Japan Today

Republicans dodge, weave around Trump's hurricane tweets

By Mary Clare Jalonick

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In short: Trump lies about 3,000 dead Americans. That's almost the number killed on 9/11. Republicans do noting. And no one is surprised, because we all know Republicans have no principles. And haven't for quite a long time now.

No honor. No shame.

29 ( +34 / -5 )

This, more than any other reason, is why I feel that deep in my heart the American people must elect a Democratic majority in at least one of the houses of Congress.

It pains me to say it, because there are plenty of good Republicans. There are those who were elected with heartfelt beliefs in ideas like smaller government, limited intrusion on personal rights, etc. They serve as a balance to those on the left who would, in their pursuit of a fairer society, go too far, too fast. This is the way the Republic should be, a toleration of all views and a matter of compromise.

But, those voices have been silenced, cowed by a sociopathic demagogic manchild in the White House. They don't even have the guts to stand up against the man when he blatantly puts out lies, calls for the suppression of civil rights, Stalin-esque repressions of those he doesn't agree with, and more.

Why? Because unfortunately, the cult of personality surrounding Cadet Bonespurs means you need to kiss the ring in order to get through the primary season.

Are the Democrats perfect? No. As long as people like Nancy Pelosi are still allowed to be power brokers in the party, they cannot even claim to be perfect.

But the American experiment was built off of compromise, off of no one person having unchecked power and dictatorial sway over the entire government.

And so, I say vote a straight Democratic ticket. Because either the Republicans that are in office right now are either too cowardly to stand up to Agent Orange, or they're in agreement with him, which is even worse.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

as President Donald Trump challenged without evidence

and his base believe him. Cult of personality.

One frequent tactic is claiming ignorance: "I haven't read it yet," said House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy

And the Trump/GOP base believe what they're told by politicians defending themselves by claiming to be ignorant.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

He should resign. This is not the leader we want in challenging times.

How awful of a human being do you have to be to question the deaths and suffering of people? This was an independent accounting of the death toll. It was not politically motivated. Trump made it about himself. He continually reached new lows of compassion. Those who support him, should think about what it feels like to be treated like your suffering is a lie and does not matter.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

once again the child president turns the focus onto himself....

14 ( +20 / -6 )

"there are plenty of good [elected] Republicans."

Name two.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

The media reporting Trump's idiotic tweets is clearly the dishonest, liberal MSM trying to bring down Trump. They just won't give the man a fair shake, but Trump does hit back. That's what I love about him, he won't take any crap.

What do you think of my imitation of a barely literate conservative? I hit the MSM for doing its job reporting Trump's own words, claimed the media was bias without any evidence, and praised Trump for being petty. Did I miss anything?

12 ( +17 / -5 )

More toxic trash.

Trump is a sick individual. This is not a healthy mind.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

You missed the part where the supposed facts of the issue are not real but an “estimation” as the report indicates.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )

You missed the part where the supposed facts of the issue are not real but an “estimation” as the report indicates.

You missed the class in university where you learn how academic reports are compiled and reviewed or you would know that these reports are fairly accurate

12 ( +17 / -5 )

It's weird that he blamed Democrats for the number. They didn't have anything to do with it.

I suppose he just shrugged and thought his base would fall for it anyway.

17 ( +21 / -4 )

You missed the part where the supposed facts of the issue are not real but an “estimation” as the report indicates.

Do you know of any evidence to support Trump’s claim?

Perhaps more pertinently, do you care if it exists?

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Donald Trump says 'you've got to deny' accusations according to Bob Woodward book


LOL! I love how he is "deny, deny, denying" Woodward's book, which claimed that Trump advises people to "deny, deny, deny" when they are caught doing something wrong. He is literally proving the book accurate!

14 ( +17 / -3 )

nostromoToday  07:35 am JST

once again the child president turns the focus onto himself....

And, as always, gets zapped.

What a great case study the Orange Idiot would have been for Freud.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Yes the fact that the people who did the report say 3000 people died but can’t produce a list of who those 3000 people are or their date or cause of death.

Do you know of any evidence to support Trump’s claim

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Republicans dodge, weave around Trump's hurricane tweets

Ha! Ha! Ha!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Here is your political reason with all the key players.


Ocasio-Cortez has been calling for a Marshall Plan to rebuild Puerto Rico and has offered her support to a $146 billion relief package for the storm-ravaged island proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders. 

The plan, which also received the backing of Sen. Elizabeth Warren....

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I suppose he just shrugged and thought his base would fall for it anyway.

Which, they did.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

StrangerlandToday 08:49 am JST

"I suppose he just shrugged and thought his base would fall for it anyway."

Which, they did.

See the comment immediately above your own, for instance.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Blacklabel: Yes the fact that the people who did the report say 3000 people died but can’t produce a list of who those 3000 people are or their date or cause of death.

It was an estimation, one of many, created by a university looking at the trend of deaths during that period to past periods. They attributed an upward spike against the norms as storm related. It wasn’t meant to produce a list of names or be a concrete number.

Ocasio-Cortez has been calling for a Marshall Plan to rebuild Puerto Rico and has offered her support to a $146 billion relief package for the storm-ravaged island proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders. 

I don’t follow, black. You are saying that someone needed 3,000 names to justify help in rebuilding a country that obviously needs it? So if only 200 people died then suddenly there wouldn’t be a need for funds to rebuild?

I’m having a hard time trying to understand your angle on this one, probably because you haven’t figured it out yourself.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

It must be a very slow day for the media today. But I do give them props for trying so very hard. Lol

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

Yes the fact that the people who did the report say 3000 people died but can’t produce a list of who those 3000 people are or their date or cause of death.

Do you really think a reputable research university would risk making up 3,000 dead people? Unlike our current POTUS, being caught is a lie like that would hurt their credibility among their peers and "base."

Those people are dead. It's whether their deaths can be attributed to the storm that's in question.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

It must be a very slow day for the media today. But I do give them props for trying so very hard. Lol

Trump tweets something outrageously stupid and offensive. Even high-ranking Republicans object to these assertions. Meanwhile his loyal supporters blame the press for reporting these things.

Check out far left Fox "trying so very hard" to "bring down" the president. Libs! Lol


8 ( +10 / -2 )


Thanks for your comment.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump tweets something outrageously stupid and offensive.

It depends.

Even high-ranking Republicans object to these assertions.

As if that matters, we are in an election year remember?

Meanwhile his loyal supporters blame the press for reporting these things.

No, just the dishonesty of the press and their one-sided opinionated stance on issues, nothing new.

Check out far left Fox "trying so very hard" to "bring down" the president. Libs! Lol

I have no idea what you’re talking about or what FNC has to do with any of this.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

David VarnesToday  07:14 am JST

But, those voices have been silenced,

They haven't "been" silenced. They chose to silence themselves. At best they chose to act as cowards, fleeing from the opportunity to do the moral thing. At worst, they chose to be complicit in Trump's corruption.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Puerto Rico is not an independent country, but unincorporated US territory. So your very first (substantive) sentence is wrong.

Sending aid is easy. Puerto Rico isn't on the moon. Ships exist. Planes exist. I can guarantee that if PR had a Trump Hotel, it would have gotten assistance. Because Trump is corrupt and selfish.

I don't feel like responding to the rest of your stream of pseudo-consciousness writing.

That was just the absolute stupidest thing Joe Scarborough has ever said in his life.

Are you under the impression that I am Joe Scarborough? I'm not, though I am an American lawyer.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Regarding Trump's liability for all the problems associated with our response to Hurricane Maria, I'll just use his words - "It happened on his watch"...

For the life of me, I can't begin to comprehend why Trump is tweeting and focusing his time on something that occurred a year ago, when we have an emergency now with an equivalent storm that is crashing ashore on the East Coast.  He should be getting all the key experts at both State and National level together to ensure that plans and resources are in place to respond to this disaster.  We don't need another "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" moment.

If he can't display any leadership or substance in responding to Hurricane Florence, it more than validates all the comments in all the books and articles that he is just plain incompetent...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

What a bunch of garbage! Trump had nothing to do with people dying in PR.

By that logic Hillary was not responsible for Benghazi either. Right?

8 ( +10 / -2 )


No, Hillary is an all-seeing, all knowing mastermind with power of life and death over everyone and only I, I! am able to see through her machinations.

but also she's dumb and trump is a very smart man lol

3 ( +5 / -2 )

So Trump fans believe that millions of illegal voters voted in California, tens of thousands were bussed into other states, tens of thousands of Muslims cheered on 9/11, Trump’s inauguration was the biggest ever, blah blah blah.

But an estimate of 3,000 dead in PR? Show me the list.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

A study that we can easily know wants to link as many deaths as related to the storm as possible.

The study is much more in depth, but even if you simply compare the number of deaths in that specific time frame and compare it to a year without a massive hurricane you'd get a rough idea. Again, they wouldn't risk their reputation on such an easily verifiable lie for any amount of money. Same can't be said for Trump.

But if you're that convinced they're lying, take a look at the report and point out which specific parts are false. It's open to the public, again unlike Trump's methodology for his wild claims.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

bass4funk: "It must be a very slow day for the media today. But I do give them props for trying so very hard. Lol"

Ah, the nervous LOL. You KNOW you cannot defend the man for lying about the deaths, and yet you know that for the sake of pride you must try, so you deflect and "LOL" because you're scared.

Did Trump lie or didn't he? Yes or no. I bet you can't answer.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Not sure what happened with the edge of my previous post but here it is again.

A study that we can easily know wants to link as many deaths as related to the storm as possible

The study is much more in depth, but even if you simply compare the number of deaths in that specific time frame and compare it to a year without a massive hurricane you'd get a rough idea. Again, they wouldn't risk their reputation on such an easily verifiable figure. The same can't be said for Trump.

But if you're that convinced they're lying, take a look at the report and point out which specific parts are false. It's open to the public, again unlike Trump's methodology for his wild claims.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

Puerto Rico is not an independent country, but unincorporated US territory. So your very first (substantive) sentence is wrong.

Ok, so you’re saying that we have to take care of them and that absolves them from any responsibility whatsoever, sounds like the failed Chicago argument.

Sending aid is easy.

No, it’s not that easy or quick, I know that for a fact.

Puerto Rico isn't on the moon. Ships exist. Planes exist. I can guarantee that if PR had a Trump Hotel, it would have gotten assistance. Because Trump is corrupt and selfish.

Yes this is true, but in the bigger scheme of things, it doesn’t matter the mainland didn’t post corruption on them, the mainland didn’t cause inflation, the mainland did not drop real estate prices the mainland squander money, that’s all on them.

I don't feel like responding to the rest of your stream of pseudo-consciousness writing.

Because you know you’re making a weak argument. PR is for the most part responsible for the plight of their island state , this has been going on for years.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

we have to take care of them


FOX News is even slamming Trump on his lies about PR

the mainland didn’t cause inflation, the mainland did not drop real estate prices the mainland squander money

Yes, they did

FOX News is even slamming Trump on his lies about PR

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Ah, the nervous LOL. .

No, really and seriously, I think it’s funny.

You KNOW you cannot defend the man for lying about the deaths,

The man had nothing to do with the deaths, liberal...(Well, in the US) always want to shove the responsibility onto someone else. PR has had corrosion of their power grids, infrastructure, management, problems with their electrical grids for years, add to that the mayor and governor didn’t get along, add the corruption and the fact that the island has defaulted on their loans, mismanaged funds, corruption everywhere, not being prepared, not to mention how they take stats of the body counts and how the number changed throughout the year, no accountability, cost of real estate going down, people moving their money out to somewhere else, unstable economy. I was critical even doing the Obama years that we shouldn’t bail out PR.

and yet you know that for the sake of pride

Pride has nothing to do with anything.

you must try, so you deflect and "LOL" because you're scared. 

I’m not the kind of person to get scared

Did Trump lie or didn't he? Yes or no. I bet you can't answer.

Trump didn’t lie, he believed FEMA did the best job they could, I disagree. I believe The President THINKS he did the best job, but he fell short of it because of the problems, logistics and the chaos on that island.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Trump didn’t lie

Yes, he did. FOX News is even slamming Trump on this.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Yes, I am saying it is the responsibility of the government to take care of its citizens.

So tell the government of PR and ask them why do they allow their island to default on loans and demand that the leaders help rebuild their crumbling infrastructure.

This is only a controversial opinion in Trumpland.

More like more dishonesty from the outrageous left media as to be expected.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

More like more dishonesty from...

Trump as FOX News is even criticizing Trump for his lies on the deaths of PR. This proves that Trump is a liar.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

So tell the government of PR and ask them why do they allow their island to default on loans and demand that the leaders help rebuild their crumbling infrastructure.

That's down to the final governance of the island, the United States Federal Government. Which resident Donald Trump heads.

More like more dishonesty from the outrageous left media as to be expected.

That you wheel from "dishonesty is bad" to "w=yeah whatever Trump only lied who cares" shows your deeply misplaced priorities.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

nishikat: Sorry, Fox News is a pro-deep state, hyper left, Democratic Party loving hive of scum and villainy - when it suits me.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Trump's not great with the old numbers lark, is he?

What kind of person thinks this vain liar is a great President, I do wonder.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What kind of person thinks this vain liar is a great President, I do wonder.

They always talk about record low black unemployment and the stock market. Trump even said GDP growth is higher than the unemployment rate. His followers believe him 100%

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I suspect Dump is a tad upset: apparently no one bothered to thank him for the rolls of paper towels he tossed their way.

Dump quote:

.....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!

Where is exactly are those billions because Puerto Rico is still lacking funding and supplies and basic needs? In fact, Dump WH is taking money from FEMA for ICE.

It's not just FEMA: ICE quietly got an extra $200 million


DHS transferred $169 million from other programs to ICE for migrant detention


Puerto Rico suspends $133M contract awarded to firm of Trump's failed FEMA nominee


However, Dump had no problems giving FEMA contracts to his cronies. The same contracts were suspended.

Here are the craziest terms of the $300 million government contract given to a tiny electrical firm in a Trump cabinet secretary's hometown


Another cronie got a contract for power, but Puerto Rico doesn't have enough power.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

That's down to the final governance of the island, the United States Federal Government. Which resident Donald Trump heads.

Which he did do, so neither Obama or Trump told the Puerto Rican’s to embrace corruption and to not reform their failing infrastructure.

That you wheel from "dishonesty is bad"

That goes for the government on that island as well.

to "w=yeah whatever Trump only lied who cares" shows your deeply misplaced priorities.

More to your dismissal of the responsibility and accountability of the Puerto Rico leadership.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )


This was Puerto Rico’s real problem and has been for many years,

Corruption in Puerto Rico may have actually contributed Hurricane Maria’s high death toll.

While the government’s official tally is 64 storm-related deaths, a recent study puts the figure closer to 4,600 – in part because a prolonged blackout prevented many Puerto Ricans with chronic illness from getting necessary medical care.

After Hurricane Maria knocked out the island’s electric grid, the island’s power authority awarded a $300 million contract to the Montana-based company Whitefish Energy to repair it. The bidding process soon came under suspicion because it was clear that the company, which had just two employees, could never complete the task.

The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources opened an investigation and the Whitefish contract was canceled.

After $3.8 billion in federal aid for the power grid, some 11,000 Puerto Ricans are still without electricity. Officials say even a mild hurricane could disable the grid again. 

We believe progress would have been quicker if Puerto Rico’s first big energy contract had been correctly executed. After a disaster, corruption can literally kill.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

This was Puerto Rico’s real problem

But now FOX News has a real problem with Trump as they are not calling out his lies on PR. Even FOX News people no longer believe what Trump is sayingl

responsibility and accountability

FOX News is really slamming Trump on his "responsibility and accountability"

If FOX News no longer trusts Trump then who is left to trust him?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

After Hurricane Maria knocked out the island’s electric grid, the island’s power authority awarded a $300 million contract to the Montana-based company Whitefish Energy to repair it. The bidding process soon came under suspicion because it was clear that the company, which had just two employees, could never complete the task.

Whitefish Energy you say? There's a lot of interesting information about that company. Trump's name even comes up as the recipient of donations by the company's primary investor. Might be something worth looking into there.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Corruption in Puerto Rico may have actually contributed Hurricane Maria’s high death toll.

No, I think corruption in Trump's administration may have contributed to the high death toll...

The Puerto Rican government canceled the Whitefish contract on Oct. 29, about two weeks after it was awarded, after extensive media reports on Whitefish’s personal ties to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke along with revelations that the company’s rates — paid for by taxpayers — were far above normal for emergency electrical work.

But irrespective of who you want to try to pin the blame on, Florence is happening now and Trump is showing no leadership in preparing for its aftermath.  Why isn't he getting his cabinet together and ensuring state/national efforts are well coordinated? 

There's only one reason - it's one we've heard over and over the past several weeks from no less than his own hand-picked staff - he's incompetent.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

We believe progress would have been quicker if Puerto Rico’s first big energy contract had been correctly executed. After a disaster, corruption can literally kill.

Was just thinkin' that, Chip. How did Whitefish ever end up with that contract? Perhaps we'll find out when the Dems retake the House. Zinke must be rather concerned at the moment.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It seems 2003 was a rough year in Puerto Rico politics.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Just more culpability, add it to the pile. Whatever low was met today, will be another low tomorrow. What a way to live, smh

The faster USA can get rid of the GOP and its sycophants, the better off it will be. Then split their Democratic Party to left and right parties and that might save it. Otherwise class warfare will just increase with GOPers becoming increasingly racist and indignant on a Trump level of lowlife-ism

Taxes on the rich have to go up

With so many positive faces like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez winning, change might happen

6 ( +8 / -2 )

How come Puerto Rico Secretary of State Luis Rivera Marin doesn't have any huge complaints about the federal response to last year's Hurricane Maria? Oh my...


-6 ( +3 / -9 )

bass4funk: "No, really and seriously, I think it’s funny."

That Trump lies about how many people died, or the deaths themselves? Hard to tell with you.

"Trump didn’t lie"

There you go, people. Bass says Trump has not lied. Only 6 or so people died because of the hurricane, according to bass. He defends one of the most disgusting tweets ever offered up by anyone. Period.

"More like more dishonesty from the outrageous left media as to be expected."

Says the guy who says Trump hasn't lied, but it is proven he has not only on this, but nearly 5,000 times since becoming president. Well done, bass. More nervous LOLs to come, I suspect.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

No, I think corruption in Trump's administration may have contributed to the high death toll...

That’s just complete nonsense, the corruption of and the dereliction and incompetence of the government, the governor and the faulty electric grids are causes for the high toll death number.

But irrespective of who you want to try to pin the blame on, Florence is happening now and Trump is showing no leadership in preparing for its aftermath.

How so? He didn’t even get on the ground yet and Hurricane is just making landfall. Liberals are too funny. If Trump is in a helicopter looking down on the aftermath, I’ll be the first to criticize him, but until then, let’s wait and see before you guys start getting out your pitchfork and torches.

Why isn't he getting his cabinet together and ensuring state/national efforts are well coordinated?  

He is and he did, there was a big Photo of it this morning in another paper, not left leaning so maybe that’s why you guys didn’t see it.

There's only one reason - it's one we've heard over and over the past several weeks from no less than his own hand-picked staff - he's incompetent.

Hmmmm....I disagree, I think the man is way ahead of the media on this, he knew full well when the Strom was announced the media would try to throw it his way and he was right. Sneeeaky!

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

How come Puerto Rico Secretary of State Luis Rivera Marin doesn't have any huge complaints about the federal response to last year's Hurricane Maria? Oh my...

The Puerto Rican people have huge complaints.


I don't know much about Puerto Rican politics. Maybe there was corruption and poor infrastructure to begin with, and I do think it's unfair to put all the blame for all those deaths on the Trump administration's response.

That said, the point that Trump defenders seem to miss is that just one death is enough to make it in poor taste to use the situation as an opportunity to boast. To double down and question death tolls from a reputable source without providing evidence of his own is plain disgusting.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It was an estimation, one of many, created by a university looking at the trend of deaths during that period to past periods. They attributed an upward spike against the norms as storm related. It wasn’t meant to produce a list of names or be a concrete number.

Yep, and that's what Trump is saying..its an estimate and not a concrete number...and a estimate should never be a conclusion. The list has to be accurate with real names and cause of death directly related to the storm.

you learn how academic reports are compiled and reviewed or you would know that these reports are fairly accurate

Nope they are not..only science reports with hard empirical evidence could be accurate..but even science is a moving target.. there is nothing like a accurate report.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

It's amazing to watch someone who routinely degrades the federal government as corrupt and incompetent suddenly defend that same government. Yet another 180 by the resident spinster.

FEMA didn’t do a good job, why would the government of Puerto Rico NOT care about its people and build a faulty power grid? Why would they build an inadequate infrastructure?

Of course, we all know it is simply because doing so makes Trump look good. The buck never stops at this president.

I don’t think the man is trying to look good or cares, he put the blame right where it belongs with the government of Puerto Rico. The governor was totally incompetent and his decisions were the result of deaths and a lot of suffering for the people.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

That’s just complete nonsense, the corruption of and the dereliction and incompetence of the government, the governor and the faulty electric grids are causes for the high toll death number.

See Ryan Zinke. And Donald Trump on the 9/11 attacks and George Bush's responsibility: "It happened on his watch..."

How so? He didn’t even get on the ground yet and Hurricane is just making landfall. Liberals are too funny. If Trump is in a helicopter looking down on the aftermath, I’ll be the first to criticize him, but until then, let’s wait and see before you guys start getting out your pitchfork and torches.

Well, you see leadership is taking action to PREVENT casualties and damage. Given Katrina, Republicans seem to have a difficult time grasping that concept...

Why isn't he getting his cabinet together and ensuring state/national efforts are well coordinated?  

He is and he did, there was a big Photo of it this morning in another paper, not left leaning so maybe that’s why you guys didn’t see it.

One big photo? What is it about leadership that you don't get? A photo ops is not leadership...

There's only one reason - it's one we've heard over and over the past several weeks from no less than his own hand-picked staff - he's incompetent.

Hmmmm....I disagree, I think the man is way ahead of the media on this, he knew full well when the Strom was announced the media would try to throw it his way and he was right.

News flash - he doesn't have to be in front of the media - HE HAS TO BE IN FRONT OF THE STORM - you know, taking proactive action to save lives and prevent damage. He doing none of that because he is doesn't know how to - you know, he's incompetent...


Why is it that Trump supporters seem to enjoy sounding like a Fifth or Sixth Grader...wait, I know why....

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Well, you see leadership is taking action to PREVENT casualties and damage. Given Katrina, Republicans seem to have a difficult time grasping that concept...

Yes, Sandy was done so well.

One big photo? What is it about leadership that you don't get? A photo ops is not leadership,

You guys will comment on anything negative when you see any picture of Trump and when there’s a photo proof of him taking the initiative steps to safeguard the Hurricane prone hit areas, he’s not doing enough. Lol

News flash - he doesn't have to be in front of the media - HE HAS TO BE IN FRONT OF THE STORM

That’s just nonsense! No President was on the ground waiting for the storm to hit taking the Oval Office with him on location. Now you guys are just digging at the bottom.

you know, taking proactive action to save lives and prevent damage. *

So far, everyone seems to be standing by, now for the people that refuse to leave and want to stay against the orders of the authorities, that’s n them and not the President.

He doing none of that because he is doesn't know how to - you know, he's incompetent...

He doesn’t have to, he has staff to do that for him.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Does he have no shame?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Yes, Sandy was done so well.

Much better than Katrina and Maria.... and now Florence...

You guys will comment on anything negative when you see any picture of Trump and when there’s a photo proof of him taking the initiative steps to safeguard the Hurricane prone hit areas, he’s not doing enough. Lol

Mattis and Kelly (who called him an idiot and a Fifth Grader) know what real leadership is and it ain't a photo op...

News flash - he doesn't have to be in front of the media - HE HAS TO BE IN FRONT OF THE STORM

That’s just nonsense! No President was on the ground waiting for the storm to hit taking the Oval Office with him on location. Now you guys are just digging at the bottom.

????? He's the President, the leader, he has to take action to prevent casualties and deaths, get the troops energized, make sure things are ready - you really haven't a clue here...

So far, everyone seems to be standing by, now for the people that refuse to leave and want to stay against the orders of the authorities, that’s n them and not the President.

"Standing by" is a good description of Trump's leadership style....

He doesn’t have to, he has staff to do that for him.

You mean the Republican Resistance? Sure, they'll just pull another paper off his desk...because they know he's incompetent...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Mattis and Kelly (who called him an idiot and a Fifth Grader) know what real leadership is and it ain't a photo op...

It was never proven that those men uttered or made those statements. Both men have a history of being extremely blunt and both men denied the accusations, they don’t have a history of lying so I take their word it.

????? He's the President, the leader, he has to take action to prevent casualties and deaths,

So you're saying that he should ignore the governments of these territories and leave the WH ASAP and get there fast as he can? So what is the role of the mayor in Puerto Rico? Just to look good, kick it with a newspaper? Then they don’t need a mayor as well, because it seems to me both are ineffective. The President can’t oversee every repair project or even green light it.

get the troops energized, make sure things are ready - you really haven't a clue here...

Actually, a lot more than you know....get them energized? Wow.....

"Standing by" is a good description of Trump's leadership style....

That’s why they have a cabinet of secretaries and different departments

You mean the Republican Resistance? Sure, they'll just pull another paper off his desk...because they know he's incompetent...

Funny how the left will believe anything about this President if it’s bad and if it’s good, shoot it down, if it’s a Democrat, you just have to blindly believe them no matter what, if you don’t, there’s something inherently wrong with you, because Democrats are always truthful and honest. Good, you guys believe and be spoon fed and I’ll wait for the smoking gun of irrefutable facts.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Bass: they don’t have a history of lying so I take their word it.

Does Trump have a history of lying and do you take him at his word?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

t was never proven that those men uttered or made those statements. Both men have a history of being extremely blunt and both men denied the accusations, they don’t have a history of lying so I take their word it.

OK, so says you. Mattis and Kelly both know leadership and Trump doesn't.

So you're saying that he should ignore the governments of these territories and leave the WH ASAP and get there fast as he can? So what is the role of the mayor in Puerto Rico? Just to look good, kick it with a newspaper? Then they don’t need a mayor as well, because it seems to me both are ineffective. The President can’t oversee every repair project or even green light it.

????? I was talking about Florence...he isn't doing anything.

Actually, a lot more than you know....get them energized? Wow.....

I see you've only been a follower and never a leader...

That’s why they have a cabinet of secretaries and different departments

Well, thanks for the government class. Who leads these officials? Right now no one....because Trump is incompetent.

Funny how the left will believe anything about this President if it’s bad and if it’s good, shoot it down, if it’s a Democrat, you just have to blindly believe them no matter what, if you don’t, there’s something inherently wrong with you, because Democrats are always truthful and honest. Good, you guys believe and be spoon fed and I’ll wait for the smoking gun of irrefutable facts. ROFL

For the fourth time tell me who the "Senior White House Official" is who is a Democrat?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"This is not the leader we want in challenging times."

Actually, he is.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Good, you guys believe and be spoon fed and I’ll wait for the smoking gun of irrefutable facts.

But you constantly parrot Trump’s expression about a witch hunt before the facts have been presented.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

President Dotard J. Trump is an irreverent ignoramus ... the chief purveyor of fake news, disinformation and misinformation, is the biggest threat to U.S. national security and world order.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

A bunch of liberal kids from George Washington U conducted a study and concluded 3,000 died from Hurricane Maria. What isn't reported is that this number isn't about actual dead people who died in the storm but included stats and projections of people 6 months after the catastrophe (i.e. died in their sleep, died after a bar brawl, died from car accidents, etc.)

All of the students presumably got an A+ for meeting their goal of making FEMA and President Trump look awful, with huge kudos from the Democrat gov. of PR, who in turn promised that his administration would end the endemic billion-dollar corruption that put the island in dire straits in the first place.

Job well done all around!

In the meantime, 300,000 people or more are estimated to have died due to Obama's "red line in the sand". No one graduated with honors in that report.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Does Trump have a history of lying and do you take him at his word?

I don’t think he lies maliciously, stretches the truth, sometimes. Take his word, I do so far he kept most of his promises, so I’m good.

OK, so says you. Mattis and Kelly both know leadership and Trump doesn't.

And Trump knows business, a perfect match.

????? I was talking about Florence...he isn't doing anything.

None of the Presidents do anything, they can’t, they have staff and Brock Long that oversee that.

For the fourth time tell me who the "Senior White House Official" is who is a Democrat?

No, but that doesn’t clarify or it doesn’t prove anything if the sources are not verified, again, liberals will believe anything that is told to them about a person they don’t like, so it has to be true, forget verification, that’s not important. Lol

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I don’t think he lies maliciously, stretches the truth, sometimes. Take his word, I do so far he kept most of his promises, so I’m good.

So you trust Trump despite his lies.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

They didn’t say senior White House official.

For the fourth time tell me who the "Senior White House Official" is who is a Democrat?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

So you trust Trump despite his lies.

I don’t think he lies maliciously, stretches the truth, sometimes. Take his word, I do so far he kept most of his promises, so I’m good.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I don’t think he lies maliciously, stretches the truth, sometimes. Take his word, I do so far he kept most of his promises, so I’m good.

4713 lies - and every day brings 8 more on average....


And Trump knows business, a perfect match.

Two leaders, and a errant, adversarial, petty, idiot, who only understands at the Fifth or Sixth Grade level...(according to these two leaders)

None of the Presidents do anything, they can’t, they have staff and Brock Long that oversee that.

Time to go back to Government 101 - President's lead - except this one...he doesn't know how to. He follows well though, just ask Putin...

For the fourth time tell me who the "Senior White House Official" is who is a Democrat?

No, but that doesn’t clarify or it doesn’t prove anything if the sources are not verified, again, liberals will believe anything that is told to them about a person they don’t like, so it has to be true, forget verification, that’s not important. Lol

Glad you finally admit that Anonymous is a card-carrying Republican, a handpicked member of Trump's own team - who thinks he's a danger to the republic.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It pains me to say it, because there are plenty of good Republicans.

I’m sure “good Republicans” are relieved by these words of yours.

Have you considered that many Republicans are not actually enamored of Mr. Trump, but agree with policies his administration has introduced?

Clarify your position: do you hate Donald Trump or do you hate conservative policies? I suspect many on this site hate the latter and are hoping that removal of the former will expedite a return to a progressive agenda. Unfortunately, the progressive agenda of the Democrat old guard (literally old) like Nancy Pelosi is being replaced by that of harebrained proponents of “Democratic Socialism”.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

4713 lies - and every day brings 8 more on average....

But if you ad the lies from CNN, msnbc, NYT, The Nation, Washington Post, That would triple the amount of his so called lies.

Two leaders, and a errant, adversarial, petty, idiot, who only understands at the Fifth or Sixth Grade level...(according to these two leaders)

I wonder who these anonymous people so that we can give them a cognitive test, but oh, he’s the President and they’re not...ohhh jealousy...

President's lead

And he’s doing that, of course with the help of Brock Long.

Glad you finally admit that Anonymous is a card-carrying Republican,

I never said that. I said, we don’t know. Once I know who the person is, then I can make that assessment, but not before.

a handpicked member of Trump's own team - who thinks he's a danger to the republic.


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I suspect many on this site hate the latter and are hoping that removal of the former will expedite a return to a progressive agenda. Unfortunately, the progressive agenda of the Democrat old guard (literally old) like Nancy Pelosi is being replaced by that of harebrained proponents of “Democratic Socialism”.

Socialism is essentially communism without a gun/weapon, yet... Socialist, Marxist, Progressive (whatever floats your boat) are all PREVARICATED pseudonyms for Communist.

They’ve been used as a VERBAL SHELL GAME to circumvent and deflect any discussion of the real history of Communism into inane bickering over what each deceit should mean.

Incessant mid-course corrections of the contextual symbolization empower “Indoctrinationators” to squander discussion time and waste education programs rather than conveying and contributing anything of value. :)

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

bass: if you ad the lies from CNN, msnbc, NYT, The Nation, Washington Post,

But only if they maliciously lie. Smaller lies or exaggerations are OK.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Trump accuses others of making up numbers because that is what he would do - it does not occur to him that others have more honesty and decency in their little fingers than he has in his entire body.

The figure is an estimation, so probably accurate within a range of 10% either way, but overall, a very useful guide.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Ike-in-Tokyo-from-89Sep. 14  11:14 pm JST

It pains me to say it, because there are plenty of good Republicans.

I’m sure “good Republicans” are relieved by these words of yours.

Have you considered that many Republicans are not actually enamored of Mr. Trump, but agree with policies his administration has introduced?

Clarify your position: do you hate Donald Trump or do you hate conservative policies? I suspect many on this site hate the latter and are hoping that removal of the former will expedite a return to a progressive agenda. Unfortunately, the progressive agenda of the Democrat old guard (literally old) like Nancy Pelosi is being replaced by that of harebrained proponents of “Democratic Socialism”.

If they do impeach Trump, America really will step down to the ranks of Cameroon and Zimbabwe. America is half way there already with the crap that has gone on, Americans should be deeply insulted by it all. US is progressively fast tracking in becoming an official banana republic.


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

But only if they maliciously lie. Smaller lies or exaggerations are OK.

I never said that.

Socialism is essentially communism without a gun/weapon, yet... Socialist, Marxist, Progressive (whatever floats your boat) are all PREVARICATED pseudonyms for Communist.

They’ve been used as a VERBAL SHELL GAME to circumvent and deflect any discussion of the real history of Communism into inane bickering over what each deceit should mean.

Incessant mid-course corrections of the contextual symbolization empower “Indoctrinationators” to squander discussion time and waste education programs rather than conveying and contributing anything of value. :)


-4 ( +3 / -7 )

If they do impeach Trump, America really will step down to the ranks of Cameroon and Zimbabwe. America is half way there already with the crap that has gone on, Americans should be deeply insulted by it all. US is progressively fast tracking in becoming an official banana republic.

Ridiculous. Leaving the current corrupt administration and their enablers in place would eventually turn the U.S. into a banana republic. That's about to change.


How does quoting the President's view of things pass as a fact? Opinion pieces are not facts, especially ones that come from the person who is at the center of all of the problems.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It’s sad how every tragedy gets politicized. The media and politicians point fingers of blame when a natural disaster occurs. Bush had no way to prevent the deaths in New Orleand caused by Katrina. The city’s infrastructure was ill prepared for the storm and the local officials failed to evacuate their people.

I understand Trumps desire to get out in front of the blame game by pushing back on the media’s bias. The New England Journal of Medicine has an estimate of up to 8,500 deaths. This number and the 3,000 figure are clearly estimates not based on direct facts. There is no list of victims from Hurricane Maria. That’s irrelevant to the goal here of political opportunism on the part of the media.

In any disaster local officials are key. In the current hurricane on the east coast of the US, Florence will be damaging but the state and local officials of both parties are prepared and there will not be catastrophic loss of life. Trump won’t get credit for that nor should he. Nor should he be blamed for the poor infrastructure in Puerto Rico and the poor planning of the local officials there. It’s a stupid political game that both sides are playing.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Ridiculous. Leaving the current corrupt administration and their enablers in place would eventually turn the U.S. into a banana republic. That's about to change.

The previous administration has used its law enforcement to go after the campaign of the incoming president based on unverified information paid for by an opposing political campaign. The US had already become a banana republic long before Trumps antics.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

based on unverified information paid for by an opposing political campaign.

You are not bubble management material

0 ( +2 / -2 )

But if you ad the lies from CNN, msnbc, NYT, The Nation, Washington Post, That would triple the amount of his so called lies.

Laughable - but following your logic Fox News on its own would quadruple it. Info Wars would take it to the 12th decimal...

I wonder who these anonymous people so that we can give them a cognitive test, but oh, he’s the President and they’re not...ohhh jealousy...

Interesting admission - all of Trump's hand-picked Republican cabinet are jealous and want his job - yep, "chaos" and "crazytown"....

President's lead

And he’s doing that, of course with the help of Brock Long.

He's doing nothing - a photo op is not leadership - ask Kelly and Mattis.

Glad you finally admit that Anonymous is a card-carrying Republican,

I never said that. I said, we don’t know. Once I know who the person is, then I can make that assessment, but not before.

You admitted you can't name a senior white house official who is a Democrat - ergo, it must be a Republican....

a handpicked member of Trump's own team - who thinks he's a danger to the republic.


See above...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Trump's motormouth is faster in speed than a hurricane! He won't ever shut up and do his job. And he's reduced the number of victims because he HATES Hispanics to begin with - he says they're 'animals', he treats them like trash. Note that he's not wearing a US flag on his lapel. That's because this traitor is not a US citizen now, he's a Russian stooge.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Lets be honest here, Trump did not care about Maria because Puerto Ricans are not white. Florence, now that is different. Lots of his voters in the path of that hurricane.

All this blame game by the usual apologists for the conman President by blaming local governments. Guess what, its the federal government that is the power to prevent increased damage from a hurricane. Hurricanes do not work by zip code. And Republican administrations because basically they think government is the problem and not the hurricane always screw up disaster relief. It is like night following day. Trump is worse than most as he is 8 years old intellectually, not unlike most of his followers unfortunately, so he responds to failure by whining. He does not care about the 3000 dead, just like he did not care about the 3000 dead on 9-11. His comment, "now my building is the tallest in Manhattan." Look it up boys. That is your man. 3000 dead and he cares more about his property value going up.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

He does not care about the 3000 dead, just like he did not care about the 3000 dead on 9-11. His comment, "now my building is the tallest in Manhattan." Look it up boys. That is your man. 3000 dead and he cares more about his property value going up.

Trump is a classic sociopath, as are many top business people. Because he is incapable of empathy, he naturally says things like this. He might train himself occasionally to say things that a normal person would say when a tragedy strikes, but they do not come naturally to him - it is just not part of his brain.

That said, there are lots of pleasant people who are sociopathic, but Trump is not one of them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

lincolnmanSep. 14 03:04 pm JSTCorruption in Puerto Rico may have actually contributed Hurricane Maria’s high death toll.

No, I think corruption in Trump's administration may have contributed to the high death toll...

The Puerto Rican government canceled the Whitefish contract on Oct. 29, about two weeks after it was awarded, after extensive media reports on Whitefish’s personal ties to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke along with revelations that the company’s rates — paid for by taxpayers — were far above normal for emergency electrical work.

But irrespective of who you want to try to pin the blame on, Florence is happening now and Trump is showing no leadership in preparing for its aftermath. Why isn't he getting his cabinet together and ensuring state/national efforts are well coordinated? 

There's only one reason - it's one we've heard over and over the past several weeks from no less than his own hand-picked staff - he's incompetent.

And he doesn't care. Not one wit.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Don't put anything past him, he's lost everything but the capacity for mayhem.

He's holding thousands of Hispanic children hostage in concentration camps. He plans to keep them indefinitely. That's what fascists do.

SneezySep. 14 10:31 am JSTPuerto Rico is not an independent country, but unincorporated US territory. So your very first (substantive) sentence is wrong.

Sending aid is easy. Puerto Rico isn't on the moon. Ships exist. Planes exist. I can guarantee that if PR had a Trump Hotel, it would have gotten assistance. Because Trump is corrupt and selfish.

If Pres. Obama can send relief ships, helicopters, planes to Haiti on the same day as the big earthquake of 2010 then why can't Trumpyboy send relief to PR? Is he saying he can't do what Mr. O did in a timely, orderly fashion? The answer is that Trump delayed relief to PR because of his hatred and bigotry against Hispanics. He calls Latin people 'animals', he keeps blubbering on and on about building that wall, and he has kidnapped thousands of Hispanic children and is keeping them in cages. What does that tell ya? Swims like a duck, quacks like a duck,....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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