time on his hands.)
45 min: Tell an easily disproven lie about the non-existent overflow crowd.
However long is needed. 30-90 min: Insult your opponent’s name, ethnicity, professional background (he is pretty scared of prosecutors and for good reason!)
2 min: Whatever you do, DONT TALK POLICY!You don’t know it, your goobers don’t understand it. Instead, just say “It’s all coming back very strong and very soon” (no details or evidence needed. If these people were open to evidence you wouldn’t be there in the first place).
15 min:Hawk your latest scam.
10 min: Wave to the empty seats. Don’t worry, the editing room will “fix” that…
Whomever she picks will be light years ahead in both competence and the “anti-ick” factor over beard-boy and his cat-lady screed.
Shady Prance had better stock up on eyeliner. His baby blues are going to have a lot of work to do.
Make it waterproof so it doesn’t smear when the sociopath he bent over for dumps him for someone “better”…
Might I recommend the perfect echo chamber for you: Reddit.
“We have to stay woke. Like everybody needs to be woke. And you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke," then-Sen. Harris said in 2017”
“..I'm gonna get mad when we have an attorney general who's trying to resuscitate the war on drugs. And he thinks the greatest evil that mankind has ever seen is marijuana. … Leave grandma's medical marijuana alone," Harris said. “
this is a legitimate Presidential candidate?
Meanwhile, in Repub-MAGA-land...
'Republicans on Monday reeled from Trump's undisciplined approach to the opening stages of his new general election matchup with Harris — following a weekend that saw him praise Russian leader Vladimir Putin while smearing Harris as “low IQ,” and “dumb” and attacking a popular swing-state GOP governor whose turnout operation he may need in November.
“This is what you would call a public nervous breakdown,” said Matthew Bartlett, a GOP strategist and former Trump administration appointee. “This is a guy who cut through the Republican primary like a knife through butter. And now this is a guy who cannot come to grips with a competitive presidential race that would require discipline and effective messaging. And we’re seeing a candidate and a campaign absolutely melt down.”
You know things are falling apart when your own Team Red, and a former Trump appointee, is admitting that Trump is "melting down"...
Good for her! Excellent contrast to the anger and racism of Trump.
burgers and beers
trump is too old, and too incompetent to be president. He’s also really weird.
I like Harris, she has positive energy ( and a great set of teeth that leave Don in the dust :) but gotta laugh at the ageism quips by good ole Biden troopers who were the first ones to get soo upset every time Joe was called out for being too old, senile and balance challenged ( a true sentiment shared by most Dem powerbrokers as evidenced by his dumping ). Thank God they tossed him and put Kamala in the driver seat.
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 09:25 am JST
Do you suppose she would say stuff like that if it wasn't what a lot of prospective voters think?
Cards fan
Me too. It's really going to show the stark difference between a young capable Kamala Harris, and old incapable Donald Trump.
And more bad news for Trump - all of his own making...
After spending millions telling everyone "Joe is too old", they listened and now a majority believe HE is TOO OLD...
"A Morning Consult poll published Monday revealed that voters are suddenly viewing Trump as the decrepit candidate after Biden dropped his campaign. Americans are apparently far more likely to describe Vice President Kamala Harris as healthy, mentally fit, and a strong leader than the 78-year-old Republican presidential nominee.
The number of respondents who thought that Trump was “mentally fit” for the job also dropped. Roughly 64 percent of respondents believed that Harris was mentally fit, while just 48 percent believed the same about Trump—a 5 percent drop from before Biden withdrew.
Meanwhile, the number of respondents who believed that Trump is too old for the job rose. Whereas just 12 percent of polled Americans believed that the 59-year-old vice president was too old to be president, 51 percent thought that Trump had aged out of the position—7 percent more than had previously felt the same when Biden was Trump’s opponent.
Voters also said they were more concerned about Trump’s erratic behavior worsening with age should he retake the White House in November. Roughly 82 percent of polled voters said that Trump’s “poor decision making” and “erratic behavior” was a major concern, while roughly three-quarters of polled respondents listed his inability to communicate effectively with the American public, U.S. officials, and foreign officials, as well as a weakened perception of strength on the international stage, as other points of “major concern.” Another 49 percent and 44 percent of polled Americans described the potential onset of illness and death as major concerns, respectively.
I'd say that meets the definition of "melting down"...
Yes. She didn’t know she would be running for President.
so trying to hide/cover up/delete every policy position she ever had prior to now. If that fails, just deny it and claim a new position. “I’m for fracking now!”
The great reset, to mislead to get into office. most inauthentic candidate in our history. A Khameleon.
Wow, less than half of Americans think Trump is mentally fit for the job. Let that sink in.
Sure she did. She was VP with an old president.
Are you once again just learning how things work?
Do you have any links to any non-far right extremist media organizations that are framing her as the most inauthentic candidate in American history? Or is that just a far-right opinion, and if so, why should the rest of us trust Fox News when they lie?
Yes, let's keep that country you have no relation to progressive yet have nothing to say about the far more conservative country you actually live in.
I live in a very progressive country.
Abortion is legal.
Her suddenly “abandoned” position on fracking.
is AP suitable for you?
Someone needs to tell Trump that dissing your own team that is key to helping you get elected is just plain political suicide...this just yesterday....
“Atlanta is like a killing field, and your governor ought to get off his a— and do something about it,” Trump boomed. He attacked Kemp’s wife, saying she once thanked him for endorsing her husband but has now turned on Trump.
“Now she said two weeks ago that I will not endorse him because he hasn’t earned my endorsement,” the former president said. “I haven’t earned her endorsement? I have nothing to do with her.”
Then Trump went back to bad-mouthing Kemp who, two years after Joe Biden won Georgia, beat Democrat Stacey Abrams soundly: “He’s a bad guy, he’s a disloyal guy, and he’s a very average governor. Little Brian, Little Brian Kemp.”
The REPUB Gov who's help and campaign infrastructure are critical to Georgia voting Red...and Trump is sinking it.
On second thought, don't tell him - the self-own and implosion is so enjoyable to watch...
What is so crazy about that?
I don't believe it but hey you are the one the other day floating conspiracies that Trump's shooting was a red flag and fake saying the shooting and killing a bystander was all part of him boosting his campaign.
Funny how some people will complain about one thing like like people saying Biden was old and backing him saying he is fine, then once he is gone they change their view and say Trump is to old.
You aren't even American but you like conspiracies if they are yours!
Cards fan
Amen brother. As a Trump fan a hate being mislead.
the most. lmao Gotta love all the superlatives just to try and prove a point.
How is she inauthentic? Because rightists say so?
How about gay marriage, legalized marijuana and the immigration policies?
Making something up without any evidence whatsoever and then claiming like it holds validity?
Um.... if you have to ask, that doesn't say anything good...
Got all three of those! Very progressive.
burgers and beers
Agreed , this is common sense.
This is what a flailing, glitching, scared, OLD candidate looks like;
“Together we will stop Kamala Harris’s nation-wreckting—uh, I’ll tell you what, when you see what she’s done to our nation, she’s wrecking our nation,” Trump said.
At another point, Trump quoted Harris as saying “Let the violent marbs keep going,” claiming that she wanted to fund “the place” before correcting himself as meaning to say “the police.”
That is clearly melting down...
Our MAGA-friends can avert their eyes all they want - everyone else is seeing the self-implosion in real-time...
And Trump is still beating both of them.
72% Of surveyed Americans say that they trust Trump of Harris when it comes to the economy. That was just a no brainer right there.
And Trump is still leading Harris by 12 points, not bad for an old weird sharp guy.
The most concerning issue for most Americans is the economy by 31% abortions don’t put food on the table and you can’t pay your mortgage with an abortion
Voters also worry about Kamala’s lack of knowledge and inexperience to lead a country and worry if she has the fortitude to lead the nation given the fact, she has a personal people problem.
More Americans are worried that Biden and his minions will get us in another war.
Seems like Biden and Kamala are.
Trump is running scared as his sentence day comes
Fail - try again...
Typical MAGA weak dodge...
No answer to that one...
More MAGA dodging...
At another point, Trump quoted Harris as saying “Let the violent marbs keep going,” claiming that she wanted to fund “the place” before correcting himself as meaning to say “the police.”
So what are "marbs" and what is "fund the place"?
The DNC and it’s legacy media allies need to keep Harris away from interviewers who don’t fawn over her but ask tough questions. In the last two weeks she’s been allowed to present herself as some kind of centrist. As soon as she’s in the WH all of that will be reversed. I guarantee it. If the world economy tanks before the election she’ll go into full “I’m the new FDR” mode and attempt to reshape the government only to exacerbate existing problems. She’s no FDR (in public performance) but merely a second and worse Biden (in foreign and economic policy).
This headline says it all....
"Trump Tantrum Helps Kamala Harris Put Georgia Into Play"
How's that for a self-own MAGA-fans...
burgers and beers
Throwing right-wing tactics back in their face. Why were you ok with it when Biden was the nominee, and against it now that a younger black woman is the nominee?
I categorically reject false ageism allegations as well as calling Kamala "black". I believe that is not the politically correct term true Democrats of high moral ground should be using. Any he/she/they Democrat worthy of their salt should self-reflect on it.
My, my, JD Vance is sure getting a "warm" welcome to MAGA-world...
It's all right JD - the MAGA-flock holding "You're Fired" signs when you speak is a lot better than them holding nooses...just ask Mike Pence and his family...
Welcome to MAGA-self-imploding-world...
“ Ohhh! A conspiracy? Do you think they paid off the jury? Is that your theory? “
Other presidents did worse and they’re “clean”—Trump is being politically persecuted since 2016 but it’s ok, you can call him all the names you want… convicted felon, rapist, whatever, he doesn’t need to be a saint to be President,
just focus on what a Trump administration can do to improve the lives of the American people—life was better a few years ago, we all know that, but then covid happened and that’s the only reason why Trump didn’t win in 2020.
Cards fan
I'd love to talk about her.
Probably because Trump fans know she's going to wipe the floor with him.
burgers and beers
"Well that must mean you're right, right?"
Glad you finally agree.
"Yes, I think you should tell any black people you know that she is not black, also, you should tell them that the term black should not be used."
A true high moral ground Democrats should not be using the term "black" and if they do, they should deeply self-reflect on it. Some people of color are offended by such language. I,m sure good Democrats are aware of that.
I think this will sway people to voting your boy.
As I am not a US citizen I don't have my " boy", sorry to disappoint you. Most non American posters on JT as such have the ability to follow the US election politics in much more unbiased, balanced manner and without getting overly emotional.;)
Which isn’t one damn thing as evidenced by the fact that he was given an economy at full employment and flew it straight into the ground as a result of incompetence and pathetic crisis management.
Just like everything else he’s failed at in his miserable existence on the planet.
The latest polls are interesting.
Harris leading nationwide in most and making serious inroads in the swing states - leading in some.
Worth keeping an eye on. The bookies certainly are.
Trump continues to be less coherent in speeches - stumbling over basic words.
Worth keeping an eye on.
She couldn’t do worse than Trump with her VP pick.
All very interesting.
Who’s gonna be Trump’s sloppy second choice when he’s tossed Shady Prance and his eyeliner off the Trump Train?
Who want to be the second choice on the SS Trump after that iceberg? It’d have to be someone REALLY craven.
Sarah Huck or lil Marco?
Do you feel that your opinion is more valid than black democrats who refer to themselves as black, and if so, why?
They'd almost be better off keeping little Trump the weirdo, and replacing Trump with someone younger. The Democrats clearly outmaneuvered them with their change up.
As I thought.
Wrong again
And on point
And winning!
No need
No dodging, just trying to stay on point.
So MAGA-friends, why were there all the "You're Fired" sings being waved at JD Vance by the MAGA-crowd when he took the stage in Atlanta?
Was it because he had an affair with a couch? Nah, affairs are no big deal in MAGA-world, even sexual assaults are OK...
Was it because he offended women by calling them "Childless Cat-Ladies"? Nope, offending women is official MAGA campaign strategy...
I guess it was because he has a brown Indian-heritage wife who is Hindu and doesn't believe in a Christian God or know, he's part of the Great Replacement Theory...
Why do you think he was ridiculed with You're Fired signs?
burgers and beers
Nope, you know I,m right. It's OK to admit, it won't hurt ;)
Refusing to acknowledge being called "black" is offensive to some people is racist. True Democrats are not racist. You might benefit from some self-reflection.
I don't their has been more of polarized political landscape for the US electorate 2024.
I have been trying to search for a time that Republican Democrat shared policy across parties’ lines, share economic, fiscal, social, foreign policy.
Today, many political policy preferences are ideologically world apart.
Little or no overlap.
So much so that political violence descended to an assignation attempt.
However, such polarization has created major misbeliefs about GOP/Dem preferences leading to harsh clashes to find and nurture any shared agenda.
The wars in Ukraine/Gaza an example.
Are Republicans and Democrats so divided along toxic ideological lines, to such an extent that could have a damaging effect, create such permanent partisan antipathy festering deeper wider, be more extensive to detriment, threaten the US social and pollical fabric well-being?
Abortion, gun control, taxation, climate change, gender/identity pollical mayhem, immigration.
The nominees Harris/Trump couldn’t be further apart, so much so that both campaigns are underlined littered with personal insults, accusations of racism to stifle debate.
Weaponization of the judicial system to have a nominee uncastrated before the vote/election.
Shady Vance will get corporations run by his puppetmasters Elon X Musk and Peter Thiel to create more lie filled AI videos to rival global media falsehoods pushed by Murdoch and Sinclair's respective global media outlets. Look for billionaire blitzes from around the planet to start pushing more money to Trump/Vance, the billionaires are quite sure that both Trump and Vance have shown they are sufficiently corrupt and can be easily bought, along with some Supreme Court justices, if things get tough.
I admit it, I was definitely agreeing with you, and was even more definitely not making fun of you, as that would be against the rules of the site, and I would never make fun of another human being anyways. That would be mean.
Am I supposed to not point out that you didn't answer this question:
There is none.
And I’m pretty sure you can’t “uncastrate” anything…
You’re welcome.
Don’t feed the troll.
To be fair, there is a massive contingent of Republicans for Harris.
And yet here I am doing it...
He’s not in good shape.
The voice is sounding frail and slurred. He sounds tired.
The mispronouncing of everyday words is concerning.
That boundless energy he once had just isn’t there anymore.
Time catching up with him. Happens.
Their policies are racists.
Like there is a massive contingent of moderate Democrats for Trump.
I've been hearing that too, but haven't seen much reporting on it yet. I wasn't sure if it was just me hearing it, but I guess others are too. At least, two of us.
Yeah, and the sky is polka dot
Where do we start on that Pinocchio…
Do the minorities know this? You should tell them.
Nah, just MAGA, and they don't matter. There have never been enough of them to win, and Harris already beat him/them.
The national polls are of no consequence.
So Harris is up, what difference does that make? Nothing.
I say this because Republicans have rarely ever won the popular vote in recent times.
So it is irrelevant for both sides.
What is relevant is the electoral college and in that at this point she has gained in some states but losing in others that were not swing states and expected Dem but now may be in play.
But more interesting are to see the difference polling companies and who they work for, by that alone you can predict the results of their polls.
Those hired by Dem leaning news or groups alway have more positive Dem candidates results and those hired by Republican news or groups will have more positive republican results.
Not one polling is actually independent they are all "selective" in where in a state they poll in order to get the result that will make the client happier.
Very good actually.
Most humans need 8 hours sleep, Trump doesn’t, not sure how he does it……
We all do that, a slip here and a slip there, but a Biden Alzheimer’s brain freeze never
I think the gun shot gave him more of a adrenaline rush
The guy is like a Volvo, just keeps on going forever.
It’s clear.
Trump has never been articulate ( part of his charm for some ) but he did have energy, humour, timing and delivery.
That’s starting to sink badly.
The slurring is becoming more and more common and the timing is off.
Sounds old and tired.
With the facts, Geppedo.
Convicted by a just of his peers after due process and access to (marginally competent) counsel.
Just like the election wasn’t stolen.
Just like we saw the attempted insurrection on live tv.
And all your fever-dream memory-holing isn’t changing the facts.
Geez…How much time do you have?
Like the establishment Dems don’t matter
Not even close
Many do, more than ever.
"Rally dates are set. Venues are chosen. The only thing missing for Harris' blitz is her VP choice." By Colleen long.
The same people who were telling us Joe is in a good shape and how sharp he was. That was before Joe proved to the whole world he is in a vegetative state. The same people who were telling us Kamala was the worst Vice President in the American history. Are still the same people telling us now how great the newly coronated queen Kamala is, wake up America someone is duping you!! And it stinks!
I think that snap decisions will be made inside the "polling booth" on the day November 2024.
I would not be guided by polling right now.
That’s basically what I said.
Yes, I’m aware of that.
Erm, thanks.
After his defeat I hope to not hear about trump ever again.... unless it is from jail.
The Kamala supporters here are in a wild frenzy. Compensating for what they know is coming. The honeymoon period is coming to a close soon and then the facts will be seen in the cold light of reality.
burgers and beers
"I admit it, I was definitely agreeing with you, and was even more definitely not making fun of you, as that would be against the rules of the site, and I would never make fun of another human being anyways. That would be mean."
I also agree with the above, how wonderful to be in complete agreement on things and with zero hint of sarcasm. Because sarcasm would be mean.
"Do you feel that your opinion is more valid than black democrats who refer to themselves as black, and if so, why?"
My opinion is valid as a person who has experienced color racism first hand. African American Democrat referring to him/her/ themselves as black is not racist in itself. Any true Democrat posters calling Kamala " black " here on the other hand need to deeply self-reflect. Because even hints of racism are mean. Am I not supposed to point that out?
Uhh, a lot of it comes from the crazed left.
If Harris wins, I wonder if MAGA would be able to accept reality.
They failed miserably at accepting facts after the 2020 result.
Anyway, is Trump really up to serving 4 years?
Looking and sounding frail and tired now.
On the downward slope and picking up speed.
The Dems keep saying Trump and the Republican party as a whole is not appealing to minorities and the news generally echo this claim.
Yes it is a fact, far more Black and Hispanics will vote Democrat.
But what is interesting is the small but steady increase in both Black and Hispanics going to the Republicans even with Trump as a candidate.
At this point it is according to The Washington Post, CNN , NPR we are at an historic high in the numbers of minority voters that are now firmly in the Republican camp.
What the Dems need to ask themselves is Why.
This shouldn't be happening Especially with Trump as the candidate, it shouldn't be but it is.
The idea that Harris is going to turn this around is a pipe dream, if these people are willing to accept Trump even in the slightest, it means something in the Democrat party is what they see as being a problem and not Biden and that Harris is suddenly going to change their minds.
Given Trump’s age and decline, his VP pick is more important than Harris’s.
He seriously messed up there. Vance is very unpopular and could be described as ‘weird’.
Even Trump couldn’t give a full throated endorsement of Vance in answer to the question of whether Vance would be ready to step in as President.
He’s even playing down the importance of the VP role.
A bit concerning for the Trump camp.
Harris’s VP choice less of an issue. She’s younger and fitter than Trump.
This question was answered a while ago and and applies not only for the US but other nations in the developed world including the UK etc.
It is the neo-liberal consensus of marketolatry and financialization of the economy pushed by a manufactured duopoly.
The gutted GOP needs to ask itself why Romeny, Cheney et al are pariahs now.
Even Reagan is a pariah now - a RINO Globalist NEOCON - everything MAGA-world hates...
Still waiting for an explanation why JD Vance was given the "You're Fired" treatment by the MAGA-crowd in Atlanta...
MAGA-friends, what's up with that?
Simon Foston
TobleroneToday 11:35 am JST
Wow, what remarkable insights. Next time I need to know what someone's thinking I'll just ask you.
In fact, asked point blank if Vance was ready on day 1 (That’s a yes/no question with the answer being “yes”), Trump answered “Well, historically the VP selection doesn’t matter.”
Talk about a dodge WHILE throwing his VP pick under the bus…
Huge crowds - waving "You're Fired" when he spoke...
Why do they want to fire him? Do you agree or disagree with this MAGA-crowd?
Just look...
If Harris wins, I wonder if MAGA would be able to accept reality.
I know that I can. I don’t mind either way. I’m just observing this from the perspective of history. I do know that Trump was president for four years and did a pretty good job. More than pretty good in fact. And Kamala is laughably inept and in way over her head, which will become very clear if she, somehow, is elected president. I have to admit that the side of me that is amused by absurdist humour relishes the prospect of watching President Kamala in action and the MSM (and her apologists) scrambling to run interference for her for 4 years.
finally rich
It's hard to believe anyone takes this woman seriously. They are going to have to keep her hidden for the next three months.
If you thought Biden was bad you aint seen nothing yet!
But they are your fellow MAGA-compatriots - and you've boasted how "unified" MAGA-world is - then why do they want Vance fired?
That's true - they'll still wave their signs at him but you could at least gave the guts to say whether you agree with them or not...
Agree with them or disagree?
When your first propositions are this false it invalidates just about everything that comes after. No surprises.
All things point to Kamala can and will do better .
I think I've finally figured out why Repubs hate their own VP's so much...just look back;
They wanted to hang Mike Pence and his family...
They hated Dick Cheney and called him a RINO warmonger NEOCON...
Dan Quayle? They made a a joke out of him...
Spiro Agnew? Humiliated....
Yes, Repubs and MAGA-world don't like VPs - for one reason. it reminds them that their Dictator/King/ Cult Leader is human, and could die or become incapacitated.
That's a reminder they don't like to hear...
John to correct my spelling mistakes...."incarcerated, assassination" to name but a few.
Back to the point, Trumps "political show trial" April 4, New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan unsealed the indictment of former President Donald Trump facing 34 felony charges.
The damage could have far reaching consequences beyond Judge Juan Merchan fleckless political bias.
‘I know that I can’
So you accept Trump lost in 2020. Now we can have a serious conversation.
When judging politicians, bias inevitably gets involved. We are all prone to it.
Maybe the best question to ask is why the electorate threw Trump out after just one term if he did such a good job.
It’s unusual that the US electorate throws out a president after one term.
Why was that?
Nah I'm fine how about you?
Nobody in their right mind wants Trump redux.
Harris's game set and very soon match. America's first mixed-race woman president.
Raw Beer
It's obvious that 4 years ago Biden picked a completely incompetent VP as protection from being replaced by them. So I worry about who Harris will pick as VP. Fetterman perhaps?
An indictment that a grand jury said should go to trial.
Just your opinion, right ? Not supported by evidence.
It really is interesting watching the Harris supporters here becoming increasingly shrill, nasty and frankly somewhat unhinged. Three months till the election. An eternity in politics. Popcorn time!
Indicted by a grand jury. Given a trial at which he was treated fairly with access to counsel, convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers that his own counsel had a role in choosing.
He was found guilty because he IS guilty. Guilty AF , and all the whining to the contrary is not going to change that.
He is a convicted felon.
Anything can happen.
Trump May dump Vance and choose someone even remotely likable.
Given Trump’s age and clear decline, there’s no guarantee he’ll make it to November.
Disastrous debate performances from either could swing it. The walls could close in on either of them.
Scandals coming out of the woodwork…
Still lots to play for.
Given Trump’s age and clear decline, there’s no guarantee he’ll make it to November.
Hilarious! Do keep it up!
I wouldn't call her incompetent, let's give her the credit she deserves, she did pass the bar, she did make it to being a prosecutor and climbed the ranks in the Democratic party.
She isn't totally incompetent.
The problem is Biden!
He clearly said he was going to pick a VP that was a woman (which is interesting since many of his nominees for certain positions can't or won't say what a woman is).
He also said that he would pick a woman, this has been fact checked many times, so he just ignored any man just for being a man.
He never actually said he would pick a minority or a black woman, that was a false rumour started by a super PAC.
But he didn't strongly hint that his pick would be a black woman by point out of his choices 4 (the vast majority) were black women.
So by doing this, Biden and the Democrats, created the situation where the opposition can hint, claim, insinuate, etc.. that Harris got her position not on merit but because she filled the Woman and minority criteria.
This situation is the fault of Biden, had he just said "I will pick the best candidate" left out, ignored, "no comment" when asked, this constant claiming she did earn her position, she hasn't done anything would be a moot point.
yes Underworld just an opinion. hopefully misguided.
I note in South Korea Presidents leaving office can be subjected to show trials then imprisoned.
I trust John you will not be voting Republican.
They can do that all they want, but it doesn’t help them. People will judge Harris on her campaign. Is not as if people grade Trump on his record, which was disastrous.
Getting a bit hysterical again there.
Just pointing out possibilities.
He is old, obese, eats junk, has a stressful lifestyle and in clear mental decline.
He’s at an age where it’s pretty much the end of the road for men on average life expectancy.
No guarantees. Sensible people have drawn up a will at a much earlier age than 78.
I find reading this kind of comment and the MSM interesting.
The Dems will scream about the Republicans and identity politics.
But more often than not it is the Dems and their supporters that go on and on about the colour of the skin, or the ethnic background of their own candidates.
And if a republican makes any comment good or bad true or false about the ethnic make-up if a democratic candidate, then the Dems scream racism, identify politics, etc...
When Trump was looking at a VP candidate, no one ask " are you going to pick a woman?" "Are you going to pick a minority?" ect...
But in every recent election these are the regular questions and demands placed on the Democrats Presidential candidate.
And by doing so and by doing as Biden did , they undermine the credibility of the VP choice overshadowing their accomplishments and bringing the focus primarily on their ethnicity.
Have to choose slowly and wisely. Too many weirdos out there