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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Chinese delegation barred from queen's coffin
So Chinese with dubious democratic cred are barred from being in the same room as the dead queen, yet when she was alive she "welcomed" some of the world's most unsavory characters, thuggish leaders and outright mass murderers to her home. You couldn't make this up, but in the world of realpolitik they most certainly do and never blink at the hypocrisy of it all. The "Emperor's New Clothes" are still fit for (their) purpose.
"Funeral Diplomacy" at it's worst!
Sven Asai
We are not amused (in either case).
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
So typical of the petty and hypocritical English.
These anglo-saxon trying to claim the moral high ground, as if they have the right, should be asked to explain their colonial history, and asked to make up for all the pain/misery/thefts etc etc their country brought to the World.
We can do that, what do you need explaining?
I wonder how many Brits filed past the coffin of the last Chinese Emperor?
Anyway, the act alone would be for domestic consumption.
"Hey look, we are accepted and respected members of the international society."
Next, is how the Japanese will handle Chinese involvement in Abe Shinzo's State Funeral.
Funeral Diplomacy indeed.
@Ego Sum Lux Mundi
British... she was the British Queen, or if you prefer: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Queen Elizabeth the FIRST was Queen of England. Thought I'd sort that for you, Light of the World...
As for welcoming despots and the like - these were invited by the Government. State visits always include an audience with the Monarch... not the King or Queen's choice.
Anyone needing to know what colonial history needs explaining? Well, selling opium to the native/local population? For eg? Among many, eg.
Pure racism and disrespect to one sixth of the worlds population.
Kyle Bluestone
The Chinese should be barred from as many things as possible by the Western Bloc. The UK should bar China from the Queen’s funeral, but let Taiwan attend. The US should stop accepting hundreds of thousands of Chinese students from attending US universities. Keep them out! China needs to be sent the message they are seen in the same light as Iran, and Russia, a world pariah!
It must feel rather insulting to be regarded as undesirables.
At the same time, why would the Chinese want to go anyway after having sanctioned seven British legislators?
Were they going as some kind of joke?
Being Irish, I don’t think I’d be interested at all to go stand in line for half a day, just to do this…yes, I think it’s regarded as a joke to the chinese.
This is correct. The CCP is not much worse than Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany.
Regarding how China has dealt with the former British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, the decision was hardly a surprise.
Considering what Britian did to China, I'm surprised that the Chinese want to attend the Queen's funeral.
Being English, I wouldn’t be interested to go stand in line for half a day for this.
Each to their own I suppose.
Anyway, screw the CCP.
Presuming that I am also a 'we' (being British) let me answer the colonial question on behalf of Clippety Clop who appears to be standing atop a mountain of moral ground.
The so-called empire is a historical embarrassment. If you use such a light expression as embarrassment for the slave trade, stolen artefacts and stolen diamonds, the ethnic partition of India which made tens of thousands of children homeless, stealing the natural resources such as sugar cane from the West Indies Islands, dealing opium in the Chinese Canton to control the population.
It was a very relevant point by okuniyoshi - the British establishment are in no position to dictate to anyone.
As Jim says. On both points.
A critical difference is that the shameful opium wars were nearly 200 years ago, long before anyone alive today was born, whereas the egregious human rights abuses in China are happening now.
The abuses in China by its foul government can stop tomorrow if it wills it.
That is why your whataboutery is particularly irrelevant.
What!!! Mao killed 65 MILLION Chinese people! Nobody else is even close to causing that much death.
When the Queen was alive, she needed to be proper, forgiving, above "petty" behavior that happens from the CCP nearly daily. In death, she may have left instructions ... or it could be a simple misunderstanding that caught the Chinese delegation on the wrong side of a line.
Calling things racism implies that other Asian delegations were also blocked. I haven't seen that in the news. If Britain, the country and govt, were racist, why did they open their immigration to all the Chinese in Hong Kong? It isn't racism - it is anti-CCP/dictatorships, if anything. Learn what racism is, please. After all, the CCP has violated the agreement in Hong Kong for the people there to be in control of their democracy.
Seriously??, what a pathetic and childish attitude of the Brits, they demonstrate their great and well-known hypocrisy, surely the late queen would not have wanted that..
The decadent west continues to show fear and insecurity of the great and unstoppable growth of China..
If it were true and there was evidence, I believe you, but if so, tell me about the human rights abuses and monstrosities committed by the British Empire for centuries...
But since we are Westerners, we call that "civilization"...
Are you seriously claiming that the British are the victims of the slave trade? And can be proud of their part in that sorrowful part of history? No mention of African lives torn apart, the deportation of people from their families and homeland, along with the murder and beatings? You are actually writing here how we should show pity on British sailors and no mention of the African slaves themselves? Goodness me that really is beyond redemption.
This is the moral high ground that some (not all) Brits take. A high ground built on lies, deceit, and theft.
Stephen Chin
Respectful and sincerely felt feelings for a dead queen by any human being of whatever race or character should never be rejected by any nation. It is the height of impoliteness. Or, to be more to the point, I should say: It is the lowest depth of impoliteness.
Stephen Chin
As postscript to my comment above, I wish to say that if Queen Elizabeth 2nd could come back and was asked, "Your majesty, should any representative from the Chinese government be baned from attending your funereal? she would answer, "Baned from my funereal?
No. Not even if my son King Charles ordered the ban."
William Bjornson
"masterSep. 16 11:14 pm JST
This is correct. The CCP is not much worse than Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany."
Or the British Empire, in toto, or the U.S. Slavery and the Genocidal "Manifest Destiny", or Mankind in general, really...
"theFuToday 01:41 am JST
What!!! Mao killed 65 MILLION Chinese people! Nobody else is even close to causing that much death."
How many Chinese died due to the British Opium Trade and in the various Opium wars when China tried to stop the poisoning of its people by British State sponsored drug cartels?
When we speak of these polities and the horrors they have committed against others, we must remember that we don't speak of the People but of the psychopathic, parasitic elites which dominate them and whose characters are demonstrated by what they teach to and force their captive herds to do or suffer fatal consequences for disobedience.