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U.S. urges Russians to focus airstrikes on Islamic State


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Didn't any of you ever wonder how Russia got up and running in less than a week? Russia has had a naval base in Syria for over 40 years and have been supplying arms to Syria for all of that time. The whole Syrian military is Russian-made and always has been. They didn't just get to Syria . . . they never left.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Go Russia Go"......that statement will be regretted in the future.

The typical terroris image is a man with an AK-47, why is that? Bush's fault again?

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Pro Moscow and anti Obama comments. Perfect together?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Pro Moscow and anti-IS comments. Perfect together?

Good luck to Russian pilots. Bomb the hell out of IS and return to bases safely!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

@paulinusa"Pro Moscow and anti Obama comments"

What's the problem? Russians are doing the right job, destroying vital nods of ISIS and helping Syrian army to regain control of the country. Why should we write "pro Obama" comments? Perhaps, just because his middle name is Hussein, eh? Seriously, what did Obama do when ISIS thugs were cutting throats of innocent hostages? Nothing. He had fun in safe places, saluting Marines by coffee cups.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Warplanes hit locations of a U.S.-backed rebel group, Tajamu Alezzah, in the central province of Hama,

This could lead to the war we had expected would break out during the Cold War. I am sure some Red Dawn fans are well pleased though.

The typical terroris image is a man with an AK-47, why is that?

You greatly over-use the word terrorist. The AK-47 is a damn fine weapon for a guerrilla or militant. Its powerful and reliable even in the worst of conditions. And that is why they use it. BTW, the Kalashnikov family of weapons is made all over the world, including America and particularly Bulgaria. It has nothing to do with allegiance to anybody. Its a simple choice of the best tool for the job.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Peace out, only since the USSR collapse has the AK-47 been manufactured in other nations outside the iron curtain. You don't see German HK's, US AR's, Israeli Uzl's, Belgian FN's, Austria Steyers, all fine tried and tested weapons and some superior to AK's. You see Soviet, now Russian arms.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

MarkG"all fine tried and tested weapons and some superior to AK's"

They chose AKs due to high reliability in all conditions by comparison to those 'superior' firearms you have just listed above.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

German and Israel have also voiced support of Russia's actions.

The way obama snubbed Bibi in the past, it doesn't surprise me.

“What is important is Russia has to not be engaged in any activities against anybody but (the Islamic State group),” Secretary of State John Kerry said.

I'm so sick of this guy running his mouth. Who is he to say who russia should bomb? Just sit down and take notes, they might learn something.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The ongoing speedy happenings in Syria these days suggest sudden hike and escalation of hostilities which has a potential of a major war in the Middle East. A few days back from now, France joined in air strikes in Syria. US has been there since long. Russia began air strikes in Syria on 30 September 2015 and the same are continuing since then. It is reported that Russia has obtained necessary approval for sending troops also to foreign country. So the hints of the happenings in Syria are potent with a major war though that stage has yet not arrived. In this regard , this Vedic astrology writer has a feeling that readers would like to know that these developments were foreseen by this writer in April last published in article – Total lunar eclipse of 28 September 2015 and world – in Summer 2015 (June) issue of The Astrologer’s Notebook , a quarterly publication from North Port, Florida. The related part of the prediction is being reproduced here :- ” During second half of 2015 , among other things , somewhere a major war cannot be ruled out”. Further predicted : Though second half of 2015 seems to be causing concern , months October and November of 2015 are likely to trigger many unwelcome things out of above mentioned aspects or areas of life.” The present developments in Syria seem to have equally been foreseen by this writer in another masterpiece article – “ Stressful times ahead for world economy in 2015 and 2016 “ – published online as early as last year on 2 June 2014 at astrologyweekly.com. It was predicted : “ However, a major cause of concern may arise from November 2015 to July 2016 when benign Jupiter may begin to have a scattered influence.” While describing in the said article of 2 June 2014 the aspects of life that could be vulnerable to planetary influences , one mentioned was : “ Wisdom as the basis for strategy , especially regarding the defense and security of nations”. As regards geographical location of countries likely to be the centre of the impacts , it was also mentioned : “ Countries surrounded by sea having energy resources like oil and gas might need take more precautions”. So it could be Syria if Internet report published on 6 August 2013 in oilprice.com , which says Syria has largest oil and gas fields, is believed.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

CrazyJoe at Oct. 02, 2015 - 07:44AM JST

"Didn't any of you ever wonder how Russia got up and running in less than a week? Russia has had a naval base in Syria for over 40 years and have been supplying arms to Syria for all of that time. The whole Syrian military is Russian-made and always has been. They didn't just get to Syria . . . they never left."

Psst. The US still has bases all over the world, including in countries defeated back in WW2...they never left.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If the Russians want to do something useful, they should send about 20,000 of their best troops with heavy firepower to attack Raqqa and destroy ISIS once and for all.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@frontandcentre"they should send about 20,000 of their best troops".

There were many soldiers of Iranian armed forces and Hezbollah fighters already. They are supporting Syrians right now. The only way for ISIS members to survive is to run into Turkey, get a false passport and move to Europe as 'refugee'.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Psst. The US still has bases all over the world, including in countries defeated back in WW2...they never left.

. . . Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

According to the New York Times, Russia's targets for the second straight day of bombing focus NOT on "vital nods of ISIS," (sic) but rather on "ISIS's opponents." "In a second day of raids in Syria, Russian warplanes carried out a new round of airstrikes on Thursday that once again — contrary to Moscow’s assertions — appeared to be targeting not the Islamic State but a rival insurgent coalition." According to the Jerusalem Post, "After earlier stating that its mission in Syria was to combat the Islamic State terrorist network, Moscow amended its explanation of the new campaign, which began on Wednesday with strikes in Syria’s western Homs and Hama provinces. NEITHER host Islamic State fighters. Assad’s ambassador to Russia later acknowledged that ALL rebel groups would be fair game in the Russian air campaign."

Russia famously stepped into the Syrian mess with its "plan to eliminate the chemical weapons the Assad regime had been using against its own civilians." One year later, "Assad regularly continues to use with impunity chemical-filled barrel bombs and other banned weaponry against his own civilians."

Just as its campaign against "fascists" in Ukraine (who represent an absolute majority of the voting population and more than 90% of the country in terms of area but who "stubbornly" resist meddling and now an outright invasion by a hostile Russian military), the campaign against "terrorists" in Syria will do nothing but prolong the misery for everyone involved. There's no easy answers in the Middle East, as usual, but to cheer a country whose leader has taken it 40 places lower on the Democracy Index while in power (from 87 to now 127th out of 160 countries) and who the World Justice Project currently rank 80th out of 99 for "the rule of law" is probably a misguided effort at best.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Otto added that the Russians have been dropping ‘dumb bombs,’ a reference to munitions that are not precision-guided. And the use of such indiscriminate targeting, he said, could kill innocent civilians, which could have the unintended consequence of creating more terrorists than they kill.

You mean a bit like when the US bombs weddings and the UK drops cluster bombs that don't explode until kids pick them up? Or the use of napalm in the siege of Fallujah? Or torture in US run Iraqi orisons? Those sort of things. Is that what the good US general means?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Russia will not survive in Syria exactly as it did not survive in Afghanistan. The USA taxpayer has seen enough cost and sacrificed enough blood, and, therefore, elected President Obama to never send more soldiers to the wars. When Russians come home in bags as they did in Afghanistan, the Russian people will say enough of this nonsense. However, Russia was able to secretly bring home many of its loses. Russia has an opportunity to test its air force in Syrian skies. Let's hope it is not a USA/USSR situation.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

" Pentagon officials urged the Russian military on Thursday to focus its airstrikes in Syria on Islamic State fighters rather than opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad "

But there is no difference! The Pentagon is clearly under orders from the White House to perpetuate the official fiction of "vetted rebels" who are against Assad and pro Western democracy. No matter how many times these "vetted rebels" turn on a dime and give their weapons to ISIS. Putin is acting on reality, and the White House is acting on fiction.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The strategy of Obama is prioritizing of installing puppet government in Syria like Irag, Egypt and Libya. Changing regimes have caused more sectarian violence, chaos and instability of Middle East. In theory US has been promoting democracy and justice. In the reality, they over thrown the leader of Egypt who was democratically elected. Now he has been sentenced to death with injustice by mods who forced him out. US has back stabbed Egypt and Libya.Arab spring has become Arab nightmare in the whole Middle East.

Obama has been spending more than 500 millions for his going nowhere mission of defeating IS. He bashed Bush for burning money and lives at Irag war. He is not much better than Bush because he has no time frame and budget for that mission. US tax payers should applause Russia involvement in Syria for not prolonging another wasteful Vietnam and Irag war.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

>The typical terroris image is a man with an AK-47, why is that? Bush's fault again?

Great logic indeed! (applause) Terrorist groups also tend to drive TOYOTA pickup trucks. What do you make of that?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Russia isn't bombing ISIS and is instead bombing rebels fighting against the cruel and corrupt Assad government?

Who would have expected that to happen?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Obama :

U.S. urges Russians to focus airstrikes on Islamic State

Putin : Sir, yes sir !!!!

1 ( +3 / -2 )


" Russia isn't bombing ISIS and is instead bombing rebels fighting against the cruel and corrupt Assad government? "

And those vetted rebels are, in your mind, different from ISIS how exactly?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

And those vetted rebels are, in your mind, different from ISIS how exactly?

They are pro-American...for now. Just like Al-Qaeda and the Mujahideen were during the Afghanistan war with USSR and Saddam was during the war with Iran. We all know what happened after.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


" They are pro-American...for now. Just like Al-Qaeda and the Mujahideen were during the Afghanistan war "

Ah yes, of course. And just like the Benghazi rebels, and like Morsi, and like all the other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates that the current White House has been supporting. I see the light...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Russia will not survive in Syria exactly as it did not survive in Afghanistan. The USA taxpayer has seen enough cost and sacrificed enough blood, and, therefore, elected President Obama to never send more soldiers to the wars. When Russians come home in bags as they did in Afghanistan, the Russian people will say enough of this nonsense. However, Russia was able to secretly bring home many of its loses. Russia has an opportunity to test its air force in Syrian skies. Let's hope it is not a USA/USSR situation.

Russia is being smart, letting the locals (Assad) do the gruntwork while supporting them with some air, with cheap dumb bombs, so they can actually afford to keep doing it.

Otto added that the Russians have been dropping ‘dumb bombs,’ a reference to munitions that are not precision-guided. And the use of such indiscriminate targeting, he said, could kill innocent civilians, which could have the unintended consequence of creating more terrorists than they kill.

Since when does a "dumb bomb" equate to indiscriminate targeting, Otto?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"As concerns grew about a conflict that has now drawn in warplanes from the world’s two most powerful militaries, Russian President Vladimir Putin denied reports that civilians were killed in any Russian airstrikes.

“We are ready for such information attacks,” he said in a live broadcast from the Kremlin. “The first reports of civilian casualties came even before our jets took off.”

I bet the civilians include the wives of these Islamic nutcases.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

You mean a bit like when the US bombs weddings and the UK drops cluster bombs that don't explode until kids pick them up?

How about when Palestians blow themselves up in weddings or radical Islamists use their own children as bombs, strapping them up and couldn't give a darn if they are blown to pieces. How does that make you feel?

Or the use of napalm in the siege of Fallujah? Or torture in US run Iraqi orisons? Those sort of things. Is that what the good US general means?

But you're ok with beheading innocent people and throwing gays from roof tops simply because they are gay? What is the US or the world good for if they can just sit back and watch this all unfold and do absolutely nothing? Again, you're content with that kind of pacifism?

0 ( +3 / -3 )


U.S. urges Russians to focus airstrikes on Islamic State

More like the US need to focus airstrikes on enemies too. A hospital was bombed by american fighter jet in Afghanistan. 16 killed.

But hey. Could be Taliban fatalities who were recuperating. Less (of those) 200,000 muslim refugees who will NOT reach US via Eastern Europe. Over the deadly web we weave, we practice the disease.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Strikes should fight any person who is cooperating with the islamic state including confiscating their books and programming people to heal them from that disease with a better antidote

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Since Russia attacked it's mostly been attacking anti-Assad democratic rebels rather than ISIS, one of the evidences for that is that ISIS has now been growing in many of those areas since the only opposition ISIS had on those areas were anti-Assad fighters and not Assad.

Russia is simply trying to keep a dictator they are allied with in power!

Note: Don't defend Assad to me! One of my closest friends is a Syrian refugee, his brother was tortured to death by Assad's forces, I have no sympathy for that dictator nor russia!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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