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Republican say Obama giving immigrants 'amnesty bonuses'


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Buying democrats. The hard working Americans pay to buy democratic votes. Criminal in my view.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

...as long as they can document their earnings during those years.

Exploitive Republicans. Those working hard in America pay to support the owner class. Criminal in my view.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Generally most illegal immigrants do not pay any income tax. If the company they are working for does withhold income tax I am sure they are taking the maximum deduction anyway to make the taxes they do pay as low as possible. => There are not that many illegal immigrants paying the correct income tax to even make a legal claim under this program.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Republicans, (GOP-Tea), they say a lot of things, lets review:

"We'll be greeted as Liberators!"

"Mission Accomplished!"


"Eat the Poor!"

"Close the Schools! Teachers are EVIL!"

"No Drugs for Grammy, Go Rot in Your Grave!"

It's fun, and a barrel of laughs, the best trick is when they close the Government to save money and spend six times as much undoing their repeated tactic of cry-baby shut downs. Those GOP-Teas, what a great bunch of old white guys fighting to take America back to the Dark Ages. yuk yuk yuk.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

LagunaFEB. 15, 2015 - 08:08AM JST ...as long as they can document their earnings during those years.

Exploitive Republicans. Those working hard in America pay to support the owner class. Criminal in my view.

Exploitive? Can't figure that one out. Work hard-make money. Work harder-make more. Work legally-pay taxes.

Democrats, Don't work at all-collect tax payer money. Work illegal-collect reward. Free education paid by those hard workers.....wealth distribution? Welcome to the collapse of USAl.

Look into those " crybaby shutdowns" kc, it was Reid and his friends. They made it quite clear the money they didn't have was not the issue, they made it painful for some and spent more on security as an illusion, for the gullible.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"Look into those " crybaby shutdowns" kc, it was Reid and his friends." - comments

Classic GOP-Tea, never heard of BushWars, never heard of Shut Downs, never heard of Tossing Gammy to the gutter. Gotta love that GOP-Tea, they never heard nothing that they didn't want to hear. Ambassadors of Deaf and Blind and never too Dumb to Say So. yuk yuk yuk.

"Advocates for immigrants say if these workers are paying taxes, they should get the same benefits as other taxpayers." - article

The GOP-Tea has a different take: if, after ignoring labor laws for a decade, some foreigner is going to get some benefit from taxes paid, well, those immigrants better get wise, the GOP-Tea Sheriff is back in Washington and there's gonna be a whole lot of fencing in the cheap labor that was so easy to shove down the throats of disposable labor.

Ooops? Did the GOP-Tea say that out loud? yuk yuk yuk.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Republicans, (GOP-Tea), they say a lot of things, lets review:

"We'll be greeted as Liberators!"

Obama said the same thing in his speech in Cairo, thought that the Muslim world would greet us with open arms. How'd that turn out?

"Mission Accomplished!"

Obama said, Al Qaida is on the run and ISIS wasn't a threat. Riiiight....


And there's still the unanswered questions and lies about Benghazi

"Eat the Poor!"

Burden the middle class.

"Close the Schools! Teachers are EVIL!"

Not the schools, but the unions are.

It's fun, and a barrel of laughs, the best trick is when they close the Government to save money and spend six times as much undoing their repeated tactic of cry-baby shut downs. Those GOP-Teas, what a great bunch of old white guys fighting to take America back to the Dark Ages. yuk yuk yuk.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before. Ben Carson, Mia Love seem outstanding people and NOT White or old at all.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Obama's initiative to bring undocumented immigrants into the system will not only bring them out of the shadows, it will also benefit the tax system as previously unscrupulous employers will have to comply with the law.

About which, how is that GOP proposal to defund Homeland Security if Obama does not roll over on his immigration actions going? Haven't looked since yesterday, but I imagine that the complete helplessness - and haplessness - of the GOP hasn't changed since then.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Pretty standard stuff here. Snopes.com already shot down this story as "mostly false:"


Seems to follow Republican dogma:

Step 1: Take an issue and distort it. Step 2: Say it will bring about the end of America. Step 3: Tell people that only real patriots can stop it.

MarkG: Welcome to the collapse of USA.

Hook, line, and sinker.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Maybe you haven't noticed, but the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before. Ben Carson, Mia Love seem outstanding people and NOT White or old at all.

Up until recently the republicans had zero blacks in Congress. Now they have a few token members. The fact is that the number of people of color in the republican party is so small the odds are astronomical that has happened by accident. It is a white, christian, old, angry and out of touch party. This the reason they are on the wrong side of history, gay rights, healthcare, climate change, trickle down economics, and on and on, all the time.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

'Maybe you haven't noticed, but the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before.'

Not a very high bar you're setting there.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I can imagine all the huffing and puffing... meanwhile corporations who do nothing for the USA get their tax breaks

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Obama's initiative to bring undocumented immigrants into the system will not only bring them out of the shadows, it will also benefit the tax system as previously unscrupulous employers will have to comply with the law.

Funny, how Obama never mentioned not one time to close the border and to put the National guard there to help assist the understaffed border patrol and plug this whole once and for all. Also, what about the thousands of foreigners that applied to enter the country legally and followed the law and paid thousands to become American citizens and that were first in line, do they get a refund or immeadiate citizenship, after all, that would be far since Obama is giving citizenship away to people that broke the law. Heck, why have any laws, let's just do whatever we want.

About which, how is that GOP proposal to defund Homeland Security if Obama does not roll over on his immigration actions going? Haven't looked since yesterday, but I imagine that the complete helplessness - and haplessness - of the GOP hasn't changed since then.Q

What difference does it make, the president already doesn't take security seriously, let alone our military.

Up until recently the republicans had zero blacks in Congress. Now they have a few token members.

Do you know how insulting that is. But you just proved my point at how racist libs really are. "Token" only libs would stoop so low. So basically, Blacks and Hispanics have to be liberal and have to tow the liberal line or they are just "tokens or sell outs" there is no way they can have an independent mind. The liberal ideology is the only ideology?! Thank God, more and more Blacks and other minorities are realizing that the only way to prosperity is to be financially independent from the government.

The fact is that the number of people of color in the republican party is so small the odds are astronomical that has happened by accident.

Actually, a lot of it is due to pure political bliss and many minorities vote Democrat by default without even knowing the issues. Quite sad actually.

It is a white, christian, old, angry and out of touch party.

This the reason they are on the wrong side of history, gay rights, healthcare, climate change, trickle down economics, and on and on, all the time.

Hmmmm...I guess you haven't read Axelrod's new book and some of the revelations about the Sainted Obama and he told many lies to get his agenda passed and one of those issues was the "Gay issue" and how Obama was the entire time against wasn't at all amused about pretending to being open to it. But that's one of the litany of lies that Obama and the Dems were throwing at the people. We won't even start with Obamacrae, the lies and over exaggeration of climate change and the give me a fish rather than teach me how to fish syndrome.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before." - comments

More colorful, you know, 'coloreds', and diverse as ever, the sweet cream of signing allegiance pledges before the GOP-Tea allows 'them' into campaign rallies. (well documented)

"Some Republicans are labeling the payments “amnesty bonuses” — one more reason they oppose Obama’s program shielding millions of immigrants from deportation." - article

"the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before", just as long as those uppity anchor baby making fruit pickers keep their mouths shut and get back where they belong when their dime an hour labors are finished.

Diversity, as in the poor disposable worker better diversity out of here as soon as they start asking for wages or benefits outside of our profit structure.

Funny how the GOP-Tea knows too well where those lines are drawn. Not that that's an issue, this is Capitalism after all and illegal aliens are only useful when they work silent and anonymous and get the heck out of the way at the end of the season.

Diversity for the GOP-Tea means one standard for some and another for fruit pickers. That's the GOP-Tea reason for labeling the payments “amnesty bonuses”; heck, paying taxes isn't some kind of smorgasbord of lapping up the benefits of Labor Laws. Any fool knows that.

The GOP-Tea is only trying to take back America, so any criticism of the GOP-Tea is unpatriotic and possibly treasonous. Those accusations are better substantiated by those who demand allegiance pledges at campaign meetings. But that's another topic.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

More colorful, you know, 'coloreds', and diverse as ever, the sweet cream of signing allegiance pledges before the GOP-Tea allows 'them' into campaign rallies. (well documented)

Like the time Harry Reid said, Obama talks different or is very educated for a black man.

"Some Republicans are labeling the payments “amnesty bonuses” — one more reason they oppose Obama’s program shielding millions of immigrants from deportation." - article

So why doesn't Obama grant amnesty to the thousands of misplaced Haitians or even Mexicans? Why only Ecuadorians, Hodurians and other Latin Americans? Could it be that legalizing so many one could gamble and pray that with the free entitlements perhaps these law breaking aliens will become thankful potential Democratic voters? Hmmmm.....

"the GOP is more colorful and diverse as ever before", just as long as those uppity anchor baby making fruit pickers keep their mouths shut and get back where they belong when their dime an hour labors are finished.

So why the blacks and Hispanics doing so poorly under Obama, why are Blacks still at an overall 10% unemployment rate? Why are Blacks suffering more under his president, the same one that over 90% support and are still in very dire financial hardship?

Diversity, as in the poor disposable worker better diversity out of here as soon as they start asking for wages or benefits outside of our profit structure.

And more liberal scare rhetoric....

Funny how the GOP-Tea knows too well where those lines are drawn. Not that that's an issue, this is Capitalism after all and illegal aliens are only useful when they work silent and anonymous and get the heck out of the way at the end of the season.

And for the Democrats, it's THE most easiest way to obtain votes. Promise these poor immigrants FREE entitlements and you have a new loyal Democratic voter.

Both play this game. Repubs want the labor, Dems, the votes.

Diversity for the GOP-Tea means one standard for some and another for fruit pickers.

Just like the Dems have one standard for the poor, the middle class and the rich. Give the poor entitlements, take from the rich as much as possible and unload and make them pay for everything the Dems tally up.

That's the GOP-Tea reason for labeling the payments “amnesty bonuses”; heck, paying taxes isn't some kind of smorgasbord of lapping up the benefits of Labor Laws. Any fool knows that.

Instead of mooching off other people, how about Obama try his hardest to create jobs that don't require a response of "you need fries with that or for here or to go?"

The GOP-Tea is only trying to take back America, so any criticism of the GOP-Tea is unpatriotic and possibly treasonous.

The Dems made that exact same allegation 6 years ago.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Dems are by far the party of racism. The rank and file see other races as symbols or tokens. The party leader see them as fodder and votes. Anyone with open eyes can see that - but if their eyes were open they wouldn't be Democrats, would they?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

WTF is up with this Obama guy, he should be looking after the Vets first, why are their homeless combat veterans who cannot get housing and welfare.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

'The party leader see them as fodder and votes.'

And the Republicans see them as....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

First and foremost, are there any truth to this story other than this is what the republicans are saying? Why were they being employed if they were illegally in the country? I would say that a remedy for this if they are allowed the bonuses is to have the payments returned as penalties for illegally being in the country.I feel it is totally unfair for those that came and went the legal system that many had to wait years for.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

StormR: "why are their homeless combat veterans who cannot get housing and welfare."

Illegal wars started in the ME. Next question.

bass4funk: Are you aware that every single sentence of yours starts with, "Well... OBAMA this, and Obama that"? instead of addressing very valid concerns posted about the behaviour and attitude of the GOP and their abuse of immigrants? Deflecting is not at all a defense, my friend.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Yeah and the Vietnam vets were in ME too were they smith ? FFS

You really do aggravate don't you?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The republicans want illegal immigrants as much as democrats. The democrats want illegal immigrants because they give them an even larger underclass which will always vote in exchange for a handout. The republicans want illegal immigrants because they want the slave wages which these people will work for.

The only people who don't want illegal immigrants are the majority of Americans, who get stuck with the cost of paying for their healthcare, their incarceration in the prison system, and they educations of their children. They collect very much from the national economy, while contributing little to it except in the way of low-paying service jobs, which drives down the wages of the legal citizens who would otherwise occupy these positions.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

instead of addressing very valid concerns posted about the behaviour and attitude of the GOP and their abuse of immigrants? Deflecting is not at all a defense, my friend.

Well...Im not trying to deflect at all, I have my issue with both parties when it comes to immigration, had it with every other president before Obama, but with Obama, there is NO reason for him to allow so many immigrants and legalize a few million. What's the rush, why do we have to give law breakers top priority over people that have followed all the rules and waited for years to become legal citizens. The real problem is, Obama for some strange benign reason thinks everyone is dumb and he's the smartest man in the room and people are wising up to his nutty shenanigans, telling people the same thing over and over again with the hopes that people will start believing the lies and accepting them as the truth.

The republicans want illegal immigrants as much as democrats. The democrats want illegal immigrants because they give them an even larger underclass which will always vote in exchange for a handout. The republicans want illegal immigrants because they want the slave wages which these people will work for.

Exactly! And anyone that is NOT a partisan cannot argue that point.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Show me an example of an undocumented immigrant voting. Please: just one. 'Cause you know, in addition to being deportable at any time, what undocumented immigrants really want to do is to commit a felony for no statistical reason.

I'm surprised that no one has discussed DHS. Congress goes off tomorrow on a 10-day break and returns with only three days to fund the department, yet at this point all we have is Bohener and McConnell trading blame. Wasn't this the party that assured us, just a few months ago, that it was capable of governing?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Show me an example of an undocumented immigrant voting. Please: just one. 'Cause you know, in addition to being deportable at any time, what undocumented immigrants really want to do is to commit a felony for no statistical reason.

Libs are really funny. They don't care if illegals cut in over the people that followed the law, they don't want a closed border, are against illegals getting voter ID, but are for illegals obtaining drivers license, they don't want the police to profile and stop them for ANY reason. This is exactly what Sangetsu03 was talking about, forget both parties for a moment, most Americans are against it, want it stopped, want the border shut and don't want to get stuck with paying anything for illegals that come in break the law for whatever reason.

I'm surprised that no one has discussed DHS. Congress goes off tomorrow on a 10-day break and returns with only three days to fund the department, yet at this point all we have is Bohener and McConnell trading blame. Wasn't this the party that assured us, just a few months ago, that it was capable of governing?

Give them time, we had to wait patiently for a government that didn't know how to govern for the last 6 years and as a result lost both the House and the Senate, so surely with the new congress on leave and coming back in almost 2 weeks and the beginning of the year, you can be a bit more patient before seeing some results.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Know who else apparently didn't care about illegal crossings from Mexico? Reagan - because there was a higher absolute number of illegal immigrants during his presidency than during Obama's - as there also was during Bush 1 and Bush 2. But then, they were COMPASSIONATE conservatives; perhaps that's changed.

Regarding ability to govern: we're not talking about much here, only funding the Department of Homeland Security. You know, the guys who are supposed to protect us from both illegal roofers named Manuel and illegal terrorists named Ahmed. Seems like tossing them a bone would be as bipartisan as governing gets, but give it to the GOP to screw even this up.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Know who else apparently didn't care about illegal crossings from Mexico? Reagan

I don't think you were reading my comments properly, I blame ALL the presidents from Reagan to Obama for not dealing enough when it comes to the border issue.

because there was a higher absolute number of illegal immigrants during his presidency than during Obama's - as there also was during Bush 1 and Bush 2. But then, they were COMPASSIONATE conservatives; perhaps that's changed.

Reagan was also promised from the Dems and was given assurances that they would work to seal the border that was one of the agreements for the amnesty that NEVER happened and look where we are today, we are far worse off and still the border is wide open. Again, this is NOT a partisan issue.

Regarding ability to govern: we're not talking about much here, only funding the Department of Homeland Security. You know, the guys who are supposed to protect us from both illegal roofers named Manuel and illegal terrorists named Ahmed. Seems like tossing them a bone would be as bipartisan as governing gets, but give it to the GOP to screw even this up.

That is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with, Libs think everyone is peaceful, wants peace with America and there is NO such thing as illegals and NO such thing as Islamic terrorists, it's all in our heads. ISIS is a figment of our imagination and the Taliban will live peacefully with the Afghan people once our troops leave Afghanistan.

This is the Bizarro world Libs choose to live in. Reality never meant anything to them. Hey, you can't tax it, so why care?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Bass, there was comprehensive immigration legislation that passed the Senate. It had enough votes to pass the House, but Boehner blocked the vote from happening for the specific reason that it would pass. Instead we have a hostage situation with DHS with the goal of keeping the status quo, which no one wants. It's a complete mess.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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