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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Romney says he will not run for president in 2016
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The 47% will be so disappointed.
I hear Malia's looking at a 2032 bid.
Clinton will sink before it gets competitive. Too much baggage and not enough of a resume.
"I hear Malia's looking at a 2032 bid."
@turbosat- long before 2032 the wrath of Obama on the USA will have surfaced, she hasn't a chance.
I'm so looking foward to "Foward to the Past" starring the Clintons and the Bushes! ( nod to warispeace )
By then Obamaphobia will haved waned and nostalgia taken over?
Good choice he made getting out early, not sure why he even considered getting in the race. Time for younger candidates to step in from both sides.
'The more conservative side of the field is largely unchanged, with a group of candidates that will likely include Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who is popular with libertarians, Texas Sen Ted Cruz, a champion of the anti-tax tea party movement, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has support among evangelical Christians.'
Cabaret artists like this make the Republican candidate debates great television. I remember someone described the last one as a stage full of 'bobble-headed giggle twits'. The answers to the question about believing in evolution was a classic comedy sketch.
Need a Republican who will actually cut (military) spending.
Unfortunately racism has been around a long, long time and will continue in the USA. Obamaphobia is just a term to cover racism.
That's pretty funny, if not for racism everyone would LOVE Obama?
Oh please, zurcronium. Are you saying then-
That Obama's decisions have all been above reproach? That any questioning of the President's policies is based in racism? or That for some reason he deserves a complete pass from any and all scrutiny?Which is it? Is it racism when we question a white President? If not why not, and why is it automatically racist to question Obama? Why should Obama be spared any and all criticism?
And don't forget about the Bobby Jindal and Dr. Ben Carson, who represent intelligent people who can't stand intelligent people.
It's Super Friends! They'll soon be joined by Zan and Jayna, the Wonder Twins, who possess the power to transform themselves into any candidate the Koch brothers want them to be.
Personally I'd like to see Sarah Palin run for President. She can see Russia from her balcony which has to be a bonus if Putin ever decides to invade. And she is just great entertainment. She knows next to nothing about anything but can be guaranteed to come up with a hilarious comment on any given subject. Jeb Bush on the other hand is deadly dull and serious. He is apparently one of the smarter Bush siblings but if we use GWB as the benchmark it is not setting the bar that high. He will probably say things about getting America back on track and closing the gap between rich and poor - things we know he would have no intention whatsoever of ever doing. Sarah on the other hand would be blessing the troops and declaring war on, well, just about anyone. Even if she did not get elected it would be better entertainment the Comedy Central watching her try. Go Sarah!
That's getting a bit tired, SimonB, especially as it was Tina Fey imitating Sarah Palin who said it...
That almost makes it funnier - it's hard to tell the difference between Palin and a parody of Palin. 'Cause she's a parody of herself.
Okay, Palin was funny but sensible Republicans should never forget the Palin debacle in 2008. It shouldn't get tired. That's how bad it can get and it should stand as a humiliation that a party in a developed country should never be subject to. Don't make your party the laughing stock of the planet. It's not good for democracy.
Romney would have made a good president. Unfortunately he wasn't a good candidate.
Precisely opposite to the current incumbent.
Too late, the Republican party has already been doing it for six years.
After close examination, Romney has decided that a run for the presidency just isn't in his underpants.
Condi Rice... the door is open wide!
I see the dream ticket - Sarah wearing Jehovah underpants. How could it fail?
"Personally I'd like to see Sarah Palin run for President. She can see Russia from her balcony"
Palin never said that, SimondB
"it's hard to tell the difference between Palin and a parody of Palin"
For you, it is.
@turbotsat & Himajin, allow me to explain something if you are truly willing to listen and have an honest debate. First I did not vote for him and have acknowledged policies by his presidency I do not like. Majority of the critism given never mention or point to the policies that they dislike but personl attack of the man and his family. Never in the history has any president received more death threats or verbal attacks on his family that includes his daughters. In the past the children especially was off limit.If you believe alot of this is not racist, you either never lived in american or lived in a plastic bubble. Majority of Obama policies are a carry over from the Bush years but Bush was not vicious attacked like this and he should not had been. The office of the president may mean little to some but to me and others that served it means everything as well as your right to free speech.
Allow me to clarify regarding my post above...
I am not republican, I don't hate democrats, not racist, don't hate Obama (actually think he is a good man), I do not agree with his policies. The national debt is #1. A trillion dollars was lost in stimulus. Green energy initiatives have gone nowhere.....
The statement on Malia was not a personal jab at her. It was to say the Obama policies have failed and will continue to fail with Obama going down in the history books as a failed president. Children are never guilty for the actions of their parents.
If I offended anyone including Malia in a negative comment I am sorry. It was not my intent to insult a child.
Doesn't make me any less sick of people attributing it to her ;-)
Yenot, Bush got death threats, as well as being burned in effigy everywhere. He was pictured with a noose around his neck, he was openly ridiculed. I see NONE of this happening to Obama. Have you seen an Obama likeness burned anywhere?
Have you all forgotten what the threads here looked like when Bush was in office? Do you have any source at all to say that Obama has gotten more threats than any other President?
Funny to read just a few links below the article titled "Consumers fuel steady U.S. economy as rest of world struggles" the concept that Romney is disappointed in Obama's presidency - and that many posters on JT share that view. Certainly, challenges remain, but America under Obama is clearly charting the course much better than any other country on earth.
Himajin, this is from the WaPo:
I was rather looking forward to the Romney 3.0, new and improved to spew lines concerned about improving the plight of the working poor, but it appears it's now up to the likes of Walker and Bush to explain how exterpitating unions and removing subsidies for health care coverage will do this.
One difference, Laguna, is the popularity of Facebook and Twitter now, which of course wasn't the case in previous presidencies. It's easier for the cranks to come out of the woodwork.
From your past comments, I hardly doubt it. At least we still have Bush.
Actually, at this point, I feel that we need to increase the spending on the military.
I couldn't agree with you more.
All that stuff happened to Bush and Clinton, too, not just Obama. You'd have to google it on your own, though. I'm not posting any of that. But you might try looking at episode descriptions for the "That's My Bush!" sitcom series from 2001. Or googling for images with "george bush hitler".
The earliest action of disrespect to the President that I remember was the cigarette-costumed guy sent to heckle George Bush the Elder during the presidential election campaign vs. Bill Clinton, but I can't say that was the earliest, or who started all this.
People who like Obama are going to notice disrespect against him more, and vice versa for other politicians.
As far as "increasing", the Internet is expanding. More people are signing on, including more racist yahoos. In the absence of non-sectarian polls measuring disrespect, that take into account expansion of the Internet and that are conducted by non-partisan organizations (like, NOT snopes and NOT factcheck), who can say if it's really increasing or not?