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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Raw anger in McCain's crowds as Obama strengthens
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The Secret Service confirmed Friday that it had investigated an episode reported in The Washington Post in which someone in Palin’s crowd in Clearwater, Forida, shouted “kill him,” on Monday, meaning Obama. There was “no indication that there was anything directed at Obama,” Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren told AP. “We looked into it because we always operate in an atmosphere of caution.”
Despicable. No indication that it anything was directed at Obama? Yea, and I'm the president of the united states, this coming from the Secret Service? Some other person at a rally in Georgia someone shouted to bomb Obama. Now the bigotries and hatred are starting to expose themselves to the world.
People here have mocked me previously for mentioning that these types of things will start showing up as we near the election. As usual I was right. These are the dying last gasps of the bigots who cannot stop the phenomenon known as Barrack Obama. Threats and hatred cannot prevent a most historic moment in American history, the election of the first African American to the most powerful office in the free world.
It was quiet in the early days as the rednecks never dreamed of Obama even coming close. The reality is set before their eyes. This could set the country into turmoil and even war!
Palin's right. Scrutiny itself is neither negative nor mean-spirited. It is negative and mean-spirited, however, to make baseless accusations and to traffic in innuendos which ignore the facts.
Yeah, what Sez said.
It wouldn't be mean-spiritized to scrutinize his iffy associations...if he had any.
The people who utter such hateful and utterly wrong statements are so filled with said hatred they really cannot see the truth. Morons like the woman who said, "I don't like him. He's an Arab!" have completely bought into the lies and fear mongering of the government, and McCain/Palin themselves. I respect some of the ways in which McCain tried to reign in the anger during these outbursts, but it was not enough, and what's more I believe he and his attack dog Palin have much to do with the feelings of the people in the first place; I mean, they are shouting terrorist, traitor, etc., based on the lies of McCain and his campaign.
These people are utterly stupid and weak, and very very scared. They make me think of garbage dumpsters, in a way -- they simply accept what garbage the republicans want to dump into them without ever questioning the content. Thank god I'm not an American -- I would have to hang my head in shame.
A lot of these anti-Obama people are ugly, through and through.
The hatred coming from the McCain/Palin supporters reflects the kind of America we can envisage if they are elected. A backward thinking intolerant leadership that long for the glory days when a substantial amount of Americans were effectively disenfranchised. They long for the return of separate bathrooms, back of the bus rules and substandard education based on race.
These are the same people that seek to label Obama a Muslin, which we all know is the modern day euphemism for the "N" word.
It really piss them off to know that minorities have survived the indignities of their past experiences and is now in a position to achieve the highest office in the land. That minorities have moved beyond the bipolar leadership of the Jessie Jackson and others of the past, to a better educated, younger, calmer and less affected leadership that is capable of delivering a more inclusive and better respected America.
For those angry white people out there, take a sedative! The ascendancy of Obama is the inevitable march of history, essential part of that manifest destiny you like to talk about.
I think this is only early indicators ,what will happen to America if and when Obama actually becomes US president? I know America is filled with brave people but when they want to change, can they change things slower for people have time to adapt? How about Biden/Obama to avoid less possible crisis?
More than a whiff of fascism? Maybe.
The faction of the ruling elite represented by the Republicans are now employing the kind campaign rhetoric Mussolini and Hitler's rode on in their climb to the top office in their nations. There's a lot at stake for this faction, and they will not relinquish their grip on power easily. Desperation has seen a move to whip up the most reactionary sections of the American population.
The calls from McCain's and Palin's audiences to literally terminate the Democratic presidential candidate's life have been directly sought by these two candidates. To say it is astonishingly irresponsible would be an understatement. In this environment of desperation and outrage how long will it be until a patsy is found to ensure McCain takes office?
Because the Democrats themselves represent the other main faction of the ruling elite we can see the same kinds of reactionary politics to be shaking the campaign of Barack Obama. Perhaps it is possible to construe the faction of the thin layer of ruling elite as being the moderate of their number, but most certainly they are every bit as desperate to secure their priviliged class, its power and wealth. What that means is that they too have swung to the right. The choice of Obama the man is indicative of their policy intentions which don't differ significantly from those of the faction represented by the Republican party.
Obama displays all the traits of the kind of leader that would transform president into dictator. So there isn't much to hope for in Obama as president, and a Democratic administraton.
So, to recap, McCain's crowds are a bunch of angry, bitter, ignorant hicks.
"Barack Hussein Obama"
I'd vote for a David Hussein Palmer or a Wayne Hussein Palmer. But not for Barack Hussein Obama.
"I'd vote for a David Hussein Palmer or a Wayne Hussein Palmer. But not for Barack Hussein Obama."
Why, because you're like the woman who said, "I don't like him. He's an Arab!" You seem to be basing your desire to vote for a person simply on the sound of his name... or whether he's a fantasy TV character. Get with reality.
tclh: The Republican party is one that seeks its relevance through fear tactics. It is the same approach that they have taken to foreign policy and the war on terror. The notion that they can remain incommunicado with their perceived enemies with the hope that silent belligerence will win them over is facile. The reality is that if you seek to conjure, invent or orchestrate situation of crisis that is essentially what you will harvest. The process of change has started and will gain momentum with the election of Senator Obama
Republicans were always sore losers. If they had wanted to win, they sould have chosen themselves some decent candidates
smith - No, I'm not like the ignorant woman who said, "I don't like him. He's an Arab!" I wouldn't vote for Obama because I don't trust him with our national security or to be our CinC, and because I don't want my country to become more socialist than it already is.
I have something for the crowds to get angry about.
Alaska ethics probe finds Palin abused her power
"Alaska ethics probe finds Palin abused her power"
It can't happen here, he said.
coult - "yawn"
You mean, "Yawn-grrrrr!" Tee hee!
Voting either McCain or Obama for president, means a vote for the continuing enrichment of the already wealthy elite and the complete destitution of the working class of America. The middle class is collapsing into the working class. As people are evicted from their homes and their jobs they fall out of the working class.
Voting for either the Republican or Democratic candidate for president will also mean voting for bigger and bloodier wars, more of them, and starting with their 1st term in office rather than later. Obama has already called for a return to the draft, should McCain get into office (and I am sure he will) there is no way at all his call for more troops abroad can be fulfilled without the draft.
One thing you can do is listen to the only real alternative there is on offer, that is Jerry White the presidential candidate of the Socialist Equality Party.
Jerry gives his reply to the 2nd presidential debate on YouTube.
Let's see what the McCain campaign crowds say about Palin's abuse of power. Wait I see a vision. The crowds they are angry but it is not Palin they are angry at it is . . . it is . . . . what? the mainstream media. The liberal media. But what about the government probe that found Palin abused her power? My vision is ending and all I see is bibles being hurled at the various reporters representing medial outlets. Not all the reporters. The Fox guy is safe. What is he doing, he's picking up a bible; now he is throwing bibles at the other reporters too.
Emancipation was over 140 years ago. How much more time do you think we need to adapt?
taniwha Your claims are outrageous! Obama a potential dictator! on what basis do you make that claim. Let me guess, he is too charismatic has world wide support and happens to be smart. Or is it something else? The current administration has been more dictatorial than perhaps any other in the nations history.
"Obama has already called for a return to the draft"
sarge: "No, I'm not like the ignorant woman who said, "I don't like him. He's an Arab!" I wouldn't vote for Obama because I don't trust him with our national security or to be our CinC, and because I don't want my country to become more socialist than it already is."
Actually, you are very much like the aforementioned woman... you'll buy into anything the Republican leaders will tell you. I mean, you still actually believe heaps of what the Bush admin. called 'facts' leading up to the illegal invasion of Iraq that were proven without a doubt to be wrong. You believe McCain and Palin when they throw out words like 'socialist' to describe a health care plan where not only the rich will be available to get medical care.
I've got news for you all... having a universal health care plan does not make the US a country with a totalitarian government; it doesn't mean you're going to be stripped of your job as a doctor/teacher/factory worker and forced to work in the rice fields of Cambodia. The idea that giving ALL American citizens access to medical care will lead to anarchy is evidence that people who think that are TRULY and worrisomely ignorant. You are the same people who would rail at the sky if someone you know/loved died because they had no access to medical care, and you would scream, "WHY???!"
In short, you have no idea what you are talking about, and you need to be educated. If only all the money in Iraq had gone towards educating ignorant people like these McCain/Palin supporters; there would never be such hatred/ignorance.
The ignorance of the masses! On the political spectrum, both parties in the US rate far to the right.
Good post everton, the cutting away of civil liberties under the current administration is something that the US has never witnessed before. When Bush and the neocons were on the offensive (rather than the defensive), the leer of Curious George was hauntingly similar to a certain Austrian corporal. Bring back book burning, etc!!!
"Good post everton, the cutting away of civil liberties under the current administration is something that the US has never witnessed before."
What civil liberties have been 'cut away'?
Do you know anything about US history?
It's pretty easy to vote for an edited version of a fictional character. That's what the Hussein Palmers would be. According to Tim Dickinson, that's what John McCain is, too.
There's no excuse for McCain or Palin to allow their audiences to get lathered up. Unless they take steps to confront the misstatements that are shouted up, they are simply baiting the crowd. I really doubt that this will work for them and I don't think it does any good for the country.
This campaign has churned along for almost a year and a half in one form or another. How many legitimate undecided voters do you think there are? In my opinion, the overwhelming majority of those who are truly undecided must be voters who are somewhat dim.
smithinjapan - Have you lived in the United States? Have you been a patient in an American hospital? I don't think you have. So it's you, not sarge, who believes only what he is told.
At the least if a person yells that they should be removed form the rally, for both side. I have been to a rallies for both sides, and this type of thing happens at both...
To say a man is evil is one thing, to burn him at a stake for it is another.....
When a visibly angry McCain supporter in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Thursday told the candidate “I’m really mad” because of “socialists taking over the country,” McCain stoked the sentiment. “I think I got the message,” he said. “The gentleman is right.” He went on to talk about Democrats in control of Congress.
This is why I stopped associating myself with the GOP. They're children.
No, I'm not like the ignorant woman who said, "I don't like him. He's an Arab!" I wouldn't vote for Obama because I don't trust him with our national security or to be our CinC, and because I don't want my country to become more socialist than it already is.
Moral relevance being one of the main issues.
"See? I'm not as bad as that complete imbecile! I'm rational! I regurgitate this other, slightly less ludicrous thing!"
"It's pretty easy to vote for an edited version of a fictional character. That's what the Hussein Palmers would be. According to Tim Dickinson, that's what John McCain is, too."
You want edited and fictionalized?
Tom Dickinson writes for a teen music magazine that featured on its cover an idealized portrait of Senator Obama with a halo.
Thank God smith isn't an American -- I would have to hang my head in shame. :)
We now vividly see the hysterical lynch mob mentality of the redneck-neocon supporters of McCain. They are the core of the Republican Party and are fed with the hate-mongering of right-wing radio rabble-rousers, fundamentalists yahoos and liars and psychopaths like Ann Coulter. This is the has been the mob that has legitimized Bush's wars and his destruction of civil liberties.
I do not think much will change with an Obama victory by itself. Gizmo will no doubt be closed, and civil libertarians will breath easier. Probably we'll see a gradual withdrawal from Iraq, which is what the Iraqi government wants. But the disaster in Afghanistan will continue. American capitalism in all its evil manifestations will continue as well, as least for a while.
The last month has shown how much people are ruled by events and not the other way around. If the monetary crisis continues you may see more government regulation and even nationalization in the US to save the system. We may also see a revolt that will make the protests of the 1960s look mild by comparison.
Taniwha is essentially right. Unfortunately, socialist parties in the US as on the fringe, unlike in Europe. But that may well change.
One thing is certain. The "free market" party is over and the American Empire is broke and has to scale back.
Anyway, McCain's supporters are going ballistic because McCain is going to lose. I only worry about how many potential assassins there are in that mob of right-wing hysterics.
LOL! You're a hoot... ;)
"Raw anger in McCain's crowds as Obama strengthens"
People are angry that their 401's have lost 20 percent in a matter of weeks.
Imagine that.
It must be, wait, this is gonna shock - racism.
When I read this GOP supporter's - Gayle Quinnell - comments on my phone this morning, I almost fell out of bed - "I don't like him [Obama]. He's an Arab!"
(and good on john mccain for taking back the microphone from her.)
See the photo of the woman here:;_ylt=AmjhRZGSvfs90wp1XPtlzG9h24cA
The land Arabs come from isn't even on the same continent as Kenya, where Obama's father was born. This lady's comment illustrates a stunning level of ignorance.
For me, her comment simply underlines the uncomfortable fact that Republicans supporters - in general - are simply not as well educated as Democratic party supporters.
This is NOT intended as an insult to anyone - it is a fact and can be seen here:
The areas of highest concentrated of Democratic party supporters are in the cities - and city folk tend by a large margin to be better educated and better paid.
Whereas country folk - the vast majority of whom are GOP supporters, are the opposite.
As I said, not intended as an insult - my opinion is backed up by fact.
There's no excuse for McCain or Palin to allow their audiences to get lathered up." What are they supposed to do? What would you do if your supporters took such a turn?
Have you been reading any black blogs or listened to some rap in support of Obama, which he hasn't denounced either.
For me, her comment simply underlines the uncomfortable fact that Republicans supporters - in general - are simply not as well educated as Democratic party supporters." Have you looked at any stats in regards to indies or other parties? Most of them originate in cities, so not to offend, but people who are independents are usually much smarter than dem or repub supporters..
jc: Anyway, McCain's supporters are going ballistic because McCain is going to lose. I only worry about how many potential assassins there are in that mob of right-wing hysterics." I think you are taking a very scary and uneducated approach to this. You are basically playing a race card. Guess who has propelled Obama to where he is? Not blacks or even my kind, but whites. Don't forget that. Your approach is just as bad as it has potential for some dangerous backlash.
The best thing Obama can do is ignore this. Playing the same game can hurt him.
These recent GOP rallies show precisely the reason why mccain does not deserve to be elected.
His rallies are pitting American against American while mccain preaches bipartisanship.
McCain's supporters are going ballistic because McCain is going to lose." additionally, its more of a reason not for Obama supporters to go ballistic in their response either.
Correction: "The areas of highest concentratIONS of Democratic party supporters...." (my tertiary education is letting me down :-)
Skipthesong - "but people who are independents are usually much smarter than dem or repub supporters.."
Interesting, and it wouldn't surprise me at all :-)
A simple calculation and Obama's own words.
A corporate dictatorship is what is in reality in place now. In 2009 you are going to see social chaos in the US, people are angry now, they are going to be really angry and desperate next year. The US dollar will have plummeted, but prices will still be high for just about everything, AND the corporations will still be deciding what is and is not legislated in Congress where their interests are concerned.
Under these coming extreme condition continued corporate dictatorship will necessitate political dictatorship.
Obama has many times already, most recently during the 2nd debate, re-iterated the harsh cutbacks in social services that will be necessary to make average Americans pay for the greed of Wall Street. He has also along with McCain bayed for more blood to be shed in the name of patriotism on the soil of a foreign state. This is the usual call from capitalist leaders when the economy reels toward depression. It will take the degree of repression that only dictatorship can offer to enable Obama/or McCain to carry out what they have already promised.
Obama is as you say, charismatic and smart. But so were many of the other dictators of the twentieth century. Mussolini, Hitler, and lets not forget Stalin and Mao, to name just 4 that also had those two attributes.
Wait a minute, are you implying that the angry crowds at Republican conventions think Obama is somehow to blame for the financial tailspin we're undergoing? Do you think they're actually THAT stupid? I'd almost rather they were JUST racist...
And skipthesong:
There's quite a bit of difference between not denouncing rap songs you've got no connection to and tacitly encouraging the (obviously ludicrous) belief that your opponent is a terrorist, at live appearances...
But McCain and Palin have all but lost already; I suppose it's to be expected that they're getting a little desperate and want to encourage whatever support they're getting, even if it's only from mouth-foaming bigots...
The clearest call for the draft was made by Obama when he spoke in a forum on national service at Columbia university in New York City back in early September. John McCain also spoke at the same forum. Obama's call for the reinstatement of compulsory military service was barely mentioned in the national media.
as for me, i am definitely apprehensive of a candidate who has spent years in the custody of a communist state. a Manchurian candidate?
udaman: There's quite a bit of difference between not denouncing rap songs you've got no connection to and tacitly encouraging the (obviously ludicrous) belief that your opponent is a terrorist, at live appearances..." No, not Ludicrous, but may as well as include that. It wasn't denounced. There are blogs that his staff frequently work on. Some of them are good, some are quite disgusting.
This is not going to go over smooth as Obama looks like he's going to win. But, if something isn't done on both sides, not just the rednecks you mention, the transition is going to be very hostile. Accusing him as a terrorist is awful, but accusing McCain as a racist is also awful and almost brings on the same type of punishment and that will build up a lot of resentment.
Let me ask this: Why should people all of a sudden just simply embrace the idea that he is a Muslim? With all the racial violence he have seen in just the last few years, why should people "want to" embrace people outside their own kind? Why are Obama supporters constantly right and McCain's wrong?
coulrophobic: "smithinjapan - Have you lived in the United States? Have you been a patient in an American hospital? I don't think you have. So it's you, not sarge, who believes only what he is told."
I have indeed lived in the US, for two short stints in my life; in Michigan and in Florida. In the latter, at one point, I did indeed seek medical care (and had no trouble getting it because my father had insurance that covered us). Since I was a kid, the doctors asked me all sorts of questions to keep me entertained, including about the medical system in Canada, etc. Again, being a child, I knew nothing about the politics, but I DID know that in Canada it (medical) was free while in the States it was not (thanks to my parents' grumbling about it).
Anyway, during my time in Florida I met many people who didn't even know where Canada was, and one who did but seriously thought we all lived in igloos and had a king.
Again, use a little bit more of your tax dollars to educate, instead of to go to war, and you might not have such ignorance.
Strange report. The only "anger" I see is from the Obama supporting cartoonist, Hollywood celebrities, and talkshow host like Oberman.
If you see the actual footage from the McCain rallies they reference in the article, there is nothing like that. Individual shouters, sure, they have that everywhere.
I don´t like either of the candidates this year, but to see how the media is collectively in the tank for one candidate is truly embarrassing. They have always been biased, but this time they have abandoned all pretense of objectivity.
I dread 4 years of sycophantic press coverage once Obama is elected. North Korea comes to mind.
skipthesong: "This is not going to go over smooth as Obama looks like he's going to win. But, if something isn't done on both sides, not just the rednecks you mention, the transition is going to be very hostile. Accusing him as a terrorist is awful, but accusing McCain as a racist is also awful and almost brings on the same type of punishment and that will build up a lot of resentment."
I agree with you 100%. The problem is, McCain is doing almost nothing about it, and while that may not make him a 'racist' himself, it certainly does not potray him in any positive light. Obama definitely SHOULD do more about the issue also, but when have we EVER heard such things mentioned in live appearances with Obama? I can guarantee you that if someone yelled out, "Death to that wrinkled coward of war! Traitor!" Obama would be quite quick to contradict him/her and point out some good qualities about McCain. McCain did SOME of this, as was pointed out in the article, but he is simply doing too little to quell the rage that HE and Palin started with their gross character attacks. Palin herself said NOTHING against the man who shouted out "Kill him!" in regards to Obama.
It's sick, and this sickness would be the prevailing attitude and politics if McCain/Palin were to win.
"The clearest call for the draft was made by Obama when he spoke in a forum on national service at Columbia university in New York City back in early September."
Yes. I heard it replayed on Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Praeger's radio shows. He specifically said he wanted a domestic force that would rival the power the US military had. As creepy as it was there was no mention of a draft, though I do believe his economic policy is designed to steer large groups of the young into 'public service' of this sort. His wife's comments about not going into the business world but into service hardly comfort.
"John McCain also spoke at the same forum."
McCain may have spoken the same day and at the same place but unless you can provide a quote and source showing McCain wants a draft I have to call you a liar here.
"Obama's call for the reinstatement of compulsory military service [sic] was barely mentioned in the national media."
And it was scrubbed from his site I imagine.It was an embarrassment.
It's the Left's inevitable lurch towards totalitarianism.
Can't be helped.
"Obama looks like he's going to win ( it looks like Obama's going to win )"
Gosh darn this Wall Street meltdown gift to Obama.
boy oh boy some of these repubs are sounding more & more like rabid fundamentalist muslims, scary!
"McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd"
LAKEVILLE, Minn. - The anger is getting raw at Republican rallies and John McCain is acting to tamp it down. McCain was booed by his own supporters Friday when, in an abrupt switch from raising questions about Barack Obama's character, he described the Democrat as a "decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States."
Minnesotans scare me.
I think that the kind of people who sit in the front row at EITHER camp's political rallies are a little bit scary, but while the Democrat crowd all cheer whenever Obama says something catchy, all them Republicans know how to do is go "Boooooo, boooo!" and give a blank-eyed thumbs-down whenever McCain or Palin makes some snide reference toward Obama. There's lots of vitriol on both sides, but why is it only the Democrats even pretend to be polite? I haven't heard any shouting of "kill him!" or "shoot her from a helicopter!" from the Dems.
Sure, in a lot of respects our voting prospects are two sides of the same coin, but honestly... When Biden criticized McCain/Palin for having "drill drill drill!" as a campaign slogan, Palin corrected him: "No, actually, that's 'Drill BABY drill.'" Are we in third grade?? They're supposed to be showing us they're competent to run the country, and here they are basically giving the American people a green light to be dumb, thoughtless thugs. And we definitely don't need that.
FundaMENTAList extremism, RIGHT there in your heartland America. A terrorist breeding ground with fertile soil. The FBI is going to be VERY busy.
Coulrophobic who is the "Left" and why would they lurch towards totalitarianism? Obama is that far right he is not even small "L" liberal and if Liberals lurch to the left they have the option of Humanism long before Totalitarianism
Senator Barack Obama has the most liberal voting record in the US Senate, even to the left of the one self-described socialist we have, Vermont's Bernie Sanders.
Unbelieveable. It's totally unbelieveable that any American would cry "off with his head" over someone they disagree with. That is exactly the same mindset seen in Islamic extremists. That's right, gang; I'm saying that anyone would would say "off with his head" about a fellow American is absolutely the same as the extremists my colleagues and I are fighting today.
Consider: while I'm obviously no fan of Bush, I would certainly never ever call for bodily harm to come to him, not even in jest, not as a civilian or military member. I especially would not do so when we're at war with extremists whose goal is to subvert the free world. So, if you're one of the nutjobs who are calling for Obama's head, hear this: do not ever tell me you support the troops. People like these wackos are the type we're fighting, gang; they're the enemy.
On the other hand, my hat goes off to McCain for pointing out that Obama is a good, Christian, American family man. For McCain to endure boos at his own event to try and educate the (hopefully) few idiots in his audience is laudable. It's probably the smartest thing I've heard McCain say, but in this case, it goes a long way. I still won't vote for him, but I can appreciate his wisdom in this one isolated instance.
Senator McCain, I salute you.
Sezwho, about slower change what I mean is like Palin, possible first woman VP of USA. America already had Colin Powel, Condi Rice now if Obama becomes VP ,he will be first black VP...then may be first black President later.Last election in Australia,people also wanted to change and Rudd got in. Since then more Australian soldiers died on"war on terror" than the entire John Howard leadership's term( about 1), bank already increased their interest rate twice , Autralian dollar went down hill from 90 cents to 64 cents USD,more unemployment... good talking doeas not neccessarily means good doing!
Seems McCain isnt endorsing this behavior, now do you say good things about him,?? Or do you continue to belittle the man??
Just wondering
Sice no one things things are said at Obama rallies that are just as bad, I will assume you havent been to one lately....... They are both over the top, during the RNC Obama supporters said they hope McCain gets hit by a train, Matbe the Building will catch on fire, Feed him to the sharks, Bury her in the glaciers near Russia, etc etc etc...
Its a two way street with idiots on both sides...
Both guys are not good candidates they are ok ones, neither can nor will change the current ways of the US, one is younger and more energetic, but he isnt any better then the other.
To have the energy of youth and the Knowledge of Age would be wonderful, but we have the extremes of these in these guys, ones young and brash, but his experience is almost nil, the other is Knowledgeable but to old to change...
Damned if you do or damned if you dont....
Read my 1:56pm post, then quit wondering.
only those who feel guilty would reply with look at me I posted a good thing...
Its ok I have read your post many times calling him things that he isnt to make a point....
So considering your in the airforce right now, you voted already right? I know I did because Im oversees and have to do an Absentee ballot... What did you think of the ballot and the selections we had.. How many choices did you have? Man getting things off oversees in the combat area is a pain, Last time I had to send mail during combat it took 3 months to get it... which APO unit did you have to use in Iraq? Im just wondering if we are going to have the same problem as last time with military votes not m,aking it in time, I think that would suck..
It's probably the smartest thing I've heard McCain say, but in this case, it goes a long way. I still won't vote for him, but I can appreciate his wisdom in this one isolated instance.
By the way your statement is a slam to the man not a lift... Saying in his many years he has only done on good smart thing is an insult not a compliment..
So yes I see when he does something for Obama he is good but all those other things like he did are evil... Nice
At least with those types of judgment you wont be on a jury any time soon...
Nippon5 - you deliberately and transparently misrepresent my statement, for all to see. You're gonna hafta do better than that.
USAFdude no answer on the ballot question??
How did I change your answer or twist it??
On the other hand, my hat goes off to McCain for pointing out that Obama is a good, Christian, American family man. For McCain to endure boos at his own event to try and educate the (hopefully) few idiots in his audience is laudable. It's probably the smartest thing I've heard McCain say, but in this case, it goes a long way. I still won't vote for him, but I can appreciate his wisdom in this one isolated instance.
Senator McCain, I salute you.
You said word for word "its the smartest thing you have heard him say", "you can appreciate his wisdom in this one isolated instance..."
where is the twist ?
You said in all the things you have read or heard about McCain this is the smartest thing he has ever done (which of course isnt ) And you can appreciate his wisdom on this one isolated instance (so all his other wisdoms you can not appreciate)
no twist..
You said,
Yes, I think that your statement is edited and fictionalized. If your talking about the current cover, I don't really see the halo. That would be fiction I guess. If you're talking about editing, you seem to have revised the demographics. The median age of readers over age 12 is 28.2 (87.3% over age 18). The median household income of readers is over $58,000.
In any event, you don't seem to be saying anything about the main point--that McCain and Palin are courting and encouraging, if not even fomenting, anger. And you don't even seem to be saying anything about Dickinson's article except to mischaracterize that, too.
I'm still not sure what you're recommending for the pace of change. However, I'm pretty sure that Obama is running for President and not for VP. If he is elected he will, in 2009 not later, become the first "black President".
I think he means this cover.. Its not a halo more of a whole body glow..
Hope that helps
"If your talking about the current cover, I don't really see the halo."
My mistake.
It didn't occur to me that Barack Obama would be on the cover of a music magazine twice in the space of a few months.
"Glowbama" can be found on the cover of the March 30 2008 issue.
July 10 2008 also features Obama.
Like the flag pin?
I saw the pic via the link. Thank you. What would you call that an aura or something?
Google images
obama + halo
my first thought was they are trying to make him look god like, but Im sure it had to be a bad artistic picture design and it was too late to change the art work...
FundaMENTAList extremism, RIGHT there in your heartland America. A terrorist breeding ground with fertile soil. The FBI is going to be VERY busy. A thousand Tims waiting in the shadows.
Yang yong - I think you pretty much speak for yourself when you project like that.
This just come up on the net Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded.
coulrophobic: When 'people' are calling out that kind of hate at political meetings? No. Get some light in there and see the ugliness.
solarbuster at 03:56 PM JST - 11th October
This just come up on the net Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded.
Wow the internet is slow in Australia.. that is about a day old news
I've already seen this cover. That's why I questioned the halo. The page I saw it on said the issue was currently on sale. That's why I thought it was current. Obviously I didn't check the date. Thank you for the link, though, anyway.
I don't see a halo on either cover, but this again seems beside the point of what is happening at partisan Republican rallies.
It's encouraging that no one wants to send Obama to his eternal reward because he's black, but it's discouraging that some wish to do so because his eternal reward consists in part of 77 virgins or because he's a Marxist or because he connives with terrorists to overthrow our country.
To date, as far as I know, no body has yet shouted, "Off with his head!" on account of the mysterious aura in the March 20 issue of Rolling Stone. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.
Just for a little balance.
Lot's of number one signs all because of the Names on the placards.
There are loonies on both sides of the fence. The difference is that left wing loonies tend to go on and on about conspiracies and UFOs while the loon on the right is violent and bloodthirsty and sees enemies everywhere. And it seems that more on the right are going loony with defeat in sight.
You will never guess which loon I would prefer to associate with if I had a choice. If the righties can't reign their own in, this could get messy. --Cirroc
"I don't see a halo on either cover, but this again seems beside the point of what is happening at partisan Republican rallies."
Just because they are not reported on here or in most of the mainstream media I hope you don't think Obama rallies (I have stopped calling them Democratic rallies, out of respect for the fervor of all the Democrats who closed out the convention in Denver chanting Obama's name) are entirely free of anger or of people and even groups vocalizing their fantasies of seeing physical harm done to Senator McCain or to Governor Palin, not to mention President Bush.
Again this is beside the point of the anger reported here.
I don't think I would ever believe that a thing has not happened just because I haven't seen a report of it. However, I certainly reserve the right to remain skeptical when claims are made that a thing has happened without any report of it being put into evidence.
People are getting mad, really mad at tghe thought of Obama being president. Decent folks know they country will be destroyed by the wicked man, who is good buddies with terrorists!! McCain is getting mad at heh lies and evil poilicies and past of Obama. Now is the time to let America know that Obama is a dangerous traitor. Any method to stop him becoming president is valid, to preserve our nations freedoms.
McCain si a patriot, all patriots must vote for McCain, or look forward to a solialist nightmare. Be afraid, be very afraid!!!
All depends on how you spin the story.
Washington Post ran this back in February
Washington post could have headlined it "Raw Anger For McCain at Obama Rallies" instead of "Obama Opens Two-Front Fight" but what the hey. Notice the date by the way of the article. I can find lot's more if you like.
Apologies Sez!
Forgot the link. Sorry, but the point is on how you spin the story or headline.
if obama's elected, the secret service will have to develop eyes in the back of their heads to deal with republiKKKan/McKKKain supporters ... ha ha ha. don't be surprised if we see a repeat of RFK/JFK. kevlar helmets/vests anyone? i know which company i'm buying stock in ... ha ha ha.
FandB: "People are getting mad, really mad at tghe thought of Obama being president. Decent folks know they country will be destroyed by the wicked man, who is good buddies with terrorists!! McCain is getting mad at heh lies and evil poilicies and past of Obama. Now is the time to let America know that Obama is a dangerous traitor. Any method to stop him becoming president is valid, to preserve our nations freedoms.
McCain si a patriot, all patriots must vote for McCain, or look forward to a solialist nightmare. Be afraid, be very afraid!!!"
I can only assume this is sarcasm, with all the typos thrown in to enhance the effect... But sometimes it's so hard to tell...
I actually like John McCain. I do believe he's a real patriot. I even agree with some of his positions. I wish he had beaten Bush in the 2000 primaries; the country might be in better shape. But for the most part he just seems like more Bush-type Republicanism, and I don't think the country can stand any more of it in the White House. More to the point, I think this Palin woman is incompetent and a true wacko to boot, and the thought of her a McCain heart-attack away from the presidency would be enough to steer my vote far, far away, if I didn't lean in the other direction already.
By the way, what exactly is the "socialist nightmare" everyone is always talking about? I've been to any number of countries with socialist governments, and they all seemed like pretty nice places to live. Certainly no nightmare! And anybody looking to get worried about their freedoms need look no further than the so-called "Patriot" Acts...
The problem for the McCain campaign is that once you play the nationalism card, directed here at fellow citizens who are deemed unpatriotic, it becomes difficult to keep a handle on the emotions which are inevitably generated. (The Chinese government has learned this lesson the hard way when its citizens demand blood and they can't deliver it.)
This is exactly what happened yesterday while McCain was campaigning in Minnesota, where he had to take the microphone from a woman who called Obama an Arab. “No ma’am,” he corrected her, Obama is “a decent, family man.”
For those with the black-and-white mindset, however, you can't be both a decent, family man and a friend of terrorists (or a "commie faggot" as Obama was referred to at another campaign rally). All of this has provided Obama with an opportunity to look magnanimous and statesmanlike by praising McCain's efforts to remind voters "reasonable people can disagree."
Every day McCain runs against Bill Ayers is a good day for Obama. Yesterday he picked up the endorsement of Christopher Buckley, son of William, the founding father of modern-day conservatism.
Race card? Rubbish. Look at the hate in these rallies. I've never seen a US election like this. It is fair to ask if there are potential assassins among the overheated Republican mobs. I sincerely hope there are not.
David Brooks, in a typically insightful column, zeroed in on what the problem is for the Republicans:
In 1976, in a close election, Gerald Ford won the entire West Coast along with northeastern states like New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine. In 1984, Reagan won every state but Minnesota.
But over the past few decades, the Republican Party has driven away people who live in cities, in highly educated regions and on the coasts. This expulsion has had many causes. But the big one is this: Republican political tacticians decided to mobilize their coalition with a form of social class warfare.....
[In the process] Republicans have alienated the highly educated regions — Silicon Valley, northern Virginia, the suburbs outside of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Raleigh-Durham. The West Coast and the Northeast are mostly gone....
The G.O.P. had three urbane presidential candidates. But the class-warfare clichés took control. Rudy Giuliani disdained cosmopolitans at the Republican convention. Mitt Romney gave a speech attacking “eastern elites.” (Mitt Romney!) John McCain picked Sarah Palin.
Palin is smart, politically skilled, courageous and likable. Her convention and debate performances were impressive. But no American politician plays the class-warfare card as constantly as Palin. Nobody so relentlessly divides the world between the “normal Joe Sixpack American” and the coastal elite.
She is another step in the Republican change of personality. Once conservatives admired Churchill and Lincoln above all — men from wildly different backgrounds who prepared for leadership through constant reading, historical understanding and sophisticated thinking. Now those attributes bow down before the common touch.....
And so, politically, the G.O.P. is squeezed at both ends. The party is losing the working class by sins of omission — because it has not developed policies to address economic anxiety. It has lost the educated class by sins of commission — by telling members of that class to go away.
McCain has already started his concession speaches. Did you hear the one yesterday. Talking up Obama. < :-)
I think I understand that there is a parity principle. However, I think that sometimes things get out of balance.
Hisses and boos? Yes, that's the stuff of melodrama. Calling for a person's head? Calling for a person's death? That's a little different and a little out of balance, I think.
You know, there are some very unbalanced people out there. There's no sense in encouraging them to do something that they might construe as a service to their country.
Nippon5 - Your pathetic twist is indeed obvious. But, let me spell it out for you, even if everyone else here can clearly see my point:
McCain stood out (for once) as a voice of reason in a room full of bigots filled with blind hatred for Obama.
Clear enough for you?
As for the ballot question, of course I voted as an absentee. I cast my vote for President Obama from the Ramstein AB APO (North Side). You?
USAFdude; Of course they have anger at Obama. Don't you understand Obama would decimate our military, you may be on welfare soon, is that what you want?
Someone has to stop Obama, and i don't care who it is or how it happens he must not be our president. peopel are angry, us patriots do not want our COF to be a buddy with terrorist scum!
Strange your comment was pathetic again and different then your previous..
McCain stood out (for once) as a voice of reason in a room full of bigots filled with blind hatred for Obama.
You talk of the hatred of others but use it when talking about McCain..
If McCain stood out (for once) as a voice of reason then what was it when he called for the removal of an ad campaign that he felt was immoral? or when he stopped the crowd before when they talked of Obama's religion and worth as a man? How about when he served for his country? Or any of the other 26 years he served in goverment... nothing at all???
Since I havent heard anyone other then you tell me your comments had been spun I cant agree with the statement everyone else can clearly see my point
You dont like Republicans and dislike McCain (that point I get) you feel he only does something of worth when he does it for Obama. (that I get too) But I dont get how I changed your point at all...
By the way F&B your post shows your lack of cells cranium...
USAFdude Im a civilian now but I live in Japan, hence why I read this rag, but when I served I was out of Yokosuka and during the election of 2000 and 2004 many of the military absentee votes didnt get too the states in time and it cause a huge mess. I voted last week and I didnt vote either of these guys myself, they dont have what I feel they need to do the job right.
Enjoy your time in Germany.
Nippon5- You cuss me man, but you can't be so csmart if you live in Japan. Bwahahahaha.
Why do you think us decent folk are angry? All the lies and slurs from Obama's campaign. McCain even says he respects Obama, what a wonderfull and kind man.
McCain was not buddies with a terrorist or a anti US preacher unlike his goddam lilly livered opponent!
FandB - Don't you understand Obama would decimate our military, you may be on welfare soon, is that what you want?
Prove this statement with a link. < :-)
adaydream- Watch and read moderate media instead of ultr libweral trash. The truth is out there.
I am angry, like the other McCain supporters. Our guy is being lied about by all and sundry. Believe me liberals, your messiah will never set foot in The White House.
So FandB, you're just shooting off your opinion with nothing to back up your statement. That's cool.
Nothing like an opinion. < :-)
My friends. Sour grapes, my friends.
Sen. Obama's lead is now 7.4 points according, which would be his largest of the campaign.
The wheels are rapidly coming off the straight shooter express.
Too bad tucker eskew can't nail Sen. Obama with a 'he fathered a black baby' claim.
adaydream- I am stating facts , taht will be common knowledge over the next few weeks. wait until the other damning Obama revelations appear over the next couple of week, hahahahah!
Any guy with high morals would be angry, angry at the lying liberal media and angry at all the fools who believ the lies.
McCain is gonna shoot from the hip and nail Obama down, the guy has so much dirty laundry nobody with a brain would vote for him.
Ami right? You betcha!!
Since I haven't heard anyone other than you tell me my comments were hateful, or indeed anything other than complimentary to McCain, I stand by my statement that everyone else can clearly see my point.
Facts FandB - Then provide a link to support your facts. No link, no fact. < :-)
If that's supposed to be a threat, I'd advise you to watch your back. We US troops don't like to see our C-in-C threatened, be it Bush or Obama. That same military that you stupidly think Obama would "decimate" will defend the President against anybody, including you, who dares to try and hurt him.
adaydream- We didn't let the Fems win the last 2 elections, we sure won't let them this time, no way buddy!
The national anger is psreading, the hatred for Obama is so intense, that he cannot be our next president. McCain is the man of the people, the man for change and honesty in government.
FandB, I haven't even seen this kind of hate your expelling even on FOXNews. There are some disgruntled people, but they seem as pissed off with McCain for not fighting, not Obama.
There will be haters on both sides, but they are the minority.
See you're hate overrides even that, what they have shown on the news. But the majority of both parties are level headed people with brains.
< :-)
adaydream- I don'T have hatred, i have love for my country. I am a patriot who will do anything to ensure McCian is our next president.
Dedication and patriotism is not hatred, it is love of my nation.
Hatred is not dedication or patriotism. Hatred is what those who love their nation fight against.
USAFdude- Well the only thing your gonna fight if Obama wins is getting to the front of the unemployment office line.
The messiah hates our armed forces,only McCaion understand military matters, he MUST be our next president.
my anger will directed to persuading folks to vote for McCain, whatever happens we will ensure Obama will never be our leader.
How can you live that way? I bear a grudge against no one and can't help stifling my laughter when I observe someone trying to whip up a siege mentality in others.
McCain keeps promising "to take the gloves off," at the same time referring to his opponent as a "decent, family man." Mixed messages can only lead to disappointment on the part of his supporters.
I think the problem is, mccain is trying to pander to the howler monkey crowd on the fringe right while at the same time, he's trying NOT to scare undecided voters away from his campaign.
palin has done her part as the "attack dog" a little too well perhaps, and mccain is now trying to put that vitriolic genie back in the bottle.
I can't say that I feel sorry for him. When you hire people like tucker eskew to work on your campaign, you get what you pay for.
I've lived in China so I understand how this works and how it ends up for those who orchestrated the outrage. They are inevitably forced to back down, as McCain was yesterday when he acknowledged Obama is a "decent, family man." In doing so, however, they disappoint their base, which is chompin' at the bit for "the gloves to come off," while alienating moderates who are horrified that things have degenerated to this level.
Come on folks, keep up your anger. We will not let Obama win. I urge all patriots to get mobilised and get people voting.
Go to nursing homes, elderly neighnors etc, let them know the threat Obama poses. take a day off work and get these old folks voting for us, drive them, and help them make the right choice.
we will defeat the threat to our nation. We WILL win!
Exactly. And I, for one, couldn't be more pleased. It's hard to pity someone who chokes on their own bile.
there's your problem. seen what patriotism did for you lately? maybe you should try something different, like common sense or caring
this is totally shameless whoring. are people this stupid? really? well, GW had long enough in office so I guess you are
BlackFlag- i care for my country and its future. That is why i am part of the McCain supporters who will do anything to prevent Obama from setting foot in the White House.
He will not be allowed to tarnish the good name of President Of The USA. Never, never, NEVER!!
hahaha okay then. so you going to leave the US when he steps in or are you going to become a homegrown terrorist?
BlackFlag- Your cheap jibes cannot harm a believer like myself.
So many folks are angry that Obama could well be the next JFK, before the election! I am not condoning this idea, just telling you expect it to happen if Obama stays in front.
We are also angry because if Obama is elected,Israel will attack Iran, igniting a possible WWIII scenario, also the Dow would drop by up to 50% within 7 days of his election.
Still want to vote for Obama?
Waiting for McCain to "take the gloves off" may be akin to "Waiting for Godot," though I'm not sure how many of the "howling monkey" crowd are familiar with that play.
His surprise acknowledgment that Obama, despite palling around with terrorists, is nonetheless "a decent, family man" gives ample reason not to trust McCain. I mean who's to say he couldn't similarly reverse himself about, say Ahmadinejad, if he got into the oval office???? We can't take that risk frankly.
Betzee- obama as president would decimate our armed forces, speak to terrorists, socialise medicine , thus causing a depression. That angers me, why not you and your ilk? Do you hate America?
Speaker after speaker at the Republican National Convention denounced "eastern elites," appealing to "a nation is divided between the wholesome Joe Sixpacks in the heartland and the oversophisticated, overeducated, oversecularized denizens of the coasts." (This includes "third coast" Hyde Park of course).
Christopher Buckley, in explaining why he will pull the Democratic lever for the first time in his life, acknowledged this in his carefully chosen words: "Having a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect, President Obama will (I pray, secularly) surely understand..."
Al Gore also went this route in 2000, proclaiming "we're not going to take it anymore." Take what??? He'd been Vice Prez for eight years. And this is the situation the Republicans confront in 2008. They've been in power for the past eight years; the Democratic-led Congress, elected in 2006, has not obstructed GWB's agenda in the least, accounting for their low public opinion ratings.
Well, of course they're dissed! A geriatric and a fundie-creationist cur as their candidates! Heck, if I were a GOPer, I'd be F U R I O U S!
Yes..... people who love John McCain...fight for your freedom! Mr McCain has spent five years in the Viet Cong jail for your freedom! The whole country OWED him and now is the pay back time! Mr Obama was just a kid at that time....and if he can side with Ayers he will side with Kim Jon Il,Chavez,Osama,Ahmadinhajad...etc. Think is it worth to trade your safety and freedom for an illusion of better economy that the states will becoming better under the democrats?
when a voter begged McCain to take a more combative tone toward Obama, McCain instead talked about the financial crisis.
What a shame............america goodnight and goodluck!
Refute any point if you can.
What a shame............america goodnight and goodluck!
Good for him. It just goes to show he's a more decent and better man than a lot of the morons who support him. They've been negative enough about Obama, and in case you hadn't noticed it hasn't worked for them. McCain clearly knows he needs to show that he's the right man with the right ideas. Going along with the kind of people who honestly think Obama is an Arab will only lose him the election.
So just who is angry?
Obama: “I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”
McCain: “We want to fight, and I will fight but we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments. I will respect him. I want everyone to be respectful and lets make sure we are because that’s the way politics should be conducted… now I don’t mean that has to reduce your ferocity. I just mean its got to be respectful. OK?”
In fact McCain was very angry when he said that, frustrated by his inability to control the vigilantism his campaign has stoked:
"I respect Sen. Obama and his accomplishments." People booed at the mention of his name. McCain, visibly angry, stopped them: "I want EVERYONE to be respectful, and lets make sure we are."
Yet as Frank Rich points out in his column this week, in her convention speech in Minneapolis Sarah Palin quoted one Westbrook Pegler who extolled the virtues of small-town American life. Pegler, however, was hardly some Mr. Rogers. In the 1960s, he voiced this wish for presidential hopeful Bobby Kennedy: “Some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow falls.”
I've never heard of Pegler, but it's difficult for me to believe that nobody who vetted/wrote the speech was familiar with the guy's history when he was quoted admiringly in her national debute. I mean, imagine the uproar if Obama had quoted somebody hoping for a political foe's violent end...
I dont like the republicans...especially Bush the worst leader ever seen! But how can you blame Bush's faults over McCain...I am no americans but I admire Mr McCain he deserved some credits...he refused an early repatriation during his days in vietcong jail. He was admirable and I love that! I wish him goodluck.
are obama supporters screaming "kill mcKKKain!"? seems to be a wide disparity in character/composition among the 2 groups. don't be surprised to see republiKKKans bringin' nooses to rallies next. wink
are obama supporters screaming "kill mcKKKain!"? seems to be a wide disparity in character/composition among the 2 groups. don't be surprised to see republiKKKans bringin' nooses to rallies next. wink
John McCain emphasized "I respect Sen. Obama and his accomplishments."
The problem is that some of his supporters don't believe Barack Obama has any accomplishments so therefore how can they can remain respectful toward the young Senator?
"The problem is that some of his supporters don't believe Barack Obama has any accomplishments"
I'm one of 'em.
It is funny that there are so many supporters of McCain. I am not sure what they stand for? Socialized Medicine probably a good thing, I have seen medicine from the point of view of a 'well to do' physician and the system is failing here. Socialism in Banks... well capitalism without regulations is why the world economy with its greedy bankers is failing. Can't argue with the god said so crowd however. To them, come what may.
He damn sure was, but he was very very wrong.
interesting article dxxjp, thanks
"don't be surprised to see republiKKKans bringin' nooses to rallies next. wink"
KKK membership was overwhelmingly Democrat, like most of the South.
You do know that?
"KKK membership was overwhelmingly Democrat, like most of the South."
The Southern Democrats you speak of are known as Dixiecrats, and they all joined the Republican party when the Civil Rights Movement pissed them off.
You do know that, don't you?
Not to mention that they were welcomed with open arms.
Naruki Oni,
I knew that and they are now what most people call the Rightwing base of the Republican. It is where Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter and the little Asian girl on Fox who believes she is Caucasian dwells.
"The Southern Democrats you speak of are known as Dixiecrats, and they all joined the Republican party when the Civil Rights Movement pissed them off."
Even former Grand Kleagle Senator Robert Byrd?
Refute any point if you can.
Think I'll start here first.
September 5, 2008 Q: Did McCain crash five planes? Did he cause the 1967 Forrestal fire? Is the information below true? I have heard that McCain crashed five planes. In searching the web I found this information. It was located at [DELETED]
Thank you for more information. A: No. Chain e-mails and Internet postings that make that claim are mistaken. And the Navy commended his piloting skills.
It's from
Excellent post, sailwind.
The real hate monger in the McCain camp is Palin. Her latest lie, that Obama pals around with terrorists (that almost a direct quote) has become a mainstay of the Republican smear campaign. McCain acts like a reasonable man but he is as guilty of the hate mongering as anyone.
I love the woman's line that Obama is an Arab. I think she meant another word, one that begins with N. McCain ought to have said that there is nothing wrong with being an Arab, though Obama isn't an Arab. There is an Arab running for president, however. Ralph Nadar.
"The real hate monger in the McCain camp is Palin. Her latest lie, that Obama pals around with terrorists (that almost a direct quote) has become a mainstay of the Republican smear campaign. "
Obama's handlers have admitted that he was less than forthcoming about the extent of his relationship with the failed domestic terrorist William Ayers, member and founder of the Weather Underground.
"...the Obama campaign admitted for the first time that Sen. Obama did know of Ayers' history as the head of the notorious Weather Underground. That line directly contradicts what the campaign said yesterday, that Sen. Obama did not know who Ayers was when he worked closely with him on the boards of two separate organizations in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Worse for the campaign, the admission essentially confirms Gov. Sarah Palin's claim from this past weekend that Obama, "pals around with terrorists."
"But so far, everything that the McCain campaign has claimed about Obama and Ayers has been confirmed by the Obama campaign itself. That hardly makes it a smear."
jean: "There is an Arab running for president, however, Ralph Nadar."
You mean Ralph Nader. Yeah, he's not going to be elected.
I'm one of 'em.
What, OTHER than becoming a United States Senator and the first African-American to gain the nomination of a major political party? Have you accomplished that much, "Sarge?"
Simon - Um, much to the chagrine of many, I'm not running for president. We usually ask our presidential candidates to have a little more experience than what Barack Obama has. What's he got? Community organizer. Countless Sundays listening to a hateful, rascist preacher. 144 days in the Senate. Jeez, oh man...
maybe you'd like him better if he'd been bayoneted in the ankles and shaggeg around a lot
Evidently not in this case, as it looks like he's going to win.
"Evidently not in this case, as it looks like he's going to win."
Incredible, isn't it? But then again, looks can be deceiving...
Incredible, isn't it? But then again, looks can be deceiving...
Indeed, if the pollsters are all asking the wrong people and McCain can actually pull off a victory. But how's he going to do it? The stuff that you like to go on about, Ayers, Wright, etc, isn't winning anyone over and even Republicans are admitting it. Newt Gingrich says it quite succinctly:
Nuff said.
Or, he can simply get the majority of Americans to realize that although Obama does have a fit rear end, he's not fit to be president.
He isn't doing a good job of it so far.
People are becoming frightened of the reality of having our first Black President of the U.S.
About your link, it doesn't seem to point to the information you describe. I searched the askfactcheck archives and got the same information you did.
Here's the problem, though, as I see it. The article in question does not claim that McCain crashed 5 planes (or that he caused the Forrestal fire). It describes 5 incidents involving McCain's flight record--a crashed trainer, a collision (termed crash in the article) with a power line, a civilian mishap (possibly not covered in navy records), the accident to his plane on the Forrestal, and his crash in Vietnam.
I think a refutation would indicate which of those did not happen.
jeancolmar - you are absolutely right. McCain comes across as a fair man - albeit a politician - and he's to be commended for his defence of Obama's character against an angry mob of ignorant fools in Minnesota.
The fact that ignorant Americans use the term "Arab" as a term of abuse is hugely illustrative in itself. However, the problem is that McCain is effectively fighting fires that Palin and his own campaigners have started.
Just quit, John - I'd respect you for that.
Continuing on this theme, raw anger and hatred was meted out to the son of National Review founder, William F. Buckley. Author Christopher Buckley was on the editorial review board of the magazine, but has he explains it, he has "been effectively fatwahed by the conservative movement," and "blanketed with hate mail." His heresy: the endorsement of Barack Obama.
"Shouts of “traitor,” “terrorist,” “treason,” “liar,” and even “off with his head” have rung from the crowd at McCain and Sarah Palin rallies, and gone unchallenged by them."
Lies, lies and more 'liberal' lies.
Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded
By Andrew M. Seder Staff Writer
SCRANTON – The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.
The Scranton Times-Tribune first reported the alleged incident on its Web site Tuesday and then again in its print edition Wednesday. The first story, written by reporter David Singleton, appeared with allegations that while congressional candidate Chris Hackett was addressing the crowd and mentioned Oabama’s name a man in the audience shouted “kill him." Secret_Service_says_Kill_him_allegation_unfounded_.html