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Romney rocked by secret film of pep talk to rich donors


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Oh, Mitt. You still haven't got the hang of this have you? We all know you and your rich buddies have a complete disdain for the less fortunate but I'm afraid those people are allowed to vote. If only we could just leave them to rot, things would be so much easier....

10 ( +13 / -3 )

He is actually talkin about sheeping the senior citizens. Not cool

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"Secret film"?

Republicans have been saying this sort of stuff to anyone who'll listen for a while now.

2 ( +6 / -5 )

I saw this on ThinkProgress.org. Can you believe the set of this guy. First of all, his belittling opinion of HALF of the American public is outrageous! He's effectively admitting that he is running for president of only half of America, and that the other half can screw off.

Secondly, even if other politician share or have shared similar opinions, Romney is the only one one shoe is stupid and disconnected enough to admit in public. This guy is so over and done with. I am with Pelosi, there is no way this guy will be elected president....not now, not ever.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Dear Mitt,

Thanks yet again.



11 ( +13 / -2 )


When you said, "ThinkProgress" you gave me all the answer that I needed. Now I really understand. lol


Trust me, you are really in the dark if you think that all the Dems are in lock step with the President on every issue. A lot of Repubs are voting against Obama, the same way, many Liberals are NOT going to vote for Romney. Why as a leaning Conservative would I vote for policies that I don't believe in? The country has to make a decision which way, they want to go! They either want small government, lower taxes, free enterprise, growth in the public sector, more empowerment or big government, large entitlements, cradle to grave higher taxes overall, higher growth in the public sector. That's it, just depends where you fall. 2 candidates, 2 completely different philosophies for the country, those are your choices that's it.

-13 ( +4 / -18 )

“These are people who pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Mitt needs to look at the role call of major US corporates that pay no federal tax despite banking billions of dollars in profits not to mention government support when their corporate gambles fail....

3 ( +5 / -1 )

The wealthy buy congressmen and senators all the time. It makes just as much sense to buy the president as well -- you'll sleep better knowing Romney's committed to protecting your assets from predatory taxation.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Sounds pretty good to me. I wish he’d take more stands on things that might be controversial. His overall point is sound, but the details may be a little off. I don’t agree that the number is as high as 47%. And I actually think this was done on purpose by Romney. Low income, low information voters were never in his column anyway. It revs up the base and invites Obama to get into a debate about Bitter Clingers and his 2nd term agenda.

-3 ( +2 / -6 )


Doesn't matter where I read this. Fact is fact. Its on ALL news outlets. You can't deny that he said this..get a clue! This fool is done!

3 ( +8 / -4 )


He is speaking in generalities and is spot on. There are those who are dependent and either will not vote or will vote for Obama no matter what. Romney will never be able to change their minds in this election. That is the long and short of it More people believe that Govt is doing TOO MUCH and more and more people want Govt to get out of our lives. I can't even believe I'm saying this but BRAVO ROMNEY..FINALLY he says something I can stand up and say YES YOUR RIGHT. If he can push back and say that he is not going to pander for their vote, he can make this a net win.

-3 ( +2 / -6 )

Mitt, again is proving himself to be an arrogant, filthy rich greedy bastard. My guess, only the 0.0001% actually are as greedy and crazy as Mitt, but the scary thing is that their are working poor whites that also buy into this BS, when the rich like Mitt Romney could not care less about just poor minorities but also the working class whites or lower income whites, so I do hope some people start to cut through the BS being spewed out by propaganda machine of filthy rich arrogant greedy bastards, aka, REPUBLICANS.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"proof that the multi-millionaire Romney had written off half the nation"

Pffft! Romney has not written off half the nation, he's trying to change the present situation in which 47% of Americans paid no income tax in 2011, heck, if Obama is re-elected, we'll have 47% PAYING income tax in another couple of years.

-5 ( +2 / -8 )

Even people who pay no income taxes still contribute money to the government coffers, through sales taxes when they shop, property taxes on their homes, taxes on gasoline for their cars and so on. I think Mitt's remarks suggest they contribute nothing, or worse, that they are wards of society and thereby constitute a burden on the wealthy. It's not quite that simple. There are people desperate for work, and will take almost anything, even in the gray market (or underground economy if you prefer), doing jobs like washing cars or working for tips plus the minimum wage in restaurants, etc. Romney not only writes off their votes, but would have his fat cat supporters think that he writes off their very existence.

3 ( +5 / -1 )

Dear Mr. Romney,

You are our most effective weapon to ensure re-election of President Obama

We would like to offer you a top consulting position in the President's re-election campaign team.

We will not require to view your resume or tax returns.

Please contact me.

David Axelrod.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


Romney will never be able to change their minds in this election.

Of course he can! (well not any more) That's the whole point of an election campaign! You show solid evidence that you can do better than the other guy. By saying that the Obama supporters will never change their minds is not only admitting defeat even before the election, it's saying that you can't do any better so why even try...

At the beginning of this year, I honestly believed that Obama had no chance to be re-elected. His efforts to try to revive the economy, regulate wall street, and bring in REAL health care reform has been a bit lackluster, and made him a sitting duck for anyone who had real ideas, or who really wanted to get things done.

Obama is winning, not because he is such a great president, but because GOP and more specifically Mitt Romney SUCKS...he blows chunks in a major way. If he had any sound principals, he would be pulling away from Obama and have a double-digit lead. But its because he says and does crap like this, Obama is pounding the hell out of him. Obama at this point, doesn't even need to try, because Romney is giving Obama a new campaign ad every week now. What a sad pathetic, greedy, loser Romney is.

-1 ( +2 / -2 )

LizzSep. 18, 2012 - 08:44AM JST Sounds pretty good to me. I wish he’d take more stands on things that might be controversial. His overall point is sound, but the details may be a little off. I don’t agree that the number is as high as 47%. And I actually think this was done on purpose by Romney. Low income, low information voters were never in his column anyway.

Low income, low information votes.... like almost the whole farming "bible belt"? When I read the description in the article:

There are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them

Well, the first people that leapt to mind were the hugely subsidised farmers living in the traditionally pro-Republican states. These farmers are dependant on the government for the huge subsidies that make farming possible in the U.S., believe they're "victims" and constantly whine about how the government should subsidise them more.

Romney's really shot himself in the foot, and all Obama's campaign needs to do is to point out to the bible-belters just how well Romney has announced his intention to cut farming subsidies, etc.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Ol Mitt just looks down on everybody.

Never showed his tax returns but has the audacity to insult everybody else......"behind closed doors".

TURN UP the volume. I want that video on YouTube.

Mitt Romney is NOT a Patriot. Furthermore, he does have the spirit of an American. Thus he is NOT qualified to be President of the United States.

This is the nail in the coffin. Obama may not be perfect but he's an American that is doing his best for The United States of America and it's fine citizens no matter their financial status.

Where's the link? Why isn't it in the article?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Serrano - "Pffft! Romney has not written off half the nation."

Yes, he has.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Mirai - "Obama is winning, not because he is such a great president, but because GOP and more specifically Mitt Romney SUCKS."

And they choose a loser every time.

That's impressive. :-)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

And I agree with Rick Santorum's explanation as to why this is so -

"We will never have the elite smart people on our side, because they believe they should have the power to tell you what to do."

The GOP will never have "smart" people on their side.

Amazingly, the conservative audience who heard these words at the Values Voters conference on Sept. 15 laughed.

What they didn't realize was that Rick Santorum wasn't just talking to them - he was talking about them.

Global Liberals have been right all along. :-)

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I'm glad Mitt brought up the issue of that 47% of Americans who pay no Federal income tax. The WaPo noted that, of this 47%, 22% are elderly and 14% have incomes under $20,000 but that 61 percent paid payroll taxes — at a rate of 15.3 percent, which is higher than the 13.9 percent that Romney paid.

So much for the "lucky ducky" canard.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The country has to make a decision which way, they want to go! They either want small government, lower taxes, free enterprise, growth in the public sector, more empowerment or big government, large entitlements, cradle to grave higher taxes overall, higher growth in the public sector. That's it, just depends where you fall. 2 candidates, 2 completely different philosophies for the country, those are your choices that's it.

Thanks to the way Romey's carrying on just don't be too surprised if the majority of American voters opt for Obama. By the way, you've said that they both want growth in the public sector but that one wants higher growth? This is somehow worse?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Memo to Conservatives:

Mitt Romney is "not really" trying to throw this electiion.

PS: hahaha! :-)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Mitt needs to look at the role call of major US corporates that pay no federal tax despite banking billions of dollars in profits not to mention government support when their corporate gambles fail....

A very good point - Mitt is always happy to focus on the lower rungs of society - how about he asks a few questions about the banking industry (for a start) that does all it can to avoid paying federal taxes and then demands government money when they stuff up?? Sorry, I forgot - profits are privatised - losses are socialised....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think he was talking about a vague swath of the dramatically increasing 30% of the country on means-tested welfare who “feel” dependency is a virtue. He’s talking about people who don’t take care of their money, nor their health or resources. They despair, act like and feel like victims and have been enjoying the class warfare -- not Social Security, Medicare, or agricultural subsidy recipients. But he should have been more careful. Obama’s lead over Romney among low income voters is only around 15%, and taking into account the low percentage of poor people that even do vote, clearly Democrats and non-federal taxpayers are a potentially vastly different slices of the 47% electorate.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

A truthful statement, with press adding silver and gold ribbon's to embelish this "gift"-

Honestly, what is shocking?

Two ideologies: one for dependence, one for independence.

A percentage of Americans don't pay taxes, and don't want to be weaned off the govt. tit, and a vote for Mitt Romney, would improve conditions for job growth.

Why vote for a job, when you can vote for more free stuff, or not even vote at all?

This seems more of a testimonial for Mitt, than a piece of coal in his stocking.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Mitt's toughest competitor is himself.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

And he's losing. Lol! :-)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

When Mitt says the 47% who don't pay tax did he mean to include himself?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said Monday on “Morning Joe.” “You look at the people around him [Romney], the organization, it’s absolute disarray.'"

Looks doubtful Mitt's campaign will even still be afloat in 7 weeks.

Sorry conservatives, time to look for other jobs and start changing those handle names.

Again. :/)

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Regardless who will run the WH after November, he must reduce the government dependency and the deficit that climbed highest under Obama, the divider in chief. Teach them how to fish is better than feeding them with fish (welfare) all the times. There are some who abusing the system and the government must stop these kind of mentality. Even charity has the purpose to help the needy out of despair, thus finding better way to be responsible citizen. NOTHING IS FREE. The rhetoric of spinners are cheap, but delivering better result for future generation will count.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Doesn't matter where I read this. Fact is fact. Its on ALL news outlets. You can't deny that he said this..get a >clue! This fool is done!

Yeah, it does, especially a site that is known for OVER the op liberal, progressive views, NOT even a tinge of middle of the road writers and bloggers on that site, Hell, even Msnbc is a tad better than that site.

Liberals are too funny, thinking cocky that this is a shoe-in, only a fool would think that, but then again, there are a lot of fools when it comes to liberals and liberalism.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Classic Mitt!

2 ( +3 / -1 )


What I was saying is that, Conservatives would never vote for a socialist President with Socialist ideals and ideology. Why? It is totally against their principles and what they believe and stand for. Same goes for the Liberals, why would they vote for small government, lower taxes, increasing growth for the public sector, weak foreign policy (as we just witnessed) empowerment of the middle class?

That was my point.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

He is speaking in generalities and is spot on.

Lizz -- hogwash. As usual, Romney is way off base. He is stating that 47% of the population -- all those who intend to vote for Obama -- are basically "dependent" on the U.S. government and pay no taxes. That may be true of some of Obama's supporters, especially seniors on Social Security, whose benefits are not taxed. But millions and millions of hard-working, tax paying Americans, including myself, are in that 47% and this is exactly why I'd never vote for Romney. He sees America as haves and have-nots, and sees no benefit to using the government to try to improve the opportunities for the have-nots. And as a Christian and "rich" person according to both Obama and Romney, that attitude sickens me. And I have the same MBA he does from Harvard.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Still doesn't matter who wins, the slide downwards will continue

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yeah, it does, especially a site that is known for OVER the op liberal, progressive views, NOT even a tinge of middle of the road writers and bloggers on that site, Hell, even Msnbc is a tad better than that site.

It's a direct quotation with a video link. The source's political affiliation or bias doesn't matter because its not the source who's saying this, it's Romney who is incriminating himself. If it makes you feel better, you can go to FoxNews and see for yourself:


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Mitt has just cooked his own goose today. This bizaar video was played in all over the US. He is going down the hill very quickly and the Republicans are very angry at him now.

Well, after all, Wisconsin may go to Obama and the Democrat after all in addition to Ohio, Virginia and Florida.

Republicans wanted to turn Wisconsin red. But their house of cards is falling.

A judge just ruled that Scott Walkers law ending union rights was unconstitutional! Meanwhile,

Let's go and win!! Fifty Five Days to go!!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Romney spoke the truth -- when 47% of Americans receive government handouts (that does not include Social Security or Medicare) taxpayers are going feel bitter. When you didn't work for something, or contribute to a safety net system and you receive some sort of payment in cash or food stamps -- in my book that's a handout, a freebee, but liberals call it an entitlement. No where in the US Constitution does it state Americans are entitled to government largesse. Granted, there are people who do need assistance due to their physical condition, but do 47% of Americans fall into that category? This is the crux of Romney's statement -- the US is rapidly degenerating into a dependent society who will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff.

0 ( +1 / -2 )

8.1% unemployment. Mitt's loaded and so are his super PACs.

Mitt should be 15 points ahead.

Why is he 6 points behind??

-1 ( +2 / -2 )

He is stating that 47% of the population -- all those who intend to vote for Obama

That is completely nonsensical. Obama gets nothing but non-federal taxpaying supporters when 45% of the country doesn't vote at all and turnout among lower income people actually falls between 2006 and 2010 to around 40% ??

He has to stay with this to win. Push it even harder that there is a portion of the 48% that are content being on government assistance forever. The unemployed who want to work and build a future will get on board, the grifters will always grift. More importantly is turn out. Tell the lazy, they are lazy, they really will respond by sitting on their hands and they won't vote. Scream about rugged individualism, tell people they can succeed and the gov't will only help by leaving them alone......that will move voters. It's a huge mistake simply to write them off. Romney can peel off them off if he can redirect the conversation back to failed antipoverty policies by explaining how he's going to make it possible for the economically disenfranchised to rise up out of government dependency. But this wasn’t John Kerry’s off-mike comment....this was Romney strolling up to a mic and speaking very loudly and openly to a room full of people. He is not a stupid man.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Lizz - "He is not a stupid man."

That's what I used to think too.

Not any longer.

Mitt is Sarah Palin in a suit.

3 ( +5 / -1 )

He is not a stupid man

Just an incredibly disingenuous, greedy, and disconnected one.

2 ( +4 / -1 )

My take on this is very different.

The way I see it, Mitt finally told the truth!

Its all the other politicians who have yet to do that!

Or do you really and truly think Obama is a man of the people? Democrats=Republicans and vice versa. America needs a third party that is not beholden to the rich.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


It's over.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Lizz - "He is not a stupid man."

Quite the contrary.

When you look at Mitt Romney through the "he is stupid" lens, all his campaign gaffes make perfect sense.

That's extraordinary if you ask me, which you didn't. :-)

The Mitt Romney campaign implosion continues.....

-1 ( +1 / -1 )


It's a direct quotation with a video link. The source's political affiliation or bias doesn't matter because its not the source who's saying this, it's Romney who is incriminating himself. If it makes you feel better, you can go to FoxNews and see for yourself:

Has nothing to do with making me feel better, I have seen that video, so what? That wasn't my initial point, you don't like Romney, fine. I don't have aroblem with that. But I do have a problem when you quote TP or how about Daily Kos, what did they say. It doesn't mater how thes Über-liberal, socialt progressive blogs spin it. It just proves again and again, the Dems have nothing in their arsenal to even comment on the economy is what the American people are worried about and you guys put what Mitt was recorded on saying. One sound bite. Like I said, why would liberals be worried when they have other peoples money to spend, they don't have to worry about anything, Romney would most definitely cut off that supply for you guys. Lifeline! Lol

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The part that the article left on what he actually said:

“These are people who pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

"So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.”

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Correction "left out" on what he actually said.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Some people seem to forget that in the 1960's, almost everyone considered themselves as "Liberals". It was only 20 years after fighting the extreme conservative Nazi's. As for Mitt, the Brits were right; Mitt the twit.

-2 ( +0 / -1 )

$16 trillion in fed funds have gone into the finance industry to bail them out from their own greed. Is that the folks that the Romboid is talking about that are addicted to government handouts. Companies like Bain Capital?

Romney serves the interests of not 50% of America but just 1%. The rich who give him the money to make TV ads to convince the weak and uninformed to vote against their own self interest. Republicans cause depressions and Democrats fix the economy again and again and again.

Can a day go by without the Romboid shooting itself in the foot? He pisses off England, he lies about his taxes, he blames america for protests in the Middle East, he goes to Israel and pisses off Arabs everywhere, he lets Eastwood talk to an empty chair in primetime, he picks a another liar for his VP candidate and on and on and on. The country has been warned, we have the second coming of George Bush inside the Romboid.

0 ( +2 / -1 )

What a surprise, yet more distraction and smoke/mirrors from the Obama campaign. They are willing to stoop to any level in order to NOT discuss the relevant issues- the slow/no recovery, national debt, yearly budget deficit, un and under employment, and the state of America's position in the world. The current president has raised dependence on government to new levels, and it needs to be stopped.

This ad will do as much as Obama's scandal in 2008, when he told a secret group of rich folks at a fundraiser that the GOP is supported by bitter people, who cling to guns or religion.

-2 ( +1 / -4 )

47% of the US doesn't pay taxes? Wrong. http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3505

Not only in Romney's pile of drivel really offensive it is very incorrect.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

bass4funk: "It doesn't mater how thes Über-liberal, socialt progressive blogs spin it."

For once you are right. There is no need for any "spin" on this from the Dems, none whatsoever. Mitt could not have been any clearer. His message is if your'e struggling, Tough, get used to it because it's going to a lot tougher for the have nots when I'm elected. But if you are doing well and are rich vote for me and things are just going to get even better for you.

No spin required.

3 ( +5 / -1 )

The actual videos are on the Mother Jones website. They broke the story.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

VRWC - "This ad will do as much as Obama's scandal in 2008, when he told a secret group of rich folks at a fundraiser that the GOP is supported by bitter people, who cling to guns or religion."

Ehhrrr.... it largely is. Obama was right.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


You're so engulfed by the source of the information, that you're completely disregarding the information itself. There is nothing biased about the link that I posted. If it bothers you so much that it came from ThinkProgress instead of conservative news site, then go to any news site of your choice...it still doesn't change what was said. Mitt Romney openly stated that he considers 47% of Americans IRRELEVANT, and he has also doubled down on his statement. If that doesn't bother you, then you are effectively part of the public who chooses to shut their eyes and ears off to facts.

It just proves again and again, the Dems have nothing in their arsenal to even comment on the economy is what the American people are worried about and you guys put what Mitt was recorded on saying.

And the GOP does? Where? This is what we have been waiting for months now. He's gone from making disastrous comments about health care, then abortion, and then foreign policy -none of which are his strong suits because his positions are so unpopular. Instead he should be HAMMERING Obama on the economy -the one and ONLY strong point he supposedly has, and he hasn't been doing it..why? BECAUSE HE'S GOT NOTHING.

12 million jobs in 4 years? Really? HOW? That's a quarter of a million NEW jobs a month, every month, for four years straight. A very few presidents were able to do that in the past, I personally would like to know how Romney expects to do this, while giving tax cuts for the rich, while maintaining our current defense budget, and without any kind of economic stimulus.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

When I said Mitt told the truth, I meant he said what he was actually thinking. Near all the other politicians have yet to be cause secretly filmed speaking their true minds.

About those 47 percent of Americans...I am not really in a position to confirm or deny much of that with numbers or complete clarity. But I know plenty of Americans who fit the bill. So what? Most of them still found employment at places like Walmart that did a really good job at making them feeling like victims who deserved more pay, food etc., and other companies that laid them off producing much the same effect. In other words, you can just as easily say that those 47 percent are the products of people like Mitt Romney and his partner Bain Capital, a company which rapes profits from the business they buy up, and never puts those profits to work ensuring those businesses stay in business. In other words, Romney and friends ensure you are underpaid or out of work, then chastise you for your bad attitude!

My question is, why would you go out of your way to deny the attitude? This is a gift from people like Mitt, and many of you have it whether you like it or not! So I say no. Don't deny the attitude. If you got it, accept it, and let everyone know who gave it to you until November at least!

-1 ( +1 / -1 )

Mirai - " Instead he should be HAMMERING Obama on the economy -the one and ONLY strong point he supposedly has, and he hasn't been doing it..why? BECAUSE HE'S GOT NOTHING."

Not true.

If Mitt moved to China and did what he excels at - outsoucing jobs - to America, he might become popular.

But unlike former GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. Mitt doesn't speak Chinese.

All he knows how to do is p*ss of America's friends and foes alike.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Mitt Romney. He's unqualified even to be unqualified.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Mirai: 12 million jobs in 4 years? Really? HOW?

Oh that's easy. You make the unemployed and the sick work unpaid jobs for their benefits. I mean, after all, someone has to clean the cars and mow the lawns for the rich people. Probably be cheaper then the illegal immigrants they currently use.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


You're so engulfed by the source of the information, that you're completely disregarding the information >itself. There is nothing biased about the link that I posted. If it bothers you so much that it came from >ThinkProgress instead of conservative news site, then go to any news site of your choice...it still doesn't >change what was said. Mitt Romney openly stated that he considers 47% of Americans IRRELEVANT, and he >has also doubled down on his statement. If that doesn't bother you, then you are effectively part of the public >who chooses to shut their eyes and ears off to facts.

Wrong again, buddy. Just think it's funny that you want to get a socialist site to quote such as TP, funny, but whatever. Biased, of course. I don't care about conservative news, just news, but hey, I have been working in the news business, so I know how this industry works. You talk about Mitt, how about talking about Obama that disregards the people that helped build a strong middle class, the so called 1%, the man is trying to purposely squeeze and eradicate them, if so, then he is cutting the lifeline and heart that pumps blood to the American economy, as France and Greece found out and France is in a real awakening now within the next few months. And NO, it doesn't bother me, because I know how liberals and the media is taking this way out of context, not defending Romney, but I know for a fact, you don't have the whole picture. But again, Liberals need something to whine about, there guy is in hot water, polls are tight, I'd be nervous myself.

And the GOP does? Where? This is what we have been waiting for months now. He's gone from making >disastrous comments about health care, then abortion, and then foreign policy -none of which are his strong >suits because his positions are so unpopular. Instead he should be HAMMERING Obama on the economy -the >one and ONLY strong point he supposedly has, and he hasn't been doing it..why? BECAUSE HE'S GOT >NOTHING.

Disastrous???? I think Obama took the cake at the DNC with the whole God, Jerusalem spectacle. Like they say, you just can't make this stuff up. And yes, I know for Dems, abortion, healthcare are the top priorities, economy and especially foreign policy are the weakest points (again, which we saw, that it is something that is way over his head) and position for the Dems and now they say they care. Weak on defense, Obama wants a weak military and wants us to be sitting ducks for our enemies, which will happen, just like his foreign policy failed in the ME. He thought he was the savior and look what happened. An Ambassador and 3 other people are dead. So much for Obama foreign policy. NO talk about the increasing debt $16T and counting, yes, the economy right now is ALL THAT MATTERS! But Obama has nothing that is why the ONLY thing he can do is blame Bush and now Romney, pathetic isn't even the word that can describe this sorry a** administration.

12 million jobs in 4 years? Really? HOW? That's a quarter of a million NEW jobs a month, every month, for four >years straight. A very few presidents were able to do that in the past, I personally would like to know how >Romney expects to do this, while giving tax cuts for the rich, while maintaining our current defense budget, >and without any kind of economic stimulus.

You want a medal for that? lol Don't just go patting yourself on the back just yet! How about the 32 million people out of work, how about the people that didn't file for unemployment because they just gave up, thought about that? How many jobs were created in the private sector, how about the high unemployment rate for Blacks 14.4%, Hispanics 11%, whites 7.4% so blacks are hurting economically and financially the most under this President. Obama and his Robin Hood, Chicago style of thuggish politics didn't do anything to elevate and to get these people, the middle class people out of poverty, he has failed and his policies equally have failed and yet, you and other liberals think he is the best thing since the Beatles! Astounding!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

If that many people are not paying income taxes it is because they are too poor. How many of them used to be people with good salaries before Bush blew the place up for the sake and money of "good people" like the Mitten?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Correction:...for the sake of greed and money of "good people" like the Mitten?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


you want to get a socialist site to quote such as TP, funny, but whatever. Biased

All thinkprogress really does is quotes and points out all of the non-facts republicans spew out...It's not even journalism, just a bunch of quotes and links. But I guess to republicans, that's the new socialism...

the so called 1%, the man is trying to purposely squeeze and eradicate them, if so, then he is cutting the lifeline and heart that pumps blood to the American economy,

The 1% = America's lifeline?....Bwahahaha.... God I hope not...we'd be in REAL trouble if that were true. The US would have died in 2008 if that were true. Wall Street and the 1% had to lean on WHO when their banks went bust? YUP, THE MIDDLE FRICKEN CLASS. The middle class are the true lifeline of America. Romney wants you to believe that 47% of America doesn't pay taxes, but they pay the MOST taxes (income tax AND sales tax -the tax that hits people the most). The 1% are the real lazy freeloaders and welfare queens. The pay less than 10% or sometimes no taxes, and they receive government subsidies (aka welfare for the rich) for their so-called "small businesses" when they TOTALLY don't need it.

I think Obama took the cake at the DNC with the whole God, Jerusalem spectacle. Like they say, you just can't make this stuff up.

Yup, you're absolutely right and being indecisive about whether or not to include the words "god" and "Jerusalem" in the DNC platform is SOOOO much more important than the economy. The dems should completely drop the economy, health care, jobs, and foreign policy as hot topics COMPLETELY, and JUST focus on what to do about the semantics of DNC platform, because that is SOOO much more important for the future of the US [end sarcasm]

Obama wants a weak military

Yup...he says it all the time in his so-called "Apology Tour" speeches , "I WANT A WEAK MILITARY!!!"

You want a medal for that? lol Don't just go patting yourself on the back just yet! How about the 32 million people out of work

Uh...hello? Romney is the one who's tooting 12 million job creations in 4 years...and without any means of doing so. Cutting taxes for the rich ain't gonna do it...all top economist agree on that. All of the jobs that were lost in 2008-9 are gone forever and no amount of tax cuts are going to bring them back. New jobs need to be CREATED from scratch...alternative energy and high speed rail and transportation, and hi -tech manufacturing jobs are only some of the proposed solutions that Obama has brought in. What has Romney proposed other than more money for his donors? Answer: NOTHING!!!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


All thinkprogress really does is quotes and points out all of the non-facts republicans spew out...It's not even >journalism, just a bunch of quotes and links. But I guess to republicans, that's the new socialism...

Dude, I used to work for NBC, believe I have a very keen idea what is true and what is spin after more than 12 years there and 18 total in journalism and I am telling you that is not what Repubs think. Quite the contrary, it is funny to many people how TP likes to....how do you say, embellish their stories. lol The NEW socialism is the person occupying the WH, not spin, just a fact.

he 1% = America's lifeline?....Bwahahaha.... God I hope not...we'd be in REAL trouble if that were true. The US >would have died in 2008 if that were true.

It is true. The US is on life support. Obama talk about the Stimulus, nope. Did it create jobs, hardly. Our AAA credit rating, downgraded to AA, Annual budget....NOPE!

Wall Street and the 1% had to lean on WHO when their banks went bust? YUP, THE MIDDLE FRICKEN CLASS.

Dems were for the deregulation, don't make that loose argument, please. The middle class are the true lifeline of America. Romney wants you to believe that 47% of America doesn't pay taxes, but they pay the MOST taxes (income tax AND sales tax -the tax that hits people the most). The 1% are the real lazy freeloaders and welfare queens.

I see, so people like Gates, Jobs, Turner, Immelt, Murdoch, Disney are FREE LOADERS?! You can't do better?

The pay less than 10% or sometimes no taxes, and they receive government subsidies (aka welfare for the rich) for their so-called "small businesses" when they TOTALLY don't need it.

Who are you to say, who needs what and who doesn't. These people and the rich pay more then their fair share by default, but I can see you want France style Socialist 75% tax from the affluent, so income redistribution, in other words, being lazy and mooching off of someone else's back. Like Obama said, "you didn't build that," classic!

Yup...he says it all the time in his so-called "Apology Tour" speeches , "I WANT A WEAK MILITARY!!!"

And that coming from the Jimmy Carter crowd, run, duck and hide, if we are over taken, who cares as long as we have Obamacare, the country, the defense, who needs it, right. Heck, we might as well ask the British to invade, the way you think.

Uh...hello? Romney is the one who's tooting 12 million job creations in 4 years...and without any means of >doing so. Cutting taxes for the rich ain't gonna do it...all top economist agree on that.

Yeah, the liberal ones say that, NOT THE TOP INDEPENDENT and CONSERVATIVE economists.

All of the jobs that were lost in 2008-9 are gone forever and no amount of tax cuts are going to bring them >back. New jobs need to be CREATED from scratch...alternative energy and high speed rail and transportation, >and hi -tech manufacturing jobs are only some of the proposed solutions that Obama has brought in. What >has Romney proposed other than more money for his donors? Answer: NOTHING!!!!

Ok, that is 2008/9 and what about now? 8.1%, $16T in the hole and counting!Unemployment still high, record high, one of the highest, Obama talking about that, NOPE, just push the blame on Romney. New jobs cannot and never will be created if you don't strengthen the middle class, cut taxes for small businesses and grow the private sector! Forget the stupid bullet train to CA to NV, it will flop, I'm from CA, I know it will, people will never, never give up their cars for that piece of wasted crap, I hope they never get it funded and off the ground! We can do all that green energy stuff down the road, now we need to drill, get our own oil, natural gas and coal and ween ourselves from these radical jihadists that want to destroy us and Obama is most definitely NOT the way to go. He tried, he failed, NEXT! But nice try, Mirai.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I dont see what is wrong with what he said, it is actually correct. he will not be getting the votes of 47% of people who want to elect Obama so they can keep getting free money and govt assistance. he will also not be getting 99% of the black vote, because they will vote for Obama no matter what same as last time.

So he DOES really need to focus on getting all the votes he can get from everyone ELSE. You do know if Obama had only gotten 50% of the black vote we would be talking about President McCain, right?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Dude, I used to work for NBC, believe I have a very keen idea what is true and what is spin

Considering the fact that you didn't think or realize that FoxNews is a conservative-biased propaganda mill until recently, your experiences at NBC means nothing.

It is true. The US is on life support.

You're changing the meaning of your statement to support it. America's "lifeline" (your origin statement) is not the 1% nor is the 1% America's "life support". The middle class carries America all the way by paying their fair share of taxes while the 1% finds every means possible to dodge taxes (like Mittens does)

if we are over taken,

BY WHO?!?! Are enemies barely have the ability to enter the US let alone invade it. They have no tanks, ships, or plans to INVADE or OVERTAKE US PERIOD!!!! This is a straw man argument in favor of thickening our defenses against an enemy (Al Qaeda, and perhaps the Taliban) who doesn't even have 10% of the fire power our military does. Our military hardware is ineffective against the type of enemies we have now. We don't need stealth fighters, bombers, ships, and missles...they're all OVERKILL. We need educated people to promote education and diplomacy to these countries so that they aren't brain washed by terrorists organizations like the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Yeah, the liberal ones say that, NOT THE TOP INDEPENDENT and CONSERVATIVE economists

yeah, the ones that the Romney campaign has bought

I see, so people like Gates, Jobs, Turner, Immelt, Murdoch, Disney are FREE LOADERS?! You can't do better?

None of these people need tax breaks, and Gates and Buffet are the only people who admit. Disney? As much as Romney wants to believe it, corporations AREN'T people my friend...

New jobs cannot and never will be created if you don't strengthen the middle class, cut taxes for small businesses and grow the private sector!

Finally a point we agree on. But I suppose you think that the middle class are the people who make $200,000-$250,000 like Romney does. Middle class are the people making about $50,000- $75,000...they and the people who make less than that need the REAL breaks not the people making over $200k.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Mitt Romney is complaining about people not paying taxes?

Mr. Kettle, there's a Mr Pot on the line.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


I dont see what is wrong with what he said, it is actually correct. he will not be getting the votes of 47% of people who want to elect Obama so they can keep getting free money and govt assistance.

Of those 47%, a good number of them would have probably swung in Romney's favor had he come up with sound ideas about how to recover the economy and grow new jobs (me included). Very few people were set in their ways about Obama and are willing to go with what WORKS. Romney hasn't proven that he can make things work. As a matter of fact, he's shown time after time that he only favors the rich, so now most of the 47% (and probably more now) have lost faith in Romney.

Also, by saying that he cannot convince 47% of Americans to be on his side, he is admitting that he has no plans, hence has given up trying, and telling his rich friends that he has lost the election.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So, this video was shot was at a May fundraiser...but Mother Jones doesn’t release it until a month and a half before the election, right when Obama’s bounce is starting to fade and he was starting to get killed on the Middle East demonstrations.

The 47%ers who have to be working low wages or are taking advantage of tax deductions and who are trying to break out of the dependency game know damn well Romney isn't talking about them. People who want to be self-sufficient are natural conservatives who are already on the side philosophically with the gist of Mitt's statement. I would agree with maybe 20 percent of the country being nothing but freeloaders who spend their days depending on Big Government and in no way was he insulting the Americans who have been forced to accept temporary aid due to job loss under this administration. That there are too many people who are entitled and the debt crisis are perhaps the only issues that Independents, Dems, and Conservatives all agree on. A critique of dependency should be nothing earthshattering, it should be a staple of all Republican candidate stump speeches. This was painted with too broad a brush but there was truth in the intention to run agaiinst a government-take-all dependency society vs one based on merit and responsibility. The most vulnerable need opportunity and security, not dependency.

Of course the media will profess upfront it’s the eye of the beholder issue and people will make of what what they wish” and then proceed to tell the audience how the Romney camp is in disarray.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So, this video was shot was at a May fundraiser...but Mother Jones doesn’t release it until a month and a half before the election, right when Obama’s bounce is starting to fade

What I take away from this is that Romney had given up on half of America a long time ago, at a time when he had a good chance of winning. This is about time he seized the lead in the GOP primaries; shows how little confidence he has in leading this nation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Considering the fact that you didn't think or realize that FoxNews is a conservative-biased propaganda mill until recently, >your experiences at NBC means nothing.

Funny, I knew you would say that, but of course, you have better knowledge than me, how could I have been so ignorant in not realizing that? ;-)

You're changing the meaning of your statement to support it. America's "lifeline" (your origin statement) is not the 1% nor >is the 1% America's "life support". The middle class carries America all the way by paying their fair share of taxes while >the 1% finds every means possible to dodge taxes (like Mittens does)

Again, road scholar. So what happens to all those so called rich people that cannot provide jobs for those middle class people that you are talking about? Who's going to pay them? Give them raises? Etc? The poor??

BY WHO?!?! Are enemies barely have the ability to enter the US let alone invade it. They have no tanks, ships, or plans >to INVADE or OVERTAKE US PERIOD!!!! This is a straw man argument in favor of thickening our defenses against an >enemy (Al Qaeda, and perhaps the Taliban) who doesn't even have 10% of the fire power our military does. Our military >hardware is ineffective against the type of enemies we have now. We don't need stealth fighters, bombers, ships, and >...they're all OVERKILL. We need educated people to promote education and diplomacy to these countries so that they >aren't brain washed by terrorists organizations like the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Wow, dude, simply wow!

yeah, the ones that the Romney campaign has bought

None of these people need tax breaks, and Gates and Buffet are the only people who admit. Disney? As much as >Romney wants to believe it, corporations AREN'T people my friend...

No, but them, the rich and middle class, who got the job to purchase, make the economy grow, keep it going, pay salaries did.

Finally a point we agree on. But I suppose you think that the middle class are the people who make $200,000-$250,000 like Romney does. Middle class are the people making about $50,000- $75,000...they and the people who make less than that need the REAL breaks not the people making over $200k.

Again, if you want to destroy America, the way liberals destroyed CA, you do that, that is a time bomb ticking, but it'll never, ever work. But it seems your math is way off when it comes to what being affluent means or is. But again, nice try.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Better headline:

Mother Jones Magazine Catches Romney Accurately Stating The Dynamics of the Race

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Forget the stupid bullet train to CA to NV, it will flop, I'm from CA, I know it will, people will never, never give up their cars for that piece of wasted crap, I hope they never get it funded and off the ground!

Keep living in the past and see where that gets ya. Progressives will differ: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2012/09/14/ym-zakaria-government-investment-infrastructure.cnn

Wow, dude, simply wow!

That's your response? Who's our dangerous enemy that we need to spend trillions upon trillions of dollars to arm ourselves up to the teeth to protect ourselves from. Russia? (is Ivan Drago coming after us?) Iran (no nukes or missiles that are able to reach the US), N. Korea? (no missiles that are able to reach the US), China? (one of our trade partners who we hope to expand trade relations with), Cuba? (a country that has no real weapons)...who? Please enlighten me!

So what happens to all those so called rich people that cannot provide jobs for those middle class people that you are talking about? Who's going to pay them? Give them raises?

What? I think you've got to proof read this sentence because it doesn't make sense AT ALL. We're suppose to pay rich people so that they can pay poor people? wuuuh?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Too bad all the folks who know how to run the country and the campaigns are spending so much time posting on JT!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Romney’s comment is a country-club fantasy. It’s what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. It reinforces every negative view people have about Romney.

That is from David Brooks, rightwing NYT editorialist.

This is all based in the Ayn Rand crock of dung that Paul Ryan and his band of selfish twits believes. The world revolves around me and the rest of you are parasites on my success. It is how, as Brooks points out, greedy rich people justify robbing others. And these same folks pay for a candidate like Romney to make laws to make them richer. So if you want to know who really rides on the government gravy train its these people who pay lobbyists to do their dirty, dirty work for them. The middle just gets screwed over by the republicans all the time, they see you as being dependents, victims, losers. And if you vote for them, you are indeed losers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Brooks calls the Romboid Thurston Howell Romney. Perfect description. Incredibly wealthy and living on an island of make believe.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That is from David Brooks, rightwing NYT editorialist.

You can add that to some of his other "rightwing" views that he's had in the past.

That first encounter is still vivid in Brooks’s mind. “I remember distinctly an image of–we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.” In the fall of 2006, two days after Obama’s The Audacity of Hope hit bookstores, Brooks published a glowing Times column. The headline was “Run, Barack, Run.”

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Mirai true! but if 47% is lost, 53% still available. Plus as we saw before, you dont even have to get the most votes to win, right?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Keep living in the past and see where that gets ya. Progressives will differ:

No, thanks! Been there done that with our Red Line and we are still paying for a transportation hardly anyone uses.


A total complete waste, Californians will NEVER give up there cars, especially every city is spread out. Even the liberal NYT says the same thing. And most logical fiscally conservatives say this. Liberals cant squeeze anymore money from CA tax payer, they blead out. For a bullet to be sensible in CA! They would have to redo the whole train system and make smaller commute trains that could link the city together and that ain't gonna happen. CA is B-R-O-K-E!!! When will you liberals get it through your heads?! Living in the past, that's just reality. Had the liberals curtailed the spending all those years, perhaps, perhaps it could've been a possibility.

That's your response? Who's our dangerous enemy that we need to spend trillions upon trillions of dollars to arm >ourselves up to the teeth to protect ourselves from. Russia? (is Ivan Drago coming after us?) Iran (no nukes or missiles >that are able to reach the US), N. Korea? (no missiles that are able to reach the US), China? (one of our trade partners >who we hope to expand trade relations with), Cuba? (a country that has no real weapons)...who? Please enlighten me!

China for certain, then there is the ME, Iran, Pakistan and depending on how you look at it Valenzuela. I'll go into that more in a thread that is more related to that, don't want to side track, but yes, I want to increase military spending or at least NOT decrease it. Personally, a high school teacher making 75 K a year in schools that are not producing and doing their jobs, there is an area there where we could do some serious cuts, cops and fire fighters. There are areas where this is feesable.

What? I think you've got to proof read this sentence because it doesn't make sense AT ALL. We're suppose to pay rich >people so that they can pay poor people? wuuuh?

Yes, but at the same time, these corp. give the jobs, that people can make the money. Hey, Mirai, I never got a job from a poor person before. In our community in CA, my father is a huge job creator and he has helped a lot of people to make money and to become wealthy and these people are hiring more people, so in our town he created about 45 jobs, thanks to him as well as the little people.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

and depending on how you look at it Valenzuela

Is that Fernando Valenzuela? Come on man, he won the Cy Young in 1981!! How can you lump him into that mess of countries

0 ( +0 / -0 )


brooks was right about Obama. I did not say he was stupid, I said he was conservative. Usually the two go together as one can see on this thread. Predicting by brook that mccain/palin would win would have been stupid, would that have proven to you that brook is conservative?

Republicans are so clueless about the truth. The Romboids' campaign is a slow motion train wreck for anyone to see.

Cant wait for tomorrows screw up. You know its coming.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This just in, Romney says blind people just faking so they can use those neat white canes and get sympathy from their victims, people with sight.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I agree

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Romney says now in video that he will let Israel do what it wants in ME. Again, no surprise that that he thinks this but surprise he would say it to his rich donors to get more money for his failed campaign.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Romney is exactly right. Obama and the Liberals desire for redistribution is the reason for America's decline. Obama will never turn the economy around because he is a Socialist and socialism always ends up killing the goose that laid the golden egg (ie. capitalism). When half the country doesn't pay any Federal income taxes, they have very little or no "skin" in the game and many could care less about the troubles of those that support them. I wouldn't say all of these people feel that way but a large portion do. The result is you end up with a guy like Obama that pushes job killing regulations and constant threats of ever greater taxation. I'm glad that Romney is not backing down to this faux outrage on the part of the Dems and their media allies.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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