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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Russia declares emergency in Kursk, under attack by Ukraine
By SAMYA KULLAB and BARRY HATTON KYIV, Ukraine©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
That mop up operation sure going well. I suppose Russia also has an operation going on of some kind.
Zelensky's attempt to take over Russia has failed.
Their only success has been in getting a chance to do indiscriminate shooting of civilian targets in Russia.
The attempt to wipe Russia off the map won't succeed and will only harden the resolve of Russians to defend themselves.
This is a kamikaze operation for Zelensky. Even the military strategists and TV ‘experts’ that support Ukraine are wary of the reposts of this incursion. We have three areas further South where Russia is close to maki g further breakthroughs. For some reason Zelensky thinks this will make Russian troops diverted North to deal with this. However it seems troops and hardware are on the way from inside Russia to deal with this.
As Ukraine is short on manpower, equipment and ammunition this is a highly risky escapade likely doomed to failure as the troops and equipment could be used defending areas where Russian troops are advancing.
As said, the cavalry has arrived and their little adventure of sending sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) all around the roads in the area has come to an end, like Operation Greif. Cordons are in place and they won't be advancing any further. Forget that gambit about the nuke plant.
Important to observe they haven't actually 'taken' any towns or settlements; just a series of static ambush points on roads and/or tree belts. They never got out of Sudzhansky District.
They hoped the local population would 'rise up' against Moscow, greet them with flowers: the opposite has happened - this has reminded everyone of the nazi counteroffensive in Kursk during 1943 and people are fired up. The indiscriminate violence against civilians, much of it on camera, is a reminder that history repeats itself.
With that note in mind, it now comes back to positional warfare in which raw firepower decides things. And they have pulled up extensive reserves without stripping anything significant from the Donbass front.
Once this is over the RFAF will open up a new front in Sumy without a doubt: it won't stop at the border.
This whole gambit has been an interesting roll of the dice - will it be the last one and what will the consequences be, are the logical questions.
Well put old top. As anyone knows or should know, Mr Putin will not be happy about this and a massive use of force against Ukraine troops on border areas and inland will be happening. Many cities producing arms and drones will also be struck with the inevitable collateral damage. All due to Zelensky and his madness, this really is so similar to Hitler and his inner circles final months.
That's because they don't want to give away operation information. Deep State map won't update any movement in Russia. Neither will ISW.
Putin can't just create troops from thin air. Of course troops are being redeployed.
I will note that Putin has offered any displaced people $150 for the inconvenience.
You do know that Russias troops and military hardware is not just confined to the conflict areas right?
Only you believe they want to attack a nuclear plant.
Day 4 of the new SMU (Special mop-up operation). By Kremlin numbers, now there must be a negative number of Ukrainian troops in Russia.
Wow, the Ukrainians have invaded Russia all the way to Lipetsk! That’s deeeeeep in Russia, past Kursk even. How did Putin let this happen? Will his generals execute him for his incompetence? Hard to know how this will hit in the upper echelons of the Kremlin, as this one has hit home hard.
Good on Ukraine. Every attack on Russian soil is justified.
You just repeated a comment you made yesterday almost word for word. They have ambush squads in certain places, there is no full scale invasion. Do you understand how to read reports of the situation?
No, he can't.
But he can get the RMoD to sign up contract soldiers who are not necessarily deployed to the SVO zone.
And that is precisely what has been happening for well over a year. Tens of thousands have signed lucrative contracts while they build up extensive reserves, all over the country, who have undergone extensive training.
If you follow developments, there is a special bonus right now (announced about a month back) that has a special lump sum payment on signing a contract by a certain date (think it was 2/1/25 the special offer lasted till). That is but one example of the competitive offers - others include subsidies for houses, families, vehicles etc
Point is 30 thousand men have been signing contracts with RMoD monthly for well over a year.
Fact is: Moscow has been building up contingency forces for a possible confrontation with NATO.
I copied and pasted it. It was good enough to say again, and relevant to this thread.
I'm ok with it.
And that is precisely what has been happening for well over a year. Tens of thousands have signed lucrative contracts while they build up extensive reserves, all over the country, who have undergone extensive training.
And Ukraine keeps taking them out at about the speed at which the Kremlin can gather more meat for the grinder.
The problem is that Russian training for the military is as incompetent as the actual Russian military.
Putin just announced a Counter Terrorist Operation zone is in effect in Bryansk region, directly next to and north of Kursk, due to "increased level of sabotage and terrorist threats from Ukraine".
This allows the authorities certain powers and almost definitely means a beefing up of the security posture there.
Nobody respects those who operate in a manner that excludes civility to others.
Oh dear, now he's going to have to drag troops from somewhere else.
But the alternative is to let Ukraine keep attacking Russian soil.
Is that why posters here don't like you? Are you warning me from your own mistakes?
I'm good mate, I can handle myself.
Haaa Nemui
If they reported news from the front they’d likely be jailed. Putin doesn’t want the public to know what’s really going on.
Actually, the CTO zone regime was announced for Belgorod and Kursk too.
This means that all three Russian regions still bordering Ukraine from pre-September 2022 will have this status. The post-Sept 22 regions already have this status.
Looks like it's mostly psychological. You know, give them a taste of their own medicine.
At the same time, this can't be good for Putin and makes him look as though he's lost control of the situation. Maybe it'll be just enough to shake up the tree enough to make something happen from within. Who knows?
Nice, that should keep the people in those regions on edge. As they should be.
I have zero interest in garnering up votes to feel good
burgers and beers
Yep, Russia has no reporters or bloggers relorting from the frontline, at all. Slaps forehead.
falsflagsteve - Don't pay attention to that trolling old chap, we love you on here. Some of our US posters on here can get a bit nasty with their personal taunts at times. They are kind of " strange" that way, almost " weird". Probably closet Trump fans.
Haaa Nemui
Oh they don’t? News to me. Having reporters there doesn’t mean it’s portraying the reality of the situation. Clearly not good from the Russian angle… so they don’t show it. Come on Ramsey. You should be kinder to yourself.
Sure, but in a Kremlin-controlled media, if they reported the truth, they'd be in the gulag.
Just ask Navalny.
burgers and beers
This clearly went over your head, friend.
" Having reporters there doesn’t mean it’s portraying the reality of the situation."
Naturally, only pro western sources ever portray true and accurate situation on the front. Hmmm. Slaps forehead again.
Lot of frustration, desperation, and humiliation from our Putin-apologists today...
And they have reason to be - after Putin essentially fired or jailed his entire military leadership for corruption or incompetence, and replaced them with "more loyal" Generals....he's finding out they are even MORE incompetent and bungling than the previous ones...
Maybe like with his drones and missiles, Putin should ask Iran and nKorea for some Generals too...
And the far-right Russian blogosphere is melting down over an entire Russian battalion being wiped out...
burgers and beers
And the far-right Russian blogosphere is melting down over an entire Russian battalion being wiped out...
Those poor young Russian boys, killed by NATO weapons on the way to defend their country from an invading force that is shooting up civilan houses and cars with pregnant women. I feel as sorry for them as I do for the Ukraininan boys sent on suicide missions by Zelensky and his NATO handlers. Russians and Ukrainians would be living in peace if it werent for western destabilization schemes.
Aww, poor Russia.
I don't think anyone that matters, cares. Russia deserves every attack on Russia soil.
On what planet do you think Ukraine is trying to wipe Russia off of the map and not vice versa?
Putie’s fluffer freaking out because he’s getting his ass kicked in his own country now…
Putin can't just create troops from thin air. Of course troops are being redeployed.
I am well aware of this, well except for the extensive training - many go straight to the front line.
If you follow developments, there is a special bonus right now (announced about a month back) that has a special lump sum payment on signing a contract by a certain date (think it was 2/1/25 the special offer lasted till). That is but one example of the competitive offers - others include subsidies for houses, families, vehicles etc
Yup. Putin is desperate for men. The people who signed six months ago must be p*ssed.
Yes. Point is they have been going to the front line. They haven't been sitting around.
No. They haven't. These soldiers have been going into Ukraine, because Russia is losing over 1000 men/day.
burgers and beers
Aww, poor Russia.I don't think anyone that matters, cares. "
Who decides who matters and who doesn't ?
" Russia deserves every attack on Russia soil."
Do you think pregnant Russian women in cars deserve to be shot then ? For the record, I dont think any civilians ' deserve' to be killed, Ukrainian or Russian.
There was a time when the Russian army was thought to be second stronger in the world. Now they’re barely the second strongest in Russia.
Those of us who matter.
If we didn’t matter, it wouldn’t bother you.
Its amusing how whenever the Ukrainians obviously catch the Russians with their pants down and inflict humiliating losses on them, the Putin supporters on here immediately resort to reassuring themselves that this is yet more evidence of how well the war is going for Russia and how they’ve really got Ukraine on the ropes this time,
Russian cope comments always go up when they have to deal with bad news.
burgers and beers
Those of us who matter.
Lol, not the slightest hint of arrogance. But at least it is consistent.
burgers and beers
If we didn’t matter, it wouldn’t bother you.
Who is bothered? Just asking.
Russia's military chiefs are lying that Ukraine's attack is 'under control'.
Residents in Russia's besieged Kursk oblast have published a video saying the fighting there is far more intense than Russian military leaders are letting on.
Certainly fascists don't matter.
Is she a Putin supporter? It's not Ukraine's job to assess pregnancy status.
Ukrainian units have now broken past Russian defensive lines in at least two areas.
"The sky is completely dominated by Ukrainian drones," wrote military blogger VChK-OPGU, who is known to have ties to Russia's military forces, on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Putin has just announced a total one-time payment of 10,000 rubles, or $115, in relief for Kursk residents affected by the attack, according to state media.
The people of Kursk are begging Putin for help.
He got you into this folks.
More than two dozen Russians gathered in a video published on Thursday, saying Putin had been undersold on how dire the situation is for local civilians as Ukrainian troops force their way past the border.
"These lies enable the local residents to die. The Chief of the General staff recently told you that the situation is under control," one of the residents said in the video, according to a translation from CNN.
"But today, huge furious battles are underway in the Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts,"
burgers and beers
Is she a Putin supporter? It's not Ukraine's job to assess pregnancy status.
Maybe ask her who she supports, she could be anti- Putin? Oh wait, can 't ask, she was shot and killed near her home by an invading force. But if a pregnant woman civilian voted for Putin does she then deserve to be shot in your opinion?
Haaa Nemui
Not at all. It was irrelevant to the comment about the news not being shown on Russian TV. Of course there are reporters and bloggers at the front. Pictures don't portray what the Kremlin wants to portray.
All credible sources indicate that Kyiv regime forces have advanced as much as they could, have stopped and may be fortifying certain areas in the pocket they are in.
What is very clear is RFAF reserves are pouring into the area and the rollback is about to begin.
Also, clear that aviation is active on both sides of the border related to the Kursk operation - videos posted show extensive use of glide bombs (there was a FAB-3000 vid last night), even this article has a screen grab photo at bottom of a Frogfoot in action letting loose some S-13's. The Lancets have not been sleeping either.
In the next few days, there will a round of huge missile strikes across Ukraine. Don't know exactly when but can feel it coming.
With regards to that video CNN featured, it's a couple of days old, from when there was mass panic within the civilian population. Keep in mind this is Day 5 of this thing.
The psyops people in the UAF/GUR were using the phone network to call people in the district and region at random, at home, and impersonating a Russian security official, told them to evacuate. This was quite widespread; the idea was to cause chaos and clog the roads with fleeing civilians, complicating RFAF vehicle movements and the security forces initial response. They spread much disinformation with that sole objective, including online by photo-shopping images of signs with place names, giving the impression they were in areas they weren't. One could go on.
Of course, having saboteur groups roving around randomly shooting at civilians didn't help things either.
Of course the people in that video were upset. They have every right to be.
UAF got repulsed from Korenevo when their DRG group tried to storm it.
You rely on the good graces of the Ukrainian soldiers at that point and that well has gotten pretty low.
I guess the video of Russian reservists surrendering IN RUSSIA, was fake as well, eh?
Ukraine deserves to be free of Russian fascists and the cost in Russian lives to make that happen is immaterial.
The video of the border crossing is authentic, no doubt. Some border guards and conscripts were totally surrounded and then the border post - which is in fact just a customs post, for checking cars and trucks etc and not a 'strong point' - was hit by FPV drones. They had little choice there.
That will never happen.
Haaa Nemui
When they're your neighbor, it does seem unlikely. Sadly.
And that video of the decimated Russian reinforcement column that got wiped out deep in Russian territory?
That Western propaganda too?
Haaa Nemui
It's all Western propaganda, John. No emergency situation has been declared at all.
No, it's not and never said it was, but it was about 25 clicks give or take over the border, if that is "deep".
Unfortunately, there are casualties, just like the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943 against the nazis. History repeats itself.