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© For copyright information, check with the distributor of this item, KOCO-TV.3 killed, 3 injured in shooting at Oklahoma City bar
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Can't change a problem by simply ignoring it.
As with the big tobacco companies, why not make the big gun makers pay really huge settlements to the victims' families? Then maybe the gun makers will put pressure on these conservative politicians to change the gun laws as a way to remain profitable. Money is the only things these greedy people agree about. They obviously care more about money than they do about dead children.
Express sister
Because conservatives - including Conservative Democratic Party politicians - hate in control and think children being murdered so they can have their bang bang toys is fine and dandy are to blame.
This is factually incorrect.
It’s The fault of everyone who thinks that the rampant killing of innocent people is worth pretending you’re a real man because you have a murder machine in your hands.
Good point, close them all and then they won’t have profits. Cool.
What is the intended purpose of an assault rifle? Do you use it to cut cheesecake? Or fluff your comforter?
If we had laws against driving, but still sold cars, it would be a nonsense. Having laws against murder and selling tools designed specifically to kill is a nonsense.
Their product is for killing and they keep making it, knowing that children will die daily. This is a it approval, at best.
Why does no other civilized country have no regular mass shootings?
Trees and rope have uses outside of killing. Guns don’t.
I certainly believe that you do not care about the lives of children.
For all of the naysayers against any change, why not put it to a vote and let the majority decide?
For example: Do you think the AR-15 should be banned?
Or: Are you against the sale of handguns to people who have zero training in how to care for and use them?
I think for most people it's not a question of blame but how to prevent or at least reduce killings. I think I'd rather live next door to a crazy guy with a baseball bat than one with a gun.
From "The Onion": The only countryin the world where mass shootings happen routinelly, says "It could not be avoided".
Oklahoma seems to be a hot spot for mass shootings.
It's perplexing that most Americans will state they need a gun to protect themselves from other people with guns. However, less than 1% of the 35,000 annual gun related deaths are attributed to self defense. Around 25% of gun related deaths are crime related. Most gun related deaths (around 65%) are suicides. The rest are accidental deaths, usually children. I am certain there are many responsible gun owners in the US but nobody can give a valid answer to why they need to own guns. I can understand farmers needing them for feral animals. I can understand hunters owning them. I can understand sportsman owning them for gun club activities. However, I can not understand why anyone needs an assault rifle that was designed to kill people. I also can't understand why people need to carry hand guns (legally) walking around a city. The statistics prove that people do not need to carry guns for self-protection. I'm sure there will be someone state that they would have shot this guy if they had a gun. It's a bit hard to do when you are running for your life or hiding under a table.
Prayers and thoughts are no longer enough. I know the USA is not my country, but it's heartbreaking to see this happen. Americans deserve much better.
The ink isn't even dry on the previous mass killing.
Killings in numbers can be reduced by very heavily regulating military style weapons with high capacity magazines. Yet no Federal or State law does this across the board.
The country will eventually get tired, not of winning, but of killing, even if it takes another generation to do the right thing.
N. Knight
Yes, yes, this 230+ year old addition to the original US constitution, that was copied from the English Bill of Rights from one hundred and something years before that, blah, blah, blah.
US citizens are probably the least responsible group of people on the planet to be in possession of this kind of modern day weaponry. Yeehaw!!
Bob Fosse
Yeah, that disqualifies you from any intelligent debate.
Probably would have been a minor fistfight but since they're guns, well same old story in 'Merka.
Just another day in America.
I guess someone like the people you support since they support the annihilation of Ukraine and Taiwan. 68 million civilians live in those countries.
As long as the losing Republican gun extremists in congress wear lapel pins shaped like an AR-15 to appeal to their extremist base, there is little chance for serious discussion on the gun problems to happen at the national level. The Trump right want to split the country even farther, and know guns are one of the ways to further divide, helping the cause of Putin, Xi, and the Ayatollah in their efforts to weaken the US.
N. Knight
Only if it is a high capacity magazine automatic baseball bat not designed for baseball.
Apology noted.
No one is blaming "everything else".
However people are rightly acknowledging that allowing weaponry (that is specifically designed specifically to kill many people at the same time) into the hands of murderers, criminals and people that are mentally ill, may be just a little bit of a stupid idea.
Self righteous deadly aggression is more American than apple pie and baseball combined both domestically and internationally.
Corrupt and cowardly American politicians are rightfully blamed for the failure to do anything to curb the death toll on innocent civilians domestically.
Who should be blamed for the failure to do anything to curb the death toll on innocent civilians internationally in addition?
N. Knight
Guns don't kill people; Americans with guns kill people.
Yawn, thoughts and prayers, no longer news worthy.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment should allow 'militias' to own missile launchers firing nuclear warheads so the 'government can be overthrown, for example if the government indicts a rich ex-politician, even if that ex-pol has been accused of committing crimes?
List of mass shootings in the United States in 2023
It is only Apr 3 and the list is very long.
N. Knight
You have a point. Fatal shootings every day in most metropolitan areas in the USA. It's just run of the mill stuff in that he'll hole of a cuntry. It doesn't generally even make it much past the local area news.
So basically you are saying millions of people in Oklahoma are dying hourly? I didn’t hear about this on the news…huh…
Not sure about wise but for Half of the year. It’s home.
The Big Diet
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to make sure citizens have the means to overthrow a tyrannical regime. What's wrong with that. Oh, okay. governments never become tyrannical. They're always sweet and nice to people.
Every citizen of every country should have that right.
More important. I hear all the gun-banner scream about random murders in the US by individuals. But there is no question, none at all that it is governments, not individuals that are responsible for most of the gun deaths throughout the world. And the one's being killed are the unarmed citizens.
Clayton K. Char
Again blame the gun and not the shooter.
You are making apples and watermelon argument.
I am just glad that I don't live near these crazy areas.
Mr Kipling
Only 3 dead? Hardly newsworthy.... They weren't even children.
Tomorrow's news.. Afternoon to follow morning?
Wow. A lot of logic deficiencies and factual errors to unpack here.
First of all, why are you singling out "conservative politicians" to blame for not changing gun laws?
Democrats have frequently controlled the White House and both houses of Congress. Including up to just two months ago.
But despite being a minority party, it's the Republicans' fault when things don't change for the better while Democrats are in charge???
Secondly, your suggestion to "make the big gun makers pay really huge settlements" in order to push them to lobby "to change the gun laws as a way to remain profitable" makes no sense.
This presumably means that guns will, to at least some degree, remain legal. After all, how can gun makers remain profitable if their product is utterly banned?
Yet if they're still legal, someone somewhere out there will still use them to commit murder. But you still think gun makers should still be sued? Even when their products are used for non-intended purposes? Even when those gun makers have heeded your call to help change gun laws?
Finally, what laws do you want to change? And change them to what? Don't we already have laws prohibiting murder?
And when people commit murder with baseball bats, should the Louisville Slugger company and other sporting goods makers be sued?
Show us where gun manufacturers are on record as supporting the murder of children.
Sorry, but I'm getting a wee bit tired of folks like you blaming everything else but the MURDERERS for murder.
When the KKK used to lynch black people several decades ago in the U.S. Deep South, we never blamed the rope or the tree. We blamed the KKK, and rightly so.
So let's stop appealing to "dead children" (this Oklahoma shooting was in a bar, by the way, so I doubt there were any children there) to push your point.
I seriously think that many people who claim to care about children don't really care about them -- except to the extent that they can use them as props and pawns to advance some agenda, as is seemingly the case here.