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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012.Romney campaign says Obama should 'learn to be an American'
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Interesting. Obama is the king of dodging and deflection. Talk about calling the kettle black.
“Frankly, I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have used those words.”
I'm sure this won't be the last offensive comments that will be blurted out. Just shows what the far right is really thinking.
Good to see the Romeny campaign begin to recover from its poor showing last week. Snark.
Seriously, if Team Romney keeps this up, we can all go home.
well said, mr romney! your remarks was accurate and definately no need to apologise, keep that spirits going otherwise you lost your the presidency belongs to you!
If political campaigns focus so much in all of this soap-opera BS, what does that tell you of the american people?
I think both Romney and Obama need to learn to be human.
Couldn't happen!
What it shows, is how ready the left is to pounce on a comment, any comment, to shift away from the true issue: Business success in America.
Capitalism, not government run non-profits, is how Americans wealth was built; by insightful entrepreneurs starting companies.
Obama and his policies go against everything business in America started as. That is offensive.
It's also true.
I want to see "Thin Mitts" tax returns. Lets see how American he is.
“The Romney campaign has officially gone off the deep end. The question is what else they’ll pull to avoid answering serious questions about Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital and investments in foreign tax havens and offshore accounts,”
EXACTLY! Romney and his cronies can't put forward any ideas, can't say how they'd work out the ideas anyway, can't answer questions, etc., and so they resort to this kind of comment, well after the birther thing was proven for the farce it was, to avoid answering questions. Romney KNOWS he's in deep water with the Bain issue, and he is doing ANYTHING he can to take focus off it.
"“What I thought I said but what I didn’t say is the president has to learn the American formula for creating business,”
Is Sununu mentally handicapped, perhaps? Maybe just a drunk? He 'thought' he said something else?
The very thing you are using to post your incorrect comments was created and funded by the government. No business created the internet, the US government and non-profit organizations did. This has spawned companies that have made billions. Get your facts straight. What capitalism gave us recently is the financial meltdown and near depression, at least crony capitalism.
Accusing Obama of not being an American is what the right wing attackers have been doing for years. Because he is black he must not be American. This again highlights the racist nature of the republican party and its immoral attack plan that goes back to the Nixon Watergate days.
Clearly the republicans like Sununu are Americans, the worst sort, but more important they are unpatriotic.
McCain says Palin was a better candidate than Romney in 2008. He has seen Romneys' tax returns and decided that the governor of Alaska was a better candidate.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) defended Mitt Romney from Democratic speculation that he passed on him as a 2008 running mate after reviewing his tax returns, saying Sarah Palin was simply the better choice at the time. . He said he chose Palin ‘because we thought that Sarah Palin was the better candidate.'"
Another ringing endorsement for Tricky Taxes Mitt from his republican buddies.
JTDanMan -- I already am "home". But if Romey wins I might leave again, as I did during Bush's wasted term. We don't need another four or eight years of Fox News divisiveness, where disagreeing makes you un-American. Like this idiot Sununu.
Obama is an American citizen. But he isn't an American. Re-distribution of wealth, group rights over individual rights, denigrating the hard work of business men and women, and supporter of big government for the benefit of his politically connected cronies. No, he doesn't think like an American. He thinks more like a Greek socialist. He is the most Liberal of any president in American history. He is the worst President in American history. If he wins re-election, you can kiss America goodbye.
Actually the things people (er... right wing) most complain about Obama are what make him popular outside the US borders - yes, there's a world out there! I was amazed he got elected, he's undoubtedly the least world president american's elected in recent decades. I'd be even more amazed if americans could get their heads out of their foxnews and think more of less straight enough to releect him (can't really hope for Ralph Nader, let's nor overwish).
It's more likely to be the other way around, capitalism eats itself in the long run... guess what? Welcome to the end of the run. You'll need the Rest of rhe World to be your friends, not to resent you for Bush-style foreign policies.
If by which you mean he isn't a grasping, "screw you, me first", gun-toting, obese conservative nutjob then I'd agree with you one hundred per cent.
Here for now.
We can all go home, as in the game is over. Sorry if that was unclear.
Yes, he is. Black people are Americans.
All one has to do is go to California which is a bastion, a huge hornets nest of liberals that don't have a clue as to what fiscal responsibility is. They claim they see themselves as protectors of the downtrodden and human rights and compassion. When all liberalism has done is bankrupted the state, huge entitlement culture, illegal immigration out of control. Obama is by far THE worst President EVER to occupy the oval office. You want a 2nd term. Anyone thinks that Obama is doing a fantastic job needs to stop drinking the kool-aid. This is what the liberals and liberal policies have done to California. This will happen to the rest of the country if we stay on this path, but of course, liberals NEVER believe that and in California, they still don't.
When Sununu said "I wish the president would learn how to be an American," he was thinkng, "I wish the president would learn how to act with class."
Wolfpack: I hope you don't really believe what you posted, because that's some scary stuff. Not much of what you said is rooted in reality.
Readers, enough of this nonsense.
And this makes him less American?
He was not speaking to Obama's nationality, he was speaking of Obama's lack of entrepreneurial spirit - His lack of knowing how to make a dollar from nothing, that "American Dream" concept a lot of immigrants come to America, ready to embrace.
Wolfpack: "Obama is an American citizen. But he isn't an American."
Then I'll ask you as I asked bass4funk but he could not answer: what makes an American? cheating on your taxes? sending jobs overseas? getting rich of bankrupting others?
Sununu, and anyone who thinks like him, is an asbolute moron. Clearly he's just trying to take the spotlight off the fact that Romney can't release his tax statements or he'll be shown a criminal, but his comments are nonetheless moronic.
No doubt lesson no.1 would be become white. What other conclusions could we come to after Republicans refused to believe Obama was even an American citizen?
More thinly-veiled racism.
Wolfpack - Then by your reasoning the most popular and probably greatest American President of the 20th century, FDR, wasn't a true American with his many New Deal socialist programs. Conversely, George W Bush would be the best possible President and a true "American".
Some prime debatin' there, Smith. Don't agree, don't understand or want to, they're morons.
If what is in the White House right now passes for smart, maybe these so-called "morons" have got the inside dope.
Is this about the future of America as we know it, or about molly-coddling the president's sensibilities while he pushes ( not leads ) the country into the abyss?
Given the way people talk about "Americanness" on this site, anybody would think it's some kind of badge of honour rather than an accident of birth.
Thomas Anderson
Republicans have birthers, Democrats have tax-payers.
There is no merit in your statement because under former President George W. Bush both Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell are two African Americans that are well known world wide and respected who served in his administration.There are some African Americans who consider themselves to be conservative too. What about other races that consider themselves conservatives? Maybe you can explain the logic behind your comments in regards to Republicans. There will always be some people (right, center, or the left) who may dislike someone base on the color of the skin black, brown, yellow, blue, or purple stripes.
I would never want to be promoted or get a job base on my ethnicity instead be base on merits. It devalues my qualification and as a person. I also understand the importance of diversity when it comes to ethnicity in the workplace for many minority groups. There are reverse discrimination too which are not right either.
The Nixon Waterfate is like Fast and Furious.
Does Obama's ideas resemble the American dream?
Does Romney's ideas resemble the American dream?
Why do so many people (the rich, the poor, the middle class from other nation) want to live in America?
Have the American dream changed from the individual to the group?
Do people want the role of government to rule every expect of their life then there is a trade off in the name of freedom?
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
Former Governor Sununu is a blast. He routinely rips apart liberal TV hosts like Soledad Obrian or Chris Matthews. Fair enough, he said something stupid and was man enough to apologize. Time to move on.
As for the whole tax return controversy, I think that Gov. Romney should make a deal with the President. Romney will release all his tax returns, and Obama in turn will release all his school records. Let's see how ROmney made/hid his money, and how Obama coasted from school to school until he 'somehow' wound up at Harvard.
Americans are waking up to the fact that they elected an empty suit in 2008. An intelligent man, but a mystery as well. A man with no real leadership experience, political experience, or experience in the private sector.
Given the state of the world's economy, I wouldn't want anyone "with experience in the private sector" let loose in the White House. Let them mess up their companies and ruin their shareholders and fire their workers. But leave the most powerful job in the world alone.
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
LEave it to a naif with nothing but grandiose ideas? Sorry, I'll take the experienced businessman any time. If you had said "experience in banking", I would have agreed. But real business experience, the experience of meeting a payroll, of creating a product or service that others want, is invaluable.
Romney staff returns a favor (trash talk) to Obama, the blamer in chief; and the left went berserk. Recently, the spread the wealth in chief said that business owners succeeded due to government's foundation, sort of. It would be fine, if the deficit in chief runs China, but this is America. Regarding secrecy, Obama has a team of lawyers guard his school record from being disclosure to the public, why? America future will be better if false hope in chief loose this November.
Elbuda Mexicano
Romney and Sununu as the Republican super duo?? These 2 better go back to listening to Rush Limbaugh, then and only then may the have a snow ball's chance in HELL of winning the American White House, IMHO.
Does he mean Obama must become a warmonger and believe in creationism.
It is interesting to see that there are mostly so-called liberals who participate at JT comments section.
I hope for the good of the world that Obama is defeated by Romney. The world needs a strong America, not a European America.
Those like Sununu, Pamelot, Wolfpack, etc who see unfettered capitalism as the key to the American dream of "making a dollar from nothing" are forgetting an important fact. Canada, Australia, Germany, and all the Scandinavian nations lead the United States in upward mobility. In other words, their "socialist" programs seem to do a better job letting people achieve their dreams than America does. All this talk about "entrepreneurial spirit" and letting the "job creators" do what they do best is baloney: the goal is to make the rich richer. When the fat cats got their tax cuts during the Bush years they did very little job creating. What they (including Romney) did instead was to invest their extra money in offshore accounts and in entities that send jobs overseas. How "American" is that?
Mitt ( it is a ridiculous name) should learn to be human. Or maybe Christian?
This kind of stuff happens all the time. But there's a reason that stories like this get legs for Obama. The press has picked up on the fact that Obama has to deal with personal disrespect while carrying out his duties that are unique to him.
A Republican House Member heckling him during the State of the Union A Conservative Press Member interrupting the prepared statement at a white house press briefing A sitting Governor sticking his finger in his face during a heated meet and greet The various birther movement shenanigans with Newt Gingriches "Kenyan anti-colonial behavior" comment as topping on the cake.
For most part no other sitting president in recent history had to deal with that level of disrespect from fellow peers. Like it or not it's become a thread that the press has picked up on so these stories will continue the narrative.
Hahaha, they should have the House Un-American Activities Committee back by now!
@Wakarimasen For someone who doesn't understand you understand things quite well at times.
Being "American" is more than being born there and paying your taxes. Our founding father's had a dream, the single most important element was that "All men are created equal". It wasn't just about equal rights but also about brotherly love.
Americans are working hard and they continue to do so even in the worst of times when treated unfairly and taken advantage of. I can NOT in good faith vote for a man who doesn't pay his fair share of taxes. I've seen his lavish home and boats. It's not jealousy or envy. Congrats. Learning that he avoided paying his taxes by ANY means necessary is not in the spirit of brotherly love.
Yes, I take issue with a politician who would ask the people to do what he does not.
Right now, Mitt's accountants are NO doubt cooking the books.
No more Nixon types in office.
Mitt's religion may not be talked about openly but at the heart of the American conservative they are thinking about it. Even if we want to disagree with it, as some of you shall, it's a fact that American's government takes on Christian values. I'm only telling the truth. I'm not saying whether it's wrong or right. However to win the Presidency of the United States of America you better believe the issue is on the table..
OH, so if he was leading americans into the abyss, then he'd be a true american. Incompetent, but at least proudly american. I see...
Remember how excited many were when GWB was elected as the "first MBA president"? You see, he had plenty of business experience, it was pointed out, and this experience would affect how he ran government.
How did that turn out?
It is interesting that you and zurcronium brought up the race card. I got over a dozen thumbs down when I say the left will use the race card on Romney and the Republicans. It is interesting to note that you and zurcronium got thumbs up for using it on JT toward the Republicans. It isn't about race from the point of view of the right. It is about ideology when it comes to American values. Also, the conservatives have a set of different value than the liberals. American values is something that is being lost with new generations. The left do not defend their position instead use offense toward Romney and the right. If the left is for socialism then defend the position instead of using the race card.
FDR and his policies can be up for debate if he was the president today.The reason FDR is popular is because of what he did about the Great Depression. He implemented socialism policies and regulations on businesses which have never been done before. Before FDR's socialsim was implemented it was the Progressive era. The transition was not much of a difference for many people. One can say this is the first time America have been infused with socialism.
Obama's policies is socialism which many from the left don't want to talk about it. Why is that? Then someone like you brings up FDR and wants to compare it to Obama and makes the comparison that if FDR was great then so must be Obama. I don't believe FDR would say this to business owners “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” Obama told the crowd, That is the difference between FDR and Obama when it comes to American values.
Maybe many people are wiser today than in FDR era when it comes to socialism.
Then why are there businessmen and businesswomen along with lawyers are in Congress. Congress is the branch that enacted bills and the President is to signed off on the bill or not. It is okay for Obama to give billions of tax dollars to companies that went bankrupt and outsourced jobs.
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
Motytrah wrote: "For most part no other sitting president in recent history had to deal with that level of disrespect from fellow peers."
Uh, first of all, presidents don't HAVE peers. THey are by definition the top person. They have subordinates and colleagues, but no peers.
Second, you must have a short memory. Cast back all the way to 2006-8 during the Bush years. You want to talk about a level of disrespect?
If you want to talk "brotherly love", you may want to do some research. Check how much Romney gave in charitable donations compared to Obama. The Romneys donated more than 19% of their gross income to charity in the past year, the Obamas 14%. But then again, conservatives traditionally give more to charities than liberals, it's just a simple fact.
Maybe you should define "Chrisitan values" because there are liberal views, conservative view, secular view, and Christian view. Which one is it? It is not a fact that American's government takes on Chrisitan values today. Do you have facts to support about what American conservative thinks about on Romney's religion? Jobs seems to be the number one thing that people are thinking about instead of Romney's religion.
Probably 'cos they evade taxes more ;)
Lets see those tax returns. Lets go back about 25 years.. I'm from Missouri.
Zen student
@Crystalyle. I agree with most of your points. Just remember that there will always be people in this world, not just the States, (including politicans and the wealthy) who will consider themselves 'more equal' than the rest. That's why communism was so vilified by the right in the US. Equality for all = loss of power for the 'select few/chosen', hence a veritable threat. So, I agree that 'all men are created equal'. The question is whether we are able to make a world, a society in which everyone is able to live equally and not only be entitled to the same/equal rights but have access to them. It is a great and noble dream and one of the many reasons I love the foundations and constitution of America, even though I'm not American. Hope this dream comes true one day.
Zen student
I think it's too early to start calling Sununu or Romney racist. That is, unless they start quoting Glenn Beck.
@All one has to do is go to California which is a bastion, a huge hornets nest of liberals that don't have a clue as to what fiscal responsibility is.
Both liberal and conservative special interests are hurting California right now. Take the prison industry...
It's so cute to watch very naive Obama-haters run around in circles trying to explain the faux reasons why they hate the man. Let's see, in 4 short years he single-handedly saved The Detroit big 3 (when so-called conservatives wanted to let them die), bailed out the banks, implemented a healthcare program (that racist tea partiers will never give up now that they have it) that will save the US hundreds of billions in the long run, and oh yeah!, KILLED Bin Ladin and most of al Quada (W. didn't have the stones to carry through on that)
All very conservative actions that, had he been white, would propel him to saint status among Republicans.
Now why don't Republicans just LOVE the man?? Hmmm..
Whatever, just release your tax returns you snake!
Frank Vaughn
Good| Bad
zichiJul. 18, 2012 - 12:37PM JST
Elbuda Mexicano,
Romney and Limbaugh are both members of the same church, yes? The moron church. And both support the reptile party, yes?
Attacking a whole religion is completely out of line in this political debate! There is nothing about religion in the article above.
I'm sure Moron's are up in arms, Frank.
Does not equate to nor was meant to imply that all men are entitled to the same equality of outcomes. That is where individual character comes into play.
People with brains, initiative and a spirit of entrepreneurship took a DOD entity, and made The Internet work as a business. Without that spark of capitalism, it would not have grown and evolved as it has.
Peculiar how your frustration with Mitt Romney is legitimate, but if anyone had the audacity to inquire about much of the undisclosed information about Obama, we were deemed rascists!
Yeah, an Romney should learn how to be a citizen.
Take the so-called republican maggots to task.
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
Hosefella; Let's look at those "accomplishments" a bit more closely...
HE saved the "Big 3". Not true. He gave money to TWO of them, and allowed them to continue their bloated and inefficient practices. Rather than let the market take care of the situation, he merely prolonged the agony.
Bailed out the banks. Big mistake. When companies realize they can take risks without fear of consequence, they will act stupid. By giving them money and keeping interest rates artificially low, the Obama administration has prolonged the recession. Let the big financial firms fail, THEY made the stupid decisions. Government should never assume the risk taken by private companies. The money would have been better spent if it were left in the pockets of the taxpayers.
Health care. A mistake to squander 2 years of political capital on this when the economy was tanking. It cost him his majority in the House at the mid-term elections and subsequently nothing got done afterwards. I'm not against a basic level of national health care, but that was NOT what Obama proposed. He should have taken steps to stabalize the economy first, then dealt with health care later, in a possible second term.
Killed bin Laden. Full marks for this. Good call. However, he HAS been a bit too profligate with the use of drones and drone technology to kill others that are suspected terrorists. I was also personally disappointed when he did a "victory lap" after getting Bin Laden. It would have been better to keep quiet about it, then use the intelligence gained to further roll up the entire Al Qaeda network.hoserfella
This from Jan, 2012;Ford's (F, Fortune 500) profit is expected to come in at about $7 billion, up from the $6.6 billion it made in 2010, which was the automaker's best performance since 1999. And after posting a loss last year Chrysler says it will swing to a profit. The company is in the midst of an amazing turnaround, especially considering that during its darkest days the company seemed doomed to disappear. (The comeback of the American car) And there's hope for the future because even better profits may lay ahead.
so you are dead wrong there.
2. Not bailing out the banks, however distasteful it may be, would have crippled the economy. Even your buddy W. gave doomsday scenarios if they weren't bailed out.
3. Obama came through on an election promise that got him elected. Nothing more nothing less
4. Had George W Bush (the author of the worst Presidency in the last 75 years at least) killed Bin Ladin, there would have been a month long orgy of congratulations including ticker-tape parades thrown by Republicans in his honour. By the way, I'm still seaching for this "Victory Lap" you mention, whereas I can only scrounge up a humble announcement during prime-time.
Lets face it, the biggest stone in Republicans' shoe right now is that Obama doesn't call himself a Republican.
Who is a liar?
Chrysler isn't an American car company anymore, its owned by FIAT.
As far as this campaign is going it's going to get even nastier from now on. I've heard that the Romney camp is now demanding that Obama release his 4th grade homework report that he did on dogs and Obama is refusing to comply by saying that he ate it.
In fact, 80% of the Romneys donations go to the Mormon Church.
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
Hoser; If you want the government spending billions of dollars to rescue their political cronies and supporters, that's your business. I would rather see business rise and fall on their own, and let the shareholders take the risk instead of the taxpayer. Even in the best possible scenario, the end cost of the auto bailout will be north of $20 billion. And you still have an industry that produces cars the world doesn't want to drive. But the UAW and the Wall Street Finacial Cabal (both strong Obama supporters) are kept happy, so who cares?
The economy was crippled with or without bailing out Wall Street. The money would have been better spent on Main Street, providing mortgage relief to suffering homeowners who were threatened with foreclosure. Or even better, not spent at all.
Almost all American households that give to charity give the lions share first to their particular religious faith. Romney is no exception and neither is President Obama.
Senator Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, sharply increased their charitable donations as Mr. Obama began to run for president and the family’s income increased from book sales, according to tax returns that the couple released on Tuesday.
Some of the largest donations went to the Trinity United Church of Christ, whose pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., has been in the news for inflammatory messages in his sermons, causing Mr. Obama to distance himself from Mr. Wright, his former spiritual mentor.
All told, the couple gave $27,500 to the church in 2005 and 2006
Over the years, Wall Street firms have lavished hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying Washington D.C. so that their more and more complicated financial businesses would be less and less regulated. During the 1980s, the Savings & Loans industry (S&Ls) was the recipient of Washington largesse. The epitome was the lobbying by five prominent U.S. senators, one of them Sen. John McCain, to deregulate the borrowing and lending practices of savings and loans banks. During the Reagan-Bush era of the 1980's, such deregulation encouraged unsound real estate lending by Savings & Loans financial institutions and this led to the 1986-1995 Savings and Loans crisis. Some 747 savings and loans banks failed and about $160 billion was lost, most of it through a $124.6 billion bailout by the U.S. Government.
Check out Jon Stewart's hilarious (well I thought it was very funny) take on the Romney-Bain situation:
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
Billy, you are right. And the reason that Wall street spends so much lobbying in Washington is that it works. It works with BOTH parties. THe only real answer is to reduce the power that Washington has. If there were less power, there would be less reason for Wall Street to lobby.
Let the banks rise and fall. Put scumbag bankers in jail so they can play "house" with their eager cellmates. Let interest rates rise, to stimulate savings and investment. Get America back into making products that can be sold and exported, rather than force-feeding domestic consumption and debt.
Like I said, the money would have been better spend on homeowners who got caught up rather than on the banks.
There are those who find it debatable that a donation to a church you are a member of is actually charity. I believe dedicated Mormons are obliged to pay at least 10% of their earnings to the church.
"Combining the 2009 and 2010 gifts that we know about, the Romneys gave away a total of $2.8 million to third parties (other than the Romney foundation) in 2009 and 2010. Of this, $2.2 million, or 80%, went to the church."
What is more is the republican's and fox news' stream of lies about Obama`s donations. Please read:
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the other day, "it's really American to avoid paying taxes, legally," so I suppose this would qualify Romney in spades, being American-wise.
Speaking of which, perhaps Romney should compromise on his tax returns and only release those for years he actually paid taxes. On the other hand, perhaps he has already done so.
Gosh with all the crap on this "discussion" it's not surprising that people like Bush and Obama get elected.
Americans, your country is collapsing.
It's going bankrupt.
Don't you care?
Where is proof that The Detroit big 3 would not exist now, without Obama?
I can give credit to Obama for his success at killing Osama bin Laden. That is all, though. This is from non-American perspective.
Serrano: "When Sununu said "I wish the president would learn how to be an American," he was thinkng, "I wish the president would learn how to act with class."
You mean like Sununu did before having to retract his comment? :) The curren batch of GOP have no right to talk about 'class'.
This is sarcasm, right?
Mr. Shears,
Senator Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, sharply increased their charitable donations as Mr. Obama began to run for president and the family’s income increased from book sales, according to tax returns that the couple released on Tuesday.
Some of the largest donations went to the Trinity United Church of Christ, whose pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., has been in the news for inflammatory messages in his sermons, causing Mr. Obama to distance himself from Mr. Wright, his former spiritual mentor.
Care to debate?
Frank Vaughn
Ford made it, the other two probably would have as well.
Yes Shimagaicha I do care and although it means that I will be 'throwing my vote away" I will vote for a third party candidate this November. I care that the U.S. government owes something north of $35,000 (3,000,000Y+/-) for EVERY man, woman and child in the country, but the two major parties are equally content to keep piling on the debt and my lower income friends don't see any thing wrong, it will after all be the problem of our (not their) great-grandchildren. I believe that the media have done a "job" on the presidency making it responsible when in fact that responsibility is shared with the House and Senate, the president just continues signing whatever they send him.
All this nonsense over one's tax records and an other's university records when the greatest economy in the world is fighting to stay afloat is just plain stupid.
Nancy Foust
If Romney wins things in the US are going to go even further down the toilet. That cheap land in Hokkaido is sounding pretty good if that happens. Anyone in Japan need a top notch IT hardware guy and an internet researcher?
It's weird how it is all so stupid, funny, sad and boring, but somehow captivating at the same time. Makes me happy (and grateful) not to be an American, but I like to watch.
My feelings entirely. It's grotesque, but somehow fun. I write this as I listen to Arvo Part. I recommend him to anybody stressed out by the state of the world.
Vernie Jefferies
Learn to be an American? haha..... According to what definition?
I mean that you are being sarcastic when you credit Obama for the invasion of Pakistan and assassination of Ben Laden or a lookalike, are you not?
You weren't serious, surely.
Not the same California run by a Republican for the last 8 years, right?
Hayden Wellstone
Isn't this like a day after Romney said Obama was being mean to him and should stop taking his milk money?
Talk about a hypocrite, but we knew that.
And what's all this talk about being a leader in business as a qualification for president. Donald Trump is a leader in business. That fool lost money on a casino. Until Donald Trump, that was considered mathematically impossible.
George Bush failed at every business he ever ran. Then he failed at president, BIG TIME. Like on a biblical proportion.
Was Lincoln a businessman? What about Jefferson? Teddy Roosevelt? George Washington? FDR? Kennedy? HELL, I'll throw you a bone, (shudder) Reagan?
None of them were businessmen and all of them except for that pig fornicator, Reagan and all of them are considered successful presidents.
When the MBA president is George W. Bush, it's time to look elsewhere. Seriously.
And Romney? I could convince Willard Romney to eat a bug if he thought I had enough money. How sad is that? You know, he would. He eat a bug and do so gladly if I had enough money. To me, that says it all.
Hayden Wellstone
Apparently you didn't get the memo. Chevrolet had there best year ever last year. EVER.
Since you're already not going for the brevity thing, can we throw an incorrect in that handle before conspirator. It would make reading your posts a lot easier.
"Learn to be an American" And by that he means...? Would like to hear his definition of a people that hail from one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world.
Obama takes no responsibility for any of his bad policies.
He and his family are not directly affected by them; they vacation just the same, their kids go to the same elite schools, healthcare, private-no concerns about border-issues for him, he has a government agency to protect his and his families' welfare.
He pushes laws, taxes, and policies that have direct effects on other Americans, with little to no consequence to himself...
He isn't leading into the abyss, he is "watching with interest", from the protective cocoon of the White House.
Romney's got a clue about business. When he says he'll fix a company, he can, and he will.
All this static about Mitt's back taxes- Like a man in the desert dying of thirst, suddenly being offered a drink of water, and he says "No thank you, I don't know where that water came from."
I want to see some positive economic changes made, and soon.
NOBAMA 2012.
Obamacare passed because it was done behind closed doors and there was a majority of Democrats in the House, in the Senate, and the Executive. Clinton tried to pass a universal healthcare and it did not pass. Many people who are pro-Obama in the real world knows more about how things are run than you and the left on JT. Are you trying to pass Obama as a conservative??? Your logic is irrational.
Nothing about The Healthcare Bill was done behind closed doors. No, what is more true is that Republicans refused to enter those doors.
Republicans are irresponsible people with the worst moral compasses ever.
I want Obama in there for 4 more years. Don't stop the healing. America is going to get back to work because Americans will be healthy enough to do so.
As an American this is the greatest time of my life. Very proud to be an American. Hope to see our President at the Olympics game. It's refreshing to have an intellectual President that is enjoys the simple pleasures in life and is also a very physical athlete himself.
I don't want to see a non-tax paying, unpatriotic citizen in the Oval Office. I'm talking about Thin Mitt of course.
SPamelot wrote:
I'm sure he'll make some company a fine CEO. This is the government of the United States. Not the private sector.
The American dream is still the same for a majority of the people who come to the country. To have freedom and be successful. The US is a melting pot, and minorities group assimilate into the American culture and have American values. Why do you think the first generation, who are Americanized, don't have a lot of things in common with their parents who moved to the country with a different set of values from Asia or the Middle East etc. than that of the American values? Problems and issues arises when the values are different in the home and outside of the home. Why do some people have a hard time assimilating while others don't when it comes to the parents and the first generation? Once they are assimilated, they have adopted American values and when they go back to visit their parent's country they have a hard time understanding why the people of their parent country are not like them even if they look like them or vise versa.
I'd rather have a successful businessman appointing his choices for Cabinet, rather than a community organizer choosing czars.
Government doesn't function, without money.
Money comes from the taxes of citizens/successful business.
Connect the dots.
Provide link(s) to support your statement. The internet does not have anything on Obama being on national TV and implenting Obamacare. The reason he didn't do that because he learned it from Hillary when she tried to pass it back in 1994.
Clinton health care plan of 1993 @
One key turning point against the Clinton plan was a televised town hall meeting in April 1994. During the event, President Clinton was challenged by businessman Herman Cain on the resulting effects on small businesses.[12]
Maybe you can answer this who wrote Obamacare?
The difference between Hillary and Obama can be base on on the information on wikipedia. @ and
This underlines Obamacare.
Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" @
How many Americans can go to the Olympics in London today? Obama doesn't have to worried about expenses because it will be covered by the taxpayers. Would you would like to bailout the taxpayers and pay for the Obamas trip to the Olympics?
Obama simple pleasures in life is costing taxpayers:
Michelle's Aspen ski trip cost $83,182
Michelle Obama's Africa Trip Cost More Than $424,142 @
Michelle Obama Spain Trip Cost Taxpayers $467,000: Judicial Watch @
Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations @
My President will be there and I'll pay my taxes to make sure he does. We will be represented in a Patriotic President. Better that than a tax-evading Republican....your boy Thin Mitt there.
YOu want links? Dude, you were ALIVE weren't you. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention. Can't waste my time trying to give you an education cause you refused to listen and speak up.
Healthcare lives. Lets those demons that wish to take away a chance at a healthy life be banished to the depths.
P.S. Why are you concerned anyway? You worried about how many American's can go to the Olympics? Really? Get your priorities straight. I'm concerned about how many Americans can go to the hospital without going bankrupt.
Only a Republican would cry about not being able to take a vacation to London to see The Queen. You'll live.
What's to debate? Obama gave to Wright only a tiny fraction of what Romney pays to the Mormon church. Obama no longer gives any donations to Wright. Romney continues to make huge multi-million dollar payments to the LDS. In fact, should he become president, it might be assumed that 10% of that particular job's salary would also go the Mormon Church. BTW, I could care less about where their money goes, but you made a point of Romney paying more to "charity" than Obama. I made the point that 80% of Romney's donations went to his church.
summer of recovery
I can recall Ronald Reagan winning one of his two presidential elections by the largest landslide in American politics.
Let's go with donkey fornicator there, shall we.
And don't forget - Ronnie Reagan is the only American president to ever have been head of a union!
You don't have anything to stand on your comment. The truth is Obama did not go on national TV and talk about Obamacare. That is the fact. There is nothing on the internet about it. I did not hear or see Obama talk about Obamacare in the public realm. So it didn't happened. Obama left that job to Congress to pacfiy their constituents, but it was not on a large scale.
My top priority is to stay healthy as I can work.
All you see is the big picture that Obamacare is not going to bankrupt people, and that the government is going to subsized the rest of a person health insurance. You are not taking into account of tangible and intangible variables like the economy, the quality of healthcare, the cost of healthcare, and moral. All those things are going to effect Obamacare and how Obamacare is going to effect those things too. You don't understand the current state of Obamacare and the country and what the future holds because all you are concerned is about not being bankrupt when going to the hospital. Let's get one thing clear no way do I wish for people to go bankrupt when seeking medical attention. How Obamacare is written and how it is implemented is going to effect everyone whether it is for better or for worse. Obamacare is not as simple as you make it out to be.
I am not a Republican. I have no wish to go to London to see the Queen.
You have no idea of the state the country is in. Many Americans can't even go on vacation due to the lack of jobs in the country or low wage. Many Americans are working two to three jobs to put food on the table for their family.
Learn to be an American?
Do we really need a fat, under-educated president?
The same Republican that was swimming in a sea of shark Democrats, that overran him? Yep, that same one. Like Bush in the end, Arnold wasn't fiscally Conservative as he should have been, A big disappointment, but re-electing Jerry Brown is the icing on the cake NOT to mention a suicide mission. He's already spend....wasting tax payer money on now to get the Bullet train?! This is utter madness. Who will ride it. If anyone has ever been to California it is a wide open and everything is spread out. We have a subway that hardly anyone uses except for people of low incomes usually. Bad idea, waste of money and it will fail as well.,0,1518893.story?track=rss
I think you got it the other way around. Usually it's liberals that want long vacations, partying having a good time, as long as it's someone else's money. Conservatives are more worried about saving this sinking Titanic. We can worry about her majesty another time.
Well said - and accurate.
Which proves Wolfpack's point quite clearly. He is supported more outside of the US, where socialism is more excepted than our capitalist democracy. Sorry, if I wanted socialism I wouldn't live here. The view is actually better in some of those other places.
Hayden Wellstone
Summer of Recovery,
There is a reason I loathe Reagan the way I do. In his election against Walter Mondale, Mondale carried his home state of Minnesota, denying Ronnie a clean sweep. He did not take it well.
Just out of circumstance, Reagan proposed 50 sites for nuclear waste to be dumped in America, 44 of them were in Minnesota, a state that gets it's water supply from a vast underground water system that feeds over 25,000 lakes.
Reagan was willing to pollute Minnesota's water because he didn't get a sweep. That is evil. Me and some of my friends from the twin cities threw a party the day that damnedable creature bit the dust.
And all of this, comes from a person (me) who really really believes it's not nice to speak ill of the dead. For Reagan, I'll make that exception.
I know many are screaming for a successful business man to be President, but every successful business man who became President of the United States ended up doing a dud job. Being a star in the business world does not automatically translate into being a star of a President. I thought people knew these things. Romney has done very, very well for himself as a Wall Street Shark and should be congratulated for that. But to say that his experience in being a shark will make him a great or even good President is stretching things.
Obama's biggest issues for many Americans: living overseas in a Muslim country as a child, being half-black, having a Muslim father, being from Chicago (vote early and vote often) etc. Those things gave many the impression that he is not a real American with American values. It has gotten to the point where it is seemingly OK to disrespect the office of the President (that finger in the face on the tarmac should never happen to any President) and people cheer. If that happened during the previous administration, people would have been screaming treason, throw the person in jail, recall them etc.
Obama has been called a socialist, communist, terrorist, the anit-Christ etc but the stock market is up 50% since he took office. Not bad, not great but not bad.
Some people say... "Obama, release your school transcripts." There is not a precedent for that to happen. However there is precedent for the release of several years of tax records which Romney declined to do. Disliking Obama is fine, but do not let it cloud the issue of Romney being secretive with normally issued information. Romney will probably win the election and be even more secretive and when people complain he will be perfectly justified in saying, "You knew by my not releasing those tax forms that I would do things my way and tell you what need to know. Please step aside." Get ready for it.
A poster above was complaining about the London Olympics and how the taxpayers will fund the President's trip (I think most of us presume he will go). Does anyone expect a sitting President to pay his own way to the Olympics? Also, just because many Americans are having a hard time has never been a reason for our wealthy politicians to curtail their travel. The wealthy have always continued to live as they see fit and complaining about it sounds like socialism where you want everyone to share the pain.
Open Minded
Sorry guys, but USA is anything but a democracy: just a marketing thing.
In all honesty, I truly believe that Obama has been a disaster for America. When he said he wanted to change America he wasn't kidding. The US has become just another plodding quasi-democracy. The rights of 51% trump individual rights the idea that was central to American's founding and to the structure of it's public institutions. America is no longer unique in the world for it's love of freedom. Envy and hatred of others has displaced the promise of opportunity and the desire for everyone to strive to achieve their own dreams.
I don't think anyone not blinkered by their hatred for traditional American values believes that the country is any of those things. However, the new America is becoming that. When a government takes away peoples individual liberty you can expect nothing but contempt in return. Obama's view of America is certainly contemptible. He believes that no one can achieve anything unless the government allows them to. He believes a persons income is not their own but is subject to the whims of the governments "tax" penalties. He view of America is very foreign to me.
America's Founders did not believe in collectivism. President Obama is killing America through massive debt on a scale never before seen and at a rate of $1 trillion per year. He is killing America through regulation and taxation. His apparent goal is to kill America by simply redefining what it is to be American; to say it is no different than being Greek or Italian or Spanish.
The future for young people in America is bleak. Massive debt, high unemployment, fewer and fewer job prospects, higher personal debt. Fifty percent of the nation doesn't contribute anything in Federal income taxes and therefore have no incentive to seek for responsible management of government. The national character which was once based on self-reliance, hard work, a commitment to civic society, and values imbued by religions of various kins is now one of me-first egotism and detachment from one another. Half the country seems to hate the other half. The half that Obama represents no longer believes in the same things that traditional Americans do.
It's really sad to see a country die - but unless something dramatic changes and people wake up to the national suicide that lies ahead - it is unavoidable.
When it comes to economics FDR was a terrible president. His policies caused an economy that was beginning to recover from the Depression in the early 1930's to be setback so badly it took the destruction of half the worlds economies to make it possible for America to recover. That said, he was fantastic in his leadership during the war. FDR's Social Security program and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs Medicaid and Medicare are at the root of America's debt problems today. GW Bush only compounded the problem by adding on to Medicaid with his own Great Society program. An awful mistake.
No, I would say that Kennedy and Reagan rate much higher in the second half of the 20th century.
No one is for "unfettered capitalism" - whatever that is supposed to be. Since the days of Adam Smith, everyone understands that capitalism requires a regulatory structure. However, when regulation seeks to micromanage the market it will lead to failure just as occurred in 2008 (thanks to Fannie and Freddie, and Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, et al).
I do agree that many countries have now surpassed America in upward mobility. Why? Well, America has become much more socialist since the 1960's. America's social policies facilitate dependency that has proven destructive of the character of citizens it has captured. I find it amazing how some people also seem to forget that Cannda, Australia, and the Scandinavian countries have pulled back from the levels of socialism that they once supported over the past 20 years. None-the-less, these nations are much smaller and more ethnically and socially homogenous than the US. Though these traits are helpful to Socialism in the short term, they too will someday ran out of other peoples money and fail. Germany is another matter. They have a huge debt and are now under assault from the debtor nations in the EU. The market for their exports are in recession and many are nearly bankrupt themselves. Socialist Spain has an astonishing 50% unemployment rate for it's younger workers.
Learn from history. Socialism always fails. It's just a matter of time.
Real socialism, outside of certain so-called primitive tribes, has never been attempted.
Elbuda Mexicano
Lucabrasi, so REAL socialism has never been tried?? Go down to Cuba and see what Fidel Castro and his amigos would do to you if you dared say that in public. Anyway, yes for the filthy rich in the USA, any kid of help to the lower classes is an EVIL word, TABOO. We are filthy rich, because we deserve to be filth rich, heck it says so somewhere deep in the BIBLE?? Look god is not a dark skinned or at least his son, from all of the paintings looks kind of like a modern day hippie, but see he is blonde and blue eyes, just like John Smith out in Utah?? Cool, use the religion to keep a few, VERY FEW in power at ALL COSTS and use the religion again to keep them others in their places,blah, blah, blah. Fast forward to this Obama is not American enough comment, what does Sununu, with his own weird ethnic?? Family name really want to say?? Learn to play the game?? Be like like old George W?? The Dick Cheney?? Make as much $$$$ as you can, wave the flag, the red white and blue and sit around looking like a GOOBER as the World Trade Towers in NYC were knocked the hell down and then go and give only SAUDIS connected with the BIN LADEN family the right to FLY and to ESCAPE from the USA?? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I guess if $$$$ talks, OIL $$$$, do whatever you have to to get as much $$$ as possible and in the case of this so called American Mitt Romney, say something straight out of that stupid Hollywood movie, GREED IS GOOD$$$$$$$!!!!!???? Why should I pay more taxes, since I do not have to?? (Why HIDE YOUR $$$ in off sore NON USA bank accounts and AVOID paying USA taxes??) So the government needs our $$$$$$$ to run, sure! And then scum like Romney run to off shore islands hide the wealth $$$ they built up from screwing YOU AND ME, the hard, tax paying, law abiding citizens of America?? Is this the definition of a REAL AMERICAN according to pendejo Sununu?? That other pendejo Rush Limbaugh?? And the kind of these 3 pendejos, kind of like the name of that new movie,The 3 Stooges, instead of Larry, Curly and Moe, just fill in the names with say Rush Limbaugh, XXXX Sununu and Thin Mitts Romney, yes Los 3 Pendejos for a real America!! IMHO.
That's my point.
Sparky Santos
Please. Sununu is a fat corrupt pig. He is "on message" as far as the Romney campaign is concerned. At this point, I would like see Romney arrested for fraud, and tried in US Tax Court for Tax Evasion.
The big thing beyond lying about being at Bain, is his 2008 amnesty for his shuttered Swiss Bank Account. But people suspect there are pay-offs for the abused animals both Mitt and Ann leave behind them. There's more than Seamus the dog and Super Hit the horse.
Romney starts showing his own color. He represents for a party of HATE that's very un-American.
In further American election news, a White House spokesperson quickly retracted and apologized for a comment that Romney is a "Fat horses ass with a mother so fat that she has planets orbiting her".
Political analysts are locked in debate as to what the coded statement could be trying to say.
That's what is said every time another country starts their own doomed to fail experimentation with Socialism. It's a flawed governing model and has been tried by numerous countries the world over. In the end, it just isn't sustainable.
It seems that President Obama is bound and determined to launch America ever deeper down the collectivist black hole while just across the ocean, several European countries are flailing under the weight of their socialist governments. It's kind of stupid to keep trying the same thing over and over again and expect a different result - "if only they can socialism right this time".
I think what Romney was really trying to say to Obama is that he should "learn to be white".