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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Russia announces nuclear drills after Western officials talk of deepening involvement in Ukraine
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An untrained puppy seems to be making noise from the Kremlin.
Sensible precaution to the violent rhetoric coming out of NATO mouthpieces, not to mention provocations.
The focus will be on the Southern Military District, which includes the new territories. So, this will sharpen up the defensive posture in these key areas.
This is an internal military training exercise. The usual hypocrites need to learn to mind their own business. Moscow doesn't need a permission slip from NATO to act on matters of national security.
Savage stuff and more evidence the notion "Kyiv doesn't target civilians" is false. Desperation moves by the regime.
No it is not a sensible precaution as even battlefield nukes used in Ukraine will result in NATO clearing a path for Zelenskyy to do what needs to be done.
You got an crazy American congressman,saying putting American troops into Ukraine
John,the US has no treaty to protect Ukraine with nukes
Mr Kipling
There are French Foreign legion troops already in Ukraine, though not on the front lines, they are taking over tasks to allow Ukrainian conscripts to sent to the front. A building holding some FFL to the north of Odesa was hit last week so there are not so many this week.
even battlefield nukes used in Ukraine will result in NATO clearing a path for Zelenskyy to do what needs to be done.
Delusional. Frighteningly so.
Haaa Nemui
Well, yeah, that’s one way to describe the threat of nukes.
Lol, the Moscow regime is the one that's not invited to Ukraine.
Here we go,
COVID could not do it, but Putin might.
Why is the west or NATO fault if Ukraine with all the aid failed to solve this conflict?
Either start talking or Win this damn war.
Hello Kitty 321
The whole point of a deterrent is to deter people, but the overprivileged, spoiled politicians running the Western nations seem to have forgotten this and are willing to call Russia's bluff. The reason why this war began was because the West ignored Russia's concerns, telling themselves that Russia would never actually do anything.
You sure about that? If Putin is ready to violate all basic decency, he should expect Europe to green light an appropriate response.
Are you aware that defeating a fascist country that has prepared for 80 years for land warfare is difficult? Especially if you are #30 on the military expenditure list?
Russia warned there was a problem with a misaddressed letter three months before the invasion. In any event, Russia has no right to determine the security arrangements of Eastern Europe.
Russia has every right to determine its security arrangements. And if that means someone takes a haircut, Moscow won't hesitate. A hostile NATO teaming up with nationalists on their border was a completely unacceptable scenario. The fact they used coups and criminal violence against ordinary people was even more provocative.
No sympathy for these types. All of their own doing.
Haaa Nemui
Everybody does, within their own borders. Yet Putin, his Kremlin stooges, and all the Russian apologists are trying to deny Ukraine that right. Honestly, they can all take a flying leap.
Incorrect. Smaller countries have to yield to bigger ones.
Case in point: Cuba and the ruthless violence threatened upon it by the USA if it hosted Soviet missile forces within their own borders.
It's the same thing here. Ukraine doesn't have that right and never will.
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
They think Ukraine belongs to Russia. It unequivocally does not.
Nato and the US forced this war on Russia. It could well be they are stupid enough to force the use of nuclear weapons. Putin has always said what will happen if certain lines are crossed, and has followed through.
In the real world, no one will buy the excuse from Russia, "I'm just an animal. You can't flash something red in front me and expect me not to react!!!".
He has a never followed through. Just a yapping puppy.
Smaller countries can also ally with bigger ones, can they not? Otherwise what you are implying is that larger countries can just run roughshod over smaller ones without fear of consequences. I’m not interested in living in that kind of world.
bring it, baby boi
The problem with crying wolf so many times is that nobody believes you or is scared anymore. Russian tale, I believe. So you guys should know this already.
JJE and Toblerone- do you agree with the world that Ukraine is not Russia?
Haaa Nemui
False. That’s a purely imperialistic way of thinking. And Cuba is still not aligned politically with the U.S., yet Russia is always trying to force political alignment.
You're pretending to be neutral, remember? Doesn't matter what internet commentators have said in the past.
The Monroe Doctrine is no longer in effect if Cuba and Venezuela are any indication.
Russia is smaller population-wise than the US, EU, and China. The former must yield to the latter according to you.
Russia is the largest country in Europe by population and the largest country in the world by area.
Moscow is helping the oppressed people of the Donbass who faced relentless persecution since 2014 and securing its national security interests.
Russia spans from Europe to Asia. Not the largest population in Asia.
So why does it need Ukrainian land?
With so much Russian land they could have easily moved across the border.
Any strike againt Britain outside Ukraine would be an attack on a NATO member and mean Russia has declared war on NATO. Russia is all bluster, it wants a war againt NATO as much as Putin wants a bullet through his head.
And I guess that matters somehow?
None of which are legal reasons to start a war.
So why is it Ukraine can't claim its rightful territory but the horde state gets to cut others down to size?
Nope. Moscow is also the most nuclear armed country on earth.
That's called self-awareness.
If people minded their own business and refrained from meddling, this would not have happened.
JJE - so you are saying that nuclear-armed nations get to do whatever they want? Seems like an argument in favor of making more nuclear-armed nations, if you ask me.
JJE - give us another argument instead of Might Makes Right, if you have one.
Just as Russia is using Iranian and North Korean weapons in Ukraine. It is exactly the same thing. Since it is ok for Russia to do so, it is also ok for Ukraine to follow Russia's example and use foreign weapons inside Russia.
Now, Moscow and Muscovites are in much more danger than 3 years ago.
Nobody was threatening Moscow until Russia invaded Ukraine.