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Russia reports three times more virus deaths as nations roll out vaccines

By Romain Colas

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Russia, Brazil and the US have the most virus deaths. Each led by a right wing authoritarian. Russian trolls have posted messages downplaying and even denying the existence of the virus plus pushed anti-vaxx messages. Online trolls - paid and 'volunteer' - are pond scum.


4 ( +11 / -7 )

Here's hoping the vaccination program achieves result for Russia. I feel for the Russian people, because even with a compliant population, Russia appears to be severely affected by this virus.

If vac doesn't work, I can see China punished militarily, or as a minimum, territorial and monetary compensation demand from Putin. His tenure looks very shaky now.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

But there are still worries over vaccine hesitancy or outright refusal among the public -- especially because of anti-vaccine misinformation campaigns.

People without morals insist on spreading information that they themselves know is false. Their personal agendas and profit are more important for them than the health of others, and this make other people unnecessarily worried about all the efforts to control the pandemic, including vaccines.

It is an ethical duty for anybody that care about all the people getting sick and dying to not let lies go unchallenged.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Russia is especially vulnerable to (fatalities from) covid because of the high infection rates of T.B.

The prison system has been a breeding ground for T.B and many infected people are not treated properly or do not follow through with the medication course.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It takes time for vaccines to become effective.

It takes time for sufficient portions of the population to actually gain safety from the vaccines.

The vaccines won't matter for this hump, but it will in a few more months.

Polling in the US has over 70% of the population ready to get vaccinated. It has been rising every month. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/12/15/946761737/poll-americans-are-growing-less-reluctant-to-take-covid-19-vaccine

But Russians are different: https://www.npr.org/2020/12/24/949926191/poll-more-than-half-of-russians-dont-want-to-get-vaccinated Only 38% of Russians want the Russian vaccine.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Only 38% of Russians want the Russian vaccine

If that's true, then it's an own goal for the Kremlin's various troll armies pushing anti-vax, virus denying messages. I wonder whether the Kremlin's keyboard warriors feel good about the problems they're exacerbating. And whether they use the old 'just doing my job' defense.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

They had already that famous very unhealthy lifestyle and low life expectancy rate there before the pandemic. The only chance or significant help now would be, to strictly demand full transparency, support and working antidote from the Chinese, where that friendly fire comes from. Putin surely wants to avoid it as long as possible, but he better quickly set an ultimatum with underlining support of the newest military toolbox.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

In the pandemic of 100 years ago, the second half of 1918 was worse than the first half, and 1919 was worse than 1918. History is repeating itself, unless the governments of the world can decide to go full steam ahead on not just inventing vaccines, but producing and distributing them. Independent companies did very well in getting us the vaccines that need to be manufactured, and now the various governments need to see that those vaccines are produced in the billions of doses.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If more than half of Russians do not want the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, (theFu) which one do they want?

No-one seems to be asking that question. Anti-vaxxers are against any vaccine, I get that, but some people may be against one, and wanting a different type. Would most people choose a vaccine by nation, or by pharmaceutical company, or just take whatever is available?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Earlier in the year, trying to rush Sputnik V, without first going thru the process, is now not helping raise the confidence of Russian people that the vaccine is safe

Trying to score political points has backfired detrimentally

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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