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© Thomson Reuters 2024.RFK Jr says he dumped a dead bear in New York's Central Park a decade ago
By Stephanie Kelly WILMINGTON, Del©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Was that before a worm ate into his brain or after. The guy is a loon.
Did the worm in his brain make him do it?
I recommend MAGA voters switch to RFK Jr. He represents the kind of alpha-male, anti-hero, devil-be-damned, narcissistic weirdness they crave.
Conspiracy theorists tend to be a few cards short of a full deck.
This is the scary part.
Well now that mystery is solved.
“RFK Jr says he dumped a dead bear in New York's Central Park a decade ago”
has got to be the best headline I’ve ever seen on this website
This year you can vote Democrat or you can vote Weird.
As normal people do, lol.
When this is the most lucid part of your explanation, you have problems…
I am watching Last Week Tonight at the moment and John Oliver is doing a pre-recorded piece on RFK Jr. If only he’d had this to work with in time….
Well, he is an anti-vaxxer - so idiocy, dumb stunts and recklessness are part of who he is.
Not necessarily damaging.
Maybe the basement crowd on social media could spin it as the corporate MSM/elites/big pharma/Soros/the deep state types trying to take him down.
They could come to his rescue.
It kind of feels like Jr here saw “Trump-weird” getting traction, got jealous and said “Hold my (whatever it is that’s doing this to him now that he stopped taking drugs and alcohol)!”
I bet now he's doing a 180 and wishes he'd taken that horse dewormer shot that MAGA-world thinks is a COVID cure...
Interesting view.
Kennedy and Trump/Vance having a weird-off.
Vance wins it for me.
Trump is senile rather than weird and Kennedy is a ten-a-penny conspiracy theorist.
Vance has that abusing furniture/dolphin thing factor.
Kennedy was favored by 8% of voters.
The problem with that is that Trump has be elected President, as that doesn't look so likely these days...
That's got to hurt. The only good part of Trump's Covid response, he has to disavow...
Trying to do what he can to stay relevant I guess but this is just plain sick
He makes Rosanne Barr appear normal which is not easy to do. Even she seems taken aback by his mental state.
Bob Fosse
When has he ever, once, admitted that something he did was a failure?
There’s more chance of him dumping a dead bear in Central Park.
Dave Fair
It's great to see RFK Jr. talking about policies! Is this guy running for president or animal control officer?
"RFK Jr says he dumped a dead bear in New York's Central Park a decade ago."
Are people really concerned more about something which happened a decade ago or the current apocalyptic global economic collapse?
Nobody said they are not concerned with current things, you don't have to be a genius to remember more than one thing at a time lmao. It is just everyone judging the morals of someone who is trying to run the country
"Nobody said they are not concerned with current things, you don't have to be a genius to remember more than one thing at a time lmao. It is just everyone judging the morals of someone who is trying to run the country."
According to your logic then nobody would ever qualify to lead Nation based on past moral grounds. Due to the fact that no one is Holy.
This year you can vote Democrat or you can vote Weird.
LOL! What do you call Kamarla?
Chairman Rexton
Insane and out of her depth.
Bob Fosse
I don’t care about ‘holy’. I’d prefer leaders who haven’t committed criminal acts.
To "admit" something that is not real is called to "lie" about it. Vaccines are considered one of the few huge successes about how the pandemic was dealt with, even now. If following scientific advice never became politicized a lot more of other things would have prevented millions of deaths.
People are concerned that a candidate so obviously unhinged can actually be the choice of 8% of the electorate, this indicate that the future elections could come with worse and worse candidates progressively.
That is a false dichotomy, there is a huge difference between not being a perfect human being and being a huge example of irrational, erratic behavior that would incapacitate anyone from any professional job, much more having a political career.
"I don’t care about ‘holy’. I’d prefer leaders who haven’t committed criminal acts."@Bob Fosse
We should all strive for Holiness and Righteousness to overcome all sins caused by human fallability. Having said that I would also prefer a leader without crimes. But if a leader is setup to b caught in crimes, then I will hold accountable those involved with the setup past what I hear and see on media.
Bob Fosse
Leave religion out of it. Leaders should lead by example. Holiness is irrelevant.
Set up?
Someone publicly joking about a crime and then trying to preempt inevitable media attention is not being ‘setup’.
"Leave religion out of it. Leaders should lead by example. Holiness is irrelevant." @Bob Fosse
I'm confused because you brought up religion, can you please define "Holy" for me because I really don't get it. Jesus was Holy which religion did he belong?
"Someone publicly joking about a crime and then trying to preempt inevitable media attention is not being ‘setup’.
Provide an example not generalization.
Bob Fosse
I don’t need to. The article we are both commenting on gives a great example.
If reading the whole thing is too much just the first two paragraphs will do.
Standard hit job by reuters and the radical left posters following suite...
Bob Fosse
Another one.
This story was released by Rfk jr.
Read the article.
It's his wife, Cheryl Hines, I feel sorry for - she has to listen to crap from him like this all the time.
“Kennedy suggested in the video, which was posted on social media platform X, that he is trying to get ahead of a not-yet-published story from the New Yorker.”
You were so determined to be a victim again that you forgot to read the ‘hit job’ article.
Very embarrassing for you.
Daniel Neagari
So JFK had the Missle crisis, RFK had his mission with trying to end the Viet Nam war... and Jr., here... facing his Nemesis... himself
All of the far-left radical Marxists/Trotskyite socialists are in your head and maybe in RFK Jrs. along with his other demons.
Actually it was a hit job by the driver in front of him. Jr. Just decided to scoop up the corpse for meat, went to dinner apparently forgetting he had to go to the airport, and then dumped the corpse in Central Park (where bears are so frequently found of course) along with a bike to make it look like an accident so the decaying bear corpse wouldn’t stink up his car.
I don’t know about anyone else but that’s the kind of level-headed thinking under pressure I want from a guy with launch authorization!
Bob Fosse
I hope he’s not running on the ‘defund the police’ trope since he had them running around in circles.
"I don’t need to. The article we are both commenting on gives a great example.
If reading the whole thing is too much just the first two paragraphs will do."@Bob Fosse
I have read the entire thing but it doesn't make sense. If he really needed bear skin and meat why not go for hunting expedition.
"Kennedy said in the video that he was driving to the Hudson Valley in New York state when a woman in a van in front of him hit a young bear and killed it. He put the bear's body into the back of his car because he was going to skin the bear and store its meat at his house, he said."
Hey who didn’t do crazy stupid stuff at that young age of (checks RFK Jr’s wikipedia page )….60.
He did not, he just acted on impulse without measuring the consequences of his actions, fully knowing he had an appoitment that would make it impossible to harvest anything from the bear, then again by dropping it by trying to make it look like an impossible accident and later by exposing himself doing this terribly irrational thing expecting people to feel sympathy for him for acting without a drop of common sense.
In NY State it is illegal to transport a dead bear unless one has a vaid bear tag, issued to hunters, Same goes for deer.
It is also very likely illegal to dump a n animinal carcass in a NY city or state park.
The NYS DEC needs to look into this claim,
Bob Fosse
Hence whilst some people are having to make up conspiracies about ‘media hit jobs’ the majority of people are laughing at how absurdly ridiculous he is.
You asked for an example of someone joking about a crime and then trying to preempt the media by revealing it themself.
Are we really REALLY sure that Jr. hadn’t relapsed?
Because I gotta say, this has all the hallmarks of really poor decisions made under the influence of SOMETHING.
And which would be worse, a relapse or no relapse and this is just who he is? (Spoiler alert: it’s the latter.)
Have to say the comments here are very revealing...
Almost every post defending and supporting RFK Jr is from a MAGA-warrior...
Where as almost all the posts critical of him are from the more moderate side...
That makes one thing crystal clear - if RFK Jr does siphon any votes from the top two candidates, it will be our MAGA-friends dumping Trump for a guy that shares their view that the COVID vaccine is poison...
So keep yourself in the ring Bobby Jr - and keep telling the MAGA-crew you aren't buying the Trump lie that the vaccine is "safe and it works" we've seen here, they'll love you for it...