Japan Today

Republicans fear political fallout from Kavanaugh turmoil


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As they should.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

There's plenty of negativity in this article, but what the writer has missed that all three women haven't proven anything that just finger pointed and told a story that are full of holes. A lot of people may see this as the Democrats trying to gain power at any cost and vote Republican.

Paul Joseph Watson made a fact pointing video on this


So did Stefan Molyneux


-13 ( +3 / -16 )

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy;

If you find yourself making excuses or justifications for child molesters, rapists, gropers, pedophiles, perverts, con men, draft dodgers, white supremacists, racists, traitors, conspirators, and Russians....you might be a Republican....

10 ( +13 / -3 )

"Republicans have to ask themselves if they're willing not only to sell the soul of the party, but sell their own souls to get this particular conservative on the Supreme Court,"

Succinct criticism of Trump-era Republicans.

Trump's GOP enablers in Congress along with his base have eschewed traditional conservative values, what they had claimed made up the Party's 'soul', and have reduced the Republican philosophy to:

follow the leader (cult of personality) without question, believe everything he says;

believe only what the leader's spokespeople (e.g. Fox 'news', especially Hannity and Fox and Friends, RT and Russian backed youtubers, infowars, Breitbart, etc.) say;

divide the world into us v. them by portraying as enemy those who disagree with Trump, then label them with vague terms like the left, dems, libs, etc.;

and 4. Trump's enemy's enemy is their friend, even if that means allowing a 'foreign' government to meddle in US elections and politics. Trump supporters have come to feel closer to 'foreign' governments than they do to their neighbors who don't idolize Trump.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

A lot of people may see this as the Democrats trying to gain power at any cost and vote Republican.

This sort of thing happened in NZ in 2014. A dirty politics campaign against National backfired and lost Labour the election. 2017 Labour changed completely with Jacinda Ardern at the helm and the campaign was run on one of positivity. It wasn't sexual assault claims against National though. This is far more serious and it would be a real shame if this happened in this instance.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

As long as one seat goes Democrat, Trump will be seriously weakened.

Let's hope.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

There's plenty of negativity in this article, but what the writer has missed that all three women haven't proven anything that just finger pointed and told a story that are full of holes. A lot of people may see this as the Democrats trying to gain power at any cost and vote Republican.

Actually, this is about due process. The Republicans are trying to rush through the confirmation, and these women need to be heard, where the FBI can investigate the claims and see if there is proof, and if there are only holes in their accusations. Republicans are running scared of the results, and the narrative it is just the Democrats witch hunting, is counter to Kavanaugh who has shown he is a very nervous and angry supreme court nominee, and that's not a. How a supreme court justice should behave and b. mostly, only guilty people act that hysterically, when confronted.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

If this partisan possible rapist isn't dropped soon, the legacy will be destructive. Otherwise just what kind of message is the elderly, white patriarchy sending out to American women?

Good article from the BBC


It is also important to remember the more immediate past: Kavanaugh's Republican defenders on the Judiciary Committee are the self-same Senators who blocked Barack Obama's last Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, from ever coming before their committee.

Those blocking tactics, designed to give a Republican president that pick rather than Hillary Clinton, meant there was a vacancy on the Supreme Court for more than a year. (As an historical aside, it's remarkable to recall that Antonin Scalia, an arch conservative and another Reagan nominee, was nominated by a unanimous Senate vote of 98-0).

6 ( +7 / -1 )

believe only what the leader's spokespeople (e.g. Fox 'news', especially Hannity and Fox and Friends, RT and Russian backed youtubers, infowars, Breitbart, etc.) say; 

And the left shall do the exact same thing with their leaders. Waters, Schumer, Feinstein, I’m talking to you.

divide the world into us v. them by portraying as enemy those who disagree with Trump, then label them with vague terms like the left, dems, libs, etc.; 

Personally, I think the President said, the GOP can be sneaky, but the Dems are masters at it. Race is the lefts ultimate weapon. They claim 11 White Senators questioning a White woman that was allegedly attacked by a White male who sits on the second highest court in the land but only got there because of his White Privilege. Yeah, I had to wrap my head around that one as well, but according to the left....it’s racist. But according to the left, they are the party to bring us together? Yeah, ok....

and 4. Trump's enemy's enemy is their friend, even if that means allowing a 'foreign' government to meddle in US elections and politics. Trump supporters have come to feel closer to 'foreign' governments than they do to their neighbors who don't idolize Trump.

So what was Kerry going behind Trump’s back? Trump supporters feel that unlike the left that want to profit from foreign countries even if they don’t like us or insult us they don’t care. They don’t care if doing deals with foreign contries devastates rural working Americans that provide for us the very food we eat as long as it helps their Globalist agenda.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

PTownsendToday  08:05 am JST

"Republicans have to ask themselves if they're willing not only to sell the soul of the party, but sell their own souls to get this particular conservative on the Supreme Court,"

Succinct criticism of Trump-era Republicans.

Exactly, though Trump is just open evidence of the festering rot in the Republican party. The infection goes back decades. Republicans claim to be conservative, but they've abandoned any shred of conservative character in exchange for radical social experimentation, anti-intellectualism, and hate.

From the article:

"If Republicans do not get this vote taken and Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye," conservative icon Rush Limbaugh boomed from his radio studio this week, a message that Trump echoed on Twitter and Republican strategists repeated privately on Friday.

Limbaugh is hardly a conservative. He's an entertainer, a geriatric pro-wrestler for the political arena. He gave up all pretense of conservative thought when he was taking drugs and shouting "dumbocrats" into a golden microphone. His cowardly proclamation here is a perfect example of that - odds are good that Republicans are going to lose the midterms no matter what. That's why they're rushing Kavanaugh's nomination in the first place. That's why for over a week no Kavanaugh fanboy on this page could muster up the courage to explain why he needed to be confirmed so quickly - they know the policies of Trump and his cowardly congressional enablers have screwed the party and they just want to swipe as much short-term political advantage as possible while they still can. Limbaugh knows Republicans are going to take a thrashing in November, but he lacks the courage to admit that it's Republicans' own fault. So instead of facing his party's own failures, he's hiding behind a delusion of a vast Democrat conspiracy to undermine the government by... ...listening to a woman.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Kavanaugh is probably done. Too much doubt has been sown about him, and just like how in the end the Republicans couldn't kill Obamacare without angering too much of their base, they won't be able confirm Kavanaugh for the same reason. They're already worried about the November midterms, and confirming Kavanaugh would push too many people over the edge.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

A long-winded post repeatedly focuses on "the left" and the Democrats which is odd because Democrats are center right, not left and it's the Republicans, currently, who are stuffed to the gills with rapists, abusers, paedophiles and sex pests.

That said, this is all about "what side are you on" politics now. Any pretence of being non-partisan is long gone.

It clearly needs mentioning once more - the predators need stopping. Whatever their politics.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If this partisan possible rapist isn't dropped soon,

He said, “he will never quit.” That’s what the left wants. I wouldn’t either, the left permanently have damaged this guy, his lifelong public service without a word until a week ago after Feinstein waited until a few days before voting to lay out allegation charges that he allegedly assaulted a woman based on info Feinstein got 45 days ago when for the last 30 days the left and Feinstein had more than enough time to question but didn’t for political purposes and now all of a sudden he should drop out, now? He would be the biggest idiot to do so. If I were him, I would fight to the very bitter end.

the legacy will be destructive.

For Democrats at this point it might be, flip it around the same fallout would happen if the left can put 2 more liberals in the court. Since I’m not a liberal, I don’t see him or his legacy being destructive at all.

Otherwise just what kind of message is the elderly, white patriarchy sending out to American women?

I don’t know, but what will the Left do with their elderly White Democrats?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Horn, a lifelong Republican and frequent Trump critic, described Ford as "the most credible person I have ever seen publicly talk about this."

What a bunch of BS. Horn is obviously a democratic lapdog like Mueller and Rosenstein!

Race is the lefts ultimate weapon.

They claim 11 WhiteSenators questioning a White woman that was allegedly attacked by a Whitemale who sits on the second highest court in the land but only got there because of his White Privilege.

Exactly. They complains showed that democrats are racist. It's not like they were complaining that it was old men questioning the victim of sexual assault. It was all about race.

So what was Kerry going behind Trump’s back? Trump supporters feel that unlike the left that want to profit from foreign countries even if they don’t like us or insult us they don’t care. They don’t care if doing deals with foreign contries devastates rural working Americans that provide for us the very food we eat as long as it helps their Globalist agenda.

Amen. Trump knowing what Kerry was doing demonstrates how sneaky Kerry is. Just like when Kennedy met with Gorbachev.

The left wing loonies always profit from foreign governments. Just look how they profit from foreign governments using Trump hotels. Or how the left profited from Russia in the presidential election. The problem with the jest is they have their eyes closed constantly.

Liberals hate the free market so constantly allow market forces to devastate rural America and impose tariffs on countries that consume goods from rural America.. Then us self responsible conservatives are forced to abide our mantra that government handouts are bad when we give billions in government subsidies to those affected by the democratic tariffs. Smh.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Automatic deflection to a very serious question. But the matter of treating women with respect and equality must never be addressed.

The hypocritical liberals always whining. Us conservatives respect women and want them to have equality, which is why we disparage victims of sexual assault and have 6 republican women in congress. The Dems only have 17 women in Congress. That is solid proof that republicans desire equality for women! Oh my.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

With no proof whatsoever, Kavanaugh accused Dr. Ford of being in cahoots with the Clintons. Is this the kind of Judge we want sitting on the Supreme Court - one who blames a witness without any proof whatsoever? One who makes up conspiracy theories?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

@ Crazy Joe: You stated, with no proof whatsoever, Kavanaugh accused Dr. Ford of being in cahoots with the Clintons.

I agree with your statement although I am not sure who he was specifically directing the comment about the Clintons to {comment shown below}. Looking at this from both sides It could have been directed to the Democrats attacking him. It was poor judgment on his part for even bringing that up. On the other hand (again looking from both sides) considering what was being said about him (Cory Booker calling him evil) one might understand why the emotions got the best of him.

"This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons, and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups. This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country."

@Chip Star: I believe Kavanaugh should be investigated but in addition I also think it is valid to ask Feinstein again why the document was held for so long (even some Democrats are not fully on board with her on this) and also try to ascertain who leaked the document in the first place. Considering the gravity of what he is being accused of and the fact this is now completely on the national and international stage this is a fair question.

I agree with Strangerland: I do not know if Kavanaugh did this or not (I have no way of knowing and none of us here do) however I think he is finished also. Barring any radical revelations I do not think there will be enough votes.

It seems this is an argument which is so polarized that it will be hard to convince 95% of the people to even look at possible arguments that do not support their view.

People against Kavanaugh (I am against him...but probably not enough against him for many here) should watch Paul Joseph Watson's piece? One interesting tidbit (which any fair minded person needs to at least consider) is:

“All five witness Dr. Ford places at the scene have weight in, now all but Ford say the incident didn’t happen. The four she names besides herself contradict her. Last witness, Leland Keyser, says she doesn’t know Kavanaugh.”

Maybe the investigation will answer these questions.

Regardless I think he is finished.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"Feinstein should be investigated for sitting on the allegation for so long, which was her right. She should be stripped of her seat and brought up on treason charges."

Umm......Ok....if you say so....

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Umm......Ok....if you say so....

I've switched sides and am embracing conservatism. Hope that helps you understand my posts.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

And once again, the liberals have no shame, duly noted. But the same people demand that you respect an alleged sex abuser, funny.

Who is the alleged sex abuser and who is demanding that this person be respected?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

With no proof whatsoever, Kavanaugh accused Dr. Ford of being in cahoots with the Clintons. 

I think with the security clearance and access to some of the most sensitive material in the country and sitting on the 2nd highest court, I think he would personally know that and not any of us readers on JT.

Is this the kind of Judge we want sitting on the Supreme Court

A Constitutionalist and not a liberal activist Judge??? Heck yeah!!!

one who blames a witness without any proof whatsoever? 

But the other way around is perfectly Ok, right?

One who makes up conspiracy theories?

Oh, the left have a litany of those.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

I think with the security clearance and access to some of the most sensitive material in the country and sitting on the 2nd highest court, I think he would personally know that and not any of us readers on JT.

Totally. It's not like us conservatives ever blame anything on the Clintons without proof. And, judges receive daily intelligence briefings, so definitely know more about everything, unless it's a corrupt liberal judge.

> A Constitutionalist and not a liberal activist Judge??? Heck yeah!!!

I couldn't agree more. Constitutionilst judges are far better than originalist judges. We need activist conservative judges to ensure our agenda is forced on everyone else. Just remember that we want smaller government and more freedom.

Oh, the left have a litany of those.

The leftist conspiracy theories that are funniest are the Deep State, corruption at the FBI, Clinton selling our uranium to Russia . . . ROFL!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Wow! It's amazing how technology has changed our lives. Back in Jim Crow days the Dems would need at least a day to round up a lynch mob. Now with a couple of hyperbolic talking points, a twitter army on tap and a lot of eager participants they can string a guy up in a matter of hours. I guess that's progress.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Wow! It's amazing how technology has changed our lives. Back in Jim Crow days the Dems would need at least a day to round up a lynch mob.

Back in the Jim Crow era the Dems were akin to today's republicans and republicans akin to today's Dems. Lincoln was the most progressive president ever.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Democrats know if there is a constitutionalist on the bench

Exactly, because not all judges are constitionalists. Some don't even read the constitution.

they won't be able to constitutionally get their radical legislation through, this is why they need the courts, this is how Obamacare got through.

Exactly. Obamacare wasn't passed by congress.

Maybe if Democrats would listen to the entire country and not just the idiots in NY, Hollywood they could come up with good legislation that everyone would agree upon.

No kidding. If Dems respected everyone like us conservatives do (except the idiots in NY and Hollywood), they may have won the popular vote in the last presidential election.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"Ford's powerful testimony about sexual assault"

I would characterize that testimony as not credible. I think she was traumatized by someone somewhere sometime, but not by Kavanaugh. What about Kavanaugh's powerful testimony in his defense? Nah...

I disagree with Judge Jeanine here on the credibility of Ford's testimony, but she's right on the rest of this:

Judge Jeanine: Establishment Republicans caved to the Dems


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I also disagree with conservatives regarding anything positive they say about Dr. Ford, but agree with the negative things they say. It's complete consistency on my part and not at all driven by my hyper-partisanship.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Kuya 808Today  10:22 am JST

Wow! It's amazing how technology has changed our lives. Back in Jim Crow days the Dems would need at least a day to round up a lynch mob. Now with a couple of hyperbolic talking points, a twitter army on tap and a lot of eager participants they can string a guy up in a matter of hours. I guess that's progress.

Watch anyone who tries to equate the murder by vigilantes of a man just for being black with a spoiled white man not immediately getting the promotion he wants no questions ask because he's accused of sexually assaulting a woman.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Republicans have to ask themselves if they're willing not only to sell the soul of the party, but sell their own souls to get this particular conservative on the Supreme Court.

is a thesis. One must provide proof. Oh my:

Evangelical leaders in contact with the White House have quietly launched an influence campaign designed to rally 1.5 million evangelical voters....

Trump is certainly taking many down with him.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The Left has become so predictable. This latest hit job of a "story" predominantly interviews politicians and pollsters who are NeverTrumpers as a gauge of how the national consensus of republicans and registered independents (like myself) will vote in November. After watching how the democrat scum on the judiciary panel manipulated this entire nominating process, the blowback on the party of Guilty by Accusation will be huge in about 40 days.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The ritualized posturing and virtue signalling that is the 'confirmation hearing' process has run aground on the Imperial attitudes of Trump, and a sea change in American social mores. Either of those things alone would have produced an obsession amongst the politically active, but the interplay of them both, plus the fallout from the Republican decision to deny Obama his opportunity to name the last new judge, and the proximity of the spectacle of an American election (minor because of being a 'midterm', but spectacle of spending, propaganda, legal and quazi legal maneuvers to rig the election) is going to result in an America more self obsessed than normal.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Let’s have an FBI investigation as to what was in that Jackson Lee envelope to Ford’s attorney while we are it! Swear them both in under penalty of perjury on a televised hearing.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The Repubilican decision to deny Obama his opportunity to name the last new judge -- comment

Your anger is misdirected. Do a little research and you'll learn that you can thank democrat Joe Biden for Obama not getting Garland on the SC bench.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It’s been fun watching the slow train wreck of the GOP on this issue.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This latest hit job of a "story" predominantly interviews politicians and pollsters who are NeverTrumpers as a gauge of how the national consensus of republicans and registered independents (like myself) will vote in November.

The topic was the Kavanaugh issue; the controlling idea was how it would effect the female vote in the mid- and long-term. Excuse me for assuming this, but you are male.

This whole process has simply reinforced concepts of GOP bias against women, from the nominee himself to the reluctance to admit he has a problem, the half-hearted conference, the comments of Repub senators, and now what they hope to be a prefunctory FBI "investigation" whose results will be immediately trashed as the vote is rescheduled to be held ASAP.

It's not just elections which have consequences; so does governing. The GOP is again seen as dismissing a serious issue - not just the sexual assaults but the lying - because the accusers are female. And let us not forget what is truly at stake: a SCOTUS seat. Imagine the fate of Roe vs Wade in the hands of a such a man.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The topic was the Kavanaugh issue; the controlling idea was how it would effect the female vote in the mid- and long-term. Excuse me for assuming this, but you are male.

I think it can effect the female vote on both sides of the aisle, those that stand for Ford and those that stand for Kavanaugh.

This whole process has simply reinforced concepts of GOP bias against women, from the nominee himself to the reluctance to admit he has a problem,

Telling the truth and has had a history of it, a man that can recollect time, days, events, locations, whereabouts, names compared to a woman that can't seem to recall names, who was or who was not present, difficulty remembering times, days, locations, seeming overwhelmed and confused, need a lot of couching from her pro bono lawyers, the GOP and this misconception of the war on women is equally as much of a lie and to be honest out played rant like the race issue. The only problem Kavanaugh had was to be naive and to think he was EVER going to get a fair trial or approval from Democrats, that was never going to happen,

the half-hearted conference, the comments of Repub senators, and now what they hope to be a prefunctory FBI "investigation" whose results will be immediately trashed as the vote is rescheduled to be held ASAP.

You just made my point, the Dems got what they wanted and they are still complaining about something. If the Dems would be honest with the country and with themselves and and admit, they don't want Trump to appoint ANY conservatives judges, I would have the deepest respect for them. But alas....

It's not just elections which have consequences; so does governing. The GOP is again seen as dismissing a serious issue - not just the sexual assaults but the lying - because the accusers are female.

As well as the Democrats failing to be fair and neutral and to give Kavanaugh the exact same respect and due process and the presumption of innocence like they are giving it to Ford.

And let us not forget what is truly at stake: a SCOTUS seat. Imagine the fate of Roe vs Wade in the hands of a such a man.

Which he has said numerous times, the law has been settled and there is no going back or changing it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The thread has descended into links to Fox News.

As already stated, put a fork into it.

Here we go. The extreme left is trying to shut down speech.

Your anger is misdirected. Do a little research and you'll learn that you can thank democrat Joe Biden for Obama not getting Garland on the SC bench.

No kidding. Geesh. Everyone knows the vice president whispering into McConnel's ear; Alex Jones covered. You can't find the videos anymore because he has been de-deplatformed. The dems are trying to de-platform a solid, upstanding person by attacking Judge Kavanaugh.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The whole process has simply reinforced concepts of GOP bias against women -- comment

Accusers of Keith Ellison and admitted child groper Corey "Spartacus" Booker were unavailable for comment.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Telling the truth and has had a history of it, a man that can recollect time, days, events, locations, whereabouts, names compared to a woman that can't seem to recall names, who was or who was not present, difficulty remembering times, days, locations, seeming overwhelmed and confused, need a lot of couching from her pro bono lawyers,

Another truism. What you liberals don't get is that judges and lawyers and especially judges and lawyers whose parents where judges and lawyers, don't have some special training and knowledge about record keeping. These people haven't studied how to have a record that is available to refresh their memories.

the GOP and this misconception of the war on women is equally as much of a lie and to be honest out played rant like the race issue. The only problem Kavanaugh had was to be naive and to think he was EVER going to get a fair trial or approval from Democrats, that was never going to happen,

Their are six female members of congress! How is that a war on women? What we are doing with Ford is not a war on women, it is getting to the truth of the matter. After we discovered investigations don't work, we decided to try another method.

You just made my point, the Dems got what they wanted and they are still complaining about something. If the Dems would be honest with the country and with themselves and and admit, they don't want Trump to appoint ANY conservatives judges, I would have the deepest respect for them. But alas....

Another one! Completely agree. It's like after the Benghazi investigations and Clinton was cleared of wrongdoing or when the Senate acquitted Bill, we just moved along to the next investigation. This just makes my point that investigations are bias and ineffective.

As well as the Democrats failing to be fair and neutral and to give Kavanaugh the exact same respect and due process and the presumption of innocence like they are giving it to Ford.

On a roll of hard driving logic. If only the democrats would treat Judge Kavanaugh with the same respect us conservatives are treating Ford.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

is a thesis. One must provide proof. Oh my:

I think you mean hypothesis and evidence.

Mathematicians provide proof. Investigators provide evidence.

Some might argue that this is obscure linguistics but to demand proof all the time is rhetoric - it is impossible to do. All the other side can do is provide evidence and sometimes this is circumstantial.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You just made my point, the Dems got what they wanted [FBI investigation] they are still complaining about something

They are probably complaining that a week is not long enough to investigate something like this. Trump set too short a time period to ensure that it would not return any meaningful evidence.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

'It Was Heartbreaking': Friend of Kavanaugh Reacts to Hearings, FBI Probe


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Political turmoil is but a small part of the social turmoil that exists today within the USA.

Political interests have displaced social interests to a point of physical violence becoming closer to terrorism.

However, this case which is of "global" consequences have destroyed the credibility as well as the efficacy of the US government which is based upon the "reliability" and "civility" of a "well intended" nation of people based upon the "need" and "value" of laws as the basis of human relationships. The foundation of which starts with the Constitution and the Supreme Court that is given the authority and the task of preserving and interpreting the "intent" and the "content" of the Constitution for the welfare of the people in the country.

This all comes after the now obviously politicized CIA, FBI and the Department of Justice which actions have wasted much time in Congress while special interests have blatantly disregarded or misinterpreted the laws of the land to further their interests, starting with misinformation, disinformation and manipulation of information to the control of the dissemination and distribution of factual, pertinent, and meaningful information.

Meaningful relationship between people comes from not reliability but "trust-ability". That by this processes in Congress culminating at this particular hearings have made it obvious that "trust-ability" has been reduced to "un-trust-ability" based upon selfish self-righteousness of many within the society. He/she that sits as a Supreme Court Justice or will as a candidate to that position needs the respect and the process which is rational and pragmatic while reflecting the suitability of that individual as a person of integrity.

This affects not just one but all political parties.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If history is any guide Republicans will take a shellacking in the mid-terms just as Democrats did when Obama was president. It would be an aberration if they didn’t lose seats in both chambers of Congress. Add to that the media’s in-kind contribution to the Dems campaign and you have the makings of a huge blue wave in early November.

But just as Dems were willing to take it on the chin to pass Obamacare, Republicans are right to do all it takes to get either Kavanaugh confirmed now or Coney-Barret in the lame duck session. In the long run it will lead to huge policy victories given the amount of law making power the Supreme Court holds in modern America. It is well worth a temporary set back at the polls in order to achieve legal victories such as ending affirmative action, overturning Roe vs Wade, restricting the power of government bureaucrats, ending DACA, and rolling back regulations that restrict the rights and liberties of individuals. Dems sacrificed to pass Obamacare. Republicans need to step up and make a similar sacrifice for the good of the country.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Good point from Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, talking about the GOP men sitting back and hiring a woman to ask questions:

“If you’re not the right person to be asking the questions, then maybe you aren’t the right person to be senator.”

Personally, I think the greatest insult to Republicans during this whole process is that it’s being caused by a woman. Ford has been thoughtful, intelligent, and calm. Kavanaugh has been rageful and partisan.

Maybe the GOP should nominate Ford.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I really don’t understand why everyone can't see through this. This Ford woman is a lying, staged, liberal operative that was coached for weeks and then released like a horrendous virus at the very last second. She, and all involved in this libelous, slanderous mockery need to be prosecuted and imprisoned. Start with that venomous Diane Feinstein.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Yep, Serrano, she's just your sneaky liberal woman looking to abuse the system purely for political gain.

And she's kicking your ass.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"And she's kicking your ass."


Never mind that Ford is a Democrat...never mind that her attorney is a Democrat activist...never mind that Sen. Feinstein brought the Ford letter the day after the hearings were supposed to be over...never mind all of that. Ford's accusation amounts to a 17 year old boy possibly groping a 15 year old girl 36 years ago - in collaboration with the desperate effort by the Democrats to stop a good man with impeccable credentials from serving on the Supreme Court. The Democrats will pay dearly for this.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Never mind that Ford is a Democrat...never mind that her attorney is a Democrat activist...never mind that Sen. Feinstein brought the Ford letter the day after the hearings were supposed to be over...never mind all of that. 

Don’t forget that Senator Schumer stated that he would do everything in his power to kill this nomination. The Democrats are rightfully terrified that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe vs Wade and restore the power back to the people from the law making court system. They are desperate. Ford is a partisan Democrat proven by the fact that she hired an avowed Socialist lawyer who is an active participant in the anti-Democratic #resistance movement.

This Supreme Court nominee is an existential threat to the Left’s past activist court victories. They have plenty of incentive to lie to retain their hard fought activist court victories. They just better be sure that they didn’t make any mistakes that the FBI investigation could be used against them. They are so desperate I think the believe the effort is worth the risk.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lindsey Graham explains his outrage over Kavanaugh hearing


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Kellyanne Conway for said she was a victim of sexual assualt. But she's a Republican, so...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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